HomeMy WebLinkAbout1690 ~ 9:15 P. M., EST, upon appli~ catian af Allen W.' Ovsianik, Little Neck Raad, Cutchogue, New Yark and Raland W. Ball- man, Beebe Drive, Cutchague, N. Y.. far a special exceptian in accardance with the Zaning Or- dinance, Article VII, Sectian 700. Subsectian B-4, far permis!"ion to operate a used car lat. Locatian af praperty: sautheast camel' of Eugenes Raad and Main Road. 'Cutchague, New Yark, bounded narth by Main Raad (Raute 25); east by P. Abatelli: south by M. Filla; west by Eugene's Raad. 9:30 P. M., EST. upon appli- cation o.f Felix Laskowski. Anne Laskowski. Frances Bardinko. 47- 52 189th street. Flushing, New York. for a variance in accord- ance with the Zaning Ordinanc"!. Article III. Section 301. far per- missio.n to divide pro.perty into. two. lats with less than required area and frontage. Location af property: west side of Bay Shore Road, Arshamomaque. New York. Lats No.. 101. 102. 103. Map of Pecanic Bay Estates, ArFhamom- aque. New Yark. 9:40 P. M., EST. upon appli- catio.n o.f Arthur Giella. Hobart Raad. Southo.ld. New Yo.rk. far a variance in accardance with the Zo.ning Ordinance, Article III. Sectian 300. Subsectian C-3, and Sectian 302, far permission to build accessory building in f!'Ont yard area. Lacatio.n o.f property: west side of Hobart Raad, South- old, New Yark. Lots 118 and 119, Map of Fo.unders Estates. Sauth- old. New Yark. 9:50 P. M., EST, upon appli- cation o.f Mattituck Shapping Center, Ine., 504 Walt Whitman Road. Huntington Statton. New York, for a special exception in accardance with the Zo.ning Or- dinance. Article VI. Sectio.n 600. Subsection C-3a and Article XI. Sectian 1100. Subsectian 2a. far permission to erect aversize gro.und sign (shapping center identification sign): location of property: corner af Main Road and Factory Avenue. Mattituck, bo.unded no.rth by Bethany Ceme- tery Afsac. : east by Bethany Gemetery Assac.; south by Main Raad (Ro.ute 25) and Ard Prop- erty, Inc.: west by Ard Praper~ Inc. and Facto.ry A venue. 10:00 P. Moo EST. upan ;lppli- catian af Earl T. Wilsan, 160 Cedar Birch Road, Orient, New York, fo.r a variance in acco.rd- ance with the Zaning Ordinance. Article III, Section 300, Subsec- tion C-3 and Sectian 302 far per- missio.n to. build garage in front yard area. Lacatian af praperty: south side af Main Raad (Raute 25): Orient, baunded narth by Main Raad (Raute 25); ea~t by Private Raad (Cedar Birch Raad): south by W. Taylor; west by N. Chapman. 10:15 P. M., EST. upd'!P'appli~ catian af Jahn and Flarence Bat. tenfeld. 51 Judson Place. Rock- ville Centre, New Yark, far a variance in accardance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 301. fo.r permisSion to divide 'pro.perty with less than required width and area. Loca- tian af praperty: So.uth side Pe- canic Bay Baulevard, Laurel, bounded north by Peconic Bay Bo.ulevard; east by P. Warren: sauth by Peco.nic Bay: west by Arch Davis. 10:30 P. M., EST, upon flppli- eatiat! af Thamas Ca1'flY, 646 Parkside Drive. Jericho.. New Yark. far a variance in accord- ance with the Zaning Ordinance. Article III. Sectian 301. fo.r per- missian to. canstruct dwell!ng' Gn divided lat with insufficient area. Lacation af praperty: sauth side Park Avenue. Mattituck. bound- ed narth bv Park Avenue; east by Private Raad;l'auth by P Han- lo.n; west by C. H. Wickham Estate. Any perwn desiring to. be heard an the above applica.tians shauld appear at the time and plaee specified. bated: Octaber 20. 1972 BY ORDER OF THJ!i SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1T-IO-26 ..-0-._-':-:'.-. ~ ,... west by Mill.Cr~. -, , 9:00 P.M., E.S.T., .u~n application of William Wickham Esq., Main ~ad, Mattituck; Ne"; York, on account of Mary Zeneski, Cutchogue, New Yor,k, for a variance in accordance with Section 280A, Subsection3of the State of New York.Town Law, for approval of access to interior lot. Location of property: east side Little NeCk Road, CutChogue, bounded north by other land,of applicant; 'east by Norwald Subdivision; south by DuDhufer; west by K. Dunbuferand H. Andruski. ;" 9:15 P.M:",E.S.T., upon application of Allen W. Ovsianik Little NeCk .&ad, Cutc:hogue: New York' and RolandW. Bollman, Beebe Drive CutChogue, N.Y., for a speciai exception in acCordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 700, Subsection B-4, for permission to operate a used car lot. Location' of property: southeast comer of Eugenes Road and l.l8in Road, Cutcbogue, New York,' boun~ ~ by Main Road (Ro~25); .&tby P. Abatelli; south by M. Filla; west by Eugene's ROad. " 9:30 P.M;.E~..T":1;:xupon application of ..Fe1ix' LaSkOwski, Anne Laskowski, Frances Bordinko 47-52 189th Street Flushing, New York, for ~ variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III Section 301, for permission t~ divide property into two lots with less than required area and frontage. Location of property: irest side of Bay Shbre Road Arshamomaque, New York, LoIs No. J01, 102, 103, Map of Peconic , ;Ba1lEstates, Arshamomaque, New York. 9:40 P.M., E.S.T., upon LEGAL NOTICE application of Arthur GieDa l Hobart Road, Southold, Ne"; York, for a variance in accordance" Wit, h the zon, ing , Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection C-3, and Section 302, for permission to build accessory building in front, yard area., Location of property: west ,sid~ of, Hobart . Road, Southold, New York, Lots lUl and 119, Map of Founders Estates, So'uthold New York. ' , 9:50 P.M., E.S.T.,. upon application of ',' Ma1tituck Shopping Center,lnc:, ,.504 Walt Whi.tIlla~,.~~ad, ,.,.lIuntingtoll: Station, New.York; foras~ild excepti9D Yi'.~~rdance With .the Zoning O~c:e,/ 4rtic1eYI, ' Section6(l()i~u_cti()nC-3a8nd Article'*k.Sectron 1100,:, Subsection2a, for permission to er,ect ove~ize 'ground sign (shopping, center identification sign); location of property; comer of Main Road and Factory Avenue, Mattituck, bounded north by Bethany. Cemetery Assoc.; east by Bethany Cemetery Assoc.; south by Main Road (Route 25) and Ard Property, Inc.; west/by Ard Property,' Inc. and F~ctory Avenue. 10:00 P.M., E. . ., upon application of Earl T. Wilson, 160 Cedar Birch Road, Orient, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection C-3 and Section 302 for permission to build garage in front yard area. Location of property: sout SI e 0 am Road (Route 25), Orient, bounded north. by Main Road (Route 25); east by Private Road (Cedar Birch Road); south by W. Taylor; west by N. Chapman... 10:15 P.M., E.S.T., upon application of John and Florence being duly Sworn. Battenfeld, 51 Judson Place ,Rockville Centre, New York"fo; isher of the SUFFOLK a variance inaccordahCe'With the . . Zoning Ordinance, Article II1,!CI crt Greenport. In smd Section 301, for peJ;'lllission to .. divide property with ,less than Ie cmnexed IS a printed required' width and area. . Location of property: south side Suffolk Weekly TImes Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel botmdednorthby Pecopic Bay . .. . . . . . .... . . .. weeks . 'Boulevard; east by,P. Warren; ,wen ty-s l.xth south by PecoQic Bay; -west b.)l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arch Davis. _,10.:30. P.M.." ,Ji;.f).T,.. upon ~ application of Thomas casey 646-----. Parkside Drive, JerichO, New . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . ....York, for a variance in ~ accordance with the Zoning I Ordinance, Article III, Section J 301, for permission to construct dwelling on divided lot with ...................... insufficient area. Location of. TO\j/~~S[ND. JR. Property' sou'th 'd P k ',I.e. Sbt~ d New.Y.ork.. . . . . . . "SI e ar ""U.Y633' Avenue, Mattituck, bounded IV,'~'1 \; C~llntv north by Park Avenue; east by pi~e"~ ,,13rctl JO.'19.... , Private Road; South by P. Hanlon; west by C.H. Wickham Estate. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: October 20, 1972 :QY OIillER TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS