HomeMy WebLinkAboutTESSLER & WILTONHENRY P. SMITH JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III, President John Bednoski, Jr, ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TEL£PHONE (516) 765-1892 March 14, 1988 Mr. Richard C. Wilton, President Eastern L. I. Campgrounds, Inc. 600 Queen Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: 10-88-0174 Dear Mr. Wilton: As your proposed Zone Change and 110 unit residential complex may be within our Wetlands jurisdiction under Chapter 97 of the Code of the Town of Southold, please take the opportunity of a pre-submission conference with the Trustees and the New York State Dept. of Environ- mental Conservation so the wetland setbacks can be established ahead of your Change of Zone request. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President Board of Town Trustees JMB: ip Attachment cC: Tessler Associates & Architects, P.C. Michael J. Fiscina, N.Y.S. D.E.C., Stony Brook Planning Board Baldwin & Cornelius file Please return this torm to: Name ~;d,,~/ ~ ~'~c.;..,,t Appl,cation ID /0-~- Ol?fl Permits Applied for: ~ Applican t/Perm,tree, Owner P~ Facdity,'Project Program ID NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY FOR REVIEW &f-~.,[~'~----~: ,,,dy' ~17~ Umt '~/~'~ ~/'~ Telephone Number Bctck ~D ' O'.'.m :' r !D Description: C~,~,].,~L i~, ,..,,.l ,.~,1#/:;.~,'i,, ,¢~.,,'~&,~L.,~{ ~,~/~ I sender Comments. ~-'~ ~.,,O Distribution. Date Sent for Review Date Due Back Sent to Th~s Cop,,, for [3: ~',P Prepared h,,. Name Telephone Number ( ) Date Umt APPLICATION FOR ?ERMIT ~ ARTICU~ 15, TIT[~ lS ~ WATER SUPPLY ~--, LONC iSLAND WELL Tessler .%~sociates & .~chi~cts r P-C- F~b~t Tessl~, Presi~ STREET AOORESSiPOST OFFICE 162 West Park Avenue Richard C. Wilton, President N.Y. 11561 STREET ,~-ODREESIPOST OFFICE Eastern L.I. ~ampgr~ ounds, Inc./600 Queen street POST OFEICE Gree .nport Sour_~ ld Scut-hold SuffoLk STATE ZiP CODE 11944 Item See ~ ~b~,c [] Comm~c,,~ 8/88 8/90 , 50.00 Construction of 110 unit muluifamil,:, residential ccnpl~y wir_~ associated roads, pa.rkin~, recreation center, and retention ponds. LI Traveller/Watchman Tr- a,,~ !let Street Scur_~.cld, ?~w York 11971 --SEE REVERSE SLOE-- SU~Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 March 2, 1988 Michael J. Fiscina N.Y.S. Dept. Environmental Conservation Building 40, SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794 RE: Application for Fresh water Wetlands, permit # 10-88-0174 for Eastern Long Island Campgrounds. SCTM ~ 1000-40-3-5 Dear Mr. Fiscina: In response to your request for information about the above referenced permit application, the following facts should be considered: 1. The Town Planning Board does not have an application before it for this property. Your notice of application is the first record of the proposal this office has received. 2. Consequently, no SEGRA determination has been made. 3.This property is zoned "M-i" general multiple residenc and "B" light Business. However, there were very specific conditions attached to the change of zone that: was granted to this parcel; to wit: "8. That said. premises be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other authorities having jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses 'accessory and incidental therto." (a copy of all the terms of the" change of zone is attached for your convenience) The applicant has not petitioned the Town Board for relief from the conditions it had set forth on the use of this property. Therefore, Mr. Tessler's application to your office is premature. It is strongly recommended that this application be put on hold, or if that is not possible, than denied wihtout predjudice, until the proper application is made to the Town Board for an amendment to the conditions of the change of zone. If your office determines that review of the application must proceed, I would like to request that the Town be given lead agency status. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further questions should arise. Sincerely, Valerie Scopaz Town Planner cc:l.Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor 2.Councilmen 3.Bennett Orlowski,Jr., Chairman, Planning Board 4.Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk 5.Jay Bredemeyer,III,president,Trustees Board~' 6.Gerard Grehringer,Chairman,Zoning Board of appeals 7.Victor Lessar,adminsistrator, Building Department 8.Herbert Tessler,Prsident, Tessler Assocs. & Arch. 9.Richard C. Wilton, President, Eastern L.I. K~unpgrounds,Inc. jt }I~-~ .Z 7/g-<2 -