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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4060Board Of PERMIT NO. _4_0.60 ........ DATE: ... fffbd "R~GULAT~NG AND TH~ PLACING OF O~STK~,,C~Q~ ~S ~N AND .ON TOWN V/A~E~.~ ANk;~ PUBLIC LAHDS a~d ~ ~' ~' M,eTERiA~a F~OM REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAV'~L OR OTHER ,~ ~' ~ ~ LANDS UNDER ~OWN WA icRC; ,~ b ac~ordanc~ w~h Resobf[on ~f The Board ~dopfed afa meefb9 held on ~.F~X..3~_t...199z of ....................................................................................... N, Y, a~d ~b]ec~~ fc~ reconstruct rock revetment on Fishers Island, The'~' ...... revetment wiil be approx, 210~ and about 100 c.v.. of sand will be used for filling placed against the existing bank and to an elevation = existing bank, as per survey da_ed June 12 1992 aB ir, accordance wffh ~he de~i~ed spec;~c~'~io~.s ~s pre~e~m~d b fhe or~glnafin9 appi~c~fion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Tmsfees here- by causes ifs Corporafe Seal fo be affi×ed, be subscribed by a majorify of said TRUSTEF.;S John M. Bredemeyer, HL ?residem; Algen J. k~mps~ Jrt, V/ce Presidem Henry R Smkh WiH~am G. Alber~s~ %lephone (516)765x1892 R~x (516) 765-1823 BOA~ OF TOWN T}:{USTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT t3. HARRIS Town I-{all 53095 Main Read EO, Box 1175} Southol4., New g:3rk 11971 COASTAL EROSION HANAG~}i P~RHZT Permit N~mmber: 7-i-2 Name of Applicant/Agent: Aubrey Consu~ting~ inc~ Hame of Permittee~- Burton Tremane Address of Permittae: 99 Center Street~ Heriden~ CT Property Located: SCTM ~I000,-7~I~2 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIV!T%~: to recon, struch rock revet~ent on Fishers Island. ~he revetment will be approx~ 210' and a[eoet lO0 c.y. of sand will be used for back filling placed against the existing bank and to an elevation e~al to-'thee.~tmng~'~ ~' bank, as per survey dated June 12~ 1992 .... This permit is valid for a period of two years frora the date of issuance~ SPECIAL CO~UDiTIONS: __.__Eluff restoration through a re-vegetation agreement is attached heretc and is a necessaFy special condition ~r this pe~it. A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this perrait~ x~{ A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary ~' ~ .... ~pec~al cone~.tmon cz this peN~it~ Approved on July 30, 1992 by resoiution of the Board of John M. Bredemeyer, Iii eresident, Board of Trustees TRUSTEES John M. Brcdcmeycr, iii, Prcsiden~ .AIbe..n J. Kpapstd, Jr., ~Sce ~esident Henry E Smith John B. Tmh~li Wfll~am G. ~benson qklephone (5t6~ 765-1892 !65~1~2~ F~x (516} ~ ~' ~ SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Mm~n Road EO. Box 1 t79 SouthoM, New Ybrk 11971 Au~st i2~ 1992 Aubrey Consulting', Inc. 350 Gifford Street Suite 2~-3 Palmouth~ ,a~=~&.u,~et~.= 02540 Re ~ Burton Tr~ane SC~ Dear Ms. DeKLmp.: followl,...~9 action was taken by the Board of ~own ~¢ *~ ~*' its regular ~' ' L~eet&n¢ held on July 30 1992 re~arding the a~ve ~AS¢ A~rey Consulting on behalf of Burton Tremane applied to the Southold ~own Trustees for a per~it un,er the provisiong of the Wetland Ordinance of the ~fo~;,~ of Southold¢, application dated 18, 1992 ~d, Wi{E~As s~&~ application was re;~egred to the Southold Town uo~nc_l for their findings and reco~¢~ndations~ Conservation Ad.visory ..... ~ and ~ ~R~AS,~ public hearing was held by the Tov~l "~'~*~=.~.~.~,~ ~..~ with. respect to said application on July 30~ !992 at which time ali interested. persons were given an opportunity to be heard~ and~ ~IER~$ the Board m~rs have personally viewed ,mud are ~.h,~ surrounding area with the premises in ~destion ~d ¥-~ ~ %~[E~S~ the Board has considered ali the test~oDjf~ an~ ,o:,.ument=tion tn.~ appiication~ and~ s~[hmitted concerning ~ ~ =' %~REA.SR ~ , t~¢ Board has dete~ined that the project as propos~e not affect the ~ealth~ safety and qeneral w=i~..~ of the ~,~.uple of the to~, NOW~ ~EFORE~ BE IT ~$OLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the a~plication of A~ey Consulting, Inc on behalf of Baruon ~reI~ ,.o rock~ revetment= on Fishers !sland~ The revetment will ~ 2i0-'and ~out i00 c.y. of sand will be used zo~ ba~, against the existing b~k ~d to s.n elevation equal, to the bar~ as per survey dated June 12~ 1992~ This ~rmit ~zt~ expire two 'years from the date~ it '~ =~. '~' ~s~ued within six months must be paid~ i~~licabie, a and permit ~ ~ ~= of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Permit will be issued upon payment of the following fees for work to be done below Mean High Water Mark: no fees Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, ili President, Board of Trustee JMB: jd AUEIREY CONSULTING, INC. Atto: Jill Board of Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 15 July 1992 Dear Jill: Enclosed is a check for $150.00 for the permitting fees for the Tremaine revetment reconstruction. Please contact me immediately if any additional information is required. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Nancy ~ DeKimpe Coastal Geologist BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF gOUTItOLD 53095 Main Ro',d Phone 765 18 ~O~.D OF TO~ TRUSTEES July 14, 1992 Burton G. Tremoine Jr. 99 center s~reet meriden, connecticut 06450 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Po Oo Box 1179 ~ Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Jill Dear Ji 11: Enclosed please find the 30 year maintenance agreement for the Tremaine revetment reconstruction permit application properly executed and notarized. Very truly yours, Kathleen Mitchel 1 Secretary to Mr. Tremaine enc JUL-- 1~--92 MON 1G ~4 AUBREY CONSULT I''G IN P = 02 TRUSTEES · John M, Bredam'eyer, III, President Albetl J. IC, rupski, Jr,, Vice President Henry E Smith John B. Tt!.thill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ~ BOARD OF TOWNTRUSTEE$ TOWNOFSOUTHOLD 30 year Maintenance Agreement Erosion ~r0tection Structures Chapter 37 southold Town Code Southold Trustees as Administrator ;UPERVISOR h HARRIS Town Hall Main Road Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 I (We). type or print 'name(s}' the owners of record of property at: ~'~y~e or prinh street a~dress) SCTM'#~000- in applying for a Coastal Erosion permit for a~ Erosion Protection Structu=e do hereby agree to a 30 year maintenance program for a structure oo~oRly knowB as a. revetment of ~ ............... 210_feet .... as shown on'the attached feet of length licensed survey of the as-built structure. It is my/our understanding that we are to main~'ain this structure with materials designed to endure 30,years and or equivalent to the original aDproved structure and that for any maintenance which involves more than 5% in length of this structure we are to give prior written notice to the administrator, waiting ~or their approval in all but true emergency situation's which would seriously endanger life, property and important coastal natural resource features such as bluffs or wetlands. We further understand that failure to maintain the structure could result in a requirement to post a bond and or have the repairs ordered as a lien against the property upon a finding by the Trustees that said lack of maintenance would risk life, property'or Important natural resources features including protected, rare or threatened animals and plants. _ / Notarized SignatUre of 6whet 'of' re-~f~ SWORN TO BEFOR~ ~E THIS /3~ DAY OF .,, ~.JLLz-y, ,19gz~ This maintenance agreement Shall only ~ valid upon attac~ent three copies of a licensed land survey made within one year of the original construction and-validated t~ m~ow the the final approval of the ~inistrator. S~sequent owners may apply to the Southel4 ~ ~rustees to re-authorize thms'maintenance TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albenson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 :' BOARD OF TOWNTRUSTEES '- 30 year Maintenance Erosion Protection Structur~~ Chapter 37 Southold Town Cod~ Southold Trustees as Administ r- ~. -2A~_ I (we) Mr. Burton G. Tremaine, Jr. type or print name(s) the owners of record of property at: Clay Point Road, Fishers Island, NY, 06390 (type or print street address) SCT~4 ~i000- ~7~.--7~ in applying for a doastal Erosion permit for an Erosion Protection Structure do hereby agree to a 30 year maintenance program for a structure commonly known as a revetment of 210 feet as shown on the attached feet of length licensed survey of the as-built structure. It is my/our understanding that we are to maintain this structure with materials designed to endure 30-years and or equivalent to the original approved structure and that for any maintenance which involves more than 5% in length of this structure we are to give prior written notice to the administrator, waiting for their approval in all but true emergency situation's which would seriously endanger life, property and important coastal natural resource features such as bluffs or wetlands. We further understand that failure to maintain the structure could result in a requirement to post a bond and or have the repairs ordered as a lien against the property upon a finding by the Trustees that said lack of maintenance would risk life, property or important natural resources features including protected, rare or threatened animals and plants. Noffa~zed Sigrlature of owner of record-/ SWO~4 TO BEFORE ME THIS 24th DAY OF June ~!9 92 My Comra±ssion expires May 10, 1996 This maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon attachment three copies of a licensed land survey made within one year of the original construction and validated to show the the final approval of the ~-ministrator. Subsequent owners may apply to 'the South~td ~' '~rustees to re-authorize this maintenance TRUSTEES lohn M. Bredemeyer, HI, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Ir. lohn L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION C Office Use Qnly: oastal Erosion Permit Applicatio~l~' ~--~Wetland Permit Application ~.~rustee Land~s~ermit Application ~Grandf ether ~ --~°mpleted Apps. Date: Neighbors notifie~ Date:. ~ Coord. Review-~pt.~,m~nd: ~~.~. Date Rec. by Office --~nsp. comp./date: 6/~ SEQRA Determin./date: Public Hearing/date: Findings: Permit Vote: (Y/N): Special Conditions: (also see file) Application Fee~['~~ Application Number; SC574 ~1000- 7- Project Name (If any) Date Prepared: .7u~e. 1992 Applicant: Aubrey Consulting, Inc. Address: Suite 2-3, 350 Gifford Street Pa]mn~h: Ma f)~5~C~ Phone (508) 457-0810 Interest: ( owner, consultant, lessee, etc.) Consultant Owner of Property: Burton G. Tremaine, Jr. Address 99 Center Street, Meriden. CT Phone (203)639-5224 (203) 286-0242 Subject Property Location: Clay Point Road Fishers Island, NY, 06390 District 1000~ Section 7, Block 1, Lot 2 (Provide LILCO Pole ~, Distance to cross Streets i~ not on location map) THIS IS NOT A PERMIT JUN-W~-W2 W~U lb;IU YdS, to ba.excaVatedl 5~,Yds' to' be fi!!ed:looe ite~'.~~¥a~s''°f backfilling°lean sand Manner in which mater~!l b~ removed or d pos - ~n~/~ ~malI ~n~ ' '- ' ' ~ .............. n De~th at Iow Bide. =~ Aver, rise in tid~; ~.~ .~9_ 3 mile~ ~4%eance to neare~t~= , _~ ........ ~lst~ca ~oject extends beyond mimilar proj~ctm t~ area, ~~ a~tural bank Area zoning;r~ in Im project for private or Duslness use~ ~ht~n~ed use of property: S~mm~rh~e .... _ - Pasuribs known prior operaticn~ condores on ~R~$~q,.~,,99B~99~i~B ~ h~u~ and~D~~~a ...... dredge, or deposit fill on ~eve~ment_~x$~t~ ~ince =~ruoeure_~s bui~ ~n~e 1930.'a 2 1940'~ ~~y~cense or permit ever been revoked or susp~agd'Sy a- Governmental A~ency: No ..... . _P.rojeCt Desaription Tho pruJeut description must also include plans for reolamati0n of land disturbed during ¢onstr~ction ol the principle and accessory structures and undergrOUnd struct~res.(i,~,, pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary), _Th~ roo~ rpvetm~nt_at ~h~_Tr.e~ain~ pr~p~y on ~i~h~ %sl~nd has b~an revetmen~, pl~ce~ ~g~tn~ the $~%in9 bank_~d ~o an elevation equal the existing_bank- .-, .... .- , -' - Authorization, (Where the applicant is not the owner) I~_[_~.r_~n. ~__~r~nine,. Jr~ residing at99 .Cen~e~ Street, ,Meriden, CT { Prin~-owner'%f ~u~J ~ot property)- { MailiDg addre'~s-phone) ~4, 203-~86-0242 , 8~g~a~~~e --' ......... -- ., THIS I~ ~OT A P~IT ' 1.'.-~,6-,4 ~:~/873--Text 12 f! 617.: Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review .? SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only =ART l--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Burton G. Tremaine, Jr. Revetment Reconstruction 3. PROJECT LOCATION: SEQF Munict0aHty Southhold County Suffolk County 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent lanr~marks, etc., or prowde map; Clay Point Road Fishers Island, N.Y., 06390 5. iS PROPOSED ACTION: [] New [] E×oansion [] Modification/alteration · · 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: The proposed project includes the reconstuction and extension of a rock revetment. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially 0. 015 0. 015 acres Ultin' ately acres 8. WILL FROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] Yes [] No If No. describe briefly 9. WHAT iS PRESENT LAt~'D UGE iN ViCiNITY OF PROJECT? [] Residential [] !ndustrial [] ComrnerciaJ [] Agriculture Descr~De: r'-] ParkJForesttODen space [] Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? [] Yes If ye~, list agency(s] and permit/approvals 11. DOES ANy ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] I'to [! Yes, list agency name and permit/approval 12, AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITIAPPROVA_ REQUIRE MODIFICATION? [] Yes [] No N/A I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Aubrey Consulting, Inc, Nancy DeKimpe Applicant/sponsor name: ' Date: '"---lf the action 16 June 1992 is in tho Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) Aubrey Consulting, In~. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF· AND THAT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TO%fN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(s) OR REPRESENTATIVE(s), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. U SI A RE' SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 24th DAY OF June · 19 92 Susan J. Dunning~ My Commi,f%siom expires May 10, 1996 Suggested spate for location Map THIS IS NOT A PERMIT . . AUBREY CONSUL TlNG. INC. a/A . ~ Jill - Secretary to the Trustees Board of Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Jill: 00 ~ J~"~::~ 00 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 24 June 1992 Enclosed are three copies of our permit application for revetment reconstruction at the Tremaine propeny, Fishers Island, NY. Each permit application contains an engineering drawing illustrating the proposed project Additionally, I am providing the infonnation you requested. The length of the revetment is approximately 210 feet; about 100 cubic yards of sand will be used for backfilling the reconstructed revetment The height of the structure will be approximately level with the existing bank, which ranges from 7-12 feet NGVD. Finally, the existing rocks at or near the present bank \vill be used in the revetment reconstruction. However, those rocks seaward of the toe of the previous revetment will be left in place. Therefore, additional stone will be provided by a local contractor. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Sincerely yours, _ ~~~y Coastal Geologist 3l5O GiffOI 'Cl Street:. SuIte 2-3 . Falmouth. M8SlB8Chueeete lJ2540 Telephone [5OB) 457-0810 Fax (508) 457-0734 . . ,C>.UBREY CONSULTING. INC. aM . ~ I d2AvV~ne.. Wr~ ~ eU U ,rfll . ! Iii -,.( TOWN OF SOUJJjQJ11'/ 13 February 1992 Jill- Secretary to the Trustees Board of Tmstees 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Jill: About a month ago, 1 spoke with you on the telephone regarding a possible revetment constmction project on Fisher Island. I am interested in determining whether this project is within your jusidiction and therefore requires a permit from the Board of Trustees. I have enclosed a map indicating the location of the property. Please provide a written determination of the permitting requirements. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ~ ~ Nan~Kimpe Coastal Geologist 350 Giffol"'d St;,..eet. Suiee 2-3 . Falmouth. Massachusetts 02540 Telephone (508] 457-0810 Fax [508] 457-0734 \) ~ w ~ ~ w 0: . 0 u ~ [i I~ :~ I;;, (::> tf) q ~. "', ..~ '-l l"J:l ...., ~, 0 ~ z ~- .~ .. ~ ;:)e o~ :r~ ~, ~ ~" 0 z (] C'J ..... t.., ~ . ~ i:l " " . 0 u 9 " . ~ "() '" ~ .. ..-.-..-. ::. !f~~ ! ~!! ~ o 'l! u " ~ ;; .~ :ll z o o if). .. w z i: p >< il! Zi . ::. ~. i ,...l~ . . U)z 0 . ~ . . ......;:J z 1 po. w ! 0 " " i5 U) U w p::: ..J " -p. ~ ~ ..J ;:r:: 0 ..t. ... ~ U) ... ~ ...... ::> ~ en .;:.. '" ...... -J. v o " u o , , . :r / < ~4 ,., J "-.j ~ .;:.. ;t:>. 0: . E .. <::1____.___ ~ ~ . ~ ~ '\:\,. o ~~ ~. 0, ~~ o . '" ~_.. W s T %--A A. g o IpG � 4 IZ• � E ul N 1' ZO' 50' c IZIJG' ,05.00' N W � ZD uJ G wdTcz 0 IY m YIOH y *tl e0 Gl 24 a / d22 54 *4e N myee a4 vv Po3rrml � B"`J-I '�a �.aRR \ 5 \ ueu � � aoy wz�z> a3�*ct• Bt B,l �. {� CLTosITCV >V /. IjF"j�.� vl 45 Cras�oJ .5 oY� B5 �>p NdTG 1dl �,>.9 ��� l L . .'+l G� J * �� - `_ az ;;•4f c 2 7_. ,Itx .i.�� �� "`°�9` 64SN , ao 0 1S 9 Qoy�o41 BUSH l ��.�Oe ..✓ TOP a P2eRTE.p 2EE NxT a e,e e, ee 2 eo *le eel a,e,l eamwreyrnol 4+n *,151 n� to eb ep m 11.1 ECLICN M/2IZ. I2 W 6bJC ULvp Il L9 ry �N� *B.z 01 �P"�TIJG 7 y�V3C �o ee vx,T uc `�+ac C NOTES: 1. GOORDIANTE 015TANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U. 5. COAST AND GEODETIC, 5URVEY TRIANGULATION 5TATION "GHOGOMOUNT 21' 2 NO ALTERATION PERMITTED HEREON EXCEPT A5 PROVIDED UNDER 5EGTION 1209 5UBDI`✓1510N 2 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW At aV NEwro �IJrJ 2 5 p I�EwoEo � ° g;1P d��a_ paoH sr S�UIn B / E6anEo • k--1 I B a I �l iENCccTATc du'7 p(,apm/pISTu¢.6ED APxIS r � �� Q n / l I �rd,'Id vee.rc,-s To co.,rczm,o n`9f �NSEN �\��W E a TOPOcSRAPHIG MAP �— EW,bTIIJL � I PREPARED FOR y ,�Ze,zIST 41G _2.47[%1 6.jTO1JESLLfJ C�O�JT ?G _ ,Q .--- 20 Gr}pz- GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET �eIST,Ju BURTON TREMA I NE, JR. 5 j/ ev.isrllAG A R�Pcrtso G[d[E *45b- I' tieep 3 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK roGy xv -lo so fL1E2 C-I-O,H 2 - -9pI6'pL Vj4,L— REVISIONS CHANDLER. PALMER de KING 1 r-m _ 0 1 Ce�sS 5t7GTI DATE DESCRIPTON G _ 06--M 0 Ar.hit..t.. Engineers and Surveyors ero � G xJ6r To x�Lc Iz.]J1lb'9z dDm-,�o.,' 1. eN,s,car' � � „o aRoeoNORwxr NonmcN, cl oeaeo zw-eea-ase] FAX zw-eea->eo, Q B GIZL7SS S�GTl011S JULIE II, 199z SCALE: SHEET 1 OF 1 i I W 1-1 A. Z 6 4 p-- i I I E occo uJe V 10' \9 IZC..3o' V I- m' So' a 121.w� \0500' u ai o6 G cH WdTC¢ � g z4 V WCM d W ,2l 45 21 +Oi Z je �...— I --..�— �L ♦ .31 NNIn �e rc1 J 1 se ;a a4 (' r0.] 4 E✓+. CIeISTYG H Z ,A6 +a oePwrrm � ,. �5H 4 bep • r � Isoy�o5ed yo�x B4 el B1 H6TEC11L�.° / '`/—CX:PoslTeu l4 I� T\�,y=�4� / �. +ITj�• vl yrIn 0 95 9� Z.e `\', : �.�6E H6Tcela� M � �\` ��� /� 12. ��' ATR�•T, nl � �iA� � rtO�°°v �.' Ss C Com\ 41 Z TeEC 210'-1'/_ 64SH r\ e b Y Z ?J��i ✓ r 61J5H rSo ��'�ae °l �p e, c.e z i] al ao e� ea causealrnoA l' _ •1p.� d +y' bCLiGI-1 ML¢le. as m yf a.t 142 4l W GhfE �JLJp qL9 �Eq tl ? t r8.z g � B¢'STINC, $ 4o`J3G 0� D h 1 I n1 JUN 161992 NOTES: TOWN OF SOUTHOID I. COORDIANTE D15TANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U. 5, OOA57 AND GEODETIC 5URVEY TRIANGULATION 5TATION "CHOCOMOUNT 2" 2. NO ALTERATION PERMITTED HEREON EXCEPT A5 PROVIDED UNDER 5ECTION 7209 5UBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAN TTTaI�EL m 8 8 I�E:T.aiE'o auy Qe.eom/dsru¢aeo Aee/s I 1 / v / y I/ G'Ia1STnY� GVP Y-E dr SOP 461J11- /-- EK'SnNL � /YI/ TOPOBRPPHIG MAP PREPARED FOR / I / �CKISTIJL 24TON STGFIES. UO Lf1JYT ZG 10 Q ZG ] Y 5 LP�OE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BURTON TREMA I NES JR. / / Eylyr�LLL d / � G1clsTwc / RCFK.O Cf1� '45h 3 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK row x _ct„ '10 z S1plE OF NEW Ypq� T9PIGQL IAIAu-- G�paaH Sr, REVISIONS AdommoftCHANDLER, PALMER Ale KING ' \ CP�SS ` �GTI011 i ''"I sF DATE DESCRIPTION r� i= WI �ujr Arahlteats, Engineers and Surveyors wo s,V{ .To YdLL )' 1 �L JJLLe'gz dOp-nq,l'.7 d- �E+/IS'cwI' — = Ito BROMwnr NORMCM, ct 0300 40]-1509-]]9] FAX 204886-71501 a d cl GIZfOSS S�G'T 10115 cry c�Tse f] \�W� F oee-r r •z DATE: Ju4E u, iyyz SCALE: SHEET 1 OF 1 Lk) S T 1 a d tZ 6 <�) 1Z 1W 14 LJ IZ � E occo i.�JE J 1O' \9' 1P• W 5a' L IZLl4' 121e.5o' 105 Oo' 4 . N IXn G C HicH—J +mac /r 3B 25 24 3� e6 ♦G[. ,a3 IL �3 ee aL i •c =eo /' � � L.5 /V/ ` 6aVb=LS t+GT./ ¢ C.1� � DCPa�rtCp a // S'-1 4 lV// \� � �� 3eV weie plf a4 a WTEP�dI�� �_ � ll 95 Bl �llCPaslTf'o l4 � ��a y\ l 48 X01.1 3l aG 21 a a a, susN a a,o �_.�e ,lel ( urvc'nwwor�c. \� a e4 eil .z o ie ao ;le ,e, + l et�useJrnw v,e B4 �oL ll L sa lL . L \.1 4 • d i9l 8-00c" -00c "MA.¢ 1 c l.• al 44 .y 1 CICVATIdJ a PK 9l eSpC UGUD qL9 W OV aBz 01 Ey.STl.�14 ae ix L :s G'la C "v NOTES: I. GOORDIANTE D15TANGE5 ARE MEASURED FROM U. 5. COAST AND 6EODETIG SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "GHOGOMOUNT 2" 2. NO ALTERATION PERMITTED HEREON EXCEPT A5 PRO'VIDED UNDER SEGTION 7209 SUBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAN S�pJE OF NEW Iby� e I�EwoEo 0 o ff I t Y�I PSVcceTATe ,W`7 uzoom/bISTu¢8rn leeAs z^ N 29'�� / l I / e-vcvtrno..l vdzlEs l o ewrer�.+ m yff0 SF NO ;;o �V'' p I F. �' EKISTIIIG Gti1STFY G¢dgE dr -m ...u. TOPO6}tMAP PREPARED FOR / �' -Ecls'rlJc 2-d Tau sT'oucs, ue �eauT 20 10 0 20 / CnlsrWo / EKI3iWG A GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BURTON RTO TREI�-/JJJ I NE/ JR. 4 / d / c¢dbc 6 / Ra✓�o CRdOE X45+i- 711�Y-CIJIPS 3 / 3 %/ FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK r1L1EY_ CLDTJ — , ��/ Z L 2 T9pie—AL vJAtj-- REVISIONS loommuk :ff CHANDLER. RALMER de KING _+� o.e Ce1D5S `��GTI O1..1 DATE DESCRIPTION MI � N= Architects, Engineers and Surveyors g �. Lbr To �..cdls Iz.1u116'9z dppmol.f5 4 ¢L+hS�d.S � W 110 eHonownr NORWICH, ci ae]eo za3-eeY-]]Yl FAX zo}ee9-loot GROSS S�GTlOos DATE: June u, 199�- SCALE: r zc, SHEET 1 OF 1