HomeMy WebLinkAbout237 LEGAL N~ ICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to ~ection 267 of the Town Law and the ~rovielons of the Amende~ ~,~il~i~ Zone Ordinance of the Town of Souhold, ~uffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning B card of Appeals of the Town of 8outhold~ at the Towl~ Clerk's Office, ~in Hoad, Southold, New York, on November 2~, 1959, on the following appeals: ?~30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Peter Etch, ~r., a/c Mattituck ~rina, Camp Mineola Road, Mattltuek, Ne~ Yor , for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, 8nb~ection 3a, for permission to expand the Mattituek Marina. Location of property:, Camp Nineola Road, Matt!tuck, New York, bounded north by Juliu~ Zebroski, east by Peter Ereh~ ~r., south by J~es Creek, and. ~st by James Creek. 8:00 P.M. (E.g.T.), upon application of Theresa Bollhoefer, East Road (Fleets Neck), Outchogue, New Y~k, for s variance in accordance with the Zoning Or~[~__ance, Article III~ 8eetion~ 30~, an~ 30~ for permisalon to reduce.fr.onta$.e .a~.d__s.i~e yard.s and Article X, Section 1000A for perm~ssxon ~o ~xwxae proper~Y intotwo lots.. Location of p~opert¥~ south side East Road~ Outchogue, New York, bounded north by East Road, east b~ $%tlia Wickham~ south By Bay, and west by Pequash AVenue and ~illie. 8~30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Wild,Ar B. Nauser, d/b/a/ ~eeonie Liquo~ ~e% ~ Ro~, Peeo~c, New York, for a s~ci~ exception ~ aceord~ with the Zoni~ 0rdi~ance, ~tiele III, 8ection 3~, 8u~eetion 11, for ~r~ssien ~ e~et als ~vertising ~eonie Ll~r S~re on nor~ side ~ Pe~c, New York. ~o~r~ bo~ded nor~ by A. tie,ach, east by G. ~rkoski, sou~ by ~in Road, ~ west by A. Oieraeh. Any person desiring to be heard on the above ~pplications should appear at the ti~e add place above speeifie~. DATED: ~ovember 12, 1959. By Order of the Southo!d Town Board of Appeals. PLEASE PUBL~H ONCE. NOVE~BER 20, 1959, AND FOEW .ARD AFFIDAVI~ P~BLIOATION I~DIATLY, TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, c/o TOWN CLERX O~FIOE, MAIN ROAD, S0UTHOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed to the following on November 2j~, 19~9, The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman ~eter ~eh, John Willie, a/c ThereSa Bollhoefer Wilbur Hauser S SHOULD APPE.~R AT T~ HEARING. Notlee of HearlaW I ~t ~ S~t~n 26~ of the ~To~ ~w ~d ~e prov~lons ~ the ~d~ Buil~g Zone Ordin- , ~e of ~e To~ of ~uthold, Suf- ~ fo~ County, New ~ Yor~, ~ublic *h ~ ~ w~ be h~d by the ~n- ~ ing ~a~ of ~p~a~ of ~ T~ , of Southold, at the TO~ Clerk's Off, e, ~ ~d, ~uthold, New York, on Norther ~, 1959, on ~he following appeals; ~;~ P. M. (E. S. T) up~ ap- ~ation of Peter Kreh, Jr., a/c Mattl~k ~rlna, C~p ~eola ~, Mattit~ck, N~ York, for a ,~t exception in ~rda~e '~ ~ Zoning O~dina~, ~ticle ~, ~c~ion 3~, Sa~on ~, for pe~lon ~ e~d the ~tti- t~ Maria. ~ation of prop- erty: Crop ~n~la ~, ~ttt- t~k, N~ York, ~d~ no~ by J~i~ Zebra, e~t by Pe~ ~eh, J~., sou~ by J~ Cr~k, and west by Jam~ ~eek. 8;~ P; M. (E~.T.), upon appli- ~oh of Theresa ~fer, ~t ~ (Fleets ~k), Cu~ogue, New York, for a v~a~e In cord~ with the Z~lng ~din- an~, ~rticle IH, S~ons 303, ~d 3~ for perm~on to red~e fron~ age and side yar~ a~ A~le X, Section 10~A fo~.perm~ion to di- vide p.rope~y lnW two lots. Lo- caMon of property: sou~ side Road, Cu~o~e, New York~ bonded north by East ~, e~t by Julia Wickh~, ~u~ by Bay, and w~t by Pequ~ Avenue and 8;30 P. M. (E~.T), u~n appli- caiton of W~bur S. ~er, d-b-a Peconic Liquor Store, Man Peconic, New Yqrk, for a sp~ial exception in acco~ance wi~ t~ Zo~g Ordinance, A~le ~, tion 300, Sabsection 11, for permis- sion to erst a~ advertising Pe- conic ~quor S~e on north side ~in ~, P~onic, New York. P~rty ~unded no~h by A. Cie- r~h, e~t by G. B~k~kl, sou~ by ~in ~, a~ w~t by A. Cie- r~. Any per~n d~g ~ be heard Ion the a~ve applications ~o~t ap~ at the ~e ~d pl~e above [ sp~ified. ~'l,~: Kovembe~ 12, 1959. By Ord~ ~ ~e ~u~old To~ ~d of ~p~als. I~0 STATE OF NEW YORK, } ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j ........................... :...:.. p ............................................................... being duly Sworn, says that /~ ~'J .. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ................................................................ ~. ........................................ week~ successively commencing on the CORNELIA c · KEOGH NOTARY pLI3LIC, State of New York No. _2-2093890 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, 196t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NL~V APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION, NO ~' DATE..~.o.~.~:q.e. A i 12 ~ 1959 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name Street and Number ................. ~.~z~.u~k .............................................. Municipality State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ]~ZT SECTION SUBSECTION 3A THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: ~e wish to ~xpand ou~mari~ from the present limits set by the Board of Appeals in their action on aptiiaation #126, to Luclude boats of c~L~ss A-2 (26ft to A2ft)~ this would entail widening our ehannel~ and installing a~ditior~l berths to accomodate about 100 boats in all. We wish to install sndergromud fuel tanks to service these additional boats~ owners of which b~vs contacted us for berthing space for the coming season~ A map of the proposed work~ dredging, docks etc will be supplied to show our intended improvements~ Any further i~ormation the Board requi~es will be supplied upon request. }~ TT i~JC K ~ARiNA STATE OF NEW YORK ) ' ) ss COUNTY OFSu-¢£ olk ) Sworn to this ..... ~ ....... day of.....~P.Y..~]~.~r ................... 19.59..'. ............... ~ot~ry Pub~k, St~ of New Vo~k No 52 3344983. Suffolk Co,m v MATTITUCK on Peconic Bay Peter & Jemem Kreh Proprietors MARINA Reeves Avs.,Mattituc. Phone o!