HomeMy WebLinkAbout1128 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NE%V YORK ACTION OF THE ZONI/~G BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 1128 Dated June 22, 1967 To Mattituck Iron Works Sound Avenue & Pacific Street Mattituck, New ~ork 1967 Appellant at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, was considered and the action indicated ~elow w~s taken on your ( ) lq~quest for variance due to lack of aecees to property ]f ) Request for a special emce~tion under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinar~ce ( ) July 6, 1967 the appeal I. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( . ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article ............... Section ............... Subsection ................ paragraph ............. of the Zoning ,Ordinance, and. the decision of the ~uilding Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed became 9-'00 PM (E.D.S~T.), Upon application of Mattituck Iron Works, Sound Avenue & Pacific Street, Mattituck, New York, f.o_r a special Exception in accordance with t~e~ Zonin~ Iv, section 408, Subsection' (b), for permission to retain a ,side wall sign. Location of property: southeast side Sound Avenue and Pacific Street, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Sound Avenue, east by Mattituck Presbyterian Church, south by Peter Andrusio, west by Pacific street. 2. VA~IA~qCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Stri,ct apglication of the Ordinance (would) (would not) predate practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship because SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vtcinity of this property and in the same use distric~ because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) cha~ge the character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) 'be confirmed ( ) be reversed. i~ORM ZB4 ) ~e denied and that the ZONINO BOARD Or APPEALS Barbara C. Dittmann/, Secretary After investigation and inspection the Board finds that Mattituck Iron .Works desires to retain a ~idewall sign on their business on the southeast side of Sound Avenue and Pacific Street, Mattituck, New York. Applicant prefers a sidewall to a roof sign because of the type of roofing and the danger of damaging the roof, should a high wind rip the sign therefrom. The Board is in accord with the thilking of the applicant, and that it will be to the advantage of the public to have this sign placed on the east side of the building because it will place fewer signs on a public highway. Therefore, it was RESOLVED that Mattituck Iron Works, Sound Avenue and Pacific Street, Mat~ituck,~N~w York, be granted a special exceptio~ for permission to retain a side wall sig~. This permission is granted for one Year, renewable annually by letter, and subject to any subsequent :changes in th~ Southold ToWn- Zoning Ordinance as it applies to signs. On July 6~ 1967. LEGAL NOTICB Notice of t'~rings Pu.r~,t to Section 26? of Town Law and tho provisions of the amended B~ilding Zone Or- .of the Tow~ of South- folk County, New York, ~hl~{ he~A'ings will be held by ~e .~nt~g ~car~ of ~ of the To~n of ~thold, ,at ,t~e Town York, on ,the'f'ellowlng ap~0ea~: O~ 7:30 P.IVL ~r.), U~on appli- cation ot ~laer O. ~ry, ~Ir., ~Cl., Ms. in ~d, Southold, New York, a/c Thcen~s p. l~erty, tess in ~e wi,th ;the State of iVew Y0~rk Town Law, Section 280A. Location of skle Nor,~h Bayvtew old, New .York, a~e-MoC~thy, sc~th Nor,~ Bayvlew Rc~d, west H. Sc~u- 7:40 P.M. (~.D~.T.), Upon ap~oli- c~tion of l~uth Ami Brown oki, lq'e~ ~Youk, a/c Ragr~a Bie, Hol~Oll ~Dlnt, ~outhold, New York, f~r a v~rianes in accordance w~h the Zoning Ord--, Article HI, Section 300, Sttb~ectior~ 6, for per- ~Tdssi~n ,to locate an acce~ory buBding in the ~ront yard area. Locatio~ of ~roporty: north _s!de{ ~rivate P~d, Horton Point, Sott~h- old, Br~w York, botmde~ north Long ~ Soun~l, east by Vin- cent ,Sa~di, Sr., south by J. M. Bier P~ght of way, west ,by W,: R. Mil- cation of Theodor~ P~hloff, Mal~ Rc~d, orie~,, Now York, for reoog- ~tion of ~cce~ in aocord~nc~ with the State of New York Town Law, S~ction 280~.. Loc~tior~ of prop- e~ty: south side Orcl~rd Stree,t, ,0~ie~t, N~w York, ,bounded north by Or~hard Street, e~st by Ja~ge~ ~st~te, so.th by land of Douglass, west by lan~ of T~bor. cation of ttoge~ H. ~ad ItuNe~a Doyle, ~lll Cr~eek Drive, S~uthold, cor~,~ce wZ, h the Zoning Ordin- ance, Artic~ III, Section 303, Art- icle X, Section 1000A, for permis- sion 1o divide property with in- suff~le~t I~onta~. Location of property: sottJh west side Mill C~eck Drive, Southo~d, New York, ~boun~led north by lVISd Creek Drive, east by Frank L~[o, south by Mill Creek Drive, west by R. H. Doyle. i cation of O~ee~ort Shores Civic port, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordar~e with t~e Zoning Ordinance, Am[icle III, Sec- tion 300, Subsection 9, for permls- ~ to erect a sign on .th~ prop- · a'ty of Donald C. Roach. Loca- itlon of property: south s~de Shore Drive, Ore~:~or t, New York, bounded no.th ,by Shore Drive, e~st ~by Sllvermer~ P~ad, ~o~.h by Sil- Ver Lane, west by W. C. Va~ Nos- tr~ad. 8:20 P~M. (E~D.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of F~ward Schlld, a/c Ar- row Fishing Station, Old ttoad, Southold, Now York, for a special ~xception in accordance with ,~he ZonLr~ Ordin~nea, Arti- cle y~r, Section 408. ~section (b) OF APPEAL9 1~I30 I ! COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~. ~TATE OF NEW YORK0 ss: · · .~.r0 · '~. ~. :~ .~.~..~. · · · .~P~... ~?..'~. ......... being duly Sworn, says that . ~.. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport0 in said countw and t~at the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in fhe ~aid Suffolk Weekl~ Times once in each week, far ........ ~7/~c~ .............. week~ successively ~ommencing on the . .-.~.~..~.~...~.:~.~.~.~. ......... d~y of .... .~..[~ .......... 15.~'/. ,: ...... Swo~n to before me this ..~..~.,.. ..... doy of ...... ~ ....... 19~.'/.. I ../, a~t (e). ior permk~[on~o a ridge sig~, Looation of p~- ~: ~m~ ~e O~ ~ ~. ~tho~. N~ York. ~un~ed north 'by Old ~n ~. east by Helen ~$~, ~u~ ~ T~n Har- ,~r, wes0 by ~eb~ Br~. ~tion of ~ L. Pe~y, ~c. Avenue, ~.~it~ck, ~e~ Y~k, for cie IV, ~tion ~, S~bseclion (a), for ~Pe~/~on ~ reta~ a di~- ~th e~ eo~er of ~n ~d, Y~rk, ~d~d nor,h by A. Van south by ~n ~d, wes~ by ca.~on of ~erge J. Doyen, Jr., ~- ers Ist~, ~ew ~ork, for a spe~i~ tion 408, S~bs~tlon (b), for ~r- m~io~ ~ r~tain wa~ sign. ~ca t~on of prope~y: souM~ ~de St~t, F~h~s ~d, Ne~ York ~unded aorLh by W~ ~.reet, ea&t J ~by ~uest~ Avenue, ~th by ~o~tzoure~e, wes) by F. I. ~itack, N~ York, for a c~ excep.t~ ~ ~ord~ ~h .~he Zoning Or~a~, Article ~lion ~, ~tign (~b), for ~n. ~tion ~ pr~er.ly: ~uth e~ s~e Sou~ Ave~ ~d c1~ S~, Mat,tl~, New York, b~und~ no~h by ~und Avenue, ~ ~n desi~g to ~ ~ard p~ce ~bove spec~. June 22~ 1967 DATE TO 'A'lit~ ZONING BOARD OF AP~ALS, SOUTH OLD, N. Y. I, (we) _.Ma-_tt~t~u_c_k_.I~rgn__W~°.~k~.s_ ........ ~ Sound Ave & Pacific St Name S~reet and Number --_Matt ituek, N .Y. Mmnicipallty State .; hereby apply to TItE ?_w()N'~NO ~ APPEALS for a SPECIAL EX(Z~PTION in accordance with the zo~m~o o~c~. ~c~ _~L ~c~o~ /-/0 ~ S~N I~ T~E a~EOL~L EXCEm~ON ~S R~QUE~'A'~ B~CaUSS The building has outside pie~s and the windows are up all the way on the side wall. The roof has asbestos shingles. If I have to put brackets on the roof and with the north wind it would take no time to break the sign and shingles. That is why I would like to have the sign on the east and of the building. h" ...................... /5~I'ATE OP I~'.W,YORK.~.. ) VAL W. S~PE ~ ~bHc, State of ~ York No. 52-3889~5 Qualifi~ in Suffolk Coun~ ~ ~mmission ~pires 'March 30, ~ / $outhold Town Board of Appeals APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gillispi¢, Jr., Ch~irm~n Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis~ Jr. Scr~e Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Hittit~ck Z3:on Woz'ke Sound Avenue ~ttitu~, ~ Yo~k SOUTHnLD, L. I., N.Y. 11cj'71 Telephone 765-2660 June 24, 1970 Dear Re: ippaal /~. 1128 -- O~e O~ praises sidewall sign. This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(4 which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on July 6, 1970 Please sign this letter at the space provided .below and return promptly to this office, if you wi,sh to renew your sign permi~siea. Chairman, South,)Id Town Board of Appeals Mbd $outhold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 11~71 T~ephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert '~(/. Gillispie, Jr., Ch,sirman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonist Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. £red Hulsz, Jr. 9ound &venue Mattttuck Dear Re: Appeal ~To. 1~.28 One on This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(,s~)~ which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire, o~ ~UZ¥ 6, 1969 Please sign this letter at the sp ace provided rbelow and return promptly to this office, if you wi'sh to renew you r sign pe~rmissioa. /bd SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. GIIlisple, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charles Grlgonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. ,,Tune 26, X96~ Telephone 765-2660 MattLtuck Zron Worka Sound Av~nuu ~att~tuck, HR York Re: Appeal No. ~128 Dear 8~Lr! This is to advise you that your special exception permission for your sign(s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire on ~uly 6, 1~68 Please sign this letter at the space provided below end return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign permission. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals /bd (PleaJe e:l. gn and return both FORM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SIGN ~ PER~41T ~ 2~8 ('rillS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 3503 Z Dote ....................... .J.....u_.]...? ........ .5,, ............. , 19 67 Permission is hereby gronted to: A~t Rolfes ~./.B../.A./..Mattituck Iron Works Sound Ave & Pacific St .... ..~.~.k., ~ ......................... to erect and maintain a front wall OR Roof edge sign 2ft X 15 ft ...~r~ ..on ..S~und..a.v.a .... £ r.c~.t...~.a ~...~.~...~ q ~.~... ~.~ g.?. ~ ........... at premises located at ~D.1,Lg,~..~,V~ ~ F~c~fic St ................................ Ivi~i~.~k, ~,!~ pursu~ to ~pplic~tion doted ................................ ~.gi~......~ ........... , 19..~.., ond opproved by t~e Building Inspector. Fee $...~ ~,..0...0. ............ Nr. August IL·Ire· 8ound Avenue & ]Pae~f~e ftroet Bn~loeed yOu w~ll f~nd the legal ri·tie· of hearing aa it ~neernl yOur applicator· ~o the Board of Appeall for · side wall sign on yOur preuAsaa. Please bo advised there ia a ~S.O0 fee which =not aa~upany aXl tothe Board of Appeals. Please lubait said fee to off~e on or before tho date of Four bour~ng. Xf we do not reee~ve thio fee, the hearing can not bo hel~ Ver~ lin~erel¥, Barbara C. DAt~mann, Met&wy f~outhold To~n Board o! J~ppeels bed