HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1596Board Of $outhold Town Trustees S.OUTHOLD, NEW YORK *ICE* PERMIT NO .... ~,5..?~ .................. DATE: .Ap. ril...Z6 ...... 19)90 ISSUED TO PHILIP VAN BOURGONDIEN Authorizatio Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the'Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on ~p.zi~....;~.~.~. .... 19...?g...., and in consideration of the sum of $ ........................... paid by of ......................................................................................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions Jisted on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Repair in kind/in place dock damaged by ice. Location: Town Creek all in accordance with the defaiJed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF., The said Board of Trustees h,ere- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of th~ said Board as of this dat, e. ......... TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permimee Philip Van Bourgondien residing at 1285 Calves Neck Road, Southold, 11971 N.Y., m part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are rgleased from any ami all damages, or dalms for damages, of suits arising direcdy or indirectly as a result of any oper- ation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto, ,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of. the Town of Southold 2. That this Permit is valid for .a period of 12 mos. which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wish~ to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that auth- orization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compLiance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if furore operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, tlm work shall cause unreasonable obstrucuon to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee ox the completion of the work auth- orized, 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and coments .that may be required sup- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 APR ] 2 ]990 scott L..^RmS Supervisor ~ ~,.~ L,:~ ;, 'To~n~all, 53~5 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Fax (516) 765-1823 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Telephone (5 I6) 765-1800 CREEK YOUR ORIGINAL PERMIT NUMBER APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS: Complete form below and return to above address. You should have this application approved and returned to you within a week. 1. Applicant's Name & Address:/9~t~,'~[.7¢i~¢ 2. Contractor's N~e & Address: Tel.No. 3.The purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing openwork dock or openwork pier piling, and mooring piles, removal of damaged piling, repair, resetting or replacement of floating docks, ramps, or decking, all necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during 1989-1990 winter. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited to replacement of timbers without change in design or dimension. 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under this permit. 4. No freshwater of tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under any circumstances. 5. A yellow permit sign provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit numbers (3"high) must be displayed on project. 7. Groins and bulkheads are subject to inspection prior to issuance of permit. Soutl~otd, New 'York ] 197i ~,O~ICE OF ACTION - NOT A PER/vlIT ......................................................... has been reviewed by th~:~ 6oo~d, at u meetin~ of the ~ ~ . , rust.es hem on .......... A:pXi2._fi.,...~.9.~ ~ end resu{fing in ,~he action, os indicated beJow: (.X}.[ ...... ) Application approved. { ............. ) Appiicatior-! denied. ( ............ ) App!icction tabled. / / ApprOved with the provision that this dock doe~ not extend further than 'the other docks in the area~ 3. A PE~'4'rT r,,p~- ,o ,he or,er o: ~'n~ ~,~,a~ .-, n .... *' - -~ . ~nd shou be made payable at the same rime. if the 'fee is paid by mail, the permit will be me,ted in reply. ComputarZon of Permit Fee: 3 Spiles @ 85.00 ea~ 20~ x 4~ float= 80 sqo ft. @ ~25¢ per sq..ft. 20' x 4' float= 80 sq. ft. @ .25¢ per sq. ft. 20' x 2½~ ramp= 50 sq. ft'. @ .25¢ per sq. ft. ~~Y~-~ ~'otal fee Totaf Fee for this appiicatian ALL DOCKS ~',' O -ULKHEAE)S MUST ; $15.00 $20~00 20.00 12.50 $67.50 .bl BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 March 18, 1983 Mr. Philip J. VanBourgondien 1285 Calves Neck Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. VanBourgondien, In reviewing your application, it has come to my attention, that a Wetland Application is necessary to accompany your Trustee Application. Enclosed are the Wetlands Applications which are to be filled out and returned to the Town Clerks office before March 22, 1983, along with a check for $25.00, filing fee. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated so that your application can be acted upon at the earliest possible date. Ve'ry truly yours~ - i]~e~ne pfifferl_in~, Secre~f~ry Board of Town Trustees' Enclosures _- BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTItOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 March 18, 1983 Mr. Philip J. VanBourgondien 1285 Calves Neck Road SOuthold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. VanBourgondien, In reviewing your application, it has come to my attention, that a Wetland Application is necessary to accompany your Trustee Application. Enclosed are the Wetlands Applications which are to be filled out and returned to the Town Clerks office before March 22, 1983, along with a check for $25.00, filing fee. yOur prompt attention to this matter is appreciated so that your application can be acted upon at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, ' g, Secre~ry Board of Town Trustees Enclosures NAL~ Town Of Southold zS[ain Road $outhold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS 2. Contractor's ,omc and address: ..~..ff~.&/...C:..~...r.'Z..VT....I.&.....C,.~.~.~.~/.-L~./Z..¢& ..................... ................................................................................................................................ ~..e..Z.... ......................... 3. Briefly explain the purpose of this application: ..T...c..~a.£. ~. g ~. .... ~..~,.e.&.. Z. f. fA./...c..~..<~;..x. ..... f.~ 4.~.4..~......c...~A E. ~. ................... -..~.z .E.~.~,'~!..~.4.~.~ ..... ~:o..Lz....~.L .............. /,..,.z..d./.~.e ...... ~:z.:y.-..~.<.'.~ ........................................ :..i .... ',F,.&,4....v. .f..~.& m ...... ~.. '...~...¢..7. ........ ~...~.....9...~ L k./.~...z.. ........................................................ i .... 4. After issuance of a Permit, work must be completed witkin one year, LARGE 5. 'Secure the correct Area Map from the Clerk of this Board, and by using a/X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely as possible the location of this dock. On.the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which wilt show Ordinary High Wat&~"Mark, the shape and size of the dock and any supplemen~a pilings which are needed to hold a floating dock or tie-ua n b~ct. Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface WEZC:q EX?~NDS OF~SEOR.E from the O. H. W. M. Z_-f: a~jaeent propez~cy owners have docks, specify location and length to scale. 6. Wi[[ any portion of this construction extend offshore ]nto Town Waters beyond sm imoginamf [~ne or boundan/ formed by other similar structures along the area's shoreline? ~ o~ NO. If it does extend beyond ~his so-cai[ed dock line indicate by how for, approximately,. ......... fL 7. Provide the following documents: fa) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) .*, copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. c Short Environmental Assessment Form. Wetlands. Application 8. I this cons?ruction require t-Ee Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? ~ or NO. If it does, Farm A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part of this ' application. 9. In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the information presented herein is true and correc~ to the' best of mv knowledge and belief; 1 am the person accountable for . the oerformance of the work in acc6rdance with the plans and specifications attached; I have .~,~. ,..~ read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southoid Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. 10. To expedite finding specific location for inspection, indicate .:.~.~ ~z ............. !..by .using a temporary marker. .../~)~.~>/~7.~../~-~/..... .. ~. · ~ Material list Ail CCA fir for one float Platform material list ~ 0 20Ct (~) ~×! . (?) 2x8 2Oft. (2) 2×10 h ft. (~) 2x8 h rt. ¢8) 2x6 h ft. (h) 2×8 2oft. (80)sf 2x6 in hft. lengths for decking. (:o~ d!..o/~,, G~iv. carriage bolts with washers ,~7 ~2~,u'' lbs }0 penny gaiv. co~on nails. ~w st~o~oa~ billets. Each 9' in length (Z) ixh loft. (2) 2x8 6 £t. (2) 2x8 hft. (L) ~ ~ (lo) 2xL 8 rt. ~12) galv. carria6e boi~ Ram~ (2) 2x6 20 fl. (2) 2x6 3 ft. 60 sf 2x6 for deck. Plus nails galv. IO and 8 penny Ramp hardward c8¢n be purchased at Shs~ne' s in Island Park~ N.Y. thru catalog. .~'/" .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: (a) In Order fo answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of %he action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If ali questions have been answered No i% is likely that this project is not significant. (d) En--~ronmenfat Assessment 1. Witi project result in a large physical change %o the project site or physically alfez more than 10 acres of land? ........................ . Yes )<No 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on the site? .......... .. lYes 'X No 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on existing body of wa%er? ....................... Y~s X No 4. Will project have a potent/ally large impact , on groundwater qualify? ....................... . Yes ~:No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? ....................... .-" Yes X No 6. WilI project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ........... Yes. X No 7. Wii1 project result in a major adverse effect on air qualify? ............................... , Yes X NO 8. Will project have o major effect on visual character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important fo the community? Yes ~ No ~. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? ............ ~.~,..-~...-,-...~.-~..~.. Yes. ~No 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? ......... . Yes ~No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing ~ transportation system's? ....................... . Yes_ ~ No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's opera-lion? .................................... Yes ~ No 13. Will project have any impact on public health or safety~ Yes ~ No 14. Will project affect the existing communi%y by directly causing a growth in permanent populflf'ion of more than 5 percent over a one year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? ................................. Yes ~ No 15. Is there public controversy concerning the project? ...................................... Yes ~No REPRESENTING ~ofb°~ o-¢I~ SO U T~O£ ~ /