HomeMy WebLinkAbout5093 6373s 64,//O. ftf6 aetygLet ,zQd 413(9_a_ "/f_ 7//2/07 - 2/y/ot- emcee-cis 1/v. . �� / ' /'" A 92d4 „ . • , moi_ «) DZ V uo � t 5o93 - P/-I `a”/I g/oa- 441er day L (tolichnj /7 flits caotf 1/45e/he/Les `4-// o a- 044 • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �,v' ••� �S QFFQLit Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman 0°,0—�,., O*A 53095 Main Road James Dinizio, Jr. ; o P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A.Tortora ". 177 % Southold,New York 11971-0959 Lora S. Collins : G ` ' ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 AN- George Horning y�Jpl `oof.00 Telephone(631) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JULY 19, 2001 _ Appl. No. 4968— EDGEWATER II, LLC Parcel No. 1000-40-1-20.2 STREET & LOCATION: 63735 C.R. 48, Greenport DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: July 12, 2001 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property is a vacant lot in Greenport with frontage of 128 feet on the North Road and 150 feet on the Long Island Sound, with depths of 977 feet(east) and 919 feet (west). The approximate distance from the North Road property line to the top of the Sound Bluff is 810 feet (east) and 725 feet (west). BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Inspector's May 1, 2001 Notice of Disapproval, denying a permit to build a new single-family dwelling because the proposed house: (1) has a third story, in violation of the 2-1./2 story limit in Code Section 100-32, and (2) has an elevator shaft higher than the 35-foot limit in Code Section 100-32. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant requests a variance authorizing construction of a single-family house [with upper floor area shown on architectural plans dated 7/9/01 prepared by Ira Haspel Architect, P.C. (Job ref. 202101)]. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. The architectural plans show a third-floor bedroom suite of 990 sq. ft. The ground floor footprint is 4357 sq. ft. and the second floor covers 2415 sq. ft. Applicant states that the third floor was designed to comply with the Code definition of a half story, but presented no measurements to support that statement. The Board will treat the matter of the third story as a request for a variance. 2. The proposed house has an irregular roofline made up of various sloping elements with numerous angles. As read from the plans, the maximum roof height is about 37-1/2 feet while the average from eaves to peak is about 32 feet, within the 35-foot limit of the Code. The square footage of the third-floor bedroom suite is less than 25 percent of the ground floor footprint, and the presence of the third floor does not affect the compliance of the roofline with the'35-foot limit. 3. The proposed house has a large chimney that appears, from the plans, to be about 41- 1/2 feet high. Chimneys higher than 35 feet are permitted by Code section 100-230(D)(1). The height of the elevator shaft is equal to the highest roof peak, and several feet lower than the chimney. Elevation drawings show the chimney as a prominent feature while the top of the elevator shaft is a less prominent element of the irregular roofline. • ` j1k Page 2 -July 19, 2001 -, (.\,,, �� ✓� ZBA Appl. No. 4968—Edgewater II, LLC V 1\ Parcel 1000-40-1-20.2 at Greenport c./ 4. The proposed house is set back about 500 feet from the North Road and has side yards of 20 and 25 feet. There is no evidence that the design or siting of the house poses any threat to the character of the area. 5. Based on the foregoing factors, the Board concludes that grant of the requested variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or detriment to nearby properties. 6. There is no evidence that grant of the requested variance will have an adverse effect or impact on physical or environmental conditions. 7. The action set forth below is the minimum necessary to enable applicant to build a house in accordance with his plans while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Collins, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the application as applied for, authorizing construction for the • house as proposed with a third-floor bedroom suite and elevator shaft shown on the architectural house plans dated 7/9/01, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION that a comprehensive fire-prevention system must be operative throughout the house at all times. (indoor sprinkler system) . This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that violates the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Dinizio, Tortora, and Collins. This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). __ ._,_________ --- — `� � - a R P GOE RIN R, C ' IRMAN t.EChIVEt) \1D I�It) ) , . THE SOUT'HOLD TOWN CLE a( DATE -1 a4(o l HOUR [0,.c it (VIZI r' /r Town Clerk, Town, of Scuts-old . ,.a ' i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:10 p.m. Appl. No. 5093 — EDGEWATER III. This is a request for a Variance under Sections 100-231, and 100-31C.4B, based on the Building Department's Amended February 27, 2002 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant proposes: (1) after-dark lighting, a prohibited use, for a proposed accessory private tennis court structure, and (2) tennis court fencing over the height limitation of the code for an accessory private tennis court. Location of property: Route 48 a/k/a Middle Road, Greenport; 1000-40-1-21. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desiring to be heard at the hearing, or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of this hearing. This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business days (8-3 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765- 1809. Dated: April 3, 2002. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 - . e, 00 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE e Y Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS f 1, MARRIAGE OFFICER � � Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =- ®� , *D��1. Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ,,�� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: February 19, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5093 (0,2 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5093 —Edgewater, FL-LC -Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is letter from PI Moore, ZBA questionnaire, transactional disclosure form, SEQR, two surveys. '¢04e.N�' i c - 6 ) !/�- FORM 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: January 14, 2001 TO: Ira Haspel A/C Edgewater III LLC ' . 126 East Main Street - ----- Bay Shore,NY 11706 • i))i!X77,� 1 ' '� _ ._. �j� I Please take notice that your application dated January 14, 2001 JAN 14 200.1, For permit to construct an accessory tennis court fence with a height-of-ten-(10)-feet-at Location of property: Route 48, Greenport County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 40 Block 1 Lot 21 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed tennis court fence is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-231 which states; "Fences, walls or berms may be erected and maintained, subject to the following height limitations: A. When located in the front yard of residential zones, the same shall not exceed four feet in height." The proposed fence is measured at 10 feet. 7 „AA, WAuthorized Signature CC: file, Z.B.A. t 41 - - -- - {\7 ii 7 y lcOr./` 11: 4eAl- ,' FEB2 )? j� ,;'� .4,ta4i g,�:f e FORM NO: 3 ►A _-_L:,,''. t,..“_..."� NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: January 14, 2001 Amended: February 27, 2002 TO: Ira Haspel A/C Edgewater III LLC ct 126 East Main Street �Q 09/0 Z /a""- /, "^ -"-,42,- , T Bay Shore,NY 11706 Please take notice that your application dated January 14, 2001 w\ e-`102A. cl c-cAqA., F-cictat-.c. , For permit to construct an accessory tennis court fence with a height of ten(10) feet at Location of property: Route 48, Greenport County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 40 Block 1 Lot 21 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed tennis court fence is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-231 which states; "Fences, walls or berms maybe erected and maintained, subject to the following height limitations: A. When located in the front yard of residential zones, the same shall not exceed four feet in height." The proposed fence is measured at 10 feet. \\,e� In addition, the proposed tennis court is not permittedpursuant to Article III, Section 100-31, C. 4. B., which states, "Individual outdoor tennis court related to residential use on a lot containing a single-family detached dwelling,provided that the same is set back not less than six (6) feet from all lot lines and that there is no lighting for after dark use." OP While the tennis court is set back more than six feet from all lot lines,plans not four (4) light poles for after dark use: y e I , \. Authorized Signature CC: file, Z.B.A. • TOWN )F SOUTHOLD . WILDING l� `OT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you Lave or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sets of Building Plans TEL: 765-1802 Survey • PERMIT NO. Check Septio Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: p pprol(ed ,20 • Mail to: 10, -Vas`to A vck tii-2Gt- Disapproved a/c 12(, Maw\ SA" 4 Shot. b'I I( io • Phone: (¢31 ' 2S� Building Inspector 1f sill 20(17 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT, Date 1 I ,20 0 7- INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit aha1l be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what-so-ever until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS BEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,an. egulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections 111111.11W01, aapplic:.' a,name,if a corporation) I t E M-‘'n SnOk t { I»o L • (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee, agent, architect, engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder A'C Orm`\ c-T Name of owner of premises e dolep3 ak e.v ',_11 (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) • • Builders License No. • • Plumbers License No. • • Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on whichroposed work will be done: • \I'6c ' i e.,Asc-,c House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section WO Block I Lot • Subdivision Piled Map No. Lot • (Name) Z. State existing use and occupancy " remises and intended use and occupa"^"of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupant,,, t2.e.s d a ; •— - b. Intended use and occupancy a_LS Id L"t a 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work ID' F.t.K.ct- Ave..) +-t•►,,vs cow . (Description) 4. Estimated Cost • Fee <3 Lc- (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars • 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of exjs* tructures,if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories • Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot:Front \SD Rear q Y Depth cl-no :1 I ' • 10. Date of Purchase -GIrt. Name of Former Owner I"-0- 'k`a • 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated IttS dem cJ• • 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: \IQ,S 13. Will lot be re-graded • Will excess fill be removed from premises: YES NO C�extwAci MC r,L G Address '2-1‘2-'3aw�,tJy "'�t w�l Phone No. 14.Names of Owner of premises 16 c, b((le Lo w` Name of Architect 1 Ya \-1a s Address 1 6 MaAr -ahsi Phone No (d31-G�s- s Name of Contractor Address . Phone No. Lo V 1 S°"s 15. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED 16. Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) Ick? W being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)He is the YGr\v (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application'filed therewith. ' Sworn to before me this, 1 -f j day of /411/6� 20s.;12_- �,� i�2lOD�.O.O��t � •! . Notary lic Signa - o'Applicant • ELIZABETH MARTELLUCCI Notary Public, State of New York Qualified Suffolk County • Reg. No. 01 MA5058026 Comm. Expires April 1,.2400?— 1 • 7 • • 1 Ar., f For*Office Use Only: Fee$ ,k .), 6/D Z 3'No p., Assigned No. 5 TOW,OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALED: CJA4vuA�y /¢ zcz�l ;16:74; /eJ t7 pH7,eici TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) G �� c AU6F64,1 eW4-731, L C � �/yrr.tCA C•�'►/lod S-Ozo (Appellant)Owow) of ! /3' N f� U (Tel # 74,S: '�33 a ) HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED /Jig1°Z WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED I ( 5,t' °z FOR: •) Permit to Build ('F:evIcG) RECEIVED ( ) Permit for Occupancy zs- P M ( ) Permit to Use ( ) Permit for As-Built FEB ) 5 2002 ( ) Other: 1. Location of Property `fig Southold Tow ark District 1000 Secfion....P...Block / Lot(s) Current Owner eckiewcA121, LLC 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) ArticleAt•4.L.1. Section 100- .g I Sub-Section 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Article , Section 100- ( ) Reversal or Other: 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal (iters•} (has not) been made with respect to this property or-with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector(Appeal # Year ) REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with applicant's signature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable •.flange will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to n. ,{by properties, if granted, because: CZ a79 6 -, NEL) 2 51 DrGNCE + D )En1N I s Co p /91g-e- eoros cr-p 8 v I LD/ivb Mean--ri 1.56(0D havN)5 Co(r(z r CR.�-4‘.ic e2 -3 A- (0.1 r N GGr: -To Rel-0/1,3 3 A u 5 IN C01021- . (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: L/4' HHvlvNr o.>= ,,ce- 15 NpT.SQt TNN(S oovl27- is /N T+-tt:�,Or -4-s CE �es�z Pi-kJE'P A-C�e "�.nom.)(s t(7 LP�/�� y D , N&- imus /9w4-y m pr. cis v i mtoc,4-T . (3) The amount of relief rer kW; sted is not substantial because: �Enfc� vbiel 05 ie--00I 6 To tj — NOT- QP-f)GTicpi-��L l ENNCS CoUA�1—; (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions In to neighborhood or district because: ktou— /j-�{D TAJN�S , oure.4" CorrsT7�v�&U wooD$- i--ENc� �s ra r inva,z S crvcm•E• (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or (X) No. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of fini. neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box if USE VMIANCE STANDARDS c•, a ttached. Sworn to before mp this ( ignature of Appellant or Authorized Agent) da of ....14 , 20 01. (Agent must submit Aut A/inn ,.._ �L;: horizatton from Owner) Notary Public ZBA App 08/00 • FRANCESCA MILDE Notary Public,State of New York No. 01 M 16044344 Qualified in New York County Commission Expires July 3,2002 .., . . —VO ___/ - ,JTOWN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD 0 NE" STREET 3' 75 VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT ___4.---------- F3c/geta r I' LLC.-- 6 1c4c FORMER OWNER , ACREAGE 4 r_mr, la s va rya r 1 vs. - ,:i ,td, 16,...,..,„().-20(Ait, 1 s 1,, i ..... r,:-,:,( W TYPE OF BUILDING (:7--'/.'-47 / 1 )/14/2-41-114. f/P,'.- t. ,•:: .„k,-,t ,A, , P lc'Y'' .-• rci RES. SEAS. VL. 8 is FARM COMM. IND. CB. MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS / /1 tf-14 '. Le7:-- . e1---4-4 -7-50 --t„ ),/ I. ./ 2 c , __5__ . ) 6 5- 6 6 , ,2 0 4 z.-. 4 . I') 'k -:...,:d.,.i.),- 6 24 / 7 --- 11 # / 16(,)// i:92 47 --)q • iv. c. (/i: r-/a„,.. ,,....,,, „ ,.. , i ..., V,21,0/-.= L 1:2/119/0;621/-6r/an)(5 ID e1óe u25/67 49cooe . -AGE BUILDING CONDITION / //,/ j 62 NEW NORMAL BELOW - ABOVE i t, 0 '') 4,4t t-6-1-4-06. 0 q 6, 6r--6 -'.. Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value ter'41 7-1-e4,--..ro 1 i 6 . &- ) ---- -4-6 0 . tillable 1 _57: - — - Tillable 2 _.. Tillable, 3 Woodland >wampland 3rushland ,House Plot •- --- - • . . Tota l - - , , • LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PROPOSED ROOF DRAINAGE II VILLAGE OF GREENPORT (6)10 O DRAINAGE RINGS-RESIDENCE UJ i1)100 DRAINAGE RINGS-GARAGE 7. ^/ VACANT PROPOSED IO-0'HIGH FENCE O S25°17'30"' TO SURROUND TENNIS COURT of II --„ 1-1"0 529-_99x.; P T LIGHT POLES W/S 100 WATT LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ,-m-_�_____ METAL HALIDE SHOE FOX LIGHTS_____-_i1____________________________ ° ____ _____o_____________o_ RICHARD PETRCY _ - ri___________________ _________.nlm CI l J� _ .TOP OF IJGHT POLES SET Qo 21'0'-'i' VACANT \Y _ - — 0 •I 1 N 20' SETBACK ' ) rn iD IV iJA S26°10'42"E 447.79' z ;j M -r`‘ • o '�', p ,, JY/ 1 I m riftiii,j‘446................-4,0. 4'p'•251'' I\ PROPOS �' 1, m tF � I \iC1 \� \ \\'. / , <CAR GE ��iP0��'`\ \� �' j\�``, .tyFk o��'♦ i414:4441444- ® 1 \�\�y� • 1• 11 ', ,,t j1 '�,, '/ i'/ 1 `� \"'\✓' \\., ' PROPOSED2 DEEP LP(2W/¢ 1pa ` , 100 6o'_�n O .II II • `\ ;l SCTM#'1000-40-1-21 -- r_' za1'_s" EXANSION • Crl ��\ • �\\ ,`;l'`1',, ;,1}1•; ,'yO 13 ao0 63875 County Rd 4$ G \\%,/ \� < ` \\ % PROPOSE ' INSPECTED 4-p0? '; w~ l_ \\� ��°s` ,"�\\ '� 1 y 2000 GALST Q ��• LAND NON OR FORMERLY of ('� \\' `�r\,. o / r�A �— L• HD n1sm1 EDGEWA TER III, LLC I I 1 �� I 11 FO e;^� MUNE.. ,.;,? � S/L4°56 30 E DS °R q 2 t1ACANi a% In N I llnu.mmnmOmLu r apr.°nm,k...mgonJorM1cJampcnLunn n\ / 25' SETBACK 68.70„ m.eJarrh„m,n,1,,ran,nm„nant.., nngOw,c,ln,an.Rhaen M2 N in m anon,made the altering arch.em ch.ativ to hale,the vrl and the.emmn 976.71' ` ir�.11.rm116.1 °=N h,h,„4 rvre the dm°,such ahm.nan.nJ a.pa.ue I I• - annipnnn na,hc al,enrna PROPOSED 1 STORY WOOD FF„MED RESIDENCE W/FINISHED FLOCK@ Ira Haspel RST 00 ELEV Nota Architect, P.C. All electncal service and telephone hoes to be underground Proposed Site Plan - Garden House 126 L ILllN,TIILLT Scale 1°=30'-0' B\\I66i7L -I.V.MI u;a, TLL Gil f6i1i2i-I.V.Gil f6i 1i6, pcm BASED ON SURVEY BY JOHN C EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR <np1„gnr �znn 1a n,apH Al Mg.x.aer.N ... ) ...„ 6 MAIN STREET i_ RIVERHEAD,NY 11901 TEL 631/369-8288 • FAX 631/369-8287 • COHEN RESIDENCE Garden House 63875 County Road 48(North Road) Southold,New York 06,1/01 10,1.1 Site Plan-Garden House 1 1000-40-1-21 J1 \ Construcuan Documents 1 ♦ •• N)1 10a1roe S1-3 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,11'$ IFFO(,t �,• V CQG"‘ Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ���_ y�: 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora P.O.Z t P.O. Box 1179 George Horning 47 I Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva �.`T�Q 4;$.t ZBA Fax (631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando _ 4 4g ;,11Telephone (631) 765-1809 .•.•�'' http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 2, 2002 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: April 18, 2002 Variance Decisions #5093 and 5120 (Edgewater Ill LLC) Dear Mrs. Moore: Enclosed please find a copy of the Appeals Board's determination rendered at the April 18, 2002 Meeting. Please be sure to follow-up with the Building Department for the next step in this building-permit application process. When returning to the Building Department, please bring an extra copy of this determination (and, if applicable, the amendment to the maps to show conformity with the Board's decision and/or conditions). Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman Enclosure Copy of Decision to: Building Department F Y e v ) �� /�/////iii��- ��ggoo APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS --,-" '����:Cr®S��FO1. - Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman 1111•• 45.• ;®�# : 53095 Main Road 4 Lydia A. Tortora .Y # ., ,„ P.O. Box 1179 i .; `i` UU � George Horning * ��� Southold, New York 11971-0959 o Ruth D. Oliva �' `,`` 4 "y ®� ��� ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 �® i� Telephone(631)765-1809 rr Vincent Orlando 1 •� ") . , .•''�� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF APRIL 18, 2002 Appl. No. 5093 and 5120 - EDGEWATER III, LCC ' Location of Property: Route 48 a/k/a Middle Road, Greenport Parcel 40-1-21. BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval dated February 27, 2002, denying a permit for 10-foot high fence for an accessory tennis court, in excess of the code's 4 ft. height limit pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-231, and for after dark lighting for the tennis court, prohibited pursuant to Article III, Section 100-31, C.4.B. AREA VARIANCE REQUESTED: Applicant wishes to construct a 10-foot high fence to surround an accessory tennis court to contain tennis balls. The applicant also requests a variance to install four light poles, each would hold eight (8) 100-watt metal halide shoe-box lights mounted on top of the 21-foot tall poles to enable the applicant to play tennis after dark. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on April 18, 2002 at which time written and oral evidence was presented. ' Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: ' 1. PROPERTY FACTS: The subject property contains applicant's single-family dwelling and a detached two-car accessory garage, which are under construction. The property has frontage of 150 feet on the North Road and 93 feet on Long Island Sound, with a depth of 977 feet (east) and 919 feet (west), all as shown on the site plan prepared by Ira Haspel, Architect, P.C. dated 1/29/02. 2. The lot is wooded with mature trees that are 35 ft. to 40 ft. that would help screen the lighting. The first lighting pole would be located at a minimum distance of 90 feet from the North Road. The applicant is a shareholder of the two adjacent properties, and the other parcel to the east is parkland owned by the Village.of Greenport. The nearest residence to the applicant's property is 530 feet. , 3. By way of attorney, applicant has agreed to conditions to ensure that the after dark lighting will not impact the neighborhood I . 1 , Page 2—April 18, 2002 Appl. No. 5093 and 512(1=Edgewater Ill 40-1-21 at Greenport REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted, the board make the following findings: 1. Grant of the area variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties . The property is secluded from neighbors and the nearest residence is 530 feet away. Lighting from the tennis court will be screened from view on the North Road by mature trees and by a minimum set back of 90 feet to the first pole. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The maximum allowable fence height for front yard locations is 4 ft. Applicant's property is a waterfront property. However, even if the tennis court were located in the waterside (rear) yard, the proposed 10-foot height would still exceed the 6 ft. limit. A 10-foot height for tennis courts is standard and the applicant has no other alternative but to seek a variance in order to contain the balls within the court. Similarly, because the code does not permit after dark lighting, the only remedy to enjoy the use of the court after dark is a variance. 3. The variance granted herein is not substantial because the fence height is standard to enclose tennis courts, and the after dark lighting will only be used during play until 10 PM during the season. 4. The alleged difficulty has been self-created and is due the applicant's desire to enjoy the use of an accessory tennis court after dark and with a fence height sufficient to contain the tennis balls. 5. The variance granted will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that the variance will have an adverse impact on physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. 6. Grant of the requested variance is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of tennis court fencing and after dark lighting while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Tortora, seconded by Chairman Goehringer, and duly carried, to: GRANT the Variance, as applied for, subject to the following CONDITIONS: Page 3—April 18, 200 Appl. No. 5093 and 5120— Edgewater Ill 40-1-21 at Greenport 1. The light poles shall be set back a minimum of 90 feet from the front yard property line. 2. The lighting shall be shielded to the tennis court. 3. The tennis court lighting shall not used or turned on after 10 PM. 4. The Board of Appeals reserves the right to inspect the tennis court lighting for a period of one year, after a certificate of occupancy has been issued. If the board determines that the lighting is adverse or projects onto the North Road, the board may require the applicant to provide additional screening or to take other measures to ensure that the lighting will not have an adverse impact on the neighborhood. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that violates the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer(Chairman), Tortora, Oliva, and Orlando. Nay: Member Horning. This Resoluti•• •,. • °i adopt- GG:LT erard P. Goehringer, Chair -n / "Y-3o- 02_ AND FILED EY 11 �i�JEJ is `..LL 3f J b✓1! DiyA70 5 I 2-0-L-W 01/16C— > 1 C3,722 C .'r , Town o oL1t� oid June 4, 2002 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P. O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. —5093 — Edgewater III Action Requested: Tennis court fencing and lighting Within 500 feet of: ( X ) State or County Road ( ) Waterway (Bay, Sound or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman By: Enclosures Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 02/19/02 Receipt#: 3167 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $150.00 Check#: 3167 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Edgewater, li Llc 63735 County Road 48 Greenport, NY 11944 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:49838 '24 /62 PATRICIA C. MOORE 3: O P�� Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary February 5, 2002 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re : fence Edgewater III , LLC Dear Chairman and Board members : Enclosed please find six copies of the application and accompanying documents for the height variance for a tennis Court fence. Also enclosed is my check in the amount of $150 . 00 for the required filing fee. Very truly °'ours, ":; Patricia C. Moore cc : C •1 • • t I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PROPOSED ROOF DRAINAGE - I VILLAGE OF GREENPORT (n)t0'a DRAINAGE RINGS-RESIDENCE U•I (1)10'O DRAINAGE RINGS-GARAGE I lc VACANT PROPOSED 10 D.HIGH FENCE i S25°17 30 TO SURROUND TENNIS COURT of 1\ ow o__ -------529 99' ; o II __ 4 LIGHt POLES WI(5)100 WAT+ _________________________________________ r LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ; •-• M_O ______________ ____ _____________________________________ METAL HALIDE SH6EtfDx[1Gnrs______r!-_____ _____�________. I , RICHARD PETRCY - - _ '` : TOP OF LIGHT POLES SET(]21-0- i -- __ ___._______` it ^ VACANT ill k, o - i 0. ^I 1 kr) In o o ! 20' SETBACK I S26°10'42"E 447.79' z `;� �� i';-r`� o I r \ ', \ ,l`, .1' -A. 25r•Oy m \ I / g' W.....‹.-:-,:„°: 1 \ ce, ,, , '\,• r r CAR POS.GE /( 'I/ \ ) /\� O] oS. I 1 \\\\, ,,`,l' fr' / ��\\ rs i \i .���►�i� 'ed 60'0" ? I1 y /• ` r\ . ,/i / / ,PROPOSED(2)8,. �``, O l..k....\ \1/� r`\\ rr\rr `\ _ 1 —� \� %/ ,12 DEEP LP W/ /or I 1y \\ '.\;1 2::::ell " E%PANSION ��� + r `d : SCTM#�'1000-40-121 �. _ �� __� _ `.' d I • \l\,'," r t\1,. 1 • \r b TS 7/p,60U 63875 County Rd 48 ' ;\:/1 \ 4/N. S PROPOSE i' TE o 2q,Ov 2 ',r. '^ \_ \\\;r 1;', r;'1';'•,;:p \ l' o ` / j— 1 \/ 2000 GALST Q • INSPECTED B- `-Q, LAND NOW OR FORMERLYoi Cr) V\4,4 • , o Q 1 11 t PSP F� '�`— �_ / HD 7/19101 - w EDGEWA TER III,LLC `Y \ \ SJL4 56 30 E °R q 7 L4CANi % U1 Ir,aul r. `\ 9'..\-,;••••.•;\.\ \,\•\\,%:\ /y 1O 2 \naamhevv v.rM1cba rm.nvp:nnn,unlna.crng unJm rk rLrm u�pmiannm +`\ / ) 68'1 , [,„ .ILcrnrcJ archrm r7/firer urr"mrmvn aavbaarmy rherc.Jnr>,r arehrcer.it a'r Cn2 / N 25' SETBACK 976.71 ° a la made the Jrcrnd arch tar ap nuvmhana the uW rkv au ',Sarni M•mlbraxJ by by R^ c rhe dare nr.urh ahmimv.and a.pcvic • Je",.m the ahm+vnv PROPOSED 1 STORY WOOD FRAMED RESIDENCE W/FINISHED FLOOR D" .37 00 ELEV Ira Hasp& Architect, P.C. Note All elecincal service and telephone Ines tope underground Proposed Site Plan - Garden House DR L ll11\STREET B\\SHORE IO10111,10111,I1]aR TLL rrl(I.7525 -h F U 6i1 61"5Ti95 Scale 1"=30'-O' wm.rraha.pduvn Coplmghr c2001 In ilupc1,N Ipghe Rcrmd. BASED ON SURVEY BY " ...,....... )(<...... • JOHN C TREERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD,NY 11901 TEL 631/369-8288 FAX 631/369-8287 COHEN RESIDENCE Garden House 63875 County Road 48(North Road) Southold,New York Ilt11,111, 1,1, 111 91 Cnenr.marillacuurc trams. renorcl 06/17/01 ./07/01 C.nmann.lkwewenSo 0.m. 00(1.1 1,1,01 Wilt 1,2 (...n„ .n� mr� l I( Y Site Plan-Garden House lJ 1I 1000-40-1-21 J Consrru 000 Documents • -. nnl 10.10. S1-3 l , APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORH The Town of Southold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees . The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAME: G ��Q-�� _LC- (Last name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name . ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance x Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other ( If "Other, " name the activity . ) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest_ "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YESNO /�,�/ If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant ) and the town officer or employee . Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling, parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation) ; B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) ; C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicants or ___D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this (1, 400p - Signature , 4,, -Signature Print name George M. Cohen • 14.16-1(2/871-Text 12 PROJECT 1.0.NUMBER 617.21 (II I S�� • State EnvironmentalAppendix QualityC Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) I 1. APPUCANT/SPONSOR UDGek) � - LLC I 2. PROJECT NAME T?�'YYILS C -• rc�y/cC i 3. PROJECT LOCATION: 124 Lis Municipality jCm?ICC D County X51/-Ef l k_ • 4. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address and road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.,or provide map) • )000 - d-10 - (..i - aI ILa...cit. l o+ o n Lon 1 (a rJ SOUv1a 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: tTNew 0 Expansion 0 Modification/alteration •I 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: 1o 1••e./IrinIS (Pt.►Yt- -re�Ylc-G ' . 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially __ acres Ultimately Z acres 4. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? l2• ❑Yes No It No.describe briefly VC.l„it 41144..v -rtrY -14 li- of- -rem c e 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? OAesidenllal 0 Industria! ❑Commercia �--! Describe: l 0 Agriculture ❑ParWForesVOpen space G Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING.NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEOERA STATE OR LOCAL)? 0 Yes ,IS;No It yes,list agencyts)and permiVaoprovals 11. COES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIZN HAVE A CURRENTLY VAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Yes L_N• It ye-_:.list aq:ncy name and permit/approval 7 WAC i-c.c,1,1 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITIAPPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? Cl Yes ElNo I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE J�' Applicant/sponsor name: —.mat Air_ Date. Signature: • J- • If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment • • OVER 1 d ' • QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH' YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION _ A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. ) L�-C- B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for L. sale or being shown to prospective buyers? ( } Yes {x} No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes- fX} Na D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? No 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map snhmitted with this application? Os 3 . Is the property buLtheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? No 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the To�Trus tees for its determi nation of jurisdiction? b7u ciiwo E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? N . (If not applicable, state "N.A. " ) F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown an the survey map that you are submitting? fv9 If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? yeS If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. - a#rch.d Flu-oat;11 H. Da you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? 5riv,00. If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. Lt-C'S I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel e d€'t e C*-• airatadyuctitrn and proposed use qty,nw;, Au rized Signature and Date 3/87, 10/901k TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ( BUILD1N APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT _ 1 Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 • 3 sets of Building Plans TEL: 765-1802 Survey PERMIT NO. Check . Septic Fonn ' N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: 1 Approved ,20 Mail to: \y k\ `e A A vcAi t o c k Disapproved a/c 12.6 Mavn Sk ,"'U Shores W'1 111 Phone: (e 3►- r . - • .._2 S' ! ` it.1 ii ' � i 2002 Building Inspector L-----------4----------__d APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT. Date I I , 2002 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. . e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what-so-ever until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,an. egulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections • dititarit140./_ / ' "fie�' "ice-applic... •'name,if a corporation) 16 E Mz,'vi a S1nek 0.1 1ii0to (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder ArC vkk Q.c-A- . Name of owner of premises dole. c`��e.N - _l i l : 1--LC . (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) • Builders License No. Plumbers License No. • • Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: .I. c_- ,v-\-k- l N 4c‘ C- 'Q e-v, '0Y House Number Street Hamlet • - County Tax Map No. 1000 Section t+ ) Block I Lot 7-1 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) e. t. State existing use and occupancy of ,Wises and intended use and occupan 'proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ( 1....s ��- b. Intended use and occupancy 12 r.s toy o-L-4 Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work ID' o.) hns (Description) 1. Estimated Cost Fee 41 , (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars • 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of exiiskillSructures,if any:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories ' 9. Size of lot:Front 1 SD Rear q 3 y Depth 017 t • 11 • • 10.Date of Purchase- (SAM. Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated IQ-LS deivob 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: e.S 13. Will lot be re-graded • Will excess fill be removed from premises: YES NO cdelewako,7IC �L� Address ��Z a'3dw ,N`( �1w• 14.Names of Owner of premises (o cm_b,g e. co ht, 2 `'� N l Phone No. Name of Architect \re \-1a e to Address 11.-ko E M \r• s sly .Phone No 63 c-66-C- z s Name of Contractor Address Phone No. b.90.ct S6U 15. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO Gv° • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED 16. Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) aSP being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, . (S)He is the A * vk-L c* (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application'filed therewith. Sworn to before me this, day of /iqiYalife i1 20 o Z / -- 111111517fgna / Notary ' blic .e o'Applicant ELIZABETH MARTELLUCCI Notary Public. State of New York Qualified Suffolk County • Reg. No. 01 MA5058026 Comm. Expires April 1,.2.000_ --ti ... .0 I,. r - • i •• L • • • \ - — I • ti, 14• I e r' LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PROPOSED ROOF DRAINAGE 'I VILLAGE OF GREENPORT (4)100DRAINAGE RINGS-RESIDENCE w --\t)100 DRAINAGE RINGS-GARAGE I VACANT PROPOSED I0-0`HIGH FENCE m O S25°17'30" TO SURROUND TENNIS COURT rto • r' o - 9' =g I LAND NOW FORMERLYOR _________________________ - �� »•1_CIGlh POLES___9 OF • __1h_O__ ____________________________________ LI___�____ (USODWATTti "- ___ RICHARD PETRCY • _ _ __ •••;Wee0P.eFe-F�551L eeswT, ye;'4-=2..`!______ VACANT ° _— - _ POPy SSET01'L` __ _______-*', , in 5'-. o -b----. __. to O4'O N 20' SETBACK - O ,I S26°10'42"E 447.79' • z ';��� X4:0, � i 'I \ \ ,�`, a\\•, 25'-0� m —'gam 1 /�\ i,ll ?4.0„7,6"03 rl I 11 \�y. „,,,..,,\ ,\ ,,\\ /i' �1 / \ / PROPOSED e- t. 2,02.... 0 60'-0° .F 1 N---\7 • \• \\\\\\::.\\:\\,....\ •\\' \\,; ',\ - '' 11.• '� t.. / J 1 a,\� %/ 12 DEEP IP�W/ /0, 1 `'', • ,` J�. .� 01'_6„ %PANSION M Csl ;,'', SCTM#'7 000-40-1-21• —rr• = 2 o I 1 �J \ 1; ;\ a zs” }t p0 • 63875COUflt)/Rd.48 � \\\ ;\ :,__:,E vcro" D I`.. `\, t1 ' ''',•' / IROPOSEW 7 TE 2 ,'i m� Q ` .1/4's \ / P '` T / 2,00°GAL 5 T Q INSPECTED B' N,•4\.,\\`‘`....••• � `• e A---- O_ ate`~`—_ _ � ----- • HD ��O" LAND NON OR FIOR LLC Cr1 Cr/„.7\ `% fk •.;•- '` ..\\\\\.,�a \ / S/ 4°56'30"E �`SFGOR o V EDGEWA o N I ,c.,n.Nrvc. A'F u' 26 t1ACANi I b,,..nr.emten Etter.:maanapenno tmh,.emtg.nJt'the daect,upen,.nnm 2 \ ! , 25' SETBACK 976.71' 8.1pn I .I.anaN udm ,nme..n.m ,.-.h..%,Areal nt„.twtea Dan .I¢t.mm u made,the.hcmg rrlulm aA.Ouu,m hu imt'MIN u the t„no-tn 7, ',Item]h,+mLLaaN M im aEmauee tk Jaw nr...hmmn anal a,enue dmripmn nrth<ilmmmm. PROPOSED 1 STORY WOOD FP AMED RESIDENCE W/FINISHED FLOOR "'°°E£ Ira Haspel Note An elechonol service end telephone fines to be undergroundArchitect, P.C. Proposed Site Plan - Garden House _ 126 D eat,.5TIILCr Scale 1'=30'-0' s o sxonL',WIC..u706 'I'LL 6316659523-FAX 01..7303 worm n,heapdn"n ASED ON SURVEY BY y� I op,nght r 2001 In" d M.,p14pnu livened JOHN C EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR ``S'` 1 6 MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD,NY 11901 TEL 631/369-8288 FAX 6311369-8287 COHEN RESIDENCE Garden House 63875 County Road 48(North Road) Southold,New York Cm R�m� vst /13/01 e•mne W/es/ot 10/16/01WI.DI 11,00 Site Plan-Garden House 1000-40-1-21 J \\\ ConstNcsonDocuments ) NW ne e' S1-3 -ENDE': COMPLETE THIS SECTION WK•1it1zIMl96. •11[•Ma7.fl.14111W ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature / item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �� A� , ❑Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse X � •t • r 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B Receive .y(Printed Na 1-) C •te 9f Delivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, /l G Z or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1 Article Addressed to If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Richard Petrocy 279 East 44th Street New York, NY 10017 3. Service Type Certified Mail 0 Express Mail ❑ Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C O D 4 Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7001 0360 0001 0525 1601 (Transfer from service label) I I?SlForm 38111„1.4ugust120,01(t d i 't j Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-2509 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail 11 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • PATRICIA C. IVIOORE ATTORNEY AT LAW 61020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Edgewater III Cs 4. Ii I 1511II1111iIili ulliliiiLI IL a ill jIl lslILIllIIistlIII : COMPLETE THIS SECTION its • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. � ❑Agent s Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Dat' .f Delivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, --ZO •N C-( 5 4e,-.6e1 /1 0-1_ or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? • Yes 1. Article Addressed to• If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No The Village of Greenport Greenport Village Hall 236 Third Street P.O. Box 2095 Greenport, NY 11944 3. Service Type 13 Certified Mail 0 Express Mail Zcj0 Q Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise i❑ in�sured Mail 0 C.O.D 21d-4 Reicted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes ,2Aiticle"Number� (Tra'nsrerfr'o'm,s �eq �3 A 0 -Ogre 1618 PS Form 3811,August 2001Domestic R t eoe ptg 102595-01-M-2505 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE c''' +I- .-r_ z s,Class*l- �� 4' -n_� ostage&-Fees�Paid C.) ii ArK —�- �"'� • Sender: Please print you1rrAme, address, ana ZIP+„4`in"t,_ his'box_!__.,,�__ PATRICIA Co MOORE ATTORNEY AT LAW 51020 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Edgewater III ililll!?Iiiili111!111111iihi11iliilllllliliiillltiiii1i,111th PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971-4616 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 April 17, 2002 Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re : Application of Edgewater III Hearing Date : April 18, 2002 Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed please find two return receipt cards for the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, t Patricia C. Moore //5)-2k___ PCM/mr Encls . 04/03/2002 17:50 6317659064 ZONINGAPPEAL-"-4RD': PAGE 03 `I' i. t��.�ec% �i�(C/O G4 /fir c y ,odQS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS • • •TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK • In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT • • Edgewater III • OF SIGN • • (Name of Applicant) POSTING • • • Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as • • 1000- 40 - 1 - 21 -----_ _-_ ------------.— _x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) • Patricia C. Moore residing at 370 Terry Lane, Southold , New York, being duly sworn, depose a,ld say that: • • On the 10 day of April , 2002, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application .noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten•(10)feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance)-facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster havemained• p ac.for seven days • • prior to the date of the subject hearing date was shown to be April 18, 2002. / . • • • • �--~' (Signature) Sworn to before me this i,24!" day of April , 200'2 1t_e c d tib ��� � MELISSA McGOWAN (Notary Public) Notar0uDGc,State of Newyorc No.4995913 • Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 41,,2q, . • • *near the entrance or.driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. U:S..Postai Service. ' w' CERTIFIED MAIL'.R'ECEIP •.(D,orrrestic-Mail Only'•No,Insurance.Covekage=Provi.e.,= fll m % _. ..q f\J�^ €[ j, i; t".1 W i ,,f if G^k 6.,• 'ti,J 'tea' !f, ul Postage J f1.1 /-�Certified Fee ; CCC...1 �;� CIrl Retum Receipt Fee -'© Postmark p (Endorsement Required) CM Here Restricted Delivery Fee , (Endorsement Required) 6 C� yA ,/O Total Postage&Fees Q oSent To ...-, Frank B. & Amie S,ponza r-1 Street,Apt.No.; 0 orPOBoxNo. 63980 Route 48 0 City,State,zrP+a Greenport, NY 11944 PS Form,3800,Janua 2001 , .See Reversefor lristru ..-- U.S. Seivi CERTIFIED'MAIL REGEIP - (Domestic'Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provide.:— ra J Postage ru S I p Certified Fee 0� �at r•q Return Receipt Fee ( stmar p (Endorsement Required) r 0 tS r_�iere Restricted Delivery Fee Ny, p (Endorsement Required) p Total Postage&Fees $ 9 rn Sent To Samir Attia & Jila Sharif r-4 Street,Apt.No.; p or PO Box No. 12 Woodfield Avenue City,State,ZIP+4 Fort Salonga, NY 11768 U S.Postar Service - • CERTIFIED;MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic`Mail Only;'No insurance. overage-P.Provided— r• ▪ 1- P: r r r € E` -F . IlJ Postage C e 1.11p cii Certified Fee �.- `} r-3 Return Receipt Fee Qyy„�� Postmark fa CO p (Endorsement Required ) / .e �T Here CI M%?0 Redonsery Fee l7 (Endorsement entnt Required) O Total Postage&Fees $ 3, 9 ' m- Sent To The Village of Greenport r—1 Street Apt.No.; I= or PoBox No. 236 Third St. , PO Box 2095 O l,_, City,State,ZIP+4 Greenport, NY 11944 P$Form :1 i an ".i_ r i . . .. l S F?Qsta!Servi r' - mmmw -CERTIFIED MAIL REQE , (Domestic Mail Only; No.lnsuranceXover'age'Prow'e. N . If r a ,4.,../.i I t i tf s <'",'.A �,,.:s_ ;:,,,,,-3: -yi3 p xa Ln ru Postage 117 O Certified Fee r—R Return Receipt Fee / LJ`�p` erlb Post ark 1 p (Endorsement Required) �. Cf? Herz fie^' 1 a 0 Restricted Delivery Fee ' t. (Endorsement Required) -. o ,r_. O Total Postage&Fees $ 3t t 49 e c \ t 0 Sent To Edgewater II c/o Cohen-4,- 1-4 Street,Apt.No.; 0 or PO Box No. 27 West 96 St.� A2t 15D City,State,ZIP+4 New York, NY 10025 PS.,Form`3800,Janaa. 2001' .e :... ' US:postai Service ' CERTIm'.IED,MAIL RECEIP °— (DomesticMail•Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided-- o' ..o r-1 Postage EM 4) ru O inr I(2 Certified Fee " rg Return Receipt Fee /r s-�` .�O Ostmark 17 (Endorsement Required) ''`-�'. 0 Here I=1 AY, r o Restricted Delivery Fee \'. (Endorsement Required) \\\ p s O Total Postage&Fees l MSent To Richard Petrocy ra Street,Apt.No:; O or PO Box No. 279 East 44th Street 0 r.. City,State,ZIP+4 New York NY 1001 i P.SsForm.3800 Janua 2001 "See Reiierse fo Insinictio 04/03/2002 17:50 6317659064 ZONINGAPPEAL.ARD : PAGE 04 - ' 't )(" �J ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of • . AFFIDAVIT Edgewater III OF (Name of Applicants) MAILINGS • CTM,Parcel #1000- 40 - 1 - 21 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) • • STATE OF NEW YORK) i I, Margaret Rutkowski • residing at 695 Theresa Drive, i • 'I Mattituck , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: • . On the 9th day of April , 200.2, 1 personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL•, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment rail verified from the official records on file with the (x) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office ' • for every .property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. • (Signature) Sworn to before me this • • i 5w'day of April , 200 2 ••i nu Ldd d -a 0-- MELISSA McGOWAN Nota Public) Notary Public,State of New York (Notary No.4995913 Qualified in Suffolk County ,.,.., Commission Expires May 4,20_. PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for Which notices were mailed- Thank you. ,• I Richard Petrocy SCTM# 1000-40-1-22 279 East 44th Street New York,NY 10017 The Village of Greenport SCTM# 1000-40-1-23 Greenport Village Hall 236 Third Street P.O. Box 2095 Greenport,NY 11944 Edgewater II SCTM# 1000-40-1-20.2 do George M. Cohen 27 West 96th Street, apt. 15D New York,NY 10025 Frank B. &Arnie Sponza SCTM# 1000-40-3-3.4 63980 Route 48 Greenport,NY 11944 Samir Attia and Jila Sharif SCTM# 1000-40-3-2 12 Woodfield Avenue Fort Salonga,NY 11768 ,0 ' in • PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary April 9, 2002 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Neighbors Re: Edgewater III Route 48 a/k/a Middle Road Greenport, NY 11944 SCTM# 1000-40-1-21 Dear Neighbor: I represent Edgewater III with regard to their property located at Route 48 a/k/a Middle Road, Greenport, NY. They are seeking a variance for after dark lighting for a proposed accessory private tennis court structure and tennis court fencing over the height limitation of the code for an accessory private tennis court . Enclosed is the Notice of Hearing and a survey of the premises showing the proposed tennis court, fence and lighting. The hearing on this matter has been scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 7 : 10 pm at Southold Town Hall . If you have any questions, or you wish to support this application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very t yours, ,---(/ . - Patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Encls . 10-3/70 -17:50 631700 ZONINGAPPEAL44: PAGE 02 NTICS OF PBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 ursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, p lication will be heard by the (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following app SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road,nn thereafter New York 11971, on THURSDAY, APRIL 181 20021 at the time noted below (or as s possible): 7:10 p.m. Appl. No. 5093 — EDGEWATER III. This is a request for VarianceAmendedr Sections 100-231, and 100-31C.4B, based on the Building Department's after-dark lighting, a February 27, 2002 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant pros court structure, and (2) tennis prohibited use, for a proposed accessory private tenni court fencing over the height limitation of the code for an accessory private tennis court. Location of property: Route 48 alk/a Middle Road, Greenport; 1000-40-1-21. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desiring to be heard at the hearing, or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of this hearing. This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hail business days (8-3 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765- 1809. Dated: April 3, 2002. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 I I I PROPOSED 10'-0" HIGH FENCE ~ ` , TO SURROUND TENNIS COURT o z o ____________________52999 '_ �5 _-(4) LIGHT POLES W/ (8) 100 WATT -I-_____- ___ METAL HALIDE SI-IOE$OXLIGHTS------_ i ----------- TOP OF LIGHT POLES SET @ 21'-0" / ------------------------DIRT--- ROAD1.'11.4 ;�I 1 \c'""eli -- -- 4„ ` 1 i • _ _ - - M_ o - M I I f4rZzo: 40" T w9: 5 � til o N/S�� t 1 'D (2) ;*1 K. 3 ` o ; 60 \ �;.P. W/ ro, �' ��' Cr) 1 IpN "Illi .141 I i O v' - 240'' �,= N 1 TE 2 ' iso.— 1 __,-----1 INSPECTED B �`p.. , LAND NA OR FORMERLY % ('l l o HD 7/19/01 _ o EDGEWATER III, LLC sz moo. o g r��� l c� t\ACANT N V 25' SETBACK976 . 711268'10" -N -, m M La 6tier3 'w={ LEGAL NOTICE. "-1S#', .c J �` I� „',NOTIcE,O f LJBi,l `` ' { f' HEA'RINGS," SOUTHtiErkTOWN',BO�,OF?,3 STATE OF NEW YORK) _t-...• w,,,, )VS. 1I';,s_• • ,-36,5.:,, -ity F --,------_-_',9f.pis pp ova,:.;, licant s:�•ro osing "APPEALS= _,. - Disa royal:�Applic' t7 'P P;4 g° '-::':.'HUHRSD'AY`'AP `.-, eSn_ COU F UFFOL RIF,x)18;, OQ12""� toxonstrlict=additiopsandalierations,.to= f'`IwNOTICEIISHEREBY';GIVEN,pur dwellingwhich;'will'be,lessth feet su'ant t Secti n 2b7.of''the Tow`n.Law 'from; �69�-A/ /�� &Q�� of Mattituck in Said ' ,�,.' Q _ _ ,-• the^front-propeity.airie,aE_375.: � -ands-Chapter'1.00;(Zoning),,Code of the" 'Wampum Way,4 Southold.- Parcel 1000• Towij:of Southoldr,the;followin a' li '� i• 3 - COUnty, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal �, g' pp 87=2='37,'and=38(combined'as.,one,lot), catio{%s will -tie'°','"fie ect:` by};?;tire , 00p`m pppj;'lvp:'s,.091: i2QB RT. clerk°3fTHE SUFFOLK TIMES,a weekly newspaper,pub- SOUTHOID TOWN�,BSO`ARD OFF-' S.an, DOROTHY-;YOUNG. 'Itis'_,is a li�hed at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of APPEAL-S aefilie•Town=`Ha11?"53095': requesOC-or Variance:under,Suction Maip'Road.Southold;New York'11971; -°100-33„ Based op' °ilii `suil'dig Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice of which w onalrli-RSDAY;:APRII:'�18'200 at'the ii'ar''' - ' ' 2:y Department's'Febru 4,2)02 Nolice •times+noted be�iow�(or as-soon thereafter c -P p the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly pub- r' ,x,Y�,.,asyTl� .,; ;o_f.°,Disapp�r<`oyal `;4pplican�', ro ose•a-_ aspossible):7''•.<•.- i....:, _new,'accesso"ry garage-as a replement lished in said Newspaper once each week 5:40:p.m.'AppI.No:,5.045il-,FLOYD , with'enl g than ;KING;"FRUST •'(Continuation from ':from'the c osest lot line,at 62615 Mirth rth for / weeks successiVel , commencing .,Janu ?10,20027H"erarin Calendar`,as ' _, y $;' Road;'Greenport;"Parcbl"1000='40-Y-8:`, on the 77 da ,,' requesioiii, y applicant)y`i•_ ' F;�,.'-',- ''`rv7:05 p.m °ApPI.No.`5092".-R.AND e 5:45,p.m. Appi..No. 5082•--PAUL J. ARNOLD:'t_This•'is'a request for'a Of �i�/��� 20� 2 - •AHLERS:=':This-3isa,(request,-)fork a Vuriaiice' under 'Section 7100=239.4B, ',iVariance':+under:.;Sectionn 1`00 33CYLand 'based"on thie"Biul�dit g'°Inspector's �_e, t =s1100=30A.4,4based^,on,•"the%Building -• 'Jana y 14,2002 Notii:e'o_f Disapproval: �.�C/ Depaitinept'sJaniiar 8,2(102;Notice of_ '�Applicant:is'proposing'to'construct a rincipal Clerk .,Disapproval irre8arding"applicantplan rear,deck'addition kith'aksetback`atless to.locatejari,laceessory storage,}building _ ;than^75-feet from a wood'retainin wall, with_a'setliack atYess than`fivefeet=from at'2I05',Bay Shore'Road Greenport; �� ,then ro ert cline si;. ;?`',;;:`'°::a^: ' 1: +' P ' , Sworn to befo a me this P-•,P Y _.; i�"; Parce',1'1000-53.4,=13: :' - '5:55:p.tit::App1.No.5083-,ANTHO- 7;10 p:m. ,Appl.No:5093-EDGE- day of /Yel- 1 ,2.,C��,f�L NYCARNESI.This is a request fora:_'WATER:Ill.,..,..-This is a'request for a_,,,, ��'7J �'�'l ;--Variance under,`S'ect on;:100-242-A' ' iia" ''" ti i, anal' %\!anance runder•Section"s`'100-231;"and'' ' /. •;4:100-244B s based'''on the Building;: 100-3.1C.4'B,`,based qtr' the•Building,. e ...Depaciirient's,,;,•Tams , 25; ^'2002:,.,,Department's`A}nended-Fabry NotaryAURA E. BONDARCHUIC 'Amended, otice''ofDisa' - + ' cant. 06067, State of New York pproval.regardry ,;;;2002: dtiC.eof Disapprova0 lic aAPI? uric;�, `.c,-•=ng applicant`s buit,4iii •"pe�mit applica=' - r'o oses: after=darkli hti`' �'. No in Suffolk o .,. ur..; �p.,p,•,,,.....,(i);� g ng,;u'Prai, °`t,tion�forYttie"asfbuilt locationot ai-` ;; QualifiedComsSuffolkry� '�'�,'^ a ��°�r�,r_i ^ r ,�- < ,"hibited:use�,•fa proposed accessory County t/t.) ~tion(s)/allerations,at,356jr Cedar-;Beach `: ;private,tennis court'structure,and 2 ^ My Commission EXpPJ@s Dec.24,2� -Road,;Southold;Parce1:1000-93 I�6 2 7. `tennis.court fencing over the t eight lip17,,..)- The r'eason's;'stated'-in-<,th ce.3so -•p of.r� -tite,code'for an acce ,, < e'Ngti ,, -��itation•of- ssory`pri=;., ;z ..,Disapproval'is that:,the"as;built"'.M1,";:q tea c it Location^"of pro a tennis ou p periy:;°;' •• dwelling is less,than?15�fee and-20,_tr.f',r " ''-' . I., * ,, out40-1 k/a'Z$•--Ro Green orf, .xo .the`side:yards`'`'snd-has,,a,to ri '.#r•._. " r „'*, �'',,, Opt ''`' i:k;. �- 1000=40-1-21;�",t'•.a- =;3 r e„yar`d;ofless;thad 35-feet,-an_d the:pro-°=--__F,.''7:25-p.m. fAppl..No. 5094-DON-:�• osed ddition/alferatio 4 '` ? '" -.�P •cti i%.utcreases:^the� �This-is a r i' I�;",' �,o t�=,�ryt-_'��:;j2��AI•DBitSKARD: equest Eric ' deg fon--conformanc Sr' ^s ,, ;�; �,,�, •�•-.�, ,ra,Vanagce under Section'100=33�+hased�;� , -6:00 Mp.m.,,-Appl:,No.,5014.--640» ?.,on the,Buildin Ins ctor's F CHURCH'ST+L•`LC` This is a gc', Pe- ebruaryl'�f, :' , t;eyuest.,s 4002 lioGce-of-Disapproval,'regardit%g`- for,a„Variance unde :Secti :o ,x. PEo - cces o �? ,._ � on _-100 S. PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 April 15, 2002 Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Application of Edgewater III Hearing Date : April 18, 2002 Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Affidavit of Posting and Affidavit of Mailing with Certified Mail Receipts for the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Encls . OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 44`,)C -):`153095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Email: Linda.Kowalski0Town.Southold.ny.us or Paula.Quintieri@Town.Southold.nv.us (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-9064 • April 3, 2002 7405— 6 /.5 /‘,)/74,6c-o2e___ Re: Chapter 58— Public Notice for Thursday, April 18, 2002 Hearing -- Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, with the above sketch or survey showing the new construction area, or details of your request, by Wedneday, April 10th, to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested for each metal stand as a deposit (if needed). There is no cost for a poster without a stand. Please post the Town's official poster/sign no later than April 11th. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. By April 16th, please either fax or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. The original Affidavit is due not later than the date of the hearing. Also, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the hearing, if possible. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. By April 18th, and after the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your signed Affidavit of Posting to our office. A copy may be faxed to us, with the original furnished during the hearing. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Enclosures Zoning Appeals Board and Staff P.S. Please pick up the poster sign between Monday and Wednesday, April 9`h-11th between 8-12, or 1:30-4. Thank you. -RANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 04/03/2002 17:52 DATE,TIME 04/03 17:50 FAX NO./NAME 7654643 DURATION 00:02:31 PAGE(S) 05 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHECKLIST FOR NEW PROJECTS LABEL APPL# rf�� ASSESSORS CARD (7 COPIES) NAME ,,'_.,.. ./%_ ✓ CTY. TAX MAP (7 COPIES + 1) CTM # /�_ -, ( INDEX CARD (ATTACH OLD) TOWN jiLA/41/ LIST ALPHA BOOK V RESEARCH ALPHA ✓/ COPY PRIORS V SIX COPIES INSPECTION PACKETS COMPLETE • REF: UPDATED NEW INFORMATION 47/01._ C-1thd ALge,-40 is c_ cLaa_e, i231/ 7� Pa� e-Q Agri- C/11 Aa- 13,4 0-al94.1_ //.Z ,/o Z ,GO0, 7�/iL�r2� lLtt etir c I-v / f-tI/ i •.t) a-��t� Lee e • 1' �l f�3 5 Lu) , yx-b 1 / 1 • • 1 • 4. 6; • I • • LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PROPOSED ROOF DRAINAGE: - ---------------- _co VILLAGE OF GREENPORT (4) 1_0_1 DRAINAGE RINGS - RESIDENCE e , ` (1) 10'o DRAINAGE RINGS - GARAGE • W 10'-0" HIGH FENCE SURROUNDING VACANT TENNIS COURT �0 CD � oz -- 25017 3 __. ---------- _____- --- 5_2„ -- . .1-4 c) m a__0 9: R T ROAD ---------------- D• ---------------------- --- -------------------------- -------------------= N AND NOW OR FORMERLY OF _--- -------------------------------- --- -------------- ` _ ---- -- ----------------------- / /`- -------------------1111 DIRT ROAD 1 RICHARD PETRCY __ --_, -- - —ter- -- -- -- -- �- --- ------ -------- �- -� �, m • VACANT Q =co - • _ _ 1 COILO i -CO 251 RO OSED 2 WATER LINE— — 1 I \ i J' -- T Cj�`�-- - — — T N ` '70.0,_ 80.0' N 15.0' 0 i Q 11 in S26142 E 447179 ' II PROPOSED I— I ,mooi 11 1 I , 3 CAR GARAGE _ — I _i t ,��� 1 1 y1 - � _ 60 I 26-6Y l'e n - ' i _ i � o 7` /QC�opoz 280 il ,'311 1 — \ CO IOW • t / 1 1 ! : ....o 1 � ` ti Z ! ' ' ' ! ' \ 1 PROPOSED / t \ \ / �Q. 31'. „ ?r7po a 89'-0" ___, /”' , , 1 �` -- / - SANITARY ! _� \ / \ / • M \ • \i t t ► , , ,� > - ♦ / 4. ;:r ` ` , ' , t 1 ; t t o o ` I SCTM# HOOO-4O- 12i Lr� Bo EN�.., _ t \ '� 1 ! tt t t .- 1-- �0 ♦ 7 " llr /\ \ / PROPOSED 11 1 A C , `� `` \ ` ' , t t \ t t t t \,, ,,s, ......?.....,, ,'�° 2.,,- OSS / ♦ 63875 V l�1 I��'�/ ( 1�.el . 48 (� . \\ // 1t2'_0 '1,,,;-4 Q I ! t �°R \ SANITARY VACANT 1 / o \ ', `� \ % ; \� \ `� ',` ',` ` �, �t` �, `,O����. oO ' I6 / . `60 � / OpCSF \<44)15.\\/// /� \ , \�./ SYSTEM 1 �Z1v. FA \ \ t `, , ,a�, ` `. �Sd ��RiL _ — LAND NOW OIC FORNIERLY r �zin‘,N A / fEDGEWATER III, LLC \` �`�� *.�\,\ . \ \ __ S24 ° ,56 ' 30 " EI ---- --` --- � r .q o. _ , Og Yp WARNING g p\` \ \ \ \\ \� ` \�\ Q 1� .,.... r0-0,'�_ �- N V It is a violation of the law for an person,unless actin under the direct supervision of cn, . �a\. ._ \ 1 N 1 a licensed architect,to alter anyitem in an way bearingthe seal of an architect. If an / d- 976 . ''i``"'` N alteration is made,the altering architect shall affix to his item the seal and the notation ______1_ _�_ili n "' "Altered by:" followed by his signature,the date of such alteration,and a specific ii description of the alteration. PROPOSED 1 STORY WOOD FRAMED RESIDENCE W/ FINISHED FLOOR @ Ira 1-laspel +37.00 ELEV. Note: Architect, P. 0 • All electrical service and telephone lines to be underground 126 E MAIN STREET Proposed Site Plan - Garden House _ • BAY SHORE,NEW YORK 11706 TEL: 631.665.7525 - FAX: 631.665.7595 SCcIG: 1 _ ry0i_On www.irahaspel.com Copyright ©2001 Ira Haspel All Rights Reserved. BASED ON SURVEY BY: JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 MAIN -STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 • . TEL 631 /369-8288 FAX 631 /369-8287 Project name and location: COHEN RESIDENCE Garden House 63875 County Road 48 (North Road) Soul. Dld, New York 0 • 4' CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT DATE 1 # REVISIONS DATE 1 Design Development 12/22/00 2 Design Review 01/09/01 . • 3 Construction Documents-Progress Set 08/10/01 4 Construction Documents-Progress Set 08/17/01 5 Construction Documents-Complete 09/05/01 6 Construction Document Set-Revised 09/14/01 7 Construction Document Set-Building Dept.Submission 10/16/01 8 Construction Documnet Set-Progress Set 11/02/01 9 Construction Documnet Set-Revised to include basement 11/30/01 x l 10 Construction Documnet Set-Revision to Foundation&First Floor Plans 12/14/01 ,r--..._.- 1 11 Construction Documnet Set-Tennis Court Fence Submission 01/10/02 ::lic 6;� �V 1,:: Cj-SI "4 t • 'Drawing tide: N . --i Site Plan - Garden House CTax map no.: 1000-40-1-21 ' J Phase: Construction Documents •• "drawn by: Job No.: 1 seal 'O 440 . MJI 108300-B 7,...4° 4t .•* - `- - jo . .ft: scale: date: ` t. �A g Refer to Rev. 1114*l 1 '"1 j drawing no.: i -,47,4 -/ -0_, I .A prit, ato2 A� S1 -2 r 1 I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF PROPOSED ROOF DRAINAGE: VILLAGE OF GREENPORT (4) 10'0 DRAINAGE RINGS - RESIDENCE (1) 10'0 DRAINAGE RINGS - GARAGE VACANT PROPOSED 10'-0" HIGH FENCE O — TO SURROUND TENNIS COURT oz S25 ° 17 ' 30 " 1 ,o _ _, - -529,,_99 , og �__--- - ---------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------- --------- (4) LIGHT POLES W/ (8) 100 WATT - -�-- r • LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF -------DIRT--- ROAD --=------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ / ----- ----------- N RICHARD --------- ------------------ --- METAL HALIDE SHOE�6XLtGI�TS_______ _______ __ ----------------______V _ ____-__ PETRCY TOP OF LIGHT POLES SET @ 21'-0" / r DIRT ROAD �' � M o - - b+- -- / ------------- �- -� -- d VACANT ---- 0 _ _ -- -- w M CO �; 1 0 20' SETBACK _ - _ M to 1 - Q 1 LO ;in -0I- .. 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N N alteration is made,the altering architect shall affix to his item the seal and the notation -400 ki M `�., , m m "Altered by:" followed by his signature,the date of such alteration,and a specific description of the alteration. PROPOSED 1 STORY WOOD FPAMED RESIDENCE W/ FINISHED FLOOR @ Ira 1 +37.00 ELEV. Note: Arch]te c t; P. C. All electrical service and telephone lines to be underground Proposed Site Plan - Garden House 126Ei12AINSTREET BAY SHORE,NEW YORK 11706 �� �� TEL 631.665.7525 - FAX: 631.665.7595 Scale: = 30-0 www.irahaspel.com Copyright ©2001 Ira Haspel All Rights Reserved. BASED ON SURVEY BY: JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 TEL 631 /369-8288 FAX 631/369-8287 r Project name and location: 1 COHEN RESIDENCE, Garden House 63875 County Road 48 (North Road) Southold, New York — - — J '[CONSTRUCTION DOCUI-LENT DATE ---- 1 # REVISIONS DATE 1 Design Development 12/22/00 2 Design Review 01/09/01 3 Construction Documents-Progress Set 08/10/01 4 Construction Documents-Progress Set 08/17/01 5 Construction Documents-Complete 09/05/01 6 Construction Document Set-Revised 09/14/01 7 Construction Document Set-Building Dept.Submission 10/16/01 8 Construction Documnet Set-Progress Set 11/02/01 _9 Construction Documnet Set-Revised to include basement 11/30/01 10 Construction Documnet Set-Revision to Foundation&First Floor Plans 12/14/01 11 Construction Documnet Set-Tennis Court Fence Submission 01/10/02 12 Construction Documnet Set-Elevation/Window&Door Review 01/18/02 13 Site Plan-Permit Submission for Tennis Court Fence&Lights 01/29/02 J Drawing title: Site Plan - Garden House9 /Tax map no.: 1000-40-1-21 ) Phase: Construction Documents J seal �` "n by Job No.: 1 MJI 108300-B scale: date: Refer to Rev. drawing no.: 4 S 1. — 3J