HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 11903 P 454 11903PC454 Number of JUl e '50 TORRENS EDWARD P. ROMAINE SetW I &OFFOLK COUNTY' CaNtlaa N Prig Cit.N Dad/Moc"Instrument Deed/Monpp To Sump Recording/FIHn{Stamps PFR{ Pqe/FtUn{PMe --� Mortgage Amt. mdl Hin{ 1. Baalc Ta I TP•3111 Z, Additional Ta Bob Total _ BA-5217(County) Sub Tool ._ Stsc JAaIL or RA•11I1(340) Spec.JAW. 10 A.P.T.S.A. ,._ TOT.MTM.TAX Dual I Comm.of Bal „_�,�,1,�.._ HHoW for own Dual County ppoNonment Affidavit • Tnnafer Ta Cast"Copy ,_ Mansion Ta t TM prepeny covered by this mortgage U or list.Copy will be Improved by a one or two family Sub Tout ,, dwslon{only. YBS a NO Otho ' ' It NO,see approoriar=class on pap I GRAND TOTAL �_,,�, Of this sari om. Rol Properly Ta Service Apacy Verifkalla Mile Company Information Dlal. Section Block Lot 4 �• �. r t� 'Q� uVJ 1'� 1JT f�,,,I,S��� Mile Number Inl R FEE PAID BY; s'e. '`���"'l►►► c h F a�, Cash Cheek Charlie �'j 3 O�, 3�► 1 Payor Urn Q u R A R c (or Itdileroot) ��I'� e e . r•e►,i N y 1 9 `f NAME: a R&CORD&RETURN TO ADDRESS: Q l o2, CA.��- F �� ��•I.td�vel BJH tool 7 ADDRESS Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Palle Thio pato forms port of the attached IS IL •n,'-Art--'n made by; E (SPBCIPY TYP910F IN UMBMr) t-r_t, ` t t Q N,' The premises herein is Illuated In L SUFFOLK COUNW,NEW YORK. Q TO In Ute 7bwttaldp of.yr',�Gi,a• '�'I—� �+'� A �� r�+c . In the VILLAOB v- ' or HAMLBT of BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST 08 TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. OPTION AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this d4'4 day of 1996 by and between Pellegrini Peconic LLC, 23005 Main Road, utchogue, New York 11935 ( "Party of the First Part" ) and Peconic Land Trust Ino. , 296 Hampton Road (PO Box 2088) , Southampton, Now York 11968 ("Party of the Second Part" ) . WHEREAS, the Party of the First Part owns certain real property located at Main Road, Peconic, New York described on Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property" ) ; WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part desires to purchase an easement over the Property and the Party of the First Part has agreed to grant and sell an Option to the Party of the Second Part to purchase maid easement pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Option Agreement (the "Agreement" ) . HOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as followat 1. The Party of the First Part hereby grants and sells to the Party of the Second Part an irrevocable Option to acquire an exclusive and irrevocable easement for a right-of-way for ingress and egress over and along the western edge of the Property and to be located to the west of the existing earth road indicated as "EARTH ROAD" on "Minor Subdivision Plat Richmond Creek Farms at Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Now York" dated February 26, 1996 prepared by Young i Young, Land Surveyors (the "Map" ) . Said easement shall run from Main Road to the northerly line of Lot 2 as shown on the Map or any lot having said line an its northerly line into which Lot 2 may be subdivided. Said easement shall be of the minimum width required by the Southold Town Code at the time said easement is purchased. The parties acknowledge that the currant minimum width requirement under the Southold Town Code is 25 feet. The location of said easement shall not interfere with the use of the Earth Road by the Party of the First Part. The Party of the Second Part shall be obligated for maintenance and improvement of said easement from and after the date on which the Party of the Second Part acquires title thereto. The Party of the First Part shall have no obligation with respect to maintenance or improvement of said easem rom and after the date on which the Party of the First Part said easement to the Party of the Second Part pursuant to this Option. (The easement as described in this Paragraph 1 is hereinafter referred to ns the "Easement" ) . 2. Consideration for the Option is $10, receipt of which is acknowledged by the Party of the First Part as good, valuable and sufficient consideration. 3. This Option is effective as of the date Ilereof. 4 . This Option shall terminate on the third anniversary of the date hermof. D. The purchase price of the Basement shall be $10, 000, 00. 6. It is heruby understood and agreed that in the event the Party of the Second Part does not exercise its Option to purchase the Basement within the time period not forth, or notifies the Party of the Pirst Part in writing that it elects not to so exercise, then this Option, shall be deemed cancelled, and noither party shall have any further right against the other party. In that event, the Party of the Second Part shall within seven (7) days from service of written notion by the Party of the First Part, execute and deliver to the Party of the First Part such document as shall be required to clear the recording of this 0 tion from the records of the Suffolk County Clerk failing which the Party of the Second Part appoints the Party of the First Part, as its attorney in fact with full authority to execute and deliver such document. 7. The Party of the First Part shall notify the Party of the Second Part in writing of any intent by the Party of the First Part to convey the Property, in whole or in part, at least thirty (30) days prior to such conveyance so that the Party of the Second Part is given the opportunity to exercise this Option prior to such convoyancel provided, however, fail urs of the Party of the First Part to so notify the Party of the Second Part shall not effect the validity of this Option against any successor in interest of the Party of the First Part. Be The Party of the Second Part must indicate its intent to exercise this Option by written notice addressed to the Party of the First Part. The parties shall agree to a mutually convenient closing date to occur within a reasonable time following the date of such notice. g. This Option shall be binding on the Party of the First Part, its successors and assigns. This Option shall inure to the benefit of the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns. This Option is assignable by the Party of the Second Part with the consent of the Party of the First Part, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have signed their names c the day and year first above written. Pellegrini Pee is LLC BYI o rt • egr n , em er P• o Land Trust Inc, BYI gma oger #31th, Chairman r t STATE OF NEW YORX ► COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )88. 1 On they - day of ���c , 1998, before me, came Robert Pellegrin,to me known, who bsing by m• duly sworn, di *pose and say that he resides at rnR i to C UT o Nuc•- Uer , that he is a member of Pelle rin •eco1ic jb;;;the Iimitdd liability company desoribod in and which executed the foregoing instrument. Mary u O MAIN KOLAKOWSKI i Notary Public,Stns of Now York STATS OF NEW YORK No.467", SuNolk County COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )68. 1 Commission Sspuse Sept. 2, 19 g On the �� • day of , 1998, before me, came Roger Smith, o me known, w o e nyy by me duly, sworn, d d epoq• and say that he resides at NA ti�� R0. TNAwI � KV that he is the Chairman of reconlo Landmit ino. , a corpora ion described in and which executed the foregoing instrument# Notary Public am . MARY KOLAKOWSKI Nolny public,lute of Now Yerk No,4117=6, Suffolk County F: Commission/spins Sept 2, 108 C F . SCHEnULB A ALL that certaln plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and belnpp at Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and dosi8nated as Lot 1 on the Minor Subdivision Plat known as Richmond Creak Perms, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ata monument on the southeasterly side of Main Road at the northeasterly corner of the premises herein described and the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Robert K. and Elizabeth K, Simon; THENCE South 34 degrees 41 minutes 41 seconds East.along the last mentioned land and along lands now or formerly of Elizabeth S, Mead, Richard and Elizabeth Mead, Jennie Lee Pierce, Robert and Mouser.Rinjold, Norma Jean Mehrnun and John R. Mehtman and Norma J, Mahrman, 2715,77 to land now or formerly of Chester H. and Joyce M. Skwara as described In dead Libor 6308 cp 303; THENCE along land now or formerly of Skwara the following 3 courses and distances; 1. South 32 degrees 27 minutes 09 seconds West, 140.22 feet to a point; 2. North 73 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds West, 74,93 fact to a point; 3, South 16 degrees 33 minutes 59 se seconds West, 175,00 fact to the northeasterly side of Walls Rad; t THENCE North 73 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds West along the northeasterly side of Wells Road, 341.71 feat to other land of Peconle Land Trust Inc, and shown as Lot 2 w on the minor subdivision herein; o THENCE long the lot mentioned land the following 5 courses and diaaeces; 1. North 34 degrees 35 minutes 31 seconds West, 55.35 feet to a point; 2, Northwesterly along the are of a curve to the left having a radlus of 500 feet a distance of 190,20 feet to a point; 3. North 56 degroes 43 minutes 13 seconds West, 360,30 feet to a point; 4, North 49 degrees 58 minutes 35 seconds West, 332.54 feat to a point; 5. South 63 degrees 30 minutes 23 seconds West, 247.46 feet to Richmond Creek; f • continued on next pagb a i 11903PC454 R S C H E D U L E A (contig uedl THENCE along Richmond Crack the following 4 tic courses and distances 1. North 24 degrees 43 minutes 34 seconds West, 329.08 fact to a point; 2. North 13 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West, 110.76 feet to a point; 3. North 72 degrees 14 minutes 31 seconds Wast, 38.89 feet to a point; 4. North 30 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds West, 113.00 feat to a monument and land now or furmarly of REC Realty Co.; THENCE along the last mentioned lend the following 2 courses and distances 1. North 49 degrees 16 minutes 39 seconds Fast, 326.10 fact to a monument; 2. North 27 eagroes 41 minutes 01 seconds West, 321,50 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of James C. do Joze McBurnie; THENCE North 27 degrees 13 minutes 11 seconds West along the last mentioned lend, 232,33 fact to the southeasterly side of Mein Rad; THENCE North 35 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds Fast, along the southeasterly side of a Main Road, 22.54 foot to a point; si THENCE South 27 degrees 13 minutes 11 seconds Fast, 146.00 feet to a point; r THENCE North 43 degrees 02 minutes 09 seconds Fast, 146.85 feet to a point; THENCE North 34 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, 159.00 feat to the southeasterly side of Main Road; K THENCE North 35 dogmas 19 minutes 29 seconds East along the southeasterly aide of Main Road, 419.23 fact to the monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. O t p� Yw F