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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. DATE tif .Pt.......30s 1971
Appeal No. 1465 Dated September 7, 1971
To Theodore Christianson Appellant
9 Dudley Avenue
Staten Island, New York
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on September 30, 19'�l the appeal
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance
(X ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance
1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be
granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph
.................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be
confirmed because 8:1.4.5 P.M. (E.S.T. ) , upon application of Theodore
Christianson, 9 Dudley Avenue, Staten Island, New York, for a
variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to
divide property and create lots with less than 100 ft. frontage.
Location of property: west side of Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck,
New York, bounded north by Yolanda Robbins, east by Deep Hole
Drive, south by Mathaias Brewi, west by Deep Hole Creek. Fee paid
$5- 00-
2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that
(a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary
hardship because
(b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties
alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
(c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not)
change the character of the district because
and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and
that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed.
FORM ZB4 lee
Marjorie McDermott, Secretary
After investigation and inspection the Board finds that
applicant requests permission to divide property and create lots
with less than 100 foot frontage on west side of Deep Hole Drive,
Mattituck, New York. The Board finds that the two lots, Nos.
22 and 23 were bought separately with separate deeds. Applicant
placed a summer home on one lot and expected to use or sell the
other lot . The original neighborhood planning was for 50 foot
lots of varying depths. The Board is in agreement with the
reasoning of the applicant.
The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance
would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship;
the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all
propert ties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and
in the same use district; and the variance will not change the
character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of
the Ordinance.
THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED Theodore Christianson, 9 Dudley Avenue,
Staten Island, New York, be GRA14TED permission to divide property
and create lots with less than 100 foot frontage on property at
west side of Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, New York, subject to the
following condition:
That no side yard variance will be granted now or in the
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse,
Grigonis, Doyen.
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Notice 0 eanngs
Pursuant to Section 2J37 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
the amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
York, public hearings will be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of .
the Town of Southold, at the Towo
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on September 30, 1971
on the following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Alice M. Burden,
Orient, New-York, for a variance
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article Ill, Section
303, and Article X, Section 1ooOA,
for permission to divide property
and create lots with less than 100
ft. frontage and one lot with less
than 12,500 sq. ft. of area.
Location of property: north side
of private road off west side of
Village Lane, Orient, New York,
bounded north by G. R. Latham,
Wm. H. Broderick, east by
Spencer Terry, D. Dorman &
Others, south by Orient Harbor,
west by A. Knox.
7:45 P.M.. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Paul Harry
Orlowski, Grove Road, Southold,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article Ill, Section
303, and Article X, Section 100M,
for Il"l"mission to divide property
and set off lot with less than
12,500 sq. ft. of area. Location of
property: . southeast corner of
Mill Creek Drive and Grove
Road, South old, New York,
.bounded north by Mill creek
Drive, east by Mill Creek Drive,
A. Gordon-Smith, &J. G. Havens,
south by F. Simons, & A. Gordon- ,
Smith, west by Grove Road.
8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Dr. James P.
Tierney. 36 Spruce Street.,
Garden City, New York, for
approval of access over private
right-of-way -in accordance with
the State of New York Town Law
Sechort 280A. Location of
r~,,-;:~rty: private right-of-way
off east end of North Parish
Drive, Southold, New York
bounded north by Peconie Bay'
east by H. & F. Reese, south by
Harry Gunliffe, west by H. SaYre
& North Parish Drive. .
8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Philip Marriner
Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, Ne~
York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article 1lI, Section 300,
Subsection 6, and Article 1I1
Section 309, for permission", ~
construct accessory buildiilg:
(garage) in front yard areli.
Location of property: south side
of Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck,
New York, bounded north by
Deep Hole Drive, east by J. Baar,
south by Deep Hole Creek, west
by Thos. O'Keefe.
8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
. application of Theodore
Christianson, 9 Dudley Avenue,
Staten Island, New York, for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III
Section 303, and Article X Sec:
tion lOOOA, for pennissi~n to
divide property and create lots
with less than 100 ft. frontage.
Location of property: west side of
Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, New
(ork, bounded north by Yolanda
lobbins, east by Deep. Hole
>rive, south by Mathaias Brewi,
(est by Deep Hole Creek.
\:,:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
t'plication of, Daniel Grattan,
yside Road, Southold, New
_. rk, for a variance in ac-
dinanc with the Zoning Or-
and Artic~".iii SeCti(;D 303,
permissio; ~~ ~~~.. fer
and set off lot with less' th~~..
12,500 sq. ft. of area and less than
100 ft. frontage on Towo Road.
LocatIon of property: north side
of Sunnyside Road, Southold,
New York, bounded north by
other land of the applicant, east
by other land of. the applicant
south by Stmnyside Road, west hi
Peter Grattan.
9:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), ulldn-
applicatIon of Anthanasios &
Helen Spinthourakis, Main Road
East Marion, New York for ~
variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III
Section 307, and Article 1II A'
Sections 357 &1 358, for permissio~
to maintain motel units and
buildings with insufficient. side
yards. Location of property:
south side of Main Road, East
Marion, New York, bounded
north by Main Road, east by A. G.
Doyle and other lands of the
applicant, south by G. Arnold &
Others, west by R. Peterson &
9:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Bayview
Development Corp. d I,b I,a
Victo~ia Motel and Cottages,
BaYVlew Road, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance, with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III A, Section
350, Subsection 5, for permission
to expand existing marina.
Location of property: south side
of Bayview Road, Southold, New
York, bounded north by Bayview
Road, east by James Bitses,
south by Corey Creek, west by A.
& F. Koke.
9:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T:), uoon
application of Bertha Davis,
Basin Road, Southold, New York,
for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article Ill,
Section 300, Subsection, 6, and
Article III,Section 309, for
permission to locate accessory
building (garage) in front yard
area. Location of property: north
side of Basin Road, westerly 1f.1: of
lot no. 2 and all of lot no. 3 on
subdivision map of "Paradise
Point", Sec. I, Map 3761.
10:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon
application of Arthur H. & Ruth
Wingate, Peconic Bay Blvd.,
Laurel, New York, for a variance
in accordance wi~ the Zoning
Ordinance, Article Ill, Section
300, Subsection I, Article VII,
Sections 703 & 7031>-. an4 Article
X, Section l000~ fofllerlJlilll",o..
->.-., );!f " ' - i__ '
(Continued (rom page 25)
to convert accessory building into
dwelling with insufficient living
area. Location of property: south
side of Peconic Bay Blvd.
Laurel, New York, bounded north
by PeeoDic Bay Blvd., east by W.
F. Osler, Jr., south by peconic
Bay, west by Dorothy Farley.
Any person desiring to be heard
On the above applications should
appear at the time and place
f 8S:
. _..... S1<l.lliT.1;. 0... D.Q~1]lll.n. ........... being duly Sworn.
says that.. .~~.. . is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK
WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said
county; and that thE' Dotia:. of which the ClllDexed is a printed
copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Time8
once in E'ach week, for . _ . P.OO.................... weeks
sllCceSSivEoly commencing on the .... .1;OI1'.n ty.-: th1.rd . . . . .
day of .. .'l~P:1<~~~:r.:.:~. }~)..
~..'7.,-.. a
'__._" ,'. .<,...o..c... ,"-. '. . __~. --Z---'~--.;:_""""___ ^-'''-
Sworn to ~fore metlS .. 02- .7. . . . . 1
day of ..)1,. .2/"".<'. /Z.. 1-....!!. I ..
! (!~I! ~l{{'~{!': :,!,:<!: f"/'
'7 1-
ng (garage) in front yard area.
NOTICE OF HEARING 8:45 P. M. fEDSTI. UpOll a~.;'t(:y ation of property: north side
plication of Theodore Chrtstian~,' f Basin Road. westerly I:: of
Pursuant to Section 267 of the" , .: son. 9 Dudley Avenue, State".. ". t No.2 and all of lot No.3 on
~ Town Law and the provisions at iIsland. New York, for a val'ianc~1,l bdivlsion map of "Paradise
,the amended Building Zone Or.~ .-<1n accordance with the Zon~n~_,,, oint", See I. Map 3761. "
dinance of the Town of Southold.'.. I ,Ordinance. Article If I, Sect"~ " 10:00 P. M. (EDST1. upon ap-
.Suffolk County. New York. pU~~.?:.:" t.$;03, and Article X, Section 1000~ ~'l.~ Ueation of Arthur H. &; Ruth
.'llc hearings wlll be held by the ;;:- 'f\lor permission to divide propert~".' Wingate, Peconlc Bay Blvd.,
Zoning Board of Appeals of the . .' '''''and create lots with less th~\-O.~t' Laurel. New York, for a varian~
h.: Town of Southold, at the Town '~loo ft. frontage LocatIOn 61W: in accordance with the Zonlnil
<.,'oOffioe, Main Road, Souiholci. '1 TProperty: we. st sIde of Deep Ho..tl:;.:., .\i...~':ordinanCe, Article III, Sectioil'! ,sworn, says
," New York, on September 3D, 1971 I "Drive. Mattltuck, New YorJl."~",' :~oo, Subsection I, Article VIJ,..". ISLAND
,{~ on the following appeals: !>oounded north by Yolanda R?L~_"r._ iiJ;1Jection 703 & 703b, and ArtlcW': :J
. 7:30 P. M. IEDSTJ, upon ap- i.bins, east by Deep Hole. Dn~""',,,,~Jl,<X, Section lOOOB, for permissi""4.;<;.,ublic news-
plication of Alice M. Burden. ,r,JOuth by Mathalas BrewI. \\I~:, . {to convert accessory bUlldlIlll.','
Orient. New York, for a variance:~ l"bY Deep Hole Creek.,,\<< "","-into dwelling with insufflcle_A ; and that
in accordance with the ZOning,::':" '" 9:00 P. M. IEDST', upon a~(:. ,living area, Location of property:. be
Ordinance, ,Article III, Section '~_': i f-~Ucation of Daniel Grattan, S~1~'.7'~~ J:south side of Peconic Bay BlVd,",' 'i- V, has en
303, and Art.cle X, Section lOOOA, ,;c' ! 'nyside Road, . So"thold, Nt"",.;_, Laurel, New York, bounded no~ ..: ck Wotch-
for permission to divide property ~f..' '1 ,VO;'k, for a vaflance In accol'Ji;'lt) ,'" by Peconic Bay Blvd., east ~..'
. and create lots with less than.",:" i.ance with the Zoning Ol'dianC~ y'<W, F. Osler, Jr" south by Pecon&t_
i-1." 100 ft. fro. ntage and one lot Wlth:t( . Article III, Section 303, and A ..,. ""'...B&Y, west by Doro~ Farley. -,._, '
.:~ less than 12,500 ft. of area, ~ ~ ~ I "ticle X. Sec~ioll 1000A, for pe :", " Any person desirmg to b,e"
'''Cation of property: north side"., ,.mission to divide property llJheard on the above applicationa,,.;.
. of private road !ltI west side ot':~ f set off lot with less than 12,5, .,,! should appear at the time ani
'. Village Lane, Orient, New York,'. Jsq. ft. of area and less than IdIi:.'. . . place specified, .
bounded north by O. R. Latham'}l..~'ift. frontage on Town Roa~. ~.' DATED: SEPTEMBER 9. 1971
Wm, H. Broderick, east by \'- 1cation of property: north ~Ide{~, ", BY ORDER OF THE
I spencer,:erry, D. Dorman &: ""1 rSunnyside Road, Southold, N..wr-"1.' SOUTHOLD TOWN "
f';." Others, sout'h by Orient Harbor, l York, bounded north by oth~t.,: BOARD OF APPEALS ...... " '
west by A. Knox_!'land of the applicant. ('a~t ., 1T-;Q'
II' 7:45 P. M.(EDST). upon ap- r,Q ;::other land of the applicant, souLf]"\< ~
! plication of Paul Harry Orlowski" ;.:)'~bY Sunnyside Road, west by"rl,J
Grove Road Southold, New York, ...:': .peter Grattan.
for a variance in a.ccordance-',~,:,; 9:15 P. M. (EDST). UpO<l
with the Zonipg- Ordinance, Ar"\'l._:~ '1 ,Plication of~nt.hal~asios & H:~f;n.
ticIe III, Section 303, and ~o\l"" .~,l I ":Spinthoul'aklS, Mam Road, E."lsl
ticle X, section l000A. fOJ\;',~ ,A. Marion. New York for a vamUlCt'
permisSion to d1~ide property and ~~, ;, in accordance with the ZonllW
set off lot with less than 12,500 "1- Ol'dinanct', Article III, Section
sq. ft, of area, Location of prop-. 307, and Artiell' III A, Se~tiolls
erty: sout:Ju~ast comer of Mill, ..1.1 ,,357 & 358, for permission to
Creek Drive and Grove Road.(~~:. iuaintain motel unit:; and build-
Southoltl. New York. bounC\ed'N< ings with insufficient side yards,
north by Mill .creek Drive. e~l.l~ ,Location of jJropt'rty: south sldr
by Mill Creek Drive, A, Gordon...lf1f. pf Main Road, East. Marion, New
Smith. & J, G. Havens, south byoii" York, uoundt'd north by Main
F. Simons, A. GOrdOn-Smith~ '~oad, east by A.. G. DoYl~ and
west by Grove Road. :'jJjt other lands (If the apphcalll,
8:00 P. M. tEDSTI. upon ap.J11. south by G. Arnold & Others.
plication of Dr. James P. Tie~ey~:~'" .west by R. Peterwn & Others.
36" Spruce Street. Garden Clty-,,,,.,,;,J 9:30 P. M. (EDSTI, upon ap-
New York, for approval of acce,.Sf~ lllication of Bayview Development.
over private right-of-way in a,~':~.'?J . Corp. d'b/a Victoria Motel and
cordance with the State of New:- 1 Cottages, Bayview Road, South-
York Town La\\'. Section 280:'-'~. old, New York, for a special ex-
Location of property: privaWut ception in accordance with the
right-of-way off east end 013$ . Zoning Ordinance, Article IlIA,
North Parish Drive. Southo!~ . Section 350, Subsection 5, for
New .York, bou~ded north ~.~ permission to. expand eXis~in~
PeCOI1lC Bay. ea..-;t by H. & p"'~. marina. LocatIOn of propel ty ,
Reese, south by Harry GUnlif[e~~ 'south side of Bayview Road,
west by H. Sayre & North Parist'j, Southold, New York, bounded
Drive, .~ north by Bayview Road, east by
8:30 p, M. lEDSTI. upon ap-~,. James Bilses. south by Core~'
plication of Philip Marriner" C k west by A. & F, Koke.
Deep Hole Drive: Matt~tuck, N~l' rge.:5. P. M. iEDSTI, UpOIl lIP.-
York, for a varIance m accm"t..., ,
ance with the Zoning' ordina~.~.:,.'4;~ plication of Bertha DavIs, Ba:-.m
Article III, Section 300, Sub" . . Road, Southold, New York. fur a
tion 6, and Artlcle III, sect;...... ' variance in accordance WH.h the
f ... 'on to constr ',;,1:
309, or pelJl~IS~1 . . ";,1j, Zoning Ordinance, Article III.
accessory bUIldmg (garage~. ~'\ ,." . I
front yard area. Location.. .-.~~-.. Section 300. SubsectlOn 6. am
property: south side of . .~.. Article III. Section 309, for p('r~
Hole Drive, Mattituck, Ne~ ,y~. -~',; mission to locate accessory uui\ct~
bounded north by DeeJA,~~~
Drive, east by J. Baal', ,~~)~
Deep Hole Creek. west bf"""l'fi~
O'Keefe. .,~;:,,:,;.-1f)i
.j wee'i
.. .......19.7....
day of
...... . . 'NO~ Public Ii
Not2~Y rll';: ;,'a'e 'cf New York
I-,,,;;i' :,1 ': : ~ ~': ',: i:oU:lty
COI1~m:SSjC;l;ct.xp:res "U~-:r~~ 3D, 197,:3
DATE .SE :.......
1, (We) Ff9TJ0s7E G/�>?�sr,ysys,o v �
Name of Appellant Street and Number
ST 7E.r(„ /Sura'.^ t'............................ Ak. r EA,.tr...HEREBY APPEAL TO
Municipality State
APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .......................... ......... DATED ....... .. ... .. ...I...........
Name of Applicant for permit
Street and Number Municipality State
("�) /�rd�,xrr 7- i? Divor/; FY/ s:soyy L?v>y� srirr �T
I. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .. %�.. .....v�s vc /3T
Street Use District on Zoning Map
. ..............................................*L'*
. �.X.....
Map No. Lot No.
2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (indicate the Article Section, Sub-
section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.)
/3R7" X S� c /r�eveP
3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for
(X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map
( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws
Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3
4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal W (has not) been made with respect to this decision
of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property.
Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit
( ) request for a variance
andwas made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ......................................................................
( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3
(X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance
( D
is requested for the reason that
Form Z131 (Continue on other side)
I. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces-
sary HARDSHIP because
✓�? —� �^�/ o �,Uw, E- — Piz— �/ �vw —ie
2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate
vicinity of this properly and in this use district because
„iv,—cp---- �vi iG.�-- ✓s�ciL� o .�1--v.�.e.— CT G`r-'m— .
-`'���irZ�✓L-�-- Gr lh.� /tr✓
e9- 6 L7 /�rZc f/�✓/ - Gt-'-''r /�---`--`'"�`'��"'_er—.�
3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE
ss ' : a---cam. L/du,ci✓v
COUNTYOF ..........................................
Sworn to this .......... ... .................. day of.... .... ...... .
. .. ...................... 19 1
Notary Public
Kota Public, Stete of New YorR
No. 52-135620 — Suffolk County
CQ11SmLsmdw E'zp=ts MmP% 39'73
- -� FORM NO. 3
FileNo: '...................................................s:..............Date .........Gg W..........r............ 19.:']2.
To .-!The* 0Ze--Fah; .Sigh.....................
..........9•• dl '•• ,zt ziax+R...r...............................
.......... t tee .. s aztd,...] at...Yolk...............
PLEASE TAKE NOthat your apphcatecn dated .................. 19.....,..
for permit to c .... ..................................at the premises located at...% --DeDp..11026--ft ve
... ......... : .........:..... .... .. .....L.. Street + XattltuCko N.Y.
Map ......... ...................... Block ... ......... C ............. Lot y fC ..: is
returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds ....... ......... ....... ........
...7. ......,, ... /C"-,^.>-.+-... ... ... .... . .... . .i;.... ... . ........ . .... .... ....... ...................
w1.. .. ' .... ....T .... .. . .. r .....,............s... .......................................... ............
,41 1
Building Inspector
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September 8, 1971
'l'heodore Chr1.Uaft.on
9 DucUey Avellue
Statell Ielall4, Hew York
Dear Mr. Chr1et1.uOftI
I am returD1ft9 herewith your .pp11c.t1011 for a v.r1.11ce to the
Boar4 of Appeal..
It 1. required that you ew.1t . euney or eketch of the property
(with accur.te 41Mne1Oft.) ehow1nq the propoaed 41v1.1011 of th18
property. Al8o, theZ'e 1e . $5.00 appl1cat1oft fee due.
Pl.... attach eurv.l' III' eketch to the .ppl1catione, encloe. .5.00
appl1cat1Oft fee, ad r.turn the app11cat1011e to th1e off1_ at your
.arlieet COftv.n1_a .0 that it ClUl be ..t: up for a public he.r1ng
tor the next ...t1ft9 of the Boar4 of Appeal8.
Very . 1ft_rely ,
It~~~-.w. G1111.p1e, 'i/.~ Ch.1rman
Southold Town Bo.rd of APPeal.