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Appeal No. 1058 Dated January 23, 1967
Peter Scholl, Inc. a/c Albert Schwicker Est.
43 West 10th Street Main Road
Huntington Station, New York Mattituck, New York
DATB.~Sb....i~., 1967
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, February 16,
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
~f ) Request for a special eacoption under the Zoning Ordinance
( ) Request for a var~aDce to the Zoning Ordinance
( )
1967 me al~e~
I. SPB~AL EXCEPTION. By res~niion of Me Board it was deter~n~ ~at a special ~Mon ( ) ~ granted
~ ) ~ denied pursuant to Artic~ ............... Sec~on ................ Su~ectten ................ ~aragraph
.............. of the Zoning Ordl~nce, and the d~ten ~ the Building Inspector ( ) ~ reversed ( ) be
confirmed bec~ase 9:55 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon application of Petpg Scholl, Inc.,
43 West 10th Street, Huntington Station, New York, a/cAlbert Schwicker,
Est., Main Road, Mattituck, New~ York~ for a specia~ excep$i~n in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,. Article /V, Seg~on 408, Subsection
(a), for permission to retain a pole sign with insufficient setback
from the p~operty line. Location of property: qout~ ~id9 Main Road,
Mattitdc~, N~w York, bounded north by Main Road, east~by Bil~ Hagen,
south by Mar~atooka Lake, west by Mattituc~ School.
2. VAR~.32~CE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that
(a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) ~)roduce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship
(b) The hardship created (~) (~ not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by aH properties aB,kc in the
immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
(c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (~vould not) change the character
of the district because
and therefore, it was further determined that the requested varian~ee (
previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) ~e confirmed ( ) be reversed.
POI%M ZB4 l;2: ...... 3,, i ~'x - ~ BOARD O~ APPEALS
Barbara C. Dittmann,
) be granted ( ) be denied and that the
After investigation and inspection the Board finds
that the applicant requests permission to retain a pole
sign with insufficient setback from the property line.
The pole should be moved to a location that is on the
property, at least five feet from the Main Road. No part
of the sign shall overhang on public pxperty.
The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare
and justice will not be served and-the' l~gally~established
or permitted, Use of neighborhood Property and adjoining use
districts will be permanently or substantially'injured and~
the spirit of,the Ordinance will not be observed. ~
TherefOre, it was RESOLVED that Peter Scholl, inc.,
43 West 10th Street, Huntington Station, New 'York, a/c'
Albert Schwicker Est:, Main Road, Mattituck, N~W York,
be denied permission to retain a pole sign with insufficient
setback from the property'iln~ as applied for on property
located on the south side Main Road, Mattituck, New York,
The sign shall be relocated at least five feet from the Main
Road, and the applicant shall comply with this provision
within 60 days from the date of this actinn.
Name Street ,asd Num~b,er
..... :~.~.!a:.%o...~......~&~:%..o...~. ........................................................................... ~.:..~...-.,....,........!!~:.....]-.(.9...E~ ................... !!..7...L:.. .....................................
lV~u.n~ci~ality S~ate
~her~eby ap~ly t,o THE Z~O~II~ BOWeReD, O~ APPEL~LS [o,r a ,SPEICIAL E~CIEPTi~O~ in ac,c,or,dan'ce with the
' ~v aitke location o£
Lakeview ~[obil S/S~ (Swickle) Main P.d. ~ I~a~tituck, across
As this sign has been in this position since 1934 and has
_o~. by
been placed in violation by 2he widening off the m ~
w York State.
Notice of Hearings
P~Tow~'~ to Section 267 of the
and the provisions of
the a~nen~,ed Buildln~ ~one Ordin-
ance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, public
hearings will be i~eld by the
lng Board of Apgeals of the Town
of So~thold, at t~e Town Office,
Main Road, So~thold, Hew York,
on the 11th day of May, 1967, on
the following ~: ,
7:30 P.M. (E.D~.'r.17~ Upon
pilcs~lon of Russell Tabor and
Sox~s, Orient, New York, for a
cial exception in accordance with
the zanil~ Ordinance, A~ticie X,
/~ction 1003A, for permission to
renew a farm l~ber camp permit
gr~n~ed ~ 5, 1966. Location of
property: east aide Platt Road,
Orient, Ne~v York, ,b~unded north
~by W. B. K~r-V. T. Latham,
.east by R. W. Gilliapie, south by
G. W. Halioek, west by Platt Road.
7:35 P.M. (I~D.S.T.), Upon
plioation of Ed's Sign Service, 956
.~,. ~lain ~5~t, Riv~head New
York, a/c Al's Liquor Store, Grif-
fin Street, Cuix:i'w/~e, New York,
lor a sl~chal exce/otien in
~nce with the Zoning
i Artiele IV, Se~tien 4~6, Subsection
{.a), for permiaslon to erect a
ground sign wita~ insufficient
~e~back. Location of property:
uorth skle ~ Hoa~ and Crrif-
'fin SWcet, Cutclw~te, New York,
,baund~d north by Chas. 'Schnei-
der, ea~ by A. J. Terp, ~outh by
Main Road, west by Griffin
7:~0 P~M. (E~.S.T.), IIpon atc-
l~lication of Wialter Teresco, New
SufJolk Road, Cutcho~ue, New
York, for ,a special exception in
a~ordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Artieie III, Section 300,
Suhaectio~ 8, for permission to
~ain an o~ /)rern~ses ldentlfieaton
sign with lnm~f~clent setback from
tn-o~ee~y line. Location of property:
New /~ufiolk P,~I, /3utchogue,
New York, bounded north by W. H.
Case-Tere~ko, ea~ by J. Wlci~mm
~lsh., south ~by J. A. Tut~hlll
13e~be; wes~ ' .by Be~be-Ter-
8;00 P.M. (~.D~S.T.,, UpOn a~-
~lic~tioit of ~lohn Elak, Main
p,~exi, Chit~hogue, New York, lot a
special exception in accordance
~ith t~e Zoning Ordinance, ArM-
cie III, Section 300, St~bse~tion 8,
f~r portal, ion- to retatn farm
s~and signs. Location of propertY:
Main Road, CutohoIVae,
New York, boa~ded north by Main
Road, eas~ by M. Elak, so~ta by
M. Elak, west by District Line.
8:1:5 P~I. (E~DIS.T.), Upoh
plieation of Valentine Ruch, IV, 2
Wilk/r~ place, Tenafly, New Jer-
sey, for a speelal exception in ac-
cor~ance with the Zoning Ordin-
asce, Article III, Section 300, s~b-
,~ection 9, ior permission to retain
the following ~lgns tot 2~rsha-
momaque ColonY; 1) one sulodi-
vision sign with iosuffiei~e~ aet-
,hack, loc~te~ on the sou side
l~tddle p,~/~d, /3reenport, New
York, ~ed north by Middle
l~ya~l, east by TeeVes, aou~h by
Oassidy, west by Pouch and others;
2) two area identification
,~outh side Middle Hoad, Green-
por~, New York, bounded north by
Middle P~ad, eas~ by
l~uch, south by private
~by land of P~uch.
8:30 p31. (~LD~S.T.), Ilpon
nlica~ion of W/lliam E. and Hilda
~[ Folkes, 5~0 l~iley Avenue, Mat-
tit~ck, New York, for a variance
in i~ceor~ance with the Zonin~ Or-
dkr~ance, A~tlcio III, Section .303,
Article X, SectiOn 1000A, for per-
mission to divide prol0erty. Loca-
tion of propers5': south east side
Riley Avel~ue, lot nuraber 12, G. S
Riley & Other6, 1V~tti~uck, New
york. --
X, ~ectio~ iO00A, for permiasion to
<Uvkle property. Locat$on of pri-
ory: nor~ w~t .~de ~r ,RK,
~, N~u ~nt, ~e,
N~w Y~k, ~t ~rs 9 a~ 10
p~ ~ ~r~i~ ~ivi-
~l~tion of W~ M. ~,
N~ Suffo~ ~, ~e, New
~ ~ ~ z~ ~ce,
vide pr~y. ~atWn of
~ty: w~ s~e N~w ~f~ ~ ,
~, New York, B
n~s ~st~ct, ~ded no~ by
~. C. Ch~ch-W~, e~t by
~e, w~ by ~a~
9:~ P~ (~.T.), U~n
p~ti~ of G~ W. ~th &
York, ~/c ~, ~
P~k, ~u.~M, New York, for a
~ 3~, f~ ~n to ~n-
~nt fro~t yard ~k. ~tion
of pr~rty: pr~ right ~ w~y,
~ld, N~ York, lot
118 ~ C~ ~ P~k ~l-
P~ of ~v~ L. P~e, Jr.,
~., ~, N~ York, a/c
~ ~er ~tre Inc.,
~, ~l~ ~I, ~tWn ~, For
per~ W ~te ~ pl~ of
~. ~ of pr~Y:
N~ York, ~ north by
~b., ~uth by ~oad, w~t by
~cet L~r,
~ ~ d~g W be he~d
~ ~y ~ ~ a~ve appli~tions
zho~d ~ ~t the time ~d
~: ~ ~, 1767, BY
~ ~ OF ~
~ ss:
.~..~?,?-~...?..~. .....being duly Sworn,
Printer and Publishe~ ~! the SUFFOLK
~ewspaper publish~ ~t Greenport. in ~id
notice, of which the ~exed is a print~
~hed in the Qd Suffolk Week~ Times
~r ...... ~ ....... week~
ring on ~he ..,~ .............
this . .~.~': · · · ~
8:40 Im3~[. (~;.~lr.), ~,~u,,~. ~
plication of ~fe~ P. ~n,
~q., ~ld, N~ york, a/c
C1~ Bl~k~, ~tel ~-
nia, ~3rd Strut ~ Br~dway,
NeW York, New York, and
~yea W~ber, ~e,
york, for a v~la~e ~ ~rd-
~e ~ t~e Zon~ Or~n~,
A~le X, ~ion I~0A, Article
IH, Section 303, for ~on to
u~ an under~ p~rcel of land.
~tion of pr~rty: ~uth side
N~ Suf.~olk Avenue, New Suffolk,
N~ York, ~ nor~ by
S~rolk &venue, east by C. u ,
~u~ by p~nic ~Y, west by M.
H. ~wo~M. C~e.
~:~ P. M. (E.D~.T.-, U~n ~-
pl~n of Oeor~ ~lers,
Eugene ~ad, ~u~he~e, New
York a/c J:~ C~uke, V~
~d, ~gue, N~ York, for a
Zo~ ~, ~le ~i,
s~on ~, for ~i~on ~ re-
~ a b~ ~th i~uff~ient
s~ ~,~ f~ the pro~y ~e.
Loc~t~n of pr~rty: no~h s~e
S~iors L~e, Cu~ho~e, New
~ork, ,~un~ no~ ~by M. V.
B~. ~ by M. V. Braatz. soa~
~y Sailors Lane. we~ by M. V.
8:15 P~. (E~.T.), Upon
plioation of WHli~ ~ickham,
~F,:q. ~stit~k, N~ York, a/c
] ~d C a~ ~tilda Bi,g, Hay-
YOr-K, f.or a va~ ~ ~orda~e~
wi~ the ~g Order,
Notice of Heaitn~s
Pur~mn~ tO l~:tion 2§7 of the
~ LaW and the provlsion-~ of
the mended Building Zone Or-
dinance of the 'Pown of SOuthold,
Suffolk Coul~ty, New York, public
hearin~ will be held ,by
the Zonin~ Board of Appeals
of the Town of Southold, at the
Town Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on February 16, 1967,
on ~the following appeals:
~;30 P'J~L (E~S.T.), Pursuant ,to
~k'ction ~67, s~bdt¥i~lon 6 of the
Town I~w of the $~te of New
York, om the Bo~r~Us motion,
rehearing on Al~eal number 1006,
,upon application of Kyrlllos Char-
/~a.u~bldes, 1550 Central Drive, Mat.
~ltack, N~w York, for a varia&~ea in
tack, New York, for a variance in
accord/race with the ~oning Or-
dinav~ce, Article IH, Section
Subsection 6, Article VII, Section
~03, for permission to retain an
accessory building in the front
yard area Location of property:
herr& ,$kic .Central Drive, lot niu/n-
bet 70, in Capt. Kidd Estates, M~t-
tituck, New York.
7:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon appli-
cation of John B. Griffin, 3§ Bal-
timore Avenue, Ma~sa~equa, New
York, for a variaace in accordance
with the Zoning Or~dimss~e, Arti-
cle III, Section 30~, for permission
to construct a dwelling with
sufficient side yard area. Loca-
tion of property: east side Knoll-
wood Lane, Mattitt~ck, New York,
,bounded .r~orth by W'allace iVlon-
sell, east by F, alvatore Siracusano,
south by la~d now or formerly of
~vlax and Betty Lowenb. ardt, west
by Knollwood Lane.
8:00 pal. (~LS.T., Upon appli-
cation of Howard C and Matilda
Bigg, Haywaters l~zl, Nassau
Point, Cutc~o~ue, Ne~v York, for
variance in accordance with the
Zonir~g Ordinance, Article III, Sec-
~ion 303, a~d Article X, Section
1000A, for ~perm~sion to set off a
parcel of la~d with insufficient
iro~tagc and area. Location of
property: north east side Haywa-
,rets Road, Nassau Point, Cuteh-
ogue, New York, lot number 2~,
Peconic Bay Properties, Inc.
8:10 P.M. (E.8.T.), UPon
cation of William Beebe, New Suf-
folk Lane, Cutehogue, New York,
for a reco~nitio~ of aacess in
cordance with the State oi New
York Town Law, .Section 280 A.
Location of property: south side
Wilson Lan~ling and' Wilson Road,
Ct~tchot~ue, New York, bounded
north, by V~ll~son Landing, east by
r.~.~,d of a/~plicar~t, ~uth by land
of Moeller, west 'by Eugenes Creek.
8:~0 P~M. (ES.T.), Upon appli-
cation of Lefferts P. I/ldson
Esq., ~1765 Main l~oad, Seuti~old
New York, a/c Mary Elizi~beti~
Ocetschin~ slid Others, for recog-
nition of access in accordance with
the State of New YOrk ToWn Law,
Section 200A. Looatton of proper-
ty: private right of way off east
~kic Cox Neck Road, Mattitack,
New York/bounded nort~h by Mil-
ler's Right of Way, east by Creor~e
A. I-~a~nraond, south by Mattittmki
Creek, west by land now or for-
merl.7 of W. H. Wertenberg.
side Mat. ,I~d, ~reelll~rt, New
York, ,bounded no~th by Jo Brazil,
east by A, Str~tmma. er, south by
~ ~, w~st by ~;
3) a ~tlo~l ~n on the no~h
e~t ~e ~ ~ ~ ~u
Ave~, ~, New York
~ by ~ex K~, ~ by
~aln ~, w~t by ~u Ave-
~9:~ P.M. (E~,T,), U~ a~-
~at~n ~f ~r ~h~H, ~c, ~ West
~ York, ~c J~s Garde, Main
~, ~nt, N~ Y~k, for a ~-
.ci~ e~epti~n ~ ac~ with
~e ~ning ~nce, ~le IV,
,K, 1
~K, ~ ss:
~., .~. ,~..~...~. .... being duly Sworn,
Printer and Publishe~ of the SUFFOLK
;wspaper published ~t Greenport, in said
~otice, ,of which the annexed is ~ printed
~hed in the s~id Sufblk Weekly Times
~'r ....... ~-~7..c~.~.. .... week}
l~ermlssion to retain a pole sign icin
with insufficient setback froin the
property line. Lcc~tion of
e~y: no~ s~e ~ ~,
lent, New Y~rk, ~ ~h by
.~11 T~r, east by ~u~ll
i~r, ~u~h by ~ R~d, ~t by
~r~ Te~ ~t.
9:~ p~. (E.S.T.), U~n a~li-
cation of P~r S~oll, Inc,
New Y~k, a/c ~ 8chwicker
~t, ~ ~d, ~tti~uck, New
York, ior~ ~ ex~tion
~orda~e wi~h ~e Zoni~ Or-
~, ~ticic ~, ~otion 400,
SuCtion A, lot ~rmissio~ to
re~ a ~le s~ with i~ufficie~t
~e~b~k from ~e pro~rty line.
Lacation of property: sou~ side
~n ~aad, Mattituck, New York
~°Unded ~th by ~aln ~d, east
~ ~atti~ck Sch~l Prap.,
by Jo~ ~1~o, west by ~a~ Cox.
lb:~ P~. (E.S.T.), U~n appli-
~tion oi Peter ~holl, I~c., 4~
'West 1~ ~tr~t, ~ting~n Sta-
tion, Ne~ York, a/c Averette Set-
old, New York, for a s~ial ex-
ception in ~cor~ce with the
Zon~ ~e, ~ticle IV, Sec-
tion ~, Sab~t~0n A,
minion ~ rein a ~le si~n with
i~,~ff~ient setback l~ ,~e p~p-
e~y line. ~¢ation of pr~erty:[
s~u~ side ~n ~, ~uthoid,
~ew ~ork, .bo~ ~rth by
~ ~ ~ ~o~ud, west by
10:10 P,M. (E~.T.), U~n appli-
er}on of ~e~on ell Co,any,
1~00 S~ato Strut, Perth ~y, [
~ ~er~y, a/c Chevy's Set,ce{
Station, ~in ~d, ~u~ho~d, New
York, for a ~1 exertion
dina~e, A~i~e IV, ~etion ~8,[
~on A, for ~sion
t~n a pole ~n ~h insufficient[
,~tback from t~e property line.[
~ation of pretty: Ma~ and/
Ba~i~ ~s, .~u~oid, New
York, ~ed north by
~d ~-Ba~ie~w ~, e~t by
~yv~w ~, ~uth ~ ~ese
~, w~ by ~n ~ad.
Any ~rson desi~n~ to be he~d
~ ~y of ~e a~ve applications
sho~d ~ar ~ the time
~'l~: ~'~U~Y 2, 1967, BY
· O~ ~RD O~ APP~
8:3~ p~M~ (E.S.T.), U~0o~ a~opli-
cation of H. M. Demar~t ~ ~ns,
~ ~o~d, Orient, New York, for
a ~ecial e~ception in accordance
~th 9he Zoning ~noe, A~i-
cie X. S~tion l~3A, f~
si~ ~o ~e existing l~r ~mp
buildings &o house f~rm help.
~t&on of pr~rty: north s~de
Narrow ~ver ~o~d, Orient, New
York, ~ed nor~ by F. J.
1er ~ O~ers, e~t by George L.
Edwar~ ~t., ~ut~ by Narro~
Rive~ ~o~d, west ~by land now or
formerly of Get~in~er-Freemann.
8:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), ~n
cat,ca o~ George ~ers, Cut~-
o~e, ~ew York, a/c ~w~rd ~i-
1er, 19 ~rsh~l Avenue, ~oral
Park, New York, for a vari~ce in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dnance, Article ~, Section 3~,
~ubsection 6, for peri.ion
erect g private detached garage
in the ~r~n~ ygrd ~rea. Location
of property: Arshamom~que Ave-
nue, ~u~ko~d, New York, lot num-
ber 14, ~ixedon Estgtes, South-
old, New York.
9:~ P.M. (E.S.T.), Upo~ appli-
oation of John A. Polyw~d~, Main
~ ~d ~ebart ~d, S~u~thold,
Ne,w ~k, for ~ s~ciaI exception
in acco~ce ~Sh ~he Zoni~
~i~n~, Article IV, Section 408,
SuCtion (b), for permission
retain on pr~i~s w~l sig~s. Lo-
Catio~ of probity: soa~h west
corner of ~in ~ad a~ Hobart
~ad, S~old, New York, b~nd-
ed ~o~h by ~in Road, e~t ~by
H~b~rt ~, soith by
~ur~h, w~t by $~s War~ka.
9:~ P~. (E.S.T.-, U~n appli-
~tion of ~ ~ore ~tel and
~o~d View ~s~ur~t, Grin-
port, New ~ork, for · ~ec~l ex-
.rich in a~ce wi~ ,the
Zo~ng ,Ordinal, A~i~e III, S~-
fica 3~, SuCtion 10, for
mt,~on ~ rein the following
st~s: 1) a ~recttoaal sign lo-
~ on ~e no~h west ~er
~ Road a~d C~I ~ne,
~r~, New York, ~u~ed
~ by ~k ~vtn, e~t by Chu-
rl ~ne, ~mth by M~ln ~,
west by ~ng ~s~nd Lighting Co.
2) a direction~ sign on the north
(owner or authorized agent of owner)
.~.~ ~;o~t ~at~tuck~
(address of owner or authorized agent of owner)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of:
Zoning Ordinance ~'~; ~ ~ ~ Z A~ ~
Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations
at premises hereinafter descr bed n that ~e "~b~" pO~e
(state character of violation)
..... .............................................
in viOlation of ~F~ ~ ~e~ ~CO~ ~ ~r~ ~T ~ee ~-A ~d~ ~O~ (State section or paragraph of applicable Iow, ordinance or regulation)
YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with ~e law and to remedy the
conditions above mentioned fo~hwith Jn or before the
o~ .................. 19...: ....
The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at
...... ~..l~a-~t3-..~l~,~.~..-.~&~;~-.~{~l~ ........... County of Suffolk, New York.
Fa,ilure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of law
may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.
· ee Motloe dated April 1~, 1966
Building Inspector