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TOWN OF SOU~HOLD, NE~V YORK ACTION OF THE ZONI~O BOAP~D OF APPEALS Appea! No. 1069 Dated January 27, 1967 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OP APPEAI~ OP T~LE TOW/~ OF SOUTHOLD To Sterling Harbor Marina Manhanset Avenue Greenport, New York 1967 Appellant at a ~neeting of the Zoning Board of Appea/s on Thursday, March 16, Was considered and the aQtion indicated ~el~v %vas taken~on your ( ~ Request for variance dug to lack of access to property (]0 Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) 1967 me ap~eul I. SPECIAL EXCEPTION'. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special e~eption ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article . .............. Section ................ Subsection ............... paragraph .......... of thq Zoning Ordinance, and the decision of the ~uilding Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 7:40 P.M. (E.$.T.), Upon application of Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York, f,or a special exception in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (a)~ for permission to retain a directional sign on the property of A.~.Straussner, Location of property: north side Main Road, Greenport, New York, bounded north by J. Brandi, east by A. Straussner, south by Main Road, west by Kzsyminski. 2. VA~IA~N'CE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (at Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnccessary hardship because SEE REVERSE (bi The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of thc Ordinance and (would) (~/ould not) change the character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested varian,ce ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. (~~INO BOARD O~ APPEALS · B~rbara C. Dittmann, Secretary After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to retain'an o~f premises directional sign. This sign d/rects to a marina and restaurant an~ is in. the, interest of the travelling public. This sign shall be purely for directional use, limited in size to four feet by s/x feet and combined with the structure owned by Mr. Jack Levin at the Greenport Traffic Circle, Greenport, New York. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. Therefore, it was RESOLVED that Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhanset Avenue, Greenport, New York, be granted permission toretain a directional sign on the property of A~ Straussner in accordance with the conditions setforth abo%e.- This permissionis also subject to the following con~tions: 1. The sign shall be subject to all subsequent changes in the Southold Town BuildingZ0ne Ordinance as it applies to signs. 2. The sign shall be granted for a period of one year, renewable annually upon written applicationto the Board of Appeals. 3. The sign shall be relocated on the structure owned by Jack Levin by July 1, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearings Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New ¥ork~ public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of $outho!d~ at the Town office~ Main Road~ Southold~ Ne w York~ at 7:30 Po~o~ March 16~ 1967~ ~n the following appeals: 7:40 PoMo(E.S~TQ)~ Upon application of Sterling Harbor Marina~ Manb. anset Avenue~ Greenport~ New York~ for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article IV~ Section 408~ Subsection (a)~ for permission to retain a directional sign on the property of Ao Straussnero Location of property: north side Main Road~ Greenport~ New York~ bounded north by Jo Brandi~ east by Ao Straussner~ south by Main Road~ west by ~Kzsyminskio 8:15 P~Mo ~EoSoT~)~ On the Board~motion a rehearing on Appeal Number 986~, upon application of CoHo Wickham~ Suffolk Avenue~ Mattituck~ Ne%~ York~ for a special exceptimn in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article III~ Section 300~ Subsection 10~ for permissi©n to retain the following signs: 1) one directional sign on the south east corner of the ~ain Road and South Harbor Lane~ Southold~ New York~ bounded north by Main Road~ east by Diller Broso ~ south by ~~ Diller BrOSo~ west by South Harbor Lane; 2) one TO~%~ OF SO~T~'O~D, NEW YORK AP~LiC~T~O.N FOR SPECIAL~ EXCEPTION TO THE'. ZONING ~OAR.D OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD,, N. ¥. Nature Marina) Street ~asd Num~ber Greenpor t, N.Y. New York 1V~u,n~cipali,ty State hereby apply to THE Z,O~NG B~OARD OF APPEAL S for ,a SPECIAL EXC~EPTION in aclc,ordan,ce with t,~,.e SU~3SEICTION /~ TIlE SPECIAL EIi~,CE,PTION IS I~EIQUE~TED BECAUSE Off premises sign for directions. STATEI .OF lqEV; ~OR~ ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffolk ) ~.S, GR/~FA~'PORT, N. Y,, FRIDAy, MAR~,d 10, 1967 LEGAL NOT/cE Notice of Heaxlngs Pursuant to Bectlon 26'/ of the ·own Law an;l the ~rev~lon~ the amended Building Zone Or- dinance of the town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings wU1 be held ,by the Zoning BOard of AP~als i of the Town of $outhold, at the ~own.?ffice, Main Road, SOUthold, ~_ew xork, on March 16, 1967, on ~ue fo~owlng a~peals: ?:40 Pa~L (E.S.T3, Upon c~/~on of Sterling Harbor Marina, '~t Avenue, _ Greer~ort New York, ior a ,sPecial except:~ m a~rdance ,v~th the ZonJa~ Or- ~u~sect~on (~), for ,permission to retain a dire~ti~a~ sl~n on the pro~orty of A. Stea~ssner. lon New York, bound~ ed rm~h by J. Brandi, east by A. 8~l~aaner, sour&, by Main 2:15 PA/. iE.S.TJ, Upon the '~oa~xl'~ ~ot/o~ a rehearing on · A~peal n.urrrber 988 UpOn Ap~ ~llcatio~ ~f C. H. W~ickham, Buf- ~Olk Avenue, lY~a~tituck, New York, .for ~ S/~clal exc~pt/,on in accord- axle w~th the Zoning Ordinance, Article I~I, Section 300, S~hsectio~ 9:10 Pa~I. (E~.T.), Upon ~ppli-I c~/~a of Thomas and Florence '~, ~[~n Jn ~r~e ~ ~he~'~ ~ , . ~ng ~e, ~ticle ~, ~_ ~ ~ : ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ing duly Sworn, ~ 3~, S~ 10, ~d ~-~ ................. ~e IV, ~i~ ~, ~ tinter and Publishex ~f ~e SUFFOLK (s), for ~n to r~ ~e ~ off premi~ ~g~: 1( ~ ;s~per pub~sh~ ~t Greenport, in ~d ~ ~ve ~, ~n ~ ~ ~f~, ,of which the ,~ne~e~ is ~ print~ ~b~n ~, G~, N~ ~ed in the ~ Suffolk Week~ Times York, ~ ~r~ by M. ~n- Jck~. g. ~via, ~ .by ~s. ~ ....... ~.C~;~.: .............. week~ ~ne. 2) In~ on ~he .......................... , ~u~ no~h by ' ~ ................................. V~ ~y~ ~ b~ J~e~- :his .[~!~.. .... ~; 3) a ~t~l ~ ' on ~e ~w~y of %, ...... ...... ..... ~, ,~ed ~o~h by ~th ~, ~ by C. ~iger, ~th by ~, w~t by K. D. C~; 4)~ ~o (2) dir~tio~ ~ 0~ the' pro~y of ~ ~P~i~t. ~ca-~ tion of P~rty: sou~ e~t side~ ~ain ~ and ~lv.~re ~ad,, ~. 10, for permission t~ retain the Greenport, New York, ~bOunded $.~owixg sigr~s: 1)one d~tio~ ~o~ by ~n ~, e~t by r /~gn ~ ~he ~uth ~st corner o,f ~re~ V~,~iver, ~u~ by ~. /~e ~n R~d ~ ~u~ ~, ~, w~ ,by Silve~ere ~o~. ~e, 8oubkold, New York ~,,~'-~ ~ ~rs~ d~i~g ~ be heard ed n~n~ by M~ ~-,~u- on ~y o~ ~e a~ve applications[ ~er Br~., ~ut~ by ~ler ~o~d ~r ~ the time and, ~-, west by 8outh ~r P~ ~ve s~ified. ~; 2) o~e ~rect~ ~n DA~: ~H 2, 1967, ~ the ~ ~st ~er of ~a- ORDER T~ w~'s p~ ~d ~u~ ~r~r ~O~ ~RD OF ~p~ ~, ~U'~d, New Y~k, ed ~r~ .by ~'s Pa~, ~t 1~10~ Wi~, ~u~ by ~oe w~ by ~th ~ ~; 3) ~e ~ ~ o~ the ~uth w~ ~r ~ ~r AVenue ~V~ue, ~t by ~oko~ ~, ~ by L. & M. Jo~n, west 8:30 P.M. (E~,,T,), Upon appli- c~tkm of A/fred E. a~d A/Ice l~:~d, SoWthold, New for r~t~n of ~ in ~ wl~h ~e ~ of New Y~k, To~ ~w, ~c~ 289A. ~t~n of p~y: ~bt of ~ay ~t the ~ ~d ~ Willow ~nd ~, ~, N~ York, ~d- ~ ~ by Wi~ Pond ~e, ~t, ~g~ ~d ,~st by 1~ of ~fr~ E. ~t. 8:~ P.M. (E~.T.), U~n appli- ~ of T~aore ~hloff, ~ ~, ~e~t, N~ Y~k, for ~ ~ ~ with ~ Or~, ~icle HI, ~ ~, ~e X, S~ I~A, ~d ~B, for ~io~ to off a l~t w~th i~fficient fron~ ~ ~e ~ ~ers~ ~to ~ lot. ~t~ of P~r- ty: ~ s~de M~n R~d, Orieat, New York, bo~ed nor~ by Wll- 1~ ~ Sr., e~t ,by ~., I~c., ~th by ~n ~d, west by J,o~ W~kL 9:~ P.M. (E.S.T.), U~ appli- ~ti~ cf T~ ~d ~ore~e J~, S~v.~ere ~d, Gr~n- ~rt, Ne~ Y~k, for ~ ~ial ex- c~t~ la ~o~ with the ~ning ~, Article ~n 3~, ~ti,~ 10, for ~ to ret~n :a s~ on ~e pro~rty of Gr~ ~t~. ~ati~ P~rty: ~st s~de ~pel ~ne, Gree~t, ,N~ York, bounded ~h ,by Nor~ ~d, east by Vll- ~e ~rty-A. C. Pa~i, sout~ ~by Ol,d ~ay~. I. L~ght, west by Ch~l Lane. FORM NO. 5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CL~RK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. FIliAL ORDER TO REM~DY VIOLATION Date ............... Jaxx,m ~... LaGrant Chapman ~C TO. ~[~l~.~..2~~ .~ .St~rl~g Harbor ~r~a (~wner or authorized agent of owner) (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEA~ TA~ NOTICE there exists a violation Z~ing Ordinance i~ X z~a 1002 ...................... Other Applicable Laws, ~dinances or Regulations .................... at premises herein~ter described in ~at ..~..~9~-~-p~e~iS~. (state character of violation) .N/~. ~r~. ~ad. ~. ~a~gi~ .~t~t~. mu~ .be .r~p~ved. by. ~a~. og ..... Ap.~ee~s. ~r. ~er~vc~. .............................................................. in vi~at~on of ar~ .$..a~C..~2. ~ .a~t. ~V. eac. }~05. ~d~g. ~. o~i~*. (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ~din~ce or regulation) YOU ~ T~ORE DIR~T~ ~D ORDE~ to comply with the law and to remedy the condRions above mentioned forthwi~ in or before the .......... ~. 8~ ....... day of ....... ~ ............. 19. ~. ~e premises t~ which this ORD~ TO R~EDY ~OLATION refe~ are situated at ~roenport ~/8.. ~onth. Road .~..Traff2c. 2~r~le$ .... County of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the ~nditi~ns Moresaid and to comply with the applicable provisoes ,of law may constitute an offense p~ishable by fine or imprisonment or See notice dated April 1~, ENCLt 1966 Building Inspector