HomeMy WebLinkAbout1555 :rccoraar1c~"wM t~;'Wl~Ig"""-.:2 Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 for permission to divide property and off set lots of less than required frontage and area. Location of Property: North side of Rabbit Lane, East Marion, New York, bOlmded north by Marion Lake; east by Crowley; south by Rabbit Lane; and west by Schmidt. 9:20 P.M. (E.D.:S.T.), upon application of Constantine Zervos, Main Road, East Marion, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sections. 300 and 301, Subsection B-1, to use an' accessory building including cooking facilities as a full second dwelling on the lot. Location of property: South side of Main Road, East Marion, New York, bounded north by the Main Road; east by Old Orchard Lane; south by Spinthourakis; and west by Doyle. 9:35 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Gary Tabor, Navy Street, Orient, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection A, for permission to use premises for landscaping and storage yard. Location of property: East side of Navy Street, Orient, New York, bounded north by Foster; east by W. Lenzer; south by w-, Lenzer; and west by Navy Street.- 9:55 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon application of Helmut Hass, North Road, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301 and Article VII, Section 701, for permission to divide property with less than required frontage and area. Location of property: South side NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and 'the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will . be held by the Zoning Board of Appevls of the Town of South- old, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southald, New York, on June 15, 197:2, on t,lre following appeals: 7:30 P. M. fEDSTl. upon ap- plication of Robert Parkin, Bay Avenue. - Cutchogue. New YOl'k. for . ~ variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III. Section 30ll C-2. fol' a permit to build a sW!mming pool in s:de yare:. Loc'ltion of prap- erty: north side of Bay A venue. Clltchogue, New York. bound(~d and described: north by Quilty; east by lands now 01' formerly of Petrucci; south by Bay Avenue: and west by land now or formerl'! of Kelly. 7:40 P. M. IEDST), upon ap- plication of WilHam M. Happ. Main Road. Mattituck. New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Articles VI and VII. Section 6QO C-3a, for perm!ssion to enlarge ground r;~n. Location of prop- erty: corner of Main. Road and Factory Avenue, Mattituck. New York, bounded north by G. Drumm a nd others. east by Factory A venue: south by Main Road. west by Getty Oil Com- pany. 7:50 P. M. IEDSTl. upon ap- plication of John Larsen, North Road, Southold. New York, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 300 C-6f. for permission to mainta.in an off premises directional sign on premises of Warren Hufe, Middle Road, Southold. New York. Lo- cation of property: south side of Middle Road. Southold. New York, bounded north by MIddle Road: east by Booth: south by Kaelin: and we~ t by Koster. 8:00 P. M. fEDST). upn/l ap- plication of the North Fork Teel' Centre. Inc.. Route 27A. Mattl- tuck, New York. for a specllll exception in aCcordance with t':ae Zoning Ordinance. Article III Sectio~ 300, Subsection B-14. fot permission to. conduct a xard sale on July 1. 1972. rain uate July 8. 1972. Location of Pl'Op- erty: North side of Middle RC)llC! Mattituck. New York. bounded north by Kaiser: east by Bol'll: south by Middle Road: and we;:f by the NOl.th Fork BaptiH Church. 8:10 P. M. fEDSTI. UOOll flp- plication of Ifabel G.. Samohel Main Road. Cutcho~ue. New York. for a special exception ill accordance with the Zon;n:;( Ordinance. Article III. Section 300. Subsection B-14. fQr .per- mission to conduct. " v",.ti ~",ta to divide property and off set Jntsof less than required frontage d area. Locatiqn of Property: ..orth side of Rabbit Lane, East Marion, New York, bounded north by Marion Lake; east by . Crowley; south by Rabbit Lane: and west by Schmidt. 9:20 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap- plication of Constantine Zervos, Main Road, East Marion, New York, for a rpecial exception in accordance with the ZoningOrdi- nance, Article III, Section 300 and 301, Subsection B-1, to use an accessory building includin~ cooking facilities as a full second dwelling on the lot. Location of property: South side of Main Road. East Marion. New York. bounded north by the Main Road; east by Old Orchard Lune: >outh by Spinthourakis; and 1'/3ft by Doyle. 9:35 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- plication of Gary Tabol'. Navy Street, Orient. New York. fot' a variance iIi accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 300, Subsection A, for permission to use premis~s for landscaping and storage ~'ard. Location of property: Ea~t ,'ide Navy Street. Orient. New York. bounded north by Foster; east by W. Lenzer; south by W. Len- zer: and west by Navy Street. 9:55 P. M. (EDST). upon ap- plication of Helmut Hass, Nortn Road. Peconic. New York. lor H variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 301 and Article VII Sec- tion 701, for permission to divide property Wit!l less than required frontage and area. Locatio:} :.If property: South side of Middle Road (County Road 271, Pecollie. New York. bounded north by Middle Road: east by Roland Hingle: south by land of SlJffolk County; and west by other land of Helmut Hal'S. 10:10 P. M. (EDSTl. UpOH ap- plication of John L. Ploc!(, Jr.. Nort.h Bayview Road. Southold. New York, for a special exception in accordance with the ZOIllng Ordinance. Article III. Sectil;ll 300, Subsection B-14. for per- misfion to conduct a yard EllIe on July 1st and 2nd. 1972. Loca- tion of property: north side of North Bayview Road. Southold. New York. bounded north by land of John L. Plock. St'. ellst by John L. Plock. Sr.: \\Tsl b:J Private Road; south by .John Plock. Sr. 10:20 P. M. IEDST). upon ap- plication of Margaret Dellanno. North Road. S~uthold. New York. for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning. Ordi- nance, Article III. Section 300. Subsection B-14. for permission to conduct a yard fale on JUly 8. 1972. rain date July 15. 1972. Location of property: North side of North Road (County Road 27). Southold. New York. bound- ed north by HertZberg: east by Aurichio: south by North Road I ""C\11nt,~ D..............I , ,ram ate June 24. 1972. Location of property: East side of Uobart Road, Southold. New Y Lots 36 and 37, Map of Foul'luers Estates, Southold. New York. 11 :40 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap- plication of Frieda J. Behlen 7325 Nassau Point Road. Cut- chogue, New York, for a rper;ial exception in accordance witoh the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300. Subsection B-14, for permission to hold a yard sale lG on June 30, 1972 and July 1. 1972. Location of property: East side of Nassau Point Road, Cut- chogu€. New York. Lot 54, Map of Nassau Point, Cutchogue. New York. 11:50 P. M. IEDST), upon ap- plication of Charles and Evelyn Wither~poon, Private Road (Hor- ton's Point). Southold. New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 301. for pel'misslOn to set off a lot with insuffieiem width :md area. Location of propel'ty: North Side of Private Road (Horton's Point), bounded north by land now or former!:: of t,he applicants: easterly by land now or formerly of Reed; south by Private Road: and wes: by Sardi. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: June 2. 1972. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ......-'_ / /_ /J IT--R U~. /.-~............ .... .... . . Notary '~bii~ "j;" Notary ri',f,fELf. PAYNE P.es;'f'IC' '<1 ,ale C( New York ;~;,~.> '~'} p COunty Commission 1..;. '""':--',::,041000 O'plres March 30, 197 ~ sworn, says ISLAND public news- ty; and that opy, has been ituck Watch- (,)...... wee~ -~ ~.......f........ ... f!;k......... day of lU1.J 1~~"9~~ Bon. Louis Demarest, To~~ Justice Main Road. O:rient, N.Y. Dear Sir; Enclqsed 1s. copy 01' the :board of Appeals action in thi~ n',c:d:1,'f~r of Gary Tabor's appeal to operate a storage yard 1n a residential district - 1/8 NaTj St, Orient. As this matter is in recess bef'ore you as a violation of the z()n1ng ordinance and garbage and refuse ordinance, the Appeals Board, en advise of counsel, has left it up to you to set a date for removal of the offensive materials and itemS. At the public hearing there were Quite a few ot the neighbors in this area who appeared ir.: perscn a,s ';,Tel] c.s t,ing reprsser..ted by an attorney and v1gorousily protested the operation being conducted on his l~rel1ises. Kindly advise me ot your next step in this mutter. tours truly ! / -",---' B~~i:;r~g InSpector I C.C. ,. Yakabosk!., Spl. Att,.. I ,"-" '- '''"'', v NO'TICE Amendme:nt ,of the Southold Town Ordinance Fl'ohibiting and Regu- lating the Disposal' of Garbage and Riubbis;h. rhe South01d Town 01'dinance Prohibiting and Reg1,llating the Dilij)osal of Garbage and Rubbish, adoiPted by the Town Board of the '!'own of South old on March 23, 1948, is hereby amended to read as follows: SE:CTl:OiN 1. Definitions. V. '..lrds and terms used in this Ordinance shall have the follow- ing meanings: {a)- Tne term "p,erson" shall mean an individual, an associa- tion, a partnersnip, a corporation. Cb- Tne term "refuse" shall mean any animal or vegetable re- fuse, offal, swill, garibage, papers, ashes, junk, trash, ruobish, waste of whatever material conljposed, discarded machinery or parts thereo1f, discarded vehicles or parts taereof, and an unlicensed motor vehicle parked, stored or standing outside an enclosed building in an inoperative condition for more than thirty (30) days. (c) The term "attendant" shall mean any employee of the Town of Southold pla.ced in 'charge of a 'Down refuse disposal area un- der the direction of the Town Board. (d- The term "refuse disposal ar,ea" shall mean any premises de- sLgnated by the Town Board as the refuse disposal area of this Town for the disposal of refuse by the residents of this Town. aElOTiON II. Dumping Prohib- ited Generally. No person shall collect, store, accumulate, throw, cast, deposit or dispose of, or cause or permit to becolleeted, stored, accumulat- ed, thrown, cast, deposited or dis- ,posed :>f, any refuse upon any pre-:- raises or any street, highway, side,walk, or public place with- in the Town of Southold, ex- cept when authorized by the Town Board. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent the te.!Djpo'rary a,c,cumulation O'f refuse 'by a resident of the Town upon premises occupied by him to the extent that such accumulation is ordina,ry and necessary for his personal household requirements, nor to prevent the disposal of re- fuse at any re'fuse disposal area maintained or authorized by the 'Down of Southold, nor to prevent the proper use of receptacles plac- ed upon the streets or other pub- lic places in the Town of South- old for the depositing of refuse, nor to enga,ge in secondhand junk and auto parts activitIes and bu- sinesses when a license therefor has been obtained pursuant to the provisions .of the Southold Town OrdinaIliCe licensing and re- gulating secondhand junk and wuto partsadivities and busi- nesses. SEJCTION III. Town Refuse Dis- posal Area. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in or on any re- fuse disposal ,area mamtained by the TOM'n of Southold any sub- stance of any kind except in the areas design.ated and under the direction of the attendant in charge, whether such direction is given personally, a'r by another person by his authority, or by a s~gn or signs erected in the re- fuse disposal ar,ea. by the auth- ority of the Town Baard or such attendant. SElCTlJON IV. Conveyance and Transportation af Refuse. No person shall conveyor transport refuse thl'ough the streets or public pl.a'ct:s of the Town of SO'uthold in any ca~t, wagon, vehicle, or by any ather means unless adequate care is taken to prevent the ~pilling of refuse in such public places and streets. SECTION V. Violation of Or- dinance. (.a) AIIy person violating any of the pl'lolvisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have commit- ted an offense against such Oor- dinance, and also shall be liable for any SUM violatian ,and the penalty therefor. Each day such violation shall ,contin.ue or be per- mitted to exist will constitute a s~pa.ra,te violation. (b) For every violati1on of any prOVision of this Ordinance, the person violating the same shall be subJoot to a fine or not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.- 00) or imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty (30) days, ar by both such fine and imprisonment. (c) Any person violating this Ordinance shall be subject to a civil penaltyenforcable and col- lect~ble by the Town in the amount of One Hundred Dollal'.3 ($100.00) for each such offense. Such pen- alty shall be collectible by and in the name of the Town for ea'ch day that such violation shall con- tinue. SEJCITION VI., Saving Clause. II any clal1.se, sentence, para- graPh, section or part of this Or- dinance shall be adjudged by any Court or competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not af'feet, impair O'r invalidate tlhe remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, sec- tion or part thereof directly in- volved in the oontroversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTION VII. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. By order of the Southold Town Board. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk 1tJy16 - FROM. Mr. Arthur Smith 31 Clearview Ave. HuntiDgton, N.Y. TO. South old Town. Board at Appeals RE I Application at Gary Tabor for Vaiiance to zoning OrdiDallCe GentleJD8D' I oppose the granting at the variance to Mr. Tabor. I own the buildiDg lot between Probst and Foster. on Navy Street, and have planned to build a retirement home there some time in the future. ~j;~/?~ ~; ~ ~~f1Mf-~ ~~7~JAI4~ ~ ~ ~ ~;~Q,d3 ~ 'zU-a/ to, . Cf';;;U~' ~~ M ~ a.ttldtN ~~j'ZuLo.M ~f.k. W.e ~AA1. fr ~ ?/~oo/d-u ~{h~ :tI-1 ~- 4~ ~~ cL& k ~~W}J. ~W-id~~ tJ y~ .~~~ ~ ~ U<k r. 1/~, , ~~~ ~ 1:J.,)-1'I7? s-~~ ) / ~ ~~ ~ o..k-/o V~ ~.~~~~ 9 ~~~~~~~ Q--~ ~ ~t}. ~ ~ ~ ~.. i · ~ ~ ~'a-~~ ~ ~--~. - ~~. ~~ ~e\ ~~.- ~ Orient" N. Y. June 12, 1972 Southold Town Board of Appeals Gentlemen: Our home is located at 805 Navy Street which is across the street and approximately 200. North of Gary Tabor.s property. Mr. Tahor is appealing for a Variance in the Zoning Law in order to use his property for a Landscaping Business and as a yard for storage. Each of us along this street, is doing all he can to keep up the appearance of his home. We are all proud of our homes and want to keep them looking as nice as we possibly can. We feel that if' this Varianc.e is granted we will no longer have a pleasant looking nei.ghborh.ood. A storage yard and what i"t brings will do nothing at all to add to the value of our area. We have no personal feelings against Mr. Tabor whatsoever and are in no way opposed to his having his own Landsc.aping Business. We just, ask that he comply with the Zoning Law which was drawn up for hi.s protection as well as our own. Sincerely, ~~ :li:~ .. ';/~~ ti Ji/J~j--w------ -- J/ -v- ~ ~ ~~__~ /UVLlI w--'- ~~-?1f~-- Fr ,ZiLt ~ fi- );,d)~;;-tf~-Y;;;~.~ - ~ - .. --~-,,,>""''''~- _..-~--,..__.._-~--,------._------_._.-.--------"~-~'------~-------------~'_..- .,.----------.. . J ( ..",...... "-' - n' --1 - - - --- ---.--------- b o -,,--.- . --!Ptt!___I_~__[~_'J~ 1 I The F. G. Stewarts ~ . 595 Navy Street ""'-' Orient LI, N. Y. 11957 ,'"'" 321 LAKEVIEW AVENUE ROCKVILLE CENTRE NEW YORK, 11570 0Lvu. )S;197~ ~~~~~~ (j -- 6Lj- tYUrYJl ~ ~tL ~/~1j~, . . ~..I!iltur Jo ~ ~ 7k ~ ~;AJ ~ /l,-...1 Juur- r~ <L %.~ ~ ~ 7'~_/~. ~ ~~ ( ~ III ~ ~ 'OJ \ 1/ 1 ~ . ._- / -" . ',.-u' -J-.- ';::r' ft./~~~ . 1 ~~ !, . Iutf Md,)~;t ~ d11.. ~ a.<.. ~ 1tno v~ ~ ld& ~~ iAA~ry' ~1kJ, ~. I , a ~~f~c~7)~~ .' d ~. ' ~ ~ ~ , ""ttL ~ ~, ~--lt.L ~ , ~ -Z~~tA - 9~d~ ~f1Jl ~~ YJVJ / . 'iu:tl. ~~ ~~ t ~ ~ 1Zl-~-fi1;;~~~~ ~ ~ IU. hu./~ h+-. ~ ..v ~ ~ O'-t(. ~ ~ C)~ -- \....., .-. ~?~~ t~ne /// /<. 7 J 7~ I~ '1~/ ~ (^Z;ad2 / So ~~ t!-c-?t,/xi<. ~7;.~. ~ lU1<& /,,- ~/'17;l. 'j~1~~/~CJ.).~, rr {)~io t;ItJ::' f rfi: of lItlMj lakv. ~. . '2u~a~~'~ (JW~ OJ! ;fP~Jtd;;~/],YJ~~~ -d;f r dJJ ffiiIf rr-I d, ~ tW dudJ,.,( A/W ~ ~ fta:/i;l~ I · 7'V'L- ~ .AubA~'~ zt;I~..~ r:~.ff#d~JP~.~ 1J:J;J /~II~~I W-'-' atu .kMJuH ~n;;20;. h.~'k~.4~~ 7k. ~ ~4.tj~ cvte ;e,' AA<;i '71<~ -Z.:I.~ -1 ~-r7~ ~e~lP.l3a-tJ lfo~~~ \ ~ "-v ~""" ~J' 1/-) / J ?..o ~ i~-o ~7~ ~)~!. r~! V-"-- ~ ~ ~ ~"-~~;& hT~~'L~ '~~~~. ~ ~ tI-<--{-~d----'-1 ~ "--'7- ~ ~ ~~ /~-<~, ~ ~~~. ~7J ~~ ~~~ cV4~~~,ft.~, Y ~ >97-z vD f _/J /1/1 -'7t7U/7L- e~' H~.dj7~' ~..e- ~ ~a..d ~ ~ .It -dI-~r:a:'- -A ..fh I ~ /, / ~~~~ ~ziuL~. ~ c6 ~. ;J;6 ~. Ydk~~ ~ · ~cLy;6~ &~~.~~, ~~ ~~ t:L~ ~ a<<e ~Lu. '. Z,7NU~ tz.,~~ ~ $~~~~~ tL~y:~~~ f~/~~~~ , 'i.cv!:i ~ ~ cu<-.L~ ~ ~~~~$~~ Ud ~ t1~(; jL.~ J o~ ~ y, // 7'..:5'/ r p-( / f' J' ;:l, ~,..-e../ J~~ A3,~ :/ J~~- g~ ~ -- ~. ~ '"4- ~ --e. ;;y~ A-- ~~ I!;/ ~.~..Y~ ';-/~ .t'Lci~~ ~ i':A ~vty~y ~A ~ -d'~.~ ~ ,,-,J ~ ';I'Ll_ ~~~~ ! I .,}~ ~ "'--'-..~ "--<--- L--y Ac <~.+--:--l:<.T~ ~~ ~ ~~~~t1C- - ~ .. .~~~~.. ~~~-;/ ~ .,2_ ..;>~ r-t.. - ~,~(~'--" {L1-4J~?~T~~~ .-:6;- ~ I'-?~ ~~~~/~ oJ/~ -3 ~J~ ~~- l//.. -. /~~. ~~~~-<4~. /"-I~ I. . ~..-:-.r.' ~t..- - ~~~-L--~.47 ~ d~y w-e~ ~A-~ ~~~~ ~~~ '4 -eLc ~~ ..:? """"" j:l ~ '. '. ~ ~ ~"~>.----c.-<.- ~ ~'-7~ ~ '-?'- ......1'-<-<- p "(~~. --<-.vx-L-~~ ~<.U- .~~ ~aY~~~~~~' ~ ~~~>C._ ~ -~~c ~ ~'-t~,~~~~~ 7 . . /' 'L/J-~ &>4~~~~~~ ~ ~ C: ~~~~~ --6- W:~. ~ ~~ -<-~ ~ ^->;.~- ~V' // ~ A-<j'~ ~ . ~~-6~ - ~~~ ~ -.z-7f'-7l_~ --:t:;:, ~~J- ~ ~ ~ .k.~~~-J~.... ~ ~ /~. ~ ~ ~ --Le- ~~ ~~ June 14. 1972 Board of Appea.ls Town of Southold Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Dear Sirs: We reside on Vincent Street. Orient. New York. We strongly object to the application of Mr. Gary Tabor for a variance to the zoning ordinance to change the zone of his property from a residential to business. Yours very truly. /;J~f WCC:bc M ..- JOHN M. BREDEMEYER P. O. Box 299 Orient, New York 11957 Phone 516 323-3591 May 14, 1972 Board of Appeals Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: As the owners of a dwelling on Village Lane and Navy Street, Orient, we oppose any variance or change of zoning for the property owned by Gary Tabor on Navy Street, Orient. Sincerely yours, ~ GEORGE C. STANKEVICH ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD SOUTHHOLD, N. Y. 11971 (516) 765-3838 WADE ROAD SHELTER ISLAND, N.Y. 11964 (516) 749-1328 June 29, 1972 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Smith, Tasker, :rinkelst.ein , Yakaboski 425 Main Street. Greenport., New York 11944 Re: Town of Sout.hold Dear Bob: Wit.h deep regret., I must. t.erminat.e my appellat.e represent.at.ion of the Town of Southold regarding Merritt. v. Board of Appeals, Harder v. Board of Appeals and all furt.her appellat.e mat.t.ers which were t.o have been forwarded t.o my office. I say wit.h deep regret. because I feel t.hat. there is no higher civic dut.y or intellect.ual satisfact.ion for an attorney than to represent. his coauunity and lend his support. and assistance to the efforts of t.he t.own offi- cials, who are at.tempt.ing to protect. and preserve the rights and int.erests of the community by enact.ing far-sighted zon- ing and by promoting strict. and equit.able enforoement of same. However, during the past eighteen mont.hs, I have represent.ed ot.her public int.erest. group. including t.he Vil- lage of Greenport. It will be nece.sary in the future t.o represent the.e groups before town agencies. Though it. would be legally permi.sible, it would be, in my mind, eth- ically undesirable for my law firm t.o represent any town agency and at. the same t.ime appear before t.he .ame or any other t.own agency. Thus, until such t.ime as I can free mI- self from prior cOlRlRit.t.ments, my forbearance of repre.ent. nq the t.own must stand. The Morritt file and Barder petition are returned herewith. With reqard to Merrit.t., it. .hould be noted that I defeat.ed his application t.o the Appellate Division t.o pro- ceed without. print.ing the record. The appellant then appar- ent.ly abandoned his appeal which should be dindssed on your mot.ion, if not perfected by the Sept.ember 1972 t.erm. With reqard 'to Barder, I am requesting an adjournmen't from 'the petitioner's att.orney so t.hat. the case can be reassigned. Re: Town ot Southold June 29, 1972 '. You may always, when possible, count on my cooperation and support. Sincerely yours, George c. S1:ankevich ce: Southold Town Board Board ot Zon1n9 Appeals ......r__....".~*-r_. fl ~ilL~-....~--'-~;~l4' ~-~ -...utrl___~r~.;.W.t..~-;~-::.."~::~~.tJt-.lf.&H '\;~~~";:.~!'.;..'.-_::.:.:~~n:!fi"'~."'y -'cM._.,,::....""9"b""_'B'..,tllih!M~~~-'.,.- ";I , STATEMENT This brief is filed in opposition ~o Appeal 1555 of Gary Tabor to the Southola Town Board" of Zoning Appeals and at the request of the following ........ .~otmdift9 property owners: Foster, Slllith, Probat., \-..:;~.'/:::i' :.:, ';: 't:,: Soreneon , Baker, Reiter, Andrade , Bondarchuk , Stewart., .:,j3;f....~, Vail, LatbaJn, Berner and Bredemeyer. ; , FACTS The appellant, Gary Tabor, is seeking a \lse to permit a commercial - light. industrial u~ residential building lot which be side of Navy Street, Orient, Southol4, ,:' -. The lot and t.he surrounding neighborhood are :'-1" ~ and bavealways been, under prior Southold !'own soning ordinances dat.ing back to 1957, zonec1 RA ... a..idential Agricultural". TheneighborhooCl,nest.led ,," in the hamlet of Orient., is t.ypified by well kept home8..... . of 1IOderatesize, built with an eye to preservin9 t.he prevailin9 tranquility of the hamlet aa4 occupied by Y0UD9 faai1ies as well.. retirees wi t.han aim of eajoy- There are no c~ercial u_. 1ft the i-.4iate other than acc...ory boM.occnapat.i.oU.. ~",:' ,!, A'f~'..:.;.,;r.::":;;1..:;,f,.::".w.rd:,:~~M:....w:;~}:1..." With full cognizance of the prevailing zoning and the character of the neighborhood, the appellant purchased the subject lot in 1969 and commenced an il- legal commercial use on it which has continued to date. Indisputably, there is stored and used on the lot: a dump truck, a tractor with a front-end loader and a cut- ter, an inoperable truck with a jerry-rigged crane hav- ing a rear axle power take-off, piles of scrap lumber (of questionable legality under the Southo1d Town Gar- bage Disposal Ordinance), piles of topsoil (the removal of which from the lot surface is questionable under the Southo1d Town Excavation Ordinance), several cesspool rings, miscellaneous building materials and a tool shed. The appellant's advertisements leave no doubt but that his activities are purely commercial in nature and may be reasonably denominated as "contracting". These activi- ties constitute an attractive nuisance and danger to the children, residing in the neighborhood and are aesthetic eyesores for all to view. The detriment to the surround- ing residential neighborhood is obvious. The activities are clearly illegal. At the eleventh hour and after being brought to '\ bar for his illegal activities, the appellant seeks relief by requesting a use variance from the Southold Town Board of Zoning Appeals. 'o'"T_~~*"",I"""''''i'''-''''''''0"','''',,",,,'~,'''''~'''-'3''''_'_''''P_''-"",",,~~~~.~_~i''''''_''l.''j~~i._ ~ ifl!'-,? _ '":$;"#""''';;*''~'J'V~.~~''~'''''I'II,.'t'lii,,,W'#~~~,)~_~~''i't'~~,~",~"!c_"',""i"'f,"'''''*':-<~'~~''''''';;';' ,~ POINT I THE APPELLANT HAS NOT ESTAB- LISHED UNNECESSARY ~mRDSHIP. The lot in question is zoned "A - Residential Agricultural". Under the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance, the appellant's present and proposed activities are most accurately classified as "...Light Industrial...building contractors yards...yards for sale and storage of build- ing materials...", see SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE, Article VIII, 8800(4) and (16). Admittedly, the appel- 1ant is growing but a few bushes, therefore his use cannot be classified as an agricultural nursery, see SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE, Article III, 1300(a) (2) (a) (ii). His activities hardly fall within the purview of itA - Residential Agricultural" special exceptions, accessory uses or off street parking requirements because of (a) the extensive commercial nature and scope of the appe1- 1ant's activities and (b) the lack of a residence occupy- ing the lot (or even a building permit indicating intent to construct such a residence) establishing a residential use to which special exceptions, accessory uses or off street parking requirements would apply, see generally, SOUTHOLD 'J'OWN ZONING ORD [NANCE, l\rticle III, ~300 (b) and (c); Article XI, ~llOl(13). Thus in order to legalize l,' I ~ t ti \ ! i; \1-0 k ~ ~ his activities, the appellant must obtain either a use variance or a change of zone. In seeking a use variance, the appellant must prove that the "A - Residential Agricultural" zoning places an "unnecessary hardship" on the use of the lot in question. It is not sufficient that he prove "prac- tical difficulties", the lesser standard for area vari- ances, see BRONXVILLE v. FRANCIS, 1 App. Div. 236, aff'd, 1 N.Y.2d 836 (2d Dept. 1956). ...Before the Board may exercise its discretion and grant a variance upon the ground of unnecessary hardship, the re- cord must show that: (1) the land in question cannot yield a reasonable return if used only for a purpose allowed in that zone (2) that the plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances and not to the general conditions in the neighborhood which may reflect the unreasonableness of the zoning ordinance itself and (3) that the use to be authorized by the variance will not alter the exxential character of the locality... OTTO v. STEINHILBER, 283 N.Y. 71 (1939). The appellant has wholly failed to prove any "unnecessary hardship". No proof was offered that the lot as zoned could not yield a reasonable return. The continued growth of the number of surrounding homes be- lies any inference that the lot could not be sold for residential purposes. The plight of the appellant is not due to any unique circumstances of the subject lot, which is iden- tical in all respects to the surrounding residential lots. , l , , to his business or even the loss of his livelihood may not be used as a basis for granting the requested vari- I f r f. I ~ The personal problems of the appellant, the detriment ance. "...It is not uniqueness of the owner, but unique- ness of the land causing the plight that is the criterion " . .. I CONGREGATION BETH EL OF ROCHESTER v. COWLEY, 30 Misc. 2d 90 (Sup. Ct., Monroe County 1961). The light industrial use sought by the appellant will most certainly alter the essential residential char- acter of the neighborhood. The illegal activities of the fledgling business are already an attractive nuisance to children, an eyesore to neighbors and a detriment to resi- dential property values. will these activities decrease once legalized, or ameliorate as the appellant's business grows? Since there is no "unnecessary hardshiptl, the requested variance should not be granted. POINT II THE REQUESTED VARIANCE WOULD VIOLATE THE SPIRIT OF THE ZON~ ING ORDINANCES AND MASTER PLAN. The Southo1d Town Zoning Ordinance provides that the Board of Appeals, tI...shal1 have the power to vary and modify the application of such regulations. so ~ I i t t i I that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed...", see SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE, Article XII, 11300(b). The spirit of the ordinance is clearly found in its purposes which include "...the provision of privacy for families...the prevention and reduction of traffic congestion, so as to promote efficient and safe circula- tion of vehicles and pedestrians...the maximum protection of the residential areas...the gradual elimination of non-conforming uses...and...the enhancement of the appear- ance of the Town of Southold as a whole...", see SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE, Article I, 1100(3) (4) (5) (6) (7). The Southold Town Master Plan states that, "...business and industrial areas should be so developed that they are good neighbors to any adjoining residential areas, the in- trusion of non-residential uses within residential neigh- borhoods should be prevented...and...the indiscriminate granting of variances would, in effect, be equivalent to 'spot zoning'...", see PART I COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Raymond and May Associates (1967), at 4 para. 5.and at 51 para. 3. The requested variance would violate the spirit of the Southold Town zoning Ordinance and Master Plan and should be denied. 1;'i!I iili" '. ~ ,r 1'U [Nfl' III THE APPELLANT HAS ESTABLISHED NO MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES. The appellant alleges that there is no available commercially zoned land suitable for his purposes. In the entire Town which is twenty minutes end to end by motor ve- hicle? In view of the recent comprehensive revision of the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance, the appellant's argument is not persuasive. The necessity and availability of cornrner- cially zoned land was extensively reviewed and determined. Even if the appellant's argument were meritorious, it should properly be presented to the Town Board in a petition for a change of zone, not to the Board of Zoning Appeals in an ap- plication for a use variance, see CLARK v. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, 301 N.Y. 86 (1950). The appellant argues that his use exists and is non-conforming. More appropriately, it exists and is il1e- gal. His purchase of the lot in the teeth of existing "A - Residential Agricultura.l" zoning and his subsequent illegal use constitutes a self created hardship which cannot be the basis for granting the requested variance. One who " knowingly acquires land for a prohibited use cannot there- after have a variance on the ground of special hardship...", CLARK v. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, 301 N.Y. 86 (1950). CONCLUSION . It is respectfully requested that the appellant's application for a use variance be denied. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE C. STANKEVICH, ESQ. Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-3838 ../ 41(f s/.,A... ~Cf) (I ~L , b~~ , :~ ~~ ~ ~,-tL Q~ ~.~2G:t~~(L~~ ' . ~~"~~~f44~ .~ ~"~4, - JIl~ -::300" ~ ~ ~ -- Dc . -O~ tt::: . _ Q.w , ~ ; c 'I :: ~' ~~~ j!t~~~ I~'~ :~-~I~'~~~' Q<>.~~ a-'~~i1td~ e.~-- o-~ :lWt-~ ~.~. ~ ~ ~ ' n ~~~~~~,---t{LQJ ~ ~, ',ouJL it-fb ~ '~<<.,J OJ...I- ~ ~ ~ ) : ~ ~ 1).,j'J:". , ~ "-"" .,:...12 , ~ .~Jl., .~~j2L ~ ~ itW-r ALJ ' ~~u"j.. i~' t i~~ ~~~ ~ : ~ ~ O.,Q:u, ~ ~ 1;, 1ft ~ ;={~J~~ I .~~, ',' :~~~r " :04 o..v. ~ Ll4.9- u..ukL ;~&'o 4- ~ i~,r~~~.~:;;~ ~~~~~~ Q~, "' " rr y ;. ~~~~;'-f~~ I' ',QAQ ~~:k.~ · · , :{",~.tJJ~ ~ 0. ~ ~ · < , . ~.o S2~jIL~ ,J) ~U\,Q...u...D=- ~ '.llJr" :' ~ ~ ~ ~L i,LMo. Q.:;~ ~~ '4rTy-,J) .:::E". ,(. . : .4~~~-iL~ '~ .;. ~ ~ ~,J)~~ ' '~~~~~) , -\i;.. 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Dear Slrt !hls .fflce bas recelved several e..plaints ab.u~ the conditio. or your property, on Navy St_, Orient. ~ Please be aelv1sed that alleenseel vebieles, II1c,.llanoua scrap metal, dl.oarde. parts ete a~ 01a'.ltle4 as ftcarba.e,a refuse" under the speella "Garb_ce . refuse er41Dance" aDd are B.t peraltted unless store4 wlth1a a bulldin._ Storace otbui141nc saterials -IOf BEING OSED for building with permit, may Rot be dene 1n a resldential district. Please put this property 1n order as soen as feaslble. further e..plaints will be turned ever te the police under the garbage & refuse ordinance". lours tru11 t. i ..--' t ;' '\ 0,", "'i . ~Jd " f ..'J '" " hi141ng I~;-pecto ~::-:-:-: I I I I ~ /0 " ~ s rll V\~y~~ L-.~ f-~ ~ '''~ j-i i~J~ -I- "' ~ t - ~ 'C ~~ \' :\ ~ ''] ~ ~.~ "1 ~ ii Sf 'Iv "If'tJ .... '; -j .) J · l-~':S 1"'" -.:;' j /. '/1 Ii! <:: IS < . I ~ ~",' ,i;J,.. '--f, ~,~ ~\ lO fl,' (-.- ( I .i i ,,\,'. 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