HomeMy WebLinkAboutWHALEN & LAHMANNTHIS AGP~EYfEN_~ made the llth day of October~ 1968 between ROSALIE W. ~~T~ residing at Railroad ~d McKay Avenues~ Hunt- ington Station~ New York~ party of the first part~ and ~!ERM~~ G~ WAI~LEN and ~I~ZA [JA~LEN~ his wife~ residing at 128 Eighth Avenue~ Huntington Station~ To~ of H~uutington~ Suffolk Cou_nty~ New York~ parties of the second part: ~PdEAS~ the party of the first part is the owner of the following described premises as conveyed to her by deed liber 5139 cp 2~3: ALL that certain piot~ piece or parcel of land~ situate~ lying and being at Mattituck~ Town of Southoid~ County of Suffolk and State of New York~ boum~ded and described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of a 20 foot right of way and distant I00 feet southerly from a monument at the intersection of the southerly side of Kno!iwood Lane with the westerly side of said Knoliwood Lane and which point of beginning is the northwesterly corner of land of Delehanty~ running thence along said land of Deieh~ty the following two courses and distances: (i) South i2~ ~5' 50" West 202.86 feet~ (2) South 73~ i~' West 2i7 feet~ more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek~ thence northerly along the said high Water mark of Matti- tuck Creek~ 99 feet more or less to land of Wahien~ former- ly Tuthil!~ thence along said last mentioned land the fol- lowing two courses and distances: (I) North 6~~ 03' 50~' East 103 feet~ more or iess~ to a monument which marks the intersection of the high water mark of Mattituck Creek in 1951 with the southerly line of l~nd now or formerly of Tuthill~ (2) North ~3° 03' %0~ East 239.86 feet to the west- erly side of the 20 foot right of way~ hereinbefore descri- bed~ thence along the said westerly side of said right of way~ South 18~ 13' East~ 60 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. and~ %.YrIEP~EAS~ the parties of the second part are the o~ers of the following described premises as conveyed to them by deed liber ~?0( cp 126: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate~ lying being'at Mattituck~ Town of Southoid~ Suffolk Co~nty~ New York~ bounded and described as foliows~ BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southerly line of Kmoil- wood Lane with the westerly line of said Knoiiwood Lane~ and r~ning thence along land now or formerly of Robert Preston~ A. Ke~neth Monseli and Robert Muir~ 2 courses as fo!lows~ (i) South !8~ 13' 00~' East ~0.0 feet to an iron pipe~ thence (2) South ~3~ 03' ~0" West 239 feet~ more or less~ to ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as fo~cund in Aprit~ i951~ thence northerly along said high water mark !20 feet~ more or less~ thence along land now or formerly of the above mentioned Robert H. ~reston~ Kermeth Monse!l and Robert Muir~ North 53~ 30' East feet~ more or iess~ to said westerly line of }~ollwood Lane~ thence along said westerly line of F~nollwood Lane South 32~ 35~ 10~' East ~0.0 feet to the point or place of BEGI~-NING. TOGET}~R with a right of way 20 feet wide running along the easterly line of the premises from Knoiiwood Lane southerly for 40 feet~ the westerly line of said ri~kt of way being the easterly line of the premises~ and the easterly line of said right of way being para- llel with and 20 feet easterly therefrom, for access between said premises and t0aollwood L~ne. TOGETHER with all the right~ title and interest of the parties of the first part~ if ~ny~ to the filled land lying westerly of the premises hereinabove descri- bed between ~he westerly extension of the side lines thereof. amd ~ ~HE~EAS, the parties hereto desire to fix and definitely es- tabiish the boumdary between them of the filled land lying wester- ty of ordinary high water mark prior to Aprii~ 1951. NOW~ THEHEP0~ in consideration of the premises~ the said parties hereto~ for themseives~ their heirs~ executors, ad_minis- trators~ successors and assigns covenant and agree that the said border line of the filled in area Westerly of the high water mark as of April~ 1951 is established as follows: · BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as found in Aprii~ 1951 said point being the following courses and distances from a monument marking the intersection of the Southerly line of ~aoi!wood Lane with the Westerly line of said Knoilwood Lane~ (1) South !8~ 13' 00" East ~0.0 feet, thence (2) South %3~ 03~ ~0'~ West 239~86 feet~ thence from said Point of beginning rumming South 6~~ 03' 50" West i03 feet~ more or less: to ordinary hzon wa~er mark of Mattituck Greek. The said party of the first part hereby remises~ releases and quit claims u_nto the parties of the second part any land, meadow and filled in area lying to the North of the above described line. The parties of the second part hereby remise~ release and quit claim unto the party of the first part any land~ meadow ~nd filled in area lying to the South of the above described !ine~ IN WITNESS ~g~EREOP~ the parties hereto have hereunto se~ thei~ hands and seals the day and year first above wri. tten. ~ ~0 ~~a~u~ Herman -d~e±a Wan±eh the seal STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS On this ilth day of October, 1968~ before me, the subscriber personally came ROSALIE W. LAHM_~N to me personally known mud known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within instrument~ and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. /////j//~/~/~ Notary Public STATE OF NFW YORK: : COUNTY OF S~FOLK: SS No. 52-42590~0 this day of ~A~~-~1968, before me, the subscriber personally appeared HERMAN G. WAHLEN a~d LELA WAHLEN to me personally known and known to me to bo the same persons described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledg ed to me that they executed the same. N0tgr~/public .... ~OTARY PUBLIC, Sta~-.'0f ~4e~ YOrk No. 52-0897943 QuaIified in Suffol~oun~y ~'ommJssion Expires ~,~arch 30, !959 ©'0©~ P Z Z ,,t-t :