HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1348Board Of .-$outhold Town Trustees S. OUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring #420 .... PERMIT NO ......1.~..48:.~::i:...::: ........ DATE: M.~.r..~....9.~......], 979 ISSUED TO '.~'. ..... :.' Reginald F. Tuthili ' '' --. - - .'-,<- : :,,.;':'~ t ...... ~'~ ................................. ;.:-~ ........................................................ :' the'State of New York~ 1893; and Chapter ~4 of fha Laws of -. ' St~e of New YOrk 19~2~ and ~he Soufhold Town Ordinance en- d "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS.- IN AND-ON-TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS? and ~n accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted afa meeting held on .~.~.~....~.~. 19...~..~..~ and in consideration of ~hs sum of $..:5.~.~.Q ........... p~[d by ....................... ~ jo~ B. Tuthill o~ Orien~ .......................................................................................... N. Y. an8 suB]ec~ ~o Terms- and Conditions ]~sfed on fhe reverse side hereof, of Soufhold:Town 'Trus+ees aufhoHzes and permifs +he foliowlng:. ~Z~e~e~ o~ oEE~o~e ~e'~ ~Ze~ Z~e ~o o~8~o~e ~e oEE ~~e ~o~e~ ~ O~e~ O~ee~ ~ ~er~o~ oE ~e o~e~, ~o~ 3. all in accordance w~h fhe derailed specifications es presenfed in the or~glnafing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOE, The said Board of Trusfees h,ere- by causes ifs Corporale Seal fo be affixed, and ~hese presents be subscribed bY 'e~ mai°rlfy of the said Board as of fhis date. Trustees A/1 - Rev. ~/72 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR A MOORING IN TOWN CONTROLLED WATERS: 2. Contractor's name and address: .......... ........................................................................................... 3. What is being moored? ................ ~.....~...~:...~ ............................................................................. If a boat is being moo. red, state: Name of m.onufocturer~__2~.,<f~.~::~..~ ................ Reg. No...~./..Z..~.....~.~.35....~...~/~ Name of boat ........................................................................ ~~ Color ...~~ ...... Lengt'h .......... /......~...[ ................... Powered by ...~/-~<~&~... ........................... 5. What is your method of mooring? (mark by an X in the proper space) ( ~) OFFSHORE MOORING (type & weight) ...................................................................... ( ) OFFSHORE STAKE (,,k~) OFFSHORE STAKE with pulley line to ONSHORE STAKE ( ) TIE-UP BETWEEN PILINGS (number of piles9 .................... ( ) SOME OTHER METHOD (describe) .................................................................... 6. After issuance o,f a Permit, I expect to: (mark by an X) (a) Commence work AT ONCE ASAP ..~ ; UNKNOWN ; ~ "4 (b) Complete work in--1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO ............. ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by means of an X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely as possible the location of this moori.ng..On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which shows Ordinary High Water Mark, stakes, pilings or other anchoring devices to be used, and ail distances in, feet 'between stakes and stakes. Is access to the pro:posed mooring from PUBLJ'C or PRIVATE shoreline .property? (state which) .... ~.,.~,4~ .................. If from private property not belonging to the. applicaint, provide a Jetter of consent from the ,property owner. At the mooring's Jocation: What is the approximate distance to the channel? .......... ./..~.. ......... ~ ..... ft. Number of other boats moored within 100 ft ...... ~ ................... 10. In making this application, I declare that the pJacement of this mooring will not be an. im- pediment to the normal boating needs of others. k.S FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., Presiden[ ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDENIEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SUITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT Permit No.: 1348 Mooring No.: 420 Fee Paid: $ 15.00 Renewal Date: March 1~ 1989 Expiration Date: February 28, 1990 TELEPHONE (516) 765-I892 NAblE: Reginald F. Tuthill ADDRESS: P.O. Box 86, Munn Lane, Orient, N.Y. 11957 TELEPHONE NO: 323- 3 ~ 58 LOCATION: Orient Creek TYPE OF MOORING: BOAT: 21' Beach Craft REGISTRATION NO: NY 4922 PM This permit is invalid unless the moorin9 number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and the boat beinq moored. \ Pkesident, Board ~f Town  erk, Board of Town Trustees ALL MOORING AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS REGINALD F. TUTHILL RUTH P. TUTHILL MUNN LANE, P.O. BOX 86 ORIENT, NY 11957 9393 19 ~-~ 1-._/1 280  ~' DOLLARS ~ 238 Main Str~ MEMO Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., Pres. HENRY P. SMITH JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III John Bednoski, Jr. ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President MOORING NO. 420 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SO.HOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York I 1971 TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1892 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION DZSCRIPTION OF BOAZ: /~f~' (~,~-~r N.Y. REGISTRATION NO.: ~ CFa Febru.gz~__2_~=_j~_~ your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit please complete the application and return it to this office together with the $I5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify this office. Failure to renew your permit by March_~=_j989 ,will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. Very truly yours, Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., President Board of Town Trustees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-1982 MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No.: *Mooring No.: Renewal Date: Expiration Date: 1348 420 March 1, 1988 February 28, 1989 -. Fee Paid: $ 15.00 NAME:. Reginald F. Tuthill ADDRESS: P O'. Box 86, Munn Lane~ Orient~ NY 11957 TELEPHONE N~O.: 323-3558 LOCATION: Ori~n~ Creek TYPE OF MOORING: Onshore~Of£Shore BOAT: 21' Beach Craft REGISTRATION NO.: NY 6861 PP This permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicate, I on the mooring and the boat being moored. Presiden~'Board of T6wi~ Trustees own ALL MOORING AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS 10/87 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTnOLD 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1392 Southola, N. Y. 11971 _ BOARD OF TO~' TRUSTEES HENRY P. SMITH ' ~ ~~ '_, JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, I i I ~Pres. ~ ~~ ~ John,,-Bednoski~, Jr. , ~ .-'.~..~-,~ ~_ s i d e ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. , Vice-Pre .~ ~¥.~, ~. , ~ BOARD OF TO~ TRU~EE~ TO~ OF SO.HOLD PE~IT ~ l~R8 Town HaH, 53095 Main Road MOORING~ R~0 P.O. Box ?28 Southold, N~w York ~ ~2 ~TELEPHONE f/~ .,~q' (516) 765-3.892 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION NAME Reginald F. Tu~hill ' __ / CREEK DESCRIPTION OF BOAT N.Y. REGISTPJITION TELEPHONE PLEASE-BE-SURE TO SIGN BEFORE RETURNING S i GNA~2U RE On February 28, 1988 , your boat moorimg permi% will expire. To renev this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $1~.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify-this office. Failure to renew your permit by March 15, 1988 your original permit. , will result in the automatic cancellation of Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III,-President Board o'f Town Trustees HPS:AO 1/87 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telet~hone: [516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No'....1.3.4..8 ................. *Mooring No....4.2.0. ................. Renewa Date'.: A9..8.7 .... Expi ration D ate...F..e.b.r.u..a.ry..2. .8 ~..1. 9 8 8 Fee Paid .... .$ .1.0; .0.0 .... .. To: ADDRESS~;..P.:O.:..B.o. ¥..8.6...Mp.qq..L.~e., ~ .O.~. i..eDit' .N.: y.... i. .i .9.5. ?. ........... - ........ TELEPHONE NUMBER .... .3.2.3.-; .............................................. LOCATION....0.~..i .e.n.t...C.r.e.e.k. ......................... :.- ......................... TYPE O F MOO R I N G.. Q~bg~'.e.-:. O;ff~o~ ................................... ;... BOAT...,2.,.1..~ .-.S....~ ¢ ¢..ql-',, .g~.e.a.::[~ ........... REGISTRATION NO..I~¥. ,6.8.61. P.~ ........ *This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and boat being moored. Presid/)en/t, Bo~ard_ oA¢outhold To. yrp ,Trustees ", Clerk, Board of Southold Town ~lTru~t~es ''y ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS.. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD N? 3 i 6 9 1" ~ 19 Southold, N. Y. 11971 - n~'e '-~. ~ HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pmk. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING 1348 420 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION NAME ADDRESS CREEK Reginald F. Tuthill ( DESCRIPTION OF BOAT N.Y. REGISTRATION TELEPHONE ~ ~GNAT2URE On February 28, 1987 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $10.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify this office. ' Failure to renew your permit by March 1, 1987 , will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. Very truly yours, HPS:AO 1/87 Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telephone: (516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permif No ......... .1..2..4...8.. .......................... '*Mooring No ........ .4.2.0. .............................. Fee Paid ..... .$..5..,..0..0 ......................... Renewal Da{e ...kIar. ch....1.,.....1.9..~.6 Expira{ion DM'e ...F...e....b....r...u...a....r.3J.......2...8...t,.... 19 8 7 To: NAM E ......... ..R....e..cJ.$...n...a....1....d.....~..:.....~...q..t....h..!..1....1.. .............................................................................................................................................. ADDRESS ........ .................................... Telephone number: 323-3558 LocaHon ......... Q..r..i..e....n...t........C...r....e...e....k.. .................................................................................................................................................................... Type of Mooring ...... ..O....n...s....h...o...r....e...T.9....f....f...s....h..9_..r....e.. ................................................................................................ i .............................. Boa{ .... ~~2~~~~.~~~~~~~f~~~t~.~~-~~~~~~~B~~~~e~~~a~-~~c--~~h~~~~~~~C~~~~r~~-a~~:~f~~~~t~~ ................................... Regis{ra{ion No .... ..N_..Y.......6....8...6_..I.......P....P.. ................................ * This Permff is invalid unless {he mooring number as shown above ;s clearly indica{ed on {he mooring and {he boa{ being moored. Pr e s'~;..'ent, Board"~ Clerk, Board of T~/wn~rustees~TM ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE bIOORING NUb~BERS. 5B095 Mala Road Phone 765-1892 Son.old, .N'. Y. 11971 PERMIT MOORING 1348 420 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Name Reginald F. Tuthill Address Creek Description of Boat Telephone ~ ~ ~ On February 28, 1986 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your , will result in the automatic cancel- permit by March 1, 1986 lation of your original permit. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Henry P./Smith President BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold~ New York 11971 Telephone: (516)765-1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT 1.348 *Permit No ........................ *Mooring No...~.2.©. .................. Renewal Date. ;P~.b,. $,..],91~,5 ..... Expi ration Date .~ .e.b.~.qa. ~y..2. 8. ~.._1.9. ~ 6 Fee Paid..$.5.%0.0. ............. NAME .R.e.g. in.a.!d F. 'Tuthill · ? 9.57 ADDRESS.. ..O. Box 86,. Munn Lane,' Orient, New York TELEPHONE NUMBER ' 323-3558 . · LOCATION. Orient C'reek Onshore Of.f, shg~e TYPE OF MOORING - · This Permit is invalid unless the moorinq number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and boat being moored. :: Clerk, Board of Southold ~o~¢n~Trustees (~7c ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. PERMIT 9 1348 MOORING~ 420 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION TELEPHONE (516) 765-11~92 Name Reginald F. Tuthill. Creek Description Telephone Si~gnat{fre ' / To renew mooring permit, please notify the undersigned' Failure to renew your permit by March 8, 1985 , will 'result in the automatic cancel- lation of your original permit. . Very truly yours, ;~.~:.~'k~,~,-~.~ ~:,,::;'~.:~' ;9' :,? "'~'"" .......... -'.March 1, 1985 , your boat mooring permit will expire. On · this Permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your Board of Town Trustees Henry P- Smith President BOARD oF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Telephone: (516) 765-1892 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No... 1348 *Mooring No ..... .4.:~ Q ..... Renewal Date. ~.~.a.~..g.~..:L.,. 1984 Expiration Date. ~_l~a.r~T. 2~3.,..19£5 Fee Paid..~.5.-.0.0. ...... ...... To: NAME. , Reginald F. Tuthill ADDRESS... P,O. Box 86, Munn' Lane, Orient, New York 11957 TELEPHONE N UM B E R... ~ ¢.3.-.~ ~ ~.8. ......................................... LOCATION - Orient Creek TYPE OF MOORING. Onshore-offshore ,~ BOAT. ~.~'. . Dea...~ .hi .C.r.a..f.t ......... ........ REGISTRATION NO .... .no,ne .............. *This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and boat being moored. Preside~qt, Board c~f_SOuth°Id,~:)wn Trustees ' Clerk, Board of Southold Town~-Trugt~es ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. PERMIT MOORING~ 1348 420 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPH ONq~ (516) 765-1892 MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Name Regin~ald F. Tuthill Address Creek Description of Boat N.Y. Reg.# Telephone # 323 '~ On February 29, 1984 , your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this office to- gether with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your , will result in the automatic cancel- permit by March 17, 1984 lation of your original permit. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Hen~mith President BOARD OF TOVfN TRUSTEES Town o£ Sou~oid Main Road $outhold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING REMEWAL ?SRMtT 1348 'Permit No 'Mooring Ne .... 4. ~.0. ............. Renewal Date .. Ma~cb~ · 1.r- 2u9 g3 ExpiratiOn Date F. ebruary--ZSy 1984 Fee Paid ...$~,0,0 ........... To: NAME Reginald F, Tuthill ................ ADDRESS ........ ?o ~ Q. ~..B©~. ~,5 ~. ,~D~r~. I4~r~e ,o .O r. ient.,.. N, ew..Yor]c · · .% 1,95.7.. Location .......... Qr ier~t, Cr~e~ Type of Mooring ' This Permit is invalid un~ess the mooring number as.shown 'above is clearly indicated on the mooring ~nd the boat being moored, President, Board of Southold Town Trustee~ Permit ~ 1348 Mooring ~ 420 BOARD OF T05~ TRUSTEE5 TO~' OF SO.HOLD P.O. Box Sou[hdd. New York TELEPHON-E (516) 765-t 801 Name ~,=la p muthil1 Creek Descri.Dtion of Boat N. Y. Reg.x" Szgnature On February 28, 1983 , your boat mooring permit will ~= ex ..... To renew this permit, please complete app!icacion and return to this office together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish to cancel your mooring permit, please notify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by Maweh 18.' 1983 , will result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Southold Town Trustees P/2 - 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORINg= RENEWAL PERMIT 'Permit No ..... 1..3.4.8. ....... *Mooring No .... .4..2.0. ............ Renewal Date .~.,~. ~,.c.h., .[.~...]r.9,8..~. Expiration Date .~?.¥~.u.a.~.~..2.8. t. 1983 Fee Paid ....~.5. ;.Q.O .......... To: Reginald F. Tuthill NAME .......................................................................................... ADDRESS P.O. Box 86, Orient, Iq. Y.' 11957 Location Orient Creek Type of Mooring Onshore-offshore Boat ............ .1.8..'.. 9.u..t.b. 9.a.r..d. ............ Registration No ..... .N~..4.9..2.2,..P..M. ............ ' This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and the boat being moored. Sec~tary Moorinw ~ ~ Telephone 516-765-1938 Name Address Creek Description of Boat N Y Reg. ~ MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION ' "'-" Type of Mooring, " Signature On ~~/' ~//~O~-~,_ your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to t~is office toget.~er with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. I~ you wish to cancel your mooring permit,~ please notify th~ undersigned~ Failure to automatic cancellation of your original permit. .- Paul Stoutenburgh, President Board of Town Trustees By Marian Goubeaud, Clerk P/2 - 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PERMIT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT *Permit No....1.3..~.8. ........ 42O *Mooring No ..................... Renewal Date .. ~.a..r.c;.~.,. ],. ,.. ;L.~ 8.1 Expiration Date . ?. .e~T~. T~. .2. .8., 1982 Fee Paid To: NAME Reginald F. Tuthi!t ADDRESS .... ~ .'.. 9.'.. ?.O. ~..8.6. !...O?. ~.e. gF.{ , ?......~.o...]:,%.9.5..7 ................................... Location Orient Creek ~ Type of Mooring ... On.s..hp.r.e.-.Qffsh.ora ...................................................... Boat .. Z..8. ~..o..~.~..b.q.a.r.ct...-,,?.~.i.t.e. .............. Registration No....~?...4:.?.2.2....~.~. .............. * This Permit is invalid unless the mooring number as shown above is clearly indicated on the mooring and the boat being moored. President, Bqard of Sou~hoid Town Trustees By ~: V...;~~ .i~~ Secjetaw Permit # Mooring # Renewal Date Telephone 516-765-1938 BO~ Scut] 11971 M00RINGRENEWAL APPLICATION Name Addres Type o£ Moorin~ Creek Description of Boat- / Your boat mooring renewal is due. Please complete application and return to this o£fice together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. I£ you wish to cancel, notify the undersigned. ANNA T. HATAIER, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES y ~k~riel Tolman, Clerk P/2- 10/73 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 r,:,'P E RM IT MOORING RENEWAL PERMIT Renewal 'Date March~ l, 1980 ' '.:?:-' Expiration Date ?..e.~..r~.a.r.y...2.8., '1983. To: ..... -:' . · .:- - ..... - ·',- : -. ; , NAME ;'o .... ........ ~-., ......... :o-oT--~ ........................ .!"" .............~ ............ ' '. ....... ADDRESS~ P'. ~:2 :BOX 86,.'[.'.~ .... ': ..... ' ~' New York 11957 Lo~tion O~le~. ~eeA.- .......... : ........ :..'~ ... Type of Mooring o~s~o~e-o~s~o~e ......................................................................... Boat ...~. t..Q~~..~A~.~ ............. -Registration No. ' ~his Permit is invalid unless the m~ring number as shown above is clearly indicat~ on the mooring and the boat b~ng moored. ! !:... '.: '~: ]..v - '" '::. -.-. ,.: President. Board of Southold Town Trustees Secreta~- Permit # Mooring Telephone 516-765-1938 BO. South 11971 S MOORING RENEWAL APPLICATION Name /d~-:_~.:~..-~_ - '~_: -.~.. ',~:,'. ">~'~-~'~-"'" Address - Description of Boat ,' ~.~~~ ' '¢. Si~ature .... On March t, 1980, your boat mooring permit will expire. To renew this permit, please complete application and return to this of£i°e together with the $5.00 annual renewal fee. If you wish t0 cancel your' mooring permit, motify the undersigned. Failure to renew your permit by April t, 1980 will .result in the automatic cancellation of your original permit. ANNA 'T. HATAtER, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES By Muriel Tolman, Clerk