HomeMy WebLinkAboutSANFORD, RAYMOND THIS PERmiT made in duplicate, the ~ day of ~
19~4, between TOWN OF ~..0UTHOLD, in the Coo_uty of Suffolk and State
of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees and by
virtue of Chapter 615 of
in 1893, and pursuant to
of the Board of Trustees
the Laws of the ~tate of New York, passed
a w~itten resolution adopted by a majori~
of said To~n of Southold, at a meeting
held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof, on
the ~ day of ~ . , 195~ party of the first part, and
RA~f~4GND A. SA.NFOR~, party of the second pe~t,
~iTNESSETH, the party of the first part in consideration
of the sum of $ /0 o~
-~- ~ duly paid to the party' of the first
pa.t, before the delzvery hereof, the recezpt whereof ~s hereby
duly ackz~owledged~ has granted e~d does hereb~ grant unto the sai~
party of the second part, his heirs and assigns fo~ever~ permissi~
to dredge in front of and adjace~fc to his premises and to remove
bog in Brightwate~s Creek, and permission to erect a dock~
Subject, however, to the public right of navigation and
subject to the right of the public to pass and repass along that
portion of the beach between low and high water mark. On condi-
tion, however, that the party of the second part will hold the
said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and Free fro~ any
and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said
IN WITN~S WHEREOF, the said Town of Southold, party of
the first part, has by a vote of a ~
majority of the Board of
Trustees of said Town, caused its corporate seal to be hereunto
Board of Trustees, the day and year above written.
and these p~esents to 0e su~$eribed by a majority of said
SS :-
On this ~7 day of ~~, 1
personally c~e ~ONS DEAN, of Greenport, N.Y.; LT~ F. TU~iLL,
~ Orment, N.Y.; ALV~ B. OOL~i~TH, of $outhold, N~Y.; JO~
McNUL~ of Laurel, N.Y. and ~K DAWS~, of New S~folk, N~Y.,
all personally known to me, who being by me duly sworn, severally
said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, Cowry
S~fol~ and State of New York, ~ud were me~oers of the Beard of
Trustees of said Town of Southold and constituted a majority of the
s~e; that they ~ew the corporate seal of said Town of Sout~ld;
that the seal ~fixed to the foregoing ~st~e~ was such corpor-
ate seal; that it was ~fixed there~to by order of t~ Board of
Trustees of said To~ of $outhold and that each one signed his n~e
thereto ms a T~ustee ~d by like
-- Notar~ Pub~l~ic, ~ff'o~k coUnty~
THIB PERMIT made in duplicate~ the ~ 7 day of ~ j
195[~ between T01~ OF SOUTHOLD~ in the County of Suffolk and State
of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees and by
virtue of Chapter 61~ of the Laws of the State of New York, passed
in 1893~ and pursuant to a w~itten resolution adopted by a majorit~
o_~ the Board of Trustees o£ said Town of Southold, at a meeting
held pursuant to notice duly given to all the members thereof~ cn ~
the lo day of ~ ~ 19~4~ party of the first psrt~
RAYMO~¥D A~. S~h~FORD~, party of the second pa~t~
WIT~ESSETH~ the party of the first part in consideration of
the sum of ~ ~ ~ ~--- ~ duly paid to the party of the first part,
before the delivery hsreof~ the receipt whereof is hereby duly ack-
nowledged~ has granted and does hereby grant nnoo the said party o~
the second part, his heirs and assigns forevem~ permission to
dredge in front of and adjacent to his premises (six lots east of
premises for which permit was heretofore granted) and to remove bo~
in Brightwaters Oreek~ and permission to ersct a dock~
Subject~ however~ to the public right of navigation and sub~
ject to the right of the public to pass and repass along that
portion of the beach between low and high water mark. On conditio~
however, that the party of the second part will hold the said
Trustees and the To~m of Southold harmless and free from any and
all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said cLvedgingo
IN ~Tk~ESS WY~P~0F, the said To~u~ of Southold~ party of the.
first part, has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Tr, ustees
its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed~ an~
of said Town~ caused
these presents to be subscribed by a majority of said Board of
Truste~ the day ~d year above written°
Onthis ~ day of ~L~~ 1954~ before ms personall~
came E~_ONS DE~ of ~reenpor'c~ N.Y.~ LYLE F. TUTHILL~ of 0rient~
NoY. ~ ALVAH B~ GOLDS~[KTH~ of Southold, N.Yo; JOHN McNULTY~ of
Laurel, NoY, and FR~NK DAWSON~ of New Suffolk, N.Yo ~ ail personaliy
know~ to ~s~ ~fr_o being by ms duly sworn~ severally said that they
each resided in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State
of New York, and were members of th.e Board of Trustees of said Tow~
of Southold and constituted a majority of t~he same~ that they knew~
the corporate seal of said Town of Southola; that the sea! affixed
to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal; that it was
affixed theretto~to by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town
of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Trustee
and by like order.
Notary Pubiic~ Suffolk County
T.w~ D~D~Ro~Gh~ED DOES -~.,--~BY REQUEST Prom the Southold Town Trustees
(a) permission to dredge Ah~ REMOVE BOG IN BRIGH~ATERS CREEK~Y~
(b) permission to erect a dock'~
(c) a granz of land Under water
And~ TP~ ~DERSIGh~D DOES i~REBY AGP~E to hold the said Trustees and
ti~e Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and
claims arising under or by virtue of said
~P~day of ~.~
On the /~ 9~-~ ~before me personally
to'm'e-ukno~aud k~own to ms to be the m~ud_v~duat described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument~ and
duly acknowledged to me that
executed the same.
RA ~,~ 0 i~D SA hrF ORD
THE UNDERSiGneD DOES I~E?J~BY REQUEST From the Southold Town Trustees
(a) permission to dredge~
(b) permission to erect a dock~
(C) a grant of land under water
And ~
claims arising
THE UNDERSiGneD DOES i~REBY AGREE to hold the said Trustees and
Town of Southold harmless and free from any and alt damages and
under or by virtue of said
STAT~ OF ~)oo.
~0U~Y OF SD-FFOLK~)~°'
to me kno~mand known to me to be the znd_vzdual described in and who
executed the foregoi~ instr~ent~ and
duly ack~uowledged to me that executed the s~e~
~o~arY P~li~ 'Su~Oik COunty~