HomeMy WebLinkAbout1242 TOW~ OF SO~TItOLD, NEW YORK ACTION OF 'rite ZONING ]~OAR~ OF ~PPEAL~ Appeal No. 1242 Dated 4/15/69 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport Auto Sales To West Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 Appellant at a meeting of the Zonin~ Board of Appeals on May 15, 1969 waa considered and the action indicated below was taken on your. ( ) Request for variance due .to lack~ of access to prope.rty IIX) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) appeal 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a speci~l exception ( ) be gra~tod ( ) be denied pursuant to Article Section Subsection ..... : .............. paragraph .................... of the Zonin~f Ordinance. and the decisio~ 'of the 'Building InsPector (-) be reversal ( ) be confh'med because 8:2~ P,M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon application of Greenport Auto .Sales~ West Front Street~ .Greenport, New York~ for a ~pecial exception an accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article I9, Section z[08, Sub- section (a), for permission to erect a second on premise~ ground sign. Location of property: soUth'side ~Main ~ Road, Greenport~ New York, bounded north by Main Road~ east by Brown-Giovannelli~ south by Railroad, west by Gladys Csaj.ko. 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical hardshio because SEE REVERS~ (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all proPerties alike in the inunediate vicinity of this property and in the same use d/strict because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordin.nce and (would) change the character of the district because (would not) SEE RBVERSE FORM ZB4 and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be Eranted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Build:Lug Inspector ( ) be corffirmed ( ) be revm-,~ed. q-APPROVED A~ter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permisSion~to erect a second ground sign on his business property. The sign will direct people to his service shop located in the rear of the property. This service shop is not clearly visible from the highway. In general, th~ Board is in agreement with the reasoning of the applicant, The Board finds that strict applicatiO~ of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardsbip$ the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the district and will observe the spirit of the Ordin~nc$t Therefore~ it was RBSQLVBD Greenport ~uto ,~a~es, West Front Street, Greenport, New'York, be granted permission toexect a second GroUnd sign, on premises~ as ~applied for.on property,located~south · side Main Road, Greenport, New York, suject to'the,f011owing cond ft i~ns: ~ 1. The sign shall be subject to 'all subsequent changes in Southold To~rn Building Zone Ordinance as it applies to signs. 2. The sfgn shall be Granted for a period of one year, renewable annually upon written application to the Board of Appeals. IPrepm*q~ L-~'t 4, L~ Vd, Al, age i, ~ if, do of VLI,3j~o LimO. NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of ~ the amended Building Zoge Or- dinance of the Town of Southcld, S~lffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the TO~ of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southdid, New York, on May 15, 1969 on the following appeals: 7:40 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Behrie Outdoor Ad- vertising, Box 845, Riverhead, % New York, a/c Herb McCarthy, General Wayne Inn, Cedar Beach ~, Road, Southold, New York, f01' ': a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ticle IV, Section 408, subsection, iR (a), for permission to erect an~ off premises directional sign, ft. by 4 ft. Location of property: ~land o! Southold Bayview Cor- peratten, south side of Main Road and Bayview Road intersection,'.~: Southold, New york,,~, bounded~ north by Main & Bayview Roads~ f east by Bayview Road, south by R. J. Smit~, west by Main ROaiL~ 7:50 P. M. (EDST), upon plicatian of Behrle Outdoor Ad;~ vertlsing, Box 845, Riverhead, New York, a/c Herb McCarthY~,~~ General Wayne Inn, Ce_da~./~~, Beach Road, Southctd, York, for a special exception~ in accordance with the lng Ordinance, Article III, ~ Section 300, Subsection 10, permission to erect an off prem~' ises directional sign, 3 ft. by 8 ft. Location of property: land ..o~.¢. M. Surosenski, south side Main Road, Seuthold, New York, ~7 bounded north by Main Road & ! Surozenski, east by Hunter Lehr, south by Lillian Howel}~ 8:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Fred Kettler, Village Lane, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the, Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 305, for permission to construct addition to existing dwelling with reduced setback. Location of property: LOt. NO. 22 Village Manor, east side of Vil- lage Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private road, east by Ruland, south by Bride, west by Village Lane. 8:20 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Oreenpert Auto Sales, West Front Street, Green- port, New York, for a special ex~ ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article Section 408, Subsection (a), for permission to erect a second on premises ground sign. Location of property: south side Main Road, Greenport, New York;- bounded north by Main Road. east by Brown-Oiovannelli, south by Railroad, west by Oladys Csajko. 3:45 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Thomas J. GOrm~n. 2 Oriole Way, Dix Hills, New York, for approval of access topri- vate right of way in accordance with the Sta~J~ of New Yo~k ToWn Law, Section 2BOA. Location of property: private ri~ of way off south side Sound . ~ns, Mat- tituck, New York, bounded r~orth by Chas, Underwood, east by Crescent Way (Pvt. I~.O.W.), south by Marion Smith, ~vest by Laurel Lake. 9:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Behrle outdoor Ad- vertising, Box 845, Riverhead, New York, a/c Herb McCarthy, General Wayne Inn, Cedar Beach Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 10, for permission to erect an off premises directional sign. Loca- tion of property: intersection of Bayview Road and Baywater Avenue, Seuthold, New York, bounded north by Bayview Road, east by cemetery, south by Town property, west by Peter Sarkus. 9:10 P. M. (I/DST), upon ap- llcation of Oscar Gcldin, 520 Fourth Street, Oreenport, New York, for a variance in accdrd- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1007, Subsec- tion (e) and (f), for permission to construct addition to non- conforming dwelling. Location of property: south side Wiggins Street, C, recnpert, New York, bounded north by Wiggins Street, east by Jas. pirillo Estate, south by Mary Heaney, west by Adam Johnson. 9:25 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Gottlieb J. Nlckles, Main Road, Southold, New York, -a/c Joseph and Rose Mailes, Bayvtew Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in aecord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IIi, Section 39~, and Article X, Section 1000A, for por- ~lesion to divide and set off lot with insufficient frontage. Loca- tion of property: east side Bay- view Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by C. E. Smith, east by J. P. Kowalski, south by Pine Neck Road, west by Bay- view Road. 9:35 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of M. T. Cassella Build- ers, Inc., 504 Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station. New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV B, Section 442-2 as it applies to Article I'V, for further reduction in landscape area and increase in parking area for pro- posed Mattituck Shopping Cen- ter. Location of property: north ~ast corner of Factory Avenue ~ Route 25 (Main Road), Mat- tituck, New York, bounded north by Bethany Cemctery Assoc., east by Bethany Cemetery ASSOO, south by Main Road, west by Factory Avenue. 9:50 P. M. (EDST), pursuant to ~ ~Section 267, Subdivision $ of the Town Law of the State of New York, on the Board's motion, a ~rehearing on Appeal NO. 915, -- Part 2; upon appiicatiim of Port of Egypt Fishing Station, Main COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, say that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLANI TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public new, paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and th~ the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has bee published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Ward man once each week for ..... ~,~).~'~ ......(~..,~;~ wee~ successively, commencing on the .................~..: .............. Sworn to before me this ......................day . Notary Public Road, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the ZQning Ordinance, Ar- ticle IV. Section 40S, Subsection (a), for permission to re~in a roadside directional sign on North side Main-Road, Lots Nos. 13 to 16, Map No. 539 C. L. Sanford Brick Co., Southold, New York, bounded north by L. L Railroad, east by Koke, south by Main Road, west by Sates. Any person desiring to be heard. on the above applications should appear at the time and place specified. DATED: APRIL 24, 1969 BY ORDER O1 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1T--8 '~ee of Hearings ~ ~.rsuar~t to Section 267 of theI Town [m~r a~d ~he provisions of 'tl~e ~m~nded ~a~ilalng Zone Ordin- i a~uce of the ~.T~,n of So~hold~ ~Suf~ folk County, New y~rk, ~hhc he~in~s, will be held by the Zon- ~ B0~d of Appea~ of the Town J J of Southold, a~ the Town Office,~ -Ma~ ~d, Sou~old, ~ew York, on ~y 15, 1969 on ~e fo~owing ~p- C~t~n of ~le Outdoor ~dvertis- ~ a/c Herb ~a~y, General Wa~e New Yor~, ~or ~ sp~l ex~ptton i~ a~r~ance wi~ ~e Zo~n¢ Or-' north (by Main & Bayview Roads, east by Rayview Road, south by H. J. ,Smith, west by Main Rood. 7:50 i~.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon appli- cation of Behrle Outdoor Advertis- ing, Box 845, Riverhead, iNew York, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, l STATE OF NEW YORK, ? ss: J 171s~hing Station, Main Road, South- old, ~qew York, for a special excep- tio~ jn accordance with the Zon/ng Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, SUbs/aCtion (a), for permissio~ to retain a roadside directional sign on North side Main Road, Lots No.'s 13 to 16, Map ~lo. 539 C. L. Sanford York, bounded north by Chas. Un- derwood, east by Crescent Way (Pvt. R..O.W), south by Marion S~nith, we~t by Laurel Lake. 9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.?.), upon appli- cation of Behrle Outdoor Advertis- ing, Box 845, Riverhead, New York, a/c Herb ~r~cCarthy, General Wayne Inn, Cedar Beach .Road, Southold, Brick Co., Southold, /qew York, New York ,{ora special exception bounded north by L.I. Railroad, east 'FOLK in snld ~rinted Times !week~ dinance, Article IV, Section 408, ' in accordance with the Zoning Or- i by Koke, south by Main Road, west Subsectinn (a'), for permission to dinance, Article H'I, Section 300, by Oates. erec~ an off ~premises directional S~bsectton 10, for permission to[ 'A~ "~rs0n desirin~ to be heard si~ 2 ft. by 4 ft. Location of pr~p: !erect an off premises directional~I on t~Ye aP~ove applications should ap- erty:~!an~ o£ South01d Baywew s~gn. Location of property: inter~ ~ ~e tho tim~ and ulace sneci- Cor~oo a on, sou~h .s~de of Mm sechon of Bayv~ew Road and .Bay- ' fled Road and BayvieW Road intersec-'water Avenue, Southold, New York,; tion, Southold, L'~ew York, bounded bounded north by Bayview Road, :DATED: APRIl, 24, 1969, BY OR- a- - met s uth - Town ~ /)ER OF TI-IE SOU'i~OLD TOW~N e s~ oy ce cry, o vy t BOARD OF APPEALS ltMy9 .../. . property, west by Peter Sarkus. I ' Z.. I 9:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon appll-' .~.~.-~'~--~F~-.~ [ . cation of Oscar Goldin~ 520 Fourth ;' ' '~-' '~ · .~..-r c~...'-~..~, .-,- .... ~. Street, Greenport, ~qew York, for a I Inn, Cedar Beach Road, Southold, tion 1007, S~rbsect/on (e) and (f), ] ~ ''· '( Su~sectton 10, for permission to Street, Greenport, New York,' erect an oft premises directional bounded north by Wiggins Street, sign, 3 ft. ~by'8 ft. Locetion of prop- ~ east by Jas. Pirillo Estate, south by erty: land of Surozenski, south side ' Mary Heaney, west by Adam John- Main Road, Southold, New York, son. applica-[I bounded north by Main Road & Sur- I 9:25 P.M. (E.D.S.T.,, upon r ozensk/, east by:Hunter & Lehr,, ~on~ of~ Gottlleb J. Nickles, Main ' south by r.i]llan Howell, west by'Road, Southold, /~ew York, a/c ~Helen Mokv~ [ Josoph and Rose Ma(les, Rayview ~ 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.); upon appli-iRoad, Sout~old, New York, for a q~tio~ of Fred Kettler, VillaEeI variance in accordance with the Lane, NIa~;tit~ck, New York, for a~Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- variance in accordance With the ltion 303, and Article X, Section zoning. OrdinanCe, Article III, Sec- i i000A, for permission to divide ankt t/on 305, for permissio~ to con-i set off lot with insu~icient fro~t- struct addition to existing dwelling ~ age. Location Of property: east side with reduced setback. Loc~tion of i Bayview Road, Sou/hold, ~ew York, ' property: Lot No. 22 Village Man- bounded north ~by C. E. Smith, east ~ or, east side of Village Lane, Mat~ by J. P. Kowalski~ s~uth b~' Pine t/tuck, ,New York, bounded north by ~leck Road~ weat by Bayview Road..I ,private road, east ~oy Ruland, south 9:35 P.M. (E~D.&T.), upon appli- i by M~Bride, west by Villatge Lane. cation of M. T. ~asscll.a B~filders, ', 8:20 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), ~pon appll- Inc., 504 Walt Whitma~ Road, cation of Greenport Auto Sales, Huntington Station~ ~ew York, for West Front Street, Greenport, New a variance in accordance with the York, iora special exception in ac- Zoning Ordinance, Article IV B, cordance ~vit~n the Zorfing Ordin, Section 442-2 as it applies to Art(-' anco, Article IV, Section 408, Sub- cle IV, for further reduction in land- I section (a), for ~ermission to erect scape area and increase in parkingI a second on premises ground sign· area for proposed Matti[u.ck Shop,] Locatio~ of property: south side .ping Center. Location or property:] ,Main Road, Green~ort, New York, north east corner of Factory Avenue .bounded north by Main Ro~d~,e~st and Route 25 (Main Road), Matti- ,by Brown-Gtovannelli, south by ~uck, ~ew York,~ bounded north by tlailroad, west by Gladys Csajko. Bethany Cemetery Assoc., east by 8:45 P.M. (E.D:S.T., upon appli- (Bethany CemetePy Assoc,, ~puth by cation of Thomas J. Gorman, 2 Main Road, west by Fac~y Ave- Oriole Way, Dix Hills, New York, nue. for approval of acces~ to private 9:50 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), pursuant to right of way in accordance with the Sectio~ 26?, S~bdivision 6 of the State of ~qew York Town Law, Town ~Law of the State of New /~tton 2802,. Location of prop- York, on the Board'a motion, a re- arty: private right of way off south hearing on Appeal No. 915, - Part side Sound Avenue, Matt(tuck, New 2; upon application of Port of Egypt ~ TOV,'I~I '0~ SOUTHOL~], NE~V Y~}RK APPLICZATi~ON 1~0~ S~C~L E~iC~,PT20~ TO '£PI~E ZONIN~G B~OIARD OF APPE~A. LS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name 8~ree,t and Number ........ ~..~v.~x...~...a ............................................................................................................... ~.....~ .................................................................... MuniciBal~ty /S~ate, hle,reby apply t,o TI-~E ~ON: ~IN~ BOARD OF A~PF~LS for a SPECIAL EECF~ri~ON in ~co~rdance wi~ the S~C~ON ~ FOR~vl ZB2 FORM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, 1~. 1'. Examined ..................... 19 .... Approve,fl ..................... 19 .... Permit No ...................... Disapproved a/c Application No ................. (Building Inspect, c~r) APPLICATIQ:{ FOR ~O~ILD[NG PERMIT Date .................................. 19 .... INSTRUCTION,S a. This app!icati,on must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and ~submitte,d in duplicate to. the Building Inspect, or. b. Pl. ot .plan showing 1.ocation ,of 1.,at and ~o,f buildings .o n premises, relati,o:nship t,o adj~oining premises or public streets ~c~r areas, .and giving a de,tailed descripti,on of lay out of property must be drawn ,on the di'ag~am which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this applicat[an may n, ot be commenced before issu.ance of Building Permit. d. Upo.n approval ,of this .applicati,~n, the Building Inspect,or will issue a Building Permit t.o the. applicant. Such permit shall be kept ~n the premises available fo r inspectio,n through,o,ut the progress ,o~ the w,ork. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole .o ~ in part ior .any purp,ose whatever until a Certificate ~ff Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS YIERE~Y MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the T~own of Sa'athold, Suff~olk ©ounty, New Y,~rk, and other ap.plicabl.e Laws, Ordir~ances ,or Regulations, for the c,on~structi.on .3f build inas, additio.ns or alterations, or for removal or demo.- litton, as herein described. The applicant agrees t,o corn ply with all applicable law;s, ,ordinances, building co,de, h.3using code, an, d regulations. (Signature ~o{ ,applicant, or~ name if a corporati,on) (Address of applicant) State whether .applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contract,~r, electrician, plumber or (Name and title of corp,orate officer) 1. Location ~of land ~).n which prc~po,sed w~ork will b e done. M.ap No ................. Lot No .............. Street and Number .... ~/~../~..~'~.~ .............. ~.~ ....................... Municipality 2. ,State eXisting use and ,occupancy ,o,f premises an d intende.d use and ,occupancy of prop,os~d' construction. a. Existing use and occupancy ...... ~~.r'~....~...~..~ .... i ............. b. Intended use an, fl occupancy .......... S~J~ ................................................ 3. Nature o£ w. ork (check ~vhich applicable): New Building ........ Addition ........ Alteration ........ Repair Removal ......... ........ Demolition. ....... Other Work (Describe) ...~..~ .~FA~... ............ 4. E~stimated Cost ................................. Fee ................................................. (to be paid ,ma filing this applicati,on) 5. If ,dwelling, number ~of dwelling units .......... Number of dwelling units on each floor .............. If garage, number ,o.f cars .......................................................................... 6. If business, c.o,mmercial ,.vr mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent ,of each type of use .............. 7. Dimensi, ons of existing structures, if any: F~nt .............. Rear ............. Depth ............. Height ................ Number of Stories ........................................... ; ............ Dimensions ,of same structure with .alter. att, cna .or additions: Front .............. Rear ............... Depth ................ Height ................ Number of S~ories ..................... 8. Dimensio.ns ,of entire n~e~v construction: Front ................. Rear .............. Depth ............ Height ............ Number ,~f Sto,ries ..... ~i ~ .................. ~L2' '~ ........ /; ................... 9. Size of }ct: Front ..../.9¢.0. ...... Rear . ./.q(.~. ........ Depth . .~/... 10. Date of Purch. ase ............................... Name of Former Owner ............................. 11. Zone ~r use .district in which premises are situated .................................................... 12. Does proposed construction viola~te any z3ning law, ,ordinance. or regulati~n.? ........................... 13. Name ,of Owner.of premises ..................... A, ddress ...................... Ph,~ne No ............ Name of Architect ............................. ~ddress ...................... Ph,~ne No. ........... Name ~of Contractor ............................ Address ....................... Ph,~ne No ............ PLoT DIAGRAM Locate cle.arly and distinctly .all buildings, whether .existing ,o.r proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensi,ons from p~.o,perty lines. Give s~reet and block number ~r de scripti, on according to deed, and show street names .and indicate whether interior ,or corner STATE; OF NEW YORK, )S.S. COUNTY OF .............. ) I~cffary Public, . ................... County .................................................... being duly sworn, ,deposes and says that he is the appli- (Name ,el individual signing application) cant .above named. He is the (Contractor, age,t, c,m~porate officer, etc.) of said owner ~or ,owners, and i,s duly authorized to perf,~rm or have pe~ormed the said work and t,o make .and file this applicati, on; that all statements contained in this aPPlication a~e true to the best of his knowledge and belief; .and th'at the w~rk will be perf~rme,d in the mann er set ~orth! in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this .t. ............. ~ ~ :~. . '~ .1. , . (Si~e of aptSlicant)' APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert ~(/. (3illispie, Jr., Chairman Robert BerBen Charles Grigonis, Jr. $¢r$¢ Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals SnUTHnLD, L. I., N. Y. Telephone 765-~660 Apl:il 15, 1990 Groenport Auto Sales West Front SL~eet Groenport, New York Dear SlrSl Re:ippealNe. 1242-- second on p~ ground sign on property 1~ I on sou%h sl~e o£Na~nRoad, Greenpozt, N.Y. This is to advise you that your ~pecial exception permission for your sign(~s) which was the subject of the above mentioned appeal will expire c~ May 15, 1970 Please sign this letter at the space provided below and return promptly to this office, if you wish to renew your sign pe~mis~ioa. Board of Appeals /bd Signature of appellant ......... ~~~~~ ............ (Please sign and return ~o~h~opies ,~rompt. ly. )