HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHALEN & SCHULAMTHiS AGt~EEYIENT made the~/~f~ dayo o/~-,~?~:.~,~,_~~ '~ ~' 1968 between MICHAEL J. SCHULAM and JEAN SCKULAM, his wife, residing at Knollwood Lane~ Mattituck: Town of Southold: Suffolk County~ New York, parties of the first par%~ and HERMAN G. WAHLEN and LELA W_A_i=i~t~I~ his wife~ residing at 128 Eighth Avenue~ Huntington Station~ Town of Hunting- Suffolk County~ New York~ parties of the second WHEREAS~ the parties of the first par% are the owners of the following described premises as conveyed to them by deed liber ALL That certain plot: piece or parcel of le~d, lying ~nd being at Mattituck~ Town of Southold, Suffolk County: New York~ bovaaded and described as follows: BEGI~ING at a point on the westerly line of Knollwood Lane 100.0 feet southerly along said westerly line from the intersection of said westerly line with the southerly line of said Knollwood Lane, said intersection being the northerly terminus of said westerly tine~ said point of beginning being the southeasterly corner of land of ~eindt; from said point of begim~ing running along said westerly line of Knollwood Zene~ South 32° 3~' t0' ~as~ 100~0 feet ~o land of Austin Tuthill~ thence along said l~d of Tuthill, 2 courses as follows: (i) South 53° 30' West 245o0 feet~ thence (2) South 60° ~9' West 60 feet~ more or !ess~ to ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek; thence northerly along said high water mark 120 feet~ more or less~ vo said land of ~eindt~ thence along said lsm_d of Peindt~ North 57° 2&' 50" East 265 feet~ more or less~ to the point of BEGINNING~ TOGETHER with all the right, title smd_ interesv of the parties of the first part of~ in and to waters and the land under the waters of Mattituck Creek lying in front of and adjoining the said premises~ a~nd; W~EREAS, the parties of the second par% are the owners of the following described premises as conveyed to them by deed liber cp ALL that tract or parcel of land situate~ lying being at Mattituck~ Tov~ of Southold~ Suffolk Covmty, New York~ bounded and described as follows: BEGI~ING at a monument at the intersection of the southerly line of Knoll- wood Lane with ~he westerly line of said Knollwood Lane; and running thence along ismd now or formerly of Robert Zreston~ A~ Kenmeth Monsell and Rober~ Muir, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 18° 13' 00" East ~0.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (2) South ~3~ 03' ~0' West 2~9 feet~ more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as found in April~ 1951~ thence northerly along said high water mark 120 feet~ more or lessi thence along land now or formerly of the above mentioned Robert Ho Zreston~ Kenneth Monsell and Robert Muir~ North 53° 30' East 2~ feet~ more or less~ to said westerly line of Knollwood Lane~ thence along said westerly lime of Xnollwood Lame South 32° 35' 10'' East %0~0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. T0~ETHER with a right of way 20 feet wide rvaanimg along the easterly lime of the premises from Biaollwood Lane southerly for 40 feet~ the westerly line of said right of way being the easterly line of the premises, a~d the easterly line of said right of way being para- llel with and 20 feet easterly therefrom~ for access between said premises and Kmollwood Zameo ~0GEDPIER with all the right: title and interest of the parties of the first parv~ if amy, vo the filled la~d lying westerly of the premises hereinabove described bevween the westerly e~eemsiom of the side lines thereof~ and ~ W}AEREAS~ the parties hereto desire so fix amd definitely establish the boumdary between them of the filled l~nd lying west- erly of ordinary high water mark prior to April~ 1951~ NOW: THEREPORE: in comsideratiom of the premises: the said parties hereto~ for themselves: their heirs: execuvors: admimis- trators~ successors and assigms covenanv s~d agree thaS %he said border line of the f~lled in area westerly of the high water mark as of ipril~ 1951 is established as follows: BEGINITtNG at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as fbumd in April: 1951~ said point being the following courses amd dist~eces from a point marking the intersection of the westerly line of Lane with the southerly line thereof: (1) South 32~ 35' 10" East 200~0 feet~ thence (2) South 53~ 30' West 2%5 feet~ from said point of begiP~aing running thence South 60° eg" West 60 feet~ more or ~less~ to ordinary high water ma~ of Mattituck Creek~ The said parties of the first part hereby remise: release amd quit claim unto the parties of the second part: their heirs and assigns~ meadow and filled in area lying to the South of the above described lime~ The parties of the second parr hereby remise: release and quit claim unto the parties of the first part: their heirs and assigms~ meadow amd filled in area lying so the North of the above described lime. IN W!TN~ESS WHE~EOP: %he parties hereto have hereunto set same i'ow:~ duly pelt2 ue.~o~.~ she ~ielivery hereof of o ' ~ ~ Coup_iF of 8uf£oik aid Stave oi New ,~ ,.,z uuu~ ,.,:eels as found :L~Z :%el'il ~ ag~,~- sa:..o. 'poin*c beir~a: 1,she wish 'bhe westerly ~-~a,~: e~ oi said :::~ol lwood ' ~ .~s 'tlce"c~' (2} South'&? South 18© ~' 00' Easy &O,~b Ce~.::: .......... [~C ..... ~""'-' mc) ~:'~'~' ~:'.e ..... ~ ',-+'~-~,~,S and i968~ between the ~ im %he Oo~t~' of Suffolk esf~% e~ed i~ pursusaee of Chapter 615 of the La~zs Of New YoP~ passed md. jori'~y of She Board of T~useees of sgdd Tovm of 8outI-zoid aS a m~s~ ~;a.~. ~>~""~ of the firs% part i~ oonsidera?~ion of the ez~O0) ~o!lar One a~(:L 00/I00 ..................................... to sa!d. -!'o~,~.~i~. - ~ · p.~lu before %he deiJ_ver9~ kester do~sh ~.~,~s~h~ 2~±~ a~ a pom~, on oho ordip~ar~~ hi~>St~ wa~er mark of ~.,~air~ucx C~.ee~ $.~ ~ ~n A~ri~ 19~i,~ said poi~t being the following courses am~ d_ist~ces from a point rear, king the imSersectiom of the westerly' line of Bhs~oil~ wood Lane with ~she .... ~ ~- ~'~~' (I) ~2~ ~5~ !0" East 200~0 feet~ thence (2) South West 2~ fee~ ~ from said. poi~%, of begiz~mim~ ~rmi~lg thence Solith 60~ ~.9~ ~{est 60 fee~ moz~e or less~ ordil~y high water ma~z of Matti~meck Cmeek~ ~.~ ~ .... ~ I~,~k ~n~ 2~ ~'0" !~ast'?~%~eet~ more or ~ess~ ~ng tneilue along ord_iiaaru high water mark sou'tlleaster!y 120 feet to the pei~t or place of BEG-iN-NING~ +~¢4~, heirs ,mad essi~m~s fo_e.~e~ ~+ ~t has by a vo~ of ~ ma~o~i'6y of the Board of ~us~ees these pmese~%~ %e be s{bscribed by a mejosity of %%.e said the' s~m~e"m- ~ She% %he.~ k~o~. %he ooz~pore~e seal Souisho!d~ that ~== seal affLxed to the fore,gommg =n=~em.~, v~s of m ~,~e ...... .~O~-~ Of Soe'bhol~.~ .... MAR~ON A. REGEh] ~OT,ARY PUBLIC Sta~e o~, New York ,~o. 52-3233120 Suffolk C~os~r;tv Tsrm ~xpires ~arch 30, ~ their bends and seals She day and year firsS above wriSten. ~/.-/ : 2+ .i: ~ n .~ ,~-.. . ,%/ ..: . ne~ e. w~amem / S'// z~ ./ ~ '/~Leta Wahlen STATE OP NEW YOP2~: : COL~TTY OP SDI~POLK: SS On Shis day of ~_ ~I~ 19659 before me: the subsoriber~ personally appeared MICHAEl, Jo SCRULAH a~d JEAN SCHULAM~ his wife~ to ke personally knowm and known So me so be the same persons described in and who execuSed the within instrument: a~d acknow- ledged to me that she execuSed The same. S~ATE' OP NEW YORt£: : SS COUNTY OP SUPPO~: On ~his before me~3.the personally appeared :ERN~N G. WAtt%EN and T,EZ& WANISEN: his wife~ So me personally knowm and kmown vo me so be %he same persons descri~ bed in and who executed She withim instrv~emt~ and acknowledged to me That they executed She same. .-/' Notary Public I~OTARY PU~U~. State ~ New Yof~' No. 52.0897943 ~ualified iD Suffd~ CouRty ~ommissio~ Expires Marcn 30, 196,9