HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRAUER, FRED J THIS IND~URE~ made the day of %1 ~ .... ~ ~ ?~ !9~, between FRED Jo SPRAU~R~ residing at 35 Dickinson Avenue~ East Northport~. ~Suffolk County~ New York~ party of the first part~ and THE BOARD OF~ TRUSTEES DF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal cor- poration, and a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New york, and havirg its principal place of business at Main Road~ Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York, party of the second part~ WITNESSETH~ that the party of the first part in con- sideration of One Doilar~ lawful money of the United States~ and other 'valuable consi(eration paid by the party of the second does hereby remise~ ~elease and quitclaim unto the party of the second part~ its su~essors or assigns forever~ ALL of hisright~ title and interest in and to any and all water rights~ r~arian rights~ claims~ easements~ appurten- ances~ and any and ~! lands under water in Little Creek Channe!~ near Nassau Point~ ~tcbogue~ Town of Southold~ Su~f~i~ County~ New York~ which lie~ north of the northerly line of a ~roposed channel as describe in a map entitled ~'Map Showing Proposed Dredging in Little ~reek and Peconic Bay~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ NewYork, Scale 1" = 200 feet"~ and approved by Lester M. Albertso~ Supervisor, Town of Southold, on September 12~ 1966~ and filed in ~he Office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County~ ~ew York, and as said map was modified and amended by the term of a dredging easement executed by Fred Sprauer on July 15. 1967~ a copy of same being annexed hereto and made a part hemof. TOGETHERwith all right, title and interest of the party of the firstpart in and to the land lying in the streets and roads in front Of and adjoining said premises. TOGETHER with the and all the estate and rights of the party Of the first part in ~and to said premisss. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD '~': nn,e premises herein granted unto the party of the seCond part, i~s successors and assigns forever. The party of the first part covenants that he will re- ceive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that he will applY the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the for any other purpose. IN WITNESS~WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written~ prauer STATE OF NEW YORK SS.' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the ~' ,~ day of ~//9 ~-' ~,~ ~v~ f~ 196~% before me per- sonally came FRED J. SPRAUER, to me known to be the individual described in and Who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the .,.san~e~ 12 r,~ ~ ~'-o ~_o upon w~,_.~_cn this ease~-, ih._ fOllowins are u~ .... i:erms~ and co'ndi';~-~''n% ~'~ menL is StaR,ed. all ef whhh terms and. conditions are made a -part this Easement Agreement 8nd are indorporated Nerei.n~ and which modi. fy a}id ame~:}('l f':l~e ~hiap Showins Propnscc~ Drodsi~nS in l,i[.[~l.e Crook and t2 The sotttherly iir~e rS'F the ~ ~.~o . p~o?o,~e(~ channel as doscr-[.bed in ~iiep Showin~ PrOposed DredsLNS h'~ !.j. tt]e Creek and Pocon~c 13ay~ shall be moved ,n a northerly direct~on'a~ ~.~. ~ .~,~ r _:nO {:eot:~ At ~- '- noJunt rna southerly line off said proposed ch~.n~nno! will be d-is'Lent 4~25 feel_ ai. or'~S sahi.d easterly tine of Sprauer nor'Pher!v from tNe %ntorsect~.on the Northerly line ef P~ay Avenue with the easterl.v line of said Sprauer~ INn said souther!f lien ef tNe plqepesed chaneel_~ as h~rei_n amended and mcdified~ SNatt rue in a strsisht line iea NerthwesLer!v direction s eoint on the westerly Ii_ne of Aands ef said Spra~ter distant 650 feec northerly 'from iii'in intersoctio~ of said westerly ilne witln the north~- er!.y lire o~l: Bay Avenue. ....... ~e Common amd [l~cl-{',~'ic'od i',an(~ (}'i' ghe To~¢n oil Southoid. No'w York~ o~-~ ~,~. auS_tc'~a4m deed duly ~'>'em",~-ed i.~ Er'r for records"r~n convey ail_ o.S theS. r ]::'iSNL.. tii-:]e and 5ntcrest in and a'7:!y snd a.~ .... meadov: ]_and o~..a!ec~ by them or ~n wNich -,q',-,v pla?It any ........ s'- thereto i5,--i~-~c~ sodL~.~ of hhe so-f~t[qoFly line or: the-proposed ~ &:$ described bereins~ove i.n par~o~¢'~n~ m~' "~ 3o The ~'~"'~ ~- mr~ ~,~ ..... of the To'~.m of Southo~d shall by quit~ dead duly exec,,'r~¢d ~;, form :flor recording convoy a~¢_ of theLr ~.Lt.L~ 8nd ~_nterest A'n and to any a~d _ emen~.~ . snd anTM apd all lands unde~ ,-~" (]hann("!']',*'~n,¢ xou{:l~ o T~IS Ii~DgNI~JRB~ made the day of April~ 1968,~ he,caen THE BOfeRD ~ ~USTEES OF ~ l~}Rq OF SOB~i{O~ a municipal co~rporation~ and a corporation omganize~ under the la,ss of the State of Hew ~ork~ and having its principal place of business mt '~,~ain ]~oad~ Southold~ Suffolk County~ Ne%~ York~ party of the firsn part, and FR~ J. SP~&UER. residing at 35 Dickinson Avenne~ East Nerahport, Suffolk Connty~ Ne~ York~ party of the second part~ ~%rIT!{ESSE~{~ that the party of the first part in con~- sideration of One ~%lar, la~fuI money of the United States~ and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second 'part~ deer hereby renise~ release and quitctai~ unto the party ~= seconc~ ~ his he~rs~ ~ucce~so~s and assz, gns ~,,?~' ~" -~ ti~ ~_nteras~ in and to any and ALL .oz{ ~.~s right~ .~ie and ' ~ all water rights: riparian rights~ claims~ easements, appurte- nances~ and any and ail.. lands under ~ater in Little Creek Cb~nnel 'near Nassau Point~ gutchog~ae~ To~ of Southold~ Suffolk County~ N~s York, in the folio{~ing described parcel of land: ALL that certain p!ot~ piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being near !{assau Point at Peconic~ in theTo%~ of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of N~ York~ bounded and des{~ribed as follo~,~s; BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete ~enu~ent in the northerly line of Bay Avenne~ ~here the division line of the ~ren~ises beings described and the land of Standley intersects the northerly line of Bay Avenue; running thence along said division line North 4° 07~ 00~ West through t~e concrete monuraents 680~36 fe~t to the southerly ~.i~e of a dredged c~hanne% of Little Creek as the same now e×.~s~s~ running nhe~ along the said southerly line of said dredged channel as the same now exists I) South 65° o 2) South 73~ 09~ 50~ East 3~30 ~eet to 06~ 40~ ~st 30~52 f~et~ a point in said southerly line of said dredged channel where same i~ intersected by a tie line; running thence along said tie ~zne through and along the ordinary high water mark of Hog Neck reef to the northerly line of Bay South 5~ !8 TM 40~ Nest 44!~28 ~ ' Bay Avem~e~ runn~.ng thence along the ~aid northerly l~n= of Bay o ~ %~eot 473~43 feet to ~he monument at the Avenue SOuth 87 0!~ ~a~ ~ = po~n~ or place of begznnzng~ T~TR~R ~gith all right~ t.~tle and interest of the party of the f~.rs= part in and to the land lying in ~he streets and roads in front of and adjoining said premi~es~ T~E~ with the appu_tenances and al% the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premime~ prem~s=s herein granted unto the party of the second part~ his heirs snceesso:~s and assigns This deed is g~v~..n for the ~a~pose of correcting the description ~ th= dead to Fred J. $prauer from the Board of Trustees of the T~n of Southold dated January 15~ 1968~ recorded February 8 t968 in m~.oe_ 6301~ page 314. IN WITk~SS ~ ~ ~ ' ~I~OF, the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and th,~se presents to be signed by its du'iy authori~.ed officers the day and year f~r~ above writte~ ,>, Dong!as~ Robertson Prank Dawson V STATE ,..OF N55~ appeare~ personally x.~,.,j ..-', ~, ~UG~$ t{OB~~ITSON~ GEORGB $%!~SON, JOt~ MC ~g~ GO~DSM%~t, mezn~ by me duly sworn ~ did and PP~ DA%jSOI~ to ma kno~ who, ~ ' e depose and say that each resides in the Town of Southotd~ ~rk~ ~hat tNey comprise the m~nbers of Ti~ BOA~ County~ New ~u~. ~ -- %EIgSTEES OF ~ T~ OF SO~ROLD, the n~uni~al corporation ~ ~ t that they scribed in and which executed the foregoing zns~.~en g tiong that the seal affixed to said know 3.e seal of said coroora · '~ ~s such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by instrumen~ - order of the BOA!~ O~ '~TEES of said corporation~ and that they Signed their names thereto by like order~ T~ic Ne .................................... ALL that certain plot~ eiece or parsel of land, situate, LyinS ~ t ~- '*etonic ~ the Town of Southold, County of ~ffolk and 8~ste of New york~ hsuRded and described as BEGZNNiNG at s point ~mrked by a concrete monument i~ the desa~ibe being line of Bay Avenue~ where the division line of the premises ant ~he land of Standtey inBsrsects the Nor~her!y line of ~Y %venue~ 'Line North 4° 07~ 00" West through said division thence two concrete monument 680~36 fee~% to ~he Sou~hsz~y a~n ~e>' Creek ss the same now exists} channel of L~e S , .~ y txn~ ef said cireeged channel runRing thence along ~he said outhe~i ~ as the same now exists. 1} S~ 65~ 06~ 40'~ East 303~52 feet} Z} S of S~:sne~ ~Y line seid 73° 09' 50~ Eas~ 300 feet to a point in ~ cted by a tie ~ ~?~d~ed channel- where eno same is inter, se ~}~. 5~ i8~ A0~ Ess~ through Hog Neck thence en $ course ~ .... m line xef Bay 'Yrvenue } ordinary 8~on~ running thence along said tie line through ~g Neck Bay ~o~uh qo !8~ 60~ We~t 4&.t~23 feet to South of line Say Avenue runnins ~hence alosS the said Northerly . ' z,~ e ~, ~O ...... 87°,~'~' 20" West 473.43 '~ ~be '" 'BEGiNN!NG~ .NO drivcwxy ~a.~zmcnt will '~ ' : u~ess specific2Jly so stated Thc policy to be issuec ~dcr this report will insure thc ti:~c zo such buit4in~ and [mprovc~ats er~tc4 on the pzcm[sss which by !aw constitute real proper~ NOT INSURED. ~ 2ose~nef - Only. k The aN~ve prowsion snou!d follow inthe:acde~rict[oastrcc%" to inthcrhec ea',te, rDeedllne°r Mortgage! ~ ~ to convey or mortgage whatever RICHARD d. CRON MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. 11{935 18 December 1967 Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Greenport~ New York Re: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold to Sprauer Dear Let: In accordance with our recent telephone conversation in connection 'with the above captioned~ I am enclosing here- with original and copy of quitclaim deed to be executed by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold relative to lands under water lying south of the proposed channel at Little Creek~ Cutchogue~ New York. If the enclosed deed is satisfactory in all respects~ it should be appreciated if all of the members of the Board of Trustees execute same and have their signatures duly notarized° Upon completion of same~ kin~!y return to me the original of the deed duly executed so that i may record same at the County Clerk's Office in Riverhead. Thank you for your courtesy extended in this matter. My very best wishes. Richard J. Cron RJC/j f Enc. 1 RICHARD ,..J. CRON MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. lt935 10 January 1968 Lester M, Albertson~ Supervisor Greenport, New York Re: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold to Sprauer and vice versa Dear Les: In connection with the above captioned, I am pleased to enclose herewith duly executed quitclaim deed from Mr. Sprauer to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold conveying all of his right, title and interest in the lands and lands under the 'water lying north of the northerly line of the proposed channel at Little Creek, Cutchogue. Upon your receipt of the enclosed,'it should be appre- ciated if you would promptly forward to me the duly executed quitclaim deed by The Board of Trustees conveying all of their right, title and interest in and to lands and lands under water lying south of the southerly line of the proposed channel. We expect to close title in connection with this matter very short- ly and would like to have all quitclaim deeds recorded. Thanks for your cooperation and courtesy in this matter° My very best wishes to you. <~Richard J. Cron RJC/j f Enc. 1 '.9 -. .. :":"'-:...?.:i; c.... .. ;J ,% 0 i i q"!<':::., i ;', ....... ' t ;"" ........