HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMITH & EDELMANN TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOW OF SO~JTHOLD, SIPFFOLK CO~JNTY, NE~/ YORK We~ ERNEST E. WILSBERG and HAROLD ~. WII~BERG, both residing at Mattituck, in the Town ef Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby state that we are the owners ef proper~y along the shore of Nattituck Creek, in the Town ef Seutheld, Suffolk County~ New York, said property being generally beuuded on the North by land of Nary Edelmamn, on the East by Mattituck Greek, on the South by land of Nary Ac Smith, and en the West by Brewer Read, do hereby consent te the conveyance by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Seuthold to Nary Edelmann of the interest of the Beard ef Trustees in the lands lying between the premises of the said Nar~ Edelmann and the present high water mark of Nattituck Creek (being filled laud formerly-la~ds.u~der the waters of Nattituck Creek) said being more fully described as follows: ALL that certain let, piece or parcel of land situate~ lying and Being at Nattituck, in the Town of Southold, County ef Suffolk, New York, bounded and described as BEGINNING at the point where the boundary line between land new or formerly ef Nary Edelmann aud la~d now or for- merly of Wilsberg intersected ordinary high water ef Natti- tuck' Creek.as found in 1950, said.point Being South iI de- grees l?.m~utes 2Osecends East 60 feet, more er less, along said boundary line from the intersection of the se~utherly lime e.f Brewer Read with the southwesterly line of Gr.aud Avenue, from said point of Beginning fussing along the dmrect extension southerly ef said Boundary line", South ll degrees 17 mimutes 20 seconds East 129 feet, mere or less, te ordinary high water mark of Nattituck Creek; thence ~orth- easterly along sai~ high water mark ~f Nattituck Creek, 150 fee~, more ur less, to said southwesterly line of Grand Ave- nue; themce along said southwesterly line of. Grand Avenue, North 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds. ~West ~0 feet, more or less~ $o said high waSer mark of Nattmt~ck Creek as found in 1950; thence westerly along said high water mark as found in 1~50, 55 feet~ mare er less, te the point of begi~ing. We hereby further consent to the conveyance by the Beard of Trustees ef the Tew~ of Seutheld to Nary Ac Smith of the in~erest of the said Beard of Trustees in the lands lying between the pre- raises of the said Mmry A. Smith and the present high water mark of ~tti~uck Creek (being filled, laud, formerly lands under the wat~ of Nattltuck .Creek) said lauds being described as follows: ALL that certa~ lot, piece or Rarcel of lan~ situate, lying and Being at Nattituck, in the Town of Southold', County of S~f~lk~ New Terk, bo~de~ ~d described as follow~: BEGINN~G at the pe~t where the bo~da~ l~e Between l~d new er ~o~erly ef ~ A. Smith and land now er fe~erly of Wilsberg =ntersected o~ina~ high water mark of ~ttituck Creek as fo~d in 1950, saxd po~ bei~ South 21 deg~es 17 m~u~es 20.seconds Eas~ 150 feet, ~re or less~ along said bo~da~ lxne from t~e southerly l~e of Brower Road; from said poin~ of begi~=ng ~ing along the direc~ e~ensiOn southerl~ of said bo~da~ 'line, Sou~h 21 de~es 17 ~i~utes 20 seconds East 1~0 fee~, more or less~ ~o o~d=na~ hm~ ~ter mark of ~ttituck 9reek, ~hence somthw&s~erly along saxd high ~er ~rk .$f ~t~ltuck Creek, 85 fee~, ~ or less; thence along ~he am~ct extension southerly of the bou~a~ line between said l~d now or formerly of ~ A, S~th an~ l~d now or formerly of Norrison, No~h 28 deg~es 17 m~utes 20 seconds West 113 feet,~ more or less, to said high w~ter mark as fo~ in 19~0 thence norSheasterly along samd high water mark as fo~d ~ 950, ll5 feet, more or less, to t~ point E~es~ E, Wil~berg ' U .... STATE OF ~W YORK) COUNTY OF $~FFOLKIss: On thin /f~/ day of May, Ninetee~ H~dred and S~ty, be~ fore ~, the subscriber, ~rsona~y ap~are~ ER~ST~ E. ~~G ~d H~O~ W. ~~RG to ~ ~rsonally ~o~ ~d ~o~ to me to be the ~e persons des, cribed in and w~ ~ecu~ed ~he ~hin ~s~n~ and ~hey ack- n~wledged te me that they executed the s~. / Residing t~ Suffolk Cour~.7 Cor~ission Expires March