HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/01/1988382 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 1, 1988 WORK SESSION Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond W- Edwards, Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran (A.M, session only--ill in P.M.), Councilman George L. P~enny IV, ~ Coun¢i.l, woman Ruth D. Oliva, Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Town Clerk J~dith T. Terry~ Town'Attorney James A. Schondebare (10 A.M;). ' 9:00 A.M. - With Water Advisory Committee members Robert Villa, Mark McDonald, William Gremler, James Monseli, Frank Bear (Chairman), and Walter Smith'in attend- ance, Mark McDonald made a presentation 'to the' Board on the proposed Core Water- shed Protection Area, a report prepared by a subcommittee consisting of RObert Villa and Mark McDonald. Mr. MCDonald reViewed previous watershed protection studies designed to utilize the groundwater divide:in the areas of deepest recharge, since water quality is the most ,difficult problem for the bulk of the Town. The proposed area ~uns along both sides of Route 48 between Mattituck and Southold, with two smaller areas near' Laurel Lake. He emphasized that creating a Watershed protection Area without measures to ensure the quali!ty of water within the area would be a hollow ac~tion, therefore there must be'~e~'~lations to promote and maintain a high waulity water supply. Ownership of the l'and by the Town is the ideal solution, but financlally'unfeasible, therefore regulation!s to cluster and transfer of development rights, is !PrOposed. Creation of ,~ , zoning districts is also proposed: Water Protection Zone, Clustering Zone ,and" of Development Rights Receiving Zone. water Advisory commitltee that he does not subscribe to the While Councilwomen Oliva and 'Larsen were completely Councilma .pposed ~h9 plan, stating,~ tha~ the Town should establish four twenty acre ~ erve as recharge areas for 'wells. He also questioned whether~ farmers aren't bei~ out. The ~/~C will continue their . studies and return to meet with the in the near future. 10:I5.A.1~I. - Joseph Fischetti.and Steven Fuchs, owners of a proposed maj0r sub- division '!The Woods at Cutchogue", met With the Board to discuss the amount of mOney, to!be depos, ited in lieu of land for park and playground. Thev ooir~ted out that tl~ey! have revise~t their Cluster cOncePt for the sub~iiv sion, thu~ p'roviding for a ']2 Acre parcel olf and to be dedidat~ to the ToWn. ~l'-he Board agre~ to accept' $~,800 ~n lieu Of park and playground (See res0lutl~on no. 18)'. 10:30 A.M. - Town Attorney Schondebare informed the Board that the Cos~ello affordable housing project at the corner of Moores Lane and Route 48, Greenport, has been abandoned due to their inability to obtain server lines from the Village of Greenport. Mr. Schondebare informed the Board that in accordance with the . AHO regulations the property now reverts, back to its former zoning which is "M" Multiple Residence District. 10:40 A.M. - Plannin9 Board Chairman Bennett Orlowski met with the Board to review certain Planning Board needs: additional office space; a Site Plan Ordinanc. e; regula- tions regarding sand leaving Town as has been happening with certain subdivisions; the need for a coordinator between the Plannin9 Board, Building Department, Board of Appeals, etc.; duties of a proposed Town' Engineer; the manner in which the Planning Board handles their applications--meeting with the public only at regular meetings. In the past the Board had met with the public on an info'r~al w~eklY basis, but were only able to handle four. to six applicat ons. They now. meet with Planner Valerie Scopaz to review ~he applications anci can handle ~0-80 per session, after with Planner Scopaz relays the Board's recommendations and ~lecisions to :the applicants. 11:05 A.M. - Edward Dart, Chairman of the Tree Committee, met~with the Board to bring them up to date on the work of the committee, who have been, working for the past 12 months to.develop a'Tree Ordinance . They have' now developed,apro~ject to f nd o d and historic trees and compi e a~ nven~ory of them, as asked f~r the Board's permission to put adVertisement: °f sam~ .in the local newspaper?-g~anted. Mr. Oart also briefly discussed a proposal for tree work and pruning, an annual Arbor Oay, and possible fund raising for a tree planting program. 11:40 A.M. - John deReeder met with the Board to discuss the Bed and Breakfast regulations. He feels the permission to have a bed and breakfast, granted as a Special Exception by the Board of Appeals, should terminate upon transfer of owner- ship, and a new owner must apply to ~he ZBA if they wish the same use. Town Attorney Schondebare advised Mr. deReeder that he wrote the bed and breakfast provision of the code and the intent w~s to be owner occupied and the bedl and breakfast would be subordinate. , 88 383 EXECUTIVE SESSION 12 Noon - Town Attorney Schondebare and Assistant Town Attorney Berntsson met with the,~Board to, discuss litigation. :50 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 2:30 P.M. - Board began auditing bills. 2:45 P.M. - George Oesmarais, P.E., and Mike Tumulty, P.E., Holzmacher, McLendon and Mur~ell, P.'C., and Paul Roth and Dan Morganelli of the New York State' Depart- ment Of Environmental Conservation, met :with tl~e Board to discuss the. proposed expansion of the Cutchogue Landfill in respect to the revised 6NYCRR Part 360 regulations, and the hydrbgeOlogic investigation ad the landfill site.. Mr. Roth advi.sed the Board that Unc~er tl~ new regulations` landfills may only exist if they receive by products of resource recoverty or-composting. He informed them that the proposed 10 acre expansion would seriously affect the water table in the 'area, thus would, not be permitted, unless a double liner is 'installed, the cost of which is astronomical. The proposed composting facility wil'l not be affected by these new r:egulation s. 4:I0 P.M. - Richard Israel appeared before'the Board to ask if a traffic study, compiled by his consultant Merlon Wiggin, would be acceptable for the OEIS with respect to his Affordable Housing change of zone petition. One engineering firm said such a study would take about two months and cost $8,~00. [t;was suggested Mr. Israel try other firms. 4:30 P.M. - Board reviewed regular meeting resolutions. 4:45 P.M. - Completed auditing bills. 5:00 P.M. - For Discussion Items: (I) Receipt of a letter from Florence Grippe requesting the restriction of the use of Water scooters in tow. n waters. (2) Discussion relative to the amount to b.e deposited with the Town in lieu of land for Park and Playground purposes by the owner of Chardonnay Woods major subdivision---(see resolution no. 27), (3) Approval of expenditure for an East End study of a trash disposal system (see resolution no. 26). '5:10 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M. A Regular Meetincj, of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, November 1, 1988, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Murphy opened the meeting at 7:30 P. M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Absent: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Councilwoman Ellen rvI. Larsen Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first order of business is an approval of the audit ot the bills of November 1, 1988. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards,'it was RESOLVED the the following audited bills be and hereby ordered paid: General Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $78,3~1.74; General Fund, Part Town bills in the amount of $35,413.28; Highway Department, Whole Town bills in the amount of $10,680.25; Highway Department, Part Town bills in the amount of $4,734.34; Highway Fund, CHIPS bills in the amount of $28,892.62; West Creek Estates Road Improvement District bills in the amount of $89.70; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount of $16,070.22; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $9,469.54; Fishers Island Ferry District, ~gency and Trust bills in the amount~of $318.0I; Nutrition Fund bills in the amount of $4,107.93; Adult'Day Care Program bills in the amount of $408.92; Home Aide Program bills in the amount of $146.32; SNAP Program bills in the amount of $3,014.35; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount Of $66,724.00; Community Development Fund bills in the amount of $103.32 Vote of the Town Board; Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution ,was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution approving the minutes of the Town Board meeting of October 18, 1988, the special meeting of October 25, 1988, and the special meeting of October 27, 1988. Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED the the minutes of the regular Southold Town Board meeting ~eld on October 18, 1988, the minutes ofthe's ~thold ToWn Board megting held on October '25, 1988, and the ~ I'thoId Town Board meetinc, t ~elci on October 27. 1988 'be and ' ' Vote of.'the Town Board; A' : Councilwoman Larsen COuncilwoman Oliva, -,COuncilman Penny, Ju,. 'Su This resolution wa., _ ~.~. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: ,Next is a resolution setting the-next meeting date for' November 1:57 1988, 7:30 P.M, Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the next re~]ular Southold Town Board meetinc~ will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, November 15, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Sou~hold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, JuStice Edwards; Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. I. REPORTS SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first item on the agenda are Reports. These are on file at the Town Clerk's Office. 1. Times Mirror Cable Television report for October, 1988 2. Town Trustees monthly report, October, 1988. 3. Recreation Department monthly report, October, 1988. 4. Town Justice Price, monthly report for September, 1988 5. Councilmen's Reports. At this time I would like to ask any of the Councilman if anything special to report, starting on my right with Ruth. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you, Frank. On Wednesday, October 19th, Don Dzenkowski, our Bay Constable is very kind and took out our Planner Valerie Scopaz, and the people from the State on the Water Revitali- zation Program, Peter Walsch,' and we went out and we looked at Richmoncl Creek, Corey Creek, Town Creek and Jockey Creek to familiarize the State people of what our Town looks like from the water. It was a most rewarding trip and it was very interesting. It brought them up to date on what's going on. On October 19th, we had a Police Committee meeting with the PBA. On October 25th, we had an inla~ Committe~, which the chairman will report on, we also spoke about the budget. On October 26th, we had a Budget Committee meeting, and also we spoke about the Landfill, and we had a full Landfill Committee meeting on the 27th, and we also discussed the budget. On O~e-~ ~o had a Police Committee meeting. I thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: George? Thank you, Ruth. COUNCILMAN PENNY: On the 19th, I attended the meeting of the Police Committee. We're negotiating a two year contract with the PBA. On--~-~- z~th, we l~ad a budget meeting. On'the 26th, we had a Landfill meeting, we're discussing dump fees, in anticipation of putting in some revenues from the Landfill in the Budget to help reduce taxes. On the 27th, we had a meeting Landfill again, with H2M, and we discussed some of the proposals that have come into us for our composting system. On the 31st, met with the Police Committee, again, with the Chief of Police, and we discussed a new Boston Whaler, 25 footer, for next year to cover the Long Island Sound. We're going to send for a list for a Bay Constable, We'regoing to replace a part-timer with another full-timer, and we got into other discussions on the contract. Somewhere along the, line I missed mentioned that we had three days, back to back, of Bud~let meetinqs, which were very-productive in a long run. We were able to reduce the Supervisor's Proposed Budget from 17~'° to. somewhere around 10~,'° and we did itmainly by increasing fees and by reducing some of the insurance costs tha~' we were anticipating having to spend on next year,~ and we also reduced the New York-State Retirement, the unbilled retirement. And that's it; Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Ellen. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: i, also,~ participated in the meeting, previously reported on by George and Ruth. Not to sound repetitious, we did go over NOVEMBER 1, 1988 our budget and composting. It's been a bu,~ weel~ ~ many meetir~gs during t~at Week. I, ~1~; Waterways Committee on the 2§th of October, specifically to discuss pump-out facilities within the Town of Southold. We met primarily with several marina operators within the Town, and we reviewed 'two studies that were done. One specifically by Jay Tanski, of Sea Grant~ on pump-out facilities, and another one prepared by HzM ~or the ¥own of Easthampton on pump-out facilities. It was determined by all persons that the best way to proceed at this point, would be to formulate a questionaire and send it to the marina owners and several other areas where there is a large amount of boats to see how many boats we're talking about exactly. Also, I attended the ZBA meeting on the same day. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Judge Edwards? JUSTICE EDWARDS: Thank you, Francis. Yesterday I left Fishers Island at noontime, and had a ten minute layover in New London. I got the 1:00 o'clock New London ferry to Orient. Drove on through to Motor Vehicle. Had live pieces of work done, and dropped off about 25 driver liscense applications, in Riverhead Motor Vehicle. i'II pick them up tomorrow. I'll be taking the Motor Vehicle camera back to the island. I have 25 or 30 photographs to take next week, and with this weather we're having today, I imagine the Fishers Island is going to be burning their brush up over there. It's been held up With some crazy:-?lack of regulations, or. lack of certificate, but it's ail taken care of, and I imagine they had big fire over there today, because it's been a month and a half. They're waiting for a north- eastern rain so the ..... does go-over to Groton and gather on Mr. McCarthy's cars over there. An~d: 1, also, attended the Budget session and the Landfill meetings, and I'm very glad that some of the efforts we did, did lower the tax rate. That was on the 25th and the 26th. They're still digging some more wells on the island, and see tl~ well drillers over to an existing well that had quite a heavy iron content. Apparently they're going to pull up the sleeve and put another one down in its place, maybe go down a little deeper. They've qot four or five qood wells, producing wells, drilled on the island, and now they have discontinued temporaily using the 500,000 gallon reservoir that's up on, what we call Choucanoy Hill, it's up about 180 foot above sea level, and they've discontinued using that water in there. They've gone inside, completely cleaning it out, and going to put skidproof cement on the inside. The first time it's had any serious maintenance done on it in over fifty years. The ...... plant is taking the water out of the Billow Pond, filtering it, airating it, and pumping it directly into the line, and they just have keep on tap in case there's any from there to any of the fire hydrants. They have to just get up there and hitch the pressure up, and with the pressure that they've been putting on the lines, there's been a few main breaks over there, because, again, the distribution system .s also over fifty years old, and some of these old cast iron pipes are about on their last legs, so they've got a lot of money to spend on the water system on Fishers Island. I have Court tomorrow morning in here, and after that I'll go out to Riverhead and get a rebriefing on the camera, put the camera in my Blazer and hope to get the 3:00 o'clock ferry back to New London and the quarter to six back to Fishers Island tomorrow night. One last thing, I don't know if any of you people went down there to Mattituck, but that house on Route 25 , on the north side of the road, all the pumpkins they had lit up last night, it was certainly a beautiful sight. I don't know if anyone got any pictures of it, but if they did, I'd certainly like to have one to take back to the island. Very, very nice. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ray. Yes, the last two weeks were probably the busiest for the entire To~n Board, that ! ever remember in a long while, and an awful lot of work was done, I'm very happy to say, that we were able to reduce the budget down to, I think, a fair and equitable gross rate. 'Mainly, we had a favorable decision from the Attorney from the Association of Towns, who in conjunction with the Controller, said its perfectly legal for us fund this retirement, unbilled retirement,account over a longer period~of time, than the two years we were anticipating. So we're very happy to see it. II. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to Item II on the agenda, Public Notices. There are eight of them. Probably the one of most interest is Number 7, Southold TOwn Highway Department notice of the clean-up week on November 14, 1988 through the 18th, 1988. This, with new fees we're anticipating to put into the Landfill will probably be the last year of it. It was a very good program, and it's one that's being abused, really too much lately. There's, when you go down to the Orient Point Ferry tomorrow, Ray, look on the road right there, someone, I think has demolished a buildinq, and put it out On the S~ate highway. It's probably a minimuim of two-~orty yard trailers that we'll have cart into the Lan~tfill for somebody who thought 38'5 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 itfs easy to put it out on the road and then we'll cart it to the Landfill. This is' one of~the reasons ~why we ha' go into fees, and programs like this that we outgrown their up for free, we'll be picking been saved for a whole year. it certainly doesn't look like' it. for construction demolition;debri into the landfill shortly, around th~ served the purpose have now ~ fee structure, if we ever started picking II the garbage in the whole area that's we can continue part ~of it, but Ily expect to start~ a fee structure that type of stuff, going yea.~. 1. U. S~ Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, public notice on application of Dolores Hol-man for construction of groins and placement of beach fill at Little Peconic Bay, Southold, New York. Written comments by November 14, 1988. 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, public notice of application of Mattit~ck Inlet Marina to dredge and install a floating pier at Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York. Written comments by November 14, 1988. 3. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, public notic~ on application of Nicholas Therharides to construct a'floating pier and dredge Town Creek, Shelter Island Sound,' Southold, New York. Written comments by November 14, 1988. ,-.~ 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, public notice on application of Kennet.h Rock to replace bulkhead and dredge with ten year maintenance at Broadwater Covej Little Peconic Bay, Cutchogue, NeW York. Written comments by N0vembe~ 14,-.'1988. 5. U.S. Army Corps of En~ineel's, N. Y. District, public notice on application of Arthur Bujnowski to C°nst~-uct a groin and place beach '- fill at Peconic Bay, Bayview, Southold, New York. Written comments by November 14, 1988. 6. U, S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, public notice on application of Nassau Wholesalers,- Inc~ to establish a shellfish growout area in Gardiners Bay,- East Marion, New York~ Written comments by November 21, 1988. 7. Southold Town Highway Department, Notice of "Clean-up Week" ~from November 14,- 1988 through November 18, 1988. 8. AnnouncementOfPublic' Meetings and Publ c Hearings for the New York Bight Restoration 'Plan, November 9, 1988, through December 14, 1988. Written comments by ~Decembe~-29, i988. II1. COMMUNICATIONS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to the third item on our agenda are communications. One from the~Fire Police to the Town, from Howard Terry, acting Chairman of the Fire Police committee. Another one from Brenda IL. Cichanowicz, on the spring and fall ~ clean-up week from the Highway Depart- ment and again, this is exactly what we're talking about. Where people are putting out too much stuff. And another one is a very good one, thanking the Southold Town Police for doing very good work. 1. Howard Terry, Acting Chairman Of the Southold Town Fire Police Committee, requesting that the Town not issue permits for events which tie up traffic on the highways. 2. Brenda L. Cichanowicz, a Cuthchoge resident, urging the Town to discontinue "Clean-Up Week". 3. Pamela J. Stearns, Around the Clock on Patrol, Calverton, N. Y, commending officers in the Southold Town Police. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Item IV on the agenda are public hearing. These is one scheduled at 8:00 o'clock. I. Proposed Local Law' in Relation to Zoni~ng". V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll move on to Item V, which is resolutions, l'~d like to remind everybody, anyone who would like to speak on a proposed resolution, you may do so at this time. If you would like to address .the Town Board after the resolutions are all finished, we will have time at the end of the meeting to hear any other comments. We ask you to limit your comments to Town Board resolutions, at this time. Is there anyone ir~ the audience who would like to address the Town Board, on a proposed resolution? (No response.) Hearing none, we'll move on to the first, which is a trailer permit renewal. 1.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the application of An~e & Barbara Boursicluot for renewal of their single family house trailer located on private road off of the nort~h side Main Road, Matti tuck, New York, which permit expires on Novembe~ 1.988, be and hereby g. ranted for a six (6) month period. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: '~ Larsen, Councilwoman Oiiva, Councilman Penny, MurphY. This resolution was ~ ~:~.~i,~"~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is to set a public hearing. 2.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:00 P.M~, Tuesday, November 15, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York as time and place, for a public~hearincl~ to obtain Citzi en'~ ...... vi~w~ on local needs to. be met w~th 1989 ~Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I would, like to comment and ask the press to report on this and try to get some information out to various organizations, whatever, library, CAST, any organizations, dru~ counseling. This is Where ~e have to hear~ of the requests from the community, so that we can allocate these funds. 2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Jus'tice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolutior~was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 3 is to grant permission to attend a conference,~. ' 3.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ~trants the followin~ individuals permission to attendthe Wednesday, De~:ember 7 1988, OR the Thursday, December 8, 1988 One-Day Short Course, "An ' Introduction to Airphoto Interpretation with Emphasis on Land Use". sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension Association- Suffolk County, and Cornell Laboratory for Enviromental Applications of Remote Sensing (CLEARS), Cornell University, and the actual expense for meals, travel, and $70.00 per ~)erson registration shall be a legal charge against the individual department budgets: Valerie Scopaz; Planner, Melissa Spiro, Assistant Planner (Planning Board Budget), Any Town Board Member (Town Board Budget). 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 4 is to hire E.F.Kaldor, C.P.A. to do an audit on the Scavenger Waste Plant 4.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of E.F. Kaldor, C.P.A,P.C. to make an audit of the books and records of the Southold Wastewater Disposal District for the year ended December 31, 1987, at a cost not to exceed $2,500.00. 4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: ! might add on that one, we're able to do it now, the first time, only because the construction for a phase of it has finally been finalized. Number 5~is to set a public hearing. . 5.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "a Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby set 8:05 P.M., November 15, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearincj on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: A Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 92, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 92-42 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: NAME OF STREET Pike Street il. SIDE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF LOCATION South 6 A.M, and 6 P.M. In Mattituck, from the easterly curbline of Maple Avenue, easterly for a distance of 245 feet. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: CounCilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Su erviso.r Murphy. This 'resolution ~as declared duI~ADO~ED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 6 is to appoint a traffic warden. 6.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconde~.by Councilman Penny~. it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ~ Emil J. Pupecki,as a Traffic Warden for October 31, i988 (Hall(~ween~: tm', guard 'the businesses in Peconic-~ at a salary of $6.50 per hour. 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, CouncilwOman,Olive; Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED SUPERVISOR MURPHyr: Number 7 is to appoint a health aide. 7.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Olive, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Janet Licata as a Health Aide in the Senior Adult DaY Care :Program, effective October 12, 1988, 20 hours per week; $4.50 per hour. 7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 8 is to grant permission to Senior Bay Constable Don Dzenkowski to attend a on~ day seminar. I offer that reS°iu- tion. 8.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Olive, it was - RESOLVED that 'the Town. Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Senior Bay Constable Donald Dzenkowski to attend a one da~f seminar on Tuesday, November 22, 1988, at the Gideon Putnam Hotel, Saratoga State Park, Saratoga Springs, New York, for the purpose of obtaining certification under the Impaired Boater Recognition Program, second phase; and the necessary expenses for meals, lodging and tlhe use of a Town vel~icle for travel shall be a legal charge against the Bay,,Constable's 1988: Budget. 8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY:Number 9 is to set a public hearing. 9.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, ,A Local Law in Relation to Sewer"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby set 8:07 P.M.~ Tuesday, November 15, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NeW York, as time and place for a pLb[.ic hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: A Local Law in Relation to Sewers BE 'IT E~IACTED BY THE Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 76 (Sewers) of the Code of the Town of Southold is-hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 76-21.A. is hereby amended to read as follows: A. In addition to any and all other fees-and charges provided by law, the owner of a parcel' of land served by the sanitary sewer system of the FISD shall pay an annual sewer rent for the use of such sanitary sewer system, which shall be based upon an annual charge of one hundred seventy- five dollars ($175.) for each separate dwelling unit served by the system. Such annual sewer rents shall be paid in seniannual installments of eighty seven dollars and fifty cents ($87.50) on the first days of January end June of each year. II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. COUNCILMAN PENNY: Can I have a question on this? Jay, is this meant to collected with the annual taxes? Oh, we just increased the fee. 9..-¥ote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, CouncilwOman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUP. ERVISOR MURPHY: Number 10 is to authorize a refund. NOVEMBER 1~ 1988 10.-Moved by Councilwoman Lars~n, seconc~ea Dy ~ouncilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVI~D that the Town B~r~ of the Tow~ of. Southold hereby authorizes a refund of $150.00 to Carol~:i~. Kleinfeld,~ which sum represent~ the fee for a variance to the Board Of Appeals;-~.which application was .withdrawn when the applicant subsequently was able to obtain a building permit for an alternative plan without a variance being necessary. 10.-Vote of the Town Board: Aye$~ Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 3'89 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 11'"]'s to'execute an agreement· 11.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it~was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the North Fork Housing Alliance inc., wher:eby the North FOrk HouSing Alliance Inc. will implement a Home Improvement Program and a Rental Rehabilitation Program for the period of April 7, 1988 through the completion of all home improvement projects funded with 1988 Community Development Block Grant funds and the completion of all Rental Rehabilitation projects fUnded with 1988 Rental Rehabili;~ation :funds, in considerati°n (~f ~i~e payment by the Town of the sum of' $9,00~.00 for the North Fork Housing Alliance Inc.; said agreement subject to the 'approval of Town Attorney Schondebare. 11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman' Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY:Number 12 is a transfer of personnel. 12.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby transfers Joan Schneider to the Office of the Town Trustees as a provisional Clerk Typist, effective immediately, and abolishes the position of Stenographer in the Office of. the Town Trustees and the position of Clerk Typist in the Office of the Town Attorney. 12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 13 is a resolution to create the position and set a salary of $19,000.00 for a Legal Stenographer in the Town Attorney's Office, I offer that resolution. '13.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the position of Le~lal Stenocjrapher for the Office of the Town Attorney, sets a salary of $19,000.00 per annum (1988 rate) for said position, and authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to request a Suffolk County Department of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles for said position. (Salary steps for this position shall be the same as for Stenographer under the CSEA contract). 13.-Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14 is to execute an agreement. 14.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute the 1989 New York State Division for Youth Project Application for the Southold Town Recreation Department. 14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number I5 is to grant permission to Assistant Town Attorney Robert H. Berntsson to attend a Code Administration and Enforcement Training Session. I offer that resolution. 15.-Moved by Supervisor MurPhy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED tha the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Assistant Town Attorney Robert H. Berntsson to attend a Code Administration and Enforcement Trainin~ Session, sponsored by the Suffolk County Department of Fire, Res.c...ue & Emergency Services, on December 6, 7, 8, 1988 at the Suffolk County Fire Academy, and the ne~:essary expenses for meals and travel shall be a legal charge against the Town Attorney's 1988 Budget· ~_ 390 NOVEMBER 1,~ 1988 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: COuncilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly 'ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 16 is to request a civil service list. 16.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to request a Suffolk 'County Department of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles for a contingent perma- nent position of Clerk Typist for the Board of AssesSOrs. 16.-Vote of the Town Board: Councilman Penny, ~ Supe This~resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPE~RVISOR MURPHY: Number 17 is to attend another conference. 17.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby' 9rants permission to~Acccount Clerk Barbara Rudder to attend a meetin~ on th~ Empire .Plan' Core Enhancement Benefit packages and premuim rates effective January 'I; 1989, to be held at the Riverhead ToWn Hall, from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 2, 1988, and the use of a Town vehicle for transportation. 17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Mu~'phy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 18 is to set a fee for the park and playgrounds. 18.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Olivar it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determi~nes that the amount~of $4,800.00 shall be deposited with tf~e Town in lieu of land for Parkland Playground purposes by the owners of The Woods at Cutcho~ue, major subdivision located west of Depot Lane, Cuchogue, New York. 18.-Vote of the Town ~oard: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 19 is to execute another agreement. 19.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsenr it was RESOLVED that the Town Board or-'the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute the 1989 Suffolk County Youth Bureau Project ApplicatiOn for the Southold Town Youth Services Program. 19.-Vote of the Town ,Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was ~declared di~ly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 20 is to authorize another application. 20.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by CouncilWoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town -Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute the I989 l~ew York State Division for Youth Project Application for the Southold Town Juvenile Aid Bureau. 20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Lars~n, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor,Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUP.ERVISOR MURPHY: Number 21 is to approve a bond estimate. 21 .-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by COUncilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby approves the amoun~ of $319,680.00 for a bond for roads and improvements, in the major subdivision of The Woods at Cutchoc~ue, all in accordanc.e with the recommendation of the $outhoid Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Engineers. 21.-Vote of ~he Town Board: Ayes--~ Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 22 is another bond estimate. 22.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Olivar it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount of $75,362.50 for a bond for roads and improvements in the NOVEMBER 1, 1988 maior subdivision of Henry Arbeen¥, all in accordance with the recommenda- tion of the Southold Town P]an~ni'n~ Board'and Sidney B. Bowne F, Son, Engineers. 22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 23 is approve the amendments to Chapter A106, Subdivision of Land. I offer that resolution. 23.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the following amendments to Chapter A106, SubdiVisiOn of Land~ Of the ' Code Of the Town of Southold, ~s approved by the Southoid Town Planning Board following a public hearing on ~ame: Chapter A106 (Subdivion of Land) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. §AI06-22.A.(2) is hereby, amended to read as follows: (2) Ail applications for plat approval for minor subdivision shall be accompanied by-a fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per lot, together with an inspection fee of one thousand dollars, ($1,000.00). 2. § A106-23.A. (2) is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) The application filed with the Town Clerk shall be accompanied by a fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) plus one hundred dollars ($I00.00) per acre, or part thereof, in the proposed subdivision. An inspection lee equal to six percent (6%] of the amount of the approved performance bond must be paid after approval of the Bond amount by the Town Board and before final approval of the plat. 23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 24 is to set a public hearing. Set 3:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M., Thursday, December 1, 1988, Southold Town Hall for a public hearing on the "Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map incorporated t, herein, to implement in whole or in part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning Board." 24.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy~ seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map incorporated therein, to implement in whole or in part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Plalnnin9 Board"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 3:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M., Thurs,'ay, December 1, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southoid, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: A Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map incorporated therein, to implement, in whole or-in part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning Board INDEX Zoninc. l Code Amendments Article I - General Purposes 100. 10 Purpose 100-11 Interpretations Conflicts 100-13 Definitions Article tl - Districts 100-20 100-21 100-23 District Designations Zoning Mae Effect of Establishment of Districts Articte III - A~rlculturaI-Conservation District Low Density R-8(]r R-120~ R-200. R-q0O Districts 100- 30 Purpose 100-31 Use Regulations 100-32 Bulk, area & parking requirements 100-33 Accessory buildings 1 1-10 11 11 11 11-12 12-19 19-20 20 NOVEMBER 1, ~1988 Article HIA - Low Density Residential R-qO District 100-30A Purpose 100-31A Use Regulations 100-32A Bulk, area & parking requirements 100-33A Accessory buildings Article IV - Hamlet Density ResidenHal (HD] Oistrict 100-40 Purpose 100-al Applicability 100-42 Use Regulations 100-43 Bulk, area & parking requirements Article V - Affordable Housing District (AHD) 100-51 100-52 100-53 100-5q 100-55 100-55 100-57 100-58 Purpose Defini tJons Applicability Use Regulations Bulk, area & parking -equirements Application Procedure General Regulations & Requirements Administration Applicability of Town Code Article VI -'Resort Residential (RR) District 100-60 Purpose 100-61 Use Regulations 100-62 .. Bulk. area & parking requirements Article VII - Residential Office {RD) District 100-70 Purpose 100-71 Use Regulations 100-72 Bulk, area & parking requ rements Article VIII - Lim ted Business (LB) District 100-80 100-81 100-82 Article IX - Hamlet Purpose Use regulations Bulk. area ~, parking requirements Business (HB) District 100-90 100'-91 100-92 100-93 Purpose Use regulations Bulk, area & parking requirements Uses confined to enclosed buildings Artlci'e X - General Business (BI District 100-100 Purpose _ 100-101 Use regulations 100-102 Bulk, area & parking requirements Article XI - Marine I (MI) District 100-110 100-111 100-112 Purpose Use regulations Bulk, area & parking requirements Article ×11 ; Marine II (Mil) District 100-120 100-121 180-122 Purpose Use regulations Bulk, area .& parking requirements Article XIII'- IJc. lht Industrial Park/Planned Office iL. ID) District 100-130 100-131 100-132 Purpose Use regulations Bulk, area & parking requirements Article ×IV - llc~ht Industrial (LII District 100- 140 Purpose 100- lql Use regulations 100-I42 Bulk, area & parking requirements Article XV - Density. Minimum Lot Size and Bulk Schec~'~'les 100-150 100-151 Existing Bulk & Parking Schedule Density. Minimum Lot Size & Bulk Schedules Density. & Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Oistricts Bulk Schedule- Business· office & Industrial Districts Bulk Schedule - Residential Districts Density & Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Non-Residential Districts Articles XVI & XVII ~ Reserved Article XVlll - Cluster Development 21 21 21 21' 22 22 22 23 2q 24-2S 25 25 25-29 29-31 31-32 32 33 33-34 3q 35 35-36 36 37 37- 38 38 39 39-' 41 41 41 q2 q6 q6-qT' q7 q8 48-49 50 50-52 52 53 53 53 5q 54 55 56 57 58 100- 180 Purpose 59 100- 181 Appll cabi ii ty 59- 62 ArttcJe XIX - Parking & Loadinc3 Areas 100- 190 I00-191 100-192 Off-stree{ parking areas Off-street loading areas 83 63- 70 71-72 Article XX - Signs 100-200 100-201 t00-202 100-203 100-204 100-205 100-200 100-207 Article XXl - 100-210 100-211 100-212 109-213 100-214 100-215 Purpose · ~ Permits l~equired & Administrative Procedures General design principles Sign prohibitions & general restrictions Limitation of sign content or copy Regulations regarding specific types of signs Unsafe, abandoned & unlawful signs Continuation of existing signs Landscaping, screenincj & Buffer Regulations Pu;pose General requirement~ Front landscaped area Transition buffer area Landscaped parking area Property adjacent to creeks Article XXII - Reserved Article XXIII- Supplementary Recjulations 100-230 Exceptions and modifications 100-231 Height of fences, walls & hedges 100-232 Corner lots 100-233 Building length S separation for buildings containing multiple dwellings 100-234 Courts 100-235 Access requirements 100-2 36 Open storage ' - 100-237 Prohibited uses in all districts 100-238 Provisions for community sewer, water & utility facilities 100-239 Land under water; filled land 100-239a Excavations 100-239b Tourist camps,camp cottages & trailers 100-239c Berms Art icle XXIV 100-240 100-241 100-242 100-243 10~-244 100-245 100-245 Article XXV 100-250 100-251 109-252 100-253 100-254 100-255 Article XXVl 1D0-260 100-261 100-262 I00-263 100-264 100-265 - Nonconforming Uses and Buildings Purpos'_: Nonconforming uses ~- Nonconforming buildings with conforming uses Nonconforming buildings with nonconforming uses Nonconforming Lots Repairs and maintenance Involuntary moves - Site Plan Approval Puroose General requirements Objectives Effect of Approval Procedures Site P~-t~ elements - Snecia[ ExceotJon Uses Purpose Special exception uses Rules of conduct & procedure for special exception uses General Standards M~tters to be cons~rJered Additional Conditions & safeguards Article XXVII - Board of Appeals 100-270 Appointment; membership 100-271 Powers & duties 100-272 Additional conditions ~' safeguards 100-273 Rules of conduct & procedure 100-274 Fees 100-27S Notice of Hearing Article XXVIII- Administration & Enforcement 100-280 100-281 100-282 100-283 100-284 I00-28S 100-286 Administrative & enforcing officer Building Permits Revocation of permit Stop orders Certificates of occupancy Penalties for. offenses Remedies Article XXIX - Amendments (Present Article XV is renumC~ered XXIX and sections 100-150 to 100-152 renumbered. 100- ~90 to 292 respectively] Article XXX - Severabilit¥ 73 73-74 74-75 75-76 76 76-78 78-79 79 8O 80-81 81 81 - 82 82 82 83 84 84 84 84 84-85 85 85-86 -- 86 86-87 87 87 87-89 90 90 9o-90-a 90-a 90-a-91 92 92 92-93 93-94 94-96 96-98 99 99 99-100 100-101 101-102 102 103 103-104 104 10S I0S 105 186 106-I08 108-109 109 109-110 11o-11I 11]'' 111 100-300 Severability ] 11 394 NOVEMBER 1.. 1988 A Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map incorporated therein, to implement. in whole or in part. the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning Board BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the To'wn of $outhold as follows: (additions indicated by underline;- deletions by [brackets ~.) Chapter 100 of the Code of ~the Town 'of Southoid (Zoning} is hereby' amended as follows: Article ], Section 100-I0 (Purposes), subdivisions . E and G are amended to read as follows: The maximum protection of residential and historic areas, Go The enhancement of the appearance of the Town Of $outhold as a whole particularly its noon and rural environment. Article I, Section 100-I0 (Purposes) is amended by adding two new subdivisions thereto, to be subdivisions ~( and 'L, to read as follows,' K. The protection of the subsurface water supply and surfac, L. The protection and enhancement of the coastal environment. Article I, Section 100-11 (Conflicts) is amended by ~mending the title of such section, and adding thereto a new subdivision, to be subdivision C, all to read as follows: Section 100-11. Interpretation and Conflicts. C. In their interpretation and aopllcation, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be th~ minimum rec~uirem-e'kts adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare. Exce~3t where specifically provided to the contrary, it is not intended by this local law to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way to imoalr or interfere with; any rules, recjuJatJons or per'nits orevlouslv ac~opted or issued or which shall be adooted or issued pursuant to law relating to :he use of buiidinc.~s, structures, shelters or premises: nor is it intended bY this chanter to interfere with or aorogate or annul any easements, covenants or other agreements between parties. Article I. Section 1(]0-t3. subdivision B. (Definitions and usages) is amended by amending and/or adding the following terms: B. Definitions and Usages. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meaning as herein defined. ~rd ....... or term not noted 13~low shall ~ used with a meaning as de,tie-in--in W~bst~-rS~'¥'l{i~-~l' nternational Dictionary ol the EnCl. lish Lan¢,lu~.~e, l'~[est ~:Jitionl. ACCESS - A physical entrance to property. ACCESSORY APARTMENT - A dwellina unit created in a presently ex~st~n~l one-family' dwellinc} pursuant to Section. 100-31~ Iff) ACCESSORY BUILDINC OR STRUCTURE - A building or structure detached from a principal building located on the same lot as, and customarily incidental ano subordinate to, the principal building. ACCESSORY USE - A [building nfl use [clearly] customarily_ incidental Jori and subordinate to, [and customary 'n connection with. the principal or use on the same lot. [ the main use on a lot. whether such "accessory use" is conducte~-T~i''o~ accessor building.._.. ADDITION - A structure added to the original structure at some tl"~ after the comoletion o~ the orlcjinal. _AGRICULTURE - The production, 'Eeepinc~ or maintenance, for sale, lease or personal use.' of'plants and animals useful to man, ~cluding but not limited-to; forages and soo crops; c~rains and s, eed crops; dairy animals and dairy products, poultr, y anc~ pouttry products; livestock, including 'bee~ cattle, sheep, swine. horses, ponies, mules, or ~oats, or any mutation ot hybrids thereof, inciudinc,~ the breeding and grazing3 of any or all o~ such an mats; bees and- apiary products: fur animals, fruits or all kinds, including grapes, nuts ancl t~err~es; vec~etal31es; floral. ornamental and '~t~eenhouse products: or lands devoted to a soil conservation or forestry manac~ement proc~ram. APPLICANT - The landowner or the agent, optionee, contract purchaser or other person autlqorized in writing to act for toe landowner [n submittin(3 an aoplication under this chapter. APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT - The aoplication form and all accompanying ciocuments and exhibits re~luired of an aoDticant Ov an a,nprnvmg authority for devetoc3ment an(I/or s~te Dian review purposes. AUTOMOBILE SALES LOT OR BUILDING - A lot or buiidino used for the sale or hire of automooHe eauloment. This snail De interorete(3 to include new an(~ used car dealersnlos and auto accessory salesrooms but not the sale of iunked automotive NOVEMBER 1, 1988 395 proved-ed tnat the rentln~ ol such rooms for such purpose i~. clearly ~nclaentai aha SuoorChna~e to the pr~nc~a use of t~ BERM - A structure ~mDos~ primarily of earth intende~ for prlvacyf s~urlt~, e~cJosure, v~suai screenm~ or no,se aDa[anent. BLOC~ - An area boundea by one or more streets or a municioal bounaary and of sufficient size to accommoc~ate a ot or ~ots o~' minimum size requ red by th s chaoter~ BOARD OF APPEALS - The Zoning Board of ApPeals of the Town of 5~tnotd; BU LDABLE AREA-:~.; The area of a lot re~ainin~ after the m~mum ~a:r~' and open space requirements o~ this c~Dter nay,- been met. BUILDABLE LAND The net area of a lot o.r_._~?rcel after deCluctinc~ wetlands, streams, ponds, slO~es~eve~- i~' ~'erc'-~-n~ unaerwater land, easements or other restrictions preventinc~ us. of such land for construction of buiidinqs or development BUILDING - Any structure havinc. I a roof supporte~ by s.ch things as column~, posts, piers, wails, or air and n~ed the shelter; business, housing or enclosinc, l of persons, animal... ~roperty, or other materials. JAnyj Also an~ combination of materials f~orming any construct/on, except where entirely underground so as to permit the use of the rD :~ -- ,k .,~.- ,, g and above same as ,;~...u. o,u,,,qmg w~s present; the term "building" shall include · ,,e ~erm structure as well as the following: (1) Signs. (2) Walls. [other than retaining walls projecting above the ground not more than three [3! feet at the highest ground level and not more than six and one-h~lf (6½) feet at the ground evel. J [q) Radio and television receiving and transmitting towers and antennae, except for such antennae installed on the roof of a building and extending not more than 20 feet above the highest level of the roof of such bu!ld]ng. (5] Porches, outdoor bins and other similar structures. BUILDING LINE A line formed by the intersection of ,, horizontal plane at avera(~e ~lrade loyal'and a vertical plane the[ coincides with the exterior surface of the building on any s~de. In case of a cantilevered section ota building, the vertical plan. witl coincide with the most prolected surface. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - A document issued by a Town Building lnso~tor atlowin9 the use and/or occupancy or a buiidin~ and~or land. and certifying that the structure and/or use of land and/or structures is in compliance w~th 'ail state and l~al co,es, regulations an~ requirements. CLUSTER - See Residential Cluster. C~UB, BEACH A not-for-profit corDo~tion, as defined in ~ction 102 of the Not-For-Profit Corooration Law of the State of New York, Iocat~ conti~uous to a bay ar Lbng Island Sound an~ ~stablished for orinc~oal purpose ol en~a~n~ mn swsmmmq ~n the Sound or the b~Ts, ~ut exctudin~ any ~o~m of aviation, CLUB. MEMBERSHIP OR COUNTRY. OR GOLF COURSE. ~ONPROFIT - A no:-~or-orofi: corporation, as define~ in Section 102 o~ the Not- For-Profit Corporation Law of the State oi New York. es~blishe~ for ~e principal purpose of enga~,nQ a,, outdoor sports such as ~otf. tennis, Sw~mm rig, fishinq humulin,, or simdar activities, but not includin~ any form o~ awado,~' ou[aaor :ran. sKee[ or tar~et--~hootin~ or mo[orooat racmnq. Th,, ~tivities of such a clad snail be limited to its members aha their ~[s and shah not De extended ~o [he ~nerat CLUB. YACHT --:~ not-for-profJ~ corpor~to~ as dell,iud by ~ect~on I02 of ~he Not-For-Protit Corpor~dnn Law o~ ~h~ Stale New York. es[aDtis~ed far ~he principal P~f enaaama in recrea~,onal boal,nq, the acttv,~les ot such a yacht clu~-~[-'b~ to the genera pub c. T?e term T'yacht club' s~ be d~ua Io In~u~[~e term marina but sha~l not be d~me~ to in~]Ude term "boat~ard" except for the out- of-wa~er storag~ DJ COMMON OPEN SPACE - An m3en soace area wi.thJn or related tn a ~site designated as a development that is available for the use of ail residents or occupants thereof. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 COOPERATIVE - A type of resor~ or' multip e residence in which persons have an Owned'ship interest in the entity which owns th., building or buildings a~d n additio~ a l~ase or ncc,~oancy a~ree~.,t which ent~tles th~m to occupy ~ particular dwe ng un t therein, re~ar~less of Whether and in ~nat manner the dweHin, units are mana~, leased, or otherwise made available ~or use by persons other than the owners thereof. CUL-OE-SAC- The turnaround at the end of a dead-end street. CURB CUT - The opening alon~ the ~rb line at which ooinl v~ictes ma~ ~enter or leave ~e roadway. ~OM wO~.KS, OP-.A business premises used ~o~ the ~king gE ~ utnln~, m. Jmery,- Snows or other personal artjcJes ,'~o ndJvi~ual DEDICATION - The cony, of a fee or less~r interest in other · EASEMENT - A~.arant of the use of land for SpeciEic purposes: FARM - For the ~ses of this FARM BUILDINGS - All structures conduc: of a~-icutturai activ t es i, barns, silos,i;~hechanical eQuiome~t sto~a¢ other shelters. thr. or FENCE - A vertical enclosure, solid or partially open. to prevent stra¥inc~ from within or intrusion from without or~intende~ to be used as a visual screen. A fence is considered a structure for the ourooses of tl~is cheater. FISH PROCE$51NG - The read¥inO of fish and shellfish fo, shippln~ to market, including icino,'cleaning, filleting~,.shucking a~d the cooking of crabs or lobster, but not incl~ain~ Dine, coo~ln~, cannmg, freezing, smokin~ or other "fiSh factory,I o~erations, r FLOOD HAZARD AREA - Land in the flood olain sublect to a on. percen! or c~reater chance of' flood in any c~ven '/ear. FLOG~D PLAIN - The relatively flat area or Iow lanas adjoining tile channel of a river, stream, watercourse, 'dana,, or any OOOv gl standinc) water, which has been or may be COVered by floo~ water'. FLOOR AREA - The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of the building or buildings on a lot. having a clear height of not less than six feet measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party~-,.walls separatinq two buildings, including cellar and basement areas.i Thee~ floor area shall not include: roof overhanqs proiecting less than three feet or any floors or portions thereof contained on terraces or balconien prolectin~ beyond the exterior face of the buildlnq. FLOOR AREA. LIVABLE - All spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways, unheated porches, cellars, heater rooms and approved basements having a window area of less than ten percent of the square foot :area of the room. Usable floor area shall include all spaces not otherwise excluded above, such as: principal rooms, utility rooms, bathrooms, all closets and hallways opening directly into any rooms Within the dwelling unit. [and all attic space having a c ea~ height Of six (6) feet from finished floor Je~'el to pitch of roof rafter with a clear height of seven [7] feet six (6) inches from finishec~ floor level to ceiling level over fifty percent (50%) of the area of SUCh attic space, j FRONTAGE - The width of a lot at the street llne. GARAGE. PRIVATE - A building used as an accessory to the main building for the storage of one Or more gasoline or other power-driven vehicles owned and used by the owner or tenant of the lot on wnJch the garage iS erected, 'for the storage of not exceeding two additional vehicles (not trucks) owned or used by others[. ] and in which no occupation, business or service for profit is carried on without special permit GARAGE. REPAIR - A building, other than a private ~arac~e, used for adjustment. ~aintinc~, reolacement, of parts or other repair or restoration of motor vehicles or parts thereof whether or not accessory or incidental to another use. GASOLINE SERVICE STATION - A structure and surrounding Iand useo for the storaQe ano sale of getroleum fuel primarily to motor vemcles and for a"ccessorv uses such as the sale of ,lubric~ntc. accessories or suooties, the incidental washing gl motor verncle,~ and the performin~ of minor repairs within a building; however. service station ~s not a repair garbage nor a bod~ GREENHOUSE - A structure for growing plants. NOVEMBER 1, GROUND FLOOR - The first floor of a building other than a cellar ~r basement ~%~ GUEST UNIT - A bedroom-sleebing accommodation for transient guests, which may or may not ~nciuc~e batn.roora facilities and snail sb.e occuoied ~ no more than two a~ult persons an~ be at least 80 ouare feet in area. HEIGHT [-] OF BUILDING - The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the existing naturat gra~e before any alteration or fill adiacent to the building to the highest the roof for flat and mansard roofs, and to thee mean height betwee~ve ano ridge for other type roofs. ~STORIC BUILDING - See Landmark Designation' ASSOCIATION -A communilv associatio,. ~a lion HO~E~ OR ~MO~EL, R~ORT - A buildin~ or ~r~p of b~ildin~, ~hebher' ~a~e~ 0r in connected units, COn~ainin~ ~es:[..units Cons s[in~ of a room ar~n~ed or designed to available 'for use as stee~in~ ~uarters for transients rent~i basis o~ for vacatoner~ or other persons on basis~, prov.ided that one such unit may connect directl~ with not mo~e ~t~n~.'one; other such unit~. EaCh uni~ shall have a door openin~ on the.exterior of the'buiJdin~ or on a common hal way leadin~ to the e~terior. A "resort motei" ma~ include suc~ accessory Uses: as a beach ca~na, private dock, d n n~ room, ~e'stauYant ~r Swimmin~ poot, conference .and meetin~ facilities. 1988 3-97 on ENT - A trouo of containing · unit c ma), connect and the t no t bP of the owner or JUNKYARO - Land occupied or to be occupied for storage of old wood. paoer, cloth or metal, including old automobiles, trucks. ecru[pmen~, machinery, fixtures and appliances not usable as originatl,y designed, and also including any portion of such old au;~omob.iles, trucks, equipment or machinery..as may be sold as and fori junk or salvage. The existence on a~y residehtial lot of thre~-o~ move unregistered automobiles or trucXs not housed within a bUiidincJ shall De Cleemea tO be a unk yard. Public samtarv landfills-~nd the, structures ocateO thereon shall not be inciuoer~ in tl~is deHnition. LANDMA~RK DESIGNATION The desio,,nation of a buildino or structur~e of architectural or historic slc~ni~icance to the Town throuc~n'.listinc~ the property in the Town's Re, Is[er of Desionated Landr~ari(s and filin~ a copy of the entr~ in the Town Clerk's o~ce. LANDSCAPING ~ ~ An area of land restricted to landseane items which r~av atso iht ude such etements as natural faa:urea, earth berms, ~i'sculntur"e, sic~ns;~, lightJn~ access-ways, btkewavs ana pudes~Kian-wa~ 5. ' ' LIQHT I;NDUSTRY - An activit), which involves the fabrication r-~'6'i n ~. raw*orkin' assembJ-~v pme~iousiy ~reDared materiaJs and wmcn ones not invoivu synthesis or chemical or chmmcai products other t~an f~ P~ajr~aceu[Jcaj or research purposes Or the Processing bt any raw · ~ ~rlc~l [brai raw materials, Light indus~r~ includes L}ndustrJal operations such as electronic, machine parts an~ smafl component assembl~, as opposea to heavy indus[~,~l ~raJJon[s such as automobile asse~bl~ or millin~ activities. ' LOADING BERTH - A spac~ at least 15 feet wide and Ion~, ha~in~ a minimum 14 f~t vertical clearance for badinq and ~nl~a~in~ v'ehicies. No such space r~ui~ by ,this ~apter or epict~on any site plan shall constitute a paring space. ~T AREA - The area of a lot taken at its perimeter, ~xctusiv. of ~ny ~rtJon within 8 public or private street LOT, INTERIOR - A Jot other than a corner Jot or a through Jot. LOT LINE, FRONT - The lot line separatina a lot from a street right-of-way; also referred to as "street line". 39'8 iNOVEMBER l, 1988 I~OT LINE, SlOE - Any lot tine other than a front or' rea~' lot LOT, REAR OR FLAG - A lot located in such a positibn that it i.s to the rear of, some.other lot fronting on tt~e same street ano serve~ by means of an accesswa¥. LOT, THROUGH - A lot which fronts upon two streets which do not intersect at the bounoaries Of the LOWER AND MODERATE COST HOUSING - Housing which is constructed and kept available for families or indivrcluals w~tl~ Iow or mooerate income, incJu~inq senzor citizens, as dei'ined' oy the Town BOard. MASTER PLAN Ill or - protection of and ;. the )lan to be or parts there! MEAN HI CH .WATER {MHW) -, Averaoe heiaht .ol~:'high-. waterR datum re~rtecl bY th~ U.$ geaJOoical'$ur'¢e' : MOTEL. RESORT -: See Hotel, or, NO NC, 0 N FOR~il NC of NO'NCO NFOR~ of which NONCONFORM~ gig USE - [any] A :use. Wheth~ o~ a UUi i~ ng s~(~n or tract 0f ,land,. loc ~thJ o~ com,b~t~o~,o~ these, ~eoallv existing on the effective ~a~e 0f ~his chaoter: wh~cn~'does no't ~nform to the present u~e regu of it is locate, but which is ~r the effective date, of :_ NURSERY SQHOOL - A buildin~ or buildings, teqethe~ with any ~ccessory uses. buildings o~ structures, us~ as an or~an~z~ ~nstructionat facility' ~or f~e or more enr~lled~ children under six years of a~e other than t~e chiidre~ of the ~eSiden~ family, and not furnishin~ sl~in~ facilities except [o the r~s[den~ famiiy. OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE - ~ soace for,the par~in~ of ~e motor vehicle within a public or pciva~e pa~k~in~ area. but not within a public street. OPEN SPACE - An~ parcel or area .of land'or water essentially ~nimproveo an~ se~ aside; , dedicated, designated, or reserved 'for public or private use or enioyment or for the ~se an~ enio~ment of owners and occupants o~ land adioinin~ or nei~hborin~ suc~ open s~ace: provid~ '[hat such area~ ma~ be i~ro~ed wi~ on~ th'ose buildings, s~ructures, streets and o~f-s[ree~ [:~arkin~ and ot~er i~rovemen[s thai ar~e oes~ned to be ihcidental to ~he ~a[ural openness of the land. OUTOOOR S~ORACE - The kee~in~, ~n an unroofed area, of any ~ds, junK, ma[er~al, merchandise, 'or vehicles in the same oiace OWNER The term shatl be construed to include the duly a.uthorized ac. lent attorne,)/; purchaser, devis~e, ~iduciarv or an~ other person navin? vestect or in PARKING LOT- An off-street. ~round level area, surfaced aha JmDroved for t~e temporar~ stora'~e 0¥ motor venicles~ PERFORMANC~ GUARANTEE -Any s~urit~ which may oe accepted ~n a~plica[[on for QevelcDmen[ PERSON - Any association, partnership, corporation, coooerative PLANNING BOARD - The Planninc] Board of ~he To~-f~ of $outhold. PLAT - The moo of a Subdivision. PRINCIPAL USE - The which land ma), NOVEMBER 1, 1988 PROFESSIONAL OFF1CE - The office of a member of a .'ecoonmzed prof.e, ssion or occupation, inciudin~_.?.rchitects, artists, autr~ors. dentl~IS, c~octors, lawyers, ministers, ~eers, arid SUCh giber si,,lilar oro/ess~on o~~ which may ~o desianated b~ the ~oard ot AppriSe- RECREATION FACILITY, COMMERCIAL - An indoor ~r outaoor ~a'teiy- operated business invoCvin~ ~n~ G~ds. courts. arenas, or halls desiened to accommodate ~s~-r~Pe~;~l SnOOt 399 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE - A vehicular type portable structure wiidiout F~ermanent foundation, which can be tOWed, ~auted or driven and D'rimariiy desicJned as temporary living accommoaation for recreational, camping aha travel use and including but not I!m~ted to travel trailer, truck campers, camping trailers and self~pr(~petled motor homes. RESEARCH LABORATORY - A buildlnc~ for eXperimentation ~n pura or applied research, design, devetopme[tt, and production of prototype machines or devices, or of new products, and use~ accessory thereto, wherein -products are .net manufacturec~ for who!esalle or retail sale; where n commerc a servicinc~ or repair of c'omm~f~fal products s not performed' and where there is no d~spla¥-o~ an~' materials or products. RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER, - An area to be develooed as a sinol~ entity ~ccordJric~ to a plan contamlnc~ residential nous~n~ units anti havinc~ a common or public Doan space. RESTAURANT - Any premises where food is commercially sold for o'r~ ,pr~emises :consumption to patrons seated at. taDles or counter~. Any, 'fac~Jiit~, makin.~ ~se of carhoo or parkin~ lot service to cars or fo~ ~t~e co~sumoti~n of food to ~e eacen in said cars or shall ~t be ~ns dared a *'restaurant" for the purpose of Chis chap;te~j and shall be ~eemed to be a "drive-in ~r fast-food REstAURaNT, DRIVE-IN OR FAST FOOD - Any establishment whdse'~m~incioat business is the sale of foods, frozen c~esserts, or be';'era(~es 'to the customer in a ready to consume state usuail¥ serveO in gaper, piast c, or other disposal containers for consternation ' within the restaurant buHdinq elsewhere on th~ premises, or for carryout tor consumgtlon off'the remises RETAIL STORE - An enclosed structure where (]oDds are offered for sale to the public as take-out items, inciudinQ harc~war~, dru~s, food and oeveracle, furnishings, apparel 'an(] sJmlia r products. Minor redact services within the estapiishmen[ may b~ RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES - The boundary lines of land used or ROADSIDE FARM STAH~j, AGRICULTURAL STAND - A booth stall or display area exceedinq fifty (S0] souare feet in area Iocateo on a farn] £rorn which cgriCultur~l products are sola to the r~e~er~l public. SEPTIC TANK A water-tight receptacle that receives th~ discJsaroe of sewaae from a bu ding, sewer or Dart [~ereo~ ana desi~ne~ aha construc:ea so as to permtt se[tlinq of soii~. ?~est~on of the oraanic ~atter. aha discharae oi :he. Ji~uia portion m:o a disposal area SETBACK - An area extending the full width of the Iht described or a distanc~etween ~he stree: riaht-ol-w~v and building :or Lh~ full reau.-ea front yara aegth witch which no buddinas or partq of buiidinqs may ge SiTE PLAN - A development plan for one or more lots on which shown (1) the existing, and proposed conditions of rise tot. including but not necessarily limited to topo(~rapn¥, vegetation, dralnag~, flood plains, marshes and waterways, (2 the location of ail existing and proposed bu-ld n~s, drives, parking spaces. walkways, ~neans of ingress and actress drainage facilities, utility services, ~landscapinc~, structures and signs, licjhtincl, scre~ninn devices, and (3) any other information that may b~ reasonably recruited in order to make an informed determinataon pursuant tn this chaoter for the review and approval of site plans by Planninc~ Roara. 'SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE - A use that is deemed appropriate in a particular district if specified conditions are met. SWIMMING POOL - A structure containing an artificial body of water, wi'lich is c~reater than six feet Ion(~ or wide, and c~r~ater than 18 inc~ses in deotJl at any point. Natural or man-made ponds all banks of which have a slope of tess than 45 dec, roes snail not be inctuaea ~n tr~s definition. TOWN BOARD - The Town Board of the Town of Southold. 400 NOVEMBER 1; 1988 TOWNHOUSE - A dwelllncl unit in a buildincj containing at least three connected dwetlin(~ 'units divided~by common vertical ~art¥ wails; With ~rivate entrances to ~cn dw~ilin~. A townnous~ may include dweJlin~ units owned in fee ~mote or in conQominium or coooerat~ve ownership o~ an~ combination there,. TRAILER OR MOBILE HOME - Any vehicie mounted on wheels. movable either by its own power or by being drawn by another vehi~e, and ~Uipped to b~ used 'tot living or steeping quarters or so as to permit cooking. The term "trailer" shah include such vehicles if mounted on temporary or oermanent foun~tJons with the wheels removed aha shall include terms "automobile trailer" and "house car." USE - The puroose for which land or a structure is~ arranaed. desiened, or' intended, or ~or wnich either hand or a s[ructu;e is or ma~ De useQ, occupieO or maintained. YARD LINE - A Hne draw~ oarallel' 'to a street or lot line at ~ distance therefrom equal ~o :he respectwe ~ar~ dimens~oh reQu~re~ by this cna~ter. ZONE - A finite area of land, as desic~nated by its boundaries on the Zoninc~ MaD, thhoughout which soecific and :udiform ~eaulation~ ~overn the use o3 land andJor [~e location, size aha use o[ buildinas. ZONING BOARD - Se~ Board of Appeals. ZON NC MAP - The mad annexed to and made par~t of this cnaoter, indicatm~ zone boundaries. ., Article II. Section 100-20 (District designations} is repealea ana a new Section 100-20 is added, to read as follows: Section 100-20. District designations. For the buroose of this chapter, the Town of Southold. outside of incorporated Villa(~e of Greenport. is hereby- divided into districts desi(~na ted' as follo~vs: A-C R-q0 R-ZOO R-~,00 HD AHD RR Agricultural-Conservation District (Two acre rain,mum) Residential Low Density District [Two acre minimuml Residential Law Density District (One acre minimum! P, es~clentlal Low L)enslty tJistrlct [ I nree ac~e minimum) - Residential Low Density District (Five acre mimimumi Residential Low Density District ITen acre minimum~ Hamlet Density Residential District Affordable Housing District Resort Residential District RD Residential Office District Hamlet Business District LB Limited Business District General Business District MB Marine Business District LID ' El Liqht Industrial Park/Office Park District Liqht industrial District 6. Article II, Section 100-21 (Zoning Map) is amended to read as follows: Section 100-21. Zoning Map. The boundaries of the said districts are hereby established as shown on the [Building Zonal Zonina ,Map dated which accompanies this chaoter and which, with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adooted and made a part (If. and incorporated into this chaoter. Said map, indicating the latest amendments, shall be keot up- to-date and a cody thereof shall be ~ept in the office of tine Building Inspector for the use and benefit of the public. Article II. Section 100- 23 (Effect of Establishment of distric~ I. subdivision E is amended to reacl as follows~ E. Any use not permit;;ed by this chaoter shall be deemed to be prohibited. An,v list of prohibited uses contained in any section of this chaoter, shall 'De aeemea to r~e not an exhaustive list. but ~o ~-ve been inciuded [:or the purposes of clarity an(3 emonasts. Section 1ao-31.~ and S~:ion I00~'~ of Article III are reaea'led, and remainder of said Article III is amended as f011ows: ;~ARTICLE 111 [A Residential and Agricultural Oistrict l Agricultural-Conservation A-C District Low Density Residential R-80, R-120. R-200, R-~I00 Districts Section 100-30. Purpose. The puroose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low Denser';/ Residential R-Sa, R-120, R-200 and R-q00 Districts is [o --T~ rea'~or~abt~ control, and to the extent possible Prevent, the unnecessary NOVEMBER I, 1988 lOSS Of' those ct~rrentl¥ ober~ lands within! the Town containln~l tar~e and conti~uous a~r~as 0~ pr~e ~i~l~l~o[ls which are ~he basis fo~ a s~nifican~ p~rt~on o~ th~ ~To~fs ~c~nomy and those ~'r oas with ~tive en~ironmen~l features inCtu~in~ aqui/er ~har~e areas and bluffs, n addition~ t~e~e a~eas p~ovide the ~pen rural environment So hi~hl~ valu~ b~ 7~r-round residents and those persons who sup~rt the Town o~ Sout~td's recreation. resort and s~ond home econom~. The . ~onomic.. social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for' all citizens by limitin~ loss o( such areas are well documented, and have insoired a host of ~overnmentaL pro,rams ,designed, ~it~ vaFyin~ de~rees o~ success, to achieve~ this result. For i~s ~a~t. the Town is exoen~in~ large sums of money' to protect (~lstin~ 'farm acreage. At the same time, ~he Town has an obligation to exercise its au[hOkit~ :o r~Sonabl~ regulate the subdivision and deveiooment of this land to further the same purposes, ~ite Aonorin~ the legitimate in[er~ts of farmer~ and other farmland owners. [Sect[on 100-301 Section 100-31. Use regulations. In an iA] A-C District, no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be useD, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A, Permitted uses, ( lJ One-family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot. The following commercial agricultural ooerations and accessory uses thereto, including irrigation, orovzded that there shah be no storage of manure, fertilizer' or other odor or dust- producing substance or use, exceot spraying and dusting to protect vegetation, within · feet of any [or line: The raising of field and garden_._croos, vineyard ana orchard farming, the maintenance of nurserms and the seasonal sale 9f 3roducts grown on the premises subject to the following sDecial requirement s: (1} (a .) All [one-storyj buildings [or structuresJ for display and retail sales of agricultural and nursery products grown [primarilyl on the premises shall not exceed 1,000 square feet ~n floor area [.] or one story in height. Display of produce, at a roac~slde' farm stanc shall be not less than 10 feet from ail street and lol lines. Any roadside farm stand ~n excess of [One hundred {1O0}J fifty (50! square .feet in 'floor area shall be set back twenty (201 feet from the street line. Any stand in existence a[ the effective date of this chaD[er must. within one year comi)ly with ail of the provisions hereof. All signs shall conform to the '~rovisions of [Section 100-30Cl61(b)l Section I00-31Cl91. Ol~f-stFeet 3arkin{~ as required in the Parking S'checlute snail De provlaeu ana st'~all De approved by the Planni~oard. An~roadsi~'~ stand in exi'ste~ce on t~f~ paraqraph mustt within one (1} year ir_om such c~ate~ com~31y with the provisions hereof. (b.) The keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses, domestic animals and fowl (except ducks) on lots ten (10} acres or more. (3.) (c,) Barns, storage buildings, greenh~,uses (including plastic covered), and other related structures, provided that such buildings shall conform to the yard requirements for principal buildings. Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southoid School Districts. Park Districts and Fire Districts. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by' the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, ant , and except for the uses set forth in subdivision (15]. hereof, are suc31ect to site plan approval by the Planning Board : [in accordance with Article Xlll hereof:] (1.) Two-family dwellings [, conversions of existing buildings and new construction,J not to exceed one such dwelling on each lot, (2) Places of worshi. D. including parish houses (but excluding a rectory or parsonage, which shall conform to the requirements for a one-family dwelling}, subject to the following requirements. (al No building or part thereof shall be erected nearer than fifty (50! feet to any street line ant nearer than 20 feet to any Iot line. 40! NOVEMBER 1, 1988 (b} The total area covered by all principal and accessory buildincl, s shall not exceecl twenty (20~) percent of the area of the lot. (:3) Private elementary or hitch schools, collec~es and other educationai institutions, suPject to the following requirements, (a) No building shall be less' than fifty (50) feet ,from any street or lot tine. (b) The total area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings shaiPnot exceed twenty (.R:g~J percent of ~the area,of the Iot~ Any school shall be a nonprofit organization w~thin tJ~e meaning of the Internal Revenue Act and shall be,registered effectively tl~ereunder as such. (d! Any such school shall occupy a lot witll an area of not less than five, acres plus one acre for each 25 3upits for which the building is designed. Nursery schools. (s] [Libraries, 1 Philanthropic. eleemosynary or religious institution hospitals, nursing and rest homes or sanitaria for general medical care. but excluding facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addition, subject to the following requirements: fa) No building or Dart thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within one hundred [1O0) feet of any street line nor within .fifty (50) feet of any lot line, (b) The total area covered by princJnal and accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (20%) percent of the area of lot. (c) The maximum height shall be th~-r'{y-five (35) feet or two and one-half (2½) stories, (dj The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings or parking or loading areas, shall be suitable landscaped and properly maintained. (e) Sufficient exterior illumination of the site shall be required to provide convenience and safety. All such illumination shall be shielded from the view of all surrounding streets and lots. (fi Any nursing home, hospital or sanitarium shall meet the following standards: [I! [i) Ail buildings shall be of fire-resistive construction. [21 {ii) All such uses shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health. [3] [iii) Patients suffering from communicable diseases shall not be permitted in any nursing home or sanitarium {communicable diseases are defined by the Sanitary 'Code of the Public Health Council of the State of New York ). [($)[ [4J (iv) Eight Thousand [8,000) square feet of lot area shall be provided for each patient bed. Public utility rights-of way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the Town, subject to such conditions as the Board of Appeals may impose in order to protect and promote the health, safety, appearance and general welfare of the community and the character of the neighborhood in [Fraternity houses. J Beach clubs, tennis ciubs, country clubs, golf clubs, public golf courses, aha annual swimming pools, tennis courts, recreational buildings, ana maintenance buildings, suoject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any Parking or loading .area shall be located within one hundred- (lOOI feet of any street line or within Fifty (50) feet of any lot line. I[bj The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings §hail not exceea twenty [20%} percent of the area Of the lot. {c) Such use shall not be concucte(3 for 3rofit ~s a i;~ll (9) id) let NOVEMBER 1, 1988 No sucfi use ~hatl' OCCupy a Iot With an area of [ess than three [3) acres. The direct source of ail exterior lighting shall De shietdea from the view of surrounding resldenual lots, Children's recreation camps organized primarily for seasonal use and subjec~ to the following ._r. equlrements: {al NO building, tent, activity area or recreation facility~ shall be less than two hunclred (200) feet'from any lot line, and any such building, tent, activity area or recreation facility shall be effectively screened therefrom as required by the Planning Board. Buildings intended for use as sleeping quarters shall be not less than thirty (30) feet from each other, except tents. which shall be not less than ten (10) feet apart. (bi The minimum lot area shall be not less than ten thousand (10,000] square ?eel for each cottage, tent or other principal building, and not less than three thousand (3,000) square feet of land area shall be provided for each person accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. - . _ lc] All outdoor lighting shall be arranged and/or sheildeq to eliminate the glare of lights toward nearby residential mots, streets or other public facilities. id] The sound level of all outdoor public-address systems shall not exceecl the intensity tolerable in a residential neighborhood. [Labor camps, farm and nonfarm, I Farm labor camps, subiect to the following requirements: (al All farm labor camps on farms shall be constructed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be locateo nearer to any other residence than the residence of the employer, exceDt by specific review and approval of the Planning Board [of Appealsl. .403 [(9)] [Boat docking facilities For the docking, mooring or accommooation of noncommerc:ai boats, suoiect to the follow~ng requirements: I [(al! [There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two (2) boats otr~er than those owned and used by the owner of the premmses for his personal use. ] "--- (Ia) Veterinarian offices and animai hdspitais, subject to the following requirements: {al The housing of all animals shall be in a fully enclosed structure, if nearer than one hundred fifty [(1DO)] (150) feet to any lot line. (11) Cemeteries. (12) Stables and riding academies [(13)] [Funeral homes anti un(3ertaking establishments. I ~.!3) Wineries for the aroducton and retail sale of win'e produced from grapes grown on the vineyarcls o~3 which such w~nery is located. One accessory apartment In an existing one-fami)y"dwelllng, sub~ect to the follow~ng requirements: (a) The accessory apar. tment shall be located tn the principal building. (bi The owner of the existtng dwelling shall occupy one of the dwelling units as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-rouncl occupancy, evidenceo by a written lease for a term of one or more years. The existing one-family dwellinc~ shall cohtain not less than sixteen hundred [1,500) Square feet of-llveaPle floor area. The accessory apartment shall contain not Jess than four hundred fifty {q50) square feet of livable floor area. .T~e accessory apartment shatl not exceed forty iq0%) percent of liveable floor area of the existing dwelling unit. A minimum of three. (3] off-street parking spaces shall be provided. Not more than one (l) accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of a dwelling unit as definea in Section 100-13 hereof. (¢) id) (el Cf) (hi 1988 ~h~ ~xterior entry- to the accesso~ apartment shall, to the maximum extent possibie,;retain the existing exterior apoearance of' a on, family dwetllng. All exterior alterations to the existing building, except for access Certl~c~te o~ Occupancy shall terminate upon the transfer of title by the owner, or.upon the owner c~asmg to occupy one of the dwetling units as the owner's principal re~idenc~, n the may continue in occupanc? until a new owner shall occupy the balance of the dwetltng or one (1) year f~e~-Qate o{ saiQ demise, whichever shatl first occur. All conversions subiect to inspection of Building [nsoector and' Renewal of Certificate of Occupa~nc.r' annually. The building which.ls converted to permit an accessory aoartment shall be in existence and ~ve a valid certificate of ~cupanc7 lssu~ ~rior to 2anua~ I, 1984. The existing building, toget~e~ ~ith the a~ce~ory a~artment, ~hall com~ly ~t~ all other requivement~ of C~apter 100 of th~ Teen Code of the Tow~ of Southol~. : (o) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section I00-30B hereof, no site plan approval by the P~anning BoarC shall be rec~uireo for the establishment of an accossor¥ apartment. (p),,Approvai by [he Suffolk County Depart. re. ant of Health Services of the water supply an~ sewage disposal 5~stems. i(161l (151 The renting of not more than tr~ree (3) rooms in an owner occupied dweiling for lodging and serving of breakfast to not more than stx (6} c-~suai and transient roomers, prov~Oed that the renting of such r~ms for such pur~se Is clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal useof the dwelling, su~t to the following requirements = That adecluate off-street parking st3aces shall be provided for such rentecl rooms In addition tO parking spaces for-the use of the family of the owner. Accessory uses, limited to the following [ :] uses and subject to the conditions listed in Section 180-33 herein [{1}1 {2) Any customary structures or uses which are customarily incidental to the orincipai use. exceot [ttose prohibited by this cnaoter, Home occupataona, nc udin~ professional offices, provided that: (a) No display of goods is visible from the streeL (bi Such occupation is incidental to the residential use of the premises and is carried on in the main building by the resident therein with not more than one nOnresident assistant. (c) Such occupation is carried on n an area not to exceed [thirty percent.[30~}] twenty- five (25%] of the area of [one (1) floorl all floors of the main building [. , and in no event shall such use occuov more than five h't~ndred (500} square feet o~ ftoor area. (d) There shall be no exterior effect at the oroperty line, such as noise, traffic, odor. oust, smoke, gas, fumes or radiation. 131 [e) Studios where dancing or music instruction is offered to groups in excess of five pupils at one time, or where concerts or recitals are held. are prohibited. [f) In no manner shall :he appearance of the buiidino br, altered nor sr~ali the occuoation within the resioe-nc[, .b_e concJucted ~n a manner that wouicl cause the 0remisec to lose its residential character either bY [ne use of colors, materials, construction, or llc~htir~r. No ~'f prooucts snail be visible from the street aha no s[oc~ in [raoe shaiI be keo[ on [~e orem~ses Home occuoa~ions shaII in no event be deemed to inc~uc~: auto reoa~r snobs, restaurants, tourist homes, roomln~ houses or boaroin~ houses, and uses s~mHar ~o thos~ B~t dock~nQ facilities for the docking, moorino or accommodation bt noncommercial Doers. sub~ec: to the f~liowin~ requirements: (a) There shah be docking or moorino facilities for no mot, than two (2) boat~ other than tho~e OWneO (b) The Town Trustees shall aoprove new boat doc~r,, facilities. {c) Boats at SUCh dockint~ facilities shall not be used overnm~nt sleepm.o ?urooses. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 [ (2) j iq) Garden house, toolhouse, storage building, playhouse. the r~idential u~eof the premises eno not opera[~ ,, gain, subiect to the following requirements: Any's~imm ng pool shah be complete y enclosed with a permanen~ chain-Hnk (or s~milar tTpe~ fence of no~ more ~han two-inc~ mes~, no~ less ~han four (WI fee~ in height, erected, maintained ano provided w~ self-closing, ~e~f-la~ching ga~e ~o .oreven~ unuu~horize~ use of the oool and ~o prevent accidents. However, i~ said pool is located more lh~p four (ql feel above %he gound, then a fence is not required,, provided ~hal all points of access ~o said pool are adequately pro,acted by a self-closing, seif-la~ching gate~ Any swimming pool in exi~%ence a~ ~he.effec~ive ~a%e of ~he prow~ion~ o~ ~h}s su~%}on shaH, ~i~hin one (I) year from 'such da~e, ~om~ty w ~h a of ~he orovisions Individual outdoor tennis court related to residential use on a lot containing a single-family detached dwell nc~ provided that the same"i$ se[ back not tess then six ~from all lot lines, and that there is no Hc~htinq for after dark use. Private garages; provided, however, that not more than two (2) passenger automobile spaces in such garages may be leased to persons not resident on 'the premises. Off-street parking spaces accessory to uses on the premises. -- Not more than four {ql off-street parking spaces shall be · 'permitted within tine mlmmum front yarn. The storage of either a boat or travel trailer owned and used by the owner or occuoant of the premises on which such boat or travel trailer is ~tored, for his personal use, subject tO subsection Q of'Section 100-t'91 Suoplemental parkinq ,r,,ec~ulations and the following requirements: (a) Such boat or trailer shall not exceed thirty '(30) reel in length. (bi Such boat or trailer shall be stored only in the required rear yard, and the area occupied therefor, together with the area of all buildings in the rear yard. shall not exceed forty percent (qO%) of the area of :he required rear yaro. (c) Such boat or trailer shall not be located within fifteen (15) feet of any street or lot line. provided that such shall not be housed within forty feet of any lot line. Houslng for flocks of more titan twenty- five (2.~) fowl, shall not oe constructe~ within fifty feet of any line. [[6]l [S! The following signs, subject to the supplementary sign regulations hereinafter set forth in Article XX: fa) [One (1) indirectlyJ Not more than two i2) non- illuminated nameotates or protes'gionai signs each not more than two (2) square feet in area. - (bi Not more tr~en [three [3) 1 two (2) signs with a comoineo total area of not more than~ty_two [72) I fortv- ~) square feet, no one (1) of which shal ~n [[our by sx (a x 6)] twenty-four sauare feet =n size. advertising ~my the ~le of farm. garoen or nursery products [~roauced orJ grown on (C) One (lJ real estate sign, either single or double-faced, not larger than {three oy four [3 x qJJ twetve {12J square feet in size on any one (1] or more lots. aovertJsjng the sale or lease of 3nly .thK Premises on which it is maintainea, and se{ back no{ less than [ten (l~jJ fifteen (15i fee: from any lot line. Where acreaae or a subdivision ]~as a continuous frontage of four ~2qJ ~Oua.re reel Jn [(e) (dj One (1) bulletin ~8ro or o:her announcement or identification sign for uses oermitted ~n iSa:ion laa- 30B~2J. [31. (~J, (6j. (~) and (I0) hereofJ S~tion 100-31B{3). (qJ. (5]. (61. (8) and (~) of :he Aqr~cultura District. not more]hen [tR,~[y-twoi f~'e: in area, located nol less than [five (~[i~n .[.l, SJ feet from any street or Io: line. JJf]] ~ Such other signs as ~ay ~e authorized as a special exception by the B~rd of Appeals as hereinafter proviaed. Yara sales, al~ic sales, garage sales, auction sales or similar type o~ sales of personal property owned by {he occupant of [he premises and located ther~n, subj.: to the following 1(7]1 (10l 405 (bi (c) Not more than one { ( 13 ] 'st~ch sale shall be conducted on any lot in any one calendar year. Adequate supervised parking facilities shall be provided. No szgns, except one [(1)] one-premises sign not larger than [th'rea by four [3 x 4)] six,{6) square feet in size displayed for a period ot not longer than one [(1)] week immediately prior t0 the day of such sale, shall be permi,tted'. id) A permit is obtained therefor from the 3uilding inspector upon the payment of a fee of [Section I00-311 Section I00-32. Bulk. area and parking' requirements. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the iA Residential and Agriculture District l Agricultural~ Conservation District and in the Low Density Residential R-80 District unless - the same conforms to the Bulk $chectule and Parkinc~ 5cneclute incorporated into this c~ot~ with'the same force and e~fe~[ as i[ SUCh regulations:~ere set ~ort~ herein in full: as~well as to the fodowmg~ulk ~no ParKing requirements, [o w~: A. In the case o~ a Io~t held in single a~d separate ownership prior to November ~3, ~971 and thereafter, with an ~reaof less than forty-t~ousand square feet. a single family dwelling may be constructed t~er~on, provided that the requir~ents of Column IAI vii of the B~Jk Schedule and the Parking Sch~ule incorporated in [bishop ter are co~ith. The bulk and parking requirements for single-family dwellings as set forth in Column iA-q01 ii of the Bulk Schedule and the Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter s'~ail apply to t~ing Io-~, [o wit: (1] All lots shown on major and minor subdivision moos which were granted flnal approval by the Planning Board prior to May 20. 1983. (2) All lots shown on major subdivision maps upon which the PlanninQ Board has held a hearing for preliminary map approval prior to 20, 1983. (3) AJI lots shown on minor subdivision moos that have b~en granted s~etcn plan approval by the Planning ~oard prior to A,lay 20, 1983. All lots setoff or createc~ by aoorova~ of the Planning Board suosequent to November 23, 1971 and prior to May 20, 1983. ':-'r The bulk and parking requirements for single family dwellings set forth in [Column A-~01 Columns i and iii of the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chaoter shall apply to the~g lots, to wmt: (1) All lots shown on minor s~bbdlvision maps which have been granted sketch plan approval by the Planning Board on or after May 20. 1983. (2) All lots shown on maior subdivision maps upon wt;:i~ch the Planning Board has held a hearing for preliminary map approval on or after May 20, ~C 1983. (3} All lots setoff or created by approval of the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. The bulk and parking requirements for two-family dwellings set forth in Column [A-1601 xii of the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter-~-hall apply to the following lots, to wit: [1) All lots shown on minor subdivision roads which have been grantecl sketch plan approval by the Planning Board on or after May 20. 1983. [2) All lots shown on major subdivision maps upon which the Planning Board has held a hearing for ~3reliminary approval on or after May 20. 1983. (3) All lots setoff or created by approvat of the Planning Board on or after May 20, 1983. [Section 100-321 Section 100-33. Accessory buildings. In the iA Residential and Agricultural District, ] Agricultural-Conservation District and Low Density Residential ~-80. R-120, R-200 and R-q00 Ois[rlcts the required rear yard, subject to the following requirements: A. Such buildings shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. B. Such buildings shall be set back no less than three {3) feet from any lot line. C. .All such buildings in the aggregate shall occuoy not more than forty percent iq0%} of the area of the required rear ~ard. 9. Chaoter_:100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article III-A to provide as follo~vs: ' ARTICLE I11 - A Low Density Residential R-~O District Section lO0-30A. Purpose. NOVEMBER 1; 1988 The purpose. Of ~e LOwr Oensit~ Residential R-q0 District is to provide areas :.f.or residential devel0~ment where exiisti!3c~ n~i~l~borhood characteristics, water supply and environmental conditions ~er~it'fu[I ~h~eiopment densities of ~pproximately one ~we]lin9 per acre ~nd w~ere open space an~ agr cu tural ~ese~a[~en are not~ p~eaom[nate oOlectives. Section I00~31A. Use regula¢ions. In an R-4O District. ~o buildin9 or praises shall be use~. and no buildlna or par~ o[a buHain9 shall be erected or altered whicn is arranqeQ, inten~ed'~r deslgne~ to be used. ~n w~oie er in Dart. for any uses exce~[ the iotJowin~: A. Permitt'~ uses. (1) Same as Section lO0-31A of the Agricultural-Conservation District. Uses oermitted by sDecial exceotionof the Board of A.opeals. The:followin uses are oermittect as a soeciaJ exceotion by the~ard'of A,c~als~ as hereinafter proviQeo, aha suDiect to site plan approval' bv the Planninc~ Bpard. (I) Same as Section I00-31B of the Agricultural-Conservation District. exceot {8) clqitgren~s recreation camo. { 9 ) tare labor camo and veterinarian office aha ammal hosoitai not oermittea, and beg anQ (2) Libraries. museums or art oalleries. C. Accessory uses. limited to the follow~n9: (1} Same as Section 100-31C of the Agricultural-Conservation District. Section I00-32A. Bulk, area and parking requirements. No building or oremises shall 3e used and no buiidin9 or Dart thereof shall erecteQ or altered in the Low Density Residential R-q0 District unless the samo coniorms to tn~ requmrement5 pi the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking 5cheQui,., full. Section ~00-33A. ACCessor~ build[nos.' Accessor~ build~nQs shall be to the same r~uirement5 a~ 5~tion ~00-33 of the A~r cu/t~ral Conservation District. 407 10. Article IV is repealed and a new Article IV.is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE Iv Hamtet Density Residential (HO) District Section t00-q0. Purpose. The purpose of the Hamlet Density (HO) Residential District is to (1} permit a mix at housing types and levet of residential Density approoriate to the areas in and around the maior hamlet centers particularly Mattituck, Cutchogu~,, SoutholdI Orient and the Viilaqe of Greenoort Section 100, ql. Applicability. The Hamlet Density (HO) Residential District may be desiqnated on the Zoning MaD by tile Town Board, upon its own motion or by oetit on on parco s w th r, one-hail mite of a Hamtet ~ ' Bus ness (Ha} District of Mattituck, Cutchoque and Southoid hamlet and within one-c~uar~er mite of the Hamlet Business (~B) District of Orient. cna within one-half mile of the oounQar¥ of tile Villaoe of Green9ort. Section 100-q2. Use regulations. In an HD District, no building or premises shall be used - and no building or part of a bu dinq shall be erected or attered which is arranoed, intended or A. Permltt ecl uses. (l) One-family detached dwetlin9. (2! Two-family dwellin?. Uses oermitted by soecial exceotion bY the Board of Aooeais. The followino uses are perm~tte~ as a special exceotlon ov tr~e k~3~r'Q pt A~o~t5, as hereinafter prowoea, and suo~t co s~[e Dian aooroval Dy the Ptann[n~ ~oar~: (1) Multiple dwe linos, townhouse, row or attached house. (2] Accessory apartments in sinole-familv residence as set fortrl in and reo. ulaleo o¥ Section 100-31812) of ~ne Aoricuttu~-~i-Conservat~on District. ' (3} Bed and breakfast uses. as. set forth in and reoulated by Section [O0-31B (15)! w~thout site Dian approval. Accessor~ uses. limited to the followino.' Accessory uses as set forth in and reoulated bv Section 100-3lC (1) throuc~n {7) and (la} of~Aoricultura-~onservat~on District. and tu~J~t to conoitions set forth in S~on f00-33 t~ereoi. 408 NOVEMBER.l,, 1988 (2) Freestanding or c~round siqns, subiect to the foilowinq rec~uirements: -- One ( 11 si(~n eith'er sinoie'or douoi~-i~aced, not more ~han ~ore ~n five (5) feet a~ove the qroun~ unless aHac~e~ [oa ~ence or wall. Such si~n shaii only inai~ate ~he name oi the pre~;~uch siqn shah be se( back not less than ¢igte~n ~51 (eat f, om ~nd fot~nes. Su¢~ si~n shall comoJ~ w~¢~tJ ~{ th~ si~n re~uiazions se{ fort~ in Article XX. ' Accessory buildings, szructures a~td 0(her r~uired facilih~t~ and other commum~y 3err=cas ~o all buHdio~j s.t,'t c~u,-~-~,' ~3~- ~ the same shall ~e approved,by the Plan~;J7 Section 100-q3, Bulk. area and parkin~ requirements. A. No buildin9 or premises shall be used and no buildino or part ther'eof shall -- ~ erected or altered in the Hamlet Density (HO) Res~idential District unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedu e and Parking Schedue ncoroorated ~nto this chaDter, w~th the same force and effect as if such reOulations were se( forth herein in full. 11. Article V is repealed; Article VA is renumbered Article V, and the Sections thereof are renumbered Sections 1D0-S0 to 100-58 reclusive. ARTICLE V AFFORDABLE HOUS1NC DISTRICT Section TOQ- $0. Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Housing District is to provide the opportunity within certain areas 0f the Town for the development or' high density housing for families of moderate income, Section 100- 51 Definitions. For the purpose of this Articte. the following terms, phrases and words shall have the following meaning: CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - The Consumer Price Index as nublished by th~ United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics for the New York Metropolitan area; DIRECTOR - The Director of Community Development for the Town of Southold. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY - A family whose aggregate annual income, including the total of all current annual income of ail family members [excluding the earnings of working family members under age 21) from any source whatsoever at the time of ~oplication for the purchase or lease of an affordable housing unit or the purchase of an unimoroveu affordable lot, does not exceed $39.000.00. which anrual income shall be revised each year on January 31st to conform to the previous year's change in the consumer price index. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY DWELLING UNIT - A dwelling umt reserve~ for rent or sale to a moderate income family and for which the maximum monthly rent (excluding utilities) or the maximum in.itial sales price does not exceed the maximum rent or maximum sales price set forth in Section 100- S6E hereof. .:~_%. MODERATE INCOME FAMILY UNIMPROVED LOT - An unimproved lot reserved for sale to a moderate ~ncome family, and for which the maximum initial sales price, inclusive of the cost of providing public water and/or public sewer service to the lot, does not exceed the maximum sales, price set forth in Section 100- $6E hereof· PERMANENT FIXED IMPROVEMENT - An imorovement to a lot or a moderate income family dwelling unit which cannot be removed without substantial damage to premises or total less of value of said improvements. Section 100- 52 Applicability. AHD Districts shall be established by appticat on to the Town i3oard r~ursuant to the procedures hereinafter specified, on parcels of land located within the following areas: A. Land within a one-half (½) mile-radius of tine post offices located in the hamlets of Mattitucl< Cutchogue, Peconic and $outho]d. L.~nd within one-quarter (~) mile radius of the post o~flces located the hamlets of East Marmn and Orient.. C. Land within one-quarter ['~] mile of the boundaries of the Idcorporated Village of Greenport. D. Land in such other areas as shall be designated by Town Board resolution after a public hearing thereon, upon ten (10) days notice thereof by publication in the official Town newspapers. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Section I00- S3. Use Re.~lations. In the AHD District~,~ no building or premises shall be used, and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole er in part, for any use except the following: A. Permitted uses. One-family detached dwelling 2.Two-family c:.vellin g Multiple dwellings. Accessory uses. Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-30C {2). {3), (~), (6} and (7) of this Chaoter. Section 100- 54 Bulk Area g Parkirl~ Requirements. No building or ~remises shall be use~ and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the AHD District unless the same conforms :o the following Bulk. Area & Parking Schedule. BULK. AREA & PARKING SCHEDULE Minimum Single Famil .y Two-Family Muitiole Reauirements Dwellinas Dwell/nas D wellinc~s Total lot area [sq. ft. } Lot Width (ft. Lot Depth {ft.) Front Yard (ft.) One side yarc [ft.) Both side yards Rear yard {ft.) Livable floor area [sq. ft. Der dwg) Off-street parking spaces (per dwg) Land area (sq. ft.} per dwg. unit Maximum Permitted Dimensions Lot coverage (peraent) Building height Number of stor~es 10.000 20,000 ~O,O00 80 100 150 tO0 1~0 200 25 35 4S 15 15 20 25 30 40 850 600 600 2 2 2 lO.O00 10,000 I0,000 20 25 25 35 ~S 35 2~ 2~ 2½ SeCtion 100- 55. Application Procedure A. Application Procedure. The procedure for planning and zontng approval of any future proposed development in an AHD District shall involve a two-stage review process as follows: {1) Approval of a preliminary development concept plan and the zoning reclassification of a specific parcel or parcels of land for development in accordance with that plan by the Town Board; one (2) Approval of a final, detailed site plan, and subdivision plat approval, it' required, by the Planning Board. Application to the Town Board for rezoning approval. Four (q) copies of the application for the establishment of an AHD District shall be filed with the Town Clerk wno shall submit a cody to the Town Board at its next regular scheduled meeting. The application shall contain at least the fo/lowing information: (I] The names and addresses of the property owners, and all other persons having an interest in the property; the name and address of the applicant (if not the owner}; the names and addresses of any planners, engineers, architects, surveyors, anc~ all other persons or firms engaged or 3roposed to b~ engaged to 3erform work and/or services with respect to the areiect described in the appllcatJon. (2) If the applicant ia not the owner of the property, written authorization of the owner or owners authorizing the applicant to submit the.. application an behalf of the owner or owners. (3} A written statement describing ~,he nature of the proposed prelect. and how it will be designed to fuilfill tlae purposes of this Article (including its consistency w~th the Town Master planJ; an anat'/sis of the site's relationship to adjoining properties and the surrounding neighborhood; the availability and adequacy of community facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems, to serve the needs of the proiect and the residents therein; the safety and' capacity of the street system in the area in relation to the antic/Dated traffic generated, and such other information as deemed necessary by the Town Board and/or the Planning Board to enaote them to Properly review and act upon the application. 409 A written statement describing the propose(3 method of ownership. operation and maintenance of all proposed common utilities, including public Water and sewer facilities, and open land located within the proposed development. =.?,=~ .. A preliminary develonment conce~t plan for the proposed project. drawn tO a convenient scale, and including the following information'. (al The total area of the property in acres and souare feet. A map of existing terrain conditions, including tonograpl~v wiih a vertical contour interval ol~ no more than two ( 2 ) feet. indentificatlon c~f- soil types iinclud~ing wetlands i. exlsung drainage features, maior rock outcroppings, the extent pi existing wooded areas and other significant vegetatiou, and other significant features of the property. (c) A site location sketch indicating the location of the property with respect to neighboring streets and properties, including the names Of ail owners of property within five hundred feet therefrom, as shown on the last completed town assessment roll. Such sketch shall also show. the existing zoning of the property and the iocatinn of all zoning district boundaries in the S~urrounding neighborhood. (d) A preliminary site development plan indicating the approximate location, height and design of all buildings, the-arrangement of parking areas and access drives and the general nature and location of all other proposed site improvements, including recreational facilitles, landscaping and screening, the storm drainage system, water and sewer connections, etc. (e} A plan showing the number, type and location of all proposed dwelling units and unimproved lots to be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families, and the ratio of the same to all proposed dwelling units and lots in the development. (fl A (~ne~31ized time schedule for the staging and completion of the proposed prolect, (gl An application fee in the amount of fifteen dollars ($t5.) for each proposed dwelling unit or five hundred [$S00.] dollars whichever is greater. · Referral to Planning Board. Upon the receipt of a properly completed application for the establishment of a new AHD District, one copy of the application shall be referre(3 to the Planning Board for its review and report, an(3 one cody shall be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for its review and recommendation, if 'equired by the provisions of the Suffolk County Charter. Wlthin sixty (60J days from the date of the Planning Board meeting at which such referral is received, the Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the Town Board. No action shall be taken by the Town Board until receipt of the Planning Board report or the e~<Diration of the Planning Board review period, whichever first occurs. Said review period may be extended ay mutual consent of the Planning Board and the applicant. O. Planning Board Report. The Planning Board, in its report to the Town Board. may recommenP either approval of the application for the establishment of the AHD District, with or without modifications, or disapproval of said application. In the even~ that the Planning Board recommends disapproval of said app cation, it shall state in its report the reasons for such disapproval. In preparing its report and recommendations, tile Planning Board shall cjive consideration to the Town Master Plan, the existing and permitted land uses in the area, the relationship of the proposed design and location of buildings on th~'~'{ite, traffic circulation, both on anc off the site, the adequacy eno availability of community facilities and utilities, including pubtic water and public sewer systems, to service the proposed development, compliance of lhe proposed deveiopmepl with the stanclards and reDuJ~;~,~'~nents of this Article, the then- current need for pt' this Article. E. Town Board Public Hearing. Within forty-five (q5) days From the date of the Town Board's receipt of the Planning Board's report and recommendation, or, the expiration of the Planning Board review period, whichever first occurs, the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the matter of establishing an AHD District on the ~roperty .described in the application, Such hearing shall be held upon the same notice as required by law for amendments to the town Zoning Map and/or Zoning Code. F. Town Board Action. Within forty-five (~5) days after the date of the close of the public hearing, the Town Board shall act either to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the preliminary deveionment concept plan an(3 the approval or disapproval of the establishment of the AHD District applied for. Approvat or approval with modifications shall be deemed as authority for the applicant to proceed with the detailed design of the proposed development ~n accordance with such NOVEMBER 1, 1988 concept plan and the procedures an0 requirements of this Article. A copy of the Town Board's determination shall be filed with the Planning Board and a copy mai/ed to the applicant. A cody snail also be filed in the To,an Clerk's Office. If such determination approves the establishment of a new AHD District, the Town Clerk shatl cause the official Zoning Map to be amenDeD accordingly. (2J Approval of the establishment of an AHD District shall expire twelve (12} months after the date of Town Board Approval thereof Jr' the applicant has not received site development plan aooroval and f'inal subdivision plat approval of at least the first section of the ptanned development within such twelve (12I months period. Approval of the establishment of an AHD District shall expire eiohteen (18] months after said Town Board approval thereof if work (~n the site has not Commenced or the same is not being prosecuted to conctbsion with reasonable diligence. The Town Boarc u~on application o( the applicant, and upon good cause being sh~)wn, ma_~ in the exercise of its discretion, extend both of the above time periods t'or not more than two J2J additional periods of not more than six (6) months each. In the event of the expiration of approval as here:n provided. the AHD District shall be deemed revoked anc the zoninc. classification of the property affected thereby shall revert [o its zoning classification that existed on the property immediately prior [o the establishment of the AHD District thereon, and the Town Clerk shall cause the official Zoning Map to be amended accordingly. $iJe Plan And Subdivision Plat Approval by the Planning Board. (I) No earthwork, site work. land clearing, construction or development activities shall take place on any property within an AHD District except 'n accordance with a site Dian approved by the Planning Board in accaraance wit~ the provisions of this Article aha in accordance with the ~3roceDures and standards for site plan aooroval as set forth in Article XXVof this Chapter. (2) Where a proposed development Involves the subdivision or resubdivision of land, no development shall ~roceed until the Planning Board has granted final subdivision otat approval in accordance with the provisions of Chapter A106 of the Town Code. Section 100-56 General Regulations and Renulrements, Sewer and Water. In an AHD District. public water aupply systemsand/er public sewer disposal systems shall be provided to serve all dwelling UP/ts located therein. Covenants and Restrictions. In approving a preliminary dovelooment concept o|an and/or the establishment of an AHD District. the Town Board snail have the right to require the applicant and/or the owner and all persons having an interest In the premises to execute an agreement. In recordable form. containing such restrictions, covenants, terms and conditions as It ¢~eems necessary to accomplish the intent and purposes of :his Article. Provision For Moderate Income .Family 'Dwelllng Units And Unimproved Lots. {1) On land within an AHD Dlstrtct contalninq ten [10) acres or less of land, not less U'tan forty (40%] oercent o~ the Owe/ling unit's ancJ/or unimoroved lots Ioceted therein shall be reserved for sale or lease tc moc~erate income families. (2) On land within an AHD Dlstrtct containing more than ten (I0) acresd land, not ?ess than fifty (50%) =ercenc of the Dwelling units and/or untmorovecl ~ots therein snail ~3e reserved fop sale or lease to m~eraT income families. O. Eligibility. In each AHD District, the sale or lease of dwelling units reservec t'or moderate income familles, and the ~a~e of unimproved lot: reserved for sate to moderate income families snail be allocated on ; priority oasis. In the following order: .... (a! First to eligible applicants ~mDl.oyed in th~ Town of Sou[hold. {b) 5~on~ to eligible appll~nts who r~si~e in the Town o Southold, In the order o( length of'residence in the Town. (c} Thir~ to all ot~er.eJlgibl& applicants. E. Maximum Saie~ Price And Monthly Rent. (1] In an AHO District, the maximum Initial sales orfce of a awaiting un or untmoroveQ Io[ reserYed for 5ale to mocera(e ~ncome families she be as follows: [a] Unimproved IOt co~rtaining an area of 10.g00 s~./t. ' $25,000o {bi Attached dwelling unit - $60,000. (c) Single-family detached dwelling unit - $75. 000. (2) The maximum initial monthly rent (exclusive of utilities for a dwelling unit reserved for moderate income families in the AHD Dist~;ict shalt be as follows: (a) Studio Apartment - $300. 4'I1 NOVEMBER 1,, 1988 [13) One bedroom dwetling unit - SZlO0, (¢) Two bedroom dwelling unit - $500. (d) The provisions of this Section I00=56E(2) shall remain in effect as to each dwelling unit for a period of fifteen [15) years from the dbte of the~inittal lease thereof. (3) The maximum sa/es prices and monthly rents set forth in Section 10g- 56 (ii and (2] hereof shall be revised each year on January 3]st to conform to the previous year's change in the consumer price index. F. Resale Price of Dwelling Units and Unimproved Lots. (I) Dwelling units: in an AHa District reserved for moderate income' families may be resold to moderate income families, provided that the maximum resale price -does not exceed the purchase price plus the: cost of permanent' 'fixed improvements,' adiusted for the iricreasb 'in the consumer price index during the period ~f ownershlo of s~(~h dweilinc~ unit and such imorovemeots plus reasonable and necessary resale expenses. (2) Unimprovecl lots in a AHa Dlstr ct reserved for ~od~erate income families may be resold to moderate income families, pro~'id~d treat the maximum resale price does not exceed~the purchase price of.~U~h ot adiusted for the channe ~n the consumer price ~ndex for the oerlod: during whtch such lot was owned by the resale seller, plus reasonable and necessary resale (3) Where an unimprovec~ lot in an AHa District reserved for moderate income families is imoroved with a dwelling unit, the maximum resale price shall be determined in the manner specified in Section 100=56F (1) hereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 100- 56-F (I), (2} and (3) hereof, the Director may authorize the resale of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot reserved for moderate income-families at a price in excess of the maximum resale 3rice specified in Section 100-56-F (1), (2) and C3) hereof, under the following conditions: la') That the owner of such dwelling unit file an appticatio, with the Director recluestlng approval of suc~ resale, setting forth in detail the calculation for the determination of the maximum resale price, the proposed resale price, and such other information and documentation as the Director shall request. (bi That the portion of the resale atica n excess of the maximum allowable resale price shall be divided.' between the resale seller and the Town in the Eollowin..g._:_~roportions. Year of Resale Percentage Percentage after purchase to Owner To Town 1st 0 2nd 20 80 3rd ~0 60 qth $0 5th _.~-- 80 20 6th -90 10 lc) All money received by the Town pursL~nt to the provisions of the preceding paragraph (bi shall be deposited in separate accounts and shall oe expended only for the purposes of this Article in such manner as shall be determined by the Town Board. Section 100- 57 Adminis[ration. A, General Duties or' Director. (1) The Director shall be responsible for the administration of dwelling units and un~mproved lots reserved for moderate income families in all AHa Districts pursuant to the provisions of this Artlcte. (2) The Director shall- promulgate and maintain information and documentation of all dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families in ail AHa Districts; the number thereof - available for sale or lease at ail times; the sales prices an~ monthly rent for such dwelling units and 'ors; the names and addresses of eligible families desiring to purchase or lease the same. together-with a priority list of such families. The Director shall maintain such other records and documents as shall be required to properly administer the provisions of this Article. B. Interagency COOperation. [I) Whenever the Town Board approves the establishment of an AHa District. a copy of such determination shal be filed with the Building Inspector and the Di~:ector, together with a cody of any agreements anc~lor COvenants relating thereto. (2) Whenever the Planning Board approves a subdivision plat and/or a site plan affecting land within an AHa District, a cody thereof shall be filed with the Building Inspector and the Director, together with coo~es of any agreements and/or covenants relating thereto. Whenever the Building Inspector shall issue a building permit, a certificate of occupancy or any Other permit or authorization a~fecting dwelling units and for unimorovecl lots located in an AHa District and reserved for sale or lease to moaerate ~ncome families, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Director. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 C. Procedure, [1] Whenever the Building Inspector receives an aaplicauon for a certificate of occupancy for a'dwetling unit or unlmorovecl lot located in an AHD District and reserved for 'sale or lease to rnoclerate income families, the Building InsDec¢or shall file a copy Lhereof with the Director who shall inform the owner and/or person filing such application of the maximum sales price or monthly rent for such dwelling unit or lot as well as eligibility requirements for families see~:ing to purchase or lease such dwelling units or lots. (2) No certificate of occuoancy may be issued by the Building Inspector until the Director has suPPlied the Building Inspector with the information provided for in the preening paragraon and Building Inspector determines that the issuance of the..~ertifica[e ol- occupancy will not permit a use. occupancy, sale or lease of dwelling unit or un~moro~d lot in violation of the ~rovisions of this Article. The Director shall certify the eligibility of all aoulicants ~or lease or purcnase of dwelling units and ummprove~ Io[s reserveo rot moderate income families. An owner of dwetlin~ units and un~moroved Io[s ~n an AHD Dis~ict which are reserved for sale or lease moderate income families shall nol sell or lease [he same to any person who does not possess a certificate of eligibility issued by the Director. A violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall constitute grounds for the revocation of a certificate of occupancy. On or before March 31 of each y~r. the Director shall notify the owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate income families of ~he monthly rent, sale. price and income eligibility requirements for such units and lots based upon data derived from the pr~eding year. (5) The owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved ~ots reserved for moderate income families shall certify in writing to the Director on or before ~y 31 of each year that the sale and/or lease of such dwelling units and lots comply with ~he provisions of this Article and Chapter 100 of the Town Code. When a dwelling unit reserved for lease to moderate income families is to be rented, the I~se for such unit shall not exceed a term of two (2) years. Section 100- 58 Applicability of Town Code. All of the Provisions of the Code of the Town of $outhold not inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Article shall be applicable in the AHD District. 413 Article VI is repealed and a new Article VI is added in its place, to provide as follow s: ARTICLE Vl Resort Residential (RR} District Section 100-60. Purpose. The puroose of the Resort Residential (RR) District is to provide oooortunity for resort Development in waterfront areas or other approoriate areas wtlere oecaus~ of the availability of water aaa/or sewer more intense develooment may occur consistent with the density and character of surroundinc~ lands. Section 100-61. use rec~ulations. In an RR District, no building or premises shall be used, and no buildinq or part of a buildinc~ shall be erectec~ or altered which is arrange~, intendeci or oes~c.,lneq to be usec~, in whole or ~n part. for ~n¥ use exceot the followmc~: A. Permitted uses. (1) Any permitted use set forth in. and as regulated by Section I00-31A Of the AC~lricutturaI-Conservatlo~ Oistrlct. B.__ Uses permitted by st~ecial exceotion b~' the Board of Aopeals. The followinn Drov~ded.' and exceot for the uses set forth in subdivision {'5) hereo~. are suo~ect to s~te o~an ao~rovat o'f' the Ptann~nc~ t3oard. [11 Any soecial exce~ti0n use set forth tn, and as regulated by Section IO0-31[B) (l), [6), {7) ina L]q) of the Agricultural-ConServation ~istr~ct. (2) Marinas for the docking, moorinc~ or accommoaation of noncommerc~a~ boats. (3) Yacht clubs. (z~). Transient hotets or motels, resort hotets or mote~s, conference facilities 414 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 (al Minimum oarcet siz.~ shah be five ('5) acres, (bi The maximum number of ~uest units shall be: one (11 unit Der six thousand I6,000l sOuare feet of lan~ wi~hou~ ou~lic':wa~er or sewer, one (t] unit ~er. four ~housand (q 0001 square ~eet of land NO music, en~erta~nmen~ or ~ou~soeaker s~stem shah be audible from ~ev~ ~e (dl No lights shall create a ~(are on ]00-J;~ (15). (5l Tourist cam. ps as regulated by Chapter 88 of the Town Code. (7) Free standinc~ restaurant. C. Accessory' uses. (Vi Any accessory use set forth in, and as regulated by Section 100- 3lC [I) through (7] o£ the Ac~riculturaI-Conservation District. (2l Signs as rec3ulated by Section 100-31C [9) of the Agricultural- Conservation District. and in the case of a hotel, motel resort. tourist camo. country club. beach club. swim club, tennis club, if the buildinc3 is set back twenty-five (725) 'feet. one {il free- standinc; or c~round illuminated sign with a maximum area of e~gnteen (181 square feet may be permitted at the entrance, set back ~r mmimum of fifteen (15) feet from the street tine. (3] Sanitar~f and laundry, facilities. Accessory uses set for,th in and as regulated bv Section 100-a2C[3! of the Hamlet Density Oistrict. Section 100-62. l~uik, area and parking reClu~rements. Except as otherwise provided herein, no buildinc~s or premises shall be used ancl no buiidinc) or part thereof shall be erected or at(ered In the Resiciential --'P.R District un,ess the same coni'orms w~tn the Bulk ScheDule and Parking 13. and Loadin~ ScheDules ~ncoroorated into tlq~$ chapter Dy reference w~tn tn~. same force ancl'~/fect as if ~uch re~.ulations were set forth harem in full. Article VII is repealed and a new Article Vll is added in its pla~;e, to provide as follows: ARTICLE VII Residential Office (Rd) District Section 100-70. Purpose. To provide a transition area between business areas and low density residential Development along malor roads which will provide opportunity for limit, ed nonresidential uses in essentially residential areas. Section 100-71. Use regulations. In a Residential Office (R'O1 District. no buiidino or premises shall be use~. and no buildin~ or part of a building shall be erectec~ or attereO wh~cl~ is arranoeo. intencled or eesic~ned to be usecJ, in whole or in part. for any uses except ~ee. followm~: A. Permitted uses. (11 One-family detached dwellinqs, not to exceed one dwellln~'on each lot. [2] BuildlnQs, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town -of $outnol~. School Districts, Park Distric:s and' Fire Districts. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of AoDea s. The foilowinc~ uses are oerm~tteo as.a soecial exceot, lon bv the "~oard 6f Aooeats as heremafter {31 that not more than one { 11. use snail De allo~veo for each q0.O00 SCl. ft, of lot al ( ~l :hrouon (7) Of :he ~%~i'lcuttural-Co~aservatlon dist',ct (21 Professiona offices and business offices. Funeral homes. Bed anO Breakfast uses as set forth in and reoutated by Section 100-3181 (5} Libraries, museums or art oalleries. Accessory uses. limited :o the following: (11 Accessory uses~s set forth ;nanO regulated by Section 100-31 [11 :hrouo~ [7) o~ ~he Aqricuitura~-Conservauon District, and suo~ec[ to (2) The ~ollowing s~gns, subiect ~o the suop{ementary si~n reoulu:[ons set (al O~.e~-{Jl in. gij~t:L¥:~jJ~i,~Lre~,_..a~am, e~olat.~..gc orofessional sion not (bi One { I1 real estate sign. either sinqle or double-faced not larqer ~'t~not less ,~an fifteen ('15) f~~'K~-l-i~' 'where acreaae or a subaivision has a continuous [rontaq~ (500) ~eJ or more,- said si~n may no~ exceed twen~v-iour ~2~1 square {c) One {.1} bulletin board or other announcement or identification s~gn for uses permated by SeCtion lO0-31B (3} t4l, [51 and (6), not more~than, ec~ilt~en (18) square feat In area, located not less than fifteen (15)feet from at~,v street or ~ot [ina. (3] Accessory uses set forth in and regulated b~ S~tion 100-~2C[3) of the Hamlet D~nslt~ District. S~tion 100-7~. Bulk. area and oarkin~ ~quir~men[s. No building or premises shall b,e osed and no building or part thereof shall be erected or' a tared n the Res dance-Off ce (RO} 0 sir ct un ess the same conforms w th the Bu~k Schedule and Parkino and Loadinq as if such reCJulations were ,Se( forth herein ~n foil. lq. Article Vlll is repealed and a new Article VIII is added in itm'place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE Viii Limited Business (LB) District Section 100-80. Purpose. The purpose of the Limited Business District (LB] is to provide an opportunity to accommodate limited business activity alon~ hic~hway corridors, Dui m areas OUtSide the hamlet central business areas that Ls consistent with the rural and historic character of surrounding areas eno uses. EmDhasls will be placed on review of OeSlQn ~eatures so that exlstln~ eno future uses will not detract from surroundino'uses. The additional uses must Qenerate low amounts of traffic and be des~c~nea to orotect the res~dentaii a~a rural character of the area. Section 100-81. Use rec~ulations. In the LB district, no buildina shall be used and no buildinq or oart of a to oe useo, in whole or in part, for any uses exce'ot :he foitow~nc): A. Permitted uses. {1) A,n.,v permitted use as set Forth in and reoulated by Section 100- 3lA of the A~ricultural-Conservat~o~ Oistr~ct. The followlnc~ uses are permitted uses subject to site olan aoorovat bv the Pl~nninq Board: [al Retail businesses comolementar~ to the rural an(3 historic character ~f the surrounding area limited ~o the Iollow~no: (i) Antioue. art and craft snobs and c~allar~es. (ii) Custom workshops and machine shops. (iii) Wholesale or retail sate and accessory storaoe and disotav prov~oea that the outdoor storaoe or disalav of plants line. (iv] Libraries or museums. (bi Professional and business offices. (c) Funeral Homes. (e) Personal service stores and shoos, incJudina oarDer shoo. [~(~au[v ~rlor, professional s[UCilOS and [ravel a(lellcv. Repair shops for housohold busi~ess or l~ersonal incJudinn CaDInet (gl, Wholesale and warehousino. (h) Retail uses suDolementa! '-o the service bus,ness establishment. 416 NOVEMBER B. 1, 1988 Uses permitted by sl~ecial exception by the Board of Aopeals. The followinq uses are permltte~l as a soecia[ exceotton by t~ Board of Appeals as hereinatter provided, and except for B~ and Breakfast uses are sub~ect to site ptan approval by the PlanninQ. B~rd. {1} Any sp~iat exception use as set ~orth in and re~uated b~ Section 10Q~318 of the~ A~ricult~raI-Conservat~on Oistr ct: Accessor~ uses. limited to the ~ollowin~ uses: (1) Any access~ use as set ~orth in and regulated by S~tion ~00- 31~ (1) throug~ (8) of the A~ricuituraI-Conserv~t~n District. and ~ SUblet to [~e conditions se~ forth in SectiOn~, 100-33 thereof. [2) $~gns subject to the following requirements (al Freestanding or ground signs. Where the bulidino is set back twenty-five (25l feet or.more from the street, one~s[on sinQm ' or ~ou~le-face~. no~ more than eighteen (18) square f~t. lower ~e of which shall be not less than four feet abo~e th~ of which snail not extend more c~an fifteen (15)~ feet above rou~a, winch ~ign shall be set back not less than f fteen (15) eel rom all street and pro~ert~ lines and snail a~vertise ont~ the business conGucte~ on the'oremises. As us~ in thi~ 5MPs~tion, [he~wor~ "Dcemises" s~all mean all conuguou~ ~ropert~ ~n common ownersh~o. (b] Wall signs. One si~n attached to or [ncoroorated-ln each buiidinq in SUCh butidina, ~rov~aea trial such s~on GOeS not: (ii Exceed one (Ii sauare foot in total area for each (ii) Exceed in width one hundred oercent [I00%1 of the horizontal liil} Exceed three (3) feet in heigh, t. (iv) Project more than one (1} foot from such wall. Section 100-82; Bulk. area and pa~*kin~ requirements, Except as otherwise provided herein no buildings or orem~ses shall be used aha no buildin~ or Dart ther~f shall be erec=eo 0r altere~ i~ the LB gis[ric~ unless the same co~rorms wmtn the ~uJk Schedule and Parkina an~ Loading Schedules ~ncorporatea mid this c~aot~r b~ reference, with ~ne same rnrc~ and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full, 15. Article IX is repealed and a new Article IX is 'added in its ~lace. to provide as follows: ARTICLE 1X Hamlet Business (HB) District Saction 100-90. Purpose. The nuroose of .the Hamlet Business (HB) District is to orovide for business deveiooment in the hamlet centra~ business areas, inctuc~inc~ retail, office and serwce uses, Dublic and semi-oubiic uses. as well as hotel ana motel and multi- family residential develooment treat will support anc~ ennance the retail aeve~oomer~t and orowde a focus for the t~amiet area. Section I00-91. Use regulations. In a HB District. no building or premises shall be used, and no buildlna or Dart of a building shall be erected or alterec[ whicYl is arrangea, intencJeo or desi~neci to De useD, in whole or ~n part. for any uses except the followino: A. Permitted uses. (11 Any oermitted use set. forth in and rec~uiated by Section I00-31A (1) anc~ (3) of the Ac. tricuiturai Conservation District. (2) Any oermitted uses as set forth in and as reQulated b~_Section 100- q2A (2) of the Hamlet Residential Distr~ct. (3) B.oardinc~ houses and tourist homes. (q) Business, ~rofessional and clovernmental offices. (51 Banks and financial institutions. (6} Retail stores. (7) Restaurants. excluding drive-in ~estaurants. (8l Bakeshoos (for on-premises retail salet. Personal service stores and shoos, lncludin~ barber snoo, beauty parlor, ororess~onal s[uoios, and travel auency. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 {10) Art. antic{ua and auction .~aileries. (11) Artists' and craftsmen's workshops. (12) Auditorium or meetino hall, (13). Re,pair shops for househ~!d, business o~* personal appliances, inciudina (lt~) Custom workshops, {I$1 Bus or tram stations. ( 16] Theaters or cinemas [other than OUtQOorl . {17) Libraries or museums. [!8) Laundromat. B_.:.. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The [ol[owln~ uses are oermmtted as a special exception by the Board o~f ~opeals as hereinafter provided, subiect to site plan approval by the Planning Board. (I) Any special exception use set forth {n and as regulated by Section 100-31 B (3) to (6)and (14) and T151ot the ~,c~ricuJture Conservati~3n District {2) Multiple dwellings and townhouses. {3] Motel and hotel uses as set forth in and reoulated by Section I00- 61 B (4) of the Resort Residential B DistriCt. except that minimum lot size shall De one (1) acre. (~1 Apartments may be permitted 'over retail stores, subiect to the t'ollowin9 re~ uIrements The explicit written approval of the Town F]re Prevention Inspector snail be obtained for the, desiQn, location, :access and other safety-related ailments of every SUCh ac~artment No a~.artment sba t be permitted over fi no stations stores r~tailing flammaPte or fume-producing c~oods, restaurants or other businesses with kitchens or other- facilities oroduczng Intense neat. or any other estaoiishment which the Fire Prevention inspector determines [o pose a areater-than-avera~e built-in fire risk. (b) The habitable floor area of each apartment shall be at least four hundred fift'~ (itS0} square Ieet, out tn no case more than seven hundred fifty (750) square teat. The aoartrnent shatl not locat~ on :ne first floor of the buiidin~t'and the apartment shait contain all services for sa~e and convenient haDitation, meeting the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention ano BuHdina Coae aha the 5anitar~ CoOe. (c) There shall be no more than three (3) apartments created or mamtatneo In any sinQ. ie buiidinq. (d) Each apartment, or common hallway serviczno two or three first floor. (el Each apartment shah have at [east one ti) on-site off-street parKInc~ space meetlno the stanDarDs or this chapter, conveniently {ocate~ /or access co ~he apartment. Ill Only the owner of the buildino in which it is arooosPd to locate the apartmenttsJ may apo~¥ fc~r ttlis special permmt. The ~oard 0f ti] The~,. _--apartment , _Pr any, proprietor, ~' or other ------interest- therein , will not be soTS- co the tenant or an~ ot~,~rtyT-~c~,,~ -' {ii3 The apartment is made available for Year-round ~'{~ntal [iii) The apartment is properly constructed, maintained aha USed and unaooroveo uses are excJuded {-~fr~o-~.' '-- (iv) ~ny other condition deemed reasona.ble and necessary to insure :ne ~mmea~a[e-and Ionq~-term success o the apartment J~ helping to meet identified housing needs in the communi[), is comolied with. [5) Bed and breakfast enterprises or boarding and/or tob~ist 13ome as set forth and regulated by Section 100-5t8 (3) of the Resort Residential A District. [6) Fraternal or social institutional offices or meetino hall, (7) D f"inkin9 establishments, (8) Public Garage. (9! Funeral Home. 417 418 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 C. Accessory Uses. (1) Accessory uses as set forth in and regula?d by Section 100-31C througil (7) of the Ac. lriculturat-Conservat~on District. and SuDlect to the conditions set forth in Section 100-33 thereof. (2) Signs as set forth in Section 100-81C [2} of the Limited Business District. ( 31 Directional or informational signs, not exceeding two (21 souare feet, which, me Planning Board finds to be necessary to facilitat~ orcu~ation throucnout me district. Section 100-92. Bulk. area and parking reouirements. No building or orem~ses shall be used and no building or Dart thereof 'shall be erected or alterea ~n the HB Distrtct ~nless the same Gonforms with [~e ~uik Schedule an~ ParKtnq and Loa~inQ Schedules incorporated into this chaoter b~ tolerance, w~t~ t~e same ~orc~an~ e(/ect as if such regulations were set /ort~ here~n in full. Section 100-93. Uses confined to enclosed build/nos. All uses oermitted in a HB District, includinc' the di.solav and sale of merchandise and the storaoe at all orooertv, exceot livin6 otants, shrubs or trees, shail be confined t~ full.v enclosed buiioinos on me orem;ses. Article × is repealed and a new Articte X is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE X (;eneral Business (~B~) District Section I00-100. Purpose. The ourpose:of the Ceneral Business '(B) District is to prowde for re[ail and wholesale commercial development ancl limited office and industrial dave/Dement outsiDe, Of the hamlet centrat,t3us~ness areas. ~eneraily aiona ma/or hiohwavs, it s des oned to accommoaa(e uses that benett from large numOers of motorists, that need fairly large parcels of land. and that may involve characteristLcs such as: heavy trucking and no,se. Section I00-101, Use regulations. In the ~B) District. no building or premises shall be used. and no buitdin~ or to be used. in whole or in Dart. for an~ uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. Any Dorm/trod use set forth in and reautated bv Section I00-31A (21 ancl [3) o~ the Agriculture Conservation District. (2) Any oermitted use set forth in and reoulated by Section 100-9lA (3) to il 8) of the Ham/et Business District. Wholesale businesses, warehouses, and buildinc~3 material storage and sate. but exclu~Jn~ storaC~e O[ coal, COKe, fuel od. or ;unK. Building, electrical and olumbinq contractors' businesses or ,/ares. (6! Cold storage plants baking and other food Drocessino and oackaginO uses o'~ reason of dust. smoke, wbratton, nmse. oaor. or effl~Jent. materials, supplies, and plants, incl[Jdin.o r~urser¥ ooera'ttons~ Dray/dad three £ee~ Of prooer~y line. (7] Wholesale/retail beveraoe dlstribu[,,on. (81 Funerat homes. (9) Train or bus stations. (10l Teteohone exchanoes. B. Uses permitted by soecJal exced(1on by [he Board of Aooeals,'The following uses are oerrnltteo as a soecla~ exception ov the Board oi ..\b~:~s as Board. (Il Any soecial ~xce~tion use as set forth in an~ reoulated bv Section lO0-31B (2) [o ( 13l ui the Aorlcuiturat-Conservation Oistr,ct. (2) Hotel or motel uses as. set Forth in and reoulated bv Section lDO ;l~ shall De one (1) acre . Bed and breakfast enterorises or boarding and/or tourist homes as set forth in and regulated by Section 100- ]lB (IS) of the AcjricuJtural----~ns~rvatlon District, except that no s~te plan aoDroval (q) Tourist comes as re.gulated by Chapter 88 of the Town Code. NOVEMBER 1', 1988 (5) Research ( that any man testing. . (6) Fully enclosed commercial recreation facilities inc~din9, but not I~imited to. tehn s clubs, skatincl rinks oaddle tennis, hancibai~'-and squash facilities, dance halls. 6illiardqaarlors'; bowlino alleys, health ~as anti clubs and uses normatty accessory and incidental [o commercial reCrea£Jon~ such as locker rooms eatinc~ and drinking facilities. r~taii sate,of gooc~s associated with the ~')articular activity. (7) Laundry or dry cteaning plant subieot to the fo/lowing conditions: (al All orocesses and storage shall be carried on within an enclosed bUtldinc~. lb) All fluids used in orocessing shall be recycled, and the overall fac,ilit~ shall be desJclneo, located and ooerated to protect surface wakers ano the qrounowater reservoir from' pollution. (8) Fraternal or social institutional office or meetino hall (non-profit)'. [9) Fast food restaurants, orovided that eating on the oremises of th~ is forty thousand lq0,000) souare feet. (I0) Orinkinc~ establishments. (11] Automobile laundr.~. (I2) Public garac. Jes, gasoline service stations, new and used motor vehicle Ibis, ~ehicte sales and rental, includino the sale of recrea[~on-~ict~'s and trailers and boat sales, with accassorv repair facdJ?F~ aI-Tl-~d~i'Gct lo the foHowin(~, raquiremen~s: (al Entrance and exit driveways shall have an unrestricted width of not less than twelve {I2) feet and not more than thirty (30) feet and shall be located not Jess than ten i10l feet from any ~C (bi [d] (e) of any vehicle backinc} out across any oublic rioiat-of-wav. Sale of used vehictes o~-":~'~)oats shall De conducted onl'y as accessory to' the sale of new vemctes or ODORS. Vehicle lifts~pr pits. dismanded automobiles, boats and valencies anu ail Darts or suoolieS shall De located w,tl~lll d All service or reoair of motor vehicles, other than such minor serwc~ng as chanoe of ures or sa~e or gasoline or od [--~',~i[ conDucteD in a hQ'Haling. The storage of 9asoline or flammable oils in bulk shall be located fully underground and not less trion chirt¥-five-~'3$1 feet any propert'// line other than the street tine. No oasoline or fuel Dumas or tanks shall be located less than fi{t~en [15) feet from any street or 'Jrooertv Outdoor area lighting shall be that generally' ~eouired for security purposes and shall be restricted to the front one- third (1/3) of the lot Death. All outdoor liqhtino shall be located at a height of not more than fourteen (lq~ feet above c~round level and so directed that illumination should not extend beyond lot lines. No qasoline service or rebait shoos or similar businesses are to 13e located,wlthin three hundred (300) feet of a churcn, public school, library, hOSpital, orphanage or a rest home. [13] Partial self-service c~asoline service stations, subject to all of the provisions of Section 100-10lB (12) herein, and the following additional reou~rements: (a) Each partial self-service gasoline facility shall have a qualified attendant on duty whenever the station is aden for business. It shall be the Outv of the qualified attendant to control and ooerate ootn the ¢6nsote regu~atln? :ne flow of gasoline to the dis~3enslnd eQu oment thereafter ~o De o erateo o ~ne customer ~ ~he self-service oumD isl~nO and the OisDensm~ equ~Dmen~ on the other ~umD islands. (bi Gasoline shall at no time be dispensed withou~ the direct (c) 'The console reoulatino the flow of oasoline to the remote disoensmo eaU;blent=thereafter Do'rateD Ov ~ne customer at the setf-s~rvi'ce Duma ~slanO snatl:'oe situated =n sucn a manner 419 4.20 ,NOVEMBER t, t988 The self-service pump island shall have controls on all pumps that wdl perm,t sato Dumps to operate onl'~-wnenta d soensm~ (et The self-service {fl No customer shall be oerm;itted to dispense oasoJlne unless shall bosSe-SSa ~atid ~motor'venici'e ooeratdr~s llce~se. (cj) There shall be no latch-open device on any self-service dispensing (14) Private transportation service inctudino 9araoe ano maintenance {il Accessory uses set forth in and as reoulated bv Secbon tOO-J1C { 11 throur~h I 8) Of the A~r~cui [uraI-Co~serva[~o~ Ois[r:c~. (2] Wail signs as set forth and regulat~ in subsection C {2)(bt nl the Limited Business O~st~ict Section (,3) Free-standing or ground signs. ' Where the building is setback twenty- five (25) feet or more from the street, one ( faced not more than twenty-four (2~) square feet, the lower e~ge of ~hich shall be not less than four (ti) feet above the ~ound,un esr attached to a wall or. fence and the upper edge of which shall not extend more than 'fifteen [15) feet above the ground sha be germ tied, wh ch s~n'shall beset back not less than fifteen (15] feet f~om all street and property line~ and sba advertise onl~ the busJness cond~ctedon praises. As used in this subs~c~on, the word "'~remises" shall mean all contiguous ~roperty m common ownership. (~) q~en storage of materials or equipment provided that such storaqe shall be (1) at.least 25 feet from any lot ne (2) not be more than si~ feet .... ~i~h, and:(3~ Be'suitably Screened by a solid fence or other suitable means of.at least six feet in heic ~t. Section 100-102. Bu[k,: area and park ng requiremen No building or premises' shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the (B)~Dist'rict unless the same conforms wiLh t~ Bulk Schedule ann Parking and Loadin~ Schedules incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect as if such re~utat~on were set forth herein:in full; 17. Article Xl is repealed and a new Article Xl is added in its place to provide as follows: ARTICLE Xl Marine I [MI) District Section 100-110. Purpose._ To provide a waterfront location for a limited range of water dependent and water related uses which are those uses which recluire or benefit from direct access to, or location tn marine Or tidal waters but which are located within the Town's tidal creeks or natural coves. Section 100-111. Use ReC. lulations. In an MI District, -no bu Idin,q or premises shall be used and no buildin~ or part of a buildincj ~hall be erected or altered which is arran,tied, intended or designed to be used, in whole or ~n part, fo~ any uses: except the following: A. Permitted uses. (1) One (1) One-family detached dwellin.g per single and separate lot of record in existence as of the date of adopuon of this local law. {2) Marinas for the dockinq, moorin~ and accommodation of recreational or commercial boat'S, inctudinc~ the sate of f~ue! and pi! pi-imaril¥ for the use of boats accommooated in such marinas. (3) Boat docks, slips, piers or wharves for pleasure or fishin,c] trips or for- vessels enqaged in fishery or shellfishery. 114) Boat yard for building, storing, repairing, rentinc~, selling, or servicing boats which ma~' ~nclude the foliowin.g as an accessory use: office for the sa~e of marine ecju~pment or products, dockside facilities for (s) dispensin~ of fbel and where pumpout stal~ons are provided, restroom and laundry facilities to serve overnight patrons. Boat and marine enc~i,ne repair and sales and display., yacht broker, marine-lnsurance broker, NOVEMBER 1, 1988 B~.Og~,-~%~Sa~a,,q.d,~-~g~es,,.gwned or operated by .t~e ~6~h'~.~-Sbt~}~~ S~h~gl Districts, Park Districts and Fi~e Districts. Ret~ I sale or rental of fishing, divin~, bathin~ supplies and ~uipment if accessory to manna or Doa~ yard of ships loft o~ chandlery. B-- Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of .Appeals. The foil~in.~ uses are ~ermitted as a special exception by the Board' of Appeals~ as aeremafter provided, sub}ect to site plan approval by the Plannmc. i Board. (1} "~.Beach Club, yach! club or boat club including uses courts, and racquetball £acili[ies. (2) Mariculture or aquaculture operations or research and development. C. Accessory uses, limited to the fofiowin~: ,[1] Accessory uses as set forth in and re.quieted by Section 100-31C (1) throuqh (7) of th~ Agricultural-Conservation District, ancl subject to th, conditions of Section 100-33 thereof. (2__~) Signs, as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-81C (2) of Limited Business Oistrict. Section 100-112. Bulk, area and parldn9 requirements. No buildinq shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the MI district unless the same conforms with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and , Loading Schedules ~'ncorporated nto this chapter, by reference~ with the same forr~ and effect if such requlations were set forth herein in full. 17A. Article Xll (Board of Appeals) ~s renumbered Article XXVII and a new Article Xll is added in its place, to provide as follows: Marine II {Mill District S~ection 100-120. Purpose. To provide a waterfront location for a wide ranc~e of water dependent and water related uses which are those uses which require or benefit from direct access to, or location in marine or tidal waters and which in general are located on major .waterways, open bayfronts or the Long island Sound. Section 100-121. Use Regulations. In an Mil District, no buildin~ or premises shall be used and nn ~uildin~ or part of a buildin(~ shall be erected or altered which ~s arrancjed, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any - uses except the following, (one use per eicjhty-thousand (80,000) square feet of land above mean high water, unless otherwise specified): ~. . A. Permitted uses. One (1) One-family detached dwelling per single and .separate lot of record in existence as of the date of adoption of this local law. (2) Marinas for the dockinq, mooring and accommodation of recreational or commercial boats, includin.c} the sale " of fuel and oil primarily for the use 'of boats -' {3} Boat docks, slips,-piers or wharves for charter boats carrymq passen.gers on excursio~ s, pleasure or ; . fishina trips or'for vessels en.qa.gea in fishery or · . shellfishery. ' ' (4) Beach club, yacht club or boat club includin.g, uses accessory to them such as sw~mm~n.~l pools, tennis courts, raquetball facihties. (.5) Boat yard for building, storing, repairing, renting, seJlincl or servicina boats which may include the following as an accessory use: office for the sale of marine equipment or p~oducts, aocks~de facilities for dispensing of fuel and. where pumpout stations ar~ provided, restroonf and laundry faci'lities ~o serw, [6) Mariculture or aquaculture operations or research and developmen~o .[7) Boat and marine en.qme repair and sales and display, ~acnt broker, marine Insurance oroxer. (8) Buildings structures and uses owned or operated by the Tow~ of Soutt]olc~, School Districts, Park Districts and Fire Districts. [9) Retail sale of rental of fishinq, diving, bathinq s~u.pphes and equipment if accessory to marine or boat ~ yard ot ships loft or chandlery. 422 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 B..:. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of ~peals. The -fotlowinq, uses are permitted as a- special, _.eXception by the ' Board of . Appeals, as ~eretnatter L3rovlded subtect to site plan aporoval by the Ptanninc Board. (11 (2) ( 31 Restaurants exc[udinc~ outdoor counter service, drive-ins or - curb: service establishments. Such .prohii3ition' Shall. not .prevent service at tables on a covered or uncovered :tefrace or porch incieental to a ~estaurant~ : _ ' : Ferry terminal. Transient hotels or motels subject to the followin(3 condittons: fa) The minimum area for such use shall be not less than three (3) acres. {b) The number of c}uest rooms permitted in the hotel or motel snail be determined bi/, (1} the proportion of the site utilized for such use. an(3 (21 the' aYaiJabitit¥ of public water and sewer. The maxtmum numoer, of Quest units shatl oe one (1]' unit per ;four thousa-no (4,000} square feet of Jane with public water and sewer. (q} Fish processinq plant. (5} Fish market which may include a combination of wholesale and retait sale of tinfish and shellfish. Co (61 Museum with,nautical theme or art c~aJler¥. Access~r.v uses. limited to the followinq: (I} Accessory uses as set forth in and reouJated bv Section 100-31C ( 1.] thoruqn (7) o~ the Aoricuiturat-Conservation District, and su[~tect to the conditions of Section 100-33 the~'~of. (21 Signs, as set forth in and arequlated by Section I00-81C [2) of Limited Business District. Section 100-122. Bulk. area and parkinc~ requirements. No buildln(3 shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or 'altered in the MIl district unless the same conforms with the Buik Scheoute and Parkinc~ aha Schedules ~ncorForateo into this chapter, by reference. Ln full. \-~: =, · 18. ArticleXlll is repealed an a new Article XIll :s added in its I~lace. to provide as follows: ARTICLE Xlll Lic~ht Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LID} District Section 100-130. Purpose. The our~ose of the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park {LIO] District is to'provide opportunity for the location of buszness and professional offices. research facilities, industrial uses and similar activities in an open, campus- like saltine in areas which are not aoof'opriate for commercial activity o~ Iow density, residential develooment. In this area such uses can oe established in an attractive environment and serve both as a means of oreservln~ the eden Qualities of an area and providing an area, adiacent to hamlet areas where such uses can oe aooropr~ately OevetOoed with suitaOle orotecuon for ground anc surface waters. All-uses must contorm to Suffolk County Health Oeoartment Section 100-131. Use regulations. In a LID District. no buildlnc~ or premises shall be used. and no buildine or part or a buiidinc~ shatl be erect, aa or altered which is arranged, in£enoeo or designed to Oe u:sed, in whole or ~n pab't, for any purpose except the following: A. Permitted uses. Any permitted uses set forth in, and as reoulated by Section 100- 3lA 121 ane ~'3½ of ~e A~rJcultural-Conser'var. ion gis~r~ct, 2. Any permitted uses set fortt~ in and as regulated by Section IO0-101A [3J to ($) of theGenera BuSiness Distr~ct. 3. Office buildinos for businesses, 9overnmental, and orofessional uses. -- incluclinc~ aOm~nistra~tive training, Data orocessm~, ~uolicatlon, financial and sales offices. Telephone e×changes. 5. Buitdin(3s, structures and uses owned or ooerated by the Town of -- Southoi~t, School Districts. Park Districts and Fire Oistr~cts. The follow(no uses are Dorm(trod a ,ooeeJs~s provJdecl, suPfectlto site Dian aDoroval Dy the Ptannin? E3oard. (I) Any special ~xceotfon use se:t forth in and as reoulated bv S~tion 100-101 B {5). (7} and (10l of the General ~usi~ess Oistr~ct. (2) Light industrial uses involving the fabrication, reshaping., reworking, and Which Do not involve the synthesis et chemical or chemical orooucts ~'~d s-'~'~-]ma I component assemgiv as opoosea :0 heavv *ndu[~t ~b~ L~'~the (aJiowina conaJtJons: ' (8) No such ~rocess or oPera(ton shall involve ~ne handling, stora~ (b) No ~ffensive noises, ~ases. fumes, smoke, o~ors, dus~. e{fluenJ or vibrations si1811 ema~te ~rom such use and no waste proauc[s short'be discharged therefrom oi a charact~,. ~ crea~e a nuisancegr [o be injurious ~o health or to neqa[[vel~ ~mDact groundwa (er. forSUChfuel.°rocesses shall involve the use of only oil. ~as or electricity (3] Conference facilities subiect to the following conditions: (at Where rooms are provided for conference attendees, they should be ,3ermitted at the same number per acre as hotel/motel guest units set forth 'n eno regulated by Section 100-61B (6J of th,-' Resort Residential Public utilit~ structures and uses, (Si Printing or publishing plants, (61 etc,Truck or bus terminals (~ara~es, parkin~ facilities, lpadin? dock~, Food processinc~ and oackac]ing plants (not including fish 3recess(n,2 plants I. (8) Wholesale and retail sales and repair of boats and marine items (9) Boat building; boat serv~cfng; boat storage foci ties. {10) Restaurants. (11J Sauerkrau[ manufacturing plant. (.,12} Basic Utility Stage I1 airoort, subiect to the followin9 condition: Iai Minimum parcel size shall be 10O acres. (13]~Bed and ~reakfast uses. ~as se~ forth i~ ~ bv Section O0-31B(ISJ~rov~ded ~nat no ~ ~n approval i's'reau~. Accesser,{ uses on the same tot w~th and customarily incidental any permitted or spec al excretion use and no[ involving a SeDal'atf, of t-he L~"[mitedWall siQns ~gulated~ ~_.~...b¥ Section ]00- 81~ _._('~] ~rb~ (301 scluare [eet tn area. (31 Free~ ~ .:~rou~nd signs as set. Forth ~n and reoulated by Section Fully enclosed storac)e facilities inciden£iai to the princioai use. eden storaoe as set forth in and regulated by Section 100-1OlC o£ the Gene'ra~ [3O~s~ness District. {6J Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities for (he exclusive use of executives and emo!o~ees el Lne principal use. ~nd tl~' ~ammii~s. In-service train'n9 schools for employees or the rincl al use (8) Private garages for the storage and service of m~tot ye ~icles owned b~ the owner of lhe principal use or the eX~ves or employees ~C ~hereof, or ws~tors tnerej6, incJudin~~f them, Dui nO'iD ~he public qenerall~ of OaSDi(ne, oil and minor accassories Cenlral heating and power planls accessory to the principal use and the service ot ail structures on the premises. (10/ Maintenance and utilit~ sho~s incidental to the princioai use. (11] Off street parking and loading. Said areas shall not be nearer than ~t~ (501 feet to any lot line or street, and if ~enerall~ adjacent any street or an~ residence district, shall be suitable screene~ b~ a lan~scaoed strio of at I~s: ten {I0) feet in width. Section 100~132. Bulk. area and parking requirements. No build/nc} or premises shall be used and no bulldin(~ or Dart thereof shatl be erected or altered in the ElD Lioht Industrial ParklPlanneo Office Park District unless the same confor~ns with the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Load/n9 Schedules-incorporated/nfo th s chapter by reference~ with the ~ame force and e,~fect as if such regulations were set forth herein In full. 20. 1~. Article XIV (Administration and Enforcement) is ren'~mbered Article XXV and a new Article XIV is added in its place, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XIV Light Industrial [LI) District Section 100-1q0. Purpose. The purpose of the Light Office (Lll District is to provide an opportunity for business and industrial uses on smaller lots than would be appropriate for the LID Lic, lht Industrial Park'/Planned Office Park District. 'Section 100-1ql. Use rec.~ulations. In a LI District. no bulldino~ or premises shall be used, and no buildinu or Dart of a buildind shall be erected or altered which is arranqeo, intended or aeslc~ned to be used. in whole or in part, for any purpose except the followinc~: A. Permitted uses. Any permitted uses set forth in. and as regulated by Section I00- 31A (2) and (3i of the Ac~ricultural-Conservation District. Any permitted uses set forth in and as reouJated by Section 100-131A (2) to (5} of the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park District 131. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of A?peats. The followinq uses are permltteU as a special exception by [he Board of Afl,eels.as hereir~after provlaea an(3 suoiect to site plan approval by the Plannlnc~ Board. (1] Any special exception use set forth in and as reoulated bv Section 100:131B (1) t0 l 1 l) of the Liont Industrial Par~/Planned Office Park District. (2'1 Bed and Breakfast uses as set forth in and as reouiated by Section t00-31B(15), prov~aeo mat no site man approval is reomreu. C. Accessory uses. [11 Acces_so__~. uses on the same lot with arid customarily incidental to any oermitted or soec~a~ e×ceotlon use and not tnvolvina a seoarate ~slness. Wall sions as set forth in and as reoulated by Section 100-81C I2)(bt of the Limited Business District. limited to a maximum of thirty ~301 (3) square feet in area. Freestandino or c~round si?ns as set forth in and as reoulated bv Section 100-101 C (31 of Ln~ General Business Oistrict. Accessory uses as set forth in and as reoulated by Section 00- 31C (3J and 17] ~hrough, (10).=.oi Ihe Light Industrial I~ark/.Planned Office' Park District. No building or premises shall be used uno no building or ~_.arl there(~i shall tills cloudier, ~ re/erence. ,.with the same torte and '~-~-~t~i~-~:;;g[~'l~iOnS Article XV (Amendments) is renumbered Article XXlX, and a new Article XV is added in its place to provide as follows: ARTICLE XV Density, Minimum Lot Size and Bulk ScheDules Section 100-150. Existinc~ Bulk and Parkincl Schedule The existin9 "Bulk and Parking Schedule~' incoroorated into this cheater, by reference is hereby re,Dealed anti the Density, ~tinimum Lo: Size, and Rutk Schedules hereinafter set. forth are substituted in atace thereof. Section 100-151. Density, Minimum Lot Size, and Bulk Schedules. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no buildin~ or premises shall and Minimum Lot Size ScheDuleS anc~ cne Bulk Schedules heremaiter set forth. Landscape area (percentage) 35 2S aS IS ~0 3S ]o 21. Chapter lO0 is amended by adding a new , ,-title thereto, to be Article XVlll, to provide as follows: ARTICLE XVtll Cluster Develot3ment Section 100- t80. Purpose. The purpose of this provision is to encouracje flexibility and inovation in the design of reside~tial dovetooment that cannot be acYtieved on many sites throu~ a~herence to traditional zoninq aha subdivision requtations. Further, the application of the cluster aevelopment t~nnr~ue ~s ~ntenaea to achieve: Maximum reasonable conservation of land and protection of 9roundwater supply an' c~rounOwater recharge areas. 8_.~. Preservation of a~ricultural activity by encouraqin,~ retentio~ of large continuous areas of acjricultural use. C_- Variety in type and cost of residential develooment, thus increasin~ the choice of housmc~ types avaHal~le [o Town ~eszctents. O..~.. Preservation of trees and outstandin~ natural features, prevention of soil erosion, creation of usable ooen soace ao~ recreation areas and ot-eservat~on E. A shorter network of streets and utilities and more efficient use of enera~ Section 100- t81, Applicability. A. On lots of ten (10) or more acres in the Aartcultural Conservation. the R- qO and R-80 Oiszrtcts and [ne Low Density ResicienL~ai R-120. R-tO0 and R- (1_~..) The residential use will be sinale family detached nomes for lot .sizes (2.~..) The density of these homes will se ;s soecified ia the oarllcular district The minimum lot size shall oe: a. without r3ublic water and sewer 30,O0'~'souare feet b. w~th public water 20,000 scttJare feet c_~% with oublic water and sewer 10~000 square feet In the Low Density Residential Districts. to wit. the A-C Aoricultural Conservatl R-80. R-120. R-200 ancl R-q00 D strc[s c:usterlno is oerm~ttteo and may be manoa£eo Dy ~he P~an:lino ~oard ~n the exercls~ of discretion, w~nou[ Determination of density and zonfno modi~'icatlons. I'll An application for cluster ~teveioDment shall include a mad or moos snowin9 the Pla~nm~t f3oard, tooeLner with a mad 'gl]ich snail De '3reoareo for NOVEMBER, 1, 1988 (21 The total buildinq'-Iot yield ;of the standard subdivision shall be usc~i to detem,ne one '¥,el~ ~n. t~.:~n,.,~.~;~r pt ~u,,dm~ ~ots ',,n,cn the ~lan,,,n~ may De p~e~ared {or"2n~ coh'~quOu~¥ owned holamas, wnetner or ~o~ they are separated b~ an ex,send street offering d~r~cl access to such ho~dinQs, m all other cases. ~he holdings shalbbe cons~ereu ~s se~ara~e parcels. (3) In a cluster develol~ment, lot area, width, depth, ~ront yard, . rear yard and side yards, may be reduced to less than the minimum requirements set for{h in the ~3ulk Schedule, prov dad that SUCh modification or chan~es shall not result n a greater average density or coverage ~{ dwell ng units than s permitted n zoning district Wherein the land lies. D. The area of a cluste~ development shall be in single ownership or undo,' E. Prior to the issuanceo~a buildin~ permit n a cluster development. ~ ~it' plan shall be subm ~ted to and approved by the Ptann ng Board in accordanc,. ~ Article XXV ~ this chaoter and the fotlowin~ conditions: (I) S:aid site plan shall include areas within which structures may IocateQ.~tne height and s~acmQ of buddinQs, the location of ope,. spaces a~ the;r:landscapinQ, ~f-stre~t o~en an~ encJose~ {if any) ~ facilities, ~riveways and any other ~hvsicai features re~evant toth, prooose~ plan and.~etermmed to be n~cessarv b~ the PlanninQ Board Said site ~tan sba I include a station; settine forth the nature ail proooseo modifications of existing zonm~ prowsions. Nothing con~in~ in this chapter shall relieve the owner or his a~ent the Qeve~ooer of ia propose~ ~ms[er deveooment from rece~wnQ, final plat approval in 'acco~cance with the Town subd v sion reQula[mns/ n aoDrov;n, the final plat ~o~'a cluster development the P annin~oard may moa/fy the acreage r~Mirement fo~ recr~tion areas as se* ~orth ~n the Town'~ G, ~omm~ Areas. 427 (1) The Planninc~ Boarc~ shall establish such conditions on theownersh;?, use. an(3 maintenance of common areas, includinc~ open space, as it deems necessary to assure the preservat on of SUCh areas for theft Board a~'~7~--"~O~vn Attorn?y, Said common areas may de tls~d for aql'icultttr[ A cluster~deveiooment shall be organized as one of' the followina: a conaomlnFum cor~3oratioh; a Homes or a Homeowners Associatio,; approved by the Federal Housin9 Adm nistrat on for mortqaae insurance as a PlanneQ Unit Development. nnd the Town ~o~rd' a Homes AssoCiation approved by the Town Al~rnev a ~a Town Board or any o[~er arrangements ao:rove~ by fha ¢~n'A ~nd fo~Boa,-o satisfvino the intenl of this chapter. Whenever a Homes Assoc~a~zon ~s ~ro~o5~, [heT~own ~ard shall re[am [ne mqJ~t r~vm~w and aoorove ~he Articles of Incoroora[io~-~--[he In considerauon of said ,Jpproval th~T~ ~ ~--,--, -'. Eton operatinq~_~de~ recore~an~ a~nent~l~ ~vh,ch each Jot owner, and any succeed'hq owne~[~-i~"~o to each unit, iS automatically a subject to a c~'rne for a ~roaorh~share ,I the expenses for the organization's activities including real ~rooerty taxes and the maintenance of the common land and f~cilitms. Each lot shall be subject to a lien in the event of non-payment b9 the o~ner thereof of his proportionate sharuof the for the association. !b) Title,to all common property shall be placed in the Homes Association, or definite and ac£eotable assurance shall be c~iven that it automatzcally will be so place(3 witntn a reason;~bl~ p~eriod of time. (c__~.) Each lot owner shall have eaual VDt/hq rights in the Association an(3 shall have the rfc)hr to the use aha enioyment pt the common property. (d] Once ~stablishe(3 and title to the common land is convev~d to the Homes Association, all responsml3ility for operation anal maintenanc of the common land anti facilities shall lie with th~ Homes Assoclatmn. Dedication of ali common areas shall be recordecl directly on the final plat, and/or ov reference on {nat oiat Jo a dedicauon ,n .a separately recoroec~ document. Resu~3division of such area~ is promblteai. The dedicatJon shall: 428 NOVEMBER 1, i988 Save the title to the common orooert¥ to the Homes Association free of any clout3 of imolied puOlic c~edicatlon. Commit the develooer to convey the areas ~o the Homes Grant easement of enioyment over the area to the lot owners, Give to the Homes Association the riaht l;o borrow ~'or Grant [o the Homes Associauon the rinht to suspencJ me~.b~rsn~} Covenants shall be established, limitino all lots to one-family,use and all common Jonas to ooen soace uses aooroveo ov [ne Town Board. No strucJur~s may de erected on such common ~anas except'as shown on the aporoved site plan and aoorovecJ ~'~ u':e Town Board. Such aero ,'~sJ)'m..don Each deed to each lot sold shall include by reference all recorded ceclarations for nonpayment of such. J. The Homes Association shall be oeroetual; It shal purchase insurance, muk~3rov*s~on for assessmeqJ.s and ;rowae L~t all such' c~a~lus a J~n on ~acn lot in favo~ ot saic Associauon. Th~,~5~;~J~II tot J~oreclosure and enforcement o~ li~ns, and j[ K. The develooer shall assume ail responsibilities as oreviouslv outlined for (he'~omes Assoc{auon unui a malon? of the ~eil'inq sm:es day__dOer at the devdop~s expense and hue Io tn~ common amea conv~yed gy [he devdoper to the Hom~s AssociatiOn Prior to plat approval, the develooer shall file a performanc~ bond with,, the Town Board to ensure the proper installalion .Of all required improvements, includi_n..g recreation ilnorovemonts and a maintenance bond to ensure the ~:ooer '~'~i-~tena~ ~ ~m~-'~ ~"~-~' ~ ~ Homes Association is establist~ed and title to the common lands conveyed to the Homes Association. The amount and terms of said bonds, and the form, sufficiency, manner o[ execution and sufficiency Of the surety shall be aporoved by the Town Board ancl the Town Attorney. The certificate of incorporation of the oraanization and its b¥-Iaw~ shall contain tne followinc~ provisions and notice of said orovjsions shall be specifically qive~ in any brochure'or prosoectus .ssued by the developer, ' (1) That such or~anizaflo~ is established to own and maintain common open space or common elements and that if such oraamzation, or any successor or(~anlzation, shall at any time aft'er title to such common land an(3 other common elements is c0nveveo to ti shall fail to ma ntain the Common ooen soace and other common the plan prooosed, the Town Board may cause a written notice, to be served Dy certified' mail uDon~such orc~anizatlon, a~. it~ address as shown uDon the last comoleted town assessment roll, or in the same ~anner upon the ow~el's of the lots in such subdivision at their add'ess as ShOWn uoon the last COllated assessment roll. which SUCh no:ic~ shaft'set fo~t~ [al me particulars in which the common doan soace and other common elements nave not been mam talnea in' r~asonable o~aer ~an~iLion; (bi a demand that SUCh deficiencies in maintenance shaft De remedied ~ithin thirty (30) days ~rom Lbo;date of such notice: (c) :hat uaon the fadure to remedy such default in mamtenance, within the Lime ,soec:[i~. t~at Lhe ~own. Board will hold a hear~n~ upon the mailer upon not less than' five [SJ days' notice in wry(ina sent gy certified mail [o such oF~an~zauon or' to such lot owners; lQ) ~hat a/tar such hearing; [~e Town Board may take such action as it deems aogroo~ia[e m orovlae for the-orooer mamtenance o[ such common dOan'space and common elements, and that anv and the Town br such purposes may be assessed ~on a J of [he Jots iff SUCR sgoaivIslon 8fla the same time as ream prooert~ [axes are collected n me Town of Southold. The Town Board. in order to insure that the open soace will be used 22. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Chapter 100 is amended by adding a n~w Articl~ tl~ereto, to be Article XIX, to provide as follows: 429 ARTICLE XIX Parking and Loadin,g Area ,, Section 100-190, Purpose. RecJulations for off-street 'parking and ~t~uck~loadincj areas are imposed in order to minimize traffic congest, on, ai~: poilU[ on, 'the r s~' ~f ,motor veAicle and p~d~strian accidents, and to aadress a~stheti~c con~iderat~ons. Section 100-193. Off-st~ee[ parkin~ areas, Off-street parkin~ spa~es, open or enclosed, are permitted accessory to any use specified betOw. Any land which is devetop~ as a unit undeff si~leo~nershio red,elations, R'easonable and appropr ate Off-street parkin~.~e~b~r~em~nts ~or structures aha uses wmcn ap not fall w th n the cateqories listed betow shaft be de[erminea by the P annin~ Boara upon consideration of all factors enterinq into the parkin~ needs et each us~. For those uses not specified in the scneauh, t~ere shall be a periodic mon~ortn~ of o~f-s~r~t parkinq conaition5 ~o insu~ th~[~the purposeof this artic!e is'satisfied. In a~aition, the Plannin~ Board may~waive alt Or a portion of these renu rements wtt~in the Hamlet Bu~mes,~ Dis(rfc[ where .it, shall find that municipal oarkin~ facJlit es w thin three ~undr~ (3001 feet o~ the proposed use wdl' ad~uatel~ serve fha prooos~d use. TYPE OF USE REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Accessory apartment in existinq one-family dwelling Antiaue shoo, auction gallery, arts and crafts shop and worl¢shoo Apartment over store Auditorium, meetin~r hall Automobile laundry Bank Beach club or swim club Bed and breakfast enterprise Boarding house, tourist house Boatyard. incJudinq boat sales and Bowlin~Lane Buitdinc.1, electrical or Plumbin~' Cold storac~e plant , ~olle.qe Conference facilities Orinkinq establishments Fish ,lldrket, it~cludinc~ wholesale and '~n"~ ~'~'t~l] sal~ of finfish anCO/or shellfish. Food orocessin9 and packagincj, i_n.c.i_.ud.~ng fish processing One per accessor~ apartment in addition to two for one family dwelling.: One per 250 sc~uare feet of sales area. One oar apartment in addition to business One per 50 square feet of seatinq area, but no~.less than one oar four slats where provided. One per emoioyee plus a ten space queuing line area for each laundry bay. Ten soaces or one soace for each lO0 square feet of Q, ross floor area or tt~ree spaces oar teller, whichever IS greatest pies a five s{)ace queuing area for .each drive-in teller. Two sc)aces Der three members. One space Der guest room in addition to res~den rial requirements. One space Der guest room in addition to resloential requirements. One space per 250 square feet of c~ross Floor area. Sales and rental portion, three soaces, in addition to marina requirements. At least Four saaces gerla.ne. Three soaces or one Der 800 square feet of cJross liner area. .5 soaces per student nlus .7S space per ~'~a f f memoer. One space per four seats in the larc~est assembly h~lJ o~' meeting area plus one space l'or each four seats m classroom facilities. One space Der three seats or ~ne Space ~3er 100 square feet et floor s[3ace, wl~ichever i,s c.)rea (er. One snace per 200 souare fe,~t of c.p'oss floor .75 spaces per employee or once. ace p~r '500 square feet et gross-floor--are~ willcl~ever is greater. 430 NOVEMBER t,' 1988 ,Fraternal or social office or meetinq hall Funeral home Gasoline service station, partial self- service Gasol ne service station with minor indoor repar facility Greenhouse, floral shoo, flower shop, ~~r similar facilities either enclosed or unenclosed. Hospital Hotel. motel, reso~.~nd~; transient See office. One soace for each three seats provided herein or one space for each O0 sc~uare feet Of~,. soace available for public use, whichever tsgreater w th a mmnimum of 22 spaces. Three space queu~nc~ area for each pump plus one space for. ~ach emoioyee. Same as c)asoline',~ervice station above plus two for e~cb bay. , One sbaceper em ploy ee plus ~hree. sl~ace~ or one space ;er 200 square feet of saleR~ndfor display, are~ wh chevers c~reater . .- Three s One space,for :each bed. . for Inservice trainir~ ;facilities for emp,oyees Laundry plant., city ceanina plant Laund roma t Library, museum, art. gallery Light industrial uses Maricul ture/aQuacul lure business Marina Membership club 'country ctub; c~olf ClUb or c. lolf course public, tennis club Motor vehicle, mobile home sales room or ou£aoor sa~e5 lot incJudin~ Muttil)le dwellinc~ [three or more Nursing home. proprietary rest home Office: business governmental and professional except pl~ys~clans or denttsts. Office: for physician or dentist One-family detached dwellin9 Personal service shop: barbershop. beauty parlor Philanthrobic, eleemosynary or roll?bus insti:ution Place of worshiQ Printinc) or oublishinc~ plant Professional studio, travel aQency Recreational facility, fully enclosed. commercial Re~air garage Rebait shoo for household, business. See conference facilities. ~eet bt customer service area· · 75 per washinq machine. See auoitorium. One oer emoIoyee or one per 500 square feel: of floor area, whichever ~5 c)rea[er. See light in'dustrial. One sD~ce Der boat sliD. mooring, dock Space or s~mdar unit of capacity, ?lus one space per empIoye~. At least one for each two members or accommodaz tions (such as lockers), whichever ,s greater. One oer each 600 square feet of showroom $ ludio i-T~-~ ~ room One for each bed. One Der 100 square feet of office floor area. Five s~aces per physician or dentist. Two soaces per dwelling. 2.5 spaces per service chair. One space per bed. See auditorium. See lic~ht industrial. See office. One soace for each 300 souare feet of ~ross floor area exceot: court soorts--five spaces per court--and rink soorts--one space per 200 square feet of rink area. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Research desitin or development lahore tor~' ' Restaurant. drive-ln, curb servicf. or fast food Restaurant (except drive-inl Retail sale or rental of fishinn, dlvino or bathm~g SuPplies or ~umpment; ship's ~ott or chandlery Retail shoo or store (other than those listeO heret n) Roadside farm stand School. eleme'n tory School secondary Shoo for custom work and for making articles to be sold at rated on the premises. See llc~nt industrial. One space per two seats or one sDace per $0 souare feet 0t floor s~race, whichever is greater. One space bar three seats or one space per lOO sciuare'feet pt f our suace, will'hover I~ separate use. see retail shoo: if accessory s~ace~ in aedition to pr~mar~ use. At ~ea~t one ~er 200 sQua 'e fe~( of ~ros~ ~ ' Minimum of four spaces ~er ~an~ Two s~.aces Der c[assr~m ~lus auditorium is ~reu~ See retail Store. S (oracle yard Theater or cinema, other than outdoor One space per employee plus tour spaces or one space for each 5,000 square feet of storage area, wi~ichever is c~reater. See auditorium Tourist camp One space for each accommodation plus one space for each employee plus tnree spaces for visitors. Townhou se Two-family detached dwellinq Veterinarian and animal hospital Warehouse or storaoe buildin~ See multiple dwellinc~ unit. Three spaces ~er dwellinq. Two spaces per employee or one-space per 200 feet of ~ross floor area, whichever ms One per 1,000 square feet of gross floor Wholesale business, including lumber and other building prooucts Wholesale/retail beverac~e distribution One per 1.000 square feet of c~ross floor 'One space per ~50 square feet of c~ross floor Wholesale/retail nursery and/or sale of plants Yacht club One space for each 200 souare feet of 9ross floor area for retail use or one space for Areas computed as oarkincj spaces. Areas which may be computed as open or enclosed off-street parking. ~oaces include any private garage, carport or ulnar area available for parking., otl~er than a street or a driveway. However, a driveway within a reauired front yard for a one-family or two-family residence may count as one parking space. Size of spaces. Three hundred and fifty [350) sc~uare feet shall be considered one parking space (to provide room fo'r standin~ area and aisles for maneuver~ngl. Aisles between rows of parking spaces strait be opt less (nan twenty-two feet. wmde, unless reduced for sixty (60) degree anc~ie parking, in whic~ case the aisle space should be not less than sixt~eh (16) feet w~de.- Entrance and exit tones shall not be computed as parkincj space except for drweways for one- famdy a d two-family residences. The minimum parking stall width shall be nine (9) feet and the mmnimum lenc~th shall be ni~e£een~lgJ feet. Access. Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be provided. Such access shall consist of at least one [1)'fifteen (15) foot lane for parkinc~ areas wmtn more than four (q) s~aces out less trion twenty (20) spaces, and at least two (2) ten (101 foot lanes for parkina areas wztn twenty (20) spaces or more. No entrance or exit for any otf-street'parkino ~area shatl be Iota'ted wmtnin fifty (50l feet of an~ street intersection, nor ~ce~ a ~ra~e of six (6) percent w,th~n twenty-five (251 feet of any street line nor ten (10) percent at any other oo~nt. All Doints of in~ress or e~ress shall be aooroor~atel~ s~ne~, umess such s~nm~ is cons~eere~ unnecessar~ ~ the Planninc~ Drainage and surfacing. All o~en oarkin~ areas shall be propert~ drained within the ~remises an~ all such areas 5~all be ~roviOe~ w~th a ~ustless sar(ace, except for oarkm~ spaces accessor~ :o a one-~amiiv or two-~amil~ residence. Curbs. ~av~n~' sidewalks an~ ~rama~e factHtie~ snail comply w~th 431 43'2 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 F. Joint facilities. Recruited oarkin~l soaces, ooen or enclose,a, may be ~3rov -- in spaces desiQne~ :o serve ~o~nU~ :wo or more estaOlishments Whether or not locate~ on t~e'same, lot orovided ~hat the numOer of required spaces in suc~ ~omt ~acHities shall be'not less :hen tne~tota~ requireO for all SUCh estaotishments. G-- C~bined soaces. When any lot contains two (2~ or more uses havinc~ different parKtn~ r.~uirements; the parking requirements for each use shall ao~lv ~he extent of that use. Wh~e tt Can be conc~uslvelv ~emonstrate~ that one or more such uses will be ~eperatin~ a demand~ fO~ parkine spaces Drm ar~ v perlo~s wh~ t~e ot~er use or ~ses is not or are not in operation, tl~e Plan~{nQ BoarO. ma~ ~e~uce the to~ ~ar~n~ s~aces requ~reo for that use with the least r~ulrement. H. ~cation and ownershio. ReQuired accessory parkin~ soaces, o~en or enclosed, shall be provided upon .the same lot as the use to w~ich ~hev are acces~rv or elsewhere p~owdeO that al 5oaces t~ere~n are ocate~ with~two hunOreO feet walkin~ Oistance of such lot. n ad ca~es~ such pa~kn~ spaces' Shall ~ated. and in no event:shall su~ ~kin~ spaces be Ioc~e~ in dov ~is:ric: unless ~he Wse :o wBich :he soaces are accessafy ~s pe~ltte~ residence di,stricLor upon approva~ bY the Board of Appeals. S"uch soace~ ~ball 1. Lo~s divid~ b~ district boundaries. W~ ~arkinQ'lot is located parlly i~ spaces on such a lot ma? be located without ~e~ard to district lines, prov~en that no such parkin~ s~aces shall be located in any residence district untess the use :o wt~ich the? are accessor? is perm ~teQ in such district or u~on approvat of the Board ~f AppeatsL J. Par~in~ regulations in multiole-dwellin~ or attached-dwellin~ develooments, Wherever space is p~ovided for the parkin~ of five or more vehicle~ in :~e open, suc~ spaces s~tl be individually identified b? meanR o( pavement aarKin~s. ' (~) No parkin~ space shall be located n any front ?arc nor within ten feet of any lot line in side or rear yards. (3~) The parkin~ o~ motor vehicles is prohibited within fifteen (151 o~ an~ wahl or port,on thereof of a two or more famdy dweilinQ, which wall contains wtnaows (other, than bathroom or kitchen winao~si with r a sill height of less [nan eiaht (8) feez adore the ~evel of me sa~d parkin~ space. (q~) No service of any kind shall be permitted to be extended to users of the lot. inciudin~ aulomoo:iie service re~air or fueiin~ aha nn ~asoline, o,t. ~reas~ or Othe; suooiies ;had be stored ar ;old ,in any such lot or tn any garage on,such lot. (5.) Parking areas shall be screened bv a substantial wall fence or thick heave, approvea oy the Piannina ~oara. Generally, SUCh screen~nq shall no[ ge less than four (qj f~e: nor more than e~nt Bi.feet in height. K. R~ulations for ~arkin~ spaces adjacent :o lots in an~ residence district. {I. ) Wherever a ~arkin~ area o~ over five soaces abuts or is within fifteen (15J feet oi the s~e or rear Io( line ot'a ~ot in any residence aistric:, the sala oarKina lot snail oe 5cre~nea from such ~a~oln~na ~ot by suostant~al wall, [~nc~ ar thick heaqe, a~proved b~ :h~ ~lannm~ Boara. ~enerallv, such screen 5ha~'l be not less than four [qj feet nor more than e~nt'(8] feet in height. Whenever a ~arkina area of over five (51 soaces: is located across J~e street from ot~er Jan~ tn an~ reslaence als[tic:, i( snail be screened from the view of suc~ JanQ bv a'thick heaae, wall or fence, aoorov,ea b~ the Plannin~ Uaar~. lo. ted alon~ a hn~ arawn aaraffel ~o the street anc~ a distance or twenty {2Q)'feet there(rom', such screemnc, l :o De ~nterruptecl only at points of..in~ress anc~ earess. Generally, no such screenm~ shall ~ 1~5s ~an ~our (~ fee~ nor.'more tha~ix (6) fee¢ in height. The o~eh area Demean such screemnq anQ the , s[ree{ shall be landscape,'in harmony wi~h the landscaping pr~aiHng on nei~hborin~ p;'oper~ies frontinQ on ~e same s~ree~ Two ~) identification an~ direc~ion~i s~gns Ioc3[ed on ~e street side o~ such of three (3) square feet each, NOVEMBER. 1, 1988 N. Traffic stora ~e, All on the same lot so that al .r a~ad will not obstruct traffic or utilt riahts-of-way, O_.~. Illumination. Off-street parking areas should be adequately illuminated for convenience and sa(ely, but no i~htin~ for parkin~ areas ~iere'on adjoin~n~ properties. P~ Conn~tions between abuttin~ parkin~ ar~s. Where approoriete, th~ Plannin~ 8oardmav r~auire paved connections bet, ween eb~ttin~ park n~ areas in different owne,-~ips, so as to facilitate the flow et trarfic~ Supplemental r~ulati.ons for private ~a~a~es and off-street parkin~ areas ~ residence di~tr,icts. ( 1.} COmmercial VehicleS (a. I One'commercial vehicle not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet ~ length ma{~'~ be parked on an occuoie~ tot in any res dance ~istrict. b~t ~t,'w~hin the require~ yards of such lot and n no cas, bet~e~ the Street line or side linesan~the principal bud~in~ (~) O~ecommercia vehicle not exceeding twenty-five (25) fee: I~ng~h~ ma,,be parked w~thin a ~rlvate garage ~n an~ resi~enc~ district. ~ Commercial farm vehicles are oermitted as accessory to a commercial farm use ~n any res~c~ence district. (2.) Trailers and recreation vehicles. The storage or parkinc~ and use of a travel trailer or a recreation vehicle by any person or oerson~.. excegt as hereinafter orov]dea, is orohibited in ail residential district-,. ( 3.1 The keeoinQ or storinc~ of one camo-type travel trailer or recreation '~ehicte is o~rmitted on ~ premises, if it is either own~a or renteo o~ the occuoants of such premises anO is not keot for purposes of ~le or rental and is useo solely for personal use of such accuoants. Such camp-type travet :railer or recrea[ion vehicle snalt not De OCCUDleQ as~livl~ ~uar:er~ at any Ume, ~d-shall be secured ~n place in [ne rear yar~ not nearer c~an fifteen [ 15) feet [o a sl~e or rear IQ[ tine OF to street, an~ the doors :hereof shall be keo[ securely locked. ( bi Such vehicle may not be oarked within ten (10) feet of a on, or two family dweHin~ or fifteen (15) feet of a multiQte dwetlin~ Boats. One boat may be aarked in the rear yard of any occuoied lot no~ nearer than tilteen (15) feet to a rear or s~de I~e or :o anv street. 433. Section 100-192. Off-street loading areas. Off-street Ioadin~, berths, ooen or enclosed, are permitted accessory to any use (except one or two-family res~aencesl. SUOlect to the followm~ prov~sion-.: A. Uses far which reauired. Accessory off-street loadlnc~ berths shall b~ prov~e~ for any use s~ecified oeiow. Any lan~ wnic~ is.~eve~ooe~ a~ a unit under single ow~ershio and control snail be conslderea a smile lot for the purpose ~f such Ioa~in~ re~uir~ents. ~ ( 1.~ For a aublic library, museum or similar quasi-oublic institution, ~overnmen[al ouHain~, commumjy center, hospital or sanitarium, nursin~ or convalescent home, institution for chiiaren or the a~ed or school, wit~ a floor area ot five tnousan~ (5,000) to twenty-five thousan~ (25.0001 square fee:. one {1) berth; for each aa~itional twenty-five tnousana (25.0001 square feet or fraction t~ereof, onp (I) additional oertn. [ 2~ (3.) For buildinas with orofessional, 9overnmentat or business offices or laoorato;y estar~lisnmen[s, wmcn a floor area of five thousand (5. 000! to twenty-five tnousana (25.000) souare feet. one oertn; for each aoc~itional twenty-five thousanc~ (25,a00) square feet or fraction thereof uD to one hundrecl.thousand (100,000) s~uare feet. on~ - ~dditional' berth; for each additional fifty thousand [ 50. 000] squ~r~ feet or fraction ther~f one additional ~ert~. For buildinas with offices aha retail-sales and service establishment,.. one earth f~r five thousand (5,0~0) ~o twenty-five [nousano [25,0001 square reel or floor area, and one a~itionai berth for each a~Qi:lOnaJ [wanly-five :nousan~ (25,000) s~uare feet of floor area or rrac:~on ther~ to be use~. ( ~ For undertakers and funeral homes, one berth for each chaoel. ( 5~. For hotels, one Perth for each two thousana five hundred (2,5001 square reel of floor area. For manufacturing, wholesale aha storage uses anc~ for dr¥-ctea~inc~ thousano (5, O00i [o ten tnousa~c~ 110. OOCiI square feel el' floor area aC~dltlOn, a(~-"~uate reservea parA~ng rot wa~tlnc~ trucxs shall bi, 434 NOVEMBER 1., 1988 ~, Size of sOaCeS. Each ,r, equired IoadinQ bert~ sba 3e at least fifteen [151 -- feet wide. fourteen 14J feet'n,qh anal (arty-l-ire 145~-'~-c~ a--~ JrT ~o event smaller than ~'~Qulred io accommodate vcnrcles narmalig usinq such berths. Location and access. Unobstructed access at least fifteen (.151 feet wide, to and from a street, shall be provided. Such access may be combined with access to a parkinc~ Int. A~II perm~ttec~ or berths shall be on the same, lot as :the ~se' ;to .Whi, as Off-street NO off-~ D. Joint facilities. Permitted or its. [ facilities shall not be less th; E. trict boundari~ ~n one o ail o'f the !n a~v residence district 23. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XX, to provide as follows': ARTICLE X'X Section 100-200. Purpose. The purpose Of this article is to regulate existinc~ and proposed signs in order~ to: A_.~. Protect property values. a. Create a more attractive economic and bus ness climate. C__. Enhance and protect Southold~s physical appearance and environment. O. Preserve the historic and architectural heritace of the Town. Provide a more en}oyable and pleasinQ, community. Reduce sign or advertising, distraction and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents. Reduce hazards that may be caused by sicjns overhan~in9 or prolectino over public rIQhts-of-way. Section 100-201. Permits required and administrative orocedure. A_:.. The orovisions of this article shall aoplv in all districts. Except as otherwise pro~/ided in this chaoter, sit, ns shall not hereafter ne erected, structurally altered, entar~ecl, or moveo or recons[ructec~ within the Town unless a oermlt ~s oota~ned from me 8uddina InsPector. ol '~-~tnoic~ fee as soecJfieci n suosectlon F beJow.. The followinc two ooerations shall no( lae considered crua(inq a new sJqn anc~ t~lerel'ore 5hat] no( require a new sit. tn pt:rm~t: 1. Replacin9 copy. The chanainc of tNe aovertisinc~ or message on an abprovecl s~cjn wrl ch is speCifiCally, deslgnecl for '~he use o~: reolaceaole copy, .. 2. Maintenance. Paintin9, cleaning and other no.mai maintenance and Aonlication for a siq. r) permit~;shall be made on a form orovid,:d by tl~e Lo__cation of buildi.~n9, structure or land to wtl~ch or ut~on wmcn lhe 4._:.. Color photo of buildincj unon which siq. n is Jo erected, S. Size A NOVEMBER 1, 1988 showinc the 7. Sketches drawn to scale and supporting information indicatinc.~ location -- Of sign. colors, size and types of lettering 0r other (~raphic representation and materials to be used; electrical or other mechanical equipment, details o~ its attachment and han~ing. Samples of materials should accompany Lhe application, wn~re recJutred b~ [he Buildtnc~ Inspector. 8. The written consent of the owner of 'the property u~3on which such ~ ' ' ns ~s or are to be erected and maintai~eci: In addition, 9. Such other pertinent inf'cirmation asthe Build]n(..3 Inspector may recjulr~ to insure c~/m~Liance with this A~ticle~ The IBuildin(.~ Inspector shall review the.proposed si?n with respect to all c{uantitative factors. 4,3'5 The Planninc.~ Board may approve stuns wh ch differ from the quantitativP requirements set forth in ~is article, ~rovicieci that a findino ~s mac~e that S~zon 100-202 her~f, and provided further that no s~an shall violate the si~n prohibitions and generai restrictions listed in Section 100-20~ h~ein. ED After approval or approval with conditions by the Plannina Board. Building Inspector shall issue a permit tn accor(3ance_~[h-aH F. No sion permit shall be issued prior to payment of a fee of twentv-fiv~ ~ ($0.2~] cents per square foot of sic[.n area. but in r~0 even[ shall such be less than five ($5.00] dollars: Section 100-202. General desi(~n brinciples appIyin~ [o signs. Decisions on review o¢ signs shatl be ~uided by the foilowin~ ~eneral desion A_:.. ,Sic. Ins should be a subordinate part of the streetscape. Signs should be as smaU as OCact cab e. C.__ Si~lns should be as close to the around, as possible· consistent with reduJred satet'7, an~d lec~lbilit¥ conslUerauons. which it is ,gJacad. E._c.. Whenever feasible, multiple signs should be combined into one sicjn to avoid clutter. F. A sicjn should not impair the visual effect veness of neic~hboring signs. G. Garish colors and materials should be avoided. Sicjns which have dark backc~round colors aha llcjht letters are preferred in order to minimize the apparenJ size of signs within the s[reelscape. I . Generally, sit, ns on the same buildin~ should be within the same horizontal band and be of a similar height. J.~.. Exceof in carefully designed circumstances, stuns should be nle(~rated with fences, wails or buildinc}s, ana not freestanoin,q. K-- Si,qn material: should be durable,.,requirinc~ little maintenance: use of material sucri as corruc~ated p est.'c, na[urat aluminum, bulbous plastic letters, nontextureG p~as[[c, aha cuass '.ilo Should be avoicied. Section 100-203. Ao Si.on prohibitions and 9eneral restrictions. Unless otherwise provided herein, nonaccessory si~lns, billboards, and molaii~ signs snail be promolteo n all o:5[ric[s. .Flashin(~ signs, inctudin~ any sic~n or device on which the artificial lignt ~s not maln[ame~ sta[~oner.y an(3 constant in intensity an(3 color at all times 436 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Sions which comdata for attention with. or may be misCaken for, a traffir -- ~l(~nat are pronlolteC~, NO sign snail De erectecl in sucn a manner a5 [o ot~str~uct f~ee and clear VlSIO~ for drivers, intertere wtth mislead or ~:onfase traffic, or be locater1 Where, by reason of its position shao~ or color, such siqn may interfere with 'obstruct the v;ew of or De co~nfusPd wttn, any autnortzed traffic sign, szgna~, or aewce ~y mak ng use words stop . ~eog . o~ any o~er word, phra~, svmbot or character. or C~d :qreen. or amper .dlum~na~ ~n or re~ action. ~oof signs shah be prohibited. E-- Signs made ou~ ef car~board; pa~e~, canvas or similar impermanent material are; F. Standard~ aoproved me~heds of consent illumination s~ll be permitted on 9round ~'igns, wail signs, a~d hanging siqns, provided; however. ~hal the iHuminatton snail D~ conc~nlrat~a upon t~e ar~ of ~he ~n 'so as prev~t dir~ ~ta,~e upoa'th~ 'stc~e~' op ad acen~ pro~rt 5ians wi~h visible mownq, revoivin~ or rotating parts are proh bitud Except for holiday seasons~a period of fifteen {t5] ~s from {h~ o~ran~ open,h'm, no s,~n or part ~here~~5~~-~ ribbons, s[r~amers, so,nn~rs, or other s~r moving, fl~t~,;~ Signs notin~ thai a proper~y has b~en sold are prohibited.. J. No portable or temporary sign shall be placed on the front taco of any -- building or upon any lot. except as provided in Section 100-205 Gilerein. K. No signs other than signs placed b~* agencies of' the government shall be -- erected on any public property, unless consent is first o~tained from Lhe Planning Board. No sign shall be pieced on any private property wstl~out the consent et the owner thereof. No sign shai be p ace~ or painted on any tree or rock. No sign shall be placed on any'.utilit¥ pole except for' utility identification or similar purposes. Section 100-20q Limitation.of sign co'tent or copy. Information displayed on signs shall be limited to the name. address, and nature of the busmess and products available or activity for which the buildinc] or Section 100-205 Regulations regardinc,~ specific types of signs. Illumina tee signs.. 1.~.. A sign illuminated by electrici; from outside or within er eau~ooed in any way with etectric ~evlc=s or appliances shall contorm wtth resoect to wiring and. aooliances to tne rec]ulations of the New Y,ork State Board of Underwriters and snail Dear the stamp o{ said 8pard. All w~r~nc~ shall be self-enclosed in motet raceways. Freestandinc~ and c]roun.d signs. Exceot for required cautionary or traffic; control siqns, , one freestanding s~an shall be perm~ttecl for each frontaoe, pi a prol3erty on a puplic street or'way wnere a ouiidinq· is setback at east twenty-five 25) feet trom the street line. Such s,ons are tim~:ecl to e~tner pole signs with no ~uv w~res or s~Qns permanenU~affi~ed :o a fence or other wail separate from :~e prlnc)~al building. All Qrouno s=on~ shall be located withi~ ano not overhanQ :~e prooert~ line. The iota(ion and oesm~n of suc~ signs s~ll ~e chose~ ~ as not to present a hazarU to oeoes~r=an or vehicular traffic 5nd s~all be :wonts-five ~51 feet from ~cn s~e line an~ fifteen {15) feet from :ne trent and~or rear ~roour~v line. The maximum height Of suc~ s,~ns snail be f~fteen (15) ~eet. Shoppin~ center dlrector~ s~ns. 1. The term "director~ si~nn shall mean any Sion containin~ a lis~ of 2. Each shoDpin~ center shall~ as a whole, be allowed one free-sta~Idin~ ~ dir~tor7 s)~n on the premises to be used for the purposes el identify)no the shoppin~ center ahd' the various busmess establishments located within the shoppin~ cente~ where, the buildin~ or buildings are setback' twenty-five (25) f~t from the s~reet line. No advertis n~ of an~ sort s~all be allowed Oh"SUCh Si~n. Said ~si~n s~atl not exceefl fifteen (15) feet n height meaJure~ from the top of ~id Si~n to th~ mean evel Of the 9.round ;urr~und ng the suppo~- of ~ d sign. Each business establishment name shall occupy no more than ten (10) square feet in total area. Said si~n shall compl~ with all other app1icab ~ ~ovisions of t~iS chaoter~, ' - . 3. A permit issu~ by th& 8uildin9 Jnso~tor shall be required for each ~ shoppin~ cenEer direc:0ry si~h erecled or mainCained pursuant tn th s section. The a ic~t on for -a . . pp, , ~ ~d permit must contain an architect drawm~ of said d~rec~e~y sign:as wet as a survey [n~icatin~ ~mensions of said si~ ,itS location and setbacks. The ~uddinr~ Inspector shall refer'Said aoplicatons drawin~(s~, survey(s) and other supportJn~ papers to the Planni~ Boar~ fo~ its aoproval and recommenoa t[ons. Interior signs. An interior sign, or combination of signs, shall not cover more than ten (10%) percent of t~e total glass area u~on which, or ~n wh~ctl, it is aifixec3, displayeu-, or oa~n~e~3. NOVEMBER 1. 1988 Wall sic~ns. 437 Wall sions shall not p~roiect more than twelve;{12;) inches from.the wall to'which they arb~affixab. Within any BUsiness District. SUCh sions shall not exceeO a heiant o,f three (~ feet, and shall not extend nlgner than the too bt the parapet in case of one stor~, buddings, tn the case gf buddinas taller than one story, sucn signs shall not extena aoove the bottom of the silt of the windows of the secona s[ory, nor extena or oe p~aceo more than' fifteen (15) feet above the outsioe grade. No wall sion or any street or pu61ic way ~n a business o~s:rtct Snail exceed an area in s~ua~e f~et ~uivatent ~o one times the ~en~tn in f~et of'the structure on e~cn frontage up to a maximum ~f's~xtV (60l s~uaJ:e fee~'. Within an industrial dfstr~c~, one wail si~n not exceedin~ thirty (30) s~uare fee~ is perm~tte~ ~or each street ~ronta~e from which access is provi~e~ ~o the lot. In an~ districts ~:here walt s~ns are permitted, no such siQn shall cover, wholly or partly, any wail ~e~in~, incJudin~oors~ fire escaoes, and windows, nor orbl~ beyond the ends of ~he wait to winch itt is a~tacned. All such Signs taus( ~e safely ano aoe~uatety at~acne~ to said buddin~ wail b~ m~ans satisfac~or~ to the ~dding F..:.. Historic signs. The Planning Board may find that a particular sic~n is a historic sign. Ir~ mai~inc~ such a findin(~, the Planning Board; ir[ consultation with the Historic Landmark's Commission. must find that the proposeid sicj!n i~io[ significant historic quality in .terms of ac~e or desi~.~T'~r b~ rea,son bi its retationshio to an historic reno,-orion proibc[. ,The Board of Appea s may allow the reconstructi°n, repair ~and maih~eriance bt' historic signs upon such t:erms as may be just'~and proper in addition to, or to the e~ctusion :of, any other si~ns.p~rmitte~ by this chapter G_~.. Temporar~ s c~ns. The erection, installation, or maintenance of temporary signs, as defined herein, is hereby prohibited. exceot that the Buitdinq Insbector may grant special permission for the maintenance of the following A temporar~ si~n announci:nq specia events, etc., not eXceed nc~ twenty-fou~ (241 sc~uare teat in area. which is .erected by a municipa~l, charitable, or nonprofit organization is permitted, for a ~e;riod not to exceed thirty (30! ~ays. T~emoorar¥ interior sit, ns announc~nc~ soecial sales or avenls shall oe oermltted in the Hamlet Business and General Business Distr~ct. Such sians shall cover no more than twenty-fiv~ {25%)i percent of tt~e window area to which they are affixen. ano ~hail oe removeo w~th[n twenty (20] days. Unsafe. abandoned and unlawful sic~ns. The owner of a sion and the owner of the oremises on which such sign s located shalt be ointly liable to maintain SUCh S~ln, inciudn~ Jts illumination sources ~n a neat an(: orderly conoition Bna c~ooo:iwork~no. oraer a( all times ano to prevent the develooment of any,ru~{, corrosion, ro~tln9 or o~her deterioration ~n t~e physical aopearanc~'or satety 0f such s=~n. If the ,Bui~din~ Insoector shall find that any sion reou ated herein cna ~n notice by certified mall to [n~ on Said s~an ann all ap~urtenance~ or slruc~ure uoon wnlcll such (30J aavs after written Inspector. UDO~ [he (allure to ce w~ln~n [he time soecified there~n, tn.' person or ~ersons haman in s ~ovaJ, ali costs ann exoense~ ne removal aaa s[oraae of such s~an ann on winch suc~ stun was Io~ated )arq within thirty [30) may tile .. Section 100- 206~,. Town roil. I)ena I t . _ p r o p_e r___t~y~., _ s h_?? c o-n-'-~'~'u t e ~¢teo ano enforced ~n the ~s. at the same t~m~ dna u.c~r' Ihe collection and Th. own~r ot-- sDector as 3~m such sign until eno been pa,o. 438 C. If in the determination of the Buildinc) Inspector, a sign is an immediate -- p'~ril to persons or property, he may cause such sign to be removeo summarily aha without notice. The cost of such removal shall be paid b~/ the Town aha such amount shall be aha become a lien upon the premises in~.questJori and. sha!l ,be evied and co lected in the same manner and under tJ~e same penalties as an assessment of a puolic improvement. Section~ I00-207~ Continuation of existinc~ signs. N0twithstandino any' other provisions pl.,this article any s on in existence at the effective date of this'article which does not conform to the provlsaons b' 2q. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article to provide as follows: ARTICLE Landscaloing, Screeninc~ and Buffer Regulations Section 100-210. Purpose. The following standards are intended to enhance the appearance and natural beauty of the Town anc~ to protect property values through preservaton and planting of vegetation, screening, ~nd landscaping material. Specifically, these standards, are intended to enhance the appearance of maior travel corr~oors and business areas; to reOuce excessive heat. glare, and accumulation of dust: to provioe orivac]., from noise and visual iintru$ion; and to prevent the erosion of the soil, ~xcesszve run-o(f of drainaoe-water, and the conseouent dealer,on of the ~round' water taPle aha the ootluti(~n of water bodies. Section 100-211. General requirements. The following provisions shall appl~ to any use in all zoning districts: A. Landscaping, trees, and plants required b~ these re~utations sha I b~ ~ ptant~ in a ~rowin~ condition accordin~ to accepted horticultural oractice~ and they shall be m~intained in a healthy ~rowin~ con~ition. Anv ' ~ands~Din~,. trees, an~ otants which, are ~n acondition that does not fulfill the intent of these re~utations sba he,replaced bv the orooert~~ owner ~ur~n~ the next piantin~ season for the particular olant material. ~. A screenin~ fence o~ wall required b~ these ~e~lations shall be maintaineH -- by the Ofooerty owner in oood condition throughout the oeno~ of the useo~ :he lot ~uo~t to the foilowmg coneition~: (~ Any land that is or has been desionated or required to be a screenmq Boar~, Plannin~ 8oa~d or~Zonln~ 8oaro Of Aooeais of any grant of an aoo~icat'ion for a c~ange of zone, Variance or s~te ola~ aoproval or which ms r~u~re~ by ordinance or Iocat taw must ~e m~mta~ned by t~e owner of the prooer:~ or an~ Qf ~he owner~- successors (2.~ When it is determined b~ the P~anninq Boa~d that any tano is not mam~ameo oursuant to such grant o; J~w, the ~uildinn Insocctor snail notify the owner of recoro or such iano. Oy~ Certified mail to the address shown on [~e ~ast _compmezeo assessment shruoDery aY other screenin~ or paved areas pursuant to the ot~n In the event t:hat the owner of record does ,not comply with the notic~ within nifty [30) days of he'date of said mall nc7, the Inspector ma~ take the approoriate act]on tO erect., re,,ace, re~air or mamtain f~nces,~ trees.~ptantin~s, shru~bery or other scree~n~ or oaveO areas on the designated land. Th'e 86ildino Insoector shall certif~ b~ af~idawt.the costs incurred either by the Oeoa,"tment or ~e To~n Board. The TownSoar~ shall, b~ r~sotu[~on instruct t~Town ClenK~o publi~h.a ou~ic noticd thaC'a pub'Ji~-~ill be h~ d for th~ purpose o~ a~in~ ~o the ~Se:ssme~'[~'~-~e' described Iot,,or pa~cet the costs hear~o~, the~Tow~ 8oard will hear an~~6Gi'j~u,,-~{ich may be. made..tO such roit. The oublica~i0~ o( su~h~n~ snail not ~e.[eSs than ~ten (~lO). ~'s~be/ore [he time ~e Town ~oakd, a~ter public hearing, may' then c~use such assessment to become a lien and ~ma~direc~the Town~Asse~so~ to p~e it on the assessment roll.- All landscaping, trees.'and pant ng materialadiacent to parkng areas, Ioadinc./ areas. 9r driveways; s~hall I~e properly ~)rotected from veh cular oamage p¥ r, arr er~ rums. or otne~'means. To the extent possible, existing trees, vegetat on, and un qua site features such as stone wall's~ shall be r;~ta'ined and proteCted. Existinc~ healthy, mature trees, if properly located, shall be fuil¥ credited against the requirements of these regulations. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 E. Where lot size and shade or e~isti~d structures do not make it feasible tO compty with the reg~iremert;tS fo,~a front tandscaoed area or landscaoed parkin9 area. the Plannin~ B(~a~d may aoprove ptar~ters, plant boxes or pots contain/nd trees, shrubs'; ,~d/or fiowers to comply with the intent Of these F. In cases where :the edge of the pavement within a ~aublic right-of-way ~ does not coincide with the front lot line, the property owner shall landscaoe the area between the front lot line and the ec~le of the street pavement.. ' Section 100-212. Front landscaoed area. 439 A front landscaoed area shall be required for all uses in all zoning districts. The requi~;ed landscaoed area shai be covered with dross or other orouna cover anti snail mctucle approor ate trees and shrubs. As a m n/mum, n all non-resiaentiai districts an~ in the Hamlet Oensit~ Residential an~R-~0 bow Dens,tV Residential DistriCts one sha~e tree havi~ a ~tiper of two ncnes s~ail b'e ?an(ed wit-hie [he f~ont lan~scape~ area fo~ ~c~ forty (40) fee[ or frac:ion~ther~f of lot ~ronta~e. ~Thepurpose o~ the lan~scapi~ds :o enhance the aopearance o~ the ~se on [~e IOtr ~ut not tO screen :he use from view. AD Residential Districts. In all residential districts, required front yards exce~3t for the drivewa,v, she be landscaped with ~r~ss or other'su~taDl~ c~rouno cover, trees, and/or snruOs. _Non-Residential Districts. In all non-residential districts, there shall be a [anoscaoeo scrod in the front yard area: ~n tee LJmltec ~aus~nes~. Generai E~usi'ness. and LJc~ht industrialJOffice Park and Lic~ht inclustrial Districts. tee step shah ~e twenty-five (25) feet an~ in Marine Business Dis:r~ct the ~anQscaoed strip shaU be fifteen (15] ~e~( ~ee~ aton~ and contl~uous [o ~he front 1o[ line of the There S~ail also:be a landscapeQ area five {5) feet wi~e abuttinc :~e front o~ [~e buHdin~ in ail non-resiQentiaj districts inciu~in~ the Ha~et Buslne5~ Dis:r/ct. Section 100-213. Transition buffer area. The purpose of the transition buffer area is to provide, privacy fro n noise. heaOlic~ht ~lareand visual Intrus~on to residential owetlings. A buffer area shall be required alon~ al boundar es of a non-reslaential lot aoUttlna any lot in a resJ~e~t[ai al:/strict. Such buffer area shall comply with at least the fo/lowing minimum standards- A_C.. The buffer area shall be located within the bounaaries of [ne SUblet! property. The minimum width of buffer areas Shall be as follows: [ 1.) Hamlet Business District 15 feet (2.) Marine 13usines5 District 20 f~et ( 3J Limited Business District 20 fee~ q_.:., General Business Districts 25 feet 5.~. Industrial Districts 30 feet 6. Any district other than residential district adioining ~ and owned or maintained by New York State, Suffolk County, or Southold Town with current or potential as par~ land. 25 feet The buffer area shall.be of evergreen planting of such type. height, spacinc~ -- ~'nd arrant, lament as, in the jude. ameer o'f the Planninq Board, will effectively screen the activity on the lot from the ne[ghborinc~ residential area. As minimum, the planting shall consist of a dc~ubie row of trees six (6) feet in height otanted at intervals of ten (:10) feet on center. Non-evercjreen plant/hq may be included to supplement evergreen plantinc~, but not to ta~e its place. D. A landscaped earthen berm, wall, or fence of location, height, desiqn, and materials approved by the Plannin~ Board may be acceoted for any portion of the required piantinc.~ and/or buffer area. E, Where the existing tooo~raohy and/or landscaoinc~ prov des adec~uate screen/no, -- {t~ Plannin? Board may accept the exis:ln~ plant the reguire~ planting. Section I00-21~. Landscaped parking area. In addition to the front landscaped area and buffer area requirements, park/n,'} areas snail comply with the tollc~win<~ minimum standarc~s: All uses re<au/red to orovJde twenty (2{31 or more off-street park/no soaces shalt have a't least ten (10l square feet of interior landscao[nc3 w~tnm [no pavecl ?ortion oi; :he Dark ng area for eac~n parKIncl space ana at teast one (~) tree with a two (~l inch cai/oar for every ten ~O/ oarkinc~ soaces or fraction thereo~. ' ' , Each seoarate landscaoed area shall contain a minimum of one hundred (I00) sc~uare feet, shatJ have a minimum dimension of at Jeast e~ant [8) feet. shah be olante~ wlth'(~rass or shrubs, and shall include at leas-t one (1) tree o~ not less than two (2) inch c~lioer. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Bo A lan~lscaped area shall be provided along the perimeter of any parkin(3 area exceot Uqat portion o~ the parkin~ area which ]~rovlc~es access' to a street ~ parkin~ ~acllity on an aO acent ot Accessways to a~'acent lots snal no exceed.twenty-four (2q) f~t in width and shall not exceeO two (2) in number for eac~ Ouroose The lands~oed area shall have a minimum dimension of or.' shruos anO shall =nclude a~ (uOI feet Co Trees use(~ in parkin(~ lots shall include Honey Locust. Pine, Oak. or other located. - ~ -c~-. . . .' ' Section 100-215.. Properties'located adtacent to creeks. A The rear yard.sol prc~:~rttes rotated ad)acent'to creeks ~h Il include natural -- veQetatlo~,and~/or snail ~ontain: su~tabJe'~iante~ veQ'et~tion~(o a minimum o( tw;~t~ ~(201 - feet ~nland {~om the,~eah, hieh water'l~ne ~tevarton ,or. we(Jan~ ~ to ~revent-ero~on of the ~hbreline. VeQetatlon' . . '~[hln the butler Sired s~aH not be fertdize0_.'pr cnem~ll~ treate~. ~ 25. Chapter I00 is amended by adding a new' Article thereto, to be Article XX I , to provide as follows: ARTICLE X×III Supplementary Regulations Section I00-230. Exceptions and modifications. A. Established front yard setback. Where proper, t¥ in the vicinity is improved with principal buildings with front yards of less than that required by-tine ~rowsions of this chapter, the front yar(3 setback shall be the average setDacr, of the existing buildinC~within three tqunc~rect (:300) feet of the proposed buiidinc~ on tiao same side of trte street within tiao same use district. Exceptions to lot deoth requirements. The minimum lot de~, th at any point may oe oecreasecl to sevent,/-five (75%) percent of the minimum reouwement if the average c~epth conforms to the mlnlmtJm requirement. Exceotions to yard rec~uirements. Permitted obstructions. Cornices or cantilevered roofs may proiect not more tinan two (2) feet ~nto a required ~aro. Belt courses, window sills ant other ornamental features may prolect not more tinan six incnes into a required yard. Fences ar walls not over four (ql feet in heic~ht may be erected anywhere on the lot exceot as set forth in Section 100-232 herein. Pavec~ terraces steos and walks tother tl3an SUCh as are nee~ied for access to the ouiiainQs on the loci shall not prolect within fifteen (151 feet of a street li~e or four (4) feet of a property line. (2_~.) Entries and oorticos. A roofed-over but unenctosec proiection in tine e×tendinc~ not mo~e than six (6) feet out from t~e front wail of the budQinQ, s~ll De exempt from the r~mrements of t~s section when the ~u~T~in~ otherwise ~molies w~t~ the reQula[Jons of t~s s~l~on. In comou[m~ the averaQe se[Dac~ the presence of such entrie~ anQ por[~cos ~naH Oe Permitted proiections. In any district, chimne~ on residential, public or seml-puDiic buiidinps may prel~t ~nto a r~u:rea yard to the exlenl of dot more than ~wo (2) f:eet. In an~ residen~ial~is~rict, terraces. sle~s or uncovere~ 9orcpes may proj~[ into any raquw~Q ~arQ, prowaeo no part tnereo[ is nearer man four (4~ fee[ [o any 1o[ line. O~ Heipht exceptons. The~heipht limitations of this ordinance snail not apoIv (I_:.. } Soires. belfries, cupolas and domes not for human occuoanC¥; monuments, transmission towers, cmmneys, oerrtc~s, conveyors, flag that any television or radio aerial shall not De locazec~ nearer t~an a Oistanc~ equal m its height a~ove me roo~ or om~ permanen~ structur~ to wnich it is attac~e~ t~ any ov~rn~a~ elastic tr~n~m~ssion 'Line carrv~nn more than 220 volts, t ~n¥ SUCh structures t~at are tocated on any roof an~l that exceed in h.__e~c~ht the limits in the oarticutar cl~5trict ~r, all not tn the occ¥1:)y more tnan~..twent~ ~2~%) percent or ~ne horizontal area o~ rooi, and are set back one (1) {~t from :he edqe of the roo~ for each a~i~~heipn~ 9rector than the specH'~ hek~n~. 3o All mechanical equ pment necessary to operate building services. which eou~oment is Iocatec3 on the roof of a structure, shall be screened in a manner aDprovecl by the Planninc~ Board. NOYEMBER I. 1988 Retail sales in Residential ~,~[~!~s. ~ ~ Not~ithst~,din, any other p~vision of 'this Chapter, ~11 premises located in any Residential District a~d upon which retail sales are conauctea shatl be su~ect [o site plan approval by the Pfannie~ Board, pursuant ~o th~ provisions of Article XXV. 441 Section 100-231. Height of fences, walls and hedc~es. Fences, walls, hedges or other live plantings within fiv~ (5) feet of the Drooert¥ lines may be erected and maintained, subiect to the following heic~ht limitations: A. When located in the front yard alon9 the front lot Hoe. the same -- ~a, II not exceed four (4~ feet in hat,iht.' B. When located alon~ side and rear yards, the same shall not exceed six and one-:half (6½) f:eet in heic~ht. C. When located other than in the front yard area or along side or rear lot -- I~nes~ the same shall not e~ceed eic~ht (8) feet in height Section 100-232. Corner lots. A. On 8 corner tot. front yards are reauired on both street frontages, ami one ~ara other than the front ~ard s~all be aeemea to De a rear ~ard. and the other ~r others side ~ard~. B~ On all corner lots. berms, wails, fences, and hedaes or any other potential oost~uctmn to vision shad no~ excee~ a hei~ht~ two ann one-naif (2~) feet above the average street level with;n an soscees trian~ e havinQ thirty ('30J f~t sides aion~ each street to preserve sight lines for traffic. ' ' S~tion 100-233. Building length and separation For buildings contamino multiole A. No buildin9 'shall exceed one hundred twenty-five (1251 feet in length. B._~:.. The. minimum distance between principal buildinc~s sh~Jl be eoual to tw,,- times the heicjht of the highest building, and tt~e minimum distance oetwee,, a prmc~pai and an accessor~ building shall be twenty (20) feet. Section I00-23zl. Courts. A~ Inner courts. An inner court is. 0ermitted in multi-family dwetlin~ develoomem- if the m[mmum,dmension or such courZ ms not less than two-ureas the averao, height of ail surrounding walls, but not less than sixty (60) feet. The natant ' of wails surroun~in~ an inner Court shaft be measured from tinlsneQ ara~e at the base ther~f to the too of such wail, except that, in me case of r~f-, inches vertlc~ :o twelve (J2) inches norl:antal, ~t sh~ti be me~sure~ ~ ~e~ ~t ~[ me root. 8. Outer courts. The minimum ~fdth of an outer court shall be twenty (201 ~eet eno the de~th thereof snail not exceea ~ts width. Section I00-235. Access_requirements. A. SJreel access. I. No buildin~ shall be. erected on a lot that does not have direct access tO a pUbliC street [~ accordance wHh S~clion 280a of the Town ~JW. ~c All buildings and structures shalr be so located as to provide safe convenient access for servlcJnq, fire'and street park~nc~ and Jot JoadJna." Residential rear or flag lots and accessways. Any rear lot or fla9 lot occupied or to be occupied by a one-family dwelling shall have acC, ess thereto by means of an accessway havin9 a width of not ess than f fteen (15j feet. servinc~ only such lot. The area of the accassway shall not be includea In determining'the area of any lot. The fronl yard of any lot havinc~ access to a street b¥ means of an acr~,:~wa¥ shall be th~ requlrea froot yard specified for the district in which, the lot is located ann shall oe measure~ from the rear, Jot tie to the frbnt lot. Section 100-236. O~en storaqe. A_c.. No unenclosed storage, except parking of operable passenger vehicles capable of passin9 inspection or recreatmn vehicles or boats as set forth i~'~on 1~0~191 shall be permitted in a residential district. When open storage is permitted in a commercial or industrial district as a principal or accessor~ use me followinc~ conditions shall be met: 1. Storac)e shall be screened from view by a Fence or evergreen screemnc~, the oesmn and location of w~c~:snall be aooroveo b~ the Pfannin~ 8oarQ~ In no Case snail the stored mate~l~l the heiont of the screening. No outdoor storage may be oermitted within twenty-five [251 feet of a residential ~istrm: 442 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Automobile wreckin? yard or tunkYard is required to provide suitabh, S-Crooning in the form of fenc hg c~r hooches comoteteJ~ arounQ ~er~oner~ of the area use~ for suc~ nu~ooses 'suOiec~ to the approval or~timmationt~e Plannlngof saidB°a~" FailUre louse. . prey ~e SUCh screenln~ snail ~e~uir~ S~tion 100-237. Prohibited uses in all districts. The following uses are prohibited in all distr~cts- A. Any use which is noxious, offensive or obi~tionable bv reason of ~l'ssion of smoke, dust. gas; o~or or o[ner ~orm o~ a~ ~ut~on or reason of t~e ~eposlt. oischar~e or ~ispersai o~ tiQu~e or soii~ was[e~ in any form in su~ manhe~.~rlamoun[ aS to.use permanent ~amao~ to th~ soil a~d stream~ o~ o :a~Ve~e-. a~f~-- -~ b~ reason o~ the crea~iono¢ noise, wbration, electromagnetic or o~e, disturbance, or by reason of illumination b~ artificial l,i~ht or liqht' reflect on bevon~ the m ts~o~ t~e pt on n~ ~-~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~tlectmon emanates: or wh~ch/~nvolves an~ dangerious fi;,. eX~lO~ve, radioactive or other hazaro; 0r health, E~. Artificial lighting facilities of an',/ kind which create c. ltare beyond lines, ' ' , ' C. Carnivals. clrcuses and related act villas except for a temporary -- on special license from the Town Boaro." ' ' O. Junkvard or refu~disooSat site ¢Xcept a refQse disposal site established -- as a~ otficial town refuse disPosal--site or Qulv autho~ed as a refuse, dis~sat silo b~ the Town~Bo~r~. Uses involving primary production of the following/ products from raw ma teriais: !. Charcoal and fuel briquettes; chemicals; aniline dyes: carbide; caustic sooa; cellulose; chlorine: carbon black and bone black; creosote; ~lyarogen:ancl oxygen; industrial alcohol; nitrates of an explosive nature; potash: plastic materials and synthetic resins; proxylin; rayon yarn; hydrochloric nitr c, phosphoric, p cric and sutfuric acids; 'coal, coke and tar products, including gas manufacturing;; explosives; gelatin, c~iue, and size (anlmail; tlnoleum and oil cloth; matches. , ~aaint varnishes and turpentine: rubber (natural or. synthetic);_ soaps; includin~ fat rendering; starch, The following processes: Nitrating 'of cot,ton o~' of other materials. Milling or processing Of flour Mac~nesium foundry. q._L' Reduction, refining, smeitinc] and alloying metal or metal ores. 5. Refining secondar,/, aluminum. 6_.:.. Refining petroleum products, such as c~asoline, kerosene, naphtha, lubricatmq 7. Dlstdlation of wood or bones. B. Reduction and processin~ of wood pulp and fiber, includin~ paoer mill onera t~ons. Operations invoivin~ stockyards, slauqhterhouses one sloe niles. H_:.. Storage of explosives. I. Quarries. Storacl, e of petroleum products. Notwithstandinc~ any o.ther prey sons of th~s enabler, storage facilities w~tn a total comPineo capacity o~ more than 20,000 Qallons, including atl tanks, p~oeiines, bud~inos, structures and accessor~ equipment designed, used or intended to bemused for the storaQe o~ gasoline, fuet oil, kerosene, asphalt or other petroleum proQuct% shail ~ot be IocateQ w~t~n [,900 feet~o~ tidal ,waters or ti~a~ wetlands. Section 100;228. Provisions for communit~ 'sewer. water'and utility facilities. Where public sewer and/or ~ubllc water and/or public or private uti'lily systems are reclu~rea. ~ ~o~' premises to be serviced by suc~ s~s~ems snail ooeratm~thereo[, condition a~d have been aoproved Dy all aQenczes, nav~n~ ,ur~sa~ct~o'n Section 100-239. Land ':~'3"--der water: tilled land. Streams, oonds, tidal marshes and oortions of Lone Island Sound and its various ~NOVEMBER 1, 1988 district, shall be considered as bei~c~ in the, rnest restricted.use distrct abutt otl~ereon...a, nd such zening ~t~55![i~.~Ah,~j~¢~c~p~ioue :in.~force reaar~less ~ruea to permit the fiJlJn~ Or drea~in~ af such land. ~ For the purpose. of camputin~ d~sity for the ~eveJopme~t of ;any lot or ars. no land unde. water, unless filled pursuant to law. shall be i~cluded in computing the minimu.n ~c,, me proper~y h~. - Secti~ 100-239a Ex.va[ions. No excavalio~ of any kind shall ~e. p~mit~ except n connect on with th~ ~ y = ~. . .In th~ even[ ~hat a bui n~ opera[~on is a~es[ed rio, a~umuiations, and toosoil shall S~tfon 100-239b Tourist camos, camo cottages and trailers. A. P~rm ts r~uired. NO tou:rist camo shall be established, maintained or operated in any ~dgs:trfct, nor shah any tent. tent house, camo cottage, house car o, t~aile~'[o be use~ or 'occuoieO as a p ace for' v aut~G~ed bv the Town Boar~ .......... - .......... s1 ' . - V-.~ua,.~ [o the provisions of Chaotea 88. Tourist and Trader Camo. B~ A~t0mebi:~!e ira' lets or house ~rs. 443 cl any other 3rovisions of this 3ter, a sinaie automobii~. E~emptions. 4' Tl~s ~ectJon:shafl not be deemed to appl~' to the temoorarvor seasona qa~p ~f' a~y uniL of the BOy 5counts ~t America ne '~h~ ~u,~ sedsonz_ ~s. resoec[~ve~ Section kl0~ 23~ Germs A. Ceneral .All berms shall be constructed so that all sides of the berm snail no[ have a 51ooe ~reater trtan one (11 to three (3-~'~-~eee~-. For purposes o1' [h~s sec:ion, the sloop, shah refer to the ra[so oia vertical rise of one (]t~-f~t [o a'h~zontal run or'three (3) feel. (2) Ail harms shall be const-ructed out of c eon fill or an eclua a rove to settle be~or~ f na~ snaoin .... :~_s,,.~, .ge 9lv~n su~flcient tlm~ setUeo fill has oeen snaoe~, a umfO'rm six (6) ,nc~ layer or approved h~cui[u~at topsod shall be place~'~ t~ tdl and hne 9ra~ed'. (3) All berms shall b~ properl~ vegetated and landsc~ed, as approve,, b~ the Plannin~ Board, before any erosion occurs in the topsoil on the berm, or. in the alterna~iv'e, the berm shall be covere~ with an approved ~round cover until such time tne perm can property landscapeQ. ~erms shall be construCted onl~ durin~ the period from March 1 [~.rou~h October 15. (5) No fence or wall shall be constructed on a berm. However. retainin~ wall may be placed an the sides ota berm wflere ~t~nnin~ Board fnds ~a d retaiain~ wail will promote aestheti~ C~nside~atJons and [he height of same does nat exr-a~ the ~ ~raae of the berm. The construction of harms and the berm itself shall not interfere The outside toe of the berm shall not be closer than six (6~ to any pro~er:~ line. Height. (11 The heia~ht of a berm shall be the vertical distance from the to.) (2) In all residence districts, no berm shall have a height greater than -' f~-ur (41 feet m th~ front ~'ard or six and one hal-f (6½} feet (3] In all nonresidence districts, no berm shall have a height 9reate, 444 NOVEMBER 1. 1988 Notwithstandin? the provisions o~ Subsection Bt1) and (2) of this S~CtlOn. where the prooos~ Dorm ~s along a ma~or street, as [Ilar term i~ defJnee in sub~ecti0n Al06-13 of the Town of Southotd ~anQ SubOivis~on Re~u~at~ons, t~e Pfannin~ Board may ~ncrease the height l~itations of this subsection where~it woul~ be in the ,~pubHc Jnterest ~y limi[inq a~verse imoac=s frog.no,se.or liqnt or by promot~n~ aesthet~ c~nsi~e~ation~' ~ However ~ no 'ca~e snail a'b~rm aion~ a mawr street excee~ ten {~0) Permit. All berms in excess of four (4) feet in heioht, except those required to De constructeO ~n cOnnect?on w~tn the ~tannin~ ~oar~'s ~pproval of a subdivision p at or s~te p, an...s~at reqU re a bu~ d, All aoolications fcra buildine oermit for a berm shal nc]ude: th~ (a) A ,de,ailed Qrading plan of the ant ~e. si~e ~ndicat~nq th~ 'ex,s~in~.'.~r~on~' ri;contOur nter~aJ~ (.5~ ~t anO Ch~ p~oooseo ~Doq~phy i~onto~r intervals no oreater than two (2) feet. 'The scal~ of the oraoino alan sha] be:.~:. ~n° sinai, , e~<than,_ , o~e (l) incm equal~ twenty (26l fe~t. (b) A cross section of the berm indic:tino the t~pe of malerials to ~be use~ in constru~t~n9 ~ne perm ~i.~., fill, ~oDsodl and the location of lan~qm9. The scale o~'cross secuon ~1 De~.n~ S~.~I~ th~n~n~ (:1] inch e~uals four '~q} f~e[:; and (C) A ,detailed la~s~in~ plan indic~tin~ the }ocaHon/. size and -- q,u~l~ty, ~f :~[.he~'/spe~ies :~[~:be 'planted; All aoolications for a ~rmit for a berm shaU be referred to r~speC[~ ~o the compatibilit~ of the oerm (4} Within t or disa (si The Build ng nspector sha I not issue a permit for. a berm until Plannin(~ Board approval- has ~oeen received. Faill~re of tile Plann nc~ Board to ac.~:within twenty (20) working oays snail be deemed an approval. ~ ~ ; All provisions of this chapter relating to the bu [din9 permits and construction shall apply to buitdinc~ permits for Poi'ms, except as provided in t~is 5~tlon. 26. Chapter 100 is amended by ad~ing a new Article thereto, to be Article XXIV. to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXIV Nonconforminc) Uses and Buildinc)s Section 100-240. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to reduce or minimize imoacts of: uses and buildings wl~ich do not conform to the use or bulk requirements set forth in this chap[er; all uses and buildings that become nonconformin9 by reason of any subsequent amendment to this chapter; and all buildinc)s contaimnc) nonconforminc~ uses. Section 100-241. Noncon forming uses. Except as provided hereinafter, nonconforming use of buildincjs or open land existing on the effective date of this chapter or authorized by a building 'permit issued prior thereto, regardless of change of title,, possession, or occupancy .or.right thereof, may be continued indefinitely, except that such buiidinc) or use: A. Shall not be enlarged, altered, extended, reconstructed, or restored or placed on a different portion of the lot or parcel of land occupied by such use on the effective date of this chap[er~, nor shah any external evidence of such use oe increased by any means wrtatsoever, 13. Shall not be moved to another location where such use would be nonconformtng. Shall not be changed to another nonconformin.9 use without approval by the Board of Appeals and then only to a u~e which in the opinion of the said Boaro. is of the same or of a more restrictive nature. Shall not be changed back to a less restrictive use, if chanqe~ to a more restrictive nonconform~nc) use. E_:.. Shall not be re-established if such use has been changed to, or replaced by, a conforminq use. F_.~. Shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless the use is changed to a conforming use if the nonconforminc~ use Is damageo by fire or airier causes to the extent of 50% of its fair value. 1988 G. Whenever a nonconforming use'o'f s building or premises n~s been -- ai'scontinued for a per od of more than two'(2) years or has oeen changed to a higher' classification or to a conformin9 use anything in this article to the contrary notw~thstand ncj, the nonconforming use of ~uch building or premises shall no longer be permitted u ] ess ~ variance ~hebefor shall ha'~e been. granted by tt~e Board of Appeals. Section 100-242. Nonconforming buildings with conforminn uses. ^. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the remodeling, ~'econs~ruction or enlar~elnent of a nonconforming building conta n ng a conforming use provided that: such action does not cr~:ate any new to the regulations Derta~n~ng tO-such bud rigs: - B__ Reconstruction of a damaged buildin,q~ !. "~'~ noncanformi~n buildinc,] containing a conform ng use which hals been damaged by fire or other-_causes to the extent of more than 50% of its fair value shall not-,be repaired or rebudt un~eSs such building is made substantially to conform to the height and yard reclp~rements of the Bulk Schedule. 2._ Application for a permit to build or restore the damaQed oortion of ?nv builoincj damaqed or destroyea as set forth in suus~cto~ B(I) 'above, s~a be'f ed with n one year of the date Of such damage, and shat be accoaipanied by plans for reconstruction which, as to such portion, shall comply with the requirements se! forth above. If :such permit is issuud, it shall lapse one year thereafter unless reconstruction in accordance with the approved plans has been initiated. Section 100-243. Nonconforming buitdinc, ls with nonconforminct uses. A. ^ nonconforminc2 buildinc~ containinc~ a nonconforming use shall not ge enlarged, reconstruct:eci or s~ructuratly altered or movec], unless tho use of such building [s chaneeC to a conforming use. B. A nonconforminc~ buildinc~ containing a nonconforming use which t~as been damac~ed by fire or other causes to the extent of more than 50% of ts ~air value shall' not be repaired,or rebuilt unless tne use of such buildin~ is changed to,a conforming u~e. 445 Sect&on 100-244~__ Nonconforming. iots. A. This subsection is ~ntended to Provide minimum standards -- ~or granting of a building permit for lots mado non-conformin~ or continued in a state of non-conformance ,by the adootion si this Local Law~ and that were singly a~d separately owned as of the effective date of thiq Local Law. Bo A nonconforming lot separately owned and not adjoinin~ any lot o~r land in the same ownershio at the effecti%',-, date o~ this Local Law and not adjoinin9 any lot or lanai · n the same ownership at any time subsequent to sucl~ date may be used, or a build±n~ or structure may be erected oln such lot for use~ i~ accordance with all th,, other applicable provisions of this'=Local Law, provided ,that proof of such separate ownershlp~ is submitted in the form~of an abstracn of'title showinc the chances, of title to Said. lot~ whi.ch abstract shall be in the usual form~ sha%l be certified by an antorney or,a, company regularly doin$ such work in Suffolk Ccunrv or by n corporation duly licensed no examine and i~sure %itl~, to real property in Suffolk County and shall contamn a certification ~t~at no conti~uous ~rooert~, %~as owned b,~ an owner of the property involved since the date of any previously applicable Zoninq Law. Such lo~ shall granted relief for front side and rear yard dimension:, as follows: ' Minimum Standards Lot Yard Area Coverage Width Depth Front Side Both Sides Rear 20,000 20% 120' 140' 40' 15' 35' 50' to 40,000 (S.F.) less than 20,000 (SiF.) 20% 80' 100' 35' t5' 25' 35' 446 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 In the case of sinqle and separate ownership of n nonconformin~ lot located in a subdivision plat, approved after April 9thr t957r by the Plannino Board of th~ ?ow ~f Southold and filed with ~he County Clerk of Suffolk Countvr relief for all frontr side and rear yard an,] ~rea dimensions shall be ~ra~ted to the extent that such ~root~ side and rea~ yard and area dimenszons were required at the time the mad Has originally iiled' with the County Clerk o~ Suffolk C~untv Section t00-2.~5 Repairs and maintenance. Notwithstandinc./any of the foregoin9 rec~ulations: noth[nq i~ this article sba I be deemed to prevent normal mamtanance ann 'e~}air nj ~'~y buildmo ur ~arrving out upon the issuance bra ~uildinq pe,'m I of n~l ~w ~trucJ~ral SectiOn 100=246 Involuntary moves. Subsections {A) and (B) of:SecLion, 100-2~l and s;bseclion A} of S~,cl ] I00-~3 hecein are noJ intended' to. aT)ply to i~lv~J~tar~J~6g;~l~,~l~)'l -~l&b~ 27. Chapter 100 is amended by adding a new Article thereto, to be Article XXV, ~ to provide as follows: ARTICLE XXV Site Plan Approval Section 100-250. ' Purpose. To standardize procedure for review o~' site plan and requirements for site plan application rec.~ardless of district. Section 100-2§1. General requirements. No buildinq, or structure and no parkinc, i lot o¢ outdoor use of land, exceot those u~d as a one-family or two;tamd~ ~weilin~ or for farmm~ purposes and their accessory uses, nciuding ho~e occupations, shall be used. construc:~, enlarged, or moved until a site Dian meetin~ ail the aoplicabl. reauirements of [his articie has been aoprc~.e~ ~y the Pl~nn n~ ~o~rd. In add ton any chanae in use or intensi~v of use which will aff~t th~ ' characteristics of the site in terms of parking, load n~, access, drainaa~ an~Jor utilities or any plan to otter a buHdin~ in a historic d str ct or ~ith historic landmark ~esianation will require site plan aoptovai. Furthermor. -~any use or structure i~ a fl~d or erosion hazard ar~a will teauire site plan approva*. In all cases wnere this chaater requires approval of site devetooment plan~. by the Planning 8eard, no'ouitdin9 parrot shall be issued by I~e Building Insoector exceot uoon authorization of and in conformity wi~h the site plan approve o~ me Pl~nnin~ ~oar~. Moreover. it is the intent that all orobiems arism~ within the limits of th~ jo~ site will be comoleteiV cesolve~, re~eslQne~ an~ aD, roved before an~ juo~ement becomes aDoarent ~urm~ the oroQress o~ [~e w~rK. t~e Pl~nmnq B~r~ through its representative. '~ne ~il~n~ nsD~:or reserves the riQnt specifications [o correct SUCh error. It is also underst~d, that the Ptannin~ Board or its rep~sentatives shall no: oe ~eid liaDle for an~ proo~ems ar]sln~ our~n~ or after cons[ruc:~on. Section ~00~252. Obiectives. In considerin~ and actin~ upon site develooment olans, the PlanninQ Board snail [aka into consideration cna public health, safety an~ welfare, the comf~ an~ convenience o~ the oubtic ~n Qeneral an~ the residents of the imme~iat,. nel~nDorh~ in particular, an~ ~ay prescribe aooropr~a:e con~itions ann sa{e~uards as ma~ be r~uir~ in order tha~ the'~esuJt of its act on may, to [~ maximum extent oossibte, further the exoressed inten: of this chaote,' an~ [he accomplishment'of the followin~ o~i~ti~es in particular: A. Traffic access. That all 3rooosed traffic acc-~vs are ade~ua[e but wi[~ overall traific"satetv'consi~erat o~. Interior circulation and parking. Thai adequate off-street parkin~ proposed use~ on-site. ~nd ~hat the *nter'ior circulation system ~s Landscaping and screeninq. That all required recreation, parkina. service anQ similar areas are screened at all season~ of the ~,ear f;om view of adiacent residential distrzcts and streets, anc that the ~anoscapnq of the site is in character with thor. c.~eneraily orevaiiin~l in th~ neic~hDorhood. Fxisting trees eic~ht inches or 'more in diameter measured three feet above the base o~ the trunk shall be retained tn the maximum extent possible. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 D. Natural features. Due reqard shall be oaid to all natural features on ~nd adjacent to the site, i~ctU~incl0 bu~' not lirnitecl to, drainaae courses wetlands, marshes, dunes bt~Jffs' bea~:hes escarpments wo(~cilands, large trees, umc]ue plant andlwi dfe habitats, flood i~azar(] areas and to protection of ground and surface waters. E. Cultural Features. Due re~ard shall be paid to all cultural features -- on and adiacent to the site inctudind but not limited to archeol0clical and paleontoto~zcal ~'emams, old tra~'ls, historic structures a'nd site~ and ac~ricuiturai f.ietds. F. Pavement. Ali areas intended fo~ use by IlS all pavement Ca. a nature and so.arranged as t of direct are onto a(]ioining H.._L. Public address or .sounc3 system. Any sound or oublic address system snail be:.sucb tha:C no sound from system snail be' audible on aaioimng properties: ~r on the a~jacent street. Facades. Buildtn9 facad~ shall be comoatible with surroundin~ area. J. Drainage..The drainage system and layout prooosal will afford an adeoua~e sol~tion~to any ~raina~e DroDi~ms. ' K. Public; utilities. Plans ~or water supply and sewaoe disposal are adeeua[e such ~hat. the nternal water ano sewer s~stems a~e aoeouate and that all We~ls .seWaoe~s~stess. . aRQ connections to Town systems are in a~cb~ance ~ith Town and County stanOar~s~ r L~ ExisZih~ deveiooment and communitY p~an. That the deveiooment pro~seG ~s.a~ a Scale and density consls~en~ Town of Soul,old. M~ Ae t}ons. The design of all structures shall be comoa'tibl~ w~(~ structures, Compatibility shall be aetermine~ use of materials. (2)' scale. ~3) mass. an~ ~7} location o[ the s~ructur~ or str'uC~u~es~ On ~he si N. Handicaopeld a~:c~ss; The._~ii:e plan and buildind desion shall accommodatP ~ta~;rds ~or ~on{[~bc[~ concerninq the handicapped. 0. Ener~ conser:w, ation. The site plan aha buii~na desion shall maximizP the conservation of energy. Section 100-253. Effect of aoorovaJ. A. No buildinc) permit shall be issued for any structure cove,'u(J ny this -- ~'rticte~ u~3td,,an :approve(3 site develooment plan or of an~suc~ plan ha~ been secured b~ the applicant from H~e 151arming Board:and p~esent~ to the Buildina Insoector. .._ B. No certificate of occupancy will be issued for any structure or use of land c~vered by thfs article unless the structure is comDletecl or the land its de'~e[oped or used in actor(lance with an app4-ov~'d site develooment plan ~r approved'amendment of any such olan. C._c.. Shou d any. site plan approva involve ~ny matter re~uirincj referral to the Suft~olk Count';/ Plann;n9 Commission, then the matter shall be referred, prior to final action by the Plannin(~ Board, to the Suffolk CoUnty Plannin~t Commission in accordance with the applicable provisions of law,. Section I00-254. Procedure. A. Presubmission' conference. Prior to the submission of a site develooment lan, the a:pplicant or his agent shall meet with the Planninc~ Board. he purpose of such conference shall be to d scuss proposea uses or c~evelooment in oroer to determine wnich of the site develooment olan elements shall be submitted to the Ptanninq Board in order for said Boar(] to oe~ermane conformmt¥ wain the prows~ons aha ~n[en[ of this cna oter. Waiver of reauired information. Uoon findinc~s by the Plannino Board that. due to soeclal conditions oecuiiar to a sate. certain of the information normally reau~red as par: of :ne s~te ~man ~s ina~oroprtate or unnecessary, or chat stri~[ comoliance with said requirements may cause extraordinary and un~cessary har~s~ios, the Boar~ may vary or waive the orowslon or such intormat~on provided that such v~r ante ot wa ver wmi' not have detrimental e~f~ts ~n the public health saiet~ or qenerai welfare ar have [ne effect of nuilif~ina the nten[ and our~o~ O~ [~e 5~[~ olan suomission, Official Moo. M~ster Plan. ~r this Zoning C~de. (See followin~ Section i00-255 on Site Plan Elements.) C. Within six (6) months followin(~ the oresubmission conference, nine (30) days of receaot ot the ao~3iication, the P~anninc~ Board shall Oet,~rmine whether said apoucat]on is comolete. If the Ptannin(~ Board oetermanes 447, 448 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 ~a~d aopJ ¢~3tion to be incomplete, it shall forthwith not:fy the aDpli43nt. wnermn saad aoDiication s daf crent. If a site develoom~,nt O an ado cation is .not Sur~mitt~d' withln Six '(6)'~0n.ths followlncl ~_Or~sul3ml~$ion c~3~ference. another:conference may ~3e required [3¥ the Pla~]r~c~ Board. If the Board determines to be co 31eta. it shall wi comme~,ts and reviews Boarc$ shall also Town No a~pticatior~,shall be cJeemed,.como!ete until, either C~e. or ~ a pos t ye decJarat on: s .ode. unt ,,a dC impact stalement: has ~en'~c-eote~ bv the ¢lanmnb: requira~en[5, o~ this ]~e:'[!~, ;re~o~able '['ime' Shah ~( corn liance with SEQR~.]n'ct:ud[n~;,the preoaration e¢ · and ffesOonse days prior to the dates Of such hearing by pu[3tication in the.oft:lC al Town, newspaper; Within .~ c or if none was helc the 3va!. Board under the shail be deemed Once approval has been ~ranted by the Ptannin~l Board; ,0ne~;translucent linen or mylar and Six.cooies of ~the ao~roveO plan 51n which:all conclitions · sna Amendments to a site development plan shall be manner as the aoprev~] of :the~ori~gJnat plan.' ~roval of a site ~ the..Planni .aop, acted'u[3On n the same shall be valid for a Failure the, site elan defied All' wor~ o[3ta~ns ax snail e i~d before,a rece~.ved No re.~rad.ncl.. ¢iearin~. tree removal or any other work in oreDaration of future use of a s!te may ~aKe ~ace unt site plan aooroval has oeen race,yea from the Planninn ~oard. " ' Lo In the case of a variance;apolication redujrinc~ a site. 01an aoproval, the site develoornent plan application Shall be su[3ectea to a preliminary review in accordance with the aoove procedure before recommendationR are ma~e. by the Plannin~ ~6ard ~rior ~ gc:ion 'on sa~a aoplication~ by the Board of Appeals~, 8ui;lai~e ~edm.t~ issued'fa~ v.~riances shall be m accordance w~th the cono~t~ns.estaol shed b~ ~he 8dard of Aooeals. A statement shall be ftaced on all site plan's aooroved b~ the Planning ~ard [o the effect ~hat the oWner(s} aqree(s~'to comely w,th:the dian and_all conditions. .~ot~ ~hereon.'. .The ~e~u~red site i~roVements tall roa~s, oawn~..and'c~r~iatzon :~a~naqe. utilit es, ou[door, liqhtin~, recreation areas qarba~e collection Station. [andscao nq and'scre~nin~ including plantin~ and mam.Zenan~e: thereof for a minimu'm e~ one'vear ' and ....a max mum of ~hree, ~ea~"at ..... the d scoot 0n o¢ the Pl~nn ng ~ard) wn~cn are an mte~ral pa~[ ef,t~e~aoprove~ dian shall be quaran[eed ~y cash. performance bbnd Or'ot~¢r acceptable ~uar~n[ee'aooroved b~ the Tow~ ~o~i and; Town At'~or.ne~. In the'event that ~'s~sfactorv ~uarantee is not p(pvid~ w~t,hiO~pi~etv [90 days of't~e date of tnP resolution of the Plahnin~ Board 3opro'vin~ the ~lan sa d resolution shall be deemed nuLl'and ye,d., fA' ~asn guarantee ca.~ be for 58~ of lh¢ ~morovements. Ou[ a,'obnd or order quarantee snail be for 100'; o[ the ~ NOVEMBER 1, 1988 N. The said bond. surety or cash deposit shall be conditioned uoon the property,owner's, or de~eJotg, g,,.r~::~.t~qg~ ~t~.e_~sai~ ~¥ork enumerated id the Planning BoRrO: Oho ~on t~e ~¢o~e~ functmnino of said systems for a period o( one yea~ from ~heir ~o~pietion. In oefadlt there,, the said bond or de~si~ shall be forfeited and the Town shall use t~e amount thereof [o complete an~ i~com~le[e portion of the said work or [o make sMre re,irs are undertaken as are necessary to assure proper functioning of said imorovemen~s; provided, however, ~hat if any amount of money remains ~ter the To~n has completed the said work such excess money will be re[urneo to ~he surety or the person puttin~ up the required ~epos t. Said surety bond or cash deposit may be re~uceo Dy resolution of the Town Board upon the certification of the Town Engineer that ~ne o~'~more partlcuJ~ [~s requ r~. b~ the Town B~r~ have been satisfactorily completed. Such reduction s~atl be ~n the ratio ~ha~ the ~mDlete~ item O~ terns bear to the total astra[ed cost of the required Im~eme~ts. The nsta la[mn of ail i~ovemen~s s'~ll be unde~ the ~irect supervision Of a New York State registered architect or professional O~ ~< rovide to the Buildin~ No Dart of of s~te p~an aD,reval ;[rucl ~rovemei plated, inspected Dv t~e Town. 44 9 P. JT,.he ~Re.devel0oment improvements shall be fully completed in ~'¢nrdanc~ W~th~theaoDr'oved nan before any new builg~in or structure s~own oq the a~proveo site oian is occupied or a~y existin9 buiidin9 shown ~n IO0-28g on Car[if ca[es of OccupanCy, which indicates that nn buitdin~ s~all be occupied unti a certi¢iCa~ o( occu~anc~ has been i:sgue~' ' Section 100-255. Site Dian elements. A. Submission A complete site plan application shall consist of: 1. a como eta s te olan application form. 2. site plan review Fee. as specified in s~Jl~section B below. an environmental assessment form, part one. ,for all Type I actions. Or actions that may have a sionificant environmental imoact. Se~ SOu[hold Enwronmentat Quali~ty Review Law. q. site plan(s). The site olan review and inspection fee is based on the area containeo w~tn~n the site p~an. SuCh fe.~ shaft be comoutecl on [he Das~s or 50.05 per scluare t'oot of area w~thm the s~te plan prooertv /i~it~; less OuiidinQ coverage. - C. Site Plan :-_.~_ The aoplicant shall submit a site plan at a minimum scale of one inch equal~ ~0 feet to De preoareo nv a New York State licenseO Architect. Landscaoe Arcnitec/~. C~vit Enai'neer or Surveyor. The s~te o~an sl~all inciuae [hose of the el~rrents_.listed herein ~vn~'cn are aoOroor~ate rn the proposed development or uses as Jnclica[erj by [he 'P'lanmna Booth in the presuDm~ss~on conference. This informatmn ~n total, shall constitute the site plan. MultJDle sheets may be utiiizea to presen[ the information ragu[rea. ' I. Legal data. aD Lot. block and section number, if any, of the property taken from the latest .'ax recoros. b. Name and address of the owner of record. c.~.; Name and address of the person firm or or~anization preparing the map, sealed with the applicable New York State license seat and sic]nature. . - d. Date, North point and ~ritten and cjraohic sca e. e. Property descriotion shall be pre~ared by a licensed Surveyor ~r Civil En~ine~'r. The sitka pan may reference a land survevor'~ ma~ er base reference man,. All C istances snail be in fear ~ncl hundredths of a foot. All arteries shall be c~iven to th~ nearest I0 seconds or closer. Th~ error of cJo~ure shall not ~xceeQ one in lO,O00. f. The locations, names and existinc] widths of adiacent streets -- ~hO tuff, tines. g. A'seoarate map of location and owners of all adioinino ands 45O NOVEMBER l, 1988 h.~.. Location width and purpose of all existing and prooosed easemen[s, se[Packs, reservat ohs an(3 areas declicated to pulalic use within or-ad)oining the property. I. A comotete outline o/ existinQ easements deed restrictions Exist n~ zen no inctud no zone nes and'dimensions. Natural features. a. Existin~ con~rs with intervals of two feet or tess referred ~ ,to mean sea level as ~:er USGS ~atum., . b. Aporoxim~te boundares of an areas sub'ect to f~ n sZorm-wa tar overttows; '.~[dal ~a~s, ,pon~ ,, and~ m~es, freshw,ate~ bo~ie~ and wetlands'and streams. ':~, :' ~' c~ L~ation of existino natural ~eatures enumerated Jbsection 100-252, t~e d. Location of an'7, existin.~ cultural features enumerated in subsection E of ~ction' 100-252 and any Othe.r sl!~i~f, ic;an! cultural ~eazu~es. Existin~ structures and utilities. Outlines of all §tructures and location of all uses'not,requ~r~nrl structures. Paved area~s including parkin(~ areas, sidewalks, and vehicular access ~aetween ttae site an(l public streets. c. Locations, dimensions, grades, and flow direction of any existincj culverts. Water lines, sewer lines or sewa(~e disposal systems, as well as other unc~er~round an(~ above c. lround utility poles and utility lines within and aciacent to the proper ry. d_~. Other existinc~ development features or strucutres, including fences, landscapmc~ and screenm(3. e. The location and use of all buildin(as and structures within 200 feet of the boundary of the su~aiect proper[y_ Proposed devetooment. a. The location of proposed buildinc~s or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from ail property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. b._:.. The location and desitin of all uses not requirin~ str~ctureR, suci~ as off-street parking and toadinc~ areas ancl oec~estr~an ci rcuiation. c. The location, direction, power and time of use for any prooosed -- outdoor li~btin~ or puDli~ ac~dress systems. d. The location an~ plans for any outdoor signs which must -- in accordance wit~ applicable si~n regulations_ Paving, curbs, s~dewalks, drainage structures fencing ~radin~ an~ dra na~e plans s~a[l ~e i~ conformance with Town ot Soutnol~ highway standards. f, Gradin~ uno drainage plans shall be based upon site rainstorm retention, ~n contormaflce wlt~ t~e Town of 5outhol~ hmnwav stanoarQs, contours an~ spot ~rade elevations to oe prtw~e~. ~ ' 'LandscaDin~. bufferin~ and street tree pans nciudinq mater~at size, quantity a'n~ location. A list of olantinQs shall also be ShOWn. as ,Der the Town of SouthoJd highway standards. ' ~ ' h. Location of water and Se~er mains electr ca service and caDievisJon installations location of water valves and hyGrant and/or any alternate,means ot water suooiv and sewage ~isoOSal an~ treatment: An indication that all storage areas for materials, vehic e~,, ~upDlies, proc~ucts, or equipment shall be located in e~lher a side Or rear yard and ~ha~'sucJ3 areas are adecluatei,v fenced or screene~. if the site develooment plan indicates only a first sta~e, a NOVEMBER,,,,, 451 28° Chapter tO0 is amended by ad~ime.a~.::~'~A.rti¢le ~hereto, to be Article XXVI to provide as follo~? ':i!~;!i'~'?~'~?~??-:~~':~ i~?~¢~' ..... ., ' ARTICLE XXVI Special Exceptlon Uses Section 100- :~60. Purpose. The provisions of this article are designed to provide for administrative review of selected types of proposed lano~ uses. Certain uses which are allowable under zomn9 are nevertrletess so likely to significantly a{fect thei~ surroundings that [~e~ r~uire individual review to assure comoatJDiii[~ with ex~stm~ land use patterns, commun~t~ character an~ the natural environment,' before oein~ permitte~ ~ come into existence. Similarly. cartain authorized uses may take on,such diverse forms n their actual m'l~entation that ~t ~s wise to 'rewew and pass upon the adherence of ~ch ndiv dua rooosa to s[anda .ds and ~u dehnes previOusJ~ estab ished for the use involved. Finatl~. the ~s~bv-~se review ~cn eyed b~ use of the special exception a~. provat, mac,an, sm' can increase the fexib ity and an, oroprateness ~ nco development rewew and better enaole peal off c a s to arq d negative COnS~uences which sometimes arise [rom the otherwise lawful de~etooment or useof a particular site. Section 100~2&1. Special exception uses. There is hereb~ created a category of land use approval to be known as sneclal exceot~on uses. Said uses may not De commence~, created, undertaken, carried out or thereafter maintaine~ o~ su~stantlall~ exoan~e~ w~tnout a special e~ceot~on a~provai first nawnq been oota~ne~ therefor, which Special exceotton aooroval shall ~ve been ~ranteo for the use either nv the Plann~no Board. the: Zonm~ Board of Appeals or the Town 8nard. accordin~ to lhe prov~saons in this chanter. A~y land use, incJu~ino the erection, construction, recons[ructmn, attera[mn, demolition, mo;~ng, conversion or change of. use o~ any StrUcture. snail be a special, exc8otJo~ use requirJn~ a spaced[ exception a~proval if the text o~ this chboter, or t~e Us~ Schedule ner~. Qenates t~e use aS betn~ either the subject of 'a special exception aooroval or sImD~v a .special exception use. No bu~idJn~ permit for an~ such s~ec[aJ exception use shall be issued ~until the required special exceot~on aboroval shaJ:J hav~ been ~ranted for the same. and the conditions ~moosea in such aoarovai as ~rerequlsites to a buiJdin~ ~ermlt, i~ there ne any, nave ~een met. Section 10(]-262. Rules of conduct and oroceaure ~o.r soecJal exceotion uses. An application for a special excention approval shall be on the form for same provided by 'the Buildinc~ Inspector. and shall ne in triplicate, together with the fee of ~75.~0. to t~e 8u~Jdin~ who shall review the a~pli~tion for comoteteness ann conformmty w~th this chapter. The BuiJdinq Inspector shall re~ect the aoolicati~n is nol com¢le~e or no~ in conformance, and shall noilly the applicant as to the reason for such re~lOn. If the aool~canon ~s sat sfactor~ the appli~n: and the 8uiidin.~ Insoector snail (orward ~he to the board havin~ ~urlsdict~n [hereo[. B. Prior to takinc~ action on any soecial exception use, the board havm~ -- jurisdiction [hereo~,2shall scl~edL~le a public hear~qq w~thm for~¥-Iive (qS} days al;tar beretta,nat*on :nat trle aoolicat~on ~s complete, Within sixt',' ~l~01 days followmc.~ the dose ot the public near n~ (ne ,ooarn shall render a c~eclsJon on the application. C._:.. Effect of adc}royal. A soecial exception approval issued in accordance with the provisions of this article shall authorize o~1~ Lhe special excention use for which the approval is c~rantec~. No use which is not: a special exception use hereunder shall be authorized' b'~ any such approval. The approval may include reasonable conditions whici~ the b~ard determines to be necessary or a~propr ate to insure that the' applicable c~eneral and specific standards a~d safec~uards set forth in this chanter for the use can and will. be met andJor adhered to. A spec:a~ exception approval shall be valid for a period of six (6) n~onths, b~t may b~ extended for one (I) additional six (6) month per~od by the i~suing board without the requirement of new public notice of hearin9. A continuin~ or permanent land use authorized by a special exception approval which use is undertaken or bec~un durinc, I the period of 'vel dt¥ of such anproval shall thereafter be deemed a lawful use, as' ii~ the same were permitted by this chapter without need for a soec~al exceot~on permit; provided however, that: (1] All conditions ~mposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply, unless oy the:r express 'terms are Of limited duration. [2] All conditions LmooseCl on special exceotion approval uses c~enerallv or soecifir=atlV b~, this chanter shall continue to aopl~, rec~arclless' of whether any such conditions ,were e.xpressl¥ incorporated the special ex'textron approval. (31 The board which issues the special exception a~or~vai shall retain contlnulnc~ iurlsdict[on over the same. D. C.. Violations of conditions. A violation of any limitation or condition of a soec~al exceot~on approval, or of any ?rov~sion of this chanter chaoter. The board which approves any specmal exceouon use shall foiiow~n9 ~rounc~s: 4-52 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 (11 False statements or mistake of material fact. Materially false or inaccurate statements in the ao!~licatlon, suoportln(=3 papers or , suooortinc~ testimony, or ~qno;'ance or m~sunderstanclinc~ of a material tact bv the board.' wnich fact. hac~ it been?known to the (21 Non-comoliance with the terms ano conditions of such aO~3roval. Failure (~f the aopllcant-Oerm~tee, , to comolv, , with any conditions or terms of the aoproval. (3) Activity beyond such aooroval. Exceedina the scope of the activity use or prolect as :he same was-oescrzoed ~n the ao~3iicat on Section 100-263. ~'~Ceneral Standards. No special exception agproval shal ,be qranted unless ~he board 'hay nq ~unsd~c[ton [hereei s~ec [i~il~ rinds a~d de[ermines the fo~w'~n~:. · A. That the use.will not prevent the orderly and reasonabe us~ of adjacent ~roj)erties.or¢of properties in ad/,Qcent use districts. ' B. That the use will:not orevent the orderly, and reasonabl~ use of or leaallv established uses in the distr~ct where=n the o~Oposed use is lo'be 'lo. ted. or of permitted or 1eaalt~ ~slablished~us~5~.in adiac~t use That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the orcter of the Town will not be ac~versel¥ directed b~/ the proposed use and its location. Ob That the use will be In harmony with and promote the c~eneral purposes and intent of this chapter. E_c.. That the use will be compatible with its surroundinc}s and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in c.]eneral, particularly with rec~ard to vis bilit¥, sca e and overall appearance. F_:.. That all proposed structures, equionient and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection. Section 100-26/4. Matters to be Considered In makin~l such determination, consideration shall also be c~ioen, amonc~ other thinc~ s. to: The character of the existin(~ and probable development of uses in the district and the peculiar suitability of suctl clistnct for the location of any of such permitted uses. The conservation of proberty values and the encouraqement of the most appropriate uses of lanct. The effect that the location of the procosed use and the location that entrances anO exits may have upon th~ creation or unoue ~ncrease of vehicular traffic conc}estion an oublic streets, hic. lhways, or sidewalks to assure the public safety. The availability bi adequate and prober public or private water sup_ply an~3 facilities for the treatment, removal dr discharc~e of sewaqe, refuse or other effluent (whether liquid', solid, c~aseous or ot~erwlsel that may be causeo or created oy or as a result of tne use. E~ Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby rna? c~lve off oDnox bus c~ases. Odors. smoke or soot. F._:.. Whether the use will cause disturbinc~ emissions of electrical discharges, G_~.. Whether the.operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with tl3e orderty enioyment by'the cubic of ~arkincj or of recreational facilities, if existin~ 'or if proposed' by the town or by other comoetent ~tovernmental acjencies. The necessity for bituminous-surfaced space for purposes of off-street par~in~ ~ vemc:es[ncidentat to ~ne use, an~ wnet~er su~ ~oace ~5 reasonably aGequa:e ,an~ aporoor~ate and can ~e fUrnishe~by :~e owner ~ the otb: souQht to be used ~i. Chin or adiacent to the plo[t where~n t~e use s~all De Ioca:e~. I. Whether a hazard to life. limb or prooerty because, of fire. flood, erosion -- or conic may be created bv reason o~ or as a result of the use or trte structures to be used therefor, or by the maccesslbdit¥ bt the property or structures thereon for the convenient entry and ooerati~n of fir~ of ~ersons uoon 5ucn ov~rcrow~in~ o~ land or unou~ concentra(,on Wh~lh~r the pIo~ area is sufficient, app~ooriate and adeQuale for L. Whether t~e use to be opera~eo is unreasonably near Io a church. theater, recreational ar&~S or oth~~ place of public assembly, Whether the site. of the p~r~oz~,;~,.,.e~s~;J3arti~:ular ¥. suitab e for such 453 Whether adeauate buffer ~/ards and screening can and wilt be provided to orotect adjacent prooerties and land uses from possible detrimental impacts of the proposec~ use. O. Whether adec~uate provision can and will be made for the collection and disposal of storm water ·runoff, sewac~e, refuse, and other iic{uid, solid or gaseous waste which the propos~l use will generate. P. Whether the natural characteristics of the site are such that the prooosed ~ ~se may de n~roaucea there without undue disturbance or o[sruot~on of important natural features, systems or processes, and without' risk ~.fpoilution; to groundwater and surface Waters on and off the site Section 100-265. Additional conditions and safec~uards. In decidincj on any aopiication for a sc3ecial exceotlon use the board havinq jurisdiction thereo¥ may [moose such. conditions and safeauards as it deems necessa~'¥ or aooroor[a'te to preserve ancl oretect the so~r[t and the oolecnve~, of this chapter'.' ' Article Xll, as renumber.ed Article XXVII is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE [XII] XXVll Board of Appeals Section [ 100- 1201 100-270. Appointment; membership. The Town Board shall appoint a Board of Appeals consisting of five {5) members, as provided by Town Law. Section [100-1211 100-271. Powe~'s and duties. In addition tO such powers as may be'conferred upon it by law, the Board of Appeals shall have the following powers: A. Appeals. To hear and decide appeals from and review any order. requirement, decision or determination made by the Building nspector. Variances. Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; in the way of carrying out the strict totter of these regulations, the Board of Appeals shall have 'the power to vary or modify the application of such regulations so that the spirit of this chaoter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. Co Special exceptions, special permits and other approvals. Whenever a use or the location thereof is permitted only if the Board of Appeals shall approve thereof, the Board of Appeals may, in a specific case and after notice and public hearing, authorize such permitted use and its location within the district in which this chapter specifies the permitted use may be located. [sublect. however, to the following: (1) Before such approval shall be given, the Board of Aopeais shall determine: [a) That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use · df adjacent properties ar of properties in adjacent use dis[riots. (b) That the use will not prevent the orderly, and reasonaote use of permitted or legally establishec~ uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located, or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent u;-~ districts. (c) That the safety, 'the health, 'the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the town will nat be adversely affected by the proposed use and its Iocauon. (d) That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. (2) In making SUCh determination the Board of Appeals sba I also give consideration, among other things, Id: fa} The character o~T~{~e existing and probable d~elopment of uses in tl3e district and the peculiar suitability of such dis[rlct for the tocatmon of any of such permitted uses. (b) The conservation of property va ues and the encouragement of the most appropriate uses of lena. (c) The effect that the location of the prouosed use may have u~on the Creation or undue increase of vemcular tra[fic congestion on pubJic streets or highways. (d) The availability of adequate and proper public or private water supply and facilities for the treatment, removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent [whether liquid, solid, gaseous or otherwise} that may be caused or created by or as a result of the use. 454 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or produced thereby may giv~off obnoxious gases, o~3ors, smoke or soot. (f) Whether the use will cause disturbing emissions of electrical discharges, dust. light, vibration or noise. Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference with the orderly enjoyment by the public of parking or of recreational facilities, if existing ct if proposed by ,the town or b~ other COmpetent goverr~mental agencies. used within or adjacent to the plot wherein the use shall be Iocateo. Whether a hazard to life, limb or property because of fire, flood, erosion or panic may be created by reason 0f or aa a result of the use, or by the structures to be used therefor, or by the Inaccessibility of the property or strum'lures thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus, or by the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot. Iii Whether the use or the structures to be used therefor will cause an overcrowding of land or undue concentration of population. Whether'the plot area is sufficient, appropriate and adequate for the use and the reasonably anticipated operation anc~ expansion thereof. Whether the use to be operated 'is reasonably near to a church, school, theater, recreational area or other place of public assembly. ] Interpretations. On appeat from an order, decision.or determination of an administrative officer, or on .request of any town officer, board or agency, to decide any of the ,following: Determine the meaning of any provision in this chaoter or of 3ny condition or requirement specified or made unoer the provis'Jons of this chapter. ? Determine the exact Ioc~ion of any district boundar,y, shown on the Building Zone M~p. Section J 100 1221 100 272. Additional conditions and-~afeguarc[s. In deciding any matter before it, the Board of Appeals may impose suci~ conditions and safeguarc3s as it deems necessary or appropriate-to preserve and protect tlqe spirit and the objectives of this chapter. Section [100-123] 100-273. Rules of conctuct and procedure. The Board of Appeals shall, consistent with the law, determine its own rules of conduct and procedure. Section [I00-12~] 100-27~. Fees All applications to the Board of Aooeals' for any relief herein shatl be accompanied by a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.~. Section [100-1251 100-275. Notice of hearing. In all cases where the Board of Appeals is reouired to hold a public hearing, ~n addition to the notice of such hearing required by law, a written notice containing the following information shall be sent 13y the person petitioning such Board, or his agent, by either certified or registered mail, to every owner of property immediately adiacent thereto. In the event that any petitioner owns or has any interest ~n any property immediately adiacent to the property which is the sul~iect of such petition, then-Written notice' shall aisc be given to the owners of the property adjacent to suc~ other property of the p&titioner. For the purpose, of this ~ection, the words "owner" or "property owner" mean the owner 'as shown on the current assessment roil of the Town of Southold. The notice required' by this section shall he mailed by the petitioner, or his agent, within five (S) days preceding the filing of ' the petition in the Town Cier~s office. Prcx~f of mailing of such notices in the form of a sworn statement shall be filed, wit,~ the Town Clerk at the time of filing of the petition. Such notice shall contain the following informa lion. A statement that the petitioner proDoses to appi'T to the Board of Appeals of the Town 0fiSouthoid for a variance, soeciai exception, special permit or other specified relief, as trle caae may be. (2] A description sufficient to identify the property which is the sur~ject of the petition. (3] The.zone district ctassificatio~ of such property. (4) A detailed statement of the relief sought by the petitioner. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 4 5 5 The provisions of Uqe zoni~tg la~ ~opl~cable to the relief sought by the pet~ti0ner. : ~'- ' ~ ~* ~;'~: ~': (6) A statement'that wtthj~ five (5) oays such petition will ~e filed in the Southol~ Town C)erk~s off~ca. Main Roa~, Southold, New York, an~ may t~en be examine~ ~urJng regular office (71 A statement that a public hearing with resoect to such petition must be ~eld by the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold before the relief sought can be grante~; that the per.on to WhOm the notice is addressed, or his representative, has t~e right to apoear an~ be hearo at such hearing; an~ that a notice o~ such than five tS) days p~or to such public hearing.. In lieu of com~lyin0 with the provisJon~ of ~his section, written Failure :o comoly with the o~ow~ions ~f this s~tion shall not the validity of any ac:ion taken dy t~e ~oar~ o( Appeats. 30. Article X lV, as renumber.ed Article XXVIII is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE [XIV~ XXVIII Administration and Enforcement Section [100-1401 100-280. Administrative and enforcing officer. A. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and such deputies and assistants as may be appointed by the Town Board to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and of all rules, conditions and - re~uirements adopted, or specified pursuant thereto. B. The Building Inspector and/or his assistant and deputy building inspectors shatl have such r~g~ enter and inspect buildings, structures or premises and to perform other acts necessary for the enforcement of this chapter as is conferred upon them by- law. He shall maintain files of all applications for buildin~l permits and pl~'r~s ~ubmitted therewith and fc~r certificates of occuoancv and recorOs of all buildin~ permits and certificates of occuoanc'¥ ~ssueo ay him. which files and records snail be eden to puoiic in~oec[ion eno ta berretta SUCh other acts necessar~ for th~ enforcement of'this cnaoter as ~s conferren upon them dy ~aw. C. Said Buildin~ Insoector shall keep a record of every /dent/f/ab e comolainr of a violation of a'nv of the provisions of this cheerer and of the action taken on eac~ suct~ comoiaint, which records shall be oublic retort% He shall report to the T'own Board. at ~ntervais of not creater than three (3) months, summar~z~no for the period since his 'orevious reoorT all building permi[s and certificates of occuoanc¥ ~ssue~ ov n~m eno ail comoia~n~s-of wolauons and the action taken dy him thereon. O._: The Build/no Insoec:or shall make the necessary insoections for tho purpose of ascerta~mno wnetner or not existinc~ conc~tions comely with the 0revisions of this chapter. E_z.. At the r~ouest of the Town Board. the Buildinc~ Insoector shall insoect any premises for tt~e our~ose of ascerta~nmc~ whether or no[ ex~s:~nn conchtions comply w~ti:l tY~e orov~s~ons of thi~ c~aot~r an~ fader:. ~i[In~, [o said 8oard the results o~ his findings. F. At the request of the Ptannina Board. the Buildin~ Inspector shall rewew s~te o~an applications for como/lance w~th [n~s chaD[er and requirements established m the oresuDm~ss~on conterence. S~tion [1O0-1ql] 100-281. Building permits. No building in any district shall be erected reconstructed restored moved .or structurally altered without a building permit duly issued upon to the Building Inspector. No building permit shall be issued unless the propos~ construction or use is in full conformity with all the prowsions of this chapter and the provisions of all other applicable laws' ordinances, rules and regulatons. Any bui~ding permtt issued in viola[~on of the urowsions of :his cheerer shall be null and voi~ and of no effect withou~ [he necessity for any proceed rigs, revocations or nullification thereof; and any work underta~e~or use established Pursuant to the ~ssuance of a permit wo~a[ion of the2revisions' ' s of this chapter s~all be l'nvalid. A. Applications. Every application for a buiiding permit shall contain the ¢ollo~ing information a~d be accompanied by t~e required fee and a plot plan drawn [o sca~e and signed b~ the person respoz~sible for each drawing. If no such p.lot plan is available, a survey is required, prepared bY a licensed engineer or land surveyor. If the Building Inspector deems it necessary the[ plans and specifications be e~mined to ascertain if the proposed building will comply with applicable building construction, housing and fire codes, he may require that plans and specifications be ~iled with [he building permit application. The actual shape, dimensions. ~adli. angles and area of the lot which the building is proposed :o De erected, or o~ the lot on which i[ is situated if an existing building, except in the case of the alterations of a building which do not affect the exterior thereof. The section, block and lot numbers, if any, as they appear on the latest tax records. (3) ' The exact size and locations on the lot of the proposed building or buildings or structural alteration of an existing building and of other existing buildings on the same lot. The dimensions of ail yards in relation to the subject buid ng, and the distances between such building and any oth~:r existing buildings on the same lot and aaiacent lots. {5) The existing and intended use of a I buildings, ~xisting or proposed, the use Of land and the hUStler of dwelling units the building is deSidhed to accommodate; and :theneceSsar tom - . . ¥ outatlons to establish conformity tO'the bulk and density re~,ulations, r (61 Such topographic or other information with regard to the building, the lot or neighboring JOts; as may be necessary to determine that the proposed constructJ0n will conform to the p~'ovisions of this chapter. No building permit shall be issued for' the construction or alteration of any building uoon a lot without access to a street or highway as grovided oy Section 280-a of the Town Law. Co No building permit shall be issued for any building where the site plan of such building is subiect to approval by the Planning Board, except in conformity with the plans .approved by the said Board. No building permit shall be issued for a building in any district where such use m permittea by special exception unless and until such approval has been duly granted by the board havino iurisdlction thereof. E. No building oermit shall be issued for any building until approval has been recmvea from the Suffolk County'Oeoartment of Health Services for the proposed water supply and sewage disposal system. F. The building permit application anc~ all supporting documenter on shal be made in triplicate, Upon t,~e issuanc~ Of a building permit the Building Inspector shall return one copy of all filed documents to the applicant. C. The Building Inspector shall, within ten (10) business days after the filing of a complete and properly prepared application,' either issue or oeny a building permit. If a.building, permit is denied, the Building Inspector shall state in writing to the appiicant-~;l~;e reasons for such denial,' ' Ho Every building permit shall exoire if the work authorized has not commencea within 12 months afte.~.~he date of issuance, or has not been comoleteO w~thin 18 months from such date. If no zoning amenaments or other regulations affecting the property have been enac:ecl ~n the mter~m, the Building Insoector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permtt for an additional six montrts. Thereafter, a new permit shall be requ~reo, I. As soon as the foundation of a building or of any addition to an exlstmg building is completed, and before, first-story framing or wall construction is begun, there shall be filed with the Bail'ling Inspector an accurate survey, signed by the person responsible for said survey, showing the exact Iocstion of such foundation, with respect to the street and property lines of the lot. No further construction shall be performed until such survey is approved by the Building Inspector. Je Permit fees. The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an application with the Building Inspector for a building permit, which fees shall be paid into the general fund if the application is approved or returned to the appli- cant if the application is denied: (al Single-family dwellings: (I} New dwellings and additions to existing dwellings: fifty dollars ($50.) plus fifteen cents ($0. I5) for each square foot of floor area in excess of eight hundred fifty (850} square feet. (ii} Accessory bulldlng~ and additions and alterations to existing accessory buildings: · twenty-five dollars (525. ] plus fifteen cents ($0o 15} for each square foot of floor area m excess of five hundred (500J square feet.. lb} Farm buildings and additions and alterations to existing farm buildings: fifty dollars ($$0.} for eacJ~ building. {c] Hotel, motel, multiple dwellings and business, industrial and all other buildings: . (i} New buildings and additions and alterations to existing buildings: one hundred dollars [$100.) plus twenty cents (S0.20) for each sc~uare foot of floor area ~n excess of one thousano (t.000} square feet. (ii} Accessory buildings and additions one alterations to existing accessory buildings: twenty-five Oollars ($25.) p~us fifteen cents tS0.1S} far each square foot of floor area in excess of five nun- dred (500] square feet. id} Foundations constructeo under existing buildings: seventy-five - oollars (e) Swimming pools, together with required enclosure fencing: one hundrec fifty dollars ($150.). (f) All other structures (i.e., fences,' ~tc.) and additions and alterations to suct~ structures: twenty-five dollars ($25.]. NOVEMELER 1, 1988 (gl $igns:~ The fee fo~'J~-~.~ ~c~p~t~signs permitted by I be one del ar ($~;'00) ~r~lac~ square f~t of sign area, with a minimum fee of twenty-five dollars (:$25.). (hi Demolition and/or removal and/or collation of a~y building: ten ($10.) minimum one five c~ts (50.05) for each square foot three hundree (3Q0) square ~eet of flor ar~a. For the pur~se~ of thls'S~bsection J, cellars, d~ks. attac~ed garages anG any ~abitabJe area 5-~;a~l be included in the calculation of flor area. :.action ll00-1q2[ 100-282. Revocation of permmt. The Building inspector may revoke a building permit theretofore issue(] aha approved in the Following instances: A.- Where he finds that there has been any raise statement or rn~srepresentat~on as to a material fact~'[h the applicat]on, plan or speci/ical~ons of~ wmcn the building permit was based. Where he finds ~at the building permit was I~sued In error and should not have been ]s~u~ In accordance with the applicable law. C. Where he finds that the .wor~ performed unda~ the permit is not ~ing prosecut~ In accordance with the provisions of the application, plans or specifi~tlons. D. Where the person to wh~ a building permit has been Issued fails or refu~es to comply with a ~top or, er Jssuea by the Building Inspector. Sect/on [ 100L143. ] 100-'28~ 5top or,ers....:'.::' · Whenever the Building ]~sDe¢tor ha~ reasonable grounds to betleve that provisions o~ the applicable law, ordinances or.regulations, or not In conformity with the provisions of an ap~llcatlon, plans oe sp~ifications · . on t~e basis of whtc~ a building permit wa~ Issued, or In an unsafe aha aangerous manner, he shall notify the owner of t~e property, or t~e .owneras agent or the person perfomin~ the wor~, to suspend ail building activities until :he stem order has been rescinded. Such or,er an~ notice shall be in writing an~ shall state the conditions un~e~ which the work may be resume~, and may be serve~ uoon a person :o whom ~t ~s dirtied eithe~ by delivering it personally 'to him or by ~s:ing t~e ~me upon a ~nsoicuous portion of C~e building un.er const~c:Jon and sen~ing a copy of the same by certifi~ mail.' S~tion [ 300-1q~. ] 100- 28~.. Certif~c3tes of occupancy. A, A certificate of occupancy shall be a~pHed fo~ from'the Building Inspector an~ i.t s~a[l be un~awfui to Qo any of the following until a certificate o~ occupancy is issuea :herefor, to wit: [ 1] Occupancy and useof a building er~:e~, ~onstructed, restore~, s:ruc:uaiiy altere~ or move~, o~ an~ change ~n use of an existing building. C 2) Occupancy, use of a~y change in the use o~;any land. ( ~ An,/ change in use of a nonconforming use. B. No certifl~te, of ~cuoanc~ shah be'issueQ ~or. the use of a building or lands requiring a soecJaJ e~c~tjon ao~rova[ or soeciai permit, or for any lan~ use recurring' ~ s~[e plan approval by the Pl~ing ~rd, unless an~ unti[ such spec~at exception o~ special permit approval or site pian 'approval has been duly granted. Eve~ cartif~ccupancy for which a special exceptton,.specJaJ peFmJt o~ site plan apo~ovaJ has been grante~. or in conn~tJon with which a variance nas ~een granteQ by the ~oard of ADDeaI$. shall Contain a detail~ statement of any condition to whic~ t~e =ama l~ C. Appiic~tlon for a certffic~'~ of ~cuoanc,/ on a form f~rnished ov the ~u[Jdin~ Inspector for a new ~uiJ~Jng or for an ~x~sc~ng building or pac-t thereof nas been completed i~ conformity w~th the provision~ of this c~apte~, an~. in the Case of a new ouHding, shall be accomoanied Oy an accurate plot Dian. or if not available, Dy a the location of the buHoing as budt. Such certificate snail oe within ten days altar receipt of the properly cOmoleted appiic;Hon. provided that the application states that all requirements of ali other applicable codes or ordinances in effect are c~mpJ[ed with. D. I~ the proposed use is In conformity with the provisions of this chapter and ail other applicable codes and ordinances, a certificate of ~cupanc7 for the use of vacant land or fo~ a change of use or a nonconforming use shall be issue~ by the Building Inspecto~ within ten days after recempt of a properly completed application. If a certificate of occuoancy Is denied, the Building Inspector s~all state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. E. Eve~ application fo~ a certificate of occupancy or a tem~rary certificate of occupancy shall be accompani~ by the fee herein- afte~ specifiC. Cootes of s~h certificate wil) be Issue~ upon the payment of the fee hereinafter F. A certificate of occupancy shall be deemed to authorize and ~s required for both initial occupancy and use o~ the building or lan~ to w~icn it 457 458 C, Upon written request and upon payment of the fee hereinafter specified, the Building lnspecte¥ shall, after Inspection, issue a certificate of occupancy for.any building or use thereof or of land existing at the time of the adootton of this chapter, or any amenc~ments thereto, certifying such use and whether or not the same and the building conform to the provisions of this chapter. A record of all certificates of occupancy shall be keot in the office of the Building Inspector, and coo~es shell be furnished on request to any agency of the Town or to an~ persons having an interest in tho building or [and affected'. I. Certificate of occupancy, fees. The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an ac~oti'c~tion with the Building Inspector for a cert~fic.'te of occupancy', which fees shall be- paid into the general fund if the application is approved, or retucned tO the, applicant if the appiicatior is denied: (a) Business bui[dlngs and/or business uses and additions an,, al~erz- lions thereto: fifty dollars (350.]- (b) New dwellings and additions and alterations thereto: twenty-fi~°e dollars (c] AccessOry buiidlngs and additions and alterations thereto: twenty-five dotJars [$25. (d) Pre-existing dwellings: fifty dollars (~50.). -- (e) Vacant land: twenty dollars ($20,). [f} Updated certificates of occupancy b~ reason of a~itians or altera- tions: fifty dollars (gl Coole~ of certifl~tes'of occupancy issued five or less years a~o: ~v~ dollars (h) Copies of certificates of occupancy issued' more than five years ago'. ten dollars ($10.), Section []00-145] 100-295. Penalties for offenses. A. For each offense against ~ny of the provisions o~' this chapter or any regulations made pursuant'ct-hereto or for failure to-comply with written notice or orc3er of any Bui d ng nspector within 'tt~e time fixed for ~m~liance t~erewith, t~e owner, occuoant,,.~uilder, architect, contractor or thole agents or any other person commits, takes '~rt or asslS[~ in the ~mmissJon of any such offense or who s~all fall :o ~moly with a written or~ee or notice of ~uiidlng Inspec:or shall, u~n a first conviction t~ereof, be guilty of a violation punishaOle by a fine of not exceeding five nunoreo dollars ($500.J oe ay, imprisonment for a per~od not re excee~ fifteen (15) days, or ~th. '~cn day on which such Violation shall occur shall constitute a separate, additional offense. For a secon~ subsequent ~nvic:ion within eighteen (~8) months thereafter, such per~n shall be guilty of a violation ~unl~able by a fine not excee~i. Og one thousand five.hun~re~ dollars ($1,500,} oe by imprisonment for a period not to exce~ ~fteen (15} days, or by both such fine imorisonment, Section [ 100-147] 100-286. Remedies.'.. -: In case any building or structure Is er~t~, constructed, reconstructed, alteree, repaired, converted oe maintained, or any building, structure et land Is used. In violation of thl~ c~ptet or of any regulations ma~e pursuant thereto, In ad~ltlon to other remedies provid~ by law. any appropriate action oe proceeding, whether by legal process at otherwise. may be instituted or t~ken to prevent such Unlawful er~0n, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair,conversion, maintenance oe use. or to restrain, correct or aoate such violation, oe to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land, or to prevent any legal act, business or use in or a~out suc~ premises. · , , .,..... ~!~.f,.~...o.:~. ,::. . ~1. Article XV. ts renumbered Article XXIX and S~ttons 100-150, 10~-151 an~ 100-152 ther~f are renumber~ 100-290, 10Q-291 one I0~292 resp~:lvely. . ......... .... ":~ .,....¥.~ ,....- ~,. .:. 32. Article XVt of C~apter 100, as'add~ by ~al Law No. I~, 1985, entitled "A Local Law to'provide fo~ a Moratorium In cardin usa Districts" is hereOy repealed. ...~,.. .-;, :. .,-- .- 32. Said C~aote~ 100 ~s hereby amend~ by add nga new Article thereto to be Article XXX to provide as follows: .:~- -.,,~ ~.~...:'.~;-- - ' ART1C~E XXX '-- Severab[l[tv Section 100-300. Sere?ability.- Should any section or orovtston of this cheater be decided ~3v the courts 34. This Local Law shall take effect upon Its filing with the Secretary of State. 24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny. Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. NOVEMBER 1, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I'd like a resolution to recess now to hold a public hearing that's scheduled for 8' 00 o'clock. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva,'~seconded by Justice Edwards~ it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time, 8:00 P.M., for the purpose oca law in Relation to Zoning". of holdin~ a pub c hearin~ on a Proposed "L 1 Vote of the Town Board: ~A~es: Couocilwo._m.~n' Larsen-, (~ouncilwoman Ol~-~va, 'C---~-~nc~-man Penny, J'ustice-'Edw-~-r~ds~- Super~wisor Murphy. This-resolUtiOn was declare~i dUIy ADOPTED Meet~nq reconveried at'8:15 P.M. 459 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Resolution 25 is a decision on this proposed "Local Law in Relation to Zoning". i don't think it will even be presented. No one would like to make a resolution? (No response.) Number 26 is a contribution towards a proposed trash disposal system plan. I offer that resolution. This is a joint effort with a private foundation, Queens College, Suffolk County, and tl~e ten~ T~wns. We've going to contribute a $1,000.~0 as a Ioca! share, and hopefully some good will come, mainly in the areas of recycling. I offer that resolation. 26.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oiiva, WHEREAS, the Town Board has been presented with a proposed trash diposal system plan designed by the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Queens College; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has been requested, to help fund a study by the group which would analyze the present trash disposal situation and evaluate option ways of improving it; and WHEREAS, the .group. has been awarded a grant of $50;000 by the Veatch Program of the North Shore Unitarian Universalist ChurCh to do the study with the addtional off,er of matching funds of $1.00 for every $2.00 the community contributes; and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has been requested to contribute $1,000.00 toward said study; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the expenditure of $1,000 '~or said proposed study, said amount to be paid I~rom A8160.4 (Refuse & Garbaga). 26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes; Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwo~an Oliva, C~uncilman P~nn¥, Justice Edwards, ~upervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTEig. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 27 is to set a park and playground fee. 27.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines the amount of $44,376.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for Park and Playcjround purposes by the owners of Chardonna¥ Woods major sudivision, located on the south side of Sound View Avenue and north side of Old North Road, Southold, New York. 27.-Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva~ Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 28 is a resolution to create a Bay Constable position and call for the Civil Service list. I offer that resolution. 28.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman OI. iva,~it.~was RESOI,VED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the position of Bay Constable, sets a salary of $9.50 per hour, and authorizes . and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to request a local Suffolk County Department of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles for said position. 28.-Vote of'the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 29 is to create a Police $~rgeant position and call for the Civil Service list. I offer that resolution 29.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the TOwn of Southold hereby creates the position of Police Sergeant, sets a salary of $43,932.00 per annum, and authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to request a local Suffolk County Department-of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles for said position. 29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny; Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 4 6:0 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 30 is to create a Publ. ic Safety Dispatcher I position and call for the Civil Service list. I offer that resolution. 30.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the TOwn B~)ard 0f the. Town of S0uth01d hereby (~reates .the position of Pubic I , sets-asal.arYif $17,404.62 per annum, and aUthOrizes and directs - ~ciSJ. Murphy to re(~uest a local Suffolk County Department o ; Certification Of Eligibles for said position. 30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman /arsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Thi~ r~;nl,~tinn w;~¢: d¢clared rh~lv ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: That's the end of our prepared and added-on agenda. At' this time I'd like to ask any Town Board members if they have any further comments. Ray? JUSTICE EDWARDS: The only comment i have, Frank, is that this article that was printed from the New York Times, October 23, 1988, on the economics of waste prices. There's one paragraph in there. Incineration . is non~ existent in this country. As recent!y as early 1970's,it's becoming more common about 100 incinerators now operate in the United States, mostly in the northeast. There are plans te build 76 more, at least a halt dozen companies now offer resource recovery plans. I think this is a very good article for people to get some ideas on, on how to go with incineration. We're trying to do it on the island, and having some, estimates over there... ...with the Fishers Island Conservancy and so forth, and witl3 the Town going into composting, of course, this is an alternate. I think ~it's very inportant that we keep -this. in back of our mind, in case the DEC does - not approve the composting program that we're going in for. That's it, Frank. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Ellen? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Nothing. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: George? COUNCILMAN PENNY: No, thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ruth? COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: No, thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: At this time, I-would like to ask anyone in the audience who would 'like to address'the Town Board? Martin? MARTIN SIDOR: I'm Martin Sidor. I feel like I've been on a run all day today. As the viewpoint of the Water Advisory Committee, first of all, I felt that I should speak tonight. I felt that I was shortchanged. I found out what was happening today..what was going on today at the Town Board last night, and planned to ...... for the business day, and I had no recourse, and I wish ! had been involved this morning, so I just think that maybe, I can give you my viewpoints. Being on this now for a couple of month~, I think we've lost a little, going off track here a little bit, and we've followed this one line of thought. What I think we're presenting, is.something very similar to what took place through the course of the winter, and I foresee as a split, an alienation between the people involved in this watershed and outside this watershed. And ! think that it would not suit well for the Town. First, of all, I think .you have to tone it down. I don't know why we got into this, this overkill, or this, such a dramatic answer to this question of water quality. Maybe, because we havenft done anything for such a long time, now we're in the middle of somewhere along this line. We've been down here for so long, we've been gone and rebounded above and beyond what's possibly needed. I think somewhere inl the middle we can keep everybody happy, and still provide plenty, ofl;~ood quality water for people in Southold Town. The plan that was proposed, I believe, is taken as important base within the TDR's. The little bit that i known of this I don't think its such a proven quanity, to take such a big step, and base it on something that I think that theres going to questions to be answered there. I know places'in New England where it has.worked. And ! know place down south in Maryland, I know of one county, and a friend had told me someplace in Virginia, they failed miserably. !' think there's studying, more on that line. As far as a farming point of view the storage of fertilizers and pesticides, as a farmer, and l'm too small and all farms are too small to store any great amounts on there own. The, financial and space does not provide that. Just depending on our use, to buy that when we need that. That they are als~) unde~ regulations from the DEC and in time wl~e~3 the~,.,r"es~S~l;i~w~l;~,..shift-~back to the farmer. We'll be responsible fo~ X-amOunt ~f to~s ~"~ertilizer ~nd we'll have to store that, because we'll use that x amount of pounds or gallons of insecti- cides. We will have to store that in our premise. So, maybe what looks like not much of a problem now fora particular farmer, i can see within a short period of time becoming one big problem, and it has not been answered I don't believe. That's :something I believe, Mr. Santos, was supposed to make one of the meetings, which hasnlt taken place ~et, and he'll be welcome, i have down here, though i'm jumping around a bit, they mentioned education, and sitting on the Board of Education and' looking it up one .' time to n~ake sure education is open-minded, take a:ll tacets, with viewpoints from all-sides, and I wonder if that's going right now. I 'was, ,one evening, finishing up, trying to spray on a columbine thinking over the PC on Main Road and Locust Avenue, and approximately 500 feet from the Main Road. A young woman was ,walking a dog down the road, and I guess she thought Darth Vader, or the skull and crossbone individual coming down the road, and it was really, l felt like getting off the tractor, running down the road, and shaking the person, saying what is the matter with you? I'm not indis- criminately killing 'bugs and humans and anything that lies in my path. She literally jumped i~ front of the roller. One car swerved off to miss her. She forgot her dog; The dog barely missed being hit. She then remembered in the middle of the road, yes, that's my dog on the other side of the road. She went back, retrieved her dog, again got stuck in the middle, of the road, and like I said, I watched this, and I said, "There's something ~wrong .here". So when we speak of education, it has be that from both viewpoints. The lady I think just saw me coming down with, that would have been, I think, a pleasure, if she was nicked or hit, then have me come near her, and I think a lot of people feel that way. It has to be addressed a little more openminded. I spoke to people from farm production FHA and we talked about whether u~oning or transfer develop- ment rights, although we have not borrowed .money, and don't know will in the future,but if I was just asked pointblank when the farmer comes to your office and asks for x amount of dollars to farm for that coming season, what would you base it on, and the first thing that come up was the value of your land, and that was zoning. I ask the individual would he, please, write something for me or come and speak for me, and he would not, He's not going to get into that, So that is an important issue here. I don't know what farmers go out and borrow money. 'lhat's their personal business. It is an important, and again, not an address. There's been several here, and the other thing, !'11 get back to where I started off with. The personal viewpoint. It's the psychologyaf telling a person, that this is what we're going to do, and this, this, and .that, and naturally this creates a conflict or dilenma, and that person's going to have his back raised, and he's going to fight. I think what we have to do in this Town, I think there is a way of providing good water. We're going to have to get together, and not try and just ramrod some kind of proposal or plan, and get a little bit more imput and more, not what we were into last winter. if that happens again, it's going to be long time before the next one comes around again. The next plan; So I think we're really looking, you know, we're going to have to be in little bit more of peaceful co-existence, and as I say, I just want to hear a few viewpoints on that, before change of zoning. One quick thing here, before I get back. The Farmland Preserva- tion, they sat here, one or two meetings ago, the individual that was appointed was a retired school administrator. I would like in the future, during the winter, when I have more time to be able to sit and talk with you or anybody, and that we have to expand this. We have this Farmland Preservation Program, and the saving of farmland, where the Town and the County for a number of years now, and the number of farms have decreased. There's something wrong. There's a hollow sounding term, farmland preserva- tion. You're saving the land, but you're forgetting the individual that works the land. What we have to have is some working individual farmers to be ex~ended into this committee, and stay on the committee for more than just saving of the farmland, but the particular problems of keeping us in existence in Southold Town. It will do the Town a'~ell of a lot of good in the future. I thank you. 461 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Would you just comment on what you think of the farmer's bill of rights. MARTIN SIDOR: Farmer's bill of rights? You'll have to help me a little bit. I'm not familar with that. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: To notify a prospective buyer. Similar to the situation that you were talking about. Spraying, irrigating, driving the tractor at five in the morning .... MARTIN SIDOR: Is th~at now with the ag. district? 46 2 NOVEMBER 1, 1988 COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: No. Actually I just spoke to Rob Pike. He is introducing the bill of rights in conjunction' with his whole ag. program. Now the last meeting we had, the Farmland Preservation Program, we had looked at a rough draft and I have a more completed copy, which I'm going to pass to the Farmland Preservation Committee, because~we thought iust having the bill of rights itself, was a very good idea, '~nd notifying, so when people say they want the rural atmosphere, and once they get there and see you spra¥ing~hey have a darn fit, that, 'this way they really know what they're in for ~f '(hey but something next to a ~armland.;~ And it's your right to do such a thing. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Also to protect the other persons rights, too. The abuse of chemicals, fertilizer, water, that type of stuff. MARTIN SIDOR: I believe as far as the spraying goes next year, we'll will be mandated to put signs in fields, twenty-four hours in advance of spraying, so there will be something. I think you spray in the morning by six o'clo~:k, ~they have to be out by six that previous evening. So there will be, I think next year, some changes on the spraying, and I think that has been watered down, but I think that may come back again, within five hundred feet of homes, and buildings, so, again, it will bi regulate~l as far as that goes. As far as the bill of rights, I don't know where they come from. I would like to see some local farmers, just sit down and talk. I'd go out of my way to find the farmers. ! think it's going to rough to find the farmers. I talked to one young individual who said he's going to put in a farm. Now's a tough time. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Marty, you know Bob Villa's also the Chairman of the Farmland Preservation Program. Perhaps you should speak to him and we can get a meeting together, with' the farmers in the wintertime, I think it would be a wonderful idea. I absolutely do. MARTIN SIDOR: ! don't know how many. I might find two or three, i'm looking for more. I'm looking to expand that. And keep the Committee where it is, but ! think we're looking at it in a narrow point of view. There's something wrong. You see what's going on, we're saving the land, but the man who's worked that land, it's all hollow. We can get a few things in there, and I don't know if it's major but, expand it and include the size of land, so of the problems we're working at, I think would be a big help. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I think your input 'as far as ali the new rules and regs that you're being asked to do by the DEC and all this~ I think, the greater communication we have among all of us, the better off we arel. I think it would be an excellent idea. Let me know, or let Bob Villa know, when the best time is to have something like that. It would be great. MARTIN SIDOR: That:s why I bring that story up. I just wish'l could have got off the tractor fast enough and sit her down and talk to her, why. What happened. There's that attitude and it has to be changed it we're going to be side by side. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone else like to address the Town Board? (No response.) Hearing none, a motion to adjourn is in order, and I'd like to thank you brave souls for coming out here tonight in this weather. in particular our TV cameraman, who does such a great job. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adiourned at 8:30 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman OlivaL, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards., Supervisor Murphy. ¥ This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~ Juaith T. Terry Southold Town Clerl~