HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1700 GF ALL "~ ...... A'-;D STA~iES ZUST DiS=~-,£ ViSi'~"--L "~ ...... ALL DCC-'KS AKD BUL2E{EADS ,"~US? DiSPL:C£ ViS i'~LE PESC!IT ~'~JZBERS ~." .Y- '~' '~' -.~ .~e~' .' '~, - -~.' '~'~ ' ,~- . ?r .~,. '~, .~': 'V'~ "r~ "~ ' ' ~' .-- .... .: '~"~' ~' ". ~.,~'~'~'~' ~.~'-""~ "· '~;~'~ ~'~']~%"' ~"~"~ ,; PERMIT NO... ~.!9..~ ................. '" DATE: ..... 9.~..,....A4.,.. ~98 ISSUED TO ................ ~.ah ~....~.al~n.t,i.,....J.r ................................. the State o{ New Yor~, 1893; an~ Cna~ter' ' 404 a~ tn_" ~ Laws o~ ~',ne Sfafe of ~ew Yar[ ~9~2; an~ {~e '" Sourno[~ Town Or~[nance en- fff]e~ "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUELiC LANDS an~ fhe RE~4OVAL OF SAND,' G~m' ' V'~:_ OR OTHER MATEriALS. FRO~ " LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance w[{h fhe '' Resab~[an oFTNe Boar~ ' ' ' afa '' Jg..~.~..., an~ ~n consJ~eraf~on o~ f~e sum o~ $...~.:...~.g. ...... pa~a ~y -:., ..................................... :..~Q_~D. A, Valemti~ ~r. ' '-'~ Terms an~ Con~ff~ons I]sfe~ on f~e reverse s~e ~ereo~, o{ Soumal_ Town Trusfees autnorlzes an~ perm[ts f~e Application approved un,er the Grandfather Clause to secure a permit for a bulkhead, ~ock and float Deep Hole Creek. IN WITNESS ,~/~c=~-r~,: The said Board of Trustees here- 'by c~-uses frs Corpor.:te Sea] fo be afflxec~, and thes~ pres'bnfs fo be subscr[be~ by a mejorff ' '' Board as .of fhk. daf.e. ~ 'G/~ ~ _ ' L ~% ~ ....... BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 24, 1983 TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 Mr. John Valenti, Jr. RFD #1, Box 82 Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Valenti: 11952 Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ile~e Pfifferl~ Clerk to Trustees Attachment .,Lt. DOCKS 'AND BULKHEADS MUST OlSPLA~ VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS ALL blOCkiNGS AND STAKES ',]UST OlSPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NU !BERS BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town 6f Southold BIain Road $outhold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PER2,IIT John Valenti, Jr. To: ]. 5'cur appl;¢ctiam, dated ........... 9/..6/. 83 ........................................................... has been reviewed by this 8pard, at a meeting of the Trustees held on Oct. 11, 1983 and resulting in the action, cs indicated below: ( .... X. XX.) Application approved. ( ............ ) AppIicatian denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. Comments and remarks: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to secure a permit for a bulkhead and dock in Deep Hole Creek, A PER-~[-rT FEE to t~ o~r pt the . pazd tf the Permit Fe~ is ~id i~ ~_~[~n~ ant a~ zo~ . se wl~ ~e has'ssa: ~ . .- p~.~o,, to me aecret~ry of tree DoQrc, lne ~ermjt will be cb?~[ncb[e at the same time. If the fee is paid by moji, the permit will be mailed Jm reply. Ccmpu~stiom of PermJP ~ee: Total Fee for this application NR:.iE OF CREEK 10, 11. 12. BOAi:D OF 'TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southohl SouthohI, New York ]2971 i~aln Aoad APPLICATION FOR A BULKIIEAI), DIKE, OH JETTY 1. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined ir: the SouthoJd Town Wetlands Ordinance? YES or NO. 1t: it does, you must file through the Town C er~.~ O~:fice. · 2. Is the proposed work entirely within the bound,aries ,by ygur Deed or Survey> YES or NO if , · , · ~t ,~ u rermir is NOT required from mis l~oard, · out the Town Building Inspector s]~auld be con/coted for full details ...................... wJ ............................ I. Ih ~ ........................ ?' .................................... :...'~=.. ..... 'Fa j... 4 Contrcctc;r's na'~, .,~-~ ~, , ~ ' ..................... ,,,~. ,,a~l ,..q~CresS: .............. ~ ' ............................ ~ .................. Te t. .. ..... ..... ~ ~ ~ ~' ............. . ................. ......... .... .; ..... ......... ~' /' -~ ' ........................ 7 ............................. ........... Z ................................. ~..~.~...¢ ..... 6. After issuance of Permit,work must be completed within one year. 7. Secure the' correct Area Map From the Clerk of this Boar~ and by usln~a/'/'J~P'GE A "' ' X WITHIN CIR~_LE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this prelect. On the - reverse side, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Wot'er Mark as well as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include oil d/mertsicn: for portions which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. State Adjacent property- owners. 8. Provide the followln~ documents: fa) ' , .. ! . ' Z' ' ' r-.'~y-~f-at (bi A coo,, of the r- ......... · .- ~-umracror s t~k~n and Specifications. (c) Slzort Environmental Assessment Form. Does this proiect extend into Town 'A"aters beyond an imaginary ~ine or boundary Formed by existing works of o similar nature a[on.q this area's shoreline? YES or NO. If it does, st=re the approximate d:,,cnce beyond, V/ill this construction require lhe Filling of on/ land offshore of the Ord/:~ary High V/ater ?~ark ar the Dred~m9 of any matermt from 'town Farm A/4 (Apphcat/or~ for Dredging./Filling) mu~t be Lan,.Js under wot::.r> YE5 or NO. If it does, application, completed and ntt,chad as part of this In requesting a~proval of this application, I submit that: the infonnati..:n presented herein is true and correct to the best of my kr~ewledge and bettor; I am the person accountaMe for the performnnce of the work in a:cordance wilh the plans and specifications attached; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Sauthold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and iurther, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions at the Permit, when .::nd if isst;ed to me. TO EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATIO~ FOR INSRECT_ION~ INDICATE B )ARD ¢~)F TOV;'N TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 AppLiCATiON FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS 2. Car, rna,or s nc, me and ccaress: .~ .................................................................................................. .................................................................. .7..e.~.: ......................... · ..... ..... .......... ................... · . ..... ...... ..................................................................................... 4. A£ter 5. tc-'. '_-CH docks, cc.~,D.~ted with{~ one year issuance of a e: ~ --- - · LARGE 5~._ _ ,~ _,,. .... ~-,~ [~-- :.2m the Clerk of this Board, end by usina a/X WITHIN cnd 5[ze of the dock and any sL~ptemen'a~ pilings wnxcn cra needed re ~ons n~-=ssnr'' to d,~t~,m;n~ the area c~ or tie-up a bant. Give ail dimen ............. EXTENDS OF~SHOP~ ~O''" m.W.M. Zff adjacen~ prope~y owners have. specify IocaZ/on and length to scale. . O~,t[cn extend offshore [nra Town ~at~s beyond cn lime or bou.ndap/ formed by other sim ,ar structures along the area s shoreline2. . YES o~ NO. 1~ ~t does extend beyond th[~ so-called dcckline indicate byhow far, approximately,. ......... f~. 7. Provide the following '~,, nfs' CI ~ C ',2 Fr~, e · ,_~ ............ o,F tl:~--prc~d. ~--~.~ t · cerises ~-;'~ (b) A copy of the Contracto~ s Flons and Specif cations. (} c, ..... :~,.~ ........ :a]. Assessment Perm ~}~et!anGs Aooiica1'%~!~c:t~ __ ,ne Ord[na~ H~gh ¥/cter 8. ii this ccnsfructich~ require u,u ,,,~l,,g of any land offshore of" :' material Ercm Town Lands under water? ~E5 or NO. If it does, tAark or. the Dredging of an~, ~ t Form A/4 ~'~n~: ..... for gr~'dging/ril'ing) must be completed and attached as part a'f~this applic=t[cn. 9. In requesting cpprova! of this cPSlkctian, I submi~ that: the information presented hcre[n is true and correct to the best cf my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the ~erfcrm. ance of the work iP accordance with the gl:ns and specifications attached; i hove read crcm {am,ilar with ~' ~ rc','~sions or any Southoid /own Ordinance pertinent to the work -' .... ,Pi to adhere ' '.;-~ ' ' to and ac.~,e by the Terms and Ccndi~icns of the invoN'ed; and further, [ Permit, when and i{ issued to : .:.- ....... . .... .,. ,¢.. '"-: :¥':'~ -' "A/2' ~,~',-. ~ ! La~e