HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 TAX WARRANT :State o,f New York, County ofSuffolk, §§ The People:ofthe:State.of;New.York: o KELLY FOGARTY Receiver, of Taxes,;of th'e Town of SOUTHOLD' said County, Greeting, You are Hereby Required and Commanded in accordance with, the provisions"of the Real` Property°Tax Law,the Real Property Law,the County Law,and the Suffolk County Tax Ac#to collect on orbefore thethirty- first day,of May;-2022 from the several:persons,named in the Tax and Assessment roll to which this warrant is,;annexed and on the property named and described.therein,°#Fie several sums'extended and mentioned therein as taxes an assessment .. _ .against the respective:names and pr_opeity, together with fo interes$and penalties;wheri`due, as*fpllows' All Taxes upon real`pIroperty shall be dpe,on December 1 2021. ',Said Town of SOUTHOLD having heretofore authorized payment of taxes in two installments pursuant tq:.. the Suffglk County Tax Ac q #'said taxes in two equal installments, the payrrrent ofsame may be $ you are re urred fo collec made andyqu,may collect as follows:: whole of any such tax or assessmen#may be paid on or before January 10 2022 without penaltyt also there sFiall be":no penalty if one=lalf'of aIF such taxes are'paid.orf qr before January 10,;>2022,and 667halfbfdff such taxes are paid on or,before:May;31;.2022,providetl the;#first one=half of such tax shali:have been pa►tl o`r'$ all:be paid;` at:the same time, (b) On such first-half of taxes remaining unpaid on January 10,;2022 orae percent (1%jpf the amount,of.the" first one-half of the tax;calculated from January;l0th shall be atltled to the first month or part thereof,and an additional one; percent(?%).will be,added,each month or partthereof thereafter until::the return of the'warrant to the Counfy iTreasucer " You.are:Furthe.r:Required and'06himanded fo pay over frog aime.to time all mor►ey sq:collec#ed as folloln s 1. Within:fifteen tlays after the tlelivery of this warrant to the Supervisor of the Town, in trust'for fheschooJ; distracts thierern;;one"-half of the amount of the tax levied for purposes ofthe school districts of:the Tovun;or sucf7.part ttereofi: as;shall`not rn the'aggregate exceed one half of the total amount c411ected 6y said 2. Within thirty days after such tlelivery to the Supervisor of the Town, intrust fqr the school distracts therein; the balance.of the amount of the'taz levied 10 ,thepurposes of said school distncts, orauch`part thereof asahah not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the total a„mount'collected bysaid.date Within the first period of-fifteen days and thereafter within the second period of fifteen days,.the rernainder of the moneys,then collected to the Supemsor of the town for support of highways and bridges,moneys#o be:experatled by . welfare off►cialsrfor the support of needy persons, moneys to defray any other town expenses pr charges; and moneys;` levied therein forthe benefit of'special tax districts or,other special purposes, except for the Suffolk County Police.O:strict; the.S,uffglk County District,Court Systeirrand ttie several Suffolk County Sewer Districts and zonesahereof;. 4: After thirty day s:from the date of delivery of the warrant, and at fhe,ezpiration of each period of ten days' thereafter; on account of the foregoing ',:to the Superyisor►n proportion to the balances remarn►ng unpaid,.all moneys so collected until such balances are, paid iii full for afl of which payments:made'by yqw' any;officer other than the:County=' Comp#roller you:,are.to'require:duplicate<.>receipts antl you shall'file gneof such duplicates'witfi the.County Comptroller on jI' rhakingYpur return; S. After the payment of,such,balances in full, all the residue of the moneys so collected, to the County: Comptroller andsuchrypayments shalhbe made at intervals of ten days:firom.the`completion of.the payments above provided. in:"subdivision 1,,2, 3 and''4 hereof.. You are further commanded tq pay to the Supervisor of the Tawrr herein mentioned such sum or sumsas may:have been collected by you during said period for fees,,penaltiesinterest, and charges on:taxes or with respec#ao$he moneys: herein mentioned.- Ifany persons shall neglect or refuse to pay any tax imposed on him yqu areh ereby authorized as may be provided by,aaw to' levy antl collect the same by'distress and sale upon any personal property in said county belonging to or in;;., pgssession of spch person,andcause;th,e sameao be soltl at public auction for the p'aymenf.ofsuch`tax and'ahe fees and penalties.hereinafferfimposed and expenses bf collection and,no claim of property to be made byanyothOr:person thereto;' shall"be availableto prevent such sale:' _. You are further required;afterthe.rece►pt,of this warrant,ao cause notices of the:reception of#his°tax:and"assessment,. roll.and warrantto, a given,as required l y law and thaf'the taxes and:assessments therein:may be paitl to the Receiver of Taxes at4he tirnes.and'with penalties as providetl by law, aqd.you are further required to cause notices to:be given as required by law'of_the.dates and places-other than your principal office when'and where you':will"attend foi:the:receipt.of taxes:and assessments. You shall°make ,your,`return; verified.,as required byxaaw, to°the County Camptroller.of;al1. unpaid taxes•and assessments on tfie,tax and assessment roll ahnexetl:to this warrantwhich you shall nof`liave be enabfe:ao.collect .on,or before the fifteenth day of June.2022,as'provid, by law.: Pv� You'are further'required and commantled-out of the money so;;collected by you, and as above provided, to:pay over TO:SUPERVISOR OF SAID TOWN FOR; j Amount School Districts $ :94,052,106:25 Kgliway(Town Wide) 6,388;642,00. Fire pistncis _ 8,042,191.95 Fire,Protection Districts East/Wesi Fire 839,216.00 Southo,ld,.Solid Waste. 2,,194;351:00. Fishers lsland Ferry 1,41.9,772.00, Orient.Mos uito 97;960,00 Refuse;and�G,.arbage:Dtstrict,Fi"skiers Island 7581150.00 Park-b.iatricts 84.1.,992:00' Property Maintenance; 55920 Out of CountyTuition Charge 57,607.:00 General (Town Wid6),, 29,943;.980.0.0 General(Town Outside Village) TOTAL PAYABLETO SUPERVISOR $ 145,680,754.90 TAX WARRANT State of New York,:County of Suffolk Sheet2 TOWN.OF SOUTHOLD YEAR 2021-2022 TO THE COMPTROLLER. :OFSAID`COU.NTY;, Amount The residue ofthe money so collected,by you for.. County Tax-General $ 6,616;206.00 2020 Actual Surplus/.Deficit-County Tax General (4,310,44.9.00) ,2021 Estimated Surpaus/Deficit-County.Tax General (455,752.00)' District:Superintendent of Schools 529.07 Sub'Total:I. 1,8501534,07 County.Tax-:Suffolk Community College Total Payable:to County,Comptroller for Suffolk Community College 196,9.02.00 Less Credits: . - {638 90) Total;Payable:to,County,Comptrpller for County Purp6 e $ 2,046;797.97; Erroneous Assessments:&'Tax.Refunds :County 25'846:.12 Erroneous Assessments&Tax Refunds-,,Suffolk C. ommunity College: :2,679.05 . :9.05 Erroneous Assessments&Tax Refunds .Town Only 1,526,490::87 Total of Adjustments Mandated by Law- 1,555,1)16,04' SCWA Charge 0.00: Energy Improvement 0.00 NYS,Mandated MTA Commuter Tax General Fund- 65,261.57 Excess.Due to Tax Extension 693:66 Total.Payable to County.,Comptirolle $ .3,667,769.24 TOTAL'.'AMOUNT-OF WARRANT:$ 149,348;524;14, In Witness Whereof the:CountyLegislature of,said.County has caused=this warrant:to.be signed by the Presiding Officer and'.Clerk.of said:Legislature,,and the Seal of,the.County to be affixed thereto and have caused the same to be. annexed ioahe tax and assessment roll of the towrT above named thi'sIth day,of DEcEWBER,;2021 . � a .. ........ .............. Clerk: Presiding Officer