HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUTHILL, DONALD Ebetween ~~OD~f_HQLD~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York~ by a majority of its duly elected Trustees and by virtue of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York~ passed in !893~ amd acts amendatory thereof~ and pursuant to a written resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southo!d~ at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof~ on the !ith day of Mays 19~3~ party of the first part~ and DON ~AHiD E~ TD~HIL_ L~ residing at Southoid~ Suffolk Co~ty~ New York~ ps~ty of the second part~ WITNESSETH~ that the pa_~ty of the first part has agreed to let and hereby does let to the said psa~ty of the second part~ and the said party of the second part has agreed to hire and by these presents does hire s~d take of and from the Town the following lan~ u~der water at Town Creek~ at Southold~ in the Town of $outho!d~ ~ffoik County~ New York~ said premises being ~n area 30 feet square and consisting of all that tract or parcel of land ~ander ~water bo~maded northerly by existing bulkhead adjacent to premises of Donald E~ Tuthiil~ a distance of 30 feet; easterly byother imm, ds under water of the Town of Southold~ a distance of 30_,el et; southerly by other lands under water of the Town of Southo!d~ a dista~ce of 30 feet; and westerly by other 'lands under water of the Town of Southo!d~ said westerly line being 47 feet easterly from the cement bulkhead of Southold Park District~ it being understood and agreed that the psmty of the second 'part may install and main~ tain a dock on said premises not exceeding 20 feet in length~ TO HAVE~ AND TO HOLD to~ the part~ of the second part, his ~heirs and asslon~ for and during the term of five years~ cormmenc~ ~ing May !st~ 1953 and ending April 30th~ 19~8~ at the yearly rental of Five Dollars per year~ payable June lst~ 19~3~ s~d annually thereafter~ during the full term of this iease~ At the expiration of this lease the Town agrees to renew the same (if they feel it is for the best ir~t~rests of the Town) for an additional period of five years on such terms ar~ conditions as it may deem necessary and proper. A_nd the said party of the second part coven~ats with the Town that it will pay the said rental at the time and in the ma~er aforesaid~ The party of the second part shall not under-let or assign this lease or any part of the leased premises without first secur~ lng the consent in va~iting of the Town Trustees to such under~ letting or assigning,~ ~ rm ~nt of This lease is subject, however~ to the oublic ~ navigation~ On condition~ however, that the party of the second part will hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of th_is iease~ The party of the second part covenants that at the expiratioh of said term he will surrender up said pre;~mises to the party of the first part in as good condition as now~ necessary wear and d~mage by the elements excepted~ iN WITNE~ W~LREOF~ tho said Town of $outhold~ party of the first part~ has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town~ causod its corporato seal to be horeunto affixed~ and theso presents to be subscribod by a majority of said Board of Trmsteos~ the day and year first abo~e written~ (L~S~) (L.$o) DONALD Eo TUTHILL STATE OF N~[ YORK ) ) ss.: 00UN'PZ OF SUFF 0~ ) 0n~is /~--~/day of May, i953~ before me personally came EN~i0NS DE~ of Greenport~ N.Y.; LYL~ F~ TUTHILL, of Orient~ N.Y~ ~ ~V~ B. GOLD~iITH~ of $outhold~ N.Y.~ JOHN Mo~LTY, of Lamrel, ~N.Y~ ~d FRA~=K DAW-S?[ ~ of N~w S~folk~ ~.Y. ~ all personally kno~ ~ to me~ who~ being b~- me duly sworn, severally said that they each resided in the ~To~m of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of ~New York~ and v~ere me.ers of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southo!d ~d constituted a majority of the stones that they knew the corporate seal of said Town of $outhold~ that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal~ that it was affixed there~to by order of the Board of Trustees of said To-~ of Southoid ~d that each one si~_ed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order~ Notary Pub SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. No. 52~-7559450 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 'i~ STATE OF 1QEW YORK ) ) ss : i:, COUNTY OF SUFPOE~{ ) _ , t On h ~y of May~ 9~ b~fore ~ personally c~e "DONALD E, TUTHILL~ to m~ kno~ ~ud known to ~e to be th~ sam~ ,~]Pers°n described in and who executed th~ within instrument and duly { c now! dged to that Y~ NOTARY PUBLIC STAT~ OF ~Y Commission expires ~arch ~* THE MATTER OF THE APPLrCATrQ~f OF : Dona2d E. Tuthill ~ '~' FOR Dock ~uchorage ~d : ~t of l~ud TO TM T0~?N TRUSTEES OF T~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: TP~ UNDERSiGlfED DOES I-.~?~BY Rm.2UEST From the Southold Town Trustees (a) permission to dredge (b) permission to ~ ~uchor a fioatLug dock which will extend o~ twenty feet from bul_~aead at a po~t sixty two feet east of Towm Park bul~ead~ (c) a grant of land under water ~tmad~g out thirty feet f~om ~!!mhead. It is understood ~at no one shs~ ~ive sts~es or pe~ently muchor a beat, without ray consent. And~ TN~ UNDERSiGI,~D DOES i~REBY AGREE to hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said STATE OF ~fEW 'YORK~)oo. COUNTY O~ SUF±'O~K~) ~ On the //~day of ~ ~ ,19;~ ,before me personallr c~e Donald E. Tuthill to me knowaand known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument~ and duly acknowledged to me that he he executed the same. N6tary P'ubtie~ Suffolk County,: N~Y.- JO~ J. SN;LLENBUR~, ~ N~e~v ~c~ S~ate of Maw ¥o~