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L ,�/,i/iii is. •••sdSQFFO(�-cOG ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE t� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK o L P.O.Box 1179 Southold, REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER � ,ji �4 $ Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER41 °� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ��� southoldtown.northfork.net ,,,� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD II TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville, Southold Town Clerk DATED: December 17, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5280 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 5280 of Lana Pih Jokel for a variance. Also included is: Short Environmental Assessment Form; Notice of Disapproval dated November 19, 2002; letter of authorization; Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form; Project Description; ZBA Questionnaire; survey and plans. O • OFR ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE /4h� 4 : Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK % o - P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER `� Fax�����, Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER : �Oi *a0"to Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER _ .9southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk DATED: December 17, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5280 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 5280 of Lana Pih Jokel for a variance. Also included is: Short Environmental Assessment Form; Notice of Disapproval dated November 19, 2002; letter of authorization; Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form; Project Description; ZBA Questionnaire; survey and plans. LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY,MARCH 20, 2003 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN,pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on Thursday, March 20, 2003, at the time noted below(or as soon thereafter as possible): 10:00 a.m. Lana Pih Jokel #5280 — Applicant requests a Variance under Section 100-230F(2) based on the Building Department's November 19, 2002 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant is proposing to convert an accessory garage to livable floor area by a breezeway instead of enclosed living area. The accessory garage does not have direct access between the rooms and made an integral part of the existing livable floor area of the principal building for single-family use. Location of Property: 1100 Marratooka Lane, Mattituck; Parcel 1000-115-3-18.1 and 18.3 (combined lot area of 77,708 sq. ft.). The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: February 25,2003. Lydia A.Tortora, Chairwoman Board of Appeals 4 ' FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 19, 2002 TO: Mark Schwartz A/C Jokel PO Box 933 Cutchogue,NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated November 19, 2002 For permit to convert an accessory garage, attached by a conforming breezeway, to a pool house at Location of property: 1100 Marratooka Lane, Mattituck, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 115 Block 3 Lot 18.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed alterations on this conforming 52,272 square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-230F(2), which states; "In the event of a change from an accessory storage or garage use to livable floor area, the breezeway and garage-storage area may only be converted by direct access between the rooms and made an integral part of the existing livable floor area of the principal building for single- family use." Total lot covera.e of+/- 13 •ercent will be maintained. 9/ A P orized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do lave or need the following,before applying? . TOWN HALL • Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey www. northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined , 20 Contact: (�/,� Approved ,20 Mail to: A14e .. ✓. HW4g/"x - Dnsapproved a/c Pa 6oX 933 C Phone: 734- 4/15' Expiration _,20 Building Inspector ` APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 3 Date ////i /0 i ,20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This a cation MUSi e completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of pl ate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code,and re tions,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (S : ' N of applicant or I: ,if a corporation) pc £ DX' 933 lice Av�J /(9)f (Mailing address bf applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, ent, architect, gineer, general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises P. JO g E t--- (As (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land o which proposed work will be done: ,/� ,/ _which x_ (...-4•1u E.. /(c X4 —7 TvCk__ House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section /f,.� Block 03 • Lot 18. Subdivision Filed Map No. .I Lot (Name) -, 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy //A)6 LE_ FA Ar/C y /2Ef- w( G /11 F. . b. Intended use and occupancy SiotfG . C- 4/}A'!/C Y /2Ef. ci-V taOo C tta v fE 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration ✓< Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost 443 5- OD Fee / (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. Svc �E 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any: Front SE Rear/ Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with aite(ations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height ' Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front SEE IPC Reaarr Depth Height Number of Stories � 9. Size of lot: Front SE E s--viie Depth 10.Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated , ? 4-Q 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO X 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO p.o. l ax 1069 14.Names of Owner of premises * P. J OKE L Address Q,ew6EttA 1PTan,J Phone No. 5.?7 - 03 3 Z Name of Architect fA/eK J cHw7 2T'2 Address Od !Sax 735 Phone No 7 34- 4 (Sf ,V` C4 !�-a4vE Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO *IF YES,D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) 4/e k sG# ii//tie 1 Z being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant ame of individual signing contract)above named, (S)He is the 4izc ,- rr.-e i /6 41-- (Contra ,Agent, ' orporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application, that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this it 1 day of 1\1 D\ ( 20 02—. / 04 (* c.iL---- di' Notary Public Signature of li scant LYNDA M.BOHN NOTARY PUNo.0 C,BState of New York Qualified in Suffolk Coun Term Expires March 8,20 MIL APPLK,tiTION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS /mer — Tor Office Use O,ell, Fee• $ *1 Flied By ZJ//L01. 10 plzS Date Assignecl Assignment Office Notes: Parcel Location: House No. 1100 Street/ /, pit,A GfA/E _ Hamlet/ f9r/71 . (8.( SCTM 1000 Section 1/5 Block 03 Lot(s)/8.3 Lot Size (.7 4 Zone District le4O I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: 1/// /l Z Applicant/Owner(s): / L,ArN 4 P1 H J 014� (� Mailing ,/ 92 Address: 19.0 . ,.6ox !0 D Io cfm/, o7T/.v, iv r o 9 3'2- Telephone: 5 3 7 , 0 3 3 7-- NOTE: NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee, etc. Authorized Representative:, ( A'reic JG ffW 1914 q Address: 0 . 6xx / 3 3 Cvi--6 40E NY 1/ /3c Telephone: 7 3 4-- 4/I'S Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s) XAtithorized Representative ❑ Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED /09/02. FOR: A Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use ❑ Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article )( I i ' Section 100- 2 3Op(z)Subsection F(Z) Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: XA Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑ Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section ❑ Reversal or Other A prior appeal❑ haskhas not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: THE Axl 577 U She)c7zt1C - (WA LLS 4A/r) gooF ) �4JALL.IgEM,4/N• Tye 64x44E (70012wiBE reM aveo 1 NES/ wrNOaN/S 410 000/2 S /N-s']7¢C.C„E,0 (5g rt--#1705) (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: Tlf-E t3/2 -ZE c c%gc, / S E>Gl STIA)G, 4-i'- 0 �-T-0vE PL. T-1- #2/ii 4,v49 FEA./c. n/U S H-4 c.c— R E A44/4) S4/14E, 4-5 -�-1 (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: USE tutu. et-A44,4) 77/ J,447E: S/N61,6 FAM/(-r ier supj7.3(. PDoL z`ftu SE). (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( X) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART 8, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, lease •roceed to the signature and notary area below. i Signature of Appella it or A thorized Agent Sworn to befor me this 4.f( (Agent must submit A or , ation from Owner) day of .... . .. a K200Z. 414,etA (Notary Pubic) ZBA App 9/30/02 LINDA J.COOPER Notary Public,State of New York No.4e22563,Suffolk County Tani Expires DecsiTebur s i,�8.�®to 6 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicant(s) IAA/4 RI./ r_ t1 I If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed. A Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building. Dimensions/size 5'4n1e., f Uo7'2/,77 - A/p 4-✓Jv/77OA) Square footage B Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the existing building. Dimensions/size. l6 LF E "/J77ti4 64_gof* 4.7f. OaQd2 Square footage. II If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction Dimension/size Square footage. Height III Purpose and use of new construction requested in this applicatio Sl/VCCE F/9M is CO JV E/2T �x r77 ti/4 G4-124 gcsiolc Poo c. t-/vd E (SEF. eC mss) IV Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s) V. Please submit seven (7) photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction 7/02 Please note' Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure Thank you, - • 1" ....---.• ......_ _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD /4, _ /oi,--- OWNER STREET ,/f VILLAGE DIST.' SUB. LOT - 1 f*-----...j , _..-, . I), k--e-c ..ifrIA le r,9706A-',1 2 /4/1/ /, :-,4 f:"7-7.,:.t -,t-d 7 ...,..% QW JFORMER _NER t'l' -„. i,,g , /1 ACR. icl (. 1-"Wob rincaA. 46)-c. z,„,,,,e te.i,_,_-„e_. ,,. ,,,/,,,,,,,,,, i4—>...ef--r-- .--.? :45, _ i ;.,- 1 11.-: Rehrlig WoCti)Ctet>:PACe_ 1*(41 S - W TYPE OF BUILDING LST. A/ ri uEeiT E IA1, .1.7 oLDSrli IT A "-""^e)`' -7;4,4t ,„. • t. ,,• ,Tr. ,:,t,,,,,,,,IL___ / s ,,;., /(;.'p Hc hf FS. ,2 /0 SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. - TOTAL DATE REMARKS _ ACO b LI 7.0 ° ,rAt k i/7 6 s>1 7- pot- is 7,' 6 f iti. Z.;o L D.7"';/ TR' /,'J /il, &hit.? 140,,0, f-7 Y30 , _ ,4____, 9 6 0 6 3 0 o • 0...? 0 a I/ /2,„/4/23 4/1--q7,-, a/o) -.7(,7,),e-i /0 /64,, -, ‘; .„,,_/lex -1.5"-/ .* -, "4 .• /° _..1sr II 3 0 0 .. . .. . 67; y O& V 5702 SY 76 1'15184 ifCtGiO: IQ_ r")) I'll-3 ?b(-,L 't..- r:,`::0-1-C-- *gf 7- i 06 4,„1700 i . S Eic.)C / ,t 1 t 4 e b I e'1 ij-. 1(.... .5.)', ,- -. r -4,.. Low c ( Z3.5, --) 40 Lowe,if Nt - i( 401 10 ii) -LI al qaio;DS'-.R)rry)00 .,o4---fo , ok>9_, t4t:oot .„........_ . i AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEVV NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre . ' a' ,/ -7 -- -- /2/O Tillable 1;i. .1: =. _;4. ,21-..-) FRONTAGE ON WATER d-, :; , -} - -!' X4.57-- . if. 41ifz Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD :l 0 / -,...=. Meadowland DEPTH 6 /.,,, :;..ic House Plot . BULKHEAD Total DOCK - – _ . —. ......0 lamia...,•-.am, efformitamka• ....i.. -, _ • , _ ik.,1 '`, - • .-.1_-,,,,. COLOR G ReZ-,Al TRIM L...I-I i-r. C , . - I - ----;--- ---- i . • . . i Iit r :IS I 1 ilk 1 '7 H - 4 14 41111111111110. . I - - / ....?3 rim.............................. . ' I g I . M. Bldg. 9)( 4/o Extension / /63 g73_3/ ' 1 ;....11........"1/-vrt I I I I ' 1 I [I It I I_ _ - dation ,C 3 j Bath 2.. Dinette rnent /.7,., 1._ 4— Floors o •.' A: K. Walls Interior Finish LR. t4.4,‘,D $.4:-/,,v ,....• Place HeatV7DR." p_'S .0 Roof Rooms 1st Floor IBR. 1, eation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B , , ier Driveway • I, - - ..., .....„ GUARANTEES INDICATED HERE ON SHALL RUN SURV F ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY _ IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE DESCRIBED rr?OPERTY 77TLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY LENDING INSTITUTION. IF LISTED HEREON AND FOUND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INS77TUT70N. CONC GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO MON SITUATE UATE ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TQ THIS N/F WOODHULL 351 .00' MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF _ Y THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA AON LAW SUFFOLK , N. 1 Y. w1RE FENCE r-) COPIES SURVEYORS EMBOSSEDT SEALSHALLN 8ING 2' 20'�O"� 2 THE . 7-, NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE N SURVEYED FOR: LANA P. JOKEL COPY ` I it EN1 WIRE O CESSPOOL reU re.)5' 101 FENCE p r g I a�j�ywr jTM# 1000-115-03-18 1, 18 3 GUARANTEED TO up . 5 t -IYLS WELL LANA P JOKEL FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO L TM#100-115-03- 18 1 '3 ,`s��_ 176 2' I DOCK v ONE STORY p o RESIDENCE su�8t lk 145' ZrfIA ) FLOORELEV 31 5 FINAL GRADE CA CJI CO PAT10 GAZEBO III INV O II vs21 5' , \� EL 29 24 MAX O L3I�'y�—'� ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 1/q•Pew foot COVER °�"ON 1P`"o'a0 z CHAIN UNK EXISTING EL/ 1000 90/ `7/8^ FENCE %N-GROUND �'oo GARAGE ® EL 28.5 septic tank, INV f foot ,r„ precast 4, POOL O W I EL 31.5 EL 28 0 cesspool Y 0 _ - - - - SLATE ;n_ 0 EL INV 9 — — — 154.4' _ 10' 8' O ,\ - - - - _ 2183' , _----- -154.4 min. 8' w ' m/n Ct PROPOSED POOL HOUSE !)O (GARAGE CONVERSION) 131.5' TM#1000-175-03-78.3 z Qi PROPOSED: ii (.O ONE 1000 GAL SEP 77C TANK i z,_ ONE 4'HIGH CESSPOOL RING Frt♦E FOUNDD �2' 0 CONI. /7'. N MON. N 80.56'50 ^O / N W 2-RAIL 0 I r- O in N/F CUDDY FENCE I ZO N CE N0.2' Oi 373.87 W 22' SURVEYED: 15 MAY 2002 NI- FOUND SCALE 1"= 40' CONC. MON. AREA = TM# 03-18.1=52,955.31 S.F. SUFFOLK TM# 03-18.3=24,752.99 S.F. tIN;YDI APT ! NT—t};: 1 HE—ATI SERVICES TOTAL AREA OF �� ' �vS� 17 N. 77,708.30 S.F. OR 1.783 ACRES 111) 1✓ <;�`� . O��fi`� CESSP.� �v +LIz. P'° • i-c�rr g� VE Ci E— dJS ZuiiL `r SURVEYED BY DATE - rn EISF�E `, '�.�ilD • _ "o } STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. II S?11•n� S H W I 1 1 _ "' _i s P.O. BOX 294 APP).`OVEL '��� fid►�l;il� ,i��1��;15 .,..._,_.�- _ . __ �1 A. 0°'WATA��.0 I tj ROX LOC) �" p�;�j � NEW SUFFOLK. N.Y. 1 1956 t�'t)�ti?A _'~!?:;m.7 �). s .6P',.EROWNER NEW SUFE 631 IT34-5835 IIXPpS f!-TREE YEARS OM DATE OF APPROVAL UCK AVENUE 2. 8 AUGUST 02 SHOW PROP. SANITARY SYSTEM 4 '' ICENS '� •ND SURVE 1. 2 AUGUST 02 SHOW EXISTING AND PROP. WELLS/CESSPOOLS, PROP. POOL HOUSE NYS Li 'No. 49273 02R 1 131 SURVEY OF PROPERTY CERTIFIED TO: i� /v ERIC Q. KEIL AT A ATTITUCK T O 1 OF SOU' THOLD BRENDA C. KEIT COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1000-107-07-03 SCALE: 1 "=30' DEC. 13, 2000 DEC. Et, 2001 (TOPOGRAPHICAL p O) A ;904 A 3�N tiFgy ���1`�k W` 4111::t. a A.'4►' itt Ob 'D ti a Q¢� *qr0Cve w I\Z / mow , /S 6 ,' Ni 9 0 Oma ' 0,,,>:--4/ T ��'a v2� ���Q-r .4, iis,,,,,i) o � ' ,°r's c, - -, �`£ 4 IA li14 R=26.03' �! 56.79' , VI 4: ...___._ Ar so ,,c. ,t, ,q, 4,,.c,- ,s,, c, to ., I. a sii447 4- C Os I 4. / .. � 2 j % /' ', At, e46' ein y COIYC / /l a • BGG q AGC PATIO i y,� ":$0.4- S •I •-CD4,. , ' r A t Nit,m O D \_ 0:1/4.74: (yl r� - -J '3' //!ilii/ ,r},b ir _,m �......_ N C ,p E- T $ ,ci < �, s I N Pill _"'____� E D R o L. •ry r � ' le A v P14?* iv g CQN � _�� 1 Q o Rf .._ Q i�•r � 1 i Fip � 1. y. t. fti % • , J p .4 6 C5 SHAD ' - WAL I, -a4,6, b F� 1 lir f •y r.p . O . 1 S►/ I FE ' E 'n" --.s-...e. ., WALL a.4'S �� "E ac. !i ,' /; ' N 85.54'30• w . ,,, U iF NEW y0 , f.. i. METz P4.141/0/rNSON , (ID- �� y FLOOD YOIfES FROM FIRM 36/03COM3 6 (*JAY 4, 1998 �4 `, „ . s. O corm* LIVES MIE R TO NSW. - f < ,: .. '``` IC. NQ, 4 961$ -ANY AL TERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION PECC1NfC ' "i ,! ''II . '.C. OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. (631) 765 - FAX:(631) 765-1797 EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS - A , 12O, 1 8.F. P. fl. BOX 909 .. HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF1230 TRAVELER STREET SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR _ III I MQNUNENT lacunsSQUTHOL D, NY, 11971 0 0 -- 341 WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. e FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 19, 2002 TO: Mark Schwartz A/C Jokel PO Box 933 Cutchogue,NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated November 19, 2002 For permit to convert an accessory garage, attached by a conforming breezeway, to a pool house at Location of property: 1100 Marratooka Lane, Mattituck, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 115 Block 3 Lot 18.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed alterations on this conforming 52,272 square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-230F(2), which states; "In the event of a change from an accessory storage or garage use to livable floor area, the breezeway and garage-storage area may only be converted by direct access between the rooms and made an integral part of the existing livable floor area of the principal building for single- family use." Total lot covera:e of+/- 13 •ercent will be maintained. / A P orized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. , APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS For Office Use Orrl p Fee:$ Filed By Date Assigned/Assignment No. U Office Notes• Parcel Location: House No. 1100 Street/kO,f 4 GfAvC-- Hamlet AlittrXr.e.. 18• SCTM 1000 Section 1/5 Block 03 Lot(s)/8,3 Lot Size 1.7 4 Zone District 04-a I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: 1/// 9/0 Applicant/Owner(s): / LAN f} P1 H (- Mailing p 2 �j Address: f •a . 6o) 1 o e ,V2'O6 Eft-4,4// T v, /(/7 0932- Telephone: /932- Telephone: 5-37 , O 3 3 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. / ( Authorized Representative: /L c#i"1'w.rz,, Address: P. 0 . 15.0e / 3 3 C/r (t)40E N y 1/ Telephone: 7 3 ¢- 4/ffS I Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s) Authorized Representative ❑ Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED / 9/OZ FOR: / Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use ❑ Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article XX Section 100- 2 3 � Subsection Z Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑ Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section 0 Reversal or Other A prior appeal❑ hasKiias not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year 1 . I . Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a etriment to nearby properties if granted, because: Tii-IE E)CIST1N G ST)e)civie - (WALLS 11ND RoaF ) .HAIL 1eEIy1,4/N• TYE 6A/Z4GE voo,e wIL.L- 8 rE,H avEo , Now wrNnaJf .4iJO i70012 s INs c.c-Eo (5EE rte'` JS) (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: TOE s tet c ze u/ I 5 E)c1 STlA)G, 4-N0 NE-r4 9T #vE rLAl T—PerzAl "IN1° FEN c •iv�a SH'-4Lc.- RE M4/A) (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: S/1/4 E. 4.5 -44-1 (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: USE tva,c. dirt 4i•c) 7I/E s-44-/E: S/NGGe f,4M/(,r /Zc sioE i/mic. (With "It Pool. rive"sz). (5) Has the variance been self-created? (X) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the signature and notary area below. Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent Sworn to before me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) day of 200_. (Notary Public) ZBA App 9/30/02 Lana Pih JokeC 541 St. Pauls Lane P.O. Box 1089 Bridgehamyton, New York 11932 (631) 537-0332 To "Wham this may Concern: • I, Lana JokeC, authorize .dark Schwartz, AI - .Architect, to act as agent for the Southold Zoning Board of.Appeals Application. This proposed construction project is located at Jvlaratooka Lane, Ji4attituck (SCTitl# 1000-115-03-18.1, 18.3) Sincerely, ,________-7‘.... .,,, / A Lana PTI/Jokel i . 1 - 4 • l . 1416-4 12x671—Text 12 • PROJECT 1.0.NUMBER 617.21 SEQF Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPUCANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME 4' 77, .4,2c-f1� 7- LA�yf� JOKE( t VSE J. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality '' MiF1/ 711G14-. County 51/FF01_j 4. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address and road intersections.prominent landmarks,etc..or provide maol 1100 til 4ie 4 Too(-4 C./r"v E • .394 i A1o2 771 O F NE/....) .rc/pr-aL k 4rEivvE it.t: 47-1 Te/C,ie- / /v y 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: 0 New 0 Exoanslon JModifIcation/alteratlon j 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: . Co#lVEre.T- .XIST1AJ4 4ccEcso/er G/FI-4* E 7-D r'eoc. tfauSE Gdry vEc7d 7`a ,ext,7-7A.i4 tfvoJ,E (...// 4 60 SF D/"EAJ .. CS(LEC-7,E 1„ .q„l. 7. AMOUNT OF LANO AFFECTED: i Initially D acres Ultimately 0 _ acres 6. WILL PROPOSED CTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OA OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ❑Yes No If No.describe briefly A' G A44 40 4? E4 Al Oa/c ry 0E Ce>'V c/Eie-j-t- *D LI U' 9(-E J'P *E .QIP,}y_ a I2 C CT /t4-cc c$i' PG e...,,,, 41.fe � H�“rt- 09-14,40 Ci/1'YL r. I�f m"eci c47704/ til -Inv o' e'v t5ae j-z 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? _ta 0 Residential 0 Industrial ❑Commercial 0 Agriculture 0 Park/ForesuOpen soace Other Describe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNOING.NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL STATE OR LOCAy� 0 Yes No If yes,list agency(s)and permiUaoprovais 11. DOES ANYCT OF THE ACYI.:V HAVE A CURRENTLY VAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? 0 Yes to if yes.ksl agency name and permit/approval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes ❑No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIOEO ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE • f •� Applicanusponser name: /f-lex xSC:.!647--7Date: l L/4 Z//4 ZSignature: _a1K.. [ If the action is in the Coastal Area. and you are a state agency, complete me • Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment • OVER 1 • PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicant(s) PL, Jai I If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed. A Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building_ Dimensions/size '4n11 FO7/ 2/,77 - /VO '4✓v/77 eA.) Square footage B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the existin building. Dimensions/size: �6 L F E,'/J77/V 4.1 f• / .go Square footage. II. If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction' Dimension/size Square footage Height (� rp requestedpp /11Ci G lE F�/li I L y i III Purpose and use of new construction in this a licatio CAA/V Er27 E-x t f'77 4 G 4 -� 7 F' LSO-C. oo c. t�vd c�E LSi2A £ O- I C�vs) IV. Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s)' V Please submit seven (7) photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction 7/02 Please note• Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you - • QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑Yes KNo B Are there an proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes o C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 7' 5' 3) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 'Jo 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted tile office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? ,SCG n D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? Al 0 (If not applicable, state"n/a".) E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fent s that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? /b (If none exist, please state "none") , / F Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? N Q If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? Al 0 If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. H. Please listyresent use or operations conducted at this parcel S/A/6 C C f 4 M / 1. )A/ 74'1-and proposed use ,f�A Nj k it? i.e.!, Authorized Signature and Date GUARANTEES INDICATED HERE ON SHALL RUN SURVEY OF ONL Y TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY • IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY O7LE.COMPANY,, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. LENDING INS TI TURON, IF LISTED HEREON. AND FOUND CONC. MON. TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INS TITUDON. . GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO SITUATE ADDITIONAL INS TI TU DONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS 351 .00' UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS F WOODHULLMATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY IS A VIOLA DON OF SECTION 7209 OF N/ THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCADON LAW. SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. . ARINGr� n r WIRE FENCE T.� COPIES LAND SURVEYUORSEY MAP EMBOSSEDT SEAL SHALL N 82.20'30"E W NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE caN IV SURVEYED FOR: LANA P. JOKEL COPY ` I EN0 WIRE O CESSPOOL Lt FENCE OI TM# 1000-115-03-18 1, 18 3 GUARANTEED TO LANA P. JOKEL e WELL FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO Y rn TM#1000-115-03-18. 1 •3 5' _ 176 2' I. DOCK .. ONE STORYco MIN o RESIDENCE SLATE I. 11.15' _ De� l�/ 1� , o FLOOR zip Q� ELEV 31.5 w ! ) SLATE CO _ FINAL GRADE PC-) 00 0 0GAZEBO ,_AL INV. TIO 1p usho:III 21.5' \� , EL 29 24" MAX 0 a A' --.�� ASPHALT DRIVEWAY �1 1/4�Pew foot COVER `'"E """ °PFOX`O Z CHAIN LINK IN- GN EXTS7ING w /NV 1000 gal `1/g- FENCE GROUND _ , GARAGEseptic , per Toot precast POOLO EL 28.5 tank ELl 28 0 m 4' o EL. 31.5 Icesspool O _ — _ - - - _ SLATE , lift= 0 — INV. 154.4' 10' EL 27.9 8' o ^� 216 3 _ min. 8' ti — — — _ itO PROPOSED POOL HOUSE ' min Q No (GARAGE CONVERSION) 131.5' 124 0) TM#1000-115-03-18 3 PROPOSED: 43 ONE 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK i z•.! ONE 4'HIGH CESSPOOL RING 3 FOUND / ' 70 2. o CONC. ^' SN MON. N 80'56'50 W I N 2-RAA. . 0 N/F CUDDY FENCE COR.FENCE I oi 373.87 W 22' SURVEYED. 15 MAY 2002 FOUND SCALE 1"= 40' CONC. MON. AREA = TM# 03-18 1=52,955 31 S F. TM# 03-18.3=24,752 99 S.F TOTAL AREA OF O ^ 77,708.30 S F. OR 1 783 ACRES CESSPOOL rn SURVEYED BY to STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. It w P.O. BOX 294 WELL1- (APPROX LOC) NEW SUFFOLK. N Y. 11956 AS PER OWNER NEW SU 631 — 34-5835 FFOLK AVENUE 1 / j 17 %/i l /__ 2. 8 AUGUST 02 SHOW PROP. SANITARY SYSTEM ICEN•t LAND SURVF/OR 1 2 AUGUST 02 SHOW EXISTING AND PROP WELLS/CESSPOOLS, PROP. POOL HOUSE NYS LIc. No 49273 02R1 1 3 1 . . ......--.6. s.....- . ._.. _ ..., TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD o OWNER STREETOn P'm VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT .. 1 , L_-, . .—. a 4. . P. , ._ /4/1 Aor R Te'6 A iti 2 A N "/,i .) ,--4-.) FA ......ts)RmEtzw4IER 1.4, 0 i j.i 4 1 ACR. • #bar. - ,,r... .-600-ir"-et .....i." .,.. 1-1,_1! keh al W a j)cet 1.-OUX-i-* S , I ,L _ W TYPE OF BUILDING C.Sr, // E-1 U E e i ThW, 1.7oLm)7-11 4f./,../A e V 'a et•^L 71 ,t; • / _ Is r fAnic. , RES. 422 Jo SEAS. VL. , FARM ,. COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. - TOTAL DATE REMARKS -a, --• II 6 ' - 0 • --C...t 1 , S h 1 7- IRo f-i Fs r 6 I fri, I;0 LD s iv, --g TO it 'E. lc 000, 9 0 0 - 3 ° 0 ' ' 0 ' 0 0 ' 117e1144( a . '''-'- ?..6- 2e/ -6 : .::/:,//e), . ...25- . 1 5 4 \- k..AG(-)E1,2: 0, RO u l.- 4,-- b Fe_l(._ g--C- Pe.) 3• . / i 12r 8 Z$C)C••• / RI I E9 I L-1- - 1 a 2 c--.' .. ..5 . - i • •-.1,' 1 ( 7-3.5,ocko Eli,o/c1 1 — L)139/p pL:05 L.ci)uue 0 st.li,r' -11.) Lou /f- i---00-ie ti 4-c i7-75rnia n 4. .. 1 6;:?• 64 Mill0 D. _La ...: s . : - •r . A * 01 to ( ct t 4-ce6f) .ig' AGE BUILDING CONDITION __ Cji-D Z 7 0 S 3 5-1), J7 ---, NEVV NORMAL BELOW ABOVE I t FARM Acre Value Per . Value e. 7( Acre /-'7 — : /7/6 :? 4, Tillable .ii• --:. i71 t ;4: ":0 FRONTAGE ON WATER ‘ 7 cf: ,_,64 o f AlS:' -: 3.51 :i-4 -- Woodland •. , FRONTAGE ON ROAD -2 0 ‘ / . A Meadowland DEPTH / v _553- House Plot ' BULKHEAD Total DOCK flinsffS~sIlms* --1.------.. 4- •: -:\ - • -;,—.., _, -.1%,_ ---„. ‘---c-.---- COLOR G ete"eN TRIM <-4-,I-I i"r C IIII-"---,------ .--,- • . 111111 I . . ,. .IV --I Ai- z44 '''. i I ' • En 111111111111111 ..- A•lial: ',.,', '' ". 11111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111 . ... . . _ iiiiiiimiiiiipqpill1111111111111 - ---- - , 111111.1.1111111111111111111 , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111: IIIMEN itiiimilliollir - .. 1111111111111111111111111111111 M. Bldg. I / ‘49)( 4/o : // 649 1.1111111115311111011111111111111111 1111111111111111111112111111111 immimmimeli1111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Extension IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111 :.,..... .. _ .._ ._ • r 1 I L 1_ i I _ , __. (Bath i Dinette dation C a I le 1j ment ic 0 z...4- Floors 0 .7 ft( • K. Walls Interior Finish LR. Place Heat DR. YI 3 ItS Roof Rooms 1st Floor BR. -i, action Room. Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B l• I ler Driveway il . - li i, 40.- . -..,=. ......, was7t ��- /�� t ala - /i s R Jori `7t, 0,3/9Pe, 6/17 (': 4 ) a el, „Aii,,,,,,e.)64 - /l17 _ � a7v ware A, /b,I c/79 Z, r7d l c,, '33 c� /6/7e L �i�z��/�. Lie/, • 1 F f r - I le Y /`` ' 1 - 6 Southold Town Bo ' rd of Appeals ... -...,--, 0•1 MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 ,'y-.'7 , 0������y, .� TELEPHONE(516)765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P.GOEHRINGER,CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS,JR. SERGE DOYEN,JR. JOSEPH H.SAWICKI JAMES DINIZIO,JR. ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APP' - S Appeal No. 3708: Upon application of DAVID WALKER/TURTLE SOCIATES for Variances to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for approval of parcel as exists with insuffi•ient lot area and width and more particularly described in Deed at Liber 8721 page 433 dated October 25, 1979, having been set-oaf without Planning Board approval. Location of Property: 1300 arratooka Lane, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map District 1000, Section 115, Block 3, Lot 18.3 (previously part of 18.2). WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on Oc.ober 26, 1988,in the Matter of the Application of DAVID WALKER 'TLE ASSOCIATES under Appeal No. 3708; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who d=sired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully conside -d all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this a..1ication; and WHEREAS, the Board Members have personal / viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its pr-sent zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following finings of fact: 1. The premises in question is located i the Residential and Agricultural Zoning District and is identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 115, Block 3, Lot 18.3 (previously part of 18.2) . 2. The subject premises as exists is vacant, contains a total lot area of 24,752 square feet, and has frontage along Marratooka Lake of 58+- feet and Marratooka La e of 89.50 feet, as more particularly shown on the Map prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. June 14, 1988 and Survey Map Pre ared October 3, 1979, amended June 1, 1987. Page 2 - Appl. No. 3708 1 _ .Matter of DAVID WALT-I/TURTLE ASSOCIATES • , Decision Rendered 116-- amber 16, 1988 3. By this application, appellant reque- s Variances from the Zoning Code for approval of an insufficie lot area of 24,752 sq. ft. and insufficient width (fronts.-) of 89.50 feet, as exists and described by Deed dated October 15, 1979 between the current owner and the prior owner, Robert •. Rehm. 4. Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Sc -dule, of the zoning code requires a minimum lot area of 80,000 sq. ft. (eff. 5/83) and lot width (or street frontage) of 175 feet. 5. Article III, Section 100-31 also exc-i•ted those lots having a lot area of less than 80,000 sq. ft. at were "held in single and separate ownership prior to Novi •er 1971, and thereafter," or were approved by the Planning i:oard prior to May 20, 1983. The record shows that this pa el was not held in single and separate ownership prior to Novemb 1971 and that no town approvals have been found concerning the et-off of the subject premises from the adjoining northerly louse lot (now of Lowell) or the adjoining southerly vacant lot (now of Cuddy). 6. In viewing the immediate area within -ection 115, Block 3, District 1000 of the Suffolk County Tax Ma. ,the following lot sizes and parcel numbers are identified for t.- record: (a) Lot 15 at 1.2+- acres; (b) Lot No. 16 at 1.0+- _ re in area; (c) Lot 17 at .95+- of an acre; (d) subsequent • the subject set-off of 18.3, previously referred to as 18.2, now Lot 18.1 at 1.2+- acres; (e) prior to the subject set-of. of 18.3, when combined with 18.2, Lot 18 (or 18.1) at 2.1+- .Cres; (f) Lot 19 at 1.3+- acres; (g) Lot 29 at 21,500+- sq. f . Each of these parcels are located along the west side of Mariatooka Road or front along the immediate shoreline of Marrato.ka Lake. (Other parcels which may also front along Marratooka , ake were not included since these parcels do not have direc access or frontage along Marratooka Road and do front al•ng other Town Roads.) 7. Upon inspection and viewing of the character of the immediate area (noted above), the size of this proposed lot is substantially smaller, and a majority of the r-maining building lots are substantially larger. 8. In considering this application, the :oard finds and determines: (a) that it is the burden of the la downer to prove that the area restrictions as applied to his 1:nd imposes "significant economic injury"; and the burden of proof has not been substantiated; (Matter of Cowan v. Kern, ,1 N.Y. 2d 591 (1977) ; Matter of Fulling v. Palumbo, 21 N.Y. ►d 30); Page 3 - Appl. No. 3708 , . Matter of DAVID WALKr-4TURTLE ASSOCIATES !Th 4pecision Rendered Nov--,nber 16, 1988 (b that the relief requested is s .stantial in relation to the requirements, being a varianc^ of approximately 70%, and meeting only 30% of the 80,000 sq. f . minimum requirement; (c) that the circumstances are not •ique and are not principally related to the property; (d) that the difficulties claimed .' e self-imposed, particularly due to the inaction of the prope y owner over many years to apply for and obtain town approvals f•r the improper set-offs; (e) there will be an adverse effec of increased dwelling density thus produced on available g• ernmental facilities by the creation of precedents if t•- variance were allowed, and will in effect establish a zone • strict at odds with all other zone districts provided for in e Zoning Code (VanDusen v. Jackson 35 A.D. 2d 58); (f) there will be a substantial ch. ge in the character of the neighborhood and detrimental -ffect to neighboring properties; (g) in view of the manner in which •e difficulty arose and in consideration of all the above f. tors, the interest of justice will be served by denying the vari-, ce. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Dinizio , s- onded by Mr. Sawicki-, it was RESOLVED, that the relief requested unde Appeal No. 3708 in the Matter of the Application of DAVID WALKER/1 •TLE ASSOCIATES, BE AND HEREBY IS DENIED. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Sawicki , Doyen and Dinizio. Absent from all deliberations and vo e were: Member Grigonis (out-of-state) and Chairman Goehringe, . This resolution was duly adopted. lk JOSEPH H. SA ICKI CHAIRMAN PRO TEM 'ev 60115 ' 11-22-9. - 7 04-07-9• i g 06-17-99 SEE SEC. N0. 108 166'1 4... 10-10-00 N 205 200 MATCH 10-12-0• -_� �- - T 2� -Z-- ZZ_UDE \ RD. 2 200 10-16-0. T 11-30-0o i0 GREENPDR � 21 3 23.BA(c) .0A - 99 -� 33.0.110 1T.OA(G rn 29.OAlW A 6 g '1 T(DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS)O N OF TW A BOUT D 23.3.1(0 20.5A(c) %VI 13N N4 'e' • 53 at • awo mow:. ., ,, lials 13.2 .- R., ," '0 Y .y,. as b 16.4.1(0 r r it 1660VI 1111 rn1.1u. O O 4 2.3 �. w. mmON- \ n0 g A O ,; 2.0.110 sucEYY \\ L1Alc) 11111110:„.: 11 m to w__ yBA \ad \ 7.3A(cl L$ S R 25 willi i�� ,,,,: a \\ S 0 ' ' ' rn ia qCF MNC. �ij1 ae � 25.1A(c1 -� i 9. 1.4 06100.0 0 Sau(G ilia , , ® e . ~ N • p tD • TO'AN E116.4. -- 1110 4 5anx0�0 0.0 I 4 L3 O Y ' 33.2A SOW IT* . . 1.3.MG) 15r� L9A(G a. 05°1 Tq�N,Nowg, ` 1.2A(G 16 1 g ©� Au(CS. vA1gN r •• 6 y„ .. -jA. . ...„ _ 13.1 (--._. LOAD 1ta !lin 16.8A(c) \ ._ AIARRATOl7KA Iiii ' 3.6.1(0SFS Za_ _ -_ _ .. _ �_It, LAKE 6.4 { `( ALBAIG _ \ VIVI 5 yo '� m 17.27 \\ m 10 MAW : I 227.110 - �1c 1TJ vO - ^ . ., - i Ly,IG A 4 B __ "� TOWN OF SOUTNOLD + `-7.. 111). . 'xSG 9 - a0 NI _ - ^ � 113Gn - oe • aINDEgRPER LAW - ; �oA� y ���30.1V � C 17.29 O 1.3a 4 FOLKIR 1111,11111 wirii .1 -1 r C SUFFOLK .T. a or 22 ases \ ITI 1110111qO10110 00 7%IL .5 2.3.1(0 L51AIG _[f: , :lam ,5.1•W be 40• .; LONG WSJ , �S1 .. 23.1 5.24. - ‘', 41,0c@ .' ©:_ l"yr`�� , LBAIG J IXi.....ialla 1114111111".- ' .. - oo 22 ' - ' 2.2.1(0111°11 `° 110 _ a Wriii .11101. - '111- 4711:: 4 ss , 9 yWS @ w 119 - 1T�0 b Nig45.3A(U 5 ----- ....r...- _�� S.OA(c) IIIIIM1 WWI- e'A 20 �� 1. A10 ox 161 loVili - - _ �,�,.(p:1a' IOWOlt to '0 , ,:SS ,..13 *.Frw.): 10 ink - „. % „. iti ,, , . - mm01- 9. aligillit / t ‘,1au tia 15 1 I k..... Al v_,. MIN ,..; isi t ' 25 , INS 301Lh. 1,,t0) ,'1 Ylt•k° : MEI L3A(c 41.1'4 0Illir°11' M =MI OR SSC.w.' 411kt, ��* I,I� >w - rA 19_ y 123-01-002 W OvOD Nab fi/Os(' f.4iii pi FOR PCL.N0. - s� ..lfy ZOL ""17.126.7Afc1 is.MINEi SEE SEC.N0. FOR PCL.N0. 2.2A(d 26 A FOR PCL N0. 4 a t50'1 !:122-05-0049 SEE SEC.N0. SEE SEC.NO. - Sir ,- ToIII 77123-01-001 .v- 123-03-028 4MINI §NNEM m400 MATF71 �- �- LEE �1 .- MATIXi,.__ -� ®ir .. o* N 400&LINE '.. �� - wra U+E - - SEE SEC.N0.123 :& 4 • y l -,nMIMI �� pit,i. s�sEc N0>v pTO EMI0 A WT 1111 Alc1 '7�,3 mos Nimif6 a-ga ,�, /1 - 3 -!�-NM �� Na m , W >z3 ; .....Proportor M�.. s..m.Odolsko.o)lb. E ---.. 1th" frill l,. -_SCH- 4)dIIR akNkt We --N-- UNLESS oR"'" OTNERIISE. ALL PirRTES COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © SOUTHOLD �+R�°°^aR�r -23 aesrlNm BNx�ONa w (21)0. MTNM r >r04p orsTRlcrx NOTICE - E 1oT 100 109 toM a SECONNO Solodlotoka Lot Wiltu. -_4-_ wlerloddmxr u. -NST-- I�o TSEIffi Y-_ u4 �` 115 uoN akkr u. -- -- Ai6Win ak61c).n.--.-- PARI! 0aa REFUSE SIAFOLX COUNTY TAX YAP 6 PKOHB(TID -. '► county Center Riverheod,N Y 11901 M 0 Pored No. 23 Ord 4-.. 121 A(d)or 12.14 Tan!h -_- Pok II.rkt ur --P-- 0wl.0ar.04hkt IYr-n-- Ale(LAN(Z VASTEtATEA IrnEEn[♦KITTEN PERYSSXW OF TOE ,,,,,,,i___4_,, �SCA1E N FEET. A 123 111 IETRCT NO 4 At A ('dor)N In0 12.1 4(c) vi...lb -' s. Orlri.t in. --s-- REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY. p in 1PROPERTY MAP f • FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 19, 2002 TO: Mark Schwartz A/C Jokel PO Box 933 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated November 19, 2002 For permit to convert an accessory garage, attached by a conforming breezeway, to a pool house at Location of property: 1100 Marratooka Lane, Mattituck,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 115 Block 3 Lot 18.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed alterations on this conforming 52,272 square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-230F(2), which states; "In the event of a change from an accessory storage or garage use to livable floor area, the breezeway and garage-storage area may only be converted by direct access between the rooms and made an integral part of the existing livable floor area of the principal building for single- family use." Total lot covera•e of+/- 13 I ercent will be maintained. A:r orized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS For Office Use Only Fee.$ Filed By Date Assigned/Assignment No. ,�_;4(f?..), Office Notes: Parcel Location: House No. 1100 Street/?/44FaZ4 Hamlet/11/771‘...e... 19. 11f1JLG([- 19.t! SCTM 1000 Section 1/5 Block 03 Lot(s)/8.3 Lot Size 1.7 4 Zone District IL4C I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERnMMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: 1/// 'li Z (� Applicant/Owner(s): / LAN 4 �" 1 H J 014. L Mailing ,/ o� Address: e.O . 30)e [o e / OG effim/P7 eve iJ y 0737_ Telephone: 5-3 7 - O 3 3 2- NOTE: NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative:/� /L J`fitad r /914 Address: P 0 . 3 3 CvT-6ff)40E / NY 1193c Telephone: 7 3 4-- 4/(/ 5 Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s) XAtithorized Representative 0 Other: / WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED ///�9/OZ FOR: JJJ Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy .❑ Pre-Certificate of Occupancy O Change of Use ❑ Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article XX III Section 100- 2 3 QSubsection 2 Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. 0 A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section 0 Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 has(has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year ' 1 Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a (detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: THE EXI Sj1 N U Spec)CTut-� WA LLS 41 N.D goof ) .t}ALL t`EM14/N, THE GA/Z4GE 20012 talc.c.. 84 re/tit vvEO , NEW WtN00t4/S 4AJO -000/2 S /N--C']?3[,(.E0 C5 /�(-- J � (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: ME t3 t & ZE I S ExI ST7/1 G, 4-A-)0 /V�ry �-��E PLATTUi2.41 ,q.,v.n FE&c.. /n! SH4LL RE44 /Aj (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: 544E, 45 -#1 (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: USE tutu- fr14/ Tt/E. .!'ASE: S14/6c( FAM/cr RE s- (c✓iP/ rf Poet. tyae,sE,). (5) Has the variance been self-created? (X) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART 8, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the signature and notary area below. Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent Sworn to before me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) day of 200_ . (Notary Public) ZBA App 9/30/02 Lana Pih JokeC 541 St. Pauls Lane P.O. Box 1089 Bridgehampton, New York 11932 (631) 537-0332 To Whom this may Concern: I, Lana Joker, authorize lviark Schwartz, AIA - .Architect, to act as agent for the Southold Zoning Board of.Appeals Application. This proposed construction project is located at .vlaratooka Lane, l lattituck (SCTN# 1000-115-03-18.1, 18.3) Sincerely, ofdA-K Lana P iJJokeC GUARANTEES INDICATED HERE ON SHALL RUN SURVEY OF ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. LENDING INSTITUTION. IF LISTED HEREON. AND FOUND CONC. TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO MON. SITUATE ADDITIONAL INS TITU'TONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDIITON TO THIS F N100DHULt 351.00' =-< MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY ATEN U ADSECTION 7209OF N/ - SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. DIE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA LION LAW. Q A' WIRE FENCE ro THECIES OF THIS LAND SURVEYURVEY MAP ORSS EMBOSSEDT EALRISHALL 'V 82.2°'3O"E 2 I` NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE ili Y N SURVEYED FOR: LANA P. JOKEL COPY \ I EN' WIRE O CESSPOOL c FENCE o g I TM# 1000-115-03-18.1, 18 3 GUARANTEED TO: to LANA P JOKEL XWELL I FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO L'h Y 00 rn TM#1000-115—03-18 1 f 13 5' 176.2' w DOCK ONE STORYco �; pRESIDENCE 00 � 11_15, :�•_; ••- Lull �� o r71��N ) FLOOR r. c.,, BJLf�L?Ew / ELEV 31.5 1�j S^� �^' Co + FINAL GRADE PATIO IP p GAZEBO INV. III i 21.5' ter4k, \� �� EL 29 24" MAX O O Of �' +� ASPHALT DRIVEWAY T/4 -per foo COVER LAKE ELEVATION APPROX.to t min. ' Z CHAIN LINK IN- FENCE N ry EXlS71NG INV. 1000 gal ■1/8"per root recast FENCE GROUND GARAGE O EL 28.5 p ;� se tic tank //�►/ "'i ¢' POOL �, EL .31.5 I il EL 28 0 CDINV. cesspool -r. p _ — — — — ____ r 1I�N E — 10' EL 27.9 8, 154.4' C� O ^r/ — — — — _216.3. min. 8' Nil min PROPOSED POOL HOUSE — Q (GARAGE CONVERSION) III 131.5' o) TM#1000-115—03-18.3 PROPOSED: (O ONE 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK i .-1 -1. ONE 4' HIGH CESSPOOL RING 14x N FOUND 2' O CONC. ':''') I ONC. I N MON. N 80•56,50 ' ? /k VV 2-RAIL o f O N/F CUDDY FENCE SCE I (n 373.87 W 2.2' SURVEYED: 15 MAY 2002 FOUND SCALE 1"= 40' CONC. MON. AREA = TM# 03-18.1=52,955 31 S F TM# 03-18.3=24,752.99 S.F. TOTAL AREA OF O n 77,708.30 S.F. OR 1 783 ACRES CESSPOOL SURVEYED BY to STANLEY J ISAKSEN, JR. II w P.O. BOX 294 WELL F- (APPROX LOC) NEW SUFFOLK. N.Y 11956 AS PER OWNER NEW SUFFOLK AVEN 631 —J 34-5835 UE 41 ;;�' 1 . 2. 8 AUGUST 02 SHOW PROP SANITARY SYSTEM ICENlt LAND SURVpTOR 1 2 AUGUST 02 SHOW EXISTING AND PROP WELLS/CESSPOOLS, PROP. POOL HOUSE NYS LIC No. 49273 02R1 131 • .1416.4(2/871—Text 12 PROJECT 1.0.NUMBER 617 21 SEOR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Prolect sponsor) 1. APPUCANT!SPONSOR M��/C 2. PROJECT NAME L S'Clik/"Ve7 .9�LGff� � LA n .4 J o,eE L ffr SE J. PROJECT LOCATION: �/ Municlosllty /WAD 721C -ft. County SoFFFOL 6C e. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address and road Intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.,or provide maul 1100 iNl'ffre#Too Lo9NE 394 AIiz 771 OF /L) --PL.) .1' 'p r-ac k 4vrE.vvE . S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ❑New ❑Expansion JModlficatlon/alteratlon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: • Con)vEreT 1.$ A.)4 ier slvey-4E Poop u,,r6 COVA14c TX d r IExg i'piv 4 Hav✓E w .4 ea S F oP'E�L1 6KLEE-7E,I, )Ai• 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially acres UltImalely acres 6. WILL PROPOSED ACTON COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ❑Yes ,No 11 No,describe briefly A- G Aitoi 4 rE 4' E9 .y o.v c Y QE eev✓u4re-11-rJ fv 41 u 4OLE recic o r2 a c-r "4-u C S✓' PC CA./ .414 e.tom e}a f d 0472 F. f in'Pc i c-477011./ 11-41X i'&v L3rtELZ 9. WH/,T IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? Residential 0 Industrial ❑Commercial 0 Agriculture ture 0 ParWForesUOpen space 0 Omer 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING,NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL STATE OR LOCAL)?4{�, 0 Yes yy No II yes.Ilst agency(s)and permiVaoprovais 11. COES ANY A CT OF THE ACTI:,V HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yes N' If yes,list agency name and permiUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑yes ❑No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: /1/eK G-' al I D 2 f7 pole: ( Z Signature: 44 11 the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete (he Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment • OVER 1 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? 0 Yes KN0 B Are there an proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes o C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? /U 6 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? y S' 3) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? AJO 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? ,'G C� /f D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /1/ 0 (If not applicable, state"n/a".) E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fenc s that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? A/0 (If none exist, please state "none") Ala F Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? N Q If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state G Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? /V 0 If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds H. Please list resent use or operations conducted at this parcel S//1/$y C C F4 M /L 9 &Cyp9E N pi ..and proposed use 14 . . I WAN Authorized Signature and Date PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicanl(s) btiv4 V — _— — I If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed. A Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions be and existnnp buildup. Dimensions/size. 5'4. ! f 00-7 P2/A7-7- - 01-a /77 of Al Square footage B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the existin building: Dimensions/size. /6 L F E,YI X77/V E O.il. ,poor Square footage: II If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction Dimension/size Square footage Height. III. Purpose and use of new construction requested in this applicatio F/71/19 I c y l cow Ei2T �x(f77 4 G� E_ �vp�g-L/ Poo L Hria eC.tx>s) IV Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s) V. Please submit seven (7) photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new constniction 7/02 Please note. Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you. - • I'. • . ri 1416-4(2/871—Text 12 PROJECT I.D.NUMBER • 617.21 SEAR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) I 1. APPUCANT/SPONSOR2. PROJECT NAME tilA/eK SGt/c4/.112 A c Hip e r-� LA v At J oKE L tfPvsE 3. PROJECT LOCATION: I Municipality M/tTj'/ 77/4-6C County SvFr—oc.K e. PRECISE LOCATION(Street address and road intersections.prominent landmarks,etc..or provide mad) (IOD A4 4,4TDa�A LONE • 1 394 1 ,VOIZ jam! aF NE ) surra(, k Ilvz- tic #17-177/6.4 j A.) S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: 0 New 0 Expansion JModifIcatlonlalteratlon I 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: j CoNVElier Ex/S 71 A.)4 4CGE 'soiey Ca#tI 4 /E 7`D roe,c, tfcusE Go/vvEcrX19 ra Zxr.77Ai4 tta 'JE L.,./ .4 6D S F opEAJ 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: / Initially O acres Ultimately 0 acres 6. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ❑Yes ,No If No,describe briefly A' 6,412-01 4,E AYLE9 til O.v c y OE c v uE.r e,j-rit9 -to L f u 40LE S'Ioe g 17 o i2 E Gj 4-C c. .t Pc iE•li ..-.=4/4J kip ccrr fit' 04124r. t. 7 TJ /%I G477^1 el-4T 47 6., a"c-v erz-ezZ r,,,. 9. WILT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? go Residential 0 Industrial 0 Commercial 0 Agriculture 0 Park/Forest/Open space 0 Other Describe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING.NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY(FEDERAL STATE OR LOCAL? 0 Yes No If yes,list agency(s)and permit/approvals • 11. COES ANY ASP�CT OF THE ACTI.;V HAVE A CURRENTLY VAUD PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ❑Yea IdN` If ye:,1131 agency name and permit/approval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE MODIFICATION? ❑Yes ❑No 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Ap0licanUsponsor name: G'dal ' / O D Z Dale: Signslure: r /` d II the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessmept Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER a Lana Pih JokeC 541 St. Pauls lane P.O. Box 1089 Bridgehamyton, New York 11932 (631) 537-0332 To 'Whom this may Concern: I, Lana Joker, authorize Mark Schwartz, ..AIA - Architect, to act as agent for the Southold Zoning Board of Appears Application. This proposed construction project is Located at .Maratooka Lane, Mattituck (SCTM# 1000-115-03-18.1, 18.3) Sincerely, -,,,____--ya- c-,,. /I/ ---401 A.,(_--( Lana PTiJJokel APPLICANT • TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME SC# -'4e7-z /V(?L., (Last name, first name, riddle initial, unress you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company If so, indicate the other person or company name ) NATURE OF APPLICATION (Check all that apply) Tax Grievance Variance Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other If"Other", name the activity Do you personally, (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. `Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns. more than 5% of the shares YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply). A) the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation), B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation), C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant, or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this /LOay of / Z 00 Z Signature Print Name ,r,, it//trp- I1 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑Yes KNo B Are therean proposals to change or alter land contours? LI Yes o C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? /U 6 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? YL 5' 3) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted tile office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? $'G 0 D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /1/ 0 (If not applicable, state "n/a".) E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fent s that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? A/0 (If none exist, please state "none".) , > F Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? N Q If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state G Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? Al 0 If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds H. Please list resent use or operations conducted at this parcel S//1/c$ C C F4 M /L L1 RE)E) N/l/11,and proposed use f�� N/ /I Authorized Signature and Date - F FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 19, 2002 TO: Mark Schwartz A/C Jokel PO Box 933 Cutchogue,NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated November 19, 2002 For permit to convert an accessory garage, attached by a conforming breezeway, to a pool house at Location of property: 1100 Marratooka Lane, Mattituck,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 115 Block 3 Lot 18.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed alterations on this conforming 52,272 square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 100-230F(2), which states; "In the event of a change from an accessory storage or garage use to livable floor area, the breezeway and garage-storage area may only be converted by direct access between the rooms and made an integral part of the existing livable floor area of the principal building for single- family use." Total lot coverage of+/- 13 percent will be maintained. .- Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. V Permit Number MECcheck Compliance Report Checked By/Date New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lc Data filename: C:\Program Files\Check\MECcheck\Jokel House.cck TITLE:Jokel House COUNTY: Suffolk STATE• New York HDD: 5750 CONSTRUCTION TYPE:Detached 1 or 2 Family HEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE: 11/12/02 DATE OF PLANS:November 08,2002 PROJECT INFORMATION: Lana Jokel House Maratooka Lane Mattituck,New York (SCTM#1000-115-03-18.1 & 18.3) COMPANY INFORMATION: Mark K. Schwartz,AIA-Architect,PLLC P.O.Box 933 Cutchogue,New York 11935 COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA= 143 Your Home= 142 0.7%Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R-Value R Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 590 26.0 0.0 23 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 782 19.8 0.0 35 Window 1:Wood Frame,Double Pane 152 0.330 50 Door 1: Solid 40 0.500 20 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss,Over Unconditioned Space 528 38.0 0.0 14 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. Builder/Designer 1 • Arai Date l I i t Z/0 Z MECcheck Inspection Checklist New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release Ic DATE: 11/12/02 TITLE: Jokel House Bldg. Dept. Use Ceilings: [ ] 1 Ceiling 1: Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),R-26.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above-Grade Walls: [ ] 1 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c., R-19.8 cavity insulation Comments: Windows: [ ] 1. Window 1: Wood Frame,Double Pane,U-factor: 0.330 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ]Yes [ ]No Comments: Doors: [ ] 1. Door 1: Solid,U-factor:0.500 Comments: Floors: [ ] 1. Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss,Over Unconditioned Space,R-38.0 cavity insulation Comments: Air Leakage: [ ] Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ] Recessed lights must be 1)Type IC rated,or 2)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials.If non-IC rated,the fixture must be installed with a 3"clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: [ ] Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. [ ] Insulation R values and glazing U-factors must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: [ ] Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-8. [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-4. [ ] Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-8. ` [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)must be insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: [ ] All joints, seams,and connections must be securely fastened with welds, gaskets,mastics (adhesives), mastic-plus-embedded-fabric, or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. Exception. Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). [ ] Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. [ ] Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. [ ] Air filters are required in the return air system. [ ] The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: [ ] Each dwelling unit has at lesat one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: [ ] Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: [ ] Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code,as applicable. Service Water Heating: [ ] Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 °F or chilled fluids below 55°F must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature(F) Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1 0 1 5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(F) 2"Runouts 1" and Less 1.25"to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2 0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1 0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2 0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1 0 1.5 1 5 NOTES TO FIELD(Building Department Use Only) GUARANTEES INDICA TED HERE ON SHALL RUN SURVEY OF ONL Y TO THE PERSON FOR.WHOM THE'SURVE' IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE CDESCRIBED PROPERTY TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, LENDING INSTITUTION, IF LISTED HEREON. AND FOUND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. CONC. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO MON. SITUATE ADDITIONAL INSTITUDONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. r UNAUTHF WpODHULL 351 �� MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EVEYOISR'A VIOLA D ALTERATION ENDOFU SECTION OF THIS N/ - SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. THE NEW YORK STA TE EDUCATION LAW. o FENCEC WIRE � COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING r� 2o'3or'L U NOT BE THE CONSIDERED TO BE ASURVEYORS SVALIDD TRUE 4.A SHALL N 82� ki N SURVEYED FOR: LANA P. JOKEL COPY I EY0 WIRE O CESSPOOL CE o X I TM# 1000-115-03-18 1, 18 3 GUARANTEED TO LANA P. JOKEL XWELL I FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO S co rn TM#1000-115-03-18. 1 3 5 176 2' w I DOCK v ONE STORYco RESIDENCE �SLATE j. �I� ,14.5 , %€ w7 WFLOOR tO ELEV 31 5 SLATE w + FINAL GRADE PATIO . Co �l p GAZEBO III INV 21 5' \+ EL 29 24 MAX o i1 I ASPHALT DRIVEWAY �1 T/4- COVER LAKE E!F'VAMM Anx.ao CHAIN UNK �„CHAIN IN_ EISI7NG nFENCEGROUND oGARAGE O INV. 1000 gal `T/s'pew foot precast EL 28.5 septic tank INV. "" P 4' POOL EL .31.5 EL 28.0 I L cesspool Y 0) — — — — � iliNfili S!�� C� 10, ELI 2798" i54 4'o ^� - - - - _ _ - - _2163' _ min8' Q 4T - - - - - - min Lr. PROPOSED POOL HOUSEQ Ct 'J (GARAGE CONVERSION) e131.5' o) TM#1000-115—03-18.3 PROPOSED: (O ONE 1000 GAL SEP77C TANK ONE 4' HIGH CESSPOOL RING _ 70 FOUND SHED 2 - CONC. '^') N MON. N 80'56'50 'W o /• CN 2-RAIL O I � o NSF CFENCE UDDY CCD FENCE OIOR I N 373.87 W 2.2' SURVEYED 15 MAY 2002 FOUND SCALE 1"= 40' CONC. MON. AREA = TM# 03-18 1=52,955 31 S F TM# 03-18 3=24,752 99 S F TOTAL AREA OF O ^ 77,708.30 S F. OR 1 783 ACRES CESSPOOL 10 / 0) SURVEYED BY rn STANLEY J ISAKSEN, JR. II Lu P.0 BOX 294 WELL R (APPROX LOC) NEW SUFFOLK. N Y. 11956 AS PER OWNER NEW Suppooc AVEN 631 —/ 34-5835 / / 7 2 8 AUGUST 02 SHOW PROP SANITARY SYSTEM ICEN sr LAND SURV/OR 1 2 AUGUST 02 SHOW EXISTING AND PROP WELLS/CESSPOOLS, PROP POOL HOUSE NYS L;c No 49273 02R 1 131 ' Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 • Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/16/02 Receipt#: 1411 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $400.00 Check#: 1411 Total Paid: $400.00 Name: Jokel, Lana P. P O Box 1089 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID.64722 Page 15 March 20, 2003 Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Public Hearing Lana Pih Jokel# 5280 - Withdrawn as requested. 10:35 a.m. Geraldine N. Barton, Contract Vendee (Jane Goeller & Others, Owners) #5285 —Applicant requests a Variance under Section 100-30A.3 based on the Building Department's November 8, 2002 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant proposes a new dwelling at less than 50 feet from the front lot line, at 5295 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue; Parcel 1000-111-9-13. CHAIRWOMAN: Is someone here who would like to speak on behalf of the application? KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ: I have a letter outlining our position in this letter I'd like to hand out. My client is the contract vendee for the subject premises which is a one-acre parcel of property running on Little Peconic Bay we have gone before and received the necessary approvals from the town trustees and DEC and the reason we are before this board today frankly is what I call a pedestrian foot path or ROW called Little Peconic Bay Road. I don't know how many of you have gone out there and viewed the property, but road is an overstatement. Basically to the south of this property is in fact a pedestrian ROW at the water terminus of which are landings and stairs so members of the community can get down to the beach. That's all it is, that's all it's ever been. Unfortunately under our code and our Building Department's interpretation of the code, it is a road that would normally require a 50' setback from. They have determined that this property has 2 front yards. With the width of the property being 125' and a requirement of 50' setback from the pedestrian footpath and the fact that there is an encroaching building from the neighboring lot#34 it makes it virtually impossible to cite a building on this property. So the reason we are before this board today is simply to ask for relief from the 50' front yard setback requirement of the code to this pedestrian footpath and we are seeking a variance to allow us to have the nearest point of the house to the footpath of 15'. I've outlined in my letter and the application all of the criteria that the board needs to view on an area variance I think we fit into all of those and as I said we've gone through the environmental concerns and at this point we need some relief from the strict enforcement of the zoning code. CHAIRWOMAN: Just a couple of questions. The size of the lot-because there are a couple of different surveys and I noticed, it's 43000 sq. ft. The landscape plan and the Aihler survey and the plans to the BD each have the house slightly different. It's not really going to change the variance to the paper ROW, but I was trying to find out which plans are we reviewing at this point. MR. MCLAUGHLIN: The architect is here and perhaps he can better address that question. MARK SCHWARTZ, ARCH: The footprint that's on the survey is more accurate than - CHAIRWOMAN: That's the survey that we should reference the 2/24 Ailhler survey. The other question and the landscaping plans would adapt to that. MR. SCHWARTZ: That just showed generally where the house was going to be but it's not- the siding of the house is not going to have a major impact on the landscape. Page 15 of 96 N _ ;ice of Heari g A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Appeals Board at Town Hall 53095 Main Road, Southold, concerning this property APPLICATION: JOKEL, LANA PIH TAX MAP #: 115-3-18.1 & 18.3 PROJECT: VARIANCE - CONVERT GARAGE TO LIVING AREA TIME & DATE: THURS. MAR. 20, 2003 10:00 AM If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8am and 3pm. ZONING BOARD - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - 631-765-1809 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHECKLIST FOR NEW PROJECTS LABEL APPL# 5 olgo ✓ ASSESSORS CARD (7 COPIES) NAME 4!,t, ✓ CTY. TAX MAP (7 COPIES + 1) CTM # ;, D `'� INDEX CARD (ATTACH OLD) TOWN , A. ,/ I LIST ALPHA BOOK RESEARCH ALPHA V COPY PRIORS ✓ SIX COPIES INSPECTION PACKETS COMPLETE REF: UPDATED NEW INFORMATION I 6 Southold Town 130 ' rd of Appeals ' / MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD. L.I., N.Y. 11971 v 10�� �y, ,, TELEPHONE(516)765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P.GOEHRINGER,CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS,JR. SERGE DOYEN,JR. JOSEPH H.SAWICKI JAMES DINIZIO,JR. ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APP: S Appeal No. 3708: Upon application of DAVID WALKER/TURTLE • SOCIATES for Variances to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for approval of parcel as exists with insuffi•ient lot area and width and more particularly described in Deed at Liber 8721 page 433 dated October 25, 1979, having been set-oil without Planning Board approval. Location of Property: 1300 arratooka Lane, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map District 1000, Section 115, Block 3, Lot 18.3 (previously part of 18.2). WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on Oceober 26, 1988,in the Matter of the Application of DAVID WALKER -TLE ASSOCIATES under Appeal No. 3708; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who d-sired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully conside -d all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this a••lication; and WHEREAS, the Board Members have personal , viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its pr-sent zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following fi sings of fact: 1. The premises in question is located i the Residential and Agricultural Zoning District and is identi. ied on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 115, Block 3, Lot 18.3 (previously part of 18.2) . 2. The subject premises as exists is vac=nt, contains a total lot area of 24,752 square feet, and has , rontage along Marratooka Lake of 58+- feet and Marratooka La e of 89.50 feet, as more particularly shown on the Map prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. June 14, 1988 and Survey Map Pre ared October 3, 1979, amended June 1, 1987. Page 2 - Appl. No. 370 .Matter of DAVID WALY-1, TLE ASSOCIATES "Th Decision Rendered Nie-.amber 16, 1988 -% 3. By this application, appellant reque- s Variances from the Zoning Code for approval of an insuffici- lot area of 24,752 sq. ft. and insufficient width (fronts• -) of 89.50 feet, as exists and described by Deed dated October 05, 1979 between the current owner and the prior owner, Robert :• Rehm. 4. Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Sc -•ule, of the Zoning Code requires a minimum lot area of 80,100 sq. ft. (eff. 5/83) and lot width (or street frontage) of 1 5 feet. 5. Article III, Section 100-31 also exc-i•ted those lots having a lot area of less than 80,000 sq. ft. hat were "held in single and separate ownership prior to Nov -i•er 1971, and thereafter," or were approved by the Planning i:oard prior to May 20, 1983. The record shows that this pa el was not held in single and separate ownership prior to Novemb:' 1971 and that no town approvals have been found concerning the et-off of the subject premises from the adjoining northerly douse lot (now of Lowell) or the adjoining southerly vacant lot (now of Cuddy). 6. In viewing the immediate area within -ection 115, Block 3, District 1000 of the Suffolk County Tax Ma—,the following lot sizes and parcel numbers are identified for record: (a) Lot 15 at 1.2+- acres; (b) Lot No. 16 at 1.0+- - re in area; (c) Lot 17 at .95+- of an acre; (d) subsequent • the subject set-off of 18.3, previously referred to as 18.2, now Lot 18.1 at 1.2+- acres; (e) prior to the subject set-of. of 18.3, when combined with 18.2, Lot 18 (or 18.1) at 2.1+- =cres; (f) Lot 19 at 1.3+- acres; (g) Lot 29 at 21,500+- sq. f . Each of these parcels are located along the west side of Ma . atooka Road or front along the immediate shoreline of Marrat••ka Lake. (Other parcels which may also front along Marratooka ake were not included since these parcels do not have direc access or frontage along Marratooka Road and do front al.ng other Town Roads.) 7. Upon inspection and viewing of the character of the immediate area (noted above), the size of this proposed lot is substantially smaller, and a majority of the r-maining building lots are substantially larger. 8. In considering this application, the :oard finds and determines: (a) that it is the burden of the la downer to prove that the area restrictions as applied to his 1:nd imposes "significant economic injury"; and the burden of proof has not been substantiated; {Matter of Cowan v. Kern, '1 N.Y. 2d 591 (1977) ; Matter of Fulling v. Palumbo, 21 N.Y. 'd 30); Page 3 - Appl. No. 3708 . Matter of DAVID WALKP'.q ME ASSOCIATES Decision Rendered NoF.,,nber 16, 1988 (b that the relief requested is s .stantial in relation to the requirements, being a varianc= of approximately 70%, and meeting only 30% of the 80,000 sq. f . minimum requirement; (c) that the circumstances are not . 'que and are not principally related to the property; (d) that the difficulties claimed .ie self-imposed, particularly due to the inaction of the prope y owner over many years to apply for and obtain town approvals f.r the improper set-offs; (e) there will be an adverse effec of increased dwelling density thus produced on available g. ernmental facilities by the creation of precedents if variance were allowed, and will in effect establish a zone . 'strict at odds with all other zone districts provided for in he Zoning Code (VanDusen v. Jackson 35 A.D. 2d 58); (f) there will be a substantial ch. ge in the character of the neighborhood and detrimental -ffect to neighboring properties; (g) in view of the manner in which e difficulty arose and in consideration of all the above f- tors, the interest of justice will be served by denying the vari- ce. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Dinizio , s- onded by Mr. Sawicki-, it was RESOLVED, that the relief requested unde Appeal No. 3708 in the Matter of the Application of DAVID WALKER/I •TLE ASSOCIATES, BE AND HEREBY IS DENIED. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Sawic• . , Doyen and Dinizio. Absent from all deliberations and vo e were: Member Grigonis (out-of-state) and Chairman Goehringe . This resolution was duly adopted. lk JOSEPH H. SA ICKI CHAIRMAN PRO TEM , . ! • rg:i 5,,T-7 kJ& '....N.'-'''''''''.•,,,......,....,,,,,,,,,,, .. . ------ . ... . _. .... - '•,,,,,, ) • . . .. - —.- ... .. _,--7..-.7' ...„ . . ........ . . „____ _ ... . •...... ... . ____ _.._ . __..._ . . . _ . . , . . — ----- _._ Ii 1 I .-.- ...-.-.-, ..... . . . ..._- -- - 1 1° 1 LII _ ___ IL__ _ i ..; ___.....- ......________.___ , ,'' . ,, _ ,, ii , , j ; , I 1 , _ . ___ I' - - _____ , , , .._ . ,.....„_____:„ ___ ----- .._ , 7 , , , ,, ? 1, } ---r- l',11 1 ,I .1 1 --------7 .--- . „ _ _ - -1 . 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