HomeMy WebLinkAbout1500 , ' " " II ~.. I[ II l' ,I i I Ii 11 I' ,j 11 II II II II , Ii I' I I I ,I II ~ I I Ii t rl :t. ' Lega] Notl.' Page -4-' .. , . -', " .'" " t, \~-,~,t~j~;:~ ':."~~'t~~._) . ' . SectIon 130] B, for permJsslon to expand.xlstlng '- - ,-~' " , . ~:~~~~~,/ ; J 'I r ,conforming busIness use,ln excess of, 50% o,f present ,capacity by erectll1g new bulld]ng. Location ,of property:' I south side of Main Road, Southold~,New York. bounded north by J. Nlerodzrk, east by J.' Nlerodzi'-k, ,south by ,Main Road, west by,J. Nlerodzi'-k. 'I:: ,-: , I I '1 ;_'J j .J .~ I. , ,< :.' .' ~ '-'j 9:,10 P.M. (E,.S.T'..) upon application .of Peter J. , . . Neyland, 115 Broadway, Rockvl lie Centre, New YorJ<,for ,-,.,,-: ~', ~ ;'Ij "I ii a variance In accordance with the Zonlns Ordinance, Article Ill, ',Sect I on 30 I ,for permission to construct private one family dwelling with insufflclent"I()t,area,.: '," _" __,,', '1',''''"'''[''''- ",,: ' .,frontage, sldeyards"rear yard, etc., Location ()f:property: \,?. east side of Cedar LaneCprlvate road),Subdlvlsl,onMap I :~ li I , ' -.;..:, ," .'i '. ': of Gardl ne rs Bay' Estates, ,Sect I on I I,: ,bounded (1o;rth by' Lot #.126, of Gardlner-s"Bay Sub., Sec. II,: ,and Spring Pond" ,east by Sprll1g Pond, south by Lot ,# :(27. :of, Gardl ners ,13aySub., Sec. II:,: ,and Spring Pond"westbyCedar Lane. ,', , ! , ,- ~ , , I I l I , , i , ; ! 9:30 P.M. (E.S.T'.r upon applIcatlon"of Bayvlew, Development CorporatIon,' Bayvlew Road, 'Southold, New spec lalexceptl on In' 'accordal)ce ' with, the: , ' , , , -" '. ! I :;, '~ , , I,L -j-,.:' -.-li-] I. ' ~:}j ,{ 1 ::i ;' ! Ord,lnance, Article ,V, Section, 500, .SubsectIon, I .' . ", ," -:". '_:'c,.:'<:f,-_".~~,' : _ 3, for permission to construct 'inuItlple i-e~ldenc~ apart.ments (permanent occupancy) , Location. of 'property: o~. ; - , 'h south side of Bayv'lew Road; Southold, New'York:.,' bounded' , , ,-', ,". 1,",0' .:":;'~';,_}t'-'k" ,<'~'.". by' Bayvlew Road, east 'bY: James, Bltses, o,sou,th~ by.o Creek, west by A.i &1;'.: Koke. ,0 :,::'o'iS:~;.t/i,;:~' . 0 0 ': 0". '0 ;,\:::'.t~\\h:::;.',~;;:,o ,Any per-son des I rl og to'oobe heard, on ,the;a~o:l(e<: '" applications should appear at the'tlm~ a1'Pl~)~i?~pe~ifled. . ~ 0 DATED: FEBRUARY .f7'~ 197:2-,' ax ORDER OF THE: SQli~Hp~D~qWNH . u 00.. 0 o. . .0 I . !:,: "BOA;o..,,?~.: ,A~t:,~,~,:~:,;s"~,,:,~~~,;,,,_,..j,~,.r,;.:;~~:.<,"':~J,,~.;,o.',"--- : . ',',; ~'!..'-,i;l;"",; "_ . j' l ,-.',';' '.' I''--~' ~ \; ""," ,'"} J ,'-" ; ~"~>':i/l:~ ~i;';r':lL,\:~;y~~~:;" ,:;,\:;: },,~:{;\{\.k " ;6:: . ,- ~ '{r.~.;t'-"'i :."6:\ ","' "';~" ~~:.itI'L~:\-"" }--:- ~,--, ' ""~-:I '.,.. .; , 'tr",.,df1~~1~"'f'",.. .. , oom!;.~<\~~}.~. -" ' , ,I ;,' '-',~ ! ., -~?, -I . "'-I f-l , II I 'I' ",,':')il :'o,"l;;j; ;'}':~~,:'- 1, ';\:;,,/ "i ',._'-'t'"-' -I ,i~$; ti,;~:!: ~ -- 'il ~'LEGALNOTICES , NOTICE OF HEARINGS . ,,/' Pursuant to. section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of '\ the amended Building Zone I Ordinance of the Town of South- \ old. Suffolk County. New York. I I public hearings wlll be held by \ the Zoning Board of AppealS of the Town of SOuthold, at the Town Office, Main Road. South- old. New York, on March 16, 1972 on the following appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli- I cation of Jean Schneider, 72 Wil- ! low street. Brooklyn. New York, for a variance in accardance ,with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III. Section 301. for per- mission to divide property and _set off lots with insufficient area. -Location of property: private road off South side of Main Road, East Marion. New York, bounded north by I. M. Rogers- W. P. Merrill, east by private road, south by Marton Manor , Subdivision, west by Marion : Manor subdivision. 7:40 P. M. (EST), upon appH~ I cation of Michael Zuka~, Bay- berry Road, Southold, New York. 'If for a variance 'n accordance with the Zoning Ordinanci!, Ar- ticle III, Section 301, for per- mifsion to divide property and set off lots with insufficient area, and for approval of access over private right-of-wav In accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property: north side of Main Bayview Road. Southold, New York. bounded north by West Creek, east by Goose Neck Subdivision, fOuth by Main Bayview Road, west by West Creek Development Sub. 7:50 P. M. (EST>, upon appli- cation of LlOyd Terry, Main Road, Orient, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 300, Subsec- tion B-8, for permission to re- new farm labor camp permi';; granted on April 1, 1971. Location of property: south side of Main Road, Orient, New York, bound- ed north by Main Road, east by S. KOl'oleski~Latham Bros., south by other land of Lloyd Terry. west by E Latham. 8:00 P. M. (EST), upon appll- cation of William & Evelyn Mof- fat, Oaklawn Avenue, 8outhold, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III. Section 301, for permission to divide property and set off lots (with existing dwellings) with insufficient frontage and area. Location of property: east side of Boisseau Avenue, SOuthold. New York. bounded north by Simcik, east by Florence Moffat, south bv Flor- ence Moffat, west by Boisseau Avenue. 8:10 P. M. (EST>, upon appli- cation of Julius Juttner, West- view Drive, Mattttuck, New York, liavia, east by Westview Drive, with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsec- tion C-Z, and Article III, Sec- tion 302, for permission to locate accessory building in front or side yard area. Location of property; northwest side of Westview Drive, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by J. Tag- liavia, est by Westview Drive, south by Jean Scully, west by Mattituck Creek. 8 :20 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Philip W. Druhl, 115 N. Fulton Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III, Section 301, for permi8sion to divide prop- erty and set off lots with insuf- ficient area. Location of prop- erty: south side of West Drive, Southold. New York, Minor Subdivision No. 22. bounded north by West Drive and lana of Lyons. east by Great Pond; south by Suffolk County (form- erly Pinecrest Dunes. Inc.), West by Uzmann. 8:30 P. M. (EST), upon 3.ppli- cation of Stuart E. Staples, _ S,!\ N. Montgomery Avenue, Bay- shoreL.. New York, for a variance in a..... "l'dance with the Zoning Qrd' .:e,ArticleIX,5ectloll 900, Subbt:.......ion .8 &: 12, and bulk schaJ.ule of Oratnance as to lot area, frontage, and side yards, for permission to construct pri- vate one family dwelling and operate business from same on lot with insu:fIicient area, front- age, setback, and sideyards in "C-l" General Industrial Dis- trict. Location of property: west side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue. New York, bounded north by F. J.McBride, east by Cox's Lane, south by L. B. Glover, Jr., west by L. B. Glover, Jr. 8:40 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Adam Chetel. 424 Ocean Avenue, Malverne, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 301 (Article nr, Section 307 of old Ordi- nance), for permi~sion to con- struct private one family dwell- ing with insufficient sideyard area. Location of property: north side of private road-Aquavie\v Avenue Extension, East Marion, New York, bounded north by East Marlon stars Beach Asso- ciation, Inc., east by D. Ham- imers1lrom, fOuth by Aquaview Avenue Extension, west by East Marion Stars Beach Association. Inc. 8:50 P. M, (EST), upon appli- cation of Charles Hall aiC Josephj Stepnoski, Main Road. Southold, New York, for a vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Article VII, Section 700, Article XII, Section 1204, SUbsections (b) & (c), and Ar- ticle XIII, Section 1301 B, for permi~sion to expand eXisting non-conforming business use in excess of 50% of' present capacity by erecting new building. Loca- tion of property: south side of Main Road, Southold. New York. bounded north by J. Nierodzik, east by J. Nierodzik, south by Main Road, west by J. Nierod- zik. 9:10 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Peter T. Neyland, 115 Broadway, Rockville ,Centre, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for per- mi~sion to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient lot area, frontage. sideyards. rear yard, etc. Location of property: east side of Cedar Lane (private road), Subdivision Map of Gardtners Bay Estates, Section n, bounded north by Lot No. 126 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. 11, and Spring Pond, east by Spring Pond, south by Lot No. 127 of Gardiners Bay Sub., Sec. 11, and Spring pond, west by Cedar Lane. 9:30 P. M. (EST) upon appli- cation of Bayview Development Corporation, Bayview Road, Southold, New York, for a spe- cial exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 500, Subsection B-3, for permission to construct multiple residence apartments' (permanent occupancYl. Loca- tion of property: south side of Bayview 'Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by Bayview Road, east by James Bttses, south by Corey Creek, west by A. & F. Koke. \ Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place specified. DATED: FEBRUARY 17. 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS IT-3-9 : SUFFOLK 8N YORK } ss Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says s the Editar, of THE LONG ISLAND - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- d at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that which the annexed is a printed copy, has been said Long Island T raveler-Mattituck Watch- /!' ," / II ach week for ......<:./(:.X.t::................. wee~ 07.-2 commencing an the ...............,/........................ '7~(d'i.ll'~.? ~ """f!yfd'f!(!!ffmm om to before me this 16 ......................... day of 1....J~t.a.{......, 197.::1.. ! ') ") 1 .. //;, ./ ;/? 1:./- / <.:'.12' ,J .....(.r..t...I.d.:ii~~~bU;;.i.'.t:..; . .....'<...-;....... 'ADn.E r^Y"E Notary r,,'i ' ;'.f Ne'!,' York H~~ir: ii' '>,;r:l1 Com:-n'ss:so L. ,."'_ . l:~.l .'. .... 1"7 -, :,.:l0V, ":J.J NOTICE OF HEARINGS -.-~--r TI I r~~~.. . (Continued from page 16) I \ Section 900, Subsections -8 & 12, , and bulk schedule of Ordinance . ~ as to lot area, frontage, and side yards, for permission to con. struct private one family dwelling and operate business from same on lot with insufficient area, frontage, setback, and sideyarcts in "C-I" General In- 'S dustrial District. Location of I property: west side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded ,1 north by F.J. McBride, east by Cox's Lane, south by L.B. Glover, Jr., west by L.B. Glover. Jr. 8:40 P.M. (E.S.T.l upon ap- plication of Adam Chetel, 424 Ocean Avenue, Malverne, New York. for a variance in ac- ; cordauce wltn the Zomng Ur- dinance, Article III, Section 301 ~. (Article III, Section 307 of old Ordinance), for permission to construct private one family dwelling with insufficient sideyard area. Location of property: north side of private COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 l....... - road - Aquaview Avenue Ex- Broadway, Rockville Centre, tension, East Marion, New York, New York, for a variance in bounded north by East Marion accordance with the Zoning Stars Beach Association, Inc., Ordinance, Article III, Section- east by D. Hammerstrom, south 301, for permission to construct by Aquaview Avenue Extension, private one family dwelling with west by East Marion Stars Beach insufficient lot area, frontage, Association, Inc. sideyards, rear yard, etc. 8:50 P.M. (E.S.T.) upon ap- Location of property: east side of plication of Charles Hall ale Cedir Lane (prfVate roa~ Joseph Stepnoski, Main Road, Subdivision Map of Gardiners Southold, New York, for a Bay Estates, Section II, bounded variance in accordance with the north by Lot No. 126 of Gardiners Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Bay Sub., Sec. II, and Spring Section 300, Article VII, Section Pond, east by Spring Pond, south 700, Article XII, Section 1204, by Lot No. 127 of Gardiners Bay Subsections (bl & (cl, and Article . Sub., Sec. II, and Spring Pond, XIII, Section 1301 B, for per- west by Cedar Lane. mission to expand existing non- 9:30 P.M. (E.S.TJ upon ap- conforming business use in ex- plication of Bayview Develop- cess of 50 per cent of present ment Corporation, Bayview capacity by erecting new Road, Southold, New York, for a building. Location of property: special exception in accordance south side of Main Road, with the Zoning Ordinance, Southold, New York, bounded Article V, Section 500, Subsection north by J. Nierodzik, east by J. B-3, for permission to construct Nierodzik, south by Main Road, multiple residence apartments west by J. Nierodzik. ,(permanent occupancy). ( 9:10 P.M. (E.S.TJ upon ap- '\ Location of property: south side plication of Peter T. Neyland, 115 / of Bayview Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by Bayview Road, east by James Bitses, south by Corey Creek, west by A. & E. Koke. Any person desiring to be heard on the above a"plications should appear at the time and place specified. DATED:FEBRUARY 17, 1972, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS .........t- - .' / J. . ~ . '. .'-.'. '.. . o FORM NO. 3 o " TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK"S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ...... f To rp~";"'~~ ;mDo~L~j:flm, 197>: ........................ ~& /IS ~ ... ......................... ..~...~~..A......................... ...... .. . .. ....... .....~.....!f)I.'.... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE th t for permit to construct ..~PPlicotion doted .................~~.....~l..............., 19.7..~ ..CP..0..f.L~..... .........l......ot the premises located ot.....0... & tfl~ Mo GIM--L (;i................................. Street c:-J ~ - . ...................... p . ...................~.M Block ..~.x.....Q~Jt;; L ~ ,IV-)/. ,elu",ea "'ere itl el .............. ot .X..'b. ~ ..' ,SA dicQPpra\'ea on, the following grounds .....~......:........................jl4..... is " ..... "'~A"~lI[& ..0.':-.1::4.-) e c.-..}!J.. do .. ....... .... .~.....brt.:.... l(~ ...............~. .... . \' . ....;....... .. ................................................................... (} / ..:::;\.~;.~6 ............ ......................................................... .............................................................................................:.... ................ ......................... ~~" Buildin~j..i~~p~~.t,;;.... .. February 7, 1972 Peter T. Neyland II 115 Broadway Rockvllle Centre, New York Dear Mr. Neyland: We are returning, herewith, your applications for a buIlding permit and a varIance to the Board of Appeals. Please have all of these forms notarized and return together with the required $15.00 filing fee for applicatIon to the Board of Appeals. Yours truly, f1vMJ W ftjfr~~.~. Robert W. Gl I I Isple, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals RWG:BN Enclosures I"...____~.. M~_'"____..____,..,....~___'A__~._. H.._._____.._._...-.R.~_._ - REGINALD C. SlolITH HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN ROBERT W. TASKER FRANCIS J. YAXABOSKI PAUL J. BAISLEY ALLEN M. SMITH SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 456 ORIFFING AVENUE, CORNER OF LINCOLN STREET P. O. BOX 389 RIVERHEAD, N. Y. .11901 ARTHUR H.LUNDBERO COUNSEL 516 PARK 7.4100 STEVEN F. TECHET August 22, 1972 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Re: Harder v. Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Southold Gentlemen: Please find enclosed a true copy of Judge Geiler's order in the above-captioned action. This order has been served upon the attorneys for the petitioners with a notice of entry. Enclosed you will find my statement on your voucher form. It has been my pleasure to be of service to you. v... ery t~lY\ yours. ' /\ -" ) ~ ~f) ~~ \!::c t. STEVEN F. TECHET ~ SFT:pn Enclosures ! i j -'-'_._'_.<-'--~ .,., ,. r ----- SHORT FORM ORDER INDEX <:805 NO. 0 '.... 19 72 SCPRE:VIE COURT - STATE OF NEW YORK Xlat-L/SPECIAL TER:VI, PART L - SUFFOLK COUNTY Pre~-.;ent: Hon W'TT.T.TAM R. GEn.ER Justice MOTION DATE July 31, 3530 19 72 MOTION No.. ROBE..'lT J. HARDER"; EVELYN B. STEWART and SAHUEL FREY, individual.ly and s..u.ng on behaJ..f' of a:u of tne owners of property sl::iown on a !fa~ of Gardiner1'~ Bay Estates, Section ~o Tawn of Southo d.-surro~k count. N.Y.. . ne1 in the Suff'01k County Clerk r s off ce a.s I.lap ;,275 on SeP~ga?J~_ J.~'Petltioners, BOARD OF.APPEALS OF THB TOWlI OF SOU'l'HOLD,. Suffolk County, B.Y.; HOWARD T12Ul1' as BuUd- ing Inspeetor o~ the Town of'Soutbo1d. PETER T. NEYLAlIp., II,. DIAIm OORO'1'Hr nYLAHD, and GARL'BEBS :sAx CO., INC..~ The following papers numbered 1 to TRIAL CAL. No. CORlini &: GLICKMAn, ES'tS. 1I1Vtyllrl'~iTTY: areenport, ~. Y. 11944 i~~o~ ~g~!. ESQS. 41 Front st. RockviIle Centar~ N.Y. ilfZO SMIm, TASKER &: T..LI.'l1Uol.S Ift!WWfRrMT,He.P.O.Box 389 Rlverhe8d, Fl. Y. 11901 Respondents. PETER T. IIEYLAND II DIANE DORO'IHY NEYLAND 'Respondenu lii-Person m ~rg~Miawi;ntre, N.Y.1l570 read on this motion Article 78 proceeding. 4 P >0<0< 'JUuB<o<n Notice of Motion/.li~ 1 .. Answering Affidavits 2, 3, 4 Replying Affidavits Affidavits Filed Papers Pleadings-Exhib i t-Sti pu lati on Briefs: Plaintifr's/Petitioner's Board Defendant' s/Respondent'8 5 Upon the foregoing papers (and after hearing counsel for and opposed to motion) it is ordered that this X~app~leatioB by Petitione1'8 tEl &nl'llil. the lleteFlllir,aUan of the Respondent Zoning Board of Appeals "hich granted Peter and Dorothy Neyland a variance to construct a single fe~ily dwelling on their property located in the Town or South01d is denied. 'RIe Neylands own rea1 property located within the Town of Southold. Said property is a pre-existing, non-conforming lot located in a residential use district under the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance. . The Neylanda, a.ftar having been denied a building permit because of insurriclent 10t area, frontage, sldeyards and rear yard, applied to the R~spondent Zoning Board for a variance in order to c~n3tru_ct a one-ra~ily dwe11ing. The Zoning Board~after a public hearing, granted the variance. T<,a Petttioners do not attack the r:nd:ngs of the Board of Appeals nor tr.e r::eans by wr.ich said Respondent arrived at its decision. In fact, they do not attack the granting 01' the variance. It'is clear that a denial of' Neylands' petition would result in a sterilization of their property. Wh~t is the thrust of Petitioners' opposition to the Respondent's d~cision? The PetttJoners a1lege that they are owners of real property which abclts the sllbject parcel. They claim cartain rig.~ts of access to and casement over said' parcel. by means of orail. represen~.at1::ms made by the co:r.mon grantor, Gardners Bay Co. Inc., end by adverse posseeslon. Thus, Petition- er3 do not attack the granting of the variance but th~ right of the Neylands to use their property. . , ",j (C"I1 t 1 nu~d }._n ,~ ---- !J , ...... " .' > . A. b:)ard of zoning appeals cannot grant a variance which iG specLficnlly proscribed by the .:ontng ordinance, nor cnn it deny rell.ef on grounds not authorized by the zoning ol'dinance (Innet 'I. T l"b"-,,r,., .-) AD?" ;>7~ 1""7 'T Y ~ "1 7~~) .....l. "" _..hlo....I,~,... .. ,,1..4 d?, i n. .i:J. L-C .)..). !'~"forcet:lent of "alleged" private r~'Presentationa and rlgi1ts flowing from adverse possession should not be a function of a zon- ing board of appaals. The Petitioners may have an action at law to enforce these allege1 private repr~entations O~ they may even have a right to cl1allenGe title to the lot, in q!lestion. However, an Article 'Tu proceeding is not the proper vehicle to briDg aoo~t these actions. The Real Property Action &ProeeedlngllLaw provido;/J the Petitioners with ample means ot redressing any grievances they may have-against the Neylands and the common grantor. Dated: August 11, 1972 J.. S.. c. ~ -,.~- , .............,-^ 1>-->->"" , 3/16/72 PETER NEYLAND APPLICATION Gardiner's Bay Estates Lot # (no number) between 126 on north and 127 on south. Repeat of application made some 8 to 9 months ago in 1971. Changed conditions: 1. Bulkheads installed on south and east sides (water sides) and fill placed behind bulkheads. In this opera- tion, filled in part of Spring Pond at s/e corner -- possibly without right to do so -- increasing square footage to a minor extent. 2. Installation of a cesspool in a bog area (no sand and gravel), probably less than 50' from the water, and without permission of Board of Health and possibly contrary to their instructions. This property, being at the dead end of a tidal basin, presents a real threat of pollution which cannot be tolerated. It is understood that the Board of Health has estab- lished new rules effective April 1, 1972, requiring the installa- tion of cesspools with a minimum setback of 100' from tidal or lake waters. If the decision of this application should be rendered subsequent to April 1, 1972, this would effectively prevent the applicant from ever constructing a cesspool on this property as his footage is way below 100'. Objections: 1. Size of plot. Believe application states 1/8 acre which is 5,500 sq. ft. Proba bly at least 500 sq. ft. of this as a result of filling in the lake. Town minimum requirement is 12,500 sq. ft. While Board can make exception to this in proper case (where majority of adjacent premises are below standard), the surrounding plots are standard with few minor exceptions. 2. House - size and type. Believe house proposed is 1,000 sq. ft. and 1 story. Surrounding homes much larger, mostly 2 story and much more expensive -- would sell minimum of $50,000 and up over $100,000. To permit the construction of a home on this plot would not be in keeping with surrounding premises and would be an aesthetic decline and a down-grading of the area. i ..ip_~~.", .. 3. Well. Even applicant admits a well cannot be dug on property and has made arrangements with Gardners Bay Estate Company to dig a well across the road (Cedar Lane) on a 2' strip owned by G.B.E.Co. aajacent to Marion Manor. -- the feed pipe to lie under the road. 4. Setbacks. Asks waiver on all setbacks, even with a minimal size house (1,000 sq. ft.) The result will be a structure not in keeping with the other homes in this section. The applicant must have been aware when he purchased this property that he purchased a problem plot, that it is way below standards in size and that xxxxx its soil composition is wholly of muck and clay without any sand or gravel on the surface or subsoil. The applicant has purchased a building plot adjacent on the west side of Cedar Lane directly opposite the plot in question. The proper procedure is for the applicant to build his home on the adjacent plot in Marion Manor. The granting of this application would result in the downgrading of the area, a diminution in the value of the surrounding properties, an aesthetic decline, pollution of the waters of Spring Pond, would make the are less atlractive and would set a dangerous precedent. This application is brought at a time of the year when many of the permanent residents of Gardners Bay Estates are in winter residence HX<< in other sections of the country and wh~ksummer residents are not able to travel from their permanent homes to this board meeting. In the event the board should consider granting this application, request is made that the meeting be adjourned to at least Mayor possibly June to enable the home owners who are out of town to be present and express their views. It is not known whether or not this application was purposely brought at this time of year because of the above facts and whether it was brought prior to April 1, 1972, at which time the more strict Board of Health rules become applicable on the location of cesspools but in any event this application to adjourn this hearing should be favorably considered so that all parties interested may have their "day in court." .>cY>-6Z~ S XChO LAf10~-tv c/.UJ/l.Vv. XJtit3J II (, / / 17 -2- I, ,,--.''''" .,', ~... ._--.; ...~...,~>..~,-'"".,"-~~.",.....,"'"-~-~......--~"', March 7, 1972 360 Bayview Drive East Marion, New York 11939 Southold Town Planning Board Town Court Building Southold, New York Gentlemen: I want to go on record as being opposed to the granting of permission to construct a building on the numberless lot in Gardiners Bay Estates adjacent to the Samuel Fry property Lot #126. This numberless lot was understood by all of the residents of Gardiners Bay to be a freeway but in spite of this it was sold to Mr. Peter Neyland. It is too small an area for construction and completely inadequate to house water and sewage facilities. I feel that any decision in this regard should not be held at this time of year when the majority of the residents of Gardiners Bay Estates are away. Yours very truly, L~&r"C;C/T~'n' Coley I . Brown Aprll 2S. 1972 HI'. JioIIaD O. BI.... Jr. 12 n.t.. StHet Val1e7 Sue... I. 1'. 11S30 DeU' HI'. Ble... '1'haPk 70'1 te 7011J' letter dated Aprll 6, 1972. A deddon .u Mde at OW" Aprll 6th ..Unl srantlns Mr. Peter le71andt~. of hb Pl"oper1l7, aUbjeot to oondltlona. 1'OIU'a "1"7 111'\117, RWO.. Robert W. Glllllpl., Jr. Chatnall iCllathold Town BOU'd Appeala ~"- , 1 o o . ~~:~ '!:7) ~Y- '7 -'-__ u ____ ________________ .... ./7,,-~LA~ d'(i:~~'-C;;;tLA; . ____.._.._.. C~A1t. . _____ _____'Ll. ~ ...___ u un tC, . .-f { If /G p~?~,.:r' / ..-~--..--- ~ r/.-.~? //~ ~- . ~~/~~~ ~-~.~f7~~-- ..~ - .. .... .-~a. fK-- - fi~ ~- _L__~_ ------ a, ~~ '~~~ _ __---L.~ ._u. .. ._~. ~__.. _. ....._ . __ ..~d~_/H~_C'~~ff~' ~~<:;/-;u_ . .___ . ~~/r__~___.. -.--... . . .. ..... #.-- ~../;~ ..~. .. --~~---~ ~z;L~.A-- .~,,~TI1; ~~~/~4~. ~,~~.' :r~~ ~/4. . ~~.h-.tZp C < .J/ ... --~~~ -?~~_. ....v7~. , ~7C~t,ze~.- '.h . . .. ~-~~~~W-~ '" . > o o , - --4A., -/7~~1~.~ .~_.~ ~~ -~ /~- ~~:f,~ ,~ ~aJr 4f'///f"J'IJ -f/d&j~/ . o .5J1~s. Jl. $ullUJinkel $a1jIJiw g)~ilJe east .5J1cnion, ..L. 8., ')1. ClI. 11939 o Z~~:d, (j)~ ~ ~ /.L...c,/ ~, i!l'~j 4...,"-- 4', .c; ---~. J~~~~~A..L.:..: ~~.~~~z ry~7~~'4"_~~~ dAJ ~ ~dL5t /~J ~./.~ ~ r~ f . - I I () , t12'. ,z4 ~ ..:.. ~ 4.- :::;-e~:Z;~.i'd;k~: LJ. 4, --'''~/ _ '.. .7d.~-tf7~~ ! ~. '-t -dA.JJ b ~ -c~ ,-A-~~' ~ ~ ~d,"7 (1;1 fI_;' "" ~ ~-,v..c~ ~ ~ -... "" ;1 , J /' . -C~ .r/ /~~~~ -<--f --=-4 7 k~~~ . 4J ~~z:1.:k ~i: ::::: "- ,l rz t <~ ~~ ..J~~~~-6 ~~_. -.;t . ,,-~ ~.tl, /11 /J~ o o CARL H. P'HL 206 DERBY STREI;.T EAST WILLISTON, N. Y. li~arch 12. 1972 Board of Zoning Appeals Town Hall Main Street Southold. N, y, 11971 Gentlemen: I would like to make strong objection to the application of Peter Neyland for variances to construct a house on an unnurnbe'red plot of land in Gardiners Bay Estates,ihis plot is located east of Cedar Lane a.t the northwest corner of Spring Point, 'ihis plot is far less than "alf the mini'l1Ulll required size, Furthermore. it is believed that the location of well and septic tank or cess pool will not !reet the town require!rents, In addition. construction of a house on this site will detract seriously from the character of the neighborhood aesthetically. and certai~y depreciate the value of all homes in the area, As a resident of Gardiners Bay Estates and a taxpayer in the Town of Southold. I sincerely trust that this matter be considered carefully and that the petition to build on this site be denied, Yours very truly. (!~.~~ . ~~ ~~ 7;.:1./178/ /?;~ I&), 19'7~ ~~ .~ ~~?tl ~; I~.' . . .;e.... _ ~ TMu/ 2~ ~ . ~ .J.:.Id a "-'- ~ AY-- ~ ~.t.-. ~ . .~~~ -4:f~~P-:tF/~'r- p-i/F/~7 M~~~7 tfJl& ~~/1:U , , #~U,.;,~~J)~rr;U~~A~<l'l-411 A<1~~A~~~'. . %;V~J-Z'~ ~.A..~ ,/-,'dN-..A4-I~. J.nJ ,..-i . ~ t/-./~. -i . p..,;/ .-~.~ ~ ~~ ~ .Iu,'u'r>%"~ "..# ~~ ;U. rf7 - ..LtZ..AJ U .. ~~~~~-Z ,>.~~)r;7IajM ~~ ~~M-4v~~,4~ ~~ ~ ~~~Ak~~/t7;tA~~ ~7~~ . &4~~~~ ~j~7~4~ ~~ ~r-~~ ~~~~- ,4" ~ :LY-~ . ~~~) o o 388 BEEGHWOOD ROAD RIDGEWOOD, NEW JERSEY March 11, 1972 Board ot Zoning Appeals TOwn or Southold TOwn Hall Main Street Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Re: Peter Neyland Application I write in opposition to the granting ot a zoning varience to Mr. Peter Neyland, Gardiner's Bay Estates, as currently berore your Board. ~ opposition is based on the rollowing grounds: 1. Having recently purchased land in the area done so with the understanding that the current zoing laws wuld protect rq investment, I am concerned lest the granting or this variance would establish a precidant leading to the ultillla.te decline or value and attractiveness or the area. Certainly, Mr. Neyland lIIust have been aware or the laws when he purchased the property. By rilling behind a new bulkhead he has already attempted to ciroUlllD&vigate the law, and his proposal now is substanti~ the sllle as that previously withdrawn under opposition in 1971. 2. 'lbe provision tor waste disposal (which to lIIe as a physician is ot great concern) will be totally inadequate and unsafe. The plans do not take into consideration the soon to be iJlpl1mented regulation ot the Board ot Health regarding cesspools. Being at the dead end ot a tidal basin, pollution is a real threat, and one that cannot be tolerated. ). '!he plot owned by Mr. Neyland is substandard in all regards to the thoughtfully established regulations now operative in the Town. To grant such a variance would be a breech ot trust by the 1:own to those who in good taith have cOlllplied. thereby preserving the nature or the area which makes it 50 attractive. 4. Judging by the size ot the lot, it would be impossible tor Mr. Neyland to construct a building in keeping with those surrounding. '!he immediate result would be one ot esthetic decline, but the long term!" result would be to encourage other such construction and a general downgrading ot the area. o o 2. For all of these l'lilasons. and DIOre, I strongl;v oppose the granting of a variance for this property. For many to accept restrictions for the COIllDlOll good is i.JIlperative it we are to preserve what beauty, health, and fairness we have left. To expect Hr. Neyland to do less would be ludicl'Wl., I urge you to reject this application. JST:am iurs truly, ,rid ~AXa-cA~ ames S. Todd, M. D. . - ::;-",. :f~~,. ~;f.g.L#: 'Hc~ //),117.,/ .. ~~1 ~~7'~':f 0# ~'..J /~i~'~ .4~_..vIl'~" K-e.: Ci:f+ j,..:'r.. ~ f P..dW '>0/ -~ ..-e. /f,.t '1t,....-.." , ~~..,~- .----c...../-<:. ~.... u...J. .#..A-"~r p~. 1~ ha..r~~ ~~ '>ttO'.....-..'J ~, 1 a.. ~ ~ ____....;... ~ . .-h'u. ~.., .. ~ ~.;z.b.. ~ ' ;) ~ ....- 4.;zo +-- 07.. .~ ~?~ 1 ~ __~..a.." i-':J.<- ,...c..' _~~I.~- t ~ _t ,-. .~ ~ _. '>-7-"" -'.' ~. ;j'~ .1...1- ~ ~ ~ " _' '-/d ,/.~ 1 ".L_~ .--y___.'~r' ...I ~ ..-<:-,.~&...,_ (.. ,'. ~ .......--. ~r---T ,..-..J ~ ~..4-y ~ ,..",,-' ~ ~ ...w ,.a...~' "'-- '-><-r ~ ~ ..;. .z..~,..,L -z;, ... ..1- ~ ~ ....-; -~ ......~ __~,;..t.. .Ao- ...-t-- " ..4.<-'/'..L--'7 ~ . j.d-l- i~' ..-=--~. d'.k- .......-y ~ ~ _"..."L ~ -r....,L/ -::..:>...., a.-~~...-<Z "'-'-'- ~a.'..'-. ~ p..- ~. .)....~. _ ../....... I. n' '"1' ./1- .. c.,~ _I..J_ . T ...c.. ~ _ .....,.,; ,v-r ~~..r. ".p.. ~ ....;.v ~ cl..t...(d"p ...<.---f. . 'tV- ~ ......... ..I. d" ~.....:- · 9 t <J. a..J- ~ ~ ~ ...,J. '}....~L1~ ~ ............. '>.-. '>or t ..,-;-Z; . 'Zd~"l..~..:L- -0 -'-' ~..t.-t- .. ""..X' 4 -U-<- _n "1'''&'0/1 L ..""...-L::: . --'---""--7 ~ ---- c:; f?' ./ ... "'P .~ - l?~ A~ ~ ~ ~ .--h- ~, e;>t.--? ~...". ~ fj~ :L ~ ~ /77/- ~~/~ 4'( ~ --t/. A ~ J(......a- e~ E~ <nca-u..;.),~ 1/7~'J (1~-;v;-~- r II eo iL,J~' L:;"_ ',. 'I .#' r:t+~~iRi~JJ o o ~race Lutheran (9hurch 144-12 89th Avenue - Jamaica. New York 11435 Phone: JAmaica 6-6290 SEa Reverend P. GOO, BREUER 89-2+ l<lOth Street Jamaica, N. Y. 11435 Area Code 212 OL 7-3654 Reverend K. M. TAl, Asaociate Pastor 81-14 164th Place, Jamaica, N.Y, 11432 Area Cod. 212 RE 9-1033 9 March 1972 TO: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RE: PETER NEYLAND APPLICATION FROM: Reverend P.Geo.Breuer Dear Sirs, I would like to register my objections to the application of a 'variation' submitted by Peter Neyland to construct a building in Gardiners Bay Estates on land that is insufficient in area and would thereby devaluate my home and property less than 1000 feet removed. In view of the impending regulation regarding the construction of a cesspool at least 100' removed from tidal waters it futhermore seems obvious to me that settling on this property would comprise a polution haz- ard in our lagoon. I believe this coming regulation of the Board of Health is vital and necessary and should be upheld. ~CEJl.E.\~Y . .. \ i) /"") "'-.. .>: '. . . / J~;J (Reverend) P.Geo.Breuer PGB : 1k . . . H. K. PEACOCK MEMORIAI.S INC. 1 EAST FIFlY.SfVENTH mEET/AT FIFIlt AVENUE)'NE1VYOIl22 MONUMENTS. MAUSOLEUMS KENSICO EXHIBIT. VAlJW.I.A N. Y.. WHln PlAINS 9.3240 LONG ISlAND STUDIO. E.W1LL1STON N.Y.' PIONEER 2.5014 HAROLD ). SCHALLER PRESIDENT March 9, 1972 NEW YOIl OFFICE TELEPHONE: PlAzA 3-8181 Board of Zoning Appeals Southold Town Hall Ma in Stree t Southold, New York 11971 Gen tlemen : !E.:._p=.t=r_N=.y.!.a!!.d_A~p.!.i5:.a!.i~n_ I wish to make an objection to the above application for a vari- ance to build on a lot at east side of Cedar Lane and northwest corner of Spring Point, owned by Peter Neyland. While I am in sympathy with the applicant'S wish to build on said lot, I feel it would be a mistake to grant permission because of the following objections. 1. The lot is less than half the minimum required size, namely 5;000' square feet, instead of 12,500 square feet. 2. Septic tanks and cess pools would be too close to the road and water. 3. A house of 1,000 square feet would take up 20% of the lot. This would not be in keeping with the spaciousness that now prevails on other lots in the Estates, and a smaller house would tend to downgrade the community. 4. If a variance is granted, it would set a precedent that any- thing could be built with no regard to the prevailing re- strictions. I trust that you will consider the above permit to build. Thank you. HJS/rd I I JJ . . March 7, 1972 360 Bayview Drive East Marion, New York 11939 Southold Town Planning Board Town Court Building Southold, New York Gentlemen: I want to go on record as being opposed to the granting of permission to construct a building on the numberless lot in Gardiners Bay Estates adjacent to the Samuel Fry property Lot #126. This numberless lot was understood by all of the residents of Gardiners Bay to be a freeway but in spite of this it was sold to Mr. Peter Neyland. It is too small an area for construction and completely inadequate to house water and sewage facilities. I feel that any decision in this regard should held at this time of year when the majority of residents of Gardiners Bay Estates are away. not be the Yours very truly, \ i / ! c. ---------7' Ltc . ._H_ / /.-1 ttl&;;::/! ;'(>.?L:kA,-~/n. Coley ,J. Brown o o Board of ZOniD,g Appeals Ton of Sout.llolcl, IIaiD Street" Sout.llold, Ifew York ll97l. 738 IfB 72 Terrace lIi_i, Florida 33138. lfarch 3,1972 rei Peter Ifeyland application. Geatlemenl I wish to eater 8J1 obJectioa to a permit beiDg sraated to build a residence oa t.lle ex BIt lot qbg between lots 126 aDd 127. 'lbe plot ill question faUI far short of t.lle 12,500 sq.ft.. requ:1red by t.lle Ton of Sout.llol4. livery house oa Cedar Laae except oae, 18 on. & lot larger t.llaa required. The one exception_U1t.1IIUJ 7ears 8&., i8 on.& lot more t.ll8J1 twice the d.e of the one in quesUon.Buildillg a houee on this ...U lot would c1cmJgrade Cedar LaDe aad depreciate property values in the iDBediate neighborhood. It would be 1aposs:l.ble to install a cesspool on this lot t.llat would be 100 ft. frQlll tidal water ill conformity with the new requ:1relll8nt taJdzw effect April 1.l97&. 'lbe seep".t_ a>>e tp t.lle .ue-up of the suti-soil, would qU1ckJ.;y contaminate 'the waters of SpriDB PoJll4. 1hia application is obvieueJ, an effort to c:1rcUIlIVent the new requ:1remeat of the Board of Health. Last year 1Ir. Ife71aDd witJadrew his appl1cat:Loa for a pe1'l8it ae to the unexpected stro. oppoa1tlon of so ....,. residents of the area. This latest applicatloa 18 tilled whea .oat of the. opposition 1s not ill residence 8J1d caJdlOt be present at the hearbg. cc tol Ill' Duncan J: Longworth,G.B.E.C. ~ o o March 10, 1972 Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Main street Southold, New York 11971 ReI Peter Neyland applieation Hearing seheduled Mareh 16, 1972 Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to protest against approval of the above application. The reasons in support of this protest are as follows: 1. Mr. Neyland's property has a square footage area that is less than one half that required by present local zoning regu.lations. This deficiency would tend to downgrade the area generally, depreciate the value of surrounding homes and property and as well set a dangerous precedent for the future. 2. The Neyland property was tidal marshland until bulkheaded and filled about one year ago. As such it could not contain the sand and ground base required for safe and proper functioning of a cesspool. Further, there is no way in which a cesspool could be installed on this property and meet the 'oard of .eal th requirement that no cesspool can be constructed within 100 feet of tidal or lake water which becomes effective April 1, 1972. There is clearly a question of contamination of adjacent water in this case. 3. It is questionable whether this property should ever have been sold for residential building. It does not appear on survey maps of the area as a numbered plot designated for that purpose. On the contrary as tidal marshland it was used as a right-of-way reserved for the convenience of local residents to launch boats. This was the case for ID&llY years until The Gardners Bay Company sold the property to Mr. Neyland. 4. The bulkheading subsequently installed by Mr. Neyland is in itself suspect. He extended his property beyond mean high water and in the process encroached on the rights of others whose property borders on the tidal water in question. Beyond this the filling of wetlande involved is contrary to the spirit if not the law of today-'s efforts to preserve wetlands and minimize contamination of tidal and lake waters. t , ~ o o 2. I make this protest as a property ownsr in Gardners Bay Estates in the interest of the oommunity as a whole. More speoifically, I make it as a party of speoial interest beoause my property in part shares a oommon line wi th that of Mr. Neyland. My property is designated as lots 125 and 126 in the offioial survey maps of Gardners Bay Estates whioh is on file in the offioe of Southold Township. I took title to this property on November 23, 1970 and was assured that Mr. Neyland would never be able to build a house beoause of zoning regulations and the strong opposition of other residents to granting of variances necessary for him to do sa. In fact about a year ago Mr. Neyland told me personally he had abandoned any idea of building and intended to use the property only for mooring a houseboat. He stated to me that the strong opposition by local residents at a previous hearing before the zoning board on an application to build had led him to this decision. All this to the contrary he has now filed a second application with the board and it doesn't seem unoalculated that he has elected to do so at a time when other property owners are not in residence. Mr. Neyland's previous application was opposed by personal representation of many residents at the board hearing of his case and this led to hill aforementioned withdrawal of it. It seems likely he would be equally opposed by personal representation at the upcoming hearing on March 16, 1972 were people in residenoe at this time of year and able to be present. His propositian is the same basically the only change being that his property as he now represents it is larger in square footage (even though still far short af zoning requirements) and this is the result of questionable bulkheading and filling of tidal land. In view of the foregoing I respectfully urge that the application of Mr. Neyland be denied by the Board of Zoning Appeals. ;<6e..~ truly y. ours, /) /. f}.,LJ ~~ UL<A-~ n '~ Samuel L. Frey ~. 60 #OP-~ Ct- ()tuc!~ ~ {J ~.' 3. frJ70 ;;~ rff 1-/091 <. L L ;$rf-/:3f ~/~CP: [/'1~/JY //pr ~~1~~ /~ 1 ~ ~/Jf//'17/ ~. ii?e~ ~ fg,,- NE"Y<-A.viJ , - kJ2~k~4~/ JZ~ .. ~~ · :de- . i~~'~ ~,;<J. / ?~.a:7~ ~/Z1~ dA- :k c~ ~ r l'~~~/U~' ~~h~C2~ ~ ~~ ~~ .;H~ t70)(/t>O) ~ Ud~cw.d ~~~~&uli 1kMv~ . . !k4 ~~ ~ vi .-<?.:,q- f3 J;- 1'/ .- L' .. fr~, < S"nd"d N, Y. B.T. U. Fo,m 8001: 2-66-IOM-Qui"bim O"d-lndividu.1 0' Co'pomion (Singl. Shoo,) CONSULT YOUR LA,-EFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMBIY-THIS ..._ SHOUlD .. VlID .Y LAWYDI ONLY. nus INDENTURE, made ~e day of ,nineteen hundred and seventy-one BETWEEN GARDINERS BAY COMPANY, INC., a New York corporation, having its principal place of business at No. 120 Rockaway Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York, party of the first part, and PETERT. NEYLAND II and DIANE DOIDTHY NEYLAND. his wife, both residing at No. 115 Broadway, Rockville Centre, Nassau County. New York, " party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by th~ party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the seco,nd part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ~ected, situate, lying and beingJiJx::lbe at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: I BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the easterly line of a private road known as "Cedar Lane" at the southwesterly corner of lot 126, as shown on "Map of Gardiners Bay Estates, Section n", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map # 275; from said point of beginning running along said lot 126, o !t, N. 63 52'30 E. - 47.3 feet to a bulkhead at ordinary high water mark of Spring Pond; thence along said bulkhead, two courses: /"" o (1) S. 33 00' W. - 12.5 feet; thence o (2) S. 56 30' E. - 76.5 feet; thence through land of the party of the first part and through waters or said Spring Pond, S. 37045'W. - 62.7 feet to lot 127 as shown on said map; thence along said lot 127, S. 63052'30" W. - 19.0 feet to an iron pipe on said easterly line of "Cedar Lane"; thence along said easterly line, N. 26007' 30" W. - 100.0 feet to the point of :JljEGINNING', Containing 5, 260, square feet. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. i" I AND the party of the first IX<rt, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the' party of the firSt part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considc eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: I I .STATE~ OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OFO On the day of 19 personally came .T--..------- " ss: STATE OF NEW Y. COUNTY OF , before me On the day of personally came , before me to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same, described in and who and acknowledged that STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 197 1 , before me I I, I , I,I that he is the of Gardiners Bay Company, Inc. , tlie corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. Notary Public fluiklllim mee)) TITLE NO. GAR DINERS BAY COMPANY, INC. TO PETER T. NEYLAND II and DIANE DOroTHY NEYLAND, his wife STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK IOARD OF nTLE UNDERWRlnRS Dis,ribuud by ! I " !: I I I , , .' !'; " w I u I a: I 0 " Z ;; .. 0 U w .. .. 0 w .. :> .. 0 .. w U <( Go .. .. % I- w > .. w .. w co THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPA.iVY CHART"'D, ,.,,11II 'H H'W YORK ss: 19 to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing' instrument, whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ... 19 , before me with duly that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded IJt Request of The Title Guarantee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO: Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Box 247, Main Road Mattituck, New York Z;p No. 11952 i I ~ !I-: ;i ;;i ~ ~j ~ \ -') o!l .~ ~ -~ r I 1! I i I ~, 1J i . ~ II it ~ . ,r: . H , \") , i' >J.' If ~i :~ !J " :; . ~:~ ) , - ) '~ i ; z . I d it : ~ t .~. "_'-.''=''-='''' - ~..-~"_-:nJ~rT,.~w..- il' , .- ---. -- -----='-- --, -' '-..... ------e---------------.. -,:.:~.- -.._'-- j t,: .~<;.:~ ::'.. ',~' ~ ~ 19,0 ~. b~<5? '2')' L.().'I ; 2"-( " .:"." <\.... \ ~'>' . . . J".!_". . ~ : . >~~'-,,:::' 'j i:",!,) r-~\,>h~ ~? (~.- ~) ,~' .. :':'-:. r ",,' -4"'" .. ,/ (-,../ . ,-, ".- C .: ,..../ -0 ~~~ .(\ \~ \ '5' . \ \;'j.. 'r.', . 7--~-<~ , ' , ..I ../ ,~<5'''l:> "" '!)"t ... -:; ~'. -,.-'~ ~.. -/. bY .,/~ /" J / ~/\ --~ //".' \', ~ \ ' \ , \\ \\ ~/ I 'r ;? // , , I; , Ii ij /; ,',."IJ! ",/ 'r/" .. , . , \ \\ ,..1. " . . , I / / / 1 / ",-< " f' ~ f i -I;. I I! ~ I t, , j~ I.' i l.! Iry r- -r E. D,., Jl.....J, ,...~'-i/ I ',jj" I\J D rS' L. I " n...:" C I - 'J~~ '~~.. . -~~-'---'- .'.,.... '.....' LK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ..' LTH . .,; H.D.Rei'erencElNo .So.....\>tJ.l). . ..WESTERN DISTB.lc:T,'. COMMACK, N. Y. '. . .' .' . " 'APPLICATION FOR APPROYALTO CONSTRUCTPRIv:ATE SEWAGE .DIsroSAL SYSTEMS Dat'/ht.171 . . . Approval to construct said . systems is requElsted,pe.rP:nent. data herewith: ..e .... ..... 1~APplicantlE1Ff,rjJej~ "",J). :::z: . Phone to Il.('.) 6-Sub div C""':','J1iJ/L'jd I.."d/ Addt-ess j'-~ 'I.':'" '",r'''' /.. J;Ju.r'I/ ..'~',.~( }.:.' i,..;{~ ~;j,,-,( ii )'j.."j';f i. ,;;;t. /1 ;'It::~ 7-Section . 2-Detalle<:l, property 10lla Hon,; '.' ': i f ,.~ ,/(.~, i,' Pi "d';:' 8-L!): No.'-"'- . Hamlet;- . of/':" ." h J',J)., '.. ToW'll.;." ; r;'> ,fl. ,,),.:. 9':'PrJ.vate .lfEl1l1 y:.t...) . J-Public.Water Supply name .' '., ,,'J' . Diil~i1eEl to nearestinain .' ,I":' $". . . ...... 4~Lot Shel Width~ft. . Length .; ::ft.'>(!llso~hter on center plot plan below:);- 5-Dw(il'lling: Single Family J.Al Two Fam1-1y<lLJCellar1U Slab? L1 Crawl, S7~1 ,J!9,i; 10::'Proposed.,-stem: Septic tank l.~/,Precast LI(fCesspools:L..IShallow pOols. . OtherD:.. l1-Septic tank inside dimensions: VOl\llllElI(>%iIs.Length~rt. Wid~h ?rt. Liqui.d depth-z'f't.: 12-Precailtsections: &NumberI!YSquareFt. Cesspools: Block .sizeL.-;..incs.D_ins.H_ins.,i Total blocks below inlet: 1H_*2_*J_ . PLOT PLAN ',. W&t../. Indi ate ..... . .. .,. .' ,,, " . . No th ,. <. The UnderilignedCEltTIFIESi.. "Construetion of authorized ins'tallations will. be. in accordance with the S,uffolkCounty Health D.partments 'current StanP.ards, Bulletins, and amendments' thereto; .c01.'e,ring Private se\4a~: Disposal Systems". '/ Date ,I. /,,' . Si gn-..l " ,. ; ":.. . .,," , "..; ~ - # -', - .::: , Owner or Builder ", i " c> II . .... ., +> +>00 oV'\..... ..... .,; s.. +>.... Gl .,; .el +> Gl +> .,; ~'9" ...., ~'cr:. g "'lIl .,; o:l ., o s.. ~ UlO.,.j ,-i"r-'I 011> , 8.Gl+> :l:$.9 Q) .. +l t)~l!l all~-:;l O')J..t,b,O .......,lIl ..... [I' Glt.el ~e:\3 OGl:!;! ..,..,~ "!:all Gl OGl.el ";O+> ~~ ~ II> s.. Gl .... :O....:i 'U(J')s.. . :> 0 Gl o.,+> .el......,; (J')c(rs:l " Tank CapacitY.L1..Gals. ." ,." ,j '/ r r;t:tlJt ~j!;" ,1//J " -~.1 _...~ <- I ~J i -- 'Po III =:I> 0 cn/ll. '-~ l .> Y..~ -, Grade '~ ;::- , X=: -- ....... I,.. C .,.....f/ ~l / ,,;...-, v ~/.... ,...-.... PI ! c- P N -.J ' .(.,1 rJ/'..r ,'r~ .{. ,..,i' ''?''(~';'- . "" r;)~/<.:/-..:t- :,-~ ,,' J"\.., ",.", 1'7- O/;~9'"i-<(:J." .; 1;',0' , ';; (, '~~ ,; -...- ';' Street. . I, 8 10 12 14 ,. '::I~" ."'If II ^ F'4.,'" IIi.: JJ .;.,Ii-- . i Ii C " j.,.' v .\1 7 I;-'} 1'7.# i .'~ ... ./( . - ~ -: ,;-:'(?';'~'.~; ~ -. ..,,~ FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY. Based on the information presented herelrl,th, it is the opinion of the Health Department, that an adequate and satisfactory Sewage Disposal System can be installed on this Plot. ~. . . /i I' , DateY-h. - )( ?Sj./ined /L/rt( Iv(. ~ (10/65 Revis.) Jt,. . S-lSW .., . j ",,: 1. i ' . j \"\'6 \. 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