HomeMy WebLinkAbout804 APPLICAT,~ON FOI~ 5P~CI2~L E~2CF~PT~O~ / TO Y?IE ZONING BtOARD ~ezeby apply to T~ ~ ~ O~ ~PE~ ~o~ a ~L EXC~ON in ~d~ce, w~th the THE SPECIAL :ESKCEPTTON L.q P,~QIIE!STED B~CAUSE Sworn to this .......... /...~..~.... day of ...........,.~_~..~._.:...., 1~ .~..,..~.,, ~a~a~q ~Ug~c, ~ ~d~olk Coun~ /~'/ FOP~ ZB2 NOT~CE OF Pursuant to Se~on ~,,ef t~he Town Law ~d t~ ~rov~s of ~e Ame~ ~ne ~- dln~ ~ To~ ~'~uthold, Suffolk ~, N~ ~rk, public hear~~ ~ ~ h~ b~ ~e Zon- ing ~ of ~p~ of the Town of ~d, a~ t~'Town ~i~e, Ma~ ~, ~ut~, New York, on Sep~ber 30, 19~, on the lowly. 7:30 P~. (E~.T.), U~n pli~tion of ~oyd Ha~Iton, Love ~ne, ~tti~uck, N. Y., for a var- iance in accordance with ~e Zon- i~ O~, Article III, ~ction 3~, and Article X, S~tion 1~, for ~i~lon ~ dirge a lot with insufficient ~rontage. ~ation of pr~y e/~ Bailey B~ch Road, Mat~ituck, N. Y., bounded n~ bY B. ~hard, ~st-by Catullo, south by other la~ of a~plica~t, wes~ by B~ley B~ch ~ad. 8:~ P.M. (~.S.T.), U~n ~- plication of Rudolph Kou~k, a/c Arkays, Inc., Gr~t River ~ad, Great ~r, N. Y., for a variance in front yard setback to convert an existing building to a r~idence in accordance with the Zoning O~- dinance, Article IH, Section 304. Location of: pretty: e/s Ke~in Bird., Peconic Bay ~tatas, Green- po~, N. Y., ~und~ north by Pipes Neck Creek, e~t .by other land of applicant, ~u~ by Kerwin Bled west by L.I~;R. 8:15 P.M. ~D.S~.), Upon ap- lication of Jo~ph ~. Froh~fer, ~2644 Gr~d Ave, Baldwin, N Y., ~or a ~cml exception m accord- ance wl~h the ~ning Ordinance, Article HI, Section 3~, su~tion (5a), to convert a one-family dwelling to a two-family dwelli~. ~ation of property: w/s Youngs' Ave., Southold, N. Y., bounded n~ by E. Purcell, east by Younss Ave., ~uth by M. Baker, west by other land of the applicant. B:30 P.~. (E.D~.~.), Upon plication of Harold Feinberg, D/B/A South~pton Pr~uce Dis- trim,rs, ~und Ave., Mattituck, N. Y., for a ~c~l eX,priori in a~ordan~ with the Zoning Or- .din~ce, ~icle X. Section 1~7, ~bs~tion (e), ~ e~and a non- co~o~i~ use by ~ding a n~ ~ s~ge building. ~ation of ~ro~y: sZs ~d Ave., Mat- Mtu~, N. Y., ~u~ed north by ~ A~., e~ .by U~elbach, ~th by U~el~h, ~d we~ by Any ~er~n desiri~ to be h~rd on the a~ve a~plicatio~ sh~d ~ar at the time and pl~e above specifi~. DA~: ~p~mber 16, 19~, BY O~ ~ ~ ~UTH~ ~WN B~D OF ~P~ 1~24 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ! ~ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, i says that . ~..(J'. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper .published at Greenport, in ~d county: and ~hat the noti~, of which the ,~nexed is ~ printed copy. h~s been published in the ~aid Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ........ ~ ............ week~ successiwly commencing on the .~~.~~ d~ of .~.~.. 19~ ~ ~ S~ozn to ~fore me this .~:. I ~, ~9~2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 'I'OWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. OE~TIFIOATE: OF OOOUPANOY so. Z. Z~37 .... Date ................. ~IUlI~.. 8 ...... a966. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at W/8..~Ol~S. ~ve ............. Street Map No .... ~ ...... Block No. ~ ........ Lot No. X,~ .... ~loll,~;ho.~.dt- .N,-~., .......... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated .............. ~qt~p~;.].~l,., 196.~. pursuant to which Building Permit No. dated .............. ~pt .30., 1.9.6~, was issued, and conforms to all of 'the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy /'or which this certificate is issued is ...~t~. l'8~lliJ, y. d~t~J,lil~ ................................................... The certificate is issued to .. ~TOSOph. ~'~' 'l*l"oh~I'~l" .... , ......... .' Or~l'~l' ......... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ..... N,R, .............................. .... /: Building Ins~ec (