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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 1150 Dated October 19, 1967 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD North Fork Lions Club To Greenport, New York DATE ~Q~_¢J~_16, 1967 Appellant at a meeth,g of the Zoning Board of Appeals on ~q~ s~day, November 16, 1967 the appeal , w~s considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ~ ). Request for variance due to lack of ac~e~s to pr0perly (X) Request for a special exceptl0~ under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) I~equcs~ for a variance to the Zo~ng Ordinance 1. SPEC]AL EXCEPTION. By re~lution of the Board it was determined that a s~c~l exc~on ( ) be g~an~d ( ) be de~ 9~ant ~ Artic~ .............................. Secti~ .......................... Subsectl~ ......................... ~ragraph ............................ of the ~ng Ordinance, and th,e dec.ion of the Building Iv. sp~t~ ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed beea~e 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon application of North Fork Lions Clubj Inc2, Greenport, New York~ for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ~II, Section 300, ~ubsection 10, for permis~io9 to erect and maintain the following off premises signs: 1) a com]~aation Rotary Club and Lions Club Sign located on the property of King Greenport Associations. Location of prQperty: south east side Route 27A, and Chapel Lane, Greenport, New York, bounded north by North Road ~.R. 27A), east by Village property-A.C. Pauli, south by Old Highway-Long Island Light, west by Chapel Lane. (Con't on back) 2. VARIANCE'. B~ resolution of the Board it was determined that ~a) Sbrict applica~on of ~he Ordinance, (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnec- essary hardship because SEE REVERSE th) T~_e hard,lip created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the hnnfediato Vicinity of t2ais property and in the same usc district because SEE REVERSE (c) Th~ var."ance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of thc Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the ,crmract~r ,of the district becs~se SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further dete~ that the requested varim~ce ( ) be gran~]. ( ) be denied and that the prewloua deciaic~s of the Building Inspector ( ) ,be confirmed ( ) be reversed. Barbara C. Dit~ann, Secretary 2) a con~bination Rotary Club sign and Lions f~ub sign, located on the propert~ of Fleet Lumber, Inc.,Location of property: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Main Road (Rte 25), east by Andrew Cassidy, south by Railroad, weKt by Robert Brown. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to erect and maintain two combination Rotary Club sign and Lion Club sign on the properties of King Greenport Associates and Fleet Lumber, Inc. Both property owners have given written consent for said-signs ,to be located on their property. It is the opinion of the Board that the signs in question are in the public interest. The signs give the time, day, and place of the meetings of the Rotary Club and t he Lions Club. The Board-finds that the public convenience and-w~lfare and justice Will be served and the legally estat>lished or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. Ther~ore, it was RESOLVED that the North Fork Lions Club, Greenport, New York, be granted permission to erect and maintain the following off premises signs as applied for. 1) a combination Rotary Club and Lions Club sign located on the property of King Greenport Associates, south east side Route 27A, and Chapel Lane, Greenport, New York; 2) a combination Rotary Club Sign and Lions Club Sign, located on the property of Fleet Lumber, Inc,, south side Route 25, Greenport, New York. This permission is subject to the f~llowing conditions: 1. Both signs shall be located at least five (5) feet from any property line. 2. Both signs shall be subject to all subsequent changes in the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance as it applies to signs. 3. Both signs shall be granted for a period of one year, renewable annually upon written application to the Board of Appeals. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearings Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Low an~ the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New Yo~ public hearings will be held by the Zoning BOard of Appeals of the Town of South- old, at the Town Office, Main Road¢ Southold, New York, at 7:30 P.M., on ~ovember 16, 1967, on the fol- lowing appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon applica- tion of North Pork Lion~ Club, Greenport, New York, for a special! exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 10, for per- mission to erect and maintain the following Off premises signs: 1) a combination Rotary Club and Lions Club sign located on the property of King Greenport ~ssociates. Lo- Cation of property: ~outh east side Rout~ 27A an~ Chapel Lone, Green- port, ~ew York, bour~ded north by North Road (C.R. 27A), east by Vil- lage property-A. C. Pauli,' south by Old Highway-Long Island Light, west by Chapel Lone. 2) a com- binaticax Rotary Cinb sign and Lions Club sign, located On the property of Fleet Lumber, Inc. Location of property: south side Route 25, Greenport, ~ew York, bound~l north by Main Road (Rte 25), east by Andrew Cassidy, south by Rail- road, west by Robert BrOwn. 7:45 P.M. E.S.T,), Upor~ applica- tion of Ivan T. Homlett, 147 Davil Avenue, White Plair~s, New York for a variance in accordance wit~ the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1007, Subsection E & F, for corfforrning dwelling on a small lot with two ,dwellings thereon. Loca- tion of property: Orchard Street and Third Street, New Suffolk, New York, bounded north by Orchard Street, east by Third Street, south by JoselYh Kapp, west by J. E. Can- 8:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon applica-; lion of Patrick Gorman, Postmaster, Cutchogue Post Office, Griffin Street, Cutchogue, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection B, for per- mission to erect a side wall sign. Location of property: east side Grif- fin Street Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by William J. Bax- ter, Jr., east by William Kol]mer, south by Lois Ann Terp, west by Griffin Street. 8:15 P.M. (E.S.T.), UpOn applica- tion of Peter Popolizio, 6 Coraway Road, Setauket, ~qew York, .a/c Joseph Strafino and Wife, 36 Burr Road East Northport, New York, the ZOning O~'inance, Article III, Section 304, for permission to con- struct a dwellir~g with insufficient front yard' setback. Location of property: Little Pecenic Bay Lane, Southold, ~ew York, lot number 132 in Cedar Beach Park. .8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), Ul~n applica- ~ a~ Robert ?Iyatt, Southold New York, a~c'~dfer Bogovic, Oaklawn Avenue, Ext., Southold, '~XIew York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordirmnce, Article III, Section 305, for permission to erect an .a~ditinn to an existing dwelling. with insufficient front yard setback. Location of property: east side Oak- lawn Avenue Ext. Sonihold, ~lew York, b0ur~ded north by JoselYh Fisher, east by John Harabaglia, south by Joseph Radich, west by. Oaklawn Avenue Ext. · Any person desiring to be heard ~hould appear at the time and place. above specified. DATED: O~TOBER 26, ~967, BY! ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ltNlO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: .'~.;..~. ~.~..~. ~'~..~..~...(~.~..-~.. ........ ~ing duly Sworn, says thai .~q/~.. i~ Printer and Publisher of ~e SUFFOLK ~VEEKLY TI~ES, a news~per publish~ ~t Greenport, in county; and ~at the noti~, ~f which the ~ne~d is ~ print~ c~py, ~s been published in the s~d Suffolk Week~ Times ~nce in e~ch week, f~r ...... ~ ............... weeks suc~ssively commencing on the . ~ ............... · .%.. ......... Swan to befe~e me this .,~.~.. Southold Town Board of Appeals SDUTHIDLD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Les Hart, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Southold, NY 11971 October 12, 1977 Dear S ir: Re:Appeal No. 1150 - One off-premises combination Rotary Club & Lions Club sign, CR27 and Chapel Lane, Greenport. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1977 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. cerely, / ) .,,,, Robert W. Gillispie, ~/"~ t APPROVED Chairman, Southold To~ _~//~ff Board of Appeals ~/~.~ _~/l~JIil,afl ~llilt~f ADP~i[~-Signature o! appel~~~~~ (Please sign and return both copies promptly ) Southold Town Board of Appeals SFIUTHBLD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Choirrnan Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Les Hart, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Southold, NY 11971 October 12, 1977 Dear Sir: Re:AppealNo. 1150 - One off-premises combination Rotary Club & Lions Club sign on property of Fleet Lumber, S/S Route 25, Greenport, N.Y. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1977 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. ~ Sincerely/'-3 ' '. · / [')l/Crl · Chairman, ~Y~/.' ~ 1~~ Southold . Board of Appeals Signature o]°~pell~~; . ( Hease sign an~h copies vromvtly ~ ~.~ Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L, I., N.Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Greenport, N. Y. 11944 October 28, 1975 Re:AppealNo. 1150 - One (1) off-premise~ combination Rotary Club & Lions Club sign located on property of Dear Sirs~ Fleet Lumber, Inc. S/S Route 25, Greenport, N. Y. Thisistoadviseyouthatyourspecialexception permission ~ryour sign~)which wasthesubjectoftheabove mentioned appeal willexpireon Nov-mher 16, 1975 Pleasesignthisl~teratthespaceprovidedbelowandreturnpromptly tothisoffice, ifyou wish torenew yoursign permission. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHDLD, L. I.. N.Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 26, 1976 Les Hart, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sir: Re:AppealNo. 1150 - One off-premises sign on property of Fleet Lumber, Main Road, Greenport, N.Y. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1976 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. erely,// ,.\ J4.0~)..~--,L~ Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. ~' Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals APPROVED /;V~/~ · - i/:_Al~i~ifm~fl 8oBrd of Appeal~ 0 Southold Tovvn Board of Appeals E~OUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 11c3'71 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 26, 1976 Les Hart, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sir: Re: Appeal No. 1150 - One off-premises sign, CR27 and Chapel Lane, Greenport. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1976 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. APPROVED Robert W. Gillispie,"J{~" Chairman, Southold Town _.~Board of Appeals Please sign and return both cop~s promp~ky_~_. Southold Tovvn Board of Appeals 51-1UTHnLD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Choirrnon Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Sen2e Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. O~tober 28, 1975 North Fork Lions Club Greenport, N. Y. 11944 Re: Appeal No. 1150 - One (1) off-premises combination Rotary Club & Lions Club sign located on property of Dear Sirs: King Greenport Associations. S/E side CR 27 & Chapel Lane, Greenport, N.Y. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign~) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1975 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, ii you wis new your sign permission. _.2.--'__~~~15 Robert W. G' 'spie, Jr. NI/ I ~1~ Chairman, Southold Town "~%~'"' Board o{ Appeals (Please sign and return bot-h copies promptly.) Southold Town Board of Appeals SDUTHDLD, L. I., N.Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Octobe= 16, '1974 No~th Fo~k ~ions Club G~eenpo~t~ Ne~ Yo~k Dear S.t:~: Re:AppealNo. [[50- One (1) o££- premises ~ot~y Club & ~[ons Club sign on property o£ Xing Orssnport ~sooi&tion, This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign~) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16 ~ 1974 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, ii you wish to renew your sign permission. Sincerely, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Sonthold Town Board of Appeals Signature of appellanl{pI ' ~" i.~, .promptly). 0 Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 119?1 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispi.e, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. O~tober 16, 1974 North Fork Lions Club Greenport, New York D Dear Sir= Re:AppealNo. ll50-One (1) off-pr~mises oombination aot&ry Club & Lions Club sign, lo~ated on property of Fleet L~mher, Inc. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your signl~) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1974 Please sign this letter at the space provided below aud return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. Sincerely, ._ Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Board of Appeals .clOUTHOLD, L. h, N.Y. 119?I Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. North Fork Lions Club Oreenport New York 11944 October 16~ 1973 Re: Appeal No.ll~O-One (1) off premises combination Rotary Club & :,I~ons Club sign~located Dear 3irss on proport~ of Fleet Lumber- S/S Route 2~t Greenpor~ This is to advlse you that your speda! exception permission for your s~(s) which was the subjcc~ o[ the above mentioned appeal will expire on ~w~o~r 1~ 1973 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. Board of Appeals vd...) Sxgnature of appellan . . (?lease si. an,~/tul-n both C09ieS promptly.) d, . ~V,-11973 ~__ .... ~ Chamnan ~ t ~,,,d Of ~gpal~ Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHrlLD, L. h, N.Y. 119?1 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 16, 1973 North Fork L~ons Club Greenport New York 11~+ Dear Sir I This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(2~ which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on Re:AvvealN°' ll~O-One premises oomb~nat~on Botary Club & Lious Club sign located on S~g side CR 27 and Cahpel Lane, Greenport Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wbh to renew your sign permission. November 16, 1973 ~ i Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHE)LD, L. I., N.Y. 119?1 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 16, 1972 North Fork Lions Club Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Gentlemen8 Re:AppealNo. 1150 - One (1) off premise combination Rotary Club and Lions Club sign on property of Fleet Lumber s/s Rout: 25, Greenport, N.Y. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject o£ the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1972 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. illispie, .l Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHE)LD, L. I., N.Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. October 16, 1972 North Fork Lions Club Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Gentlei~en~ 1150 - One (1) off premises sign located on property.of King Greenport Assoo. - e/s CR 27 & Chapel Lane, Greenport, N.Y. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on November 16, 1972 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. Board of Appeals © APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr.~ Chairmen Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis~ Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 November 5, 1970 liorth Pork Lions Club Greonport,, l~'ew York ~ o. ~- ~7~ /~ / Re: Ap~,al as. 1150-- One O££ premlsos combination Rotary Club &Llons This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your Club s4g_n lo,&ted on th~ property of King ureenpert Aesoc)Laces. I~oca~.ton o£ l~OPert~!SffB side o£ ~ouce 27A and Cha~e~'.lf.Y.~roenporc sign~ which was the subject of ,the above mentioned appeal will expire on l~:rv'omber 16, 1970 Please sign this letter at the space provided belcav and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign pezmi~ion. Chairman, South,old Town Board of Appeals /bd (Please sign and re(urn both copi~ promptly. ) -- C APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert ~(/. Giilispi¢, Jr., CMirmon Robert Bersen Charles Grisonis, Jr. Serse Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. $ uthold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 11~"71 Telephone 765-2660 1970 No3~th Fork L:l.ons Club G~eenpo~, Ney York //6'7 / Dear Re: Appeal ~e. ll50- One 0£~ ~Aeet ~ ~. ~a~ o~ This is to advise you that your special exception permission fer yollr signO~) which was the subject of 1he above mentioned appeal will expire: an November 16, 1970 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign p~rmis~ian. Gillispie, J . Chairman, South~Id Town Board of Appeals N. Y. ,~bd (Pleaae APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillimi¢, Jr., Chairman Robert Ber~¢~ Charles Grigon~s, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals E~nUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 october 21, 1968 North Pork Lions Club G%eenport, ~e~ York R,.~: Ar, t:~a ~o. 1150- One (1) off pr~nlaeo c~nbin&tton Rotary Clul~ Liona Club sign located on the proporty o£ King Gronnport Aaso~. This is to advise you that your special exception pe~Taission for your sign('i) which was the subject of tke above mentioned appeal will expire an ifovember 16, 1968. Please sign this letter at the sp ace provided ,below and return promptly to this office, if you w~sh to renew your sign pe~nissian. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman I~obert Borsch Charles Grisor~s, Jr. 5er~e Doyen, Jr. Fred Huls¢, Jr. $outhold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 Ootc)~ez 21, 196~ Noz~h Fork: LlOnfa Club Dear Re: Appeal ~o.1150- ~e (1) o££ l~mlsel ~om~ln&tlo~ Ro~:i~y Club & Lions CXu~ oiqn Xo~eted on the propert~ of Fleet Lumber, Inc. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(,~) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire, ea~ November 16, 1968 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permis'sicm. Robert W. GilUspie, Jr. Chairman, South~)ld Town North Fork ~'*pns Club c/o Henry Bl~'choff Box 907 S outhold, N.T. ~RRIS and MAURER Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 84 516 MOhawk 5-6520 BAY SHORE, NEW YORK Re: Lions Sign Dear Mr. Bischoff: .... 9/1~/67 Please be advised that the Lions Club has our permission to place its usual sign on our property at Chapel Lane and Nort~h Rd, as requested in your letter of Sept. 10th, so long as it does not Interefere with or block anything else on the propert¥~ and the necessary municipal consents are obtained without any expense to us by your organization~ and sign well cared for. Continued success with all of your good work-- ,~/JoSeph M. Morris, Partner mm FOR GOOD ~IF~ASURE ! FLEET LUMBER, INC. MAIN ROAD, RT. 25 GREENPORT, L. I., N. ~'. 11944 PHO.~: 516 477-1906-7-8 Oeteber 10, T~wa ef ~eut~eld Beard ef Appeals Oentlemen; · e have given permiesien ~o the North Fork Y~iema Club and the G~eempe~t ~etarqy Club to put a Joint sigm en eu~ peepeety nea~ the west line. Ye~Ir t~ly yeure. Fleet Lumbe~ IRe. ~@VqN GF S~OUT~O~D, NEW ¥OR~ /'~/_3 &PPL~CA~TION FOi{ S~EQtAL EXCEi~TI,ON APP~OATIO~ N,O. TO THE; Z:O~I~G I~OARJ) OF AP~EL~,$, 80~TPIOLD, N. Name Street ,and Number ............ ~ .............. ~.~E~:E~ELN...~.O..~ ............................................................................................................... ~.~ ......................................... : ................................................ ~un$ci~al~ty State, her,eby apgly to THE ZO~IN~ BO~I{D O~ APPE'ALS .for a SPECIAL EXC~PT, IO~ in a.ccordan'ce with the z,o~m~ o~om~c~, A~T~ODE ~ s~c¢~o~ ~ ~ Su~s¢CT~O~ / ~ THE S~ECIAL F_~CtSPTION IS REQUESTED B~E;C&USE D~R~C'T~ON CL C5 IKATHLF~EI~ M. DILLER I~TARY PUBLIC, State of New YOtll No. 52-0959~,~ Term Ex~ires ?~=cr~ 30. f~ FORM ZB2