HomeMy WebLinkAbout1640 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE .AUgUAti....24s 1972
Appeal No. 1640 Dated July 29, 1972
To Judith B. Wurtz Appellant
Box 117A, Bay Avenue
Cutchogue, New York
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on August 24., 1972 the appeal
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
(X) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance
( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance
1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be
granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph
.................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be
confirmed because 8:35 P.M. (E.S.T. ), upon application of Judith B. Wurtz,
Box 111A, Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a special exception
In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-24, for permission to conduct a yard sale on September
20 1972; rain date September 9, 1972. Locltion of property: east
side of Bay Avenue, north side of Leslie Road, Cutchogue, New York,
bounded north by Maly; east by H. Price; south by Leslie Road;
west by Bay Avenue. Fee paid $15.00.
2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that
(a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary
hardship because
(b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties
alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
(c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not)
change the character of the district because
and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and
that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed.
MarJor1fe McDermott, Secretary
Chairman c tt r.,Peal Southold Town Board of Appeals
After investigation and inspection the Board finds that
applicant requests permission to conduct a yard sale on September
2, 1972; rain date September 9, 1972, on premises located on the
east side of Bay Avenue, north side of Leslie Road, Cutchogue,
New York.
The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and
justice will be served and the legally established or permitted
use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not
be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the
Ordinance will be observed.
THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED Judith B. Wurtz, Boa 111A, Bay Avenue,
Cutchogue, New York, be GRANTED permissi-on to -conduct a yard sale
on September 2, 1972; rain date September 9, 19722 on premises
located on the east side of Bay Avenue, north side of Leslie
Road, Cutchogue, New York; subject to conditions of Resolution
of the Southold Town Board of Appeals dated June 15, 1972s as
1. Permission is for a one day yard sale to be held on a
specific date, with a specific rain date.
2. Permission is for the sale of household and personal
property of the owner and his family and may not include
property of others unless it is for a charitable purpose.
3. Applicant must provide someone to supervise parking at
the yard sale to prevent blocking neighbors' driveways.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis,
Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions
of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, ,Main Road, Southold, New York, on August 24 , 1972 , on
the..following appeals :
7 : 45 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Thomas Samuels,
Fisherman' s Beach Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 300,
Subsection C-2 and Section 302 , for permission to construct an
accessory building in the front yard area. Location of property:
Lot #3 , Map #786, Peconic Bay Properties, Inc. , south side Private
Road and northwest side Nassau Point, Cutchogue, New York
8 : 00 P.M. , (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of James T. Dubovick,
D.D.S . , 4 Carmen Street, Hempstead, New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article XII , Section 1204 ,
Subsection B, for permission to change use of non-conforming
business building. Location of property: premises now or formerly
of Petty on west side of Mechanic Street, Southold, New York,
bounded north by William Smith; east by Mechanic Street; south
by J. Scott; west by Methodist Church.
8 : 15 P.M. .(E.D.S .T. ) ,
upon application of Salvatore and
Harriet Iadanza, 822 Connetquot Avenue, Islip Terrace, New York,
for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Article
ISI, Section 301, and Section 303, for permission to construct
dwelling with less than average setback. Location of property:
Legal Notice
Page 2
Lot 24 Ma No. 2777 Orient-By-The-Sea, Section I Orient
# p Y , � ,
New York.
8 :30 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Diana Foster and
Lilian Anne Rose, 220 Critten's Lone, Southold, New York, for
a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III , Section 300, Subsection B-14 , for permission to
conduct a yard sale on August 25 and 26 , 1972. Location of
property: east side of Critten' s Lane, Southold, New York,
Lot #22, Southwood Subdivision.
8 : 35 P .M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Judith B. Wertz,
Box 111A, Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III ,
Section,,3:00 , Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard
sale on September 2 , 1972; rain date September 9 , 1972 . Location
of property: east side of Bay Avenue, north side of Leslie Road,
Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by Maly; east by H. Price;
south by Leslie Road; west by Bay Avenue.
8 : 40 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Elsie L. Parkin,
Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 300,
Subsection B-14 , for permission to hold a yard sale on August 26,
1972; rain date August 27 , 1972. Location of property: Part of
Lot #150, Nassau Farms -Subdivision, Cutchogue, New York, bounded
north by Quilty and others; east by A. Petrucci; south by Bay
Avenue; west by. W. Kelly.
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provi,ion~ of
the Amended BuiJ,ding Zone Or-
dinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, public
hearings will be held by the Zon-
ing Board of Appeals of the
Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on August 24, 1972.-
on the following appeals:
7:45 P. M. (EDSTJ, upon ap-
plica'tion of Thomas Samuels.
Fisherman's Beilch Road, Cut-
chogue, New York, for a variance
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection C-2 and Section
302, for permission to cm_truet
an accessory building in the
front yard area. Location of
property: Lot No.3, Map No. 786.
Peconic Bay Properties, Inc,
wuth side Private Road and
northwest side Nassau Point
Cutchogue, New York.
8:00 P. M. iEDSTl, upon ap-
plication of James T. Dubovick.
D.D.S., 4 Carmen St.reet, Hemp-
stead, New York, for a varian,;p
in acordance with the Zonil';,
,Ordinance, Article XII, Sectim,
1204, Subsection B, for permL",
sion to change use of 'non-col"
forming business buildl'1g. Loca I
tion of property: premises no\' : ,l
or formerly of Petty on west sid(
of MechanioStreet, Southold. I
New York, bounded north by :
William Smth; east by Mech- .
anic Street; wuth by J. Scott;
west by Methodist Church.
8:15 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Salvatore and Har-
riet Iadanza, 822 Connetoql.lot
Avenue. Islip Terrace, New Y('l'k,
for a variance in accordance wIth
the .Zoning Ordinance, Article
III. Section 301, and Section 303,
for permisSion to construct
dwelling with less than average
setback. Location of property:
Lot No. 24, Map No. 2777'7, 01'-
ient-By-The-Sea, Section I Or-
ient, New York. ' .
8:30 P. M. (EDST), UpOll ap-
plicat!on of Diana Foster and
Lilian Anne Rose. 220 Critten's
Lane, Southold, New York, for
a special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar-
ticle III, Section 300, Subsection
B-14, for permission to conduct
a yard sale on Augu~t 25 and 26.
1972. Location of property: ea~t
side of Critten's Lane, Southold,
New York, Lot No. 22, South-
wood Subdivision.
8:35 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Judith B. Wurtz,
Box lIlA, Bay Avenue, Cut-
chog'ue, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection 8-14, for
permission to conduct a yard
sale on September 2, 1972; rain
date September 9, 1972. Location
of property: ea!;! side of Bay
Avenue, north side of Leslie
Road, Cutchog'ue, New York,
bounded north by Maly: east
by H. Price: south by Leslie
Road: west by Bay Avenue.
8:40 P. M. tEDS'!' I , upon ap-
plication of Elsie L. Parkin, Bay
Avenue, Cutchogue, New York,
for a special exception in ac-
property:' east ~'Ide'oTStiljwater
Avenue, Cutchogue. New York.
bound"" north by B. Orlowski:
east B. Orlowski: south bv
C. Cru.ts; west by Stillwate'r
A venue.
8:50 P. M. tEDSTI, upon ap-
plication of Elizabeth M. Mit-
chell, Main Road, Orient, New
York, for a special exception
in ~ccordance with the Zoning
Ordmance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for per-
mission to hold a yard sa!e on
August 26, 1972; rain 'date Au-
gust 27, 1972. Location of prop-
erty: north side of Main Road,
Orient, New York: bounded
north by Lot No. 65, Orient Bv
The Sea Section II: east by oro~
posed road; south by Main R~ad'
west by Fitzsimmons. .
8:55 P. M. iEDSTJ, upon ap-
plication of the Ladies Auxilia:'y
of the Mattituck Fire Depart-
ment, Pike Street, Mattituck,
.New York, for a special excep-
tion in accordance with the Zon-
ing Ordinance. Article III, E'ec-
tion 300, Subsection B-14. for
permission to hold a rummage
sale on August 26, 1972, Location
of property: southwest corner of
Pike Street and Wickham Ave-
nue, Mattituck, New York.
9:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Mary Clemens 7630
Bayview Road, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article III, SeCtiOll 300,
Sllbsection H-14, for permiysion
to.hold a garag'e sale on August
:26:. and 27, 1972: rain dates Sep-
Lember 2 and 3. 1972. Location
of property: south side of Bay-
view Road, Southold, New YOl:k.
bounded north by Bayview Road:
east by Right Of Way: south
by Private Road: we~t by Rey-
nolds and McPartland
. 9:05 P. M. (EDST1,' upon ap-
plication of Earl L. Marshall
-20205 Soundview Avenue, South:
. old, New York, for a specIal ex-
ception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale
on September 2, 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. Location of
property: north side of Sound-
view Avenue, Southold, New
York. bounded, north by Long
Island Sound; east by Daskalo-
poulos: south by Soundview A ve-
nue; west by M. Lovejoy.
9:10 P. M. lEDST) , upon ap-
plication of Eastern Long Island
Hospital Auxiliary, Greenport
Branch, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsfl:tion B-14, for per-
mission to hold a yard sale on
September 2, 1972: rain date
September 4, 1972. Location of
property: premises of Jacque-
line Bittner, north side of Mid-
dle Road (County Road 271.
Southold, New York, bounded
north by Soundview Avenue'
east by W. Zebroski; south by
Middle Road lCounty Roa:l 27.:
west by Sepenoski.
9:15 P. M. IEDSTI, upon ap-
plicatiQn of Robert S. Barker
Jr., ,', ck
} ss:
hitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says
the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND
MATIITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news-
at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
hich the annexed is a printed copy, has been
Isaid Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch-
lch week for ....(()~..{II.. week)""
,commencing on the .............../..7................
....~A:...;J 19: .:1.
forn to before me this ......../~.... day of
Notary Public. State of New York
RCSldlQg In Su'ffolk County
. . No. 52.3041000
CommiSSion Expires March 3D, 197 .3
8:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Salvatore and
. Harriet Iadanza, 822 Connetquot
Avenue, Islip Terrace, New
York, for a variai!ce: in
'accordance 'with the 'Zoning'
Ordin~~,i'Ar9.~e.~lI.:~cti6n .
:JOl,"arid 'Sectiotrt. 3G:{; for
permission to co~truct dwelling
with less than :average setback.
Location of property: Lot No. 24,
Map No. '2:777, Orient~By-The-Sea,
Section I. Orient, New York.
8:30 P.M. CE.D.S:r.), upon
application of Diana Foster and
Lilian Anne Rose, 220 Critten's
Lane, Southold, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on August
25 and 26, 1972. Location of
property: east side of Critten's
Lane, Southold, New York, Lot
No. 22, Southwood Subdivision.
8:35 P.M. CE.D.S.T'>, upon
application of Judith B. Wurtz,
Box l11A, Bay Avenue,
Cutchogue, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,.
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. Location of
property: east side of Bay
Avenue, north side of Leslie
Road, Cutchogue, New York,
bounded north by Maly; east by
H. Price; south by Leslie Road;
west by Bay Avenue.
8:40 P.M. CE.D.S.T.), upon
application of Elsie L. Parkin,
Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
. permission to hold a yard sale on
August 26, 1972; rain date August
'2:7, 1972. Location of property:
Part of Lot No. 150, Nassau
Farms Subdivision, Cutchogue,
New York, bounded north by
Quilty and others; east by A.
Petrucci; south by Bay Avenue;
west by W. Kelly.
8:45 P.M. CE.D:S.T.), upon
application of Edward and Helen
Brush, Stillwater Avenue,'
Cutchogue, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to hold a yard sale on August 25,
~. ,197Z; rain date September 1, 1972.
. .l..ocatiop of property: east~ide of
.Stillwater Avenue, Cutctiogue,
.New York, bounded north by B.
Orlowski; east by B. Orlowsk:i;
south by C. Crofts;' we,st by.
Stillwater Avenue.,'
8:50 P.M. CE.D.S.T.'>, upon
application of Elizabeth M.
Mitchell, Main Road,,, Orient,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article HI, Section
300 - Subsection B-14, for
per:nission to hold a yard sale on
August 26,1972; rain date August
'2:7, 1972. Location of property:
north side of Main Road, Orient,
New York; bounded north by Lot.
No. 65, Orient-By-The-Sea
Section II; east by proposed
road; south by Main Road; west
by Fitzsimmons.
8:55 P.M. CE.D.S.T.>,upon
application of the Ladies
Auxiliary of the Mattituck Fire
Department, Pike Street,
Mattituck, NeW . York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to hold a rummage sale on
August 26, 1972. Location of
property: southwest corner of
Pike Street and Wickham
Avenue, Mattituck, New York.
9:00 P.M. CE.D.S.T,), upon
application of Mary Clemens,
7630 Bayview Road, Southold,
New York for a special exception
in accord~nce with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a garage sale
on August 26 and '2:7, 1972; rain
dates September 2 and 3, 1972.
Location of property: south side
of Bayview Road, Southold, New
York, bounded north by Bayview
Road; east by Right Of Way;
south by Private Road; west by
Reynolds and McPartland.
9:05 P.M. CE.D.S.T'), upon
application of Earl L. Marshall,
20205 Soundview Avenue,
SouthoId, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale on
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 9, 1972. Location of
property: north side of
Soundview Avenue,Southold,
New York, boimded 'north by
Long, Island Sound; east by
Daskalopoulos; south by
So~dview Avenue; west by M.
. LovejOy ." .
",,' -'-'.' -,
9:10 P.M. CE.D.g.T.), upon
application of Eastern Long
Island Hospital ',Auxiliary,
Gree,nport ,,~I~'Il.~J:i,{9r.a special
exception hfaeeotdance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to hold a yard sale on
September 2, 1972; rain date
September 4,1972. Location of
property: premises of Jacqueline
Bittner ,north' side ,of. Middle
Road C County Road 27) ,
Southold,New York, bounded
north by Soundview Avenue; east
by W. Zebroski; south by Middle
Road CCounty Road '2:7) ; west by
9:15P.M. CE.D.S.T.), upon
application of Robert S. Barker,
Jr., ,1250 Lupton's Point,
Mattituck, New York, fora
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to hold a yard sale on September
2, 1972; rain date September 3,
1972. Location of property:
Premises of Mrs. Robert L.
Bergen, north side of Main Road,
Mattituck, bounded north by Alex
Kupferstein, east by Fleming;
south by Main Road,west by
Frazee. .
Any person desiring to be heard
on the above applications should
appear at the time and place
Dated: August 11, 1972
I, Ow a.J.Lj.. }.I.3...TT.......J&....Lau.K.R.z.............Of .y.....l..k..�... .........
Name Street and Number
0 . .........................-......................... ... kaaat..... ..... � fi
Municipality State
hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the
IMA)yo 1)?R6CC4eS - 1,2?g76 - pafl-)chos - 1� esfs
a;ts r&-,s - 19D Ts - ALA- '
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COUNTY OF--,2"""7a`�" ' ature
Sworn too this ......:. ........ day .: ...... ..........
c ::�r ..... ..............
Notary Public