HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 - TAX WARRANT State of New -County of Suffolk &&� The People of the State of0em/York to. KELLY FOGARTY Receiver of Taxes of the ToVun County, Greeting: You are HerebyRequired and Coffirri.and-ed in accordance withAhe proVis.lons� of the Real Proj�ertyTtx Law,the Real Proper�y Law,the:Couht Law,and.the Suffolk County TaxActto collect-on or before the:thiity- first day of May,,2020 from the several persons.named in the-Taxaftd Assessment roll to which this.warrant is,annexed and on the,property named:arid:desc'ribed therein,the sever'al'sums extended and mentioned therein as taxes and assessments against the res,pective hames,brid-property,together with fees, interest and penalties when' due,as follows: All Taxes upon real property shall bedue ooDecember 1. 2U1S\ Said Town of SOUTHOLD. , having heretofore authorized payment oftaxesintwo,ipstal|mentspursuanthz the Suffolk County Act, ypu are required,hpmzUec�soidtaxes intwo equal instoUme.ht .thepaymaotufqaman{aybe made and you may collect nnfollows: (a) Thewhole dfanyouohtoxorass eoomentmaybe,paidonorbefonaJanuory8O.2O2O with |ao there shall bonopenalty ifbho�ha|fnfall such taxes are paid onorbefore January,|V.2O2O. and the second one-half ofall such taxes are paid dnnrbefore May 31.2O2O. provided the first one-half ofsuch tax shall have been paid orshall bepaid edthe same time. (b) Onsuch first-half oftaxes remaining unpaid onJanuary 1O. 2Q20one percent (1Y6) nfthe amount bfthe first one-half of the tax calculated from January 1 Oth shall be added to the first month or part thereof,and an additional one. pemert(1%)will be-added each month or part thereof thereafter until'the return Of the warrant to the County Treasurer. You'areFurtheIrRequired-and Cmrnnandedto pay over from time t»time sUmoney socollected oyfoUowo 1. Within-fifteen days after the delivery ofthis-warrant bothe'Supervisor,of for districts therein,one-half of-the amount ofthe tax levied for purposes of-the school dbdricts.afthe Tnwn.orsuch part thereof, aashall not|nthe aggnegate exceed-one-half ofthe total amount'collected,bysaid date. 2. VVith!'nthirty days afterouchdeVwary.to the 5upeD/isorof the Town, intmotfor the school districts therein, the balance ofthe'amount of the tax levied for the purposesof said schooldistricts, orsuch part thereof aoshall not inthe aggregate exceed one-half ofthetotal amoundzoUeobedbvsaid date. 8' �VV�h d thereafter within h doffifh:e days,theremainder ofthemoneyotheno collected to theSupervisor Of thet forb�bthighways-andUidg toUaexpended by vve|fo officials forthe support of needy persons,moneys to defray any other expenses,qrobargeo. and nnpnoyn levied therein for the benefit of special tax,districts or Other special purposes, except for the Suffolk-County Police District, the Suffolk County District Court-System and the several Suffolk County Sewer Districts and zones thereof. 4 After thirty'days from the date ofdelivery cf the Warrant, and atthe expiration ofeach period mftondays thereafter, on account of thforegoing, to the Supervisor in pnjbnrbon to the balances remaining wnpaid.aV moneys-so collected until such balances are paid |pfuU;-for all ofwhich paymentsh1adebyyou to.6hy,dfficer other than,the County Comptroller you are to require duplicate receipts and you shall file one nfsuch duplicates with the County CpmptnoUsvon making your return. ' 5. After the payment of such balances in full, all the residue of the moneys so ooUenbd, to the County Comptroller and such payments ohmUbomodeatintamo|ooftondayofrnmthaoomp|a1ionbfthepaymentoabovapnovided insubdivision 1,2.3and 4hereof. You are further oom ed of tbeTown herenmandonedsuch sum orsums oomay have been ooUeob*dbyyou duhUgo��dpphodTorfeep', penalties,,i-nitsrest, and charges ontaxes orwith respect{othe moneys herein mentioned. |f imposed on him you are hereby ulh rized may be,provided by law to levy brid 600qt the_;§ame by distr0§p'.,an' d sale uo6h any personal propertyin said county belonging to or in, possession of such person, and cause the.8ameto be,s6ldat public auction for the.pay�ment of.such taxi and the fees and penalii,es hereinafter,imposed.and expenses of,collec.tion,,and I b6,clairn of property to be made by any other person'thereto shall.be available to prevent such sale. You furthrequired,afterthe receipt of this notices of the nf.this tax d assessment roll and Warrant to be given as,required by law and,that the,taxes and assessments therein may be paid to the Receiver of Taxes,at the times,and w.it.h. penalties as provided.by law, and you,are,further required to cause notices to be given as required�by law.of the dates and plates other thanyour principal'office,when-and where you will attend for the receipt cif taxes and assessments. You shall make your return, verified as required by law, to the ',County 'Comptroller ofall unpaid taxesand assessments on the tax and assessment roll annexed.to this warrant which you shall not have been able to collect, on or before the fifteenth day ofJune 2V�(1aaprovided bylaw. You are further required and commanded out of the money so collected byyou`d''' above,provid&d, to;`pay over- 'TO`SUPERVISOR OF SAIUTOWN FOR: Amount -,School Districts $ 91,667,115:54 Property Maintenance 1,398'26- Highway(Town Wide) 6,292,698:00 Fire Districts 7,4161-1`36.28. Fire Protection Distriots East/We.§t Fire 835;$99,00 Southold SolidWaste 2;073;258:.00 Fishers l8land.Ferry 863,298.00 OrientMo.squito 94,8.5.0..00 .Refuse.and Garbage_District Fishers Island 881,413.00 Park Districts 789,700.00 O'ut'of.County Tuition Charge- "126,446.00 General.(Town Wide); 28;018,898:00 General (-Town Outside.Village) 893.318.00 TOTAL PAYABLE-TO-:S.UPERVISOR $ 139;954,508.0.8 TAX WARRANT State of New York,,County,of Suffolk Sheet'2 TOWN"O.F SOUTHOLD YEAR 2019-2020 ✓ TO THE=COMPTROLLER.'OF SAID COUNTY, Amount The residue of the money so collected:byyou for. County Taxa-General 1,272 665.00 201$Actual Surplus/Deficit-.County Tax�General 1,6$3,27Q;.00 2019 Estimated Surplus/Deficit.-County Tax General (1;163,998.,OQj County Tax-Suffolk Community College 195,466;.00: District Superintendent of Schools 503:56. Sub,To#al 1,987,9;06.56 Less Credits. (448:69) Total P8y6bI6 to County Comptroller for County Purposes '$ 1,987,457:87 Erroneous Assessments&Tax Refunds-County12,338.92 Erroneous Assessments&Tax,Refunds-Suffolk Community College "1,248:49 Erroneous Assessments&Tax Refunds-Town.Only 949,Q21.57 Tgtal:of=Adjustments Mandated by'Law- 962 60.8,9,8 S'CWA Charge' 15,;327.88 Energy Improvement 0.00 NYS'Mandated.MTA Commuter Tax. General Fund- 66,206,':1;2 Excess pue`to Tax Extension n4T2-39 Total ftyable to'Courity Comptroller $ 3i032,013:24 TOTAL;AMOUNT OF WARRANT$ 142,986;521.32 in Witness,Whereof ihe.Cbunty,Legislatute 6f•said County has caused this warrant to.be signed by the Presiding Officer and Clerk of said Legislature; and the$eal of the County to be°affixed thereto and have caused:the same to be anneXed-to.the tax and assessment roll of the town above named this NINETH day of DECEMBER,2019: ....................................... .............. Clerk ,.. ...... ..... Presiding Offcer I( 1