HomeMy WebLinkAbout1501 4"!_ . ,7.1 ... II II ,I /I Ii ,I Ii ji 11 !I II :1 Ii Ii II .1 !I j! II II II II 'J II (1 H il II ~ I II ji Ij 7 : 30 P. M . (E. S'. T.) up 0 nap p lie a t ion 0 f J e an S c h n e Ide r , I' Ii 11 72 Willow Street, Brooklyn, New Yo.rk, for a variance in Ii II accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ArticlelII, Section n o dO ;,,;~.,).EGA I...'TWT ICE .. ',"" .::.. - ., . ^~-:;. '.., '.' Notice of Hearl!1gs Pursuant to Section 2670 fthe:Tow n Law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals oft h e To w n 0 f Sou tho I d, a t t he To w n 0 f fie e, M a I n Ro ad, Southold, New Yo.rk, on March 16, 1972 on the following appeals: 11 1I II II Ii Ii Jl ii n p II I' II :I Ii P Ii i ~ n I ~ q I I ! , I I I I, II ,~ l II n I, iI 301, for permission to divide property and set off lo~s with InsufficIent area. Location of property: private road off South side of Main Road, East Marion, New York, bounded north by I.M. R~gers- W.P. Merrill, east by private road, south by Marion Manor Subdivision, west by Marion Manor ,. " iI subdivision. ~ ,I ('1 7:4D P.M. (E.S.T~) upon application of Michael Zukas, Bayberry Ro~d, Southold, New Y~rk,for a varIance In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ArtIcle III, Section 301, for permission to divide property and set pff lots ~ I ~I t I ~ with Insufficient area, and for approval of access over p r I vate r.i ght,.,of-way in accorda nee with the State of New York Town Law, Sect Ion 280A. Locat I on 0 fproperty.: north side of Main Bayvlew Road, .Southold, New Yo.rk,bounded north by West Creek, east by Goose Neck Subdivision, south by Main Bayview Road, west by West Creek Development Sub. '~ ii' ".11 . ',' ~ ., '.1' -~' 7:5() P.M. (E.S.T.) upon application of Lloyd Terry, ',j, . ; " "'\"" . "',:\;~ ". 'j~ ;'_; '\',!__, 'c;, NOTICE OF HEAIUNGS 1 . , Pursuant to Section; 267 of th~ , Town Law and the .ptov.istmls of the amended BQ.ilding Zl)1le Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals bf the Town of Southold, at the Town ~e, Main Road, Southold, ~, New York, on March 16, 1972 on the following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (KS.T.l upon ap- plication of Jean Schneider 72 Willow Street, Brooklyn, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property and set off lots with insufficient area. Location of property: private road off South side of Main Road, East Marion, New : York, bounded north by I.M.! Rogers - W.P. Merrill, east by f private road, south by Marion. Manor Subdivision, west by; Marion Manor subdivision. ...... 7:40 P.M. (KS.T.) upon ap- plication of Michael Zukas Bayberry Road, Southold, Ne~ York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property anct set ofr1OtS~"W1trr thdUlUU.,ut . area, and for approval of access over private right-of-way in accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property:north side of Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by West Creek, east by Goose Neck Subdivision, south by Main Bayview Road, west by West ~.._k Develonment Sub. ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF N'EW YORK. 1 ~ ss: J . . . . . . . .StlJl~:rt. ~... 'uGrrnao .............. being duly Sworn. says that ... he. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that thE' DOtice. of which the QIUlexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in E'Qch week, for .'. ..... 9tl~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. weeks successiv~ly oommencing on the ..... .l}.:l,Qttl. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . M . ..,......,. day of ..... ~r~::. . .. ...~~';,)9. . .7.2 ( ..,.:J. /~/ '~"'-"--v-''-<:--~<--,_ ~..(..~............................... Sworn to before me )his.. .1'.}...... 1 day of .. II.(I'}.~../l. "I" 19,.:.,1. '; 1.. .' "~-~~/.' /--/7 /. / 1,/ /)( (. u: ( C..../,r lL t L L L / <~).~.L:'. ;dS'~~:I;~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~: : :~: ~ : : : : : : : :/ NOTARY PU8UC OF NEW YORK fles;':n~ n Suffo:k County ~y Co~rr. s~~~ ',~~ae~2~ar~~1~~' 19.21 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ,HEARINGS :PUrsuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town. of South- old, Suffolk County,New York, public hearings w1ll be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of SOuthold, at the Town Office, Main ROSa, South- old, New York, on March 16, 1972 on the follo,,\,ing appeals: 7:30 P. M. (EST), ,upon appli- cation of Jean Schneider, 72 Wil- low street, Brooklyn, New York, for a variance. in accordance with the Zoning Orclinance, Ar- ticle III; section 301, for per- mission to divide property and set off lots with insufficient area. Location of property: private road off South side of Main Road, East Marion. New York, bounded north by I. M. Rogers- W. P. Merrill, east by private rOlid, south by Marion Manor Subdivision, west by Marion Manor subdivision. 7:40 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Michael Zukas, Bay- berry Road. Southold, New York. fora valiance \n accordance with the Zoning Ordinanc~, Ar- ticle III, Section 3m, for per- mifsion to divide property and set of! lots with insufficient area, and for approval of access over private right-of-wa.v in accordance with the State of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Location of property: north side of Main Bayview Road. Southold, New York. bounded north by West Creek, east by Goose Neck Subdivision, fOuth by Main Bayview Road, west by West Creek Development Sub. 7:50 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Lloyd Terry, Main Road, Orient, New York, for a" special exception in accordance with the Zoning (Jrdinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsec- tion B-8, for permission to re- new farm labor camp perml'; granted on April 1; 1971. Location of property: south side of Main Road, Orient, New York, bound- ed north by Main Road, east by S. Koroleski-Latham Br,os., south by other land of Lloyd Terry, west by E Latham. 8:00 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Wil1iam & Evelyn Mof- fat, Oaklawn Avenue,' Southold, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property and set off lots (with existing dwellings) with insufficilmt frontage and area. Location of property: east side of Boisseau Avenue, Southold. New York, bounded north by Simcik, east by Florence Moffat, south bv Flor- ence Moffat, west by Boisseau Avenue. 8:10 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Julius Juttner, West- ....a....... T'\..~..... ...................100" M....n. V........1ro N. Montgomery Avenue, Bay- shore, l'i.e.w York, for a variance in ace nce with the Zoning Ordl.:ia.. " Article IX ,Section 900, Subs~::tion 8 & 12, and bulk schedule of Orc1inance as to lot area, frontage, and side yards, for permission to construct pri- vate one family dwelling and operate business from same on lot with insufficient area,' front- age, setback, and sideyards in "C-1" General Industrial Dis- trict. Location of property: west side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by F. J. McBride, east by Cox's Lane, south by L. B. Glover, Jr., west by L. B. Glover, Jr. 8:40 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Adam Chetel, 424 Ocean Avenue, Malverne, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 (Article III, Section 307 of old Ordi- nance), for permission to con- struct private one family dwell- ing with insufficient sideyard area. Location of property: north side of private road-A:qu'aview Avenue Extensiop, East Marion, New York, bounded north by East Marion Stars Beach Asso- ciation, Inc., east by D. Ham- imersflrQm, south by Aquaview Avenue Extension, west by East ~arion Stars Beach Association. Inc. 8 :50 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Charles Hall aic Joseph! Stepnoski, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Article VII, Section 700, Article X~I, Section 1204, Subsections (b) & (c), and Ar- ticle XIII, Section 1301 B, for permission to expand existing non-conforming business use in excess of 50% of present capacity by erecting new building. Loca- tion of property: south side of Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by J. Nierodzik, east by J, Nierodzfk, south by Main l'toad, west by J. Nierod- zik. 9:10 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Peter T. Neyland, 115 Broadway, Rockv1lle ;Centre, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301; for per- mission to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient lot area, frontage, sideyards. rear yard, etc. Location of property: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), Subdivision Map of Gardiners Bay Estates, Section II, bounded north by Lot No. 126 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. 11, and Spring Pond, east by Spring Pond, south by Lot No. 127 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. 11, and Spring Pond, west by Cedar Lane. 9:30 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Bayvlew Development Corporation, Bayview Road, Southold, New York, for a spe- cial exception in accordance with : SUFFOLK ~EW YORK } ss: Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says s the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND - MATrITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- ~d at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been I said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- ach week for .....4L.L....Z./ld... wee~ . (; , commencIng on the ............ ........................... ~~/ Z ~ ('-7 ..........~.~.~....~..1.~::. ... vorn to before me this ......../6........ day of .... ./i :t:dd...-;.., 19.72- <) /J /J// ,....U.c:.~~&L......./.c2~~~.. Notary PubHc f ADELE PAYNE Notary PuhlIC, State of New Yo~ ResidiQg in Suffolk County , ,No. 52.3041000 _3 Comm;ss:on Expires March 30, 197 February 15, 1972 William Wickham, Attorney Main Road Mattituck, New York RE: Variance application of Jean Schneider, property at East Marion, N.Y. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of the variance application of Jean Schneider, property located at private road off south side Main Road, East Marion, N.Y. However, we are returning your check in the amount of $5.00. The fee for application to the Board of Appeals is now $15.00. Please forward check in the correct amount. Yours truly, IftJ JL . , , i ///9 tI/ '-'\ # tXb . /~J~. Robert W. Gillispie, ~., Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals RWG:BN .t o o LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM ~ WICKHAM, ~& LARK MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 RICHARD F. LARK 516-298-8353 February 14, 1972 Town of Southold Board of Appeals Main Ro ad Southold, New York 11971 Re: Jean Schneider - Minor Subdivision Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is Appeal from Decision of Building Inspector, in duplicate, together with check in the amount of $5.00. Very cordially yours, ~()~ h~ W:jgm Encs. William Wickham ~ ~ d 0- LAW OFFICES WICKHAM,~~ & LARK WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 :xiX~il{]€{~ RICHARD F. LARK 516-298-9353 February 16, 1972 Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Variance application - JEAN SCHNEIDER Gentlemen: With reference to your letter of February 15, 1972, enclosed are two checks totalling $15.00 for fee application to the Board of Appeals. jgm/encs. ~;a;;J,Y+ ,4 - if .. "'. :.. ..,. .----1 -~------,-';-"....;,...~ ___----.~--.-. ~ Opt.. 0 ~^A\~' ....".-.--- c-~ r----- \..... SOl '1 I ~ .j I. I) K.i ,. c.:lj OJI l' j r 1\; () ~ (\)\ j <) () Ji/,.... ~ I) " " v .~ , 'J I 0. ). rJ ,I; f \I:....; : . J' .0'1 <4 -{ i _ --., : ---~'3'-'€---~.---7 I ..__-- .._.".--_.-_._1-.---- --- ... ,- -.- ~ \:1 'f'"' ~ ft.... tV " r \Q"': j " , Iti - i ~ ! . 1 -~ 1 -:'1 0; ;.. 1Y1A. P OF" L.AND l sa.'7.2, OF" t E .A N Sc 4..,; '. ,- i ("-')~" f:; V ..... j ~ t.. t,"> 1;..... f":.. 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