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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-09/06/1988SOUTH~)~D- TOWN BOARD
Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond W. Edwards (2:00 P.M.),
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Councilwoman Ellen M.
Larsen, Oeputy Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville (morning work session), Town Clerk
Judith T. Terry (afternoon work session), Town Attorney James-A. Schondebare.
Absent: Councilman George L. Penny IV'.
9:10 A.M. - For Discussion Items: (1) Oiuscussed and determined the amount of funds
to be deposited with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes by
Henry Arbeeny (see resolution no. 16). (2) Oiscussed pump-out facilities at marinas.
This matter will be referred to the Town Trustees, and Councilwoman Lars'~n will set
up a meeU,ng o,~ the Inland Waterways Committee. (3) Fee increases - will be discussed
by the Parks and Beaches Committee at their September 9, 1988 meeting. _ (4) Letter
from former part-time Bay Constable for Fishers Island, Steve Malinowski, which will
be discussed with Justice Edwards in executive session. (5) Oiscussion with respect
to the request of the Griswold-Terry-Glover Post No. 803 to prepare a Generic Environ-
mental Impact Statement concernining their change of zone petition will be held for the
September 20th ~meeting. (6) Oiscussed the proposed acquisition of the Southo[d Green,
and the amount of~money to be paid to the Peconic Land Trust at the closing (see
resolution no. 17). (7) Oraft EnvironmentaI Impact Statement for the Composting
Facility has been received, and deemed to be complete (see resolution no. 18). (8)
& (9) Farmland Committee and Open Space Committee - last date for receipt of resumes
is September 15, 1988, and date for interviews will be set at the next Board meeting.
(10) Interviews for a member of the Board of Appeals will be held on September 12,
I988. (1I) Abandonment of a partion of Grand Avenue, site of the former bridge,
will be discussed with Superintendent of Highways Jacobs later in the meeting (.see
resolutions 2I[a) and 21(b)). (12) Oiscussed the amount of money to be deposited
with the Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes by Wolf Pit Associates
for Wolf Pit Pond Estates, Mattituck (see resolution no. 19).
9:35 A.M. - Town Attorney Schondebare diSCUssed-the Grand Avenue Brid~le. Mr.
Schondebare had spoken to Superintendent of Highways Jacobs who stated that he
-doesn't want the property which was the site of the former br~Jdqe, and suggested
that it be conveyed to the adjacent property owner that it origir~ally came from by
Quitclaim Oeed. Supervisor}Murphy stated he had also discussed this with the property
owner and suggeste~ they file a lot line change with the Planning Board. This road
over the old bridge has not been~used since 1;971-72. The embankment walls on both
sides are fally in and creating a hazard. The: Suffolk County Oepartment of Public
Works will work with the Highway Department regarding dismantling and removal, but
the ownership mus~ first be dete~min~d. SuPerintendent of Highways Jacobs will be
contacted to meet with the Board.
9:50 A.M. Boa~rd reviewed regular me~ting resolutions.
10:45 A.M. - Board discussed personnel matters.
11:15 A.M. - Community Oevelopment Administrator James McMahon met with the Board
to discuss drainage maintenance projects at Hobart and Korn Roads and County Route
48, Southold. Mr. McMahon also discussed the Town's Shellfish Management Program,
and the Board agreed the Town should set up a permanent Shellfish Management
Pro,'ram developing a plan for t~e_. seeding of she fish. Councilwoman Larsen offered
to work with Mr. McMahon on ~h'[S committee. .The Board then discussed~.the number
of moorings in the bay and creeks and the need to update the mooring map. They
discussed the approximately 2,000 commercial moorings located at private marinas
which are actually in Town waters on Town property and the possibility of initiating
a $25.00 annual fee for a Town permit. The Trustees will be consulted on this matter
and a local law prepared if lot is decided to pursue it.
11:25 A.M. - Board audited outstanding vouchers.
11:40 A.M. - Recess for lur~ch.
2:00 P.M. - Work Session re,convened; Town Clerk Judith Terry present.
Peter Lieblein met with~ the Board to discuss his recommendations for cleaning u~
the wa~ay~nd around Southold Town. He urged the Board to stop road
into the creeks and bay, clean up the sides of the roads, require boats to have hold~
tanks and marinas to have pump-out stations. Mr. Lieblein was assured tl~e Board is
working in ever~y way possible to prevent pollution to the creeks and bays~ and appreciat~
his concern and recommendations.
2: 40 P.M, -,' Board~diS~Cussed, perso~n~el matters.
3:00 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
7:30 P.M.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday
September 6, 1988, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York
Supervisor Murphy opened the meeting at 7:30 P. M. with the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D, Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. The first order of business is a resolution
aipproving the audit of the bills of September 6, 1988.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
I~ESOLVED the the following audited bills be and hereby are ordered paid:
Ger~eral Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $71,435.34; General Fund,
Part Town bills in the amount of $9,406.00; Highway Department, Whole Town
bills in the amount of $5f627.67; Highway Department, Part Town bills in the
amount of $35,879.69; Highway Department, CHIPS in the amount of $12;321~26;
Southold Wastewater District in the amount of $18,006.83; Fishers Island Ferry
District in the amount of $96,134.95; Agency & Trust bills in the amount of
$15~116.97; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount
of $474.82; Nutrition Fund in the amount of $2,617.39; Snap Program in the
amount of $1,300.30; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of $872.00;
Shellfish Management Capital Account in the sum of $2,589.83; Olden Sp~ce .~.· '~
Acquisitition Capital Account in the sum of $500.00 -
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Supervisor Murphy. Abstained:
Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly AOOI~TED. -.
SUPEB~ISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution approving ~e minutes of the Town
Board meeting held on August 23, 1988.
~.e~ed by Councilwoman Oliva, Seconded by' Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESO. LVED that the minutes of the regular Southold Town Board meeting held
on A'ugust 23, 1988 be' and her~ approved.
Vote of the Town. Board: ~¥es: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Co~-h,-~n, Justice Edwards, SuPervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared 'duly. ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolu,,ti(~n setting the next meeting date for
September 20th, 1988, 3:00 'P.M., Southold TowR Hall. I offer that resolution.
Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the next reslular Southold Town Board meeting will be held at
3:00 P.M., Tuesday,~ Sel~tember 20, 1,988, Southeld Town Hall, Main Road,
$outhold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny,, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared'duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first item on the agenda are Reports. I'd like
to remi!iid anyone who's interested they are on file in the Town Clerk's Office
for anyone to look. at them.
1. Times Mirror Cable Television report for the month of August, 1988.
2. Suffolk County Department of Labor EcOnomic Indicator Report,
August, 1988.
3. Recreation Department's Monthly report for August, 1988.
4. Town Clerk's monthly, report for Aug[zst, I988.
5. Building Department s,.monthly report for August, 1988.
6. Scavenger Waste Treatment, Facility monthly report, for August, 1988.
7. Dog, Shelter monthly report., for August, ~988
8. Councilman's Reports. At "this time I would like to ask the Councilman,
if they have aa,yth~ng special to report, starting on my right with Ruth Oliva.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Thank. you, Frank. On August 24th, I attended a
Farmland Preservation Committee meeting. We went over several appraisals
on different pr;operties, and weql inform these people about the different things,
they talked about. Also, we"d like to get a hold of the Riverhead's Bill of Rights
to farm and see if'we can update that. I've contacted Rob Pike, but he did
not call me back, So, hopefully by the next meeting we'll be able to give that
to them. There was a Housinc~ Committee on August 25th, which Jean will report
on. On August 29th, I attended the Greenport Utility Committee meeting. They
seemed to be getting going on several new well sites, and hopefully they will
be moving along, so we will get a little more water. On August 30t`h, we had
an Open Space Committe meeting. We were not pleased with one of the appraisals,
and we are going back to ask the appraiser for a better explanation. We are
going for other appraisals for different properties,and inquiring perhaps about
the Fort Corchaug area-. Also, perhaps, some properties in Cutchogue. We will
be meeting again on October 6th. On 31st, we had a Code Committee
meeting, and we sat down with the Tree Committee;, who were most anxious to
meet with us, as they had drawn up a Tree Ordinance. We went over it and
they unfortunately found that they did not have the iuris~tiction that they thought
they had, ~
to them, th
sit down pc
and 25 wer{
the Plannin,
site plans,
will go over
place. The~
2nd, Jean,
which I'm s
beautiful fli
care of thei
and the mo.
Thank you,
.ecause many :of our roads are both State and County. We suggested
~t they do get in touch .with these various agencies, and they could
rhaps and go over some things as far as planting trees-on both ~8
~ necessary, and see if they can do it. They will sit down with
;~ Board as tol, perhaps, the ,type of trees that could be planted on
and the attorneys will review ~:he ordinance. The Tree (~ommittee
some other l~,ortions of it. ~Thier hearts are Certainly in the right
're trying to .do a good job to beautify our town. On Friday, September
Frank and I .visited a refuse, derived fuel plant in Norfolk, Virginia,
Jre Frank wilt talk about, which was a very interesting day, alnd
ght down. It was very good to see how other people are taking
r refuse; how they re doing it; the machines that are being used
~e We learn, ~he q~icker w~'ll ~3e to make decisions ir~.our own la~fill.
MURPHY: Thank you, Jean . George?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ruth, I'm sorry. I'm spending too much time with you
COUClLWOMAN COCHRAN: We ldave again tomorrow.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: On the 24th, we had a meeting of the Commei'ce and
Industry Committee. We discussed the progress-and the status'of the proposed
Master Plan. We discussed the proposed 'peddling ordinance chanqes~ and at
our next meeting, we're going to have some recomendations for some changes
in that area. We discussed, bid,procedure for projects under the bid limits,
and hopefully we're going to make some suggest]ons~to the Town BOard on
following and specified format On these smaller bids. We discussed Town ,fees,
and rules for waiving, the 3'own fees.- We' discussed the' Town Green., A matter
of particular inte~ ng machines
on the: sidewaiks~
the Town, and we're reviewing, ~ make
our streets look
Watershed Protect
Committee meeting, you;
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Jean?
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: On the 25th of September, the Housing Comn~ittee
did meet, to continue reviewing our affordable housing law. It seems'like we've
been reviewing it for-quite some time, but we keep getting bogged down i~n different
areas in relation to philosophy and what we see as ~ affordable housing. The
Housing Committee has invited the Greenport Utitlity Committee to meet, jointly,
with us, in relation to affordable housing. The Committee feels that it's most
inportant to determine the availability of-water, in an area where~an affordable
housing project is going to be. Also, ~there'~ a~-'importance to the requirements
that the project has to meet in relation to water, .'We, ,also ,' ~ feel 'that it is important
that the availability in an area be,discussed before the Town Board grants~ a
zone change in relation to ithe afffOrdable housing ~listrict~ rAlSO, ] spent some
time up here the last' two Weeks, taking care o~ ~ome persor~nel ~robl~ms~ In
addition, on Friday, as Ruth said,'we jour,neyed"d~wn to Portsmouth, Virginia,
to view this RDF plant.
the Navy and themselves,
has built a power plant,
because they talked of the possibility, of buying oust the power Plant, and it
would all be run as public ~nterpri§~'. It was ~ s' facility. I
think they had top notch equipmentr, . I me'we go on one'of these
trips; and we leave for,Florida tomorrow for a few day.~ that's why' Frank made
the comment he's spending much ti 3ecause 'we'll :be joinin9 him
again; I feel that it's part
these types :of plants, the
direction with composting.
l~hink th~at'S about,:it,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Ellen?
and the more I see of
in the right
COUCILWOMAN LARSEN: Thanks, Frank. On Tuesday, the 23rd, I attended
Local Waterfront Revitilization Program, ! spoke with Peter Walsch, ~ho is the
liaison between the Town of Southold 'and the New York State Department of
State. The Local Waterfro~,t, Re~itilization Program ,is based on forty-four state
policies that call for development and .rehabilitation ~of our waterfront. The
committee has gotten as fa~,aS Orient Point in their review. The Town is
divided into nine sections under their program,l'and they're moving into the
bays. Hopefully within the next year our progr,am will finalize~ within the Town,
which will enable us to apply for :additional stat~ monies, and be reimbursed
for various projects that we~',want to: do along the ~aterfront in the Town.
On the 24th, I attended the Farmland:Preservatii0n meeting, which is chaired
by Robert Villa. Bud CybulsNi, AleX- Hargrave and RUth Oliva, and myself were
in attendence. I had introduced the concept of!a ~ight, to farm bill'to the committee
and based on Easthampton Town, Rut~ had gone th~-ough her files, and drawn
out Riverhead. Both the EaS:~ampton ,Right 'to Farn~ BHi, and the Riverhead
Right to Farm Bill had been forwarded to the Town Attorney. The Farm Preserva-
tion Committee feels that it'~s necessary.. Supervisor Mu~rphy backs it, and feels
that its necessary. So, hopefully, we'll be working on that, I'm sure, w~t-~.~
continuous allocation of farmland. On the 25th, I attended the Housing Corem.tree
meeting, which Councilwoman Cochran reported on. I, also, attended the Trustees'
work session, to discuss various matters,of Town Boarc and Trustee concern
with them. I met with Toni Booth, who is the Town Historian. We are going
over the areas of historic significance,-along the coastline to ~nc0rporate that
within the Local Waterfront Revitilization Program. Du~pg the following week
I took a vacation. Thank you, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Thank you, Fitank. The day after our last meeting, I went
into Riverhead, and did six pieCes of, t~affic in the Motor Vehicle Department.
I tried to get. home to the Island Wednesday evening. I had my boat over here.
I had the boat al/ untied~ and star~d out of the slip and I picked up an old
sunken line; wrapped it around the wheel. I had to spend the evening. Mr.
Douglas lifted me out of the water at seven o'clock Thursday morning, and for
a very slight nominal fee, we iUst took ithe little loop of lin~ right Off, and I
. A :little late, ,,sterday,
ever seen,
and'it w. as Theii yesterday, there ~undred
cars vacated F~shers Island. When I checked the dock this morn ng~ it~ looked
like the island had ,come out of the water about two f~e~. TomorroiW ~o~ ~g,
I have si,x more pieces: of work for the Motor Vehicle. I did fly oyer today.
I was late. The Sound is too rough to come by boat. lill b~:~fly~ng.~; ba~l~: '~' probably~
late tomorrow afternoon. That's it. Thank you, Frank.
SUP ~': Thank you, Raymond. A couple of:other thi I'd
.can see everybody is really quite busy. Our As tant
a proud father of a young boy. His w'ifei~g
Da~ I doing w~ell, including Rob Corch~aU . We
he~rd ~'s office :today, and they are
tio~. ~ the County. So we are prog ~,.' The
tri~ both Rutl~ and J:ean, and 'l-went-on. s are
very ~ost important part is to see a lot of them, befbi~e
start . negotiation. We're in the final stages RFP. ~bly,
the teat has ever been started in Southo:h it"s
~e know as much about the whole
all what these vendors
is Jim,McMahon, myself and oar couns
the. DEC last week, on funding.
and~ we that we have such a unique .going
to be ~ ~ favorable by the DEC on this lundin, should
come out of very well.
COUNClLWO~A~N~i~I~SEN: Frank, you might want to mention that they're recruiting
temporary w°ri~k~ for the 1990 census.
SUPERVISOR M:URPHY: Yes, really, anyone looking for a iob, part-time, older
people, excercise. There's a test that will be given through September 6th. Today.
I think i~t's~just the application. Judy has the information.
II. PUBLIC ~NOT]'~I:CES~. Moving on to the second item on our agenda is Public
Notices. These ~are po§ted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for anyone to
1. US.Army Corps of Engineers, NY District: Application of Cedar Beach
Park Associat~s,i Inc.!, to dredge Stillwater :L~ke, 'Little Pecor~ic [~ay at Southo]d,
Town of Southold, for the purpose of maintaining adequate depths for 'mooring~
with 10 year maintenance. Written comments by September 19, 1988.
2. US D~partment of Commerce, Announcement of recruiting temporary
orkers to help II~rep~re 1990 census address list. Walk-in tests given through
September 6~
3. NeW i~ork Department of Environmental Conservation, notice of complete
application of Ho~ce ~Kelland to construct an addition to an existing dwelling
adjacent to a p(~n~ on the south side of Fishers Island. Comments by September
16, 1988.
4. New i¥ork State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice
of complete app, lication of the Incorporated Village of Greenport I~o install a new
well at Plant No'. ~;~7 off North Road 500 feet east of Ackerly Pond! Lane: in Green-
port. Comments by September 23, 1988.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number threee, are communications, and some of them
are very interest~ing. ~ln particular, two young girls in Southold, who asked
that we put some signs up, because they didn't want the people hurt, or the
deer hurt. There were a lot in their neighborhood, ant it was reallv fantastic
Then we got Ray; Jacobs and Danny, they cooperated, and we got the siqns
up immediately, and the girls wrote a very nice note back, thanking the-Town
Board for the prompt ~action. It's always good to hear that.
COI~'NClLWOMAN LARSEN:The gir~:S were Katie Richardson and Maureen Wilinski.
I. Maureen Wilinski and Katie Richardson, of Southold, thanking the
Town for putting up deer signs on their street.
2. Patrick G. Halpin, Suffo k County Executive, providing the Town
of Southold with [he deeds for fOur county-~)wned properS:les for the development
of affordable housing.
3. Patrick G~ Halpin, Suffolk County Executive~ concerning the departure
of the physician fat the RJverhead Health Center.
Su :rvisor of the Town-of Brookhaven, thanking
5. islature, to recommend favorable
action the ,'r Post: American
Legion for ~rezoning.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll move on to Resolutions. I'd like to remind anyone
in the audience that the policy of the Town Board is that if you would like to
address the Town~Board on any of the proposed resolutions you may do so at
this .time. If;you would like to address the Town Board on any other matters~
we'd ask you ~to~ ~ait un,til ~the end of the meeting, When we're here for you
to say anythi0g[ to the Town Board. Is there anyone who would
like Town ~Board now, on any proposed ~ resolution? (No response.)
move ~o~ to the first resolution, which is to grant permisssion
to attend, a t~aining course~.
1.-Moved by Cou.ncilWoman ICochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that ~he~Tow~ Board of the Town of Southold hereby' ~trants p~rmission
for Communi strator James C. McMahon to attend a Shorelin~
Surve~ by the ~US Food and
East Region, at the North Techinical. Services Unit,
Day Monday, OctOber 3, 1988 through Thursday October 6,
1988, and ; for travel,, meals, lodging, and registration shall
be a legal charge ~aga Town of Southold.
1.-Vote of the Town BOrard: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny~,,Couln~i~oman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution wa~ d~clared clu, l¥ ADOPTi~D.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number two, is to authorize a consent to change attorneys.
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor ~Francis J. Murphy to execute a Consent to Chan~e of Attorney
in the matter of K~lly, V., Town of Southold, whereby the firm of Huenke &
Rodriguez, ESqs., Car[e Place, New York will be substituted as attornesy of 'record
for defendant/thirdl party plaintiff and second third pary plaintiff.
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, CouncilWoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolu[[on was declared'duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPH~f: Numer'three is a resolution to request a US Enviromental
Protection Agent to establish a no-discharge zone in the County waters and request
the State Department of Environmental Conservation to formally petition the US
EPa to establish suCh'no-d~ischarge zones.~ I offer that resolution.
3.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen,
WHEREAS, the most significant impact upon marine waters from boating activities is
the discharge::of u~ntreated and partially treated sanitary wastes; and
WHEREAS, ~he discharge o~ these wastes has been shown to cause elevated fecal
coliform counts and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) loadings to levels which can
be quite harmful to marine environments; and .~
WHEREAS, these boat wastes contain amonia, phosphorous, nitrates, BOD's, COD's,
total solids, and suspended solids, all of which are untreated sanitary wastes; and
WHEREAS, these boat wastes also contain large amounts of fecal coliform and other
types of bacteria, viruses arid fungi, which are in turn inqested by clams, oysters,
mussels, scallops and othe~ filter feeding marine life,; and-
WHEREAS, as these concentrations of pathogenic organi.F~s reach certain levels, most
shellfish become t~ansmitters of disease, such as viral I~epatitis and gastroenteritis
(food poisoning); and
WHEREAS, due to the concentration of o~-~/gen demanding substances, which in turn
can .~educe the oxygen needed by other aquatic species, these severe anaerobic
conditions may result in changes,.~.n the composition of the biological structure and
species in the affected bodies of~water; and
WHEREAS,the establishment of no-discharge zones for Suffolk County waters would
go a long way towards improving the water quality of our marine environment; now,
therefore, be it
RESO[ t the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests that the
United! Environmental Protection Agency establish no-discharge zones~for all
of the waters of Suffolk County; and be it further
: State
ion be
dte'd StateS, to
3 .- V~o;
4. -Moved'
d i rect:
the w
umber 4'is; ;to execute a lease agreement.
seconded;by LCouncilwoman Cochran, it was
~rd of the ~own of South61d hereby authorizes and
r, to execute a lease agreement between the
Town of Southold f0r~, the black top driveway to
· e House and' the blacN't0p parking area ,to the north
for:a .term of five-years:, September 1, 1988 through
rent of ten ($10.00) dollairs, to be paid in full upon
Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
COChran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
Iduly ~DOPTED~ ' '~
next one is one
! might comment that the last resolution and the next
~intent to ilo paving on private property,
· so that we can have Town parking. The
~h the Cutchogue Presbyterian Church.
5.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisore Francis J. Murphy to execute a lease aqreement between the
Cutcho~lue Presbyterian Church and the Town of Southold for the black top parking
area north of the church building, and the black top access driveways from Highland
Road to the parking area, for term Of five years, October 1, 1988 through October
1, 1993, at a total rent of ten ($10.:00) dollars, to be paid in full upon execution
of the lease.
5.-Vote o£ the Town Board:, Ayes: Coulncilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny~ Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution Was declared duly;ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 6 is a memorolizing resolution in support of a
of a National Estuary designation for the Peconic Bay system. I offer that resolu-
6.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran,
WHEREAS, the Water Quality Act of 1987 formally establishes the National Estuary
Program with the goal of identifying nationally significant estuaries, protecting and
improving their water qualtiy, and enhancing their living resources; and
WHEREAS, the National Estuary Program provides for joint participation by federal
state, and local governments in formulating a framework for addressing pollutions
problems and the effects of overuse and development in and around the designated
estuarine system; and
WHEREAS, the National Estuary Program specifically calls for the development of
comprehensive conservation and management plans that recommend actions to~estore
and maintain individually designated estuaries; and
WHEREAS, the Peconic Bay and its immediate surrouding area contain natural
recources requiring the most stringent steps to protect them as integral components
of Suffolk County's unique environment and fragile scenic beauty; and
WHEREAS, the Peconic Bay system has exhibited signes of stress and degradation,
most notably the Brown Tide Phenomenon; and ~.~
WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk has appropriated funding and initiated research
and monitoring programs to address the deteriorating water quality conditions of
the Peconic Bay systems; and
WHEREAS, federal, state and local governments have simi'larly recognized t~ne need
for a comprehensive management plan for the environmentally sensitive Peconic
Bay estuarine system, therefore, let it be
RESOLVED that the, Town.Board of the Town of Southold hereb~y reaffirms i~ts
commitment'to the protection of~ the environmentally ~and economically si,qnigi~ant
Peconic Bay estuarine system;.and be it, further
RESOLVEI~ that this Board hereby .ur.qes.~the federal -nments
to join together ini~a cooperative partne~rshi
tion .for the Peconic I~a¥~?syStem; ~ ~
and R
tol the Ne~W York
States House of Representative an¢
the United States, and the Long Isl
6.-Vote of the Tow, n Councilman Penny,
This resolution was declared ~(~Ul
7.-Moved by Councilwoman O'liv,a~ 'seconi~ed
regret, .the, .resignation
Students, effective immediately, and' Wish them ~bo~h
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Councilman Penny, Councilwom~n
This resolution was declared duly ~TED.
Ed~vards. Supe
it~ was~
. ~Supe~visor Mur~phy.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA:~ .~1 would, just add~ that we 'received very lovely thank
you notes from both of theme., They I~ol~e to'~'be considered for future summer
jobs. ~
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ruth, I would like to amend that by authorizing
employment for their vacation time. This is a program we put in last year,
and we had tremendous success with it. We had a young: girl from~ each of the
high schools, and all three of them were absolutely fantastic, and did a tremen-
dous job for the Town, and I think it helped them in their preparation for
college. Number 8 is a budget modification.
8.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded byCoun~ilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVEO that the Town Board of the Town ot ~outhold hereby authorizes the
followinc~ 1988 Budqet modification to the General Fund -Whole Town:
TO: A8310.1 Water Advisory Committee, .Personal Services $ 2,500.00
A8310.4 Water Advisory Committee, Contr. Expenses 4,000.00
A1990.4 Contingent, Contractual Expenses 1,000.00
From: A8030.4 Research, Contractual Expenses~ $ 7,500.00
Water Advisory Committee budget for 1988' amounting to $7,500.00 was included in
Research, Contractual Expenses A8030.4. The above modification will replace $1,000.00
taken from Contingent and, moved to Water Advisory Committee (August 9, 1988 modifica-
tion~ and correct the separate account for Water Advisory Committee to the correct
budget of ~7,500.00.
8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declaredduly ADOPTED,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 9 is to execute a change order.
9.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute Change order No. 6, Ferrari
Concret~ Co., Inc., General ConstructiOn & Mechanical Work, Southold Scavenger
Waste Treatment Facitity, for a no-cost~ time extension of siXty (60) calendar days,
which will establish the new project completion date at November 29, 1985; and be
it fu rt~her
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes payment
of $31,000.00 to Ferran Concrete Co., Inc., which sum includes the amount remaining
for punch list and the amount pursuant to Change Order No. 6.
9.-Vote.of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoma~-Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPER~IS.OR MURPHY: Number 9,B is~ to authorize the close,out of the Southold
Wastewater CaPital FUnd and directs that th~ fund balance and all. residual monies
he'transferred to the Southold Wastewater DistriCt. I might jUst comment at
this time, that now that we're able to close out the final change order on it,
it's apparent that whole sewage plant down there, was built with government
m0ne~;i With ~federal and state m~ne~L; and that our local share we were able to
make up through ~ents of the funds, so that the actual cost to th~tax
payers over and lat we pay in state and federal income tax was notlsing.
Which have a fairly.~nice su~rplus :tiS~put into their
' this resolution.
9b.-Moved I
and ~
9b.-Vol~e ~
seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, ilt was
the Town of Southold her he
}ital Fund and direc~ fund :balance
to the Southold Was' ater Distr~ict.
res: CoUncilwoman LarSen, cilwoman Oliva,
· Justice~ Edwards, Supervisor-Murphy.
SUPERV~ISOR MURPHY: Number 1-0 is to authorize travel.
Ruth D.. O!iva
of Southold ~
seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
of the Town of Southold hereby' authorizes
ilwoman Jean W. Cochran, and Councilwoman
to the Town· to. Norfolk:· Vir~linia, on
Eastern Resources Management recycling operation,
~r meals shall be a legal charge against the Town
10.-Vote of Ithe Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman ,Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution iwas declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And there were none. That's a good one.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: No expenses. Thrifty.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: NUmber 11 is to authorize additional travel.
11.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes all
Town Board members to travel to Sumter County, Florida, on September 7,8
1988, 'to view the U. S. Environmental Recovery Systems sumter County Resource
Recovery Composting System, and the actual expenses for travel, meals and
lodging shall be a legalL charge against the Town of Southold.
11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny· Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Ruth, Frank and Jean will be taking this trip, as
well, and bringing lots of information back for the rest of us.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll start traveling at 5:15 tomorrow morning.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Guess who made the arrangements. And the weather-
man said they're having September rains in Florida. Bring a rain coat.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And they're coming back that early the next day.
And Number 12 is to authorize a telephone line.
12.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
installation of a telephone line for the computer system electronic- support (j~.~k)
type RJ11C).
12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 13 is to authorize a re,.ind.
13.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
refund of $100.00 to Omni Technical Services, Uniondale, paid t~or the Final Request
for Proposals for a Solid Waste/S~Jdge Composting Facility, August 1988, as
it was determined there should be no charge to vendors who had already paid
for the draft of the same document.
13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution Was de¢lare~duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14~ is to declare the week of September 18 to
24 as. National Adult Day .Care Week in the Town of Soutl~old. I offer that
14~Moved by SupervisOr~MurPhy, seconded by Councilwoman~Cochran, it was
RESOLVED the The Town Board of th~ Town of S°uth~Old herebYdecl~res'
September 18 through 24, 1988 as NATIONAL ADULT DAY CARE WEEK in the
Town of.i SoUthotd ~
14.-Vote of,the CounCilwoman 'Oliva,
Cot~nclln~an Penny; Murphy.
This resolution was'~lecla
SU:PERV1SOR MURPHY: T~e next one is a resolution to recess to hold our
Public Hearings, now that it is 8:00 oc[ock~ ! offer that resolution.
Moved by Supervisor .Murphy~ seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOVED that a recess be called at this time 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of holding
three public hearings: 8:00 P.M:, '-PrbP0sed "Local' Law in Relation to Zoninq";
8: 02 P'.M. ~ ~'Propo's~d Local .Law in Reiatibn t° z~n]ng., and 8:04' P.M.,'- "Proposed
Local Law 1 ' t0 i Traffic.!' ',.~
Vote of t~he Town Councilwoman Oliva,~
Councilman Penny,,~C0uncil, s, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was~ ~e~lared dui
Meeting reconvened~ at 8: 10: P.M
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I'll reopen the regular Town Board meeting going back to
resolution 15, which is a tranmittal of another proposed Local Law.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to th~ Town Board of the Town of Southold a
proposed Local Law, entitled "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning"; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit this proposed Local ·Law to the Southold Town Planninc] Board and the
Suffolk County Oepartment of Planninct .in accordance with the Code of the Town
of Southotd and the Suffolk County Charter. Said proposed Local Law reads as
follows, to wit:
-A Local Law in Relation to Zoninc]
BE IT ENACTEO by the Town Board of the Town of Southoid as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of' the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended
as follows:
1. Section I00-136 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection "K" to
read as follows:
K. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town Board may, in its discretion,
accept an offer,for dedication to the Town, of the open space and/or
common lands created by the use of the provisions of this A~rticle.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. No: Councilman Penny.
This resolution was declared'duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 16 is to set the amount of $18,00.00 to be feposited
with the Town in lieu of land for Park and Playground purposes by Henry Arbeeny,
owner of a sudivision at Kennys Road, Southold. I offer that resolution.
Amended October 18, 1988, Resolution #2
16.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the,Town of Southold hereby determines that
the amount of $18,000.00 shall be deposited with Town in lieu of land for Park
and Playground purposes by Henry Arbeen¥, owner of a subdivision at Kennys
Road, Southold. ,_.~,
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
'~l~!is resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll hold it. I guess they're looking for ....
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I would ask that it be held.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Sure. What we're doing is just holding up the amount
of payment we're going to pay the Peconic Land Trust, when that beautiful park-
in Southold is turned over to us at the end of the year. This money will be
coming out o~f the Prk and Playground fund, that is established by developers,
and right now, we have about $160,000.00 in ,it, and tonight we're putting almost
another $1~00~000.00 in it. So this is how this money is being used, and whatever
; a small discrepancy, Whatever the final figue is,
it's 30,000,00 that we're going to be transferring to pay
for this ~us asset that we're acquiring, at a ~ery smal~
cost to through the most generous cooperation of many,
many people, ~Southold~. that this came about.
COUNCILWOMAN COC~HRAN: Frank, if ! may, maybe the Board will decide to-
pass this tonight. I"d hate to hold it up for~ two weeks. The Green did have
a meeting tonight at five o'clock, and in reviewing all their financial situation,
because things that still have to be done to the park, are the sprinklers between
the sidewalk and the green, some landscaping against the building, the plaque,
and those wastebaskets, so there's not those big metal cans over there.. Arid
in reviewu ~f their finance, the~ had asked for close to twenty-eight, but
they t wil do it. So, if the Board is agreeable to go
the we pass that tonight. They feel that $30,00~0.00_ would
do it, Board would be agreeab e~ the the twenty-eight to go to, extra
two. like,to s~e it passed tonight.~
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll just change the amount to $30,000.00
17.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Supervisor Murphy, it was
RESOLVED. that the 'i~own Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
PGayment of ~30,000.00 to the Peconic Land Trust when the closing for the Village
r~en Pt~oP~rty takes place.
17.'Vote- of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Penny, CoUncilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, .Supervisor Murphy.
This resOlUtion was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 18 is to accept the DEIS, the Draft Environmental
Impact Statement for the composting of municipal solid waste and sludge for
the Town. · I offer this' resolution.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: I have a question at this time. What of Dave Emilita?
Has he reviewed this yet?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: It's being transmitted to him. He's one of the signers,
the DE(~ they'll all receive it.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Are we getting a recommendation from him, on it's com-
pletion? I haven't had a chance...we only got this on September 1st.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We're sending it for comments. We're accepting it as
complete yet.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: We're accepting it as complete? Before Dave is envolved?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The draft. Not the final. David is not envolved with
this at all. Just the Planning Board.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Dave is not envoived with this at all? Okay.
18.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts as-
~:omplete the Draft Envionmental Impact Statement for t~.~ Composting of Municipal
Solid Waste and Sludge Project for the Town of Southold, and authorizes and
directs the Town Clerk to transmit said document in accordance with the State
Environmental Quality Review Rules and Regulations.
18.-Vote.of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Couhcilwoman Cochran, Justice _~..wards, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain:Councilman
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Numer 19 is to set the amount to be deposited in Park
and Playgrounds in lieu of land.
Amended by #37 on 2/7/89
19.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southoid hereby determines
that the amount of $81,750.00 shall be deposited with the Town in lieu of Iland
for Park and Playground Purposes by Wolf Pit Associates, owners of the sub-
division of Wolf Pit Pond Estates, Mattituck.
19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
~ouncilman Penny, CounCilwoman Cochra . .
This resolution was declared duly ADOP?~DJ.ust~ce Edwards, Superwsor Murphy.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 20 is to authorize an attendence at a conference.
20.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby au..t.h.o_rize~
Is to
and: 25, 1~8§, at ~ara~a ~prin~, N~ ~rE, ~E~'~E~ ~ecess~ry expenses
for meals, lodging, travel and,registration shall be a
Conservation Advisory Council s 1988 Budge~.
20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, legal charge against the
Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHy: Number 21 is to authorize an abandonment of a part.of
Grand Avenue.
2~A.-Moved b Councilwoman OIiva se ·
RESOLVED that ~-~"~e~C~ ~ ~ounc,l~n Penn.y, it was
~~n tend
~reeR, and ~venue, Ma ' : ex-
..... : __ h~s not ~en traveled on o .... ~ ??~uck, southeasterly to Lnn~
~.~[ aate hereof, and is hereb~: ~ .a~ a.n,gnway for six or m%re
~o,u, ~n~ Highway Law as a hi~hwa,, ~_~'care~,.aDandoned pursuant to Sec;~--
~zgnway ~s described as folio .... ~ n~,'~,~uouc right of wav Sa;~ -~_._~" .
~rand Aven,,~ ~:~- .... "~' ~,,~1~ at a ~* ~- ~-'' ,~ ~u~n~onea
-~ u,~dn[ z45.98 feet s tither ~ .... ~ u,, [ne easterl sid
o ......I~ as measur~H *~ ..... ~ Y e of
of Grand Avenue, from the corner formed the intersection of the easterly side
of Grand Avenue w,th the southerly side 0~ .... ~,,~'~ne easterly side
Right-of-way; running thence North
11 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West along easterly side of Grand Avenue 101.78
f~t to a point; thence South 28 deqrees 13 minutes 20 seconds East 49.50 feet to
a point; thence South 58 degrees 0~ minutes 20 seconds East 135.00 f~t to Long
Creek; thence South 24 degrees 26 minutes ~0 seconds West alonq Long CreeN 49.93
feet to a point; thence North 58 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds:~est 114.74 feet to
easterly side of Grand Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNIN[G.
21A.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman
Councilman Penny, Counc~woman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: 21B is to authorize the execution of a quitclaim deed
between the Town of Southold and Mary Anna Smith for the abandoned portion
of Grand Avenue. I offer this resolution.
2lB.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ,a~t~orizes and
directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute a Quitclaim Deed between the
~nd Avenue,
Road.' ~:l~c-_, a S~nown as ong tee: ~idge Road, and also known as Red Bridge
21B.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
~uncilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 22 to create the position of Town Building
Maintenance Crew Leader..
22.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southo~,hereby creates the
~osition of Town Building Maintenaz~ce Crew Le .
~--P~r bouF,-and directs that sa~ ~ - a~r_ sets a salary of ~ ~ n~
z2.-Vote of the Town ~--~ ~- ~ ~u~on De posted for a ne-;~ ~ *-
Y ~ouncHwoman Larsen,: Councdwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, CounCilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared dui?ADOPTED.
the price of T
of them
Number 23 is to authorize the Town Clerk to reduce
material as follows: Calender of Events was.i $.65,
~ap was $1.50 to be sold at $.50. We have thousands
and have been unable to sell them.
SEN: ! think they would make great stocking stuffers.
Christmas gift. And a bargain~price. I offer
sold at
23. -Vote Councilwoman ~OliYa, it was
rd Of the TOwn of Sout~hold 'hereby aUthorizes the
,f Tercentenary material as follows;: Calendar
~t $.25; Historical Maps-(was $1.50) to be
SUpERV!SO~R MURpHy: Number 24, if you'd like to act on, is on the decision
on to adoptl!~Local Law number 25, which is building lot yie d, which is the first
public he~riing We ha~d tonight. ~
24.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran,
WHEREAS, ~a proposed Locai Law No. 22 -1988 was introduced at a meeting of this
Board held or;~tl~e'gth day of August, 1988; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was he d thereon by this Board on the 6th day of Sept-
ember, 198~, at which time all interested persons were iven an o ort n'
~ g pp u ~ty to be
heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED [that Local Law NO. 22 - 1988 be enacted as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 22 - 1988
A Local Law in Relation to Zoninq
BE IT ENACTED by the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Section 100-136.A of the Code of the Town of Southold is herebya mended to read
as follows:
A. (1) The total building 'lot yielcl of the standard subdivision meeting all
applicable requirements shall be used to determine the number of building
Ic~ts which the Planning Board may grant in a cluster subdivision.
II. This Local LaW Shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
Thi~ resolulJion was'declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOI~ MURPHY: Number 25 is on the second public hearing, on proposed
Local Law N~3. 25, concerning abstract of title.
25.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, ~a proposed Local Law No. 23 - 1988 was introduced at a meeting of this
Board held on the 9th
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by th s Board on the 6th day of Sept-
ember, 1988, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be
heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Local Law No. 23 - 1988 be enacted as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 23 - 1988
A Local Law in Relation to Zoninq
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as
1. Section 100-141 A is hereby amended by adding a new subsection "7" to
read as follows;
7. An application for a building permit for construction on a vacant lot,
which is not on an approved subdivision map, shall be. accompani~,~by a
certified abstract of title issued by a title company which shall show single
arid separate ownership of the entire lot prior to April 9, 1957.
2. Section 100-144 D is hereby amended to read as follows:
If the proposed use is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, a
certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant land, a change of use or a
,~or, cor, forming use shall be issued by the BujJ~ing Inspector after receipt
~f a ?r~p~rly cc~¥~leted application. A certifi~ed abstract of title issued by
~ titl~ ccr:~an'/ whici~ shall show single and separate ownership of the entire
icI~ l;ri~r ~ April 9, I~57 shall be submitted with an application for a certif-
i~t~ of cccuoanc7 fGr v~car, t land or a nonconforming use. If a certificate
of:occupancy is c;r~r, ir~c~ t?,~ ~uilding Inspector shall state the reasons there-
fc~r 'n writing to the ai~Phcan~:.
Section 100-144 G is hereby amended to read as follows:
G. The Building Inspector shall, after inspection, issue a certificate of
occupancy for any building or use thereof, or of land existing a~t the time
of the adoption of this chapter, or any amendments ~h(~reto, certifying such
use and whether or not the same and the building conform to the provisions
of this chapt~r'after receipt of a properly completed apPlication and certified
abstract of title issued, by a title ~:ompany, which sha:ll?show single and
separate If a certificat~
the 'reasons'· t heli~:or
Section t00-!4.4-
II. This Local Law shall take
25.-Vote of
Councilman' Penny,
This resolution was declared duly
}on its fill
~ as follows:
($100: 00) ·
w the Secretary Of. State.
!COuncilwoman OliYa,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 26 is on the third public hearing we had tonight,
which is on the proposed LOCal Law No. 26, concerning vehicle and traffic
26.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, Seconded by councitwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 24 - 19~8'was introduced at a meeting of this
Board held on the 23rd day of August; 1988; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by this Board on the 6th day of Sept-
ember, 1988, at which time all interested persons were giver~ an opportunity to be
heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Local Law No. 24 ~ '1988 be enacted as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 24~- 1988
A Local Lawin RelatiOn to Vehicles and Traffic
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 92 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the Town of Southold is here~
amended as follows:
1. By amending Section 92-30 [Stop Intersections with Stop Sign:s) by
thereto the following:
D irection At Intersection
Stop Sign on of Travel with (Hamlet)
Soundview Avenue East Horton's Lane ~outhold
Soundview Avenue West Horton's Lane Southold
II, This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
26,-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was de~:lared duly ADOPTED,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, that's the end of the prepared and added-on
agenda. Are there any Councilman, who would have any further comments?
Ray? Nothing, Frank. Ellen?
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: It just seems like we should be celebrating Memorial
Day, rather than Labor Day.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: It certainly did go by fast. Jean.~
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Yes, I wanted to share with Ellen, I was driving
in the car last week, and on the radio they were discussing a book that this
women had written in relation to VDT, and she compares them also to sweat
shops, and: I'm driving along, but I' wrote down the name of the book, and remind
me I'll give it to you, so that you can read the book., people have the same
philosophy as you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Very good. George?
COUNCILMAN PENNY: I just wanted to comment on Resolution No. 15, which I
voted against. I feel that with all the discussions we've had about the Town
acquisition of property coming out of the cluster subdivisions, which were
_ originally dedicated for the sole and exclusive use of t~5 subdivision'. I'm
"voting against this change that the Town can take over this property, because
I feel that there are other ways in which the Town can gain the use of this
property, such as easements and exactly the same effect as ownership of the
prop_erty without, number one, removing them from the tax rolls, and number
two;'Jncreasing the Town's liabi~t_y exposure and also, possible maintenance for
the future. So that was my reason for voting against Resolution 15. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Ruth?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: There's one thing that the Farmland Preservation
Committee wanted me to share with the rest of the community. The newest
appraisals that have come in, for farmland preservation, are $3,000.00 higher
th; o. So that means, because we bought at~ a good
i000.00. So tha{,~ re;Ily g~eat because
we have over ~ 'mland PreServation Program.
ery good
the :l'own
and I on
J summer long we
;I- It's
i would suggest tha~ you g~t ~some, neigh-
'~ do it,, and
:'but ,and ask the Police
ar' and give us ares.
COUNCI,LWOMAI~' OLIVA: It's too late now.
Y;: I'm sure if they were doing it' during the summer; they
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: ! don't think it's neccesarily just the beach, Jean,
because we're on tl~e other half of Hobart, and the traffic has been more than
I've ever seen it before, into the later hours of the night and faster speeds.
They come: over~ tha~t railroad track and you can hear that car leave, and all
fo~u~ wheels bang ~ the same time.
JEAN TIEDKE: I can hear it.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I think you're finding it through the nucleus of
the hamlet, that there is more speeding, not just on our roads, but where there's
posting and usually if someones doing 40 they'll allow 45, and so if you get
it down to 25, i'm!With you one hundred percent. You can give them a ticket
at 35.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We have, also, good news for you down on Hobart.
Right in the neighborhood we do have the plans for a major drainage correction
problem down tl~ere, on the road run-off. Hopefully, we'll be starting this fall.
We!ye just got them. We're looking now to get the okays of the property owners.
Get their permission.
JEAN TIEDKE: Wl~at part are you talking about?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Basically Lew Edson's property. That pond. We're
going to put some ~drainage structures there to catch some water, and to filter
it into that pond, ai3d then, to filter it into phragmites bed.
JEAN. TIEDKE: Are they going to replant that with new seed, that they were to do last year, ~nd couldn't.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We can't take over. We'd originally anticipated making
larger phragmites bed on to the wetlands, but the DEC will not ~llow it, do~
what we're ~oing to do is do a better filtration program in where that pond
is right now.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: In the north of it.
JEAN TIEDKE: Last year you were talking about, befo¢~:-~our Highway Superintendent
got so sick, about planting a differant kind of water reed up there.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: No, it would be the same kind. What ~,e were c~oing
to de was cover them over with gravel, an~ plant-into the gravel. The DEC
didn't want that. Basically we'r~:.accomplishing the same thing. It's the same
JEAN TEIDKE: That top end has filled in more than a foot, since we've been
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Just passing that on, this is some progress on run-off.
Anyone else like to address the Town Board? George?
GEORGE WETMORE: GeOrge Wetmore, vice-president of the Greenport-Southold
Chamber.~ I ~guess I'd b~:ter just say, points to ponder. The 150th Anniversary
of Greenport is going t° 'lae~ celebrated On, I beli~/e, the weekend 'of October
1st and 2nd. I think it would be app
a resolution, joining in the 'celebrat
think abou! that for you
we haven't sat down with our B
there are such :thin
the Town
~Z¢ could
our own minds-
[ngs as trees worth
that that w. tl~ be
locusts are what
a littl
conSil ng,
the groUnd; so you know they're there for a while.
we should 'our
were irs
lat -
d how
~ or
~pen land trees
with our Tree Ordinance the only way the
Town could control anything like th'at is if the trees are on Town property,
and we have people that ar~ experts in their field, as far as landscaping ,and
tree surgery ~nd so forth a'hd soon. 'And they I~ave addressed thi~, th~ type
of tree that should be planted. They have reviewed the ones that should, be
saved, or what have you. So we do have experts, that are really addressing
the problem.
GEORGE WETMORE: I have had some experience in this, since my brother-in-law
has had a tree company for about 25 years, but there may .be a little error.
But I was speaking more like the Ordinance that came up a while back, out
of the blue on...
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Land clearing, you're talking about, that's two different
GEORGE WETMORE: I think you have to have a balance there. You can't
-go totally off t'he' wall with it. You can save, like I said, your most vulnerable
trees, but I think Geoi-ge has something in the works where has to
go in and chop trees to make a survey. You're 9oing to get a little of that
no matter what you do. The other thin9 again, it would pay to assess, how
many acres are involved with this? The only areas I know of, really, are Mattituck
basically. And zonin9 changes with the new Master Plan it all comes
I think a lot of it. The one thin9 that is coming up and I understano ~ne State
and the Governor a program housing in a 1200 square foot range
for $60,000 if we get an award, and I'll ~-r~-bably be talking to the Democratic
people more than the Republicans, since the Democrats control Albany. The
Democrats control the County, and I'm for affordable housing..period. I don't
give a darn which seat it comes from, but I think everybodys here to seeI that
we do keep of our youth in the community to add to its base. I really feel
to that, if there was a way to declare this Town a critical employment area,
in fact, we don't have enough. And if that would assist in somehow, people
in Albany, when they come Out with the awards, the application is made, II believe.
In several weeks, there will be a big announcement by the Governor, I'm told
there was a Law passed...check with Sawicki, he'll fill you in on ap~ounts
to about fifty million statewide, so it isnit a heck of lot to go around, an
maybe we can grab some Of it $175,000.00 a house. We are working
on something now to try and get some of that money, but we'll need your support,
Frank, and the County Executives support, all the way up to the Governor's
office. I'm very serious about that. I'd appreciate your help, we'll talk to
you about it in the future. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY:Thank you. Anyone else, who would like to address
the Town Board? (No response.) If not, i think the motion is in order to
adiourn, and I thank everyone for coming out.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, is was
'd meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 8:32 P.M.
CouncilWoman Larsen, CouncilWOman Oli¥~, Councilman
Penny, EdWards, Supervisor MurPhy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
ith T. Terry ,/~
Southold Town Clerk