HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMITH, ALBERTA WJ~ ira_. p'(~:~'suanoe o% Chatter .615 of ~he ]laws of l~ew York,, passed iz~ 189; beZoPe -bhe de!iv'ezlT hereof doth hereby ~ea2,~ baz?gatn~ sell lease '~tso the said par%b~ of the seo~ p~'%~ ~hei.r' heirs ~& ~Tm ~ ,.% ¢~-{~ ~ eribee as follows = ehemse al. on6 said I~4 Sow~h 5~ 12~ 50~' Wes'b~ i8~ 2 fees 2D foot rigdlS Of Wa}r it7~09 feet %0 said edEe of £1rs~ par-b~ has up a ~-.~ a ~auoz'ity of ~e o;f ~Pas~seas COI~TN~.T 0-3' S'LC{'POLX~ Ozl %his 9~h d~Sr of 8eptembe~ befoPe ~i~e pemsonall% o~e Alvah B. Goldsmith, Fra~ Da~sen~ John F~ ~Nulty, Douglas Robertson and 8eorge ell pe~son, alli i~o~xm. ~o ~e,~ ~¥h.o~ bein~ bi me 6lulN swo~?n~ That %he seal affi%ed. To the fome{{~oin~ imst~:~,m~er/t was such of sale ToYs& of Soueho!e:~ ~& %has each one si~sned, his n~_e ShaPe- ~IARION A, REGENT ~OTARY PUBLIC, State ot ,New Yor~ ~, 52-3233120 Suffolk County ~'~B F×pi~es ~tsrc~ 3'3, LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LOnG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 516 -298- 8353 September 5, 1968 Board o£ Trustees To~ca of Southo!d Main Road Southoid~ New York Re: Alberta ~o Smith - Tov,~_ o£ Southold ,~entiemen. i ~m enclosing for your consideration a proposed ~r~nt to Alberta W. Smith £or filled l~ad in the Mest br~nch of Mattituck Creek~ A recent survey of Van Tuyl, a print of which is also enclosed, shows the D~iand and Meadow line in 1955. The Meadow line represents high water mark at that time and I believe we can assume title to the Meadow good in the Upland owner. This would leave only a small area in the Southeast corner, which I have marked with red lines~ over which your BOard would have title. However~ in order to clear Rp fully any possible questionable area, I have included in the description the v£nole Meadow area~ Very~ordialiy ~!rs, encl.