HomeMy WebLinkAbout1350 ~<__~..e-!..H:lJe.!:, 7Yum FV>?cuU E. ^^~ I 3/ /J -----------.-..-J--.--- 1i r 'b ~ 7 a..,IJ.. / PvUt s'-( S IS P/:J 7!;7/0t- -A/lA f/l7/ib I. .1, fe' I fil' 31 ../~ -"'_ ~i~' -: - ,., _ ..:s_~_-=Z'U.uYl'U2LV Ll(~__(?J.0 ,(l'iltJ-+-.---- -. 13--- ~.,.". ?,{i.fl<' j;;)c.O.... ~/'.Y(;'J'} n "I' -J .;:)..) C _ ,{.je iJ'/ I. .u ./ 4aL~'Or!l<~- u. ~dcd~,,;,;:~~~7fc/ilO . ffi,u/~#F4 ~, VCi^l - C~ ,'5 ~'~r't'-.IL &x.<-f . I' VJ 'P.Hj.A'1~ ,<\-3 .-.. 1. \ .. \..J S".BD I 'J~' ... - OkY' J-'jJ-oS d.vm..... ,J--~k-~ 3. 1 - \) -u. - ~s.il r/;;J.los-J~ ~ . .--- . ~0 Sf ~ ~ #t 2>1;).3 ;)...-~" ;'A:.I~rI~-f' rb'f G-Ou.<..J.. 31- '3- -3' ~ ( NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 -w:>.L the Town Law and the provir -"'J of the amended BuildHlg b ~ Ordinance of the Tmrll of SOuthold. Suffolk County, New York, pUblic hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of SOuth. old, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. on July 9. 1970 on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (EDSTI. upon ap- plication of Abe Goldrich. East Broadway. Woodmere, New York. for a variance in llccorda'nce with the Zaning Ordinance. Ar- ticle III. Section 303, and Ar- ticle X. Section IDOOA.. for per- mission to build ne\\.' one familY dwelling with less than 100 ft. frontage. Location of property: east side of Bay' Shore. Road, Subdivision Map _ of Peconic Bay Estates, Amended Map A. Lot Nos. 14 and 15. Greenport. New York. 7:40 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap- plication of George W. Smith & SOns, Southold, New York. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III, Section 307, for permission to construct addition Ito eXisting dwelling with insufficient side- yard areR. Location of property: east side of Mailler Court, Sub- division Map of Smithfield Park. Lot No, 20, Southold, New York. 8:00 P. M. (EDST) , upon ap- plication of Mary Bollman, Tru- man Path, East Marion. New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article nI, Section 303, and Ar- ticle X, Section lOOOA, for per- mission to build new one familY dwelling with less than 100 ft. frontage. Location of property; south side of Truman Path. East Marion, New York, bounded north by Truman Path. east by Earle Vail, south by Oardiners Bay, west by W Bollman. 8:30 P. M. (EDST). upon ap- plication of Ralph T. - Preston, Inc., Greenport, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article TII, Section 300, for permission to use lot for storage of build- ing materials, ero: Location of property: east side of Manhan- set Avenue, Oreenport, New York, bounded north by Ster- ling Cemetery. east by Barbara Dow, south by Saint Agnes Cemetery, west by Manhanset Avenue. 8:45 P. M. (EDSTl. upon ap- pltcatton of Virginia E. Fulcher, 7 Harless Place, West Hemp- stead, New York, for a variance in _ accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article TII. section 303, and Article X. Section l000A for permission to set oft' lot with less than 100 ft. frontage., Lo- cation of property,: private road off south side of Peconic Bay Blvd., Suddivislon Map of Edge- mere Park, Map No. 742, part of lot No. 14, Laurel, New York. 9:00 P. M. (EDST). upon ap- plication of Henry Williams, Mechanic street. Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article In, Section 300, Subsection 5' (a), for per- mission to extend use of two family dwelling as a non-con- forming use. Location of prop- erty: east side of Mechanic Street, SOuthold, New York, bounded north by Douglas Cum- mings, east by Mechanic Street, south by D T Smith, west by P Bridge. 9:15 P. M. (EDST). upon ap- plication of Lloyd Hamilton, Love Lane. Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m, section 303, and. Article X, section lOOOA, for permission to divide property and sell off ex- isting cottages on lots with less than 100 ft. frontage and less than---12,600 sq. feet of area. Lo- cation of property: north east comer of Bailie Beach Road. Mattituck, New York, bounded north by CatuUo-AUen, east by Catullo-~ttle, south by :Bailie Beach Road, west by Bailie Beach Road. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } 55: C. Whitney Booth, J r., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for .......D.<;Ik:A?_.(./.).. weeV successively commencing on the ...............d..2r..?.k........ day of ..(.jf~.t.~..!/;;.~ 19~7Z iZ!!(f!flq~ 'T~ Sworn to before me this ...........6......... day of ~e4!;........, 19;7G C.-!" .n 'i. hI {;; ../ / "'" ~ :- ~ . ., ......... ...L.;;' L. k.~.... ..~r..(..Q~........... Notary Public AD[LE PAYNE NO!;1rv I'u':iir. St.'lte r;f Np'N Vorl( f~cs irlil,'! "i! r r,~ ~!, (\JU n [y No :;1-3i]'I!~>llJ Cornl~~i$$ion expires rV\8rdl 30, 1971 9:30 P. M. (EDSTl. pursuant tn Section 267. Subdivision 6 of the " 'Town Law, of the state of New York. on the Board's motion, a rehearing on APpeal No. 1311; upon application of Joseph D. \ Zaiser, Mill Creek Drive, Soutb- old, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article In, Section \ 300, subsection 6, for permission to locate carport (accessory use) in front yard area. Location of property: east side of Mill Creek Drive, Southold, New York. bounded north by Wm. J. Miller, east bY Mill Creek. south by P. Forestierl, west by Mill Creek Drive. AnY person desiring to be heard on the abOve applications should appear at the time and place specified. DATED: JUNE 18. 1970 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS IT-7-2 I.v...._. _~ __" LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NoticeofHear'IIIglf' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 Pursuant to Sllction .'of the STATE OF NEW YORK. f ss: Town Law and the provisions of J the amended 'Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of . . . ,.,5.'. t:1.,",G~ :-..;e:. . ~'" ,(}-<L.!--.~~~-':-~~ " being duly Sworn. Southold, Suffolk County, New ;: y...t, public hearings will _held says that . .t:li-.-. . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK by thelllemng BoardoE of the Town of SootbIM. Town WEEKL Y TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Office, Main ROila. thold, New York, on July 9, llI'/U'on the county; and that thE' notice. of which the annexed is a printed following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times applicatilll of Abe Goldrich, East B d Woo"-ere New . I k f ~L<<-L wee"'" roa way, ....., once m E'OC 1 wee . or. . ......................... .'""1 York, fOl' a va~e in ac- - . , ,I corclance with the Zoning Or. I successiveoly oommencing on the ....:f:, ('K-.l.-~. . . . . . . . . . . . . dinance, Artid~ III, SJi;on 3Oa~~' Road,. Subdivision Map""f '~-' 19? 0 and Article X, Section lOOOA, for Peconic Bay Estates, Amellded -'" ire '~,' . " '" permission to build new one Map A, Lot No.'s 14,& 15, .:--~ ;,/,\... .) c...~ -'::_'-~~"';'":~.__.._.......... family dwelling with less than lOll Gt-............t, New YoI'k. ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD ft. frontage. ,Location of 7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS properly: east side of Bay Shore application of George W. Smith'" ITJL3 Sons, Southold, New Yom, for a , variance in accordance with the .-\-\"~ '<"'~"I,:"",_""<;'{' \, '-_.,'-"-"-.:--'-ty-~ Zoning Ordinance, Article III, .... ft. ,.... '\'''~''. ....,....... .,................ Section 3m, f... permission to '"'''''' ,,~~ ~_..:.. ....;".._~~\.\., 0..\,,-,.._ construct addition to existing . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . >',. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dwelling with insufficient \ sideyard area. Location of ..,' properly: east side of Mailler Court, Suhdivisilll Map of Smith- field Part, Lot No. 20, Soothold, New Yort. 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon applicatilll of Mary Bollman. Truman Path, East Marion, New York, for a variance in ac- corclaBCe with !be Zoning Or- dioone" Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section lOOOA, for permission to build new one family dwelling with less than 100 ft. frontage. Location of properly: alOth side of Truman Path, East Marion, New York, hounded north by Truman Path, east by Earle Vail, south by Gardiners Bay, west by W. Bollman. 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon appIicatilll m Ralph T. Preston, Inc., Greenporl, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, for permission to use lot for storage of huilding materials, etc. Location of properly; east side of Manhasset Avenue, Greeuport, New York, hounded north by Sterling Cemetery. east by Barbara Dow. south b~ Saint Agnes C~metery, west by'Manhaset Avenue. , '8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon application of Virginia E. Fulcher, 7 Harless Place, West Hempstead, New York, . for a variance in accordance WIth the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Sec- tion lOOOA, for permission to set off lot with less than lOll ft., frontage. Locatilll of property: Private road off South side m Peconic Bay Blvd., Subdivision Map of Edgemere Park, Map No. 742, part of lot No. 14, Laurel, New y...k. 9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon application m Henry Williams, Mechanic Street, Southold, New Y...... fir a special ~ in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m. Section 300 Subsection 5 (al, for per- ~ to ""tI!IId use m two family dwelling as a. non. conforming use. Location ~f properly: east side m Mechanic Street, Southold, New Yort, bounded n...th by Dong~s l!l1'mmiT, eest by ,!..m...c Street, aouth by D. T. Smith, west by P. Bridge. 9:15 P oM. (E.D.s.T.l, upon application m U.."J Hamilton, LQve I.ani!,Mattituck, New Y~ f... a variance in acconlance With the Zoning ()rotina....... Article m, Section d, and Article X, Sec- 'tion lOOOA, f... permission to divide I"_t)' and sell off existing cottages on Jots with less ; than lOll fL frnnta8e and less than 12,500 sq. feet 01 area. Location 01 properly' -u. east COI'IIeI" m I Bailie &am Road, llattituck, New y...k, lr.....ileJ north by eatulk>-AIIen east by eatulk>- I LitUe, south by Bailie Beach Road, .....t by Bailie Beach I RDad. \:um::-;L~'i(~~~ ~~i/):'~_~ F. LA1'\"CT<)~ j -. ~ t) l ' , ~: t crmWTN < 'r !\\'\\' 'r(n Ie ~'~;~" S2~U,7()<;() ,V.o.3:''-'.; ;:<,'. 1 "'..}\ 9:30 P.M. (E.D.8.T.), PIirSDllm - to Sectioo 1IIR, SulHliYision 6 ~ the Town Law, of tbe Stale ~ New y....k, on tbe Board's motioo. a rdIeaJSiIIg on Appeal No. 1311; upon lI(IIlIicatioo ~ Joseph D. z.u-, Mill Creek Drive, Soutbold, New York, f.... a va_inaa:ordaD<ewiththe Zoning Qrdinanee, Article ill, Section 300, SubseCtion 6, f.... permisSion to locate carport (accessory use) in front yard area. Locatioo ~ p-operty: east side of Mill Creek Drive, SOOthold, New York, bouDded north by Wm. J. Miller, east by Mill Creek, south by P. Forestieri, west by Mill Creek Drive. Any per"lD desiring to be beard on the above applications should appear at !be tinftl and place specified. DATED: JUNE 18, 1970, BY eter No i Con. iderat n ... too = ~ .... ~ ... =' .. '5it~ Ii .3 it . " l#)'ii2: ....'~..,; 'ie] i .s -; ..: < ti _~,. ...,.-...- - ~"'_~~.~~~"-'P"~ ...... .~,..~~-.-~.~~ ._'c___, S~ N. Y. D. T. U. P_ a007-....... ..... "Ie o...s. wldJ CQftJWlI ....... ~""'. Aet_.......,........" ... CorP;IratIon-7111.8.eS.EPCO. , " '. , LIBRR 6791 page 505 CONIULT YOUII LAWYIII .__ 11_ T1tIS ...STIIU_THIS _TIlUMINT SHOULD .. us. .Y LAWYIIII _Yo , . 15th Augu.~ ..V.,ty THIS INDEN'I'\IJi~, itlwi~1dually and' iietSRl~'fl.fthl'dt.,....t by 8BWWEIIIlr.ty, r..idi:li(, at 237-16 S/3rd Road, ..n.ro.., QUHns County, Mew York, fOrlllerly r..ldi,l.i. at tne .... addr..., ~e.n. Villag., ~eans County, blew York, VETO NICHOLAS ruCCII.1.O and .JQU IOU: Ml,N ~\i1lt.stqJ..tt, Mife, r.8idillg at SOUQd waa, Gr..uport, Suffolk COUllty, New York, party of the second part, Ona (1. (0) WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece QT JliU'CelffC~L w~~hr buildiggs and irqprovements th~reon ersc;tedl situate, ,UII:IU..t 0 1; J.OQ, Town or South010, Surfo k lying and being in the County, N_ York, boum:haa and d..crioed a. followa: lOOINNIHG at a 1'1l011lBellt .et on tn. .out'l.rly U.ne of a twenty -Eve (25) foot rig:-.t of way, .aid I1IOll...nt "i'1& aOout two i'\U1dred lIiS'lt (208) f_t more ort la,. nortt1erly fcOIII Gardinar. lay ao<1 one hundred (liJU) feet soutn...terly ,loi.\i .aid riil'lt of "ay frOl4 a .tak. at land f~rly of P. M11ton WelCh, .aid point being tn. northwe.terly corll.r of land conv.yed I;,y idna A. Brown to Earl. ri. Vail by deed dated May 18, 1946 and recorded 1n Suffolk County Clerk'. OfUce 0.1 May 21, LJ46 in Liber 2j67 of DeeQ. at pqa 292; rURni!.. thellee along the lat d..Cldbe4 land S. 2~ daar... 46 .!nut.. 2v .ecoad. E. two hundred eia,"1t (1u8) f..t .ore or 1... to the Iliall ..~~r .arkot GarcU..4.r~ '..,; ruon1n& tl\enc:. a100& tll. 1\1&1\ water lll,Uk ot Cult, ille", lay 'Ollt~.t.dl fUty (5l.l) ,hat ..ra 01' la.. -"'..~ " , ," ' to ,l~ C:OOl(."ltd D,J, 4., '--:~~ co"lt~r ~lllutl b.1 deed dated ~ 1.&. 1940.1\4 l'~=4 "~t.n" '"fc1,'-' ,~e) '~~.t1c" Offld'~ Ma, 21, 1)4. $,llljt ...a~t' o(,.'.t. " . "188 41:1411",1.na t~. alC)t\f; the laat cte.~rlbed land It. If ..r~46 min\.lt.. 20 ..c'0ll4., '.' two (l~&'ed ten (210) fHt IlOl'. or la.. to a I1IOnUlMnt ..t at tn. rtorta..c;a.dy c:o~iWr Qf.,.a.I..1,"-.(,JoJ.~ _ t,.- ~utb4Jrl.)' LAg!. of ..id i1gl'1t of way; 'runn(na t~ ilema tile .outherly U.na of' ..id. &'j,&ht ot ..,11. ,U "eana. 19 Ia1nut.. 40 ..cond. i. fifty (~\o/) fe.t to.~ poil)tot._t~f1';" " , , .'. ". " .... ~,., , .' "J .,' . .' ",' - , ~ .1~ ~l.th.rUtic..*~C1.t~ t~t;.c..tot ti3.,.~ty of tile lint S-t,~. . Lll_'~ttle ~d l&QCIu he, .t~t.:of Cb:a4i.~~... "ley ~j ,1ni>>&'IUf <~~I.._t~'.'lNtl.i" 1 ~d ,~1.l of' ti}41 , s:i.ahh <,t1t1.. Ln,' ..er.,.. JJt "~"b4b4 . ,"",,~Y ,(.~h'.fin, f,~,t.Ol, 4, .'1&4\4 t.~ dpt of _y. a4;o11\1aa ;.-1c1il1:..t;..., .o~.t~. l,lOr~. " ' t\ ~', I '1 :~ ':" ... -; .t ", '" TOG&THZR al.o witb a right of way ov.r .aid ev.nty fiv. (25) foot right of way rinning from the northw..t.rly corn.r of the prea~.. her. in de.cribed to .aid land fqraerly of r. MIlton Welch. and tb.nce .north.rly, eventy five {2S) f..t in w1dth. aloQl .aid 1&Dd foraerly of r. Hilton Welcba~eleYeD hundred (l100) f.et to laQd now or forgerly of rlor.nce Tuthill and eontin~ioanortherly along .aid land fo~rly of r. MIlton We~cb .ixteen (16) f..t in width. ov.r .aid land now or formerly of Plor.nc. TUthill and 1&Dd of Gdffina to th., Main ~oad; ,&1d right of way to ~n with the preai.e. hereby conveyed. SUBJECT to covenants and re.triction. contained in former d.ed. of r.cord. BEING AND nrn:MDBD TO II the .... pr_iae. convey.d to the party of the llrilt part and Walter F. Bollman, now d.e....d. by deed dated September 17. 1'48 and r.cord.d in the otfic. of th. Clerk of t~~ County of Suffo~ on September 20. 1948 in Llber 2874 of De.ds at pea. 196. ,. , ,J "'.. " ~ '~':.l 'it, j.:l' ,1: .'.1_, ':( , ::,;;)1.'1. ~jl:' ('1-(1 ; m!([ (.; , './1., ! " ; _ ," f', r -, ,.j - I.: ~ ["., .'" C ,I.!" t" :l;.l I -., 1 ; ~,'l" L>:."::';~,,~." ~,;;" '.)' ,C,-". l.,' ,;' ; ~-1 ,,; '-1 ,L :.,-'1;. -"1 '-"" ,Jt:.",.. 'Y,. ;-; !": f..'~-(! ':~'t ", <' '" ,:<",,!. r+ 1'1 ~~; t", ".",'. ',- lj ~H;)1 snWiM.l-.l.HI~ j;"~~'~f-~f~.Wi~l t!l-tOrlifP u: '\~ID SA. rYMA.Bi O~41'A '~~1~3 Pill" LgRs ]O~ I '.','.. "". .\~ "'in,,,. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: MARY BOLLMAN Mary Bollman R.E.T.T. S.N.Y. 00.00 8/18/70 STATI OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OFSUFFOLK IS: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the IS day of August 1970 . before me On the day of personally came personally came MARY BOLLMAN to me known to be the individual e~ecuted the foregoing instrument, S ne executed the same, described in and who and acknowledged that ~,' 'll..f.:'\IlUHG 1\ JI'''I\':l'\I J. ,.:'il',: . I ;"o;ew 'lor" < Ie Stale ~l l NO'L\Il\ Pl!"L ~';.909U.50 No.;:J- ffo\k Coonty QUlllified. la s;.,ch at. \"._ TerDl Es.plfca STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. lIargatn anh t;ab lull WITH COVEN^NT AG/I.1NST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE No. MARY BOLLMAN TO VeTO NICHOLAS FUCCILLO anc' JOAN BOLLMAN FUCCILLO. his wife. STANDARD FOIM OF NEW YOlK 10...ID OF TITLE UNDERWIITERS l~ u.w..""l"'i. TITLE t>'1 nI.UR~ COM,.ANY GUARANTEED TITLE DIVISION II: 19 , before me to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same, described in and who and acknowledgeCt that II: STATI OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF II: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded Ac Request of American Tille Insurance Compllny RETURN BY MAIL TO: Joseph J. SneHcnburg II Altor"~y ,,: Law SoutllVld. New York 1197'l Zip No. .. o l: .. o " ~ Iil o o .. .. .. o .. .. p .. 2 " o :: .. i!l ~ " .. m iii .. RECORDED August 18. 1970 at 10:08 A.M. LESTER M. ALBERTSON CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY . -'1 l'.- I i J /JJ z: .J l? ~. B <( I.iJ u 2: i~ -./ J \ 11 ::J, '~I .~ "I 11 ':1 ':1 ,. .' ., .' d ' f. .-~ " t . R..IC,HT . OF, WAY 50~D ~ ::'" .~, <. r N . '.'. 6~~ +, " t\; -~ 1 I \ I I I , '~~: .. " /;1 :111 ..,' ~~\ . , r.' ! ! :i ".: .............. .') .j 'I ",J ';.1 ~; J1 ij .1 , i i .'srePS~ -.,1 :1 . , .. m (\,J ~ .. l\W =:.- -=- 5$3"52 \0 . .' , 50':! ""0.104 "- TI E . ~ i " , , 142. ~Qj)\NEJ;2.S . BAY ~ , ! , ....-. ~ ~""' , , . '1 i\ ):,; :"1' ~,I ~~ i I, J '1" \' , MAP OF PROPERTY . SURVEYED .... FOR H':MAQYBOLLMAN AT . - EAST.. MARJON TOWN OFSOUTHOLD)N.'f. . >; r 11:7~~' j t'l .' '.~;' ~ , {, . ~ "C'r'K"'t':'" 30' . I .\11 ""~'-~-""'"~..- , . "~:ml.,MaN\.JM€N.r. . . , _::0~lQdfrPfPE:: ,.' .'. ~ - ~'~. ". ,..," ~/ i __ ", /1tr. ~~ L1CEN5ED LAND 5' ''0I\EYQ~ GRI='FN PORT) N,Y; I ., ':i ',\ '~ i . ,:1 '\1 ':'1 ~1 "/ .~ ',' . . AS 5UQVEYED AUG.4-,197Q VA~~ TU VL If 9JN . . . '! .it. . r?J "'.,'~ .. ';"~i ;-~, '/;"'!":-:"< , ..,j. .;!~ ~. "~::fJ";~t '. .:;' '/ F'~i