HomeMy WebLinkAbout1653 NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of thE' Town Law and the provisions 0 the Amended Building Zone Or- dinance of the. Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York, pub- lic hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office. Main Road. Southold. New YC'rk. on September 7, 1972. on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of George Ahlers Bnild- er, Inc.. 250 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New TorI> on f,lc~..w.J;lit:x.....tl,,-- Agria. for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, AI ticle III, Section 301 and 303. for permis,,<;ion to build and ad- dition to existing structure wUh less than required setback. Loca- tion of property: west side of Wells Road, Peconic. New York. bounded north by Simon; east by Wells Road; south b ims; west by Skwara, 7:45 P. M. (EDSTl, upon, ap- pliCll.tion of William Worhle, 426 Mt. Misery Road. Melville. New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 391, for per- mission to build addition to ex- isting structure with insufficient side yard. Location of property: South side of Lake Orive. South- old, New York, bounded north by Lake Drive: east by Orr. ~outh by Great Pond; west by V. Ceechini. 8:00 P. M. plication of Jean Ellen Dean. 8400 Main Road. East Marion. New York. as administratrix of the Estate of Elmina Brown. de- ceased, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III. Section 301 for per- mission to divide property with less than required area and frontage. Location of property: west side of Bay AvenUe. East Marion. New York. bounded north by Karas; east by Bay Avenue; south by Rose and others; west by Radford and others. 8:15 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap- ,plication of Eugene McElroy, Topsail Lane. Southold, New York. for ,a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300A. 2c, for permis~ion to keep a horse on property w,ith less than required area. Location of property: south side of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded north by Soundview Avenue; east by Hahn; south by Dow; west by'Dow. 8:30 P. M. (EDST) , upon ap- plication of Mildred Laubengei- ger, Old Main Road. Mattituck, New York. for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 300, Subsection B-14. for per- mission to hold a yard "alf! on September 9, 1972; rain date September 16. 1972. Location of property: south side of Old Main Road. Mattituck. New York. bounded north by Old Main Road; east by M. Husing; south by K. Tuthill: east by M. Tekien. 8:45 P. M. (EDST). The Board of Appeals will hold a rehearing on application for Special Excep- tion No. 1217 by Clifford and Edwina Tyler to operate a travel trailer. park or camp at North Side School Street, Cutchogue, New York. Premises bounded north by Leisure Greens, Inc.; east by Kurczewski and others; south by School Street; west by Town of Southold and others. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: August 25, 1972 .BY TH;E ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS COU NTY OF SU FFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth[ Jr.[ being duly sworn[ says that he is the Editor[ of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold[ in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy[ has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- /I; A / ,'J (! / man once each week for ......V,<.'j.~...... ......... weeks- successively, cJ"l:"endng on the ......; ........ '3/J.d.... ...... day of ........l:dL.jj0<.........1}9 .2. ~ .................'-=.. .....~......~....... .~... ,------ '--/: Sworn to before me this .......J.d.......... day of \1 k4 or-' _f'/l ..~~. U .4..........[ 1 ~d... ..........C24/~"....... J;I.. t:,-, I -3 NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 21>7 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of So<<hold, Suffolk County , New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on September 7, 1972, on the (ollowing appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.>, upon application of George Ahlers Builder, Inc., 250 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, on .account of Rev. J. Agria, for a - -.....--- LEGAL NOTICE variance in accordance MID me Zoning Ordinance, Arti~lelIl, Section 301) and 303-," for permission to build an addition to existing structure with less than required setback. Location of property: west side of Wells Road, P~conic,. New York, bounded north by Simon ; east by Wells Road; south by Sims; ~est by Skwara. 7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of William Worble, 426 Mt. Misery Road, Melville, New York, for a variance in accordance with the .Zoning Ordinance, Article 1II, Section 301, for permission to build addition to existing'. structure with insufficient side. yard. Location of. property: south side of Lake Drive, Southold, New York, bounded north by Lake Drive; east by Orr; south by Great Pond; west by V. Ceechini. 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of Jean Ellen Dean, 8400 Main Road, East Marion, New York, as administratrix of the Estate of Elmina Brown, deceased, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 for permission to divide property with less than required area and frontage. Location of ) 9rdinance, Article lII,. Section 1. 3()(1 A . 2c, for permission to keep a hOut! on property with less than required area. Location of property: south sIde of Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, bounded Jlo~by Soundview Avenue; east by Hahn; south by Dow; west by Dow. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon application of Mildred Laubengeiger, Old Main. Road; Mattituck, New York, for .a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article . III, . Section 300, Subsection B-14, lor permission to hold a yard saie on September 9, 1972; rain date September 16, 1972. Locatioo of property: south side of Old Main Road; Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Old DOurioea notlliby Ltils\ne Greens, Inc. ; east by Kurczewski and others; south by School Street; west by Town of Southold and others. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at. the time and place specified. Dated: August 25, 1972 BY ORDER OF THE '. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAROOF APPEALS LEGAL NOTICE 'd--iS-Prlnter and Publisher of a newspaper published at Gre: thE- n'oti~. of which the anne~ ublished in the said Suffolk 'I " for ... ..... 9P.~ . . . . . . . . . , . . . 'IQ'SEPA li\WRt:Nt~'1'OWNS'EN'D' . NOfARY PUBLIC QF NEW YORK ftesi 'in~ 'n Suffolk County . L ~!o. S29';66 '50 MIlo .romfrl san x res .'Aa, c ' J . . 9 ._~ j . I . I - I - - I i I .. e FORM NO. 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ..... ................ ........ ..................................... Date ............. "~6'"'' ..~..(..........., 19. ..7.1 To .w:.~....~......................... ....f.i.f...~.......M..~.{f.r,t........... .....?k~~.......l:.l:.......I:!..i...... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ..........~~.....?:-..L................, 19.].~ for permit to construct ....t;;r!..~.t:.~~..........at the premises located at........1JI'..r....../....J:'-..~ ......... ..... ........ ...................................... ........ Street ~( Map ... ...... ..... .K:....... ........... Black ......... ........J(..,.................. Lot ......... .K,.... ..... ........... ............... is r~;"ed hlrf'(ia~, and, d;sopprov~ on the following grounds ......... a...,.~:"~' "..~ .\,...... ..k.i.u .Y./ ...... ..~-b~.~:.t:.:.: .....1i "~~'1"'" .... ............ ..,.............. .... ........... ............ .'.'..1..... ..... ........... .... ..... ..... ,.................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................-.............................................................................................................It ~ . ,fit". ~;O + ,'. . ~. . I'OBH NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICI SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Examined '?2- . 19.{h.... Application' No. &e.~..J:............... Approved .l\ q .......... ............................ .., 19...~.. Pemlt No.~.'z"~"~............n Disapproved ale ....... ...~'... ..... .~......... ..... ;",~ ...~. n......... ..................... ........... .... ...... ,........ .... ......... ........... ..... ..'.. ...,........... I........ It ....... ...... I...... d' . ~,'I. -1-.'" , , . ~....... i.............. ,; APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT' lla~ ......Cfd-..J..i.............. 19Z~. INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, acc;urate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a ,detai.led description of layout of property must be drawn on diagram which is part of this application., c. _The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk CQunty, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of, buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, bUilding ~!hOUsing code, and regUlations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildings for necessary inspections. ,.J,-.:,; q;-~~....#~............... (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) , t{~ " /117' 1'1IS~-rzy /pI), ..... .... .1Yr.l.1i:. k.~l./r;kE....Ii:.1l......1..1..2.K..i......... , (Address of app{cant) ,f " ~'.. "'; I State whether appli~nt is owner, lessee, agent, 'architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. .......................................... Q.1Y..tI.. tn....................................................................................~. ...... .... ....... ............... .......... Name of owner of premises ..W.(.b.tr.t..~.t::r......W.4?a.f.(.~~...................................~.............................................. , If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ............................. ..... ...... ......a.......... ... .... ......... ...... ..... .... ........... (,Name and titl~ of corporate officer) ~ ~ " 1 10.. Z . d' . . h' h . . ed. f? ES I 1\ t:"")( r ~ . 11. one or use astrict In W Ie premises are sltuat ........I.'..........~.......t;..Ih................................................................ 12. Doe~ proposed co~struction violate any zo,:,ing law, ordinance or regulation: .....tt.!?....................................;........... i, : 13.' Will lot be regraded ~..Q...................WiII excess fill be removed from premises: [ ] Yes [~ No " 14. Name of Owner of premises ..W.!.~.~i.~.t-:I.....\I.l!.ll&1:J.f..€:........':t;;.?....tJ::C..M.liA-J1.y...J~p.,...tt.f.l:;.'I.!.':.~t:../j. ) (Address) . . r-, (Phone No.) f. . ('-AMF '. -'/-"'-;)Ouc, Name 0 Arch lteet .. I. ..'........ II. ......., .....':1.1:1.............. ............ I................... ...... ,.... ....,...... .... I" I' ..hl.'. 2 ..(..............:7...Te..,.. : (Address). (Phon. No.) , " . ,';; ,', i' Name of Contractor ..........................~.d.~.r.;........... .... ........ ..... ....... ....... ....... ........ ~.................................................... '.., <'- . - .... , (Address). (Phone No.) .J ~- f "1'1,':.. 3. Nature of."YorJ< (check which applicable): New Building ....................... Addition .......~.:r.:.::'At\ercftiO'n.~...~......... .-....i . Repair .......................... Removal . ......................... Demolition .............!!.......... Other Work' ...........................li.......t:~ . . ( Description) Esti mated Cost !..l..p..~.~.~..~.~.... ............... .... 'Fee ...........~t. .'f.~.'?.~... ...... .... .......... ... ......................................... (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, .number of dwelling units .....1.......... Number of dwelling units on each floor .~~........L.~.~...:).................. If, garage, nu mber of cars ......... L........ .................. .~...... ........... ...... ......~..... .............. ......:. ........;..........~~....................... . 4. 5. 6. 7. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ..................................... , 3 '3 ' D. . f.. tu .f .' F t' 3 (I R ). I 'Dth.6 . Imenslons 0 eXisting struc res, I any: ron ........f............ ear ....................~...... ep ................................... . If' i . I ' He ight ..... .................................................. .... Number of Stories .. _,............................. ......... ........ .... .......... ..... ...... ... , '/"/ I Di . f . hi'" dd't'~ \ F \t r 8 R \) lJ1 menslons 0 same structure Wit a te~atlons or a I Ions: ron .......................... ear ......................................... ? (, · .'. / J"" t . I .' ~ Depth ............."tI... ..~ .... ............. ....... Helgh~ ........ .... ..........~.. .... ...... ...... Nu mber of Stories .............l......................... D. . f . .F' 1. 'i ' R ' ") If ' 0 thO ~ f ' ImenSlons 0 entire new construction: ront ........111:.... ........... ear ........~................ ep ................................. 8. He i ght .............. .L..~.~....................... N u m bar of Stories ...............!.............................. ....................... ............ ........ 9. Size of lot: F'ront ...........f...7...~.................. Rear ..........8:..~.:...............~..... Depth ......2::.~'?..:............................. He ighl>............... ...................... ................. Number of Stories .................................................,~. Ii .... ........................ '.. ... Date of Purchase .!:!.t!tf.:...l.f."-.f......... Name of Former Owner .y.!.T.~....~.t.-..~!;;J:!.!.tI..!.................................. ;, PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether-existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and 'block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate wheth- er interior or corner lot~ 'fNn."1r'.~ . J..o"1': ,S/S'''F j.AKb~ /)~. f]tJ,J'" I ~, /(t;I{f/f..t l~b"~()1I rJI"~ .\ "f . . . ''t,""f "'( . '-. ---, .. -~~I I , l I I ' "J' I ._-, I I . . .; ".' I h..._ _ .. . J J.' "1' ~ ~ . LA J("r I.>H. ~ :. l to ,. " I' ~~~~~~~~..~~~~...................: ss .,- ,. .~ \. . "'-- - \ n '-'/ / " H <. /)00 RIO" ~'f\f~ ~ \ta '1, ::) o ~ ~ ~ \:: '-7' ...... x.' ltJ , c.L.ClS.~1' I').' J: X /1:1'1 S I 0 H ro ~ ~v 0 ~ I-ll-E 6/ ~//)F J...AJO,.""" DR. g30 I .riP I \AI. J(rnNy..5 /(}), SOt) '1l1 0 J....b ~ ~ !1 W,I'/bol,.J.5 J. If' X L(' j. " ~ 18 h ~ ~' ~ ,\ W/NI>,CW . .: ~(JU'" e' )1 . /> ~' I'r'- ! 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't COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING ; THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INICED SEAL OR ~ EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT 8l CONSIDERED ~ TO BE A V ALII) TRUE COPY. ',. GUARANTEES IN DICATED HER.EON SHALL RUN~...' 1- ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURV Y IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE. . '" TITLE COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY,' : LENDING INSmUTION LISTED HEREON, ANDt '. TO THE ASSIGNEES Of THE LENOlNG INSTI- . TUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TaANSFERA fO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQ OWNERS, 1 \ ! 12i::V/S.0 : I tJ fJC,UST 8, "'7t idA y I~ '972 \) ldU. ~ ~ :r --1 1:5 ~ ':l.' -..;::,~ 4.' ...s-. ...... e .... ..;>SO"" , , ~ ',:;JZ 10" '"'r, e....~. < s-. /"Y-;L ,~? <: _--' ,J-!J? I , ,"'" /' i 4,i'J~ an m ~_/"' _ --1,_ L._A If;.. \ ~ ~.~;'J~ ~ ;z:.. #J 'I:'- & ~fL M,.qp OF LAND I=- 0 /Yo '~"'- Nor"" : ul'..!J r~/.w' f.. ~ ~&>/ m $ f S "/..I ~/~"n- souna', N", nt l'It!.I. oS UR/ VI&. Y EO FoR VITO CS:CCH/N/ AT SO U-rH ot-.o IV~W YO~K S & ~ / eo S'" c; ~.::. /'" t8 &:: m&JHW mfU'J f . .. .. Clnll'1~~ (;UAr,;n tiled ~ /nfd"-County. Title Gu~" ty."tf~,.~'!flll. c.,..~lf~ ^loVf/1mj""r .s; 19-~.s: V~N 7i.JY.t...A. $:1N ~';,.-.....'.....' '. ,,". ./' >' ..... .'. .j- . /"'1" ....~ "'~.~""'!r~ , . .."......