HomeMy WebLinkAboutRelay Communications Center Inc RESOLUTION 2022-395 ADOPTED DOC ID: 18064 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2022-395 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 10,2022: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a contract with Relay Communications Center Inc. for use of its FCC licensed radio frequencies, Radio Common Carrier paging and two way radio channel service for one(1)year, a total cost of Five Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars ($5,445.00)per year,subject to the approval by the Town Attorney, funded from budget line A.3020.4.400.400. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER:Greg Doroski, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski,Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell E "D G�� MAY 2 2 2022 Southold Town Clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-19-39 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk From: Missy Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: May 20, 2022 Subject: Agreement between Town of Southold and Relay Communications Center Inc With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures cc: Accounting Southold PD AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ig day of May, 2022, by and between the Town of Southold, New York ("the Town"), a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, Relay Communications Center, Inc. (the "Contractor"), with an address of PO Box 596, 145 Griffing Ave., Riverhead,New York, 11901; WITNESSETH, that the Town and the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK TO BE DONE AND CONSIDERATION THEREFOR The Contractor shall provide the Town use of its exclusive FCC licensed radio frequencies, Radio Common Carrier paging and two way radio channel. The Contractor will also provide the use and full service on the backup repeater/paging system located at its Shelter Island and Southampton tower sites as a backup system to the primary system. Any service requests will be addressed Monday through Friday 10AM-3PM exclusive of holidays. The parties acknowledge that the Contractor cannot guaranty the quality nor reception of radio services which are subject to equipment failure, operator errors, omissions, terrain, atmospheric conditions or any interference created by others. The Contractor shall receive a system integration fee and license modification charges for three sites for 2022 at a total cost of$5,445.00. The Contractor will furnish the contemplated FCC licensed radio frequencies, Radio Common Carrier paging and two way radio channel as well as the use and full service on the backup repeater/paging system at four sites including its Shelter Island and Southampton tower site. All other equipment and other similar items necessary or proper for, or incidental to, the transmittals contemplated by this Contract, are to be supplied by the Town. ARTICLE 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. ARTICLE 3. ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT Upon receipt of written notice that the Contract has been fully performed and an inspection by the Town Supervisor to certify that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Town, the Contractor will submit an itemized voucher to the Town Comptroller for payment. Such voucher shall be due and payable within forty five (45) days after receipt of such voucher, but such sum shall not be due and payable by the Town until the Town Board of the Town has received such a voucher and has audited and approved for payment the voucher to be submitted by Contractor in connection therewith. The Town Board shall process any voucher received from Contractor as expeditiously as possible. In the event that the Town disputes or objects to any portion of any voucher submitted by notify Contractor in writing of such dispute or objection. Contractor acknowledges that Contractor is familiar with the requirements of section 118 of the Town Law which, in effect, prohibit payment of any of Contractor's claims against the Town unless an itemized voucher therefore shall have been presented to the Town Board or Town Comptroller and shall have been audited and allowed by the Town Board or Town Comptroller. The acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be, and shall operate as a release to the Town from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all the things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Town and others relating to or arising out of, this Contract, except Contractor's claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payment be improperly delayed. No payment, however final or otherwise, shall operate to release the Contractor or its sureties from any obligations under this Contract. ARTICLE 4. CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT AND EXTRA WORK (a) The Town may at times, without notice to the Contractor's surety and without invalidating the Contract, order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to, or deducting from the work contemplated herein and may adjust the Contract price accordingly, pursuant to Paragraph (b) below. The Contractor shall not deviate from, add to, delete from, or make changes in the Work required to be performed hereunder unless so directed by a written Change Order. If the Contractor is directed by the Town to perform extra work prior to an agreement on costs or time, the Contractor shall promptly comply with the Change Order of the Town. No claim for extra work or any change in the work shall be allowed or made unless such extra work or change is ordered by a written Change Order from the Town. (b) The amount of compensation to be paid to the Contractor for any extra work, as so ordered, shall be determined as follows: 1. By a lump sum mutually agreed upon by the Town and the Contractor; or 2. Using the applicable price or prices within the Contract and/or Bid and approved by the Town and the Contractor. (c) Regardless of the method used by the Town in determining the value of a Change Order, the Contractor shall submit to the Town a detailed payment breakdown of the Contractor's estimate of the value of the omitted or extra work. (d) Unless otherwise specifically provided for in a Change Order, the agreed compensation specified therein for extra work includes full payment for extra work covered thereby, and the Contractor waives all rights to any other compensation for such extra work, damage or expense, including claims for delay, damage or expense. (e) The Contractor shall and hereby agrees to produce any and all data the Town may request, including but not limited to, time sheets, certified payrolls, foreman's reports, daily reports, bills and vouchers of Subcontractors, receiving documents, freight and trucking receipts, etc. (f) All change orders shall be processed, executed and approved in the following manner: (i) if the estimated cost of the extra work is less than $1,000 in the aggregate, a Change Order Form must be processed and executed by the Supervising Department Head; (ii) if the estimated cost of the extra work is greater than $1,000, then the Change Order Form must be executed by the Supervising Department Head and submitted to the Town Board for consideration and approval by resolution. The Contractor must submit a detailed explanation of why the Change Order is needed and must also be submitted to the Town Board prior to its approval. The Change Order must also be approved by the Town Comptroller and the Town Attorney. Once this procedure is completed, the Contractor may proceed with the extra work. The Town will not accept any alteration to this form and no payment for Extra Work shall be due the Contractor unless it executes a Change Order on this Form. (g) If the Contractor claims that any work which the Contractor has been ordered to perform will be extra work, that the Contractor for any reason cannot comply with the terms and provisions of the Contract, or that any action or omission of the Town is contrary to the terms and provisions of the Contract and will require the Contractor to perform extra work, the contractor shall: 1. Promptly comply with the Town's direction to perform the work which the contractor claims will be extra work; and 2. Proceed diligently, pending and subsequent to the determination of the Town with respect to any said disputed matter, with the performance of the work in accordance with all the instructions of the Town. (h) No claim for extra work shall be allowed unless it was performed pursuant to change order duly approved by the Town Board. The Contractor's failure to comply with any part of this provision shall be deemed to be: 1. A conclusive and binding determination on the part of the Contractor that said change order, work, action or omission does not involve extra work and is not contrary to the terms and provisions of the Contract, and 2. A waiver by the Contractor of all claims for additional compensation, time or damages as a result of said change work, act or omission. (i) The value of claims for extra work, if allowed shall be determined methods described in the Contract including, but not limited to, section(b) immediately above. ARTICLE 5: CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS (a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the full and correct performance of the Work required by this Contract within the time specified herein, including work of the Contractor's Subcontractors, and any errors therein shall be corrected at the Contractor's own cost and expense. In addition,the Contractor shall indemnify the Town for any costs or expenses attributable to errors in performance by the Contractor or the Contractor's Subcontractors. The Contractor's obligation hereunder shall include taking field measurements for all Work hereunder. Approval of shop drawings by the Town shall not relieve the Contractor from correcting Work either reflected in error on the Contractor's shop drawings, not confirming to the field requirements, or not complying with the terms of this Contract. Is shall not be incumbent upon the Town to discover any mistakes, errors, omissions, or deviations from the Contract requirements, or in the quality or kind of materials used by the Contractor or in the shop drawings, schedules and reports submitted by the Contractor and the Town's approval of same shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for unauthorized changes, deviations, omissions or for errors of any sort therein. Performance by the Contractor of any Work before the required approvals therefore have been issued shall be at the Contractor's sole risk and expense. (b) In case of discrepancy or difference between any figures, drawings, or specifications; the matter shall be immediately submitted in writing to the Town, whose decision shall be final, and without whose decision said discrepancy or difference shall not be adjusted by the Contractor, save only at the Contractor's own risk and expense. (c) Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Contractor, without limitation, shall furnish and be responsible for all shop and field requirements, lines, grades, dimensions, layouts, colors, qualities, quantities, tests, approvals, operating manuals, guarantees, cuttings, removals, openings, channels, chases, flues, sleeves, insets, dowels, hangers, patching, clearing, temporary heat, water and electricity, guards, rails, night lights, barricades, pumping hoists, elevators, scaffolds, runways, protective paper, tarpaulins, polyethylene protections, and clean-up, and all things which may be necessary in performance of the Work contracted hereunder. (d) If the Town shall furnish any basic reference lines and bench marks to the Contractor, such basic reference lines and bench marks must be used by the Contractor and the finished Work shall agree therewith. (e) The Contractor agrees that the Contractor shall protect and shall be solely responsible for all labor and material provided for under this contract, whether or not the same may be erected in place, and for all its plans,tools, equipment, materials, tools of the Contractor's employees and agents, etc. for all adjoining private and public property, and all existing Work on the Project Site, which may be damaged by the Contractor's Work. In no event shall the Town be liable to the Contractor for loss of, pilferage, or damage to any of the same. In the event of said labor and materials, plant, tools or equipment, etc., are damaged, lost or destroyed by reason of fire, theft (irrespective of the negligence of the parties hereto or others), civil commotion, riot, insurrection, violence, war, acts of God, etc., the Contractor's responsibility therefore shall be absolute, and the Contractor shall replace, repair, rebuild, and make good any and all said damage or loss of any and all kinds whatsoever. (f) Contractor shall be responsible for securing all permits required to perform the Work and/or required by the applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, etc., and maintain the validity of all such permits throughout the contract duration. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until it has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the Town. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Workers' Compensation Insurance for its employees to be assigned to the work hereunder. (b) Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such general liability, property damage, and commercial auto liability insurance as shall protect it from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract. The amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: General liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than$2,000,000 on account of any one occurrence. Property damage insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 for damage on account of all occurrences. Commercial auto liability insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 for damage on account of all occurrences. The Contractor shall furnish the above insurances to the Town and shall also name the Town as an additional named insured in said policies. (c) Any accident shall be reported to the office of the Town Clerk as soon as possible and not later than twenty-four (24) hours from the time of such accident. A detailed written report must be submitted to the Town as soon thereafter as possible and not later than three (3) days after the date of such accident. ARTICLE 7. REPRESENTATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor represents and warrants: (a) That it is financially solvent and that it is experienced in and competent to perform the type of work or to furnish services required by it; and (b) That it is familiar with all federal, state, municipal and department laws, ordinances and regulations which may in any way affect the work or those employed therein. ARTICLE 8. PERMITS AND REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with all permits and FCC licensing in connection with the services furnished under this Agreement. ARTICLE 9. NO DAMAGES FOR DELAY The contractor agrees to make no claim for increased costs, charges, expenses or damages for delay in the performance of this Contract, or for any delays or hindrances from any cause whatsoever, and agrees that any such claim shall be fully compensated for by an extension in the time for substantial and/or final completion of the work. Should the Contractor be or anticipate being delayed or disputed in performing the work hereunder for any reason, it shall promptly, and in no even more than two (2) business days after the commencement of any condition which is causing or threatening to cause such a delay or disruption, notify the Town in writing of the effect of such condition stating why and in what respects the condition is causing or threatening to cause such delay or disruption. Failure strictly to comply with this notice requirement shall be sufficient cause to deny Contractor a change in Schedule and to require it to conform to the Schedule then in effect. ARTICLE 10. TOWN'S RIGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT The Town shall have the right to stop work or terminate the Contract if: (a) The Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (b) A receiver or liquidator is appointed for the Contractor or for any of its property and is not dismissed within 20 days after such appointment or the proceedings in connection therewith are not stayed on appeal within the said 20 days; or (c) The Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof with due diligence; or (d) The Contractor fails to make prompt payment to persons supplying labor for the work; or (e) The Contractor fails or refuses to comply with all applicable laws or ordinances; or (f) The Contractor is guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of this Contract; (g) The Town's execution and participation in this contract is found to be in violation of an existing collective bargaining agreement. (h) In any event, the Town, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy it may have, may, with our without cause, by seven (7) days' notice to the Contractor, terminate the employment of the Contractor and its right to proceed as to the work. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment beyond what owed in quantum meruit. ARTICLE 11. DAMAGES It is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed that the relation of the Contractor to the work to be performed by it under this Contract shall be that of an independent contractor. As an independent contractor, it will be responsible for all damage, loss or injury to persons or property that may arise in or be incurred during the conduct and progress of said work,whether or not the Contractor, its agents, or employees have been negligent. The Contractor shall hold and keep the Town free and discharged of and from any and all responsibility and liability of any sort or kind. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for risks or casualties of every description, for loss or injury to persons or property arising out of the nature of the work, from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen or unusual difficulty. The Contractor shall make good any damages that may occur in consequence of the work or any part of it. The Contractor shall assume all blame, loss and responsibility of any nature by reason of neglect or violation of any federal, state, county or local laws, regulations or ordinances. ARTICLE 12. INDEMNITY AND SAVE HARMLESS AGREEMENT The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save the Town, its officers, agents and employees harmless from any liability imposed upon the Town, its officers, agents and/or employees arising from the negligence, active or passive, of the Contractor and from and against any damages, claims, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of Contractor's breach of the Agreement or from Contractor's acts or omissions outside the scope of the Agreement or arising out of claims or actions by third parties against Contractor by virtue of his performance of this Agreement. The Town acknowledges that the Contractor is only providing the FCC licensed radio frequencies and no other services to the Town. The Town is providing all equipment and systems related to the dispatching and radio communications conveyed over the Contractor's frequency. The Town agrees to indemnify and save the Contractor, its officers, agents and employees harmless from any liability imposed upon the Contractor, its officers, agents and/or employees arising from the negligence, active or passive, of the Town and from and against any damages, claims, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees by virtue of its performance and use of the Town's own equipment and systems. ARTICLE 13. NO ASSIGNMENT In accordance with the provisions of section 109 of the General Municipal Law, the Contractor is hereby prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting or otherwise disposing of this Agreement, or of its right, title or interest in this Agreement, or its power to execute this Agreement, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent-in writing of the Town. ARTICLE 14. REQUIRED PROVISIONS OF LAW Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to have been inserted herein. If any such provision is not inserted, through mistake or otherwise, then upon the application of either parry, this Contract shall be physically amended forthwith to make such insertion. In particular, the Contractor shall, among other things, fully comply with: (a) Labor Law section 220-e and Executive Law sections 291-299 and the Civil Rights Law relating to prohibition against discrimination and providing equal opportunity. (b) Affirmative action as required by the Labor Law. (c) Prevention of dust hazard required by Labor Law section 222-a. (d) Preference in employment of persons required by Labor Law section 222. (e) Eight-hour workday as required by Labor Law section 220(2). ARTICLE 15. PREVAILING WAGE RATES REQUIRED BY LAW (a) The parties hereto, in accordance with the provisions of section 220(3) of the Labor Law, hereby agree, if applicable, that there shall be paid each employee engaged in work under this Contract not less than the wage rate and supplements set opposite the trade or occupation in which he/she is engaged, made a part of this Agreement, which are the wage rates and supplements established as the prevailing rate of wages for the work covered by this Contract. (b) Labor classifications not appearing on the schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the Owner and then the rate to be paid will be given by the Owner after being advised by the Department of Labor. (c) The Contractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements, as specified in the Contract, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen/women, or laborers employed on the work. ARTICLE 16. AUTHORITY FOR EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN The Supervisor has executed this Agreement pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at a meeting thereof held on . Scott A. Russell, Supervisor, whose signature appears hereafter, is duly authorized and empowered to execute this instrument and enter into such an Agreement on behalf of the Town. This instrument shall be executed in duplicate. At least one copy shall be permanently filed, after execution thereof, in the office of the Town Clerk, Elizabeth Neville. ARTICLE 17. NOTICES Any and all notices and payments required hereunder shall be addressed as follows, or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing by either party hereto: To Town: Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 To Contractor: Relay.Communications Center, Inc. PO Box 596 145 Griffing Ave. Riverhead,New York, 11901 ARTICLE 18. WAIVER No waiver of any breach of any condition of the Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the party waiving said breach. No such waiver shall in any way affect any other term or condition of this Agreement or constitute a cause or excuse for a repetition of such or any other breach unless the waiver shall include the same. ARTICLE 19. MODIFICATION This Agreement constitutes the complete understanding of the parties. No modification of any provisions thereof shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties. ARTICLE 20. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York. In the event of any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Application for Service contract, or the breach thereof, the parties specifically consent to Riverhead Justice Court, Suffolk County Court Jurisdiction, or, if not applicable,the Supreme Court, State of New York, County of Suffolk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused these presents to be signed by Scott A. Russell, its Supervisor, duly authorized to do so, and the Contractor has caused these presents to be signed by its President,the day and year first above written. Rela4CO ,unicatio enter, Inc. By: Name Town of So old By: o� ScottA. Russell, Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this %8��day of May in the year 2022 before me, the undersigned, personally bene I'S /ui k-r— , authorized agent of Relay Communications Center, Inc. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon whose behalf,. of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public GINA A.LOCKE STATE OF NEW YORK) NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YOM Registration No.01LO6057960 ss.: Qualif ed in Suffolk County COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Commission Expires Apr.3o20'23 On this Aday of May in the year 2022 before me, the undersigned,personally appeared SCOTT A. RUSSELL,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public LAUREN M.STANDISH Notary Public-State of New York No.01 ST6164008 Qualified Suffolk Commisson ExpiresApril 9n 2023 (MMIDl)mw) �'o!w CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE [DATE 03/2812022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATIONIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endomement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT HAYS COMPANIES INCIPHS PHONE (866)467-8730 TFAR 42620333 (888)443-6112 {AIC,No,Fst): (NC,No): The Hartford Business Service Center 3600 Wiseman Blvd E-MAIL Son Antonio,TX 78251 ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL# INSURED INSURER A: Hartford Casualty Insurance Company 29424 RELAY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER,INC INSURER a: PO BOX 596/145 GRIFFING AVE INSURER c: RIVERHEAD NY 11901 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATEMNOTWITHSTANQING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IN8DDL S BR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCE D POLICY NUMBER M MD/Y LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 CLAIMS•MADE�OCCUR MAGE TO RENTED $300,000 IS£S IFA oar x General Liablio MED EXP(Any am pavan) $10,000 A X 42 SBA RR2683 04/2612022 04/26/2023 PERSONALSADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERALAOGREOATE $2,000,00D POLICY❑JE.C[ 7 LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGO $2,000,000 OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT(Ea neddentV $1,000,000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per paason) A ALL OWNEDWMEDULED 42 SBA RR2563 04!2612022 04/26/2023 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) AUTOS AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE x AUTOS x AUTOS (Perecddent) UMBRELLA 1JAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,005 CL A ExcEss uas MADE 42 SBA RR2563 04/26/2022 04/26/2023 AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DEJ X RETENTION$10,000 WORKERBCOMFENBATIONPER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITYUTrIER ANY YIN E.L.EACH ACCIDENT PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE (Mandatory In NMI If yea,deaodb0 undar E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT I DESCRIPTION OF NS Wow DESCRIPUCN OF OPERItiIQNS/LOCAirONS/VENICLES(ACORD 101,Additional RemarkaSchadule,Eley be attadlod B mora apace Is reclub" Those usual to the insured's Operations.Certificate holder Is an additional insured per the Business Liability Coverage Form S80008 attached to this policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED 53095 ROUTE 25 BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED SOUTHOLD NY 11971-4642 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD