HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-09/20/1988SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 _WORK SESSION Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran, Councilman George L. Penny IV', CouncilWoman Ellen M. Larsen ~.{9:15 A~M.), Assistant Town Attorney .Robert H. Berntsson, Town Clerk'Judith T. Terry. Al~sent~ Councilwoman Ruth D.'. Oliva (out of. town). ' EXECUTIVE SESSION - 9:00 A.M. - The Board met with Board of Appeals Chairman Gerard Goehrin~ter to discuss personnel matters within I~'is 'office. ..... 9:20 A.M. - Work Session reconvened, and Mr. Goehringer discussed the A(~cessory Apartments provision of the Zoning. Ordinance with the Board. Mr. Goehringer felt- there should, be clarifii:ation of the provision so someone would not be permitte~l to build a house for the purpose of having an accessory apartment therein, which was not the intent when the Accessory Apartment provision was placed in the Zoning Ordinance. 9:30 A.M. - Planner Valerie Scopaz met with the Board to discuss hiring someone to replace S zepatowski Associates for the preparation of the Local Waterfront Revitaliza;~ion Program Plan. She has discussed this with Peter Walsh from the Department of State and he has indicated there would be no objection to employing an intern on a temporary part-time basis. The-Board' authorized Ms. !Scopaz to sent informal letters to the Long Island Regional Planning Board, Stony Brook. University and Southampton College in search of an intern. 9:50 A.M. - Mr. Peter Batalias, President of Peter Batalias, Inc., appeared before the Board prO--~s~hat--~-~-~-id '.not receive the Final R~q~est for. Proposals for the ~ Solid'Waste/Sludge Composting Facility until September :15t~, although other v~ndors~" ~:~ ' had been mailed copies on September 2nd, and asJ-,~ed for an opportunity to prepare a proposal by. being granted a 21 day extension. This matter will be discussed with the Town Attorney. 10;15 A.M. - Accountant John Cushman, Assessor Fred Gordon, Assessor Clerk Claire, Glew, and Dave Riba, Triangle Consulting met with the Board do discuss the Assessors' computer system. Mrs. Glew stated the Assessors pr.efer their own system, the purchase of a PS280, and they receive free software from the State. Mr, Riba said Triangle's opinion this is"mixing technologies and not the direction the Town should be going in. Ail partieS-concerned will meet and try to work out the problem. 10:30 A.M. - Leon Lazare, General Partner, The Puraq Company, made_a presentation to the Town Board on a proposed seawater desalination demonstration f~cility. The proposed site of this facility is a.parcel of land known as the Carey Tank Farm, located at- the west side of the Mattituck Inlet, on Luthers Road, Mattituck. The program would include the erection fo the facility by the Puraq Company, followed by its operation by the Company for at least one year. At the conclusion of the program, which should last approximately two years, the facility would be dismantled or retained in agreement With the Town. Mr. Lazare was advised the Town does not own the "carey Tank Farm", so could not consider that site at the present time. He was advised that the Village of Greenport is currently desperate for water and he should make his presentation to them. 11:15 A.M. - Insurance Consultant William F. Mullen, Jr, met with the Board to discuss a proposal for self-insurance, and ~will prepare a packet of information for the Board's review.---M~. Mullen, a Planning Board member, also submitted several recommendations for increasing Planning Board fees. The Town Board directed the Town Attorney to draw up a proposed Local Law. to amend the fees. 11:00 A.M. - For Oiscussion Items: (1) Set date for interviews for Open ~ace Committee and Farmland Committee. Board to consider prior applicants before scheduling interviews. (2) Permit fees for shellfish, vehicle permits and beaches for 1989. Board_. agreed the only fees they would change would be with respect to the use of the beaches by~ non-residents (see resolution no. 33). (3) Letter Rudolph Bruer, attorney for Henry Arbeeny, questioning the amount set for money in lieu of park and pla¥~g, round area with. respect to Mr. Arbeeny's proposed subdivision at Kenney's Road, S0uthold. Town Attorney Schondebare will be requested to discuss this matter with Mr. Bruer. (4) Set time and place for a public hearing on the Oraft Enviornmental Impact State- ment with respect to the Town Composting of Municipal Solid Waste and Sludge Facility, SE, TEMBER 198 3 0 9 and extend public comment period for same (see resolution no. 34). (5) Receipt of Energy Reduction Report for Southold Town Police Oepartment by Long Island Lighting Company. Councilwoman Cochran advised a proposal for submitting a grant application has been received from-Gar~rett Strang and she.~will ask for one from Robert Brown of Fairweather-Grown. (6) Notification that the Town is in receipt of the OEC final Coastal Erosion Hazard Maps. C7) Telegram from peter Bata]ias, Inc. relative to the Final Request for Proposals for the Solid Waste/Sludge composting Facility (see 9:50 A.M.). (8) Letter from Oavid Strong, MarineLand, Mattituck, concerning. Storage and service of boats. 11:50 A.M. - Town Historian Antonia Booth met with the Board to discuss plans for celebrating South~o~d Day on May 21, 1989 both in Southold and Southwold via direct communication betWeen the two towns, and the exchange of carved plaques. Board agreed to the project and authorized Mrs. Booth to move forward with plans for same. EXECUTIVE SESSION 12:25 P.M. - Board discussed personnel matters. 12:55 P.M. - Recess for lun.ch. 2:15 P.M.-Work Session reconvened and the Board met with David Saland, owner of of Wolf Pit Pond Estates, and his associate~relative to Mr. Saland!s disagreement with the amount determined to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground. Board will refer to Town Attorney Schondebare for an opinion. 2:20 P.M. Audit of outstanding vouchers. 2:40 P.M. Town Attorney Schondebare met with the Board ~relative to the protest of Peter Batalias concerning Final Request for Proposal for the Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility? Board will discuss their options with Mr. Schondebare following the regular meeting. 3:300 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. REGULAR MEETING 3:00 P. M. A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, September 20, 1988, at the ~Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Murphy opened the meeting at 3:00 P. M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Absent: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilwoman Jean W, Cochran Councilman George L. Penny IV Councilwoman Ellen M. Town Clerk Judith T. Councilwoman Ruth D. Larsen Terry Oliva (out of town) SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. The first order of business is a resolu- tion approving the audit of the bills of September 20, 1988. Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the following audited biIIs be and hereby ordered paid: General Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $53,265.10; General Fund, Part Town bills in the amount of $34,555.86; Highway Department, Whole Town bi'lis in the amount of $7,124.46; Highway Department, Part Town bills in the amount of $51,090.90; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $194.07; Fisherslsland Ferry District bills to the amount of $7,330.91; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $575.95; Nutrition Fund bills in the amount of $1,543.17; Adult Day Care Program ' bills in the amount of $41.33; Home Aide Program bills in the amount of 9285.72; Snap Program bills in the amount of $5,053.96; EISEP Program, bills in the amount of $37.93; Wastewater Capital Account bills in the amount of $31,000.00; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of $598.43; Shellfish Management Capital Account bill in the amount of $1,600.00; Community Developement Fund bills in the amount of $75.35. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman L~sen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervl:~or Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SE~PTEMBER 20, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution approving the Town Board~ minutes of September 6, 1988. Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular Southold Town Board meeting held on September 6, 1988 by and hereby approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution setting the next meeting date for October 4th, 1988; &:30 P;M., Southold Town Hall. I offer that resolution. Moved by Supervisor MurPhy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the next' regular Southold Town Board meetin~j will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 4, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southolc~, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. !. REPORTS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first item on the agenda are Reports. These are all on file in the Town Clerk!s Office. 2. 3. 4. 5°' 6. Town Justice Tedeschi - monthly report for August, 1988. Town Justice Edwards - monthly report for August, 1988. Town Justice Price - monthly report for August, 1988. Town Trustees monthly report for August, 1988. Police Department!s monthly report for August, 1988. Supervisor's monthly~budg~t r~port for August, 1988. 7. Councilmen's Reports. At this time I'd like to ask the Councilmen if they have anything special to report, starting on my left with Judge Edwards; JUSTICE EDWARDS: Thank you, Frank~~ Since the last meeting, I've been doing my thing in Riverhead. I've processed 11 application, including 3 yesterday. On the 9th of this month, we had a six hundred foot freighter come ashore at Race Point. Apparently the pilot got completely disoriented- ' heading from Bridgeport to Boston,. and he came right ashore, right up on an old gravel bar, and quite a few of the i~and residents were down there taking pictures and so forth. Last Thursday I left Fishers Island four o'clock in the morning, took my boat over to~ Conneticut', and took my car down to New-York City, for a meeting down on 2nd. A~enue, and I had a wonderful tour of the Drug :Enforcement Agency, down in New York City, by a former trooper. 'l:rooper Connor, ~ho ~as on the island, and it's really amazing to go through .there and see how the city, state and government can all work together, ~on a couple of floors, and it was a very, very interesting afternoon. Also, had a report, that one of the baymen from Southold, went over to Fishers ~lsland to check on the clams, and he didn't find any. He didn't look in the right places. I'm very happy to say, [hat we won't be bothered, by the people of Southold ~oming over there. I was late coming back to the meeting at lunchtime. I went down to Senior Citizens and I have ten care packages to fly back to the senior cit~ ~ ~l~-~d, courtesy of Vi ~cKeighan. I'm starting now to gear up. I'll be taking Motor Vehicle pictures the last weekend in October on Fishers Island. I'm just starting to get the computer cards in from the .people, and starting to collate them, and get them into Riverhead. With that, that's it, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Raymond. Ellen? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Thanks, Frank. It's been a really busy two weeks. Since our last Town Board meeting, we've had a meeting with the Parks & Recreation Committee, on September 9th, which was a very productive meeting, I felt. CoUncilwoman Cochran will report on this, as chairwoman of the committee, and she has a very hefty itinary for us, that we'll be following up on. I'm looking forward to working on that; on the 12th, ! attended the ZBA interviews, along with the rest of the ~ Town Board members, where we interviewed thirteen candidates for that position, which we will be making a decision on in the future. On the 15th, Thursday, the 15th, I attended a ~~ Association meeting with Jim' McMahon on the relay program~ that the To'h; that the Bayman's- ~' Assoiciation Will be beginning ~n the 26th of September,utilizin~ a $50,000.00 grant from New York State DEC. The format was laid out with Jim and .~- the various baymen, who will be participating. Among other topics, that 'they discussed at that meeting, was that the Captains' Association, North Fork Captains' Association, had performed lab tests on bluefish. Six years ago, they had done testing on bluefish, which showed high coliform FCB ~ SEPTEMB ER ~20, 1988 levels, but there was no~ differential between bluefish at the Throgs Neck Bridge and the bluefiShes:at Or-i~nt~-~ :$~:~$00'~'00~was spent to analyze two one pound' bluefish, two two pound bluefish, and two five pound bluefish from the North Fork, and the results where that there is no PCB's or coliform bacteria in those fish. On the 19th, which was yesterday, I attended the Affordable Housin~l and Utilities Committee with the Village of Greenport, specifically to discuss changes in zoning, that come before the Town Board to allow for affordable housing, and the relation to water, which,also,Council- women Cochran, will be reporting on. I did attend the Brown Tide Task Force, also. That was August 26th, I was at that meeting with Vito Mineaut, who was correlating the Brown Tide Study from the Department of Public Health, had requested the Town of Southold to submit their maps with the road runoffs by John Bredemeyer from the Trustees' Office. Took the initial information that was collated by Heather Cusack from the CAC, and placed it on the quadtriangles geodatic surveys, so that information is now with the Suffolk County Department of Health. The Brown Tide has dropped off in Flanders Bay. It's on in higher levels in the outer portions of the tributuary, around the Hallocks Bay area, Coc,ecles Harbo-r area. They're looking at nutritional needs in water quality products. There was a high increase in the count, and a decrease that there was no relation to the amount of rainfall, so they really, at this time, could not...there's no rh/me nor reason to it. It's still there, but it's below very detrimental;'"' count at this point. I have been working on the pump-out facilities, which I reported to the Town Board during our work session. I guess that's all. Thanks. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Jean? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: On September 8th and 9th, Supervisor MUrphy, Councilwoman Oliva and myself, flew down to Tampa, Florida to view a .c. ompostin~ system facility, and since the company, as I understand it, is presenting a proposal to the Town, I will hold my observations until such time as all proposals are discussed within the Town Board. On September 9th, the Parks Committee met with the purpose of beginning the task of upgrading and developing Town owned parks. The Town personally owns .001% of its land mass in parks, so you can see that the Town is park poor, although for many, many years this Township has functioned on individual park districts, but we feel very strongly that it's time that the Town also provide some of these park areas, that would benefit all residents of the community. It's been determined by legal counsel that funds paid to the Town,in leiu of park and playground, can be used for Townwide recreation facilities and its parks. Our first project for the Town is the site at Laurel Lake, and the Board supports a proposal. They'll be accepting it today in the resolutions, submitted by Timothy Rumph,he's a landscape engineer, and we're going to develop- around the lake area into a picnic area with handicap accessibilty and a jogging path,and we also have to treat the errosion on the bank of the lake. Also, attending the meeting was Roger Wines, who represents the Little League in the Mattituck area, and he has proposed inprovements, also, to th~e site, such as reseeding, regrading~ sprinkler system, electricity for your pitching machines, chain link fence enclosure on part of the property, a storage building, and so forth. These are some of the things, that the Park Com- mittee had been discussing~ anyway, so his arrival on the scene was very apropos, it fit right into what we were working on at the time. We are in the process of obtaining Costs in relation to the ball park area. When we have these costs and we can look at the total plan, also with the infor- mation from Rumph,then we can present to the Town Board a complete plan on the Laurel Lake site. On September 14th and 15th,(l'm trying to do this fast, because this next part I'm going to try to capsulize two days of meetings into perhaps, three or four minutes), but I think some of what I learned in relation to the IB,~oc~/cle conference that Supervisor Murphy and myself attended up in Albany, on the 14th and 15th of this month is important to share. This conference was sponsored by, not only by B~oO/cle, but also the Division of Solid Wast~'~.from the New York State DEC. ! would like to say that Supervisor Murphy was on the program the first morning, and he presented to the group the work that has been done in Southold Town in relation to collect of hazardous waste. I would like to congratulate the Supervisor on a nice iob. A job well done, Frank. Norman Nosenchuck, a-director of the solid w~ste division for the DEC .spoke ot the 1992 mandate anct every municipality ~s required to have source separation in place by that time. He said the federal government will be coming down with their rules and regulations in relation to waste management, but the State rules and regulations are more strigent, so he feels that as far as State regulations, it's almost a guarantee that they will hold in piace for ten years. He also, recommended to the group,_ that no matter what your plans were for solid waste, that you also ir~lude in, as a part of your plan, recycling and composting. There are also areas that the State is working with the federal and surrounding states to develop packaging controls, because packaging accounts for one half of the solid SEPTEMBER 20,..!988 waste stream, and he reported that in Japan they had dec.re~$~'d; their waste stream through recycling and so forth, by fifty percent, but then they began to adopt our method of packaging and now that fifty percent has decreased, so they're taklng a lesson, from American packaging that is not going to benefit their waste stream. More and more municipalities are looking at compost as a means of dealing with solid waste. Nora Goldstein, executive director of BioCycle=, reported that there are forty localities that are definately going.fnto composting as a solution with four or five ready to go into operation. NosencP;uck said he would also like to see color newsprint fazed out of the market due to cadmium and lead content of colored newsprint. He, also, felt very strongly that burning of batteries should not take place. He reported that .five percent of New York State waste goes out of state, and now many of the states in the surrounding' .. area,or wherever - New York State is taking this five percent,are wor~ing.':~' very hard to close their borders. The State is also providing a newsletter called the Recycling Bulletin with ideas, information and source of recycling markets. The State Education Department is developing a curriculum for grades K through 12 in relation to recycling and waste. He was also SCheduled to meet this past Friday with the EPA in relation to the disposal of white goods. As you know, we've been very concerned with where our white goods are going to go, beca'use as far as the PCB's, those white goods are now coming into the landfill. Presently, they're not being put on... -_~-~-. ........... theses ap~p!iances, but there's a whole quanity out there that has yet to be disposed of and come into the landfill. But he felt very, very secure that a solution would be resolved with the EPA, and as soon as they have a solution that the industry would be notified, and he was almost one hundred percent guaranteed that they would reach a solution with the EPA. In relation to the health issue in composting, and the using of sludge, Dr. Epstein reported his findings. It's been noted that a healthy worker will not be effected in working in this kind of facility, but if anyone is using-an antisuppressant they could be effected healthwise, or anyone with a problem'to extreme dust Could also be effected. But I feel that - we are fortunate in that we have Dr. Epstein as our consultant. So, in relation to health and compostin9, we have the master right on board. E. & A., Associates, has reported that they're building a facility in Albert-Ley Minnesota, of which 65% of the waste stream goes into composting, and 13% is non-processed catagory~ and 23%' is recyclable. This is a static pile of composting. It takes them a little longer to cure it. It takes them three months, because of the zero weather out in Minnesota. Their composting is being used for agriculture, because it passes the Minnesota state require- ments. And, if it is used as a land cover it I~s two times the water holding capacity then regular soil, and in Fort LaudercTale, Florida, they are using this composting by-product in relation to erosion control. In Philmore County, composting is limited by its markets, but they're using it on their park system. There are some that felt that if'you're going into a compQsting system and a recycling system the markets will follow. There are others that stress very stronger, that you should put the markets in place first so there isn't really a concenus or strong opinion in either direction. In relation to cycling, I think the message came out loud and clear, that you should know where you are, and where you are going. That you must plan, provide, educate, keep very good records, so you can set your goals and try to meet those goals, because the State will be imposing more and more percentages in relation to recycling and taking thing~out of the waste stream. They said one of the areas to look at if you're going to recycle, if you make it mandatory that the most sticky issue is the inforcement. That these towns that have made it mandatory are finding it difficult to enforce, because do you enforce on a per can, per bottle. Do you enforce on a percentage, so what they're telling you is that really you - should sit down, draw your plan before you ev~.2 begin to go into recycling. There's many differant methods of recycling, some do curbside collection, some have a dropoff center, a depot center. They said, if you anticipate, part of your enforcement, if mandatory, you have to look at, do .you have inspectors at the site; do you issue letters of warning, the fines,what are they based on. They feel that collection is the biggest problem. They also, feel that marketing should be developed on a regional level, don't become competitors with your adjoining municipality in relation to recycling. There are markets developing for plastic. In Concord, New Hampshire, they sell plastic at 25 cents per pound, granulated, and 18 cents bailed. This. is what a rec~/clin center u there ets There was very interestin~ · g p g · a speaker, Richard Corey, who is with rubber research, Elastometrics; frown~ Minneapolis, Minnesota. Seems like Minneapolis is really in the foreg~P~our~d of doing a lot of this.· They haven't been sitting still. They've be~n · -moving~ and they seem to be a leader, in composting or recycling: '[heir universities have done a great deal of research. But what this fellow does, he mixes, they use recycled tires, and they grind them up, and they remove the metal and nylon fibers and so on and so forth, and the end product comes out looking like pepper, and they mix it with polymer, and some of the things that he has made, they produce it in either sheetstock or pellets. But they've made gym mats. -lhey make it in differant colors. ~ SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 'IbeX, make farm buckets. They make gears for computors, snowmobiles, and so forth. They've been and they feel that they're bette~:~than much cheaper, but because of the funding they've only been able to test those in the state of Minnesota. One community as an incentive in the recycling program, in the haulers, there's a $45.00 tipping fee if you don't recycle or be a part of the recycling, and if you do recycle as a hauler your tipping fee is zero, and they feel that's quite a strong incentive. Another pla(~e uses shredded paper for animal bedding. That's why I say, some feel ~-"' if you develop the product, and then the market will follow. There was one location that was kind of cute in their public education program, which they feel is one of the most important aspects to recycling. They use as their spokesperson, someone by the name of Linda Garbage, and she is their little logo, and promotes through the community what you do and don't dO in relation to your garbage. Also, it was announced, that Ted Turner on CNN, I believe it is, that has been filming and he has done a fifteen day docu umentry on the waste problem, and recycling and so forth, and its going to be shown for fifteen days, from what I understand, and it's in OctOber, so anyone that is interested in watching this, you'll have to watch your program, but it's scheduled for October. All and all, again, every time we go to one of these facilities you learn a little bit more. If someone had told me I'd know about trumblescreen~,and fat screens, and shredders and hammer mills and composting, several years ago, I wouldn't-have believed them, but it's a challange. Everytime we go to either a conference or a site or facility to look at, we learn a little bit more. ! know at least ldo. Some of my concerns are still the same in relation to composting, as far as odors, the sludge availability free of heavy metals,and the market, but I feel quite confident that these areas are something that the Town can work out. On Monday, the 19th, as Ellen reported earlier, the Affordable Housing Committee met with the Greenport Utilities Committee to try to force the line of communication in relation to the availibilty of water where a project for affordable housing would be placed. As.you know. as a Committe(~, they function the same as we do, and they were ur~able to commit themselves to anything. They have to take it back to the Village Board and then they will be getting in touch with you again, and we perhaps will be. dealing with them again. That's it, Frank. I'm sorry it was lengthy, but ! felt it was inpo~tant. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. That was an excellent report. Thank you. George? COUNCILMAN PENNY: My report is going to be somewhat shorter. I attended the ZBA interviews, for the vacancy that was created, unfortunately, when Bob Douglas died. They interviewed, I believe it was thirteen people. We're going to act on that, probably at our next meeting. Last night, the 19th, I attended the Housing Committee meeting with the Village Greenport, and got a little insight into the problems the Village has had in supplying water and some of their sewer problems. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. I'd just like to .add a little to what Jean was talking about this BioCycle conference, I thought was _ excellent, and an awful lot of good contacts, and as Jean said, this is really where you get to learn what's going on, and in talking to people; I spoke to people from probably every state in the Northeast, and various government agencies, and it really is good to have this interplay and sharing of ideas ..... II. PUBLIC' 'NOTICES ' .SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to Item II, Public Notices. There are three. 'They are 0nthe Town Clerk's Bulletin Board,for anyone who's interested. 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, public notice on application of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lamour to install walkramp to a floating pier in Goose Creek, Shelter Island Sound. Comments by September 20, 1988. 2. Suffolk County Department of Health Services announcing the creation_of East End Mobile Crisis Intervention Team, Fo~ information: 544-2222.. .~ . 3. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, notice of complete application of Frank Nataro to construct a fixed dock, a ramp and a float, and to dredge sand to be trucked away. Project located on Town Creek, Southold.. Comments by October 7, 1988. Ill. COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Item III on your agenda, communications, there are three of them.' 1.. Peter Wenczel, President of the Southold Town Baymen's Association° endorsing the aquisition fo the wetlands surrounding Hallock's Bay, by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 314 SEPTEMBER 20, .1988 2. EconHealth, Inc., in regard to the use of Damminix to control Lyme Disease carrying ticks. 3. Ronnie Wacker, president of the North Fork Envionmental Council, Inc., urging the Town to prohibit any tree clearance until after a site plan is approved by the Planning Department. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS. (None). V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY:We'll move on to Item V, which are resolutions. I woUld like to remind the audience, that.anyone who would like to address the Town Board on any proposed resolution, may do so now. We would ask to hold any comment until at the end of the meeting before we close, if anyone would'like t° address the .Town Board On,, anything else, other than a proposed resolution. Is there ,anyone who would like to speak on'behalf or against anY' proposed restitUtions.PleaSe'd0 :it now. (No response.) Hearing none, we'll move on to the rfirst resdlution, whidh is appointing a school crossing guard; 1.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED THAT THE Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Sandra Hands as a Traffic Warden, effective immediately, at a salary Of $6.50 per hour, and as a School Crossin9 Guard for Orient, effective immediately, at a salaFy of $18.00 per day. 1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is a Budget Modification. 2.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED THAT THE Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followin9 1988 Bud~tet modification to the General Fund~Whole Town: To: A7510.4 Historian, Contractual Expenses $ 151.00 From: A7510~2 Historian, Equipment $ 151.00 to transfer residual equipment budget to allow for purchase of photographs. 2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy, This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. -~.> . SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 3 is a grant app~.ic~!nn of Martin Sidor for a renewal of a single family house trailer for a six month period of time. ' 3.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by- Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the application of Martin Sidor for renewal of his single family house trailer used for housing of trainees under the Agricultural National 4-H pro~ram, located on the south side of Oregon Road, Mattitu~k, which permit expires on September 23, 1988, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Pe~ny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards,: Supervisor Murphy~ This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 4 is to authorize attendance at a conference 4.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Assessor Scott L. Harris to attend a Seminar and Conference on Assessment Administration, to be conducted at Kutscher's Country Club, Monticello, New York, on October 2 through 7, 1988, and the necessary expenses for text books, travel, meals and lodging shall be a legal charge aga nst the Assessors' 1988 Budget. 4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared ~ duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 5 is a Budget rfiodification, Part Town. 5.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the followin9 1988 Bud~let modification to the General Fund- Part Town: To: B3620.2 Safety Inspection, Equipment $ 800/~0(] From: B3620.4 Safety Inspection, Contractual Expenses $ 800.00 a transfer to equipment for office furniture purchase. 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SEPTEMBER 20~ 198 SUPERVISOR MURPHY:Number 6 is to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a part-time clerk typist for the Assessors' Office, 17½ hours per, week, $6.50 per hour. I offer that resolution. 6.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for one (1) part-time Clerk ~ypist for the. ~,ssessors' Office, 17½ hours per week, $6~50 per hour. 6.-Vo the Councilwoman Larsen, iperviS0r .Mu y AD~ SUPERVISOR M~RpH:yi~ N~Jmber 7. is to'-rescind a resolutipn. 7.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was R~iSOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of SoUthold hereby rescinds their Resolution ~No..22, ,adopted on August 23, 1988, determining that Fishers Island Sewer DiStrict rent totalling $630.00, which was in arrears SUPERVISOR MURPHY: '~ i~?.'[lere, s~a~.~sign ~ that the sum~er season it ~almost over, and in two more days We-~l"hav~ fall, is to g~a~ ~eirmissi0n to the Southold PTA to use Oakl~wn Avenue for their ar~nU~,lll ~alloween ,Parade to be held at 3:30 P.M.~ Monday, October 31. I offer this resol~ution. 8.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the ~own: Board of the Town of Southold~ hereby grants permission to the Southold P.T.A. to.use Oaklawn :Avenue for their annual Halloween Para_de to be held at 3:30 P;M., Monday;. 'October 31, 1988, prov. ided they secure :and; file with the Town Clerk a 'c~rtificate bf nsurance_ naming the Town of $outhold as an additional insured. 8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman L~rsen~ C:ouncilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochrarn, JUstice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 9 is to appoint an instructor. 9.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, Seconded by Council-woman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the~ Town of Sou~hoid hereby appoints Tom Feene¥ as a Guitar Lesson Instructor, for the period from October 5, 1988 through December 14, 1988, one (1) Hour per week, $10.00. 9.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution ~was declared duly ADOPTED. ~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 10 is to appoint another instructor. 10.-Moved by ~ouncilwoman*-Co~hi~an,seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints JoAnn Terk0wski as a Folk Dancin~ Instructor, for the period from October 4, 1988 through December 13, 1988, one and one half (1-1/2) hours per week, $10.00 per hour. 10.-Vote of the To~n Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councih¥oman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declarecl duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 11 is authorizir, g a~ advance fee payment. 11.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby author'zes-. · two (2) advanced fee payments for the $-e:ptember 30, 1988 senior-~ ""' ~us trip: (1) $~(~00 payable to the Parrish Art Museum, 94 tickets at $1.00 each; (2) $90.50 payable to the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum, 94 tickets at $.75 each = $70.5l~, and $20.00 for two (2) guided tours; said charges to be made to A7620.4, Adult Recreation. 11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, ~ouncilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 12 is to grant permission to myself, Accoun- tant John Cushman, and Account Clerk Barbara Rudder to attend a Suffolk County Department of Civil Service seminar, to held 10:00 A.M., Monday/, October 3, 1988 at the Suffolk County Community College, Eastern Campus. I offer'this resolution. 12.-Moved by Supervisor'Murphy, seconded by Justice EdWards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permis'~ion to Supervisor ,FranCis J. MurPhy, Accountant John cushman, and Account Clerk Barbara Rudder to attend a Suffolk C:Ount¥ Department of Civil Service seminar, to be held at' 10:00 A.M., Monday, October 3, 1988 at the Suffolk County Community College, Eastern Campus. 12.-Vote of the Town :Boa~d:';-~Ayes":i CoUncilWoman Larsen, COuncilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor ~urphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MUR.PHY:- Number 13 is to attend another conference. 13.-Moved by Justice Edwards, ' ;seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of So(Jthold hereby grants permission to Account Clerk-Barbara Rudder and Police Department Clerk Jo¥ce Klipp to attend a Workers' Compensation seminar; sponsOred by The State Insurance Fund, at 9,:00 A~;M., Tuesday, October'4, 1988~ at the New York State Office Building, Hauppauge, New York. 13.-Vote of the Town Board:. Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cocl~ran~ Justice E:dw~rds, Supervisor Murphy. ~ , This resolution WaST declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14 is a trailer permit renewal. 14.-Moved by ,Councilman Penny~ seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED' that the application of Richard and Sophia. Greenfield for renewal of their singl'e family house trailer, permit tot trailer located on their property on a rlgl~t-ot-way .ott ot the north -~de of County Route 48, west of Henry Lane, Peconic, New York, which.permit expires on October 5, '1988, and. was issued for use while their residence is un'~c~, construction,, , be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. There shall be no further renewals of this permit unless a building.permit is issued and construction has s~arted prior to the expiration ot th.s permit on April 5, 1988. 14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Coulncilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 15 is to authorize a purchase of a Fax machine and installation ot~ a new telephone line for said machine. I offer that resolution. 15.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, i{~was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes~' the purchase of one (1) Ricoh Fax 20E machine from Transition Dynamics, Inc., at a cost of $1,950.00, and the installation of a new telephone line for said machine. 15.-Vote of the. Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 16 is to proclaim the week of October 2 i~hrough 8, 1988 as MINORITY ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT WEEK. I offer' that resolu- tion. 16.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by the entire Town Board, WHEREAS, America's growth and 'prosperity depend on the full participation of all its citizens, and if we as a Nation are to remain the world's leader in innovation, technology and productivity, we must ensure that all Americans are involved in our economic progress; and WHEREAS, the fulfillment of this challenge has become more realistic today~" because of the significant contributions of minority American Entrepreneurs to our economy, and the Nation's 600,000 minority-owned businesses reveal the true meaning of entrepreneurship. They have emerged as a dynamic force in the market-place, bringing innovative products and services to our economy, and constituting the prinicpal source for jobs and training for thousands of American workers; and WHEREAS, as we enter an era of greatly expanded opportunities in economic SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 growth and ~development; it is appropriate that we encourage minority business ~wners,by recogni~ing their tre~end;3us contributions to~a~'d the cor{tinued economic development of our Nation; now, therefore, be it RE Town Board of Town of Southold':do-hereby proclaim. 1988 ~as MINORITY ENTERPRISE DEVELOP- observances. 16. -~ ilwOman ce Edwards, SU This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. I ToWn join )riate SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 17 is an advance fee payment. 17.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the ~'~wn'~Board of the Town of Southold~ hereby authorizes an advanced payment of $144.00 to the Best Western Hotel, Kingston, Rhode Island, for the :room reservation of Community Development Administrator ~C. Mc/~l~h~n While attending the Shoreline SUrveys of Shellfish Growing Areas Training-Course at Davisville, Rhode Island, from October 3, 1988 through October 6, 1988, all in accordance With.authorization for attendance granted by resolUtion no. 1 on September 6~ ~1988. 17.-Vote of the Town B°~rd: Ayes: Councilwoma~ Larsen, (~oUncilman Penny, ~ ~ustice EdWards, Supe~rvis0r MU~l~hy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 18 is to officially extend the congratulations of the entire Town of Southold to the Village of Greenport upon its celebration of 150 years of incorPoration. I offer that resolution. - 18.-Moved by Super¥~sor Murphy, seconded by the entire Town Board, WHEREAS, the Village of Greenport, a part' of Southold Town and the largest village in the Town, was first settled by early colonists from the New Haven, Connecticut Colony shorly after 1640, the year Southold Township was founded; and WHEREAS, over the next two hundred years tF,~ Greenport Village area began to grow as homes, stores, hotels and shipyards were built; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 1838 An Act to incorporate the Village of Greenport was passed by the New York State Legislature; and WHEREAS, Greenport Village is rich 'in history~ based largely upon its water- front, whaling trade, thriving shipyards, fishing fleets, railroad, and tourism; and WHEREAS, this year of 1988 marks the 150th AnniverSary of the Village of Greenport; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby extends ,sincere.congratu~l.ations to the VILLAGE OF GREENPORT upon its celebration of 150 YEARS of INCORPORATION, ;~ 18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman COchran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This re~olution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 19 is to accept a bid. 19.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Datalease Capital Corporation, Westport, Connecticut, for the pu~chase~oflthe ~own's IBM System 36 Model 5360-DZK with work station expansion, I MB Main memory, 716 MB disk, diskette magazine and 10 magazines, at a bid price of $27,000.00. 19.-Vote of ~the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 20 is to authorize a refund. 20.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Justice Edwards, it .was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorize the refund of $125.00 to Joseph Policano, whereas Mr. Policano applied to the Board of Town Trustees for a Wetland Permit ($150.00). and the Trustees determined a permit would not be required and granted Mr. Policano a waiver ($25.00). 20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 21 is to authorize an audit of our telephone bills. 21.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services Of~Allan RottO aS telec~)mmunications consultants ~heii~ [ September 15, 1988. 21 .-Vote of, the Town Board: CouncilWoman Coch ~erv This resolution was declared SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 22 is ,on hold until the next meeting. (VOted on after 4:15 recess). Number 23 is to accept a proposal. 23.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED-that the the Laurel Lake n~ Parks & Beaches= nittee. 23.-Vote of the Town Boa~rd; of.the Town of Southold"hereby accepts Plan and C0nstructi0n Plan, as prep~reci ~s payment for same i',n the amount Of recommendation ,of the Town Board 'es: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Counci This resolution., ;.declared dUly:ADOPTED, MurPhy. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 24 is appoint a part-time purser. 24,,Nloved by Justice ~Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town-Board'of the Town of Southold~hereby appoints Richard K. Mahar as a part-time, Purser for the Fishers Island Ferry District, effective immediately, at;a salary iOf $8.45 per hour; 24.-Mote of, the Town Beaird: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny; Councilwoman Cochrao, Justice Ed~ards~ Supervisor Murphy. This resOlUtion was declared duiy /~DOPTED.i SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 25 is to appoint a record management officer. 25.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it, was RESOLVED that the Town Board 'of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Robert P. Knauff as Records Management Officer fo the Fishers Island Ferry District 25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 26 is the authorize a lease for Fishers Island Ferry District. 26.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to enter into a lease with Russell Heath, d/,b/a Heath's Restoration Shop, for the center and northwestern thirds of the "Old Coast Guard Station" building, Fishers Island, for a period of one (1) year, with options to automatically renew for an additional four (4} years, all in accordance with the lease agreement to approved by the Town Attorney. 26.-Vote of the Town Board:. Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice EdWards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 27 is to authorize the Town Clerk er- tise for bids for the removal of scrap tires in the Southold Town Landfill. I offer that resolution. 27.1~Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the removal of scrap tires from the Southold Town Landfill Site, Cutchogue, for the period from November 5, 1988 through November 5, 1989. 27.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny; Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Also, Frank, the fellow that uses the tires to make all tl~°s~things,~ is going to l~e Opening a plant in Connecticut. Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. So we might have another market nearby. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I might add, also, that this is'not a bid that wemre have them taken away, and coming out We ~ to ~!1, that is w. rong to ban things ,in the Landfill, of up picking them uplon ~i~e Side of the road somewhere, in particular household hazardous waste. And' it should This is going to cost you some money, but it Number 28 is to execute a lease. 28.-Moved by Councilwoman La,sen, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RES~ that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes of at a 28.-Vote ~y':tl~e ~ SUPEF to 29.-VOte, Th" ' Francis J. Murphy to execute a lease between 'the nd the Town of Sout~hoId for the parking field on 25 in Southold business district, for a term 'automatic extensions for successive one (1) year terms, 'ear. Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, ~tice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. duly ADOPTED. MURPHY: Number 29 is to authorize travel. ~n, seconded by Councilman Penny, it-was ~ Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes ~erintendent of Highways, Raymond Jacobs, from October 13 through 15, 1988, to recovery facilities, and the actual expenses for ~all be a legal Charge against the Town of Southold. Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. y ADOPTED. SUPERVIS~)R MURPHY: Number 30 is a change of title. 30.-Moved by iCouncilrrran Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESO~VE~'that th~ Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby changes the title o~ Alexander Stepnoski,. Maintenance Mechanic III, to ~:own Building Maint~inanc~e Crew Leader, effective September 22, 1988, end increases his salary to ~12.03 per hour. 30.-Vote'~f th~ Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Counc:!lwoman Coch, ran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This ~:olution wa§ declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 31 is a resolution appointing the individual to the Kenny's Be~ch Shoreline Erosion Control Committee, for a tw_~¥ear term, effective September 23, 1988 through September 23, 1990. I of'f~er this resolution. 31.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby _appoints the followin.,q indivi'duals to the Kenny's Beach Shoreline Erosion Control Committee, for a two year term, effective September 23, 1988 through September 23, 1990: George L. Penny IV, Town Councilman; Raymond L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways; James C. McMahon, Community Development Administrator; Jay Tanski, Sea Grant Extension Program; Representative of Suffolk County Legislator, 1st Legislative District; Representative of New York State Assemblyman, 1st Assembly District; Representative of New York State Senator, 1st Senatorial District; Representative of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Monroe Sonnenborn, Town resident; Stanley Posess, Town resident; Donald J. Stanton, Town resident; Donald G. Witschieben, Town resident; John M. Appelt, Town resident, Marine Consultant; Irving C. Latham, Town resident, Marine Construction; Ch~r.l~ L. McCormick, Director, Natural Science Division, Southampton College; '~" President, Kenny's. Beach Civic Association. 31.-Vote o~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Coch?n,_ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 32a and 32b will be held. Number 33 is to increase the following permit fees, effective January 1, 1989: Daily Beach Permit, S6.00 per vehicle weekdays, and $10.00 per vehicle on weekends and holidays. Lessee Permit-S17.00 per vehicle, Motel Permit-S14.50 per SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 permit; Guest'Permit~$12.00 per vehicle. I offer this resolution. 33.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was per vehicle. COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I'd just like to add, Franlk, that's it a recom- mendation of the Parks & Beaches Committeeto increase., and actually on the sses Permit nd we've only increased thai We to¸ the res bathers, on .the beaches;' inCre~e for Iife gbards; we would have more avai advei'~ise in the local students to take part in ~.00 and more go out and make $10.00 or $12.00 an hour go through the program of becoming life guards. And it, s a, nice summer job for young people. The change at $6.00 a daily Beac I~rmi{ has gOne up from $4.00, but we felt. very ~e on Weekends and holidays. Most charging $10.00 every that just comes out f~r fee, that was in effect up to should be a greater charge. problems ~hat certainly brings more COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Jean and I have worked Vi~ry closely'land extensively together as a Committee through the year. We were 'assigned ~ith each other,by the Supervisor, at the beginning of the year~ and I re. member quite frankly when Frank put me on that Committee, with every other commit- tee he put me on, i said~ "Frank, you're puttir~me on Parks & Beaches, Jean Cochran takes care of that. ~ou kn~w she ~al(es ca~e Of that." He said; "Ellen, you have young children, in it."- ' Jean and ! have worked very Jean has the foundation work for many of the program are inclementing now~ laid. Many of the ideas that I have recommended to considered very efficiently ..... 33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny~ Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution' was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 34 is to set a Public Hearing. 34.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 3:30 P.M. and 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 18, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to the Southold Town Composting of Municipal Solid Waste and Sludge Facility; and be it further RESOLVED THAT THE Town Board hereby extends the public comment period with respect to said Draft Environmental Impact Statement to October 28,1988. 34.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And here's one that's been a very long time in coming. I'm happy to offer this resolution. 35,-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by the entire Town Board, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts and gives public notice of receipt of the Final Generic Environmental ImPact. Statement on the proposed local law to amend the Southold Town Zoninq Ordinance and Zoninq Maps~ and sets a 30 day comment period, with respect to same from September 21, 1988 to OCtober 20, 1988; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 3:35 P.M. and 7:35 P.M,, Tuesday, October 18, 1988 for a public hearinq on the aforementioned Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement. .;..-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. '~: ..... ~.-~-: ...... c rh~r-I~r~H H,~lv ADOPTED. SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: In other words, this is the Master Plan. And Number 36 is to appoint a Principal Buildin~l Inspector. Amended by ResOlution #11 'on October 4, 1988 36.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Victor G. Lessard to 1 of Principal.Building Inspector, from the Civil Service Certification of Eligibles, effective lary of $32,000.00' per annum. 36 La,sen, Councilman Penny, tic~ Edwards. Nos: Supervisor Murphy. Thi: r ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR Carey Resources 'Number 37 is to authorize a third appraisal of the- y in Mattituck. i offer that resolution. 37.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVI~D'tI~at ~he TOWn: Board of the Town of Southold hereby .authorizes a third appraisal of the property now or formerly owned by Carey Resources, 'Inc. (Suffolk C0~tnty Tax Map No. 1000-99-4-1) as required by the 1986 Envlronmental QUality .!Bond~ Act. ' 37. -Vote of the ToWn! Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny~ Councilwoman Cochran~ JUstice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was de~:lared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR ~ ~ We are going to recess and not close the meeting at this : to talk to our Town Attorney, so i'd like-at this ti k if they have anything further to report, e. COUNCILMAN PENNY: T? report? Just that we reappointed the Kenny's BeaCh Shoreline Eirosion control Committee, of which I am a member. We're still waiting for the State to come up with funding for a study. As you may, or may not know, we have a very serious erosion problem on the north side of Town.We'vegotten approval from the State intially, but the money hasn't been put in the budget for a $50,000.00 study. The State to provide-.- 80% - of it, the County. is already committed in this 'years budget, to 21%. The - ' Town's portion of it, would be 90%,However, we~urge the Legislatures and the State to pass the budget, post haste, and leave our funds in there so we can get this study done, because it's very inportant to the Town of Southold, and to the future of one of our Town beaches. We've been very lucky ir~'he last couple of years, the erosion has been minimal, and I'd like to ~hank the Highway Department for the superb job that they've done and are going ~do in the next few weeks, redredging and sand moving operation from Goldsmith's Inlet to enhance our beach again, so very possibly the destruction this winter will be minimal, because we're going to put more sand there, so rather than lose it, we hope we don't lose any more than we put in there, and we don't lose anymore of the public area that we already have. Thank you. ~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Jean? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Nothing at this time, Frank. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ellen? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Yes, Frank. I've been working with Rob Berntsson on the possiblity of matching our Open Space Bond Act money with EQBE funding money that's available to the Town on a matching basis. Because of the wording of our Open Space.law it isn't possible. I did discuss with him the possiblity of matching our Park and Recreation money, of which there's quite a substantial amount in there, at this point, over $150,000.00 nowhere hear the $1,750,009.00 we have in Open Space. I think the point that I'm trying to make, is that as members of the Town Board, we're looking very seriously at the amount of space that we have in parks, the amoun_t of development being proposed and the amount of open space that we have?~ within the Town, and searching for alternative funding methods to help insure the scenic easements, visual easements and open space that we need for the Town. In the past months, there has been some discussion on various methods, such as clustering. We do have a Local Law proposed right now to allow the Town to accept property and own it in lieu of development. There have been some questions raised in the past, specifically by Councilmar~. Penny, that this land will be taken off of the tax roll. I think, a good case .n point~ on Shelter Island, where one third of the island is in preserva- tion and in open space, and it has never effected their tax roll. I just wanted to give you some background on that. 3 2'2: SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Raymond? JUSTICE EDWARDS: Nothing.; Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I Would just like to add to my comments before, I do appreciate the cooperation of the' entire Town Board on whose ever available, going on these- trips, and ias an example r're not a luxury?jaunt, we left from my house at 5:30 the( and that meant that Ruth and Jean,had to ~ound-5:~ Vhole day traveling to Florida, up were back at eleven o'clock the next morning. So it's not pleasant and I do appreciate the cooperation. I think the people ~of ~o~th0id ToWn really are going to be the winners. COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: We got up. at 3:30 one morning, and 5:00 the next. SUPERVIS~(~;R MURPHY: Okay, at this time, if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board before we recess, and we will be gOing into- executive session and then we'll open-the meeting again. PETER BATALIAS: My name is Peter Batalias; and I've been a resident of Suffolk County for almost 60 years, and I've dealt with every Supervisor in Suffolk County for 30 years on waste disposal, and; in my experience .SUpervisor-Murphy is the-most I<nowledgabi~ Person I have eve~ dealt W~th in regards to solid waste disposal, and the Town. of Southold is going to benefit from his experience, and his intellegence. SeCondly, th~ presentation of the bids are public record. I wonder if I could have the names of ti~ose who submitted bids, or'the organizations 1~hat submitted bids. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: At this time, no. PETER BATALIAS: They're public records. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I'm not sure if we're accepting them yet. PETER BATALIAS: It's very difficult for me .... SUPERVISOR MURPHY: an answer. After we talk to the Town Attorney I can give ~/ou PETER BATALIAS: Okay, Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone else who would like to address the Town Board? RONNIE WACKER: I had a question. You answered it already. I wanted to know what anybody was doing about the Master Plan. So now I know. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. We're moving. I thought three years ago. That was my prediction. That's how good we are. Anyone else? If not, I will recess for the time it takes to meet with the Town Attorney. Thank you. Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, that a .recess be called at 4:15, to meet with the Town Attorney. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution Was declared duly ADOPTED. Meeting reconvened at 4:45 P.M. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I'd like to reopen the regular Town Board meeting, and' the ones we've bypassedr number 22 is a resolution approving and adopting, the amendments to Chapter AI08, Highway Specifications, from the Town Code. I offer that resolution. 22.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED ~hat the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approve and ,adopts the foll~inq amendments to Chapter A108, Hiqhway Specifications, from the Code of the Town of Southold, as recommended the Superintendent of Highways, Town Board Highway Committee and Planning Board: SEPT~EMBER 20, I BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board'of the ToWn of Southold as follows: I. Chapter A 108 (.Highway Specifications) is hereby amended as follows: 1. ~ A108-26 is amended by amending the title of said sections to read as follows: ~ A108-26 Recharge Basins-Type A and Drainage Areas. 2. § A108-26 A is amended to read as follows: A. Recharge Basins-Type A and Drainage Areas are designed to return stormwater to the existing groundwater aquifer. An area of eight (8) acres or more shall be deemed necessary for a recharge basin or drainage area. In areas less than eight (8) acres,-other drainage facilities such as drywells, etc. may be installed as approved by the Town Engineer having been designed for a 10 year storm or 2" rainfall in 24 hours. 3. ~ A108-26 B is amended to read as follows: B. All stormwater recharge basins, Type A and Drainage Areas shall be designed to provide storage based on an anticipated runoff from a 6" rainfall in 24 hours on the tributary area under conditions of total potential development multiplied by a weighted runoff coefficient (Minimum twenty hundredths) (0.20). 4-.~A,~108-42. is amended by lettering the existing paragraph as 5. ~ A108-42 is amended by adding a new subsection "B" to read as follows: B. In a major subdivision when the'~unber of lots to be served by proposed street is four (4) or less, and, further, there is no likelihood of the street servicing more than four (4) lo~s, the Planning B~ard, at its discretion, may waive the ma3or road specifications as set forth herein, and, in their place, substitute the following alternative road specifications: (1) Base course for asphalt pavement. (a') The base course shall consist of three fourths inch stone blend or crushed concrete compacted to a four inch depth. If clay or other unsuitable material is found below the base course, it shall be removed and replaced with twelve (12) inches of compacted bankrun containing ten percent (10%) or more of gravel. The twelve-inch replacement dept~' may be modified according to existing conditions as approved by the Engineer. {~) The soil base shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall be smooth, parallel to and at the required depth below the base course. The soil base shall not be in a muddy or frozen condition before placing base course material. The base course material shall be deposited on the prepared grade by means of a dump truck, spreader, tailgate or other approved maans of depositing. Spreading the base course mate~i~i shall be done by approved spreading e~ipment. After the loose material has been spread evenly so that it will have the required thickness after compaction, correct grade for succeeding courses, segregation of any large or fine particles corrected, it shall be rolled with approved roller~c. weighing not less than ten (10) tons. Rolling must' begin at the sides and continue toward the center and shall continue until there is no movement of the course ahead of the roller. A minimum of four 32:4 SEPTEMBER 20,, 1988 [1] Asphalt concrete one and one half (1 1/2) inche~ in compacted depth. The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone; the fine aggregate sand and mineral filler. The mineral filler shall consist of limestone dust, cement or silica sand. Iai The combined materials shall have the following composition: Screen Sizes General Limits (percent passage) Job MiX (percent tolerance) 1 inch 100 +0 1/2 inch 95-100 +5 1/4 inch 65-85 +7 1/8 inch 32-65 +7 20- 15-39 +7 40 7-25 +7 80 3-12 +4 200 2-6 +2 % Asphalt cement grade AC-20 5.8-7.0 +0.4 [bi Temperature range placing: two hundred twenty five degrees to two hundred seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (225° to 275°F). No material shall be- placed when the air and surface on which the material is to be placed is below forty degrees Fahrenheit (40° F). [2] Bituminous surface treatment double application. Ia] The first course shall consist of an application of emulsified asphalt, gra~CRSr2, applied at a rate of' ~ .30 gal~ to .45 gal./s.y.; and the spreading and rolling of crushed blue stone aggregate at a rate of 25 lbs. to 30 lbs./s.y. The aggregate shall have the fOllowing composition: Screen Sizes General Limits (Percent Passage by Weight) 1" 100 1/2" 90.-100 ' !./4" 0-1 [bi The second course shall consist of an application of emulsified asphalt, grade CRS-2, applied at a rate of .20 gal. to .35 gal./s.y.; and the spreading and rolling of crushed blue stone aggregate at a rate of 20 lbs. to 25 lbs. /s.y. The aggregate shall have the following composition: Screen Sizes General Limits (Percent Passage~by Weight) 1/2" 100 1/4" 90-100 1/8" 0-15 The double application bituminous surface treatment, ~he~ required, shall not be placed until the binder course has' been satisfactorily completed, cured and approved by the · O Engineer. The liquid asphalt shall be evenly applied t the road surface by means of a pressure distributor, at t25°F to 185°F and at the rate specified. The distributor shall be equipped with an accurate measuring device which indicates ~. the exact number of gallons remaining within the distributor tank. Note that the rate of application may be adjusted depending on the specific gradation of the crushed blue stone to be used. No asphalt unless sufficient truck loads by at the paving site and, in the opinion of the Engineer, all asphalt distributed will be immediately coVered with aggregate. Sufficient time shall elapse between the completion of the first course and the placing of the second course so that the bituminous material in the first course has time to set or cure. Prior to the placement of the second course, the surface to be paved shall be drag broomed and the excess on the sides of the roads shall be evenly distributed across the entire width of the pavement. Any damage to the pavement shall be repairedwith asphalt and stone applications prior to the placement of the second course. Additional stone shall be applied to take up any bleeding that occurs. All rolling shall be done by pneumatic tired rollers or steel wheeled rollers no heavier than $ tons. No material shall be placed when the air temperature is below 50°F or if the road surface temperature is less than 70°F. (e) The width of the base course shall be 22'. The width of. the binder course shall be 21' and it shall be centered over the base course. The width of the wearing course shall be 20' and it shall be centered over the binder course. See standard drawing SD-854M. '6. The attached drawing, numbered SD 854M, shall be added in numerical order to the current drawings at the end of Chapter A108. .TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD ASPHALT ROADWAY FOR'MINOR SUBDIVISIONS ! I0'-0" I0' - 0" : , I ~ WEARING COURSE, SEEDED ' ~'~%~ , . BITUMINOUS .SURFACE TREATMENT--DOUBLE COURSE ' 4!' COMPACTED BASE COURSE ~/4" STONE BLEND OR CRUSHED CONCRETE TYPICAL SECTION PREPARED A~D RECOMMEI~DEO DY ~r HIGHWAYS . DWG. NO. .CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~RAY..M,OND JACOBS~'t ~,.(.] ~ ~___.~. 9-20-88DATE SD_-854M I1. This resolution shall take effect immediately. SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Nos: Councilman Penny. This 'resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 32a, which is an authorization for payment. 32a.-Moved by Councilwoman I_arsen, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the-Town 'of Southold hereby settles the two law suits pending a~lainst the Town and authorizes payment Of th~ sum of $2,248.00 to Ron Morizzo Builder~ Inc., and the sum of $8,080.t4 to Lo Stack Interiors, subject to the receipt of a General Release and Stipula- tion of Discontinuance by Special Counsel Francis Yakaboski. 32a.-Vote of the Town Board.: Ayes: Councilwoman I_arsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 32B i$ to authorize payment 32b.-Moved by Coucilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes payment of the sum of $1,094.58 to Suffolk Lighting, and the sum of $1,300.00 to Joseph Ma~a~nin, subject to the settlement of the law suits against the Town of Southold of Ron Morizzo Builder, Inc. and Lo Stack Interiors. 32b.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: No others? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: That's it. ~SUPERVISOR MURPHY: ^ resolution to close? Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman /arsen, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 4:50 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: CoUncilwoman I~sen, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.