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8:00 ~2~o~ (E.S,T~), upon application of M~ So To
Construction Corpo~ 260 Jericho Turnpike~ Mineola, New
,~York~ for a variance in accordance with the ZoningOrdlnance~
Article III~ Section 300, Subsection 10, for permission to
erect an off premises real estate sign. Location of property:
southwest Corner of Luthers Road and Stanley Road~ Map of
~/~Sunset Knolls, Section I~ Lot No. 17, Mattituck, New York.
8:15 P~Mo (E.S~T~), upon application of Andrew E.
Goodal~ Fourth Street~ New Suffolk, New York, for a variance
-, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article III, Section
300~ Subsection 1~ Artict~ III~ Section 304, Article III~
'Section 307, and Article X~ Section 1000A and 1000B~ for
permission to create second dwelling unit on lot with less
than required area° Location of properyt: west side of
Fourth Street, New Suffolk~ New York~ bounded north by
L Warp-Karp~ east by Fourth Street~ south by Peconlc BSy~
-west by G. Hinsch~
8:30 PoMo (EoSoTo)= upon application of Estate of
Genevieve Albertson~ Main Street~ Southold~ New York~ for
a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article
III~ Section 303, and Article X~ Section 1000A~ for permission
to set off two lots~ with d~ell/ngs~ With less than 100 ft.
~ 1~ frontage. Lo~ation of property: north side of Main Street,
'! Southold~ New York~ bounded north by Railroad, east byAoW~
Albertson, south by Main Road~ west by Reese.
8:45 PoM~ (EoSoTo)z upon application of Richter Home
Improvement C9~m Greenport~ New York a/c Ethel Annestead,
Page -3- . --
.,Champlin Place ~ Atlantic Avenue, Greenport~ New YOrk~ for
a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article
IiI~ Section 300~ Subsection 6, Article TII~ Section 306,
' I .nd Artlcle ITT~ Section 309~
for permission to locate
accessorybuilding (garage) in frontyard area. Location of '
~'.~p~operty: southeast cOrner of Champlin Place an~ Atlantic
Avenue~ Greenport~ New York~ bounded north by Champlin-
Piacel east by Frank So Rosenburg~ south by Ethel Annestead~
west by Atlantic Avenue°
9:00 P. Mo (EoSoTo), upon application of A, Richard
Grebe~ Jr,~ Hedge street~ PoO~ Box 356~ Fishers ~stand~
Ne~ York~ for a special exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance~ Article IV~ Section 420~ Subsection 2
~)~for permission to operate and maintain a public garage.
Location of property: south side of Whistler Avenue~ FiBbers
Island~ New York, bounded nortk by Whistler Avenue~ east by
Beach Avenue, soutk by Block Island Sound~ west by Fishers
.islan'd Sound°
9:15 PoMo (EoSoT~)~ upon application of John J~ O'Keefe~
Jr~ Jockey Creek Drive~ Southold~ New York~ for a variance
in'accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article III, Section
~00~ Subsection 6® and Article III, Section 309~ for Permission
to locate accessory use (swimming pool) in side yard area.
LoCation of property: south side of Jockey Creek Drive~
Southold, .New York~ bounded north by Jockey Creek Drive,
east by John Fro$ina~ south by Jockey Creek Drive, west by
Wm~ H~ Price.
upon application of Joan Sullivan,
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions
cf the amended Building Zone
Ordniance of the Town of South-
old. Suffolk County, New York,
public hearings will be held by
the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Southold, at the
Town Office, Main Road, South-
old. New York, on April 15, 1971
on the following appeals:
7:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of Phyllis R. Moore. Pe-
conic Bay Blvd., Mattituck, New
York. D. Stanley Raynor, Main
Road. J~mesport. New York, and
Velma farrow, Pike Street, Mat-
tituck. New York, for approval of
access over private right-of-way
in accordance with the State of
New York Town Law, Section
~80A. Location of property: pri-
vate right-of-way of[ south side
of Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel,
New York. bounded north by
Peconic Bay Blvd. east by Phyl-
lis R. Moore & D. Stanley Ray-
*~or. south by phyllis R. Moore
,~: Velma farrow, west by Velma
7:45 P. M. (ESTI. upon appli-
cation of Thomas Shearni, 2670
Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue,
New York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III, Section 306,
for permission to construct addi-
tion to existing dwelling with
reduced frontyard setback. Loca-
tion of property: south side of
Slillwater Avenue, Map of M. S.
Hand. Lot No.'s 52 and 79, Cut-
chogue. New York.
8:00 P. M. (ESTL upon appli-
cation of M. S. T. Construction
Corp.. 260 Jericho Turnpike,
Mineola. New York, for a vari-
ance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection 10, for
permi~ion to erect an off prem-
ises real estate sign. Location of
property: southwest corner of
Luthers Road and Stanley Road.
Map of Sunset Knolls, Section
L Lot No. 17, Mattituck, New
8:15 P. M. (EST), upon ~ppli-
cation of Andrew E. Goodale.
Fourth Street, New Suffolk, New
York. for a variance in accord-
~nce with the Zoning Ordinance.
Article fII, Section 30e, Sub.co
tion 1, Article III, Section 304,
Article III, Section 307, and
Article X, Section 1000A and
1000B. for permission to create
second dwelling unit on lot with
less than required area. Location
of property: west side of Fourth
Street, New Suffolk, New York.
bounded north by L. Warp-garp,
east by Fourth Street. south by
Peconic Bay, west by G. Hinsch.
8:30 P. M. (EST). upon aPPli-
cation of Estate of Genevieve
Albertson, Main Street, Southold,
New York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article YII, Section 30~,
and Article X, Section
for permission to set of[ two
lots, with dwellings, with less
than 100 ft. frontage. Location
~ ] of property: north side of Main
Street, Southold. Rew York,
~ bounded north by Railroad, east
'~] by A. W. Albertson, south by
(, Main Road. west by Reese.
8:45 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
' cation of Richter Rome Improve-
ment Co., Greenport, New York
~ 9/c Ethel Annestead, Chain-
plin Place & Atlantic Avenue,
Greenport, New York, for a
· variance in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III.
Section 300, Subsection 6, Article
.. III, Section 306, and Article III.
Section 309, for permission to
-- locate accessory building (gar-
Champlin Place and Atlantic
bounded north by Champlni
burg, south by Ethel Annestead,
west by Atlantic Avenue.
9:00 P. M. (EST), upon appli-
cation of A. Richard Grebe, Jr.,
Hedge Street, P. O. Box 356,
Fishers Island. New York, for a
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article IV, Section 420. Subsec-
' tion 2 (b). for permission to
operate and maintain a public
garage. Location of property:
South side of Whistler Avenue.
Fishers Island, New York, bound-
ed north by Whistler Avenue.
east by Beach Avenue, south by
Block Island Sound, west by
Fishers Island Sound.
C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, soys
thor he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND
paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in said Long Island Traveler-Mottituck Wotch-
man once each week for ...... ~.-~..~(ffc,~L,...L'~. weelfg"
successively, commencing on the ................ ~:~ .....................
of .....
Sworn to before me this ....................... ~y of
~ C, .:~ .....
........... ..........
6ommisson Expres ' '* 30, 19Z~
9:15 P. M. (EST), upon appli~
cation of John J. O'Keefe, Jr.,
Jockey Creek Drive, Southold,
New York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection 6, and Article III.
Section 309, for permission to
locate accessory use (swimming
peol) in side yard area. Location
of property: south side of Jockey
Creek Drive, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Jockey Creek
Drive, east by John Frosina,
south by Jockey Creek Drive,
west by Wm. H. Price.
9:30 P. M. (EST),. upon appli-
cation of Joan Sullivan, 239A
Breakwater Road, Mattituck,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection 5 (d), for per-
mission to establish and operate
a riding academy. Location of
property: land of Albert Sylvia,
west side of Lutlq~s Road, Mat-
tituck, Iqew York, bounded north
by S. Sledjeski, east by Luthers
Road, south by p. Meskouris,
west by S. Sledjeski.
Any person desiring to be
heard on the above applications
should appear at the time and
place specified.
Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Low and the provixioas of
the amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the ToWn of
SouthOid, Suffolk Cotmty; New
York, public bearings will be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Southeld, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on April 15, 1971 on th~
following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
plication of Phyllis R. MOOre,
Peconlc Bay Blvd., Mattituch,
New York, D. Stanley Raynor,
Main Road, Jamcoport, New
York, and Velma Catrow, Pike
Street, Mattituck, New York, for
approval of access over-private
fight-of-way in accordance with
the State of New York Town Law,
Section 280A. Location of
property: private fight-of-way
off south side of Peeonlc Bay
Blvd., Laurel, New York,
· bounded north by Peconlc Bay
Blvd., east by Phyllis R. Moore &
D. Stanley Ralalor, smth by
Phyllis R. Moore & Velma Cat-
row, west by Velma Catrow.
7:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
ptication of Thomas Shearin, 2670
Stiilwator Avenue, Cutchogue,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
306, for permission to construct
addition to existing dwelling with
reduced frontyard setback.
Location of property: south side
of Stillwater Avenue, Map of M.S.
Hand, Lot No.'s 52 and 79, Cut-
chogue, New York.
s:0o P:M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
plication of M.S.T. Construction
Corp., 260 Jericho Turnpike,
Mineola, New York, for a
variance in accordance with the
Zoning OrdinanCe, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection 10, for
permission to erect an off
premises real estate sign.
Location of property: southwest
corner of Lutbers Road and
Stanley Road, Map of Sunset
Knolls, Section 1, Lot No. 17,
Mattituck, New York.
8:15 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
plication of Andrew E. Goodaie,
Fourth Street, New Suffolk, New
York, for a variance in ac-
cordance with the Zonln~ Or-
dinance, Article III, Section ~00.
Subsection 1, Article III, Section
304, Article III, Section ~7, and
Article X, Section 1000A and
10~B, for permission to create
second dwellin~ unit on lot with
less than required area. Location
of property: west side of Fourth
Street, New, Suffolk, New York,
bounded north by L Warp-Earp,
cost by Fourth Street, south by
Pecoaic Bay, west by G. Hinsch.
8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
plication of Estate of Genevieve
Albert, son, Main Street, Seathold,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
303, and Article X, Section ].000A,
for permission toset off tyro loin,
with dWellings, with less than 100
ft. frontage. Location of
property: north side of Main
Street, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Railroad, east
by A.W. Albertson, south by Main
Rcod, west by Reese.
8:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
plication of Richter Home Im-
provement Co., Gresnpert New
York afic Ethel Ann~stead,
Champlin Place & Atlantic
Avenue, Greenpert, New York,
for a variance in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article Ill,
· Section 300, Subsection 6, Article
III, Section 306, and .~rticle III,
Section 309, for permission to
locate accessory building
(garage) in frontyard area.
Location of property:
southeast earner of Champlin
Place and Atlantic. Avenue,
Greeaport, New York, bouaded
north by Champlin Place, east by
Frank S. Roseaburg, south by
Ethel Annestead, west by
Atlantic Avenue.
9:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap-
pticatian of A. Richard Grebe, Jr.
Hedge Street, P.O. Box 356,
Fishers Island, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article IV, Section 420, Sub-
section 2 (b), for permissiua to
. operate and maintain a public
garage. Location uf property:
~ s~d~ o~ ~,Ave~me,
'FiSherS~'l-sgaad~ N~w. York,
bounded north bY Whistter iSUFFOLK,
Avenue, east by Beach Avanue, ~j vr~w ~ SS:
south by Block Island Sound, ,~ ......... j
west hy Fishers Island Sound.
9-15 PM (EST), upon aP-~ C~A%v--~c~¢,_~
...... , · · ·; .,,.l..g ..u.y -',worn.
pficatioa of John J. O Kee/e, Jr., 5' .....................
Jockey C.ree.k Drive, .Southnl.~ ~.~k.. · is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK
New Yor~, lot a varlauee
accordance with the Zoning ,~ES, a newslmper publisht, d ~xt Greenport, in sa/d
'Ordinance, Article III, Seetian ~
a00, Subeeetinn S, and Article III, ~rt tht, notice, of which the o~nexed is u printed
Section a0~, for permission, to
locate accessory use (swimming ~l published in the said Suff~olk Weekly Times
pool) in side yard area. Locatioa
of property: south side of Jockey
Creek Drive, Southold, New ~eek~ ~or ........................... week~
York, bounded north by Jocke~ ommencing on the ..; .Q: ~-~.~i .~: :~.,.. ..........
Creek Drive, east by John
Fresina, sou~ by Jockey Cre~ ~.~.~..-..~.,.. 19~/ f '
Drive, west by Wm. H. Price. ' ....
P;M. upon 2'.'. ::: ............
plicatinn of Joan Sullivan,
Breakwater Road, Mattituck, l'e me this
inNeWaccordance York' for a withspecialtheexcepti°nZoning t~: .L~ '..~ ! ....... 1 ~). ,~ ., Il
Ordinance, Article III, Section...~',~ .~. ~c_, .~c.~-.~'
~00, 'Subsection 5 (d), for per-
· . . ~ .~...N-~. ............
m ian to esinbl a,d o, ute ...........
a riding academy. Location of '' ·
property: land of Albert S!dvia,
west side of Luthers Road,
Mattituck, New York, beuaded
north by S. Sledzieshi, east by
Luthers Road, south by P.
Meskouris, west by S. Sledzicoki.
Any person desiring to be heard
on the above applications sbenld
appear at the time and place
DATED: APRIL 1, 19'/1, .By
], .......................................
Name of Appellant Street and Number
Gree~pert N.Y.
....................................................................................................................... HEREBY APPEAL TO
Municipali~ State
APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ~ ...~.~..~a.~-a.g.e.: ....... DATED ..........~.~.~..~ .......... ~ .......... .~.~.~1
Name of Applicant for permit
Street and Number Municipality State
Permit to buil~ ~etache~ garage i~ fro~t yar~ area ( Accessory Bldg)
Street Use District on Zoning Map
Mop No. Lot No.
Gree~pert N.Y.
2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub-
section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi,nance.)
A~t TTT -~ect!e~ ~00 ~b 6 ~ see 309 & sec 306
3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for
(~) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map
( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws
Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3
4. PREVIOUS Ai~PEAL A previous appeal (~(has not) been made with respect to this decision
of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property.
Such eppea! was ( ) request for a special permit
( ) request for a variance
and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ......................................................................
( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3
(~) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance
( )
is requested for the reason that ~i~ 'iS a e~rner ].et fre the time of ept'i n
~f the z~i~g erdi~a~ce, it is 9Oft X 100 ft ~ver all and has a slepe
beth te North & east~ the h~use is e~ the seutherly part of the let
and near the rear of preperty~ net leaving e~eugh reom te build a
garage in the rear yard ares°
Fo~ z~ (Continue on other side)
1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would pr~uce practicaldifficulti~ orunn~es-
sa~ HARDSHIPb~au~: This corner lot has a dwelling on the southerly
part and slopes beth north and east so there is no room to build
a detached oa~ge~ ~ in the rear yard° The__ .orooosed_ l®cation is the best
available spot on the property: it is set back se as to not interfere
with the "sight line" on this corner get
2. The hardshio created is UNIQUE and is not shared by ail properties alike in the immediate
vicinity of this property and in this use district because It iS one of the eld corner lots
in this area that has not been built upon. It slopes born north &
east from the dwelling to ~ road. The a~o~n~ug property to the
East is zoned "B" business to accemedate a marC_ua operation.
3, The Variance would ~se~e the spirit ofthe Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE
CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT becau~ : This ne±ghbor~oo~ was b~iit ~p on
lots o£ ~0 to 60 ft frontages~ this lot is one of the larger ones in
the neighborhood° The proposed garage set back in this location will
net harm or change the c~aricter of the neighborhooR.
) ss
COUNTY OF$~folk )
Sworn to this ............... : ................. 2.~. ........ day of ............... ........
~..~.. ~..~ ........ ...';~c.... :...... L ~-~ ~'
~otary PUblic r~
'~'. 52-32§~i20 SU~'~°~
Examined ........................................ , 19 ........
Approved ......................................... 1 9 ........ Permit No .............................
Disapproved a/c ..............................................................................................
Application No .............................
(Building Inspector)
Date ............................................................. 19.. .
a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink und submitted irt duplicate to the Building
b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining pr.anises or public streets or
areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn cn the diagram which is part of this application.
c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of I~uilding Permit.
d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit
shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughOUt the progress of the wark.
e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in Dart for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy
shall have been granted by the Building Inspector.
APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Bulldi?g Permit pursuant to the
Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Codnty, New York, and other apphcoble Laws, Ordinances or
Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described.
The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations.
(Signature cf applicant, or name, if a capetian)
(Address of applicant)
State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder,
Name of owner of premises .................................................... ~ ...............................................................................................
If appl~i~gntxis/a co.r~orot~e~Tsigr~Fre of duly-authorized officer.
{Nome and title'of corporate officer)
1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done, Map No~: ........................................ Lot NO.: ........................
2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction:
a. Existing use and occupancy .......................... ¥; ...... ; ............................... ; .............. ; .................................................
3, Nature of wo~k (check whict~ applicable): New BujJding .................. Addition ................ Alteration .............
Repair ................... Remov~J/~...~.~,; ........ Demolition ..............~,. ~er Work (Describe) .....................................
4. Estimated Cost ............. : .............................................. Fee ......................................................................................
(to be paid on fi;'ng this application)
5. if dwelling, number of dwelling units ..t~ ? ~ ............ Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................
If garage, number of cars .............................................................................................................................................
6. If business, commercia~ or mixed ~cupancy, specJ~ nature and extent of each type of use
7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ................................Depth
Height ........................ Number of Stories ...............................................................................................
D~mensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear ..........................
Depth ................................Height ...........................Numar of Stories ............. /..~ ..............
8. Dimensions o} ~ntire new construction: Front .................................... Rear ............................ D~th ........................
.................... ~ ~ u
Height Nu~ of Stories .................. ~ ..............................................................................................
9. Size of lot: Front .................... 7,~,~ar~ ................................. Depth ....................... t~.~.~i ~ z~
]0. Date of Purchase ........................................................Name of Forme~wne~,.¢V~_ .............................................
11. Zone or use district in ~hich premises are situated .....................................................................................................
]2. Does ro osed construction vio~te any zonba aw, ~dinance or ~e~glation? .................... ~ ......................................
-. ~ - z - '~ ~ ~' ' A~dress ~ ~ ~ ~.~. Phone No ...................
13. t~ame aT ~wn~r O. pr~m~ .... ~, ......................................................
~ ,, ~ Address
Name of Architect ..~].~,. ~'"'~[7:~'~'~' '~m')~'~')~7'~TV~:~' ............. Pho~ ..... ~..~..,.~
Nome of Contractor ................................. A~ress ...........................................Phone No ....................
Locate clearly and distinct y all bud r~gs, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from
property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and ndica:e
~vhether interior or corner Jot.
........................................................................................ oemg duly sworn, deposes and soys that he is the applicant
(Name of individual signing appti~-~i~)rt),L- b ~- 7~
above ncmed. He is the ............................................................... ~ .......................................................
................................. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, otc.)
Of said owner or owners, and is duly ~uthorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file
this ~ppiication; that alt statements cont,;ined in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and
Swornthat theto w0rkbe~reWilimebethis:performed in the manner~ ~<set~ forth ~]in the application~ filed,/therewith'~ ~
........ .,., ., ....... ,,...: ....
.......... ~ ~z~ }~ ~.:'u ~ ~ ............... ~..:~.: ................... :~ .................................................
~ ~'~' Cou~, (S~gno~re of apphcont)
No~/ P~b~, ....~ ......... :..:....~:~ ................. ' '
' [UZ~B~H ~N~ NEV]L~
~oTARY PUBLIG, State of New York
No- 52-8~25850, Suffolk Co~
Term Expres March 30, 19
" POI~M ~0. 3
File No .................................................................. Date .............................. ~.C]a ...... g~ .........19.~J..
........... Gree~ ..............................................
PLEASE T~ NOTICE that your application dated ..................... ~r~.....~ ...... 19, ~.~..
for permit ~o cons~uct .~...g. ar~ga ............. aT~ primes ~ca~d at ..................................
~'~!~'' ~V~"'~" ~" .~Street G~e~ p~
Map ...... ~ ............................... Block ....... ~ ............................. Lot ..~ ...................................... is
retu~ea ~rewith ~d disapproved on the following ground~ ........................................................
Building Inspector