HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-04/19/1988122 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD WORK SESSION APRIL 19, 1988 Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Council- woman Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Town Attorney James A. Schondebare, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry. Absent: Councilman George L. Penny IV. 9:15 A.M. - Lynne Richards, Coordinator of Developmental Disability Services met with the Board to report on her programs and workshops, and made a slide presentation of some of the group activities. 9:30 A.M. -For Discussion Items: (1) Set April 28th, beginning at 5:00 P.M. for interviews for applicants for the vacant Conservation Advisory Council position. (2) Agreed to renew the house trailer permit of Jacqueline Moeller, Hidden Lake Farms (see resolution no. 43). (3) Leave time for Lynne Richards-discussed during Executive Session at 11:45 A.M. (4) Discussed the loss of revenue from the dis- continuance of the sale of sand; discussed the amount of revenue from the Planning Department to date. (5) Reviewed a notice of a Conference on Coastal "V" Zone Development to be held at the Riverhead Town Hall on May 5th. Agreed all Committees, Boards and Department Heads may attend (see resolution no. 44). (6) Set April 28th, following CAC interviews for interviews of applicants for a five member Open Space Committee. (7) Application of John and Berit Carroll for a house trailer permit was discussed with Mrs. Carrol at 2:00 P.M.----Counciwoman Larsen advised the Board she will not be attending the environmental conference in Colorado. It is the same week as the Town Board's hearing on the GElS on the Master PILan. She L~;~ also brought to the Board's attention a report of vandalism at the foot of Bay Mattituck. Supervisor Murphy will bring this to Chief Winters' attention.--Justice Edwards asked for permission to spend approximately $300 on his Fishers Island office for installation of new locks and completion of the paneling. E~oard agreed. Councilwoman Oliva spoke about the shoreline survey requested by the DEC. She advised the DEC wilt send someone out to tak to the Board on May 3rd. She also advised the Board she has. 'received a complaint about the Walters .iunk ya'rd and the property next to it. She was advised this is a matter for the Building Depart- ment and Police Department.---Community Development Administrator Jim McMahon reported on the progress of the STOP building.--John Thatcher, Fishers Island, would like to have a STOP Program on the Isiand and transport the waste to the Town Landfill. Investigation must be made of the regulations relative to the manner of transportation of hazardous waste. 10:15 A.M. - Ernie Odom, Executive Director of the community Mediation Inc., Coram, later joined by Jeddie Steward, East End President of the NAACP, conducted a preliminary workshop on how a Conflict Management Workshop and Sensitivity Training Workshop would be conducted. In attendance was a number of Town officials and employees. Mr. Odom informed those present that ~he services of his Center are free to all residents of Suffolk County. 10:50 A.M. - Valerie Cardona met with the Boarb~to bring them up to date on the Southold To~vn Supported Work Project. 11:15.A..M. -.13oard audited vouchers submitted for payment. EXECUTIVE SESSION ~..~ 11:45 A.M. - Board discuss'ed litigation and personnel--leave time for Lynne Richards. It was the Board's decision that at the time of her employment it was not intended ~ that she would be a full-time employee, therefore is not entitled to leave time of any type.--Town Attorney Schondebare that he would like permission to commence APRIL 19, 1988 legal action against Strong's Mattit~ck Marina. 47). , , , 123 Board agreed (see resolution no. 12:20 P.M. - Robert Brown, ArchiteCt, of Fairweather-Brown met with the Board tO discuss his proposed t:ee for drawing plans and specifications for a Town Hall addition, which fee must: be increased due to the excessive cost for a necessary libaiiity policy. Mr. Brown was advised the Board would like additional time to consider the proposal. 12:40 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 2:10 P.M. - Berit Carroll met with the Board to request permission to place a single family house trailer on her property off of Soundview Avenue, Southold, while her new residence is under con~t~ion. Bo~:'d will resolution at the regular meeting (see resolution no. 51). 2:15 P.M. - Town Board reviewed proposed resolutions for the regular meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2_:40 P.M. - Litigation was discussed with Town Attorney Schondebare. 3:50 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M. A Regular Meetin9 of the Southold Town Board was held on. Tuesday, April 19, 1988 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Murphy opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Councilwoman Ellen M. Lars'en Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney James A. Schondebare Absent: Councilman George L. Penny IV SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first order of business is a resolution approving the audit of the bills of April 19th, 1988. Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the followin9 audited bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $29,973.18; 'General Fund Part To~n~ills in the amount of $31,795.t6; Highway Department Whole Town bills in the amount of $2,495.92; Highway Department Part Town bills in the amount of $3,172.35; Fishers Isla'nd Ferry District bills in the amount of $24,355.66; Fishers Island Ferry District Agenqy & Trust bills in the amount of $320.54; Southold Wastewater District bills kn l~he aniount of $72,7~9.14; Fishers I~J~nd Sewer District bills in the amobnt of $251.54; Nutrition Fund bills~i~the amount of $7~921.75; Adult Day Care Program bills in the amount of $1,071,21; Home Aide Procj£.,am bills in the amount of $852.03; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program bills in- the amount of $1,260.33; Expanded In-Home Services,for the Elderly Program bills in the amount of $54.40; Cross Sound Ferry account bills in the amount of $456,90; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of $2~360.00; Community Development FUnd bills in the amount of $1,560.06. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, CounCilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, ~S~upervisor Murphy~ This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 124 APRIL 19, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And next is a resolution approving the minutes of the Town Board meeting of April 5th, 1988, with one minor exception. Just a clarification that Ruth has on that Carr-Wanat. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: On the Carr-Wanat property. That you have on there that the Planning Board will be lead agency on both projects. The TOwn Board has already declared itself lead agency on the zone change, and the Planning Board will iust be lead agency on the Norris, although it's one Environmental Impact State- ment, but the way it reads it sounds as though the Pianning Board is going to be lead agency on both. TOWN CLERK TERRY: Maybe we should talk about how you would rather have it worded after the meeting. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Yes. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I'II make the motion. Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it-was RESOLVED that the minutes of the April 5, 1988 regular Southold Town Board meet- ing be and-hereby are approved as corrected. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution setting the next meeting date for May 3rd, 1988, Southold Town Hall,-7:30 P.M. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, May 3, 1988 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And a resolution approving the minutes of the Special Meeting' of April 6th. I offer that resolution. Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the April 6, 1988 special Southold Town Board meeing be and hereby are approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwardsr Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, at this time we have a special resolution honoring a very special young person in Southold Town, an~l a very good friend of hers, and I would like to ask Sharon Whelan and Eddie Brooks to please stand up. Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by the Entire Town Board, WHEREAS, SHARON WHELAN, a most dedicated volunteer for the Town of Southold's Recreation Program for the Developmentally Disabled has served those citizens of this Town since October, 1986, and continues to do so; and WHEREAS, SHARON WHELAN has given so generously of her time, her beautiful spirit and her faithful service toward the enhancement of the lives of others less fortunate; and WHEREAS, her continued efforts, her sincere friendships, especially with Edward Brooks, the abundance of kindess that she has shown to all our children an~-adults and her dedication to the Town-of Southold's disabled population, deserves the sincere gratitude of those with whom and for whom she has ser~ved; now, therefore,~ it RESOLVED'~that the Town Board of the' Town of Southold hereby expresses its mos~;-~ sincere apprec,ation to SHARON WHELAN for her .unselfish and wholehearted endea~ .~!s on bel~al~{ of those citizens, and extend ~ their best wishes for much happihess and success in the years ahead; and~b_e-it further RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be pre~.nted to Miss Whelan and entered in the permanent, record of this Town Board meeting. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: CouncilWoman Larsen, Councilwoman 'Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards,-Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Sharon, I would like to congratulate you, wish~¥ou well on behalf of the whole Town Board, for ~ur efforts, and do ~vel in. c0i!l~ge:. I kn~w~-~you've proved to be an excellent leader this young in 'your life.~ K~eep up the good work. ~Thank you. This again proves that our young people are not all bad. There's an awful lot of good ones around. APRIL 19, 1988 I. REPORTS. 12.5 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to the first item on the agenda are Reports. The Reports listed here are on file in the Town Clerk's Office. 1. Town Justice Pr~ice - monthly report - March, 19'88. 2. ToWn Justice Tedeschi - monthly report - March, 1988. 3. Town Police'- monthly report - March, I988. 4. Town Trustees -monthly report - March, 1988. 5. Councilmen'S Reports. At this time I would like to ask the Councilmen if they have anything special, starting on my right with Ruth. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, thank you, Frank. On April 6th we had a Code ~mittee meeting and we discussed ~-~indi ~n-?~ce bulkheads_ w~.tlands, definition of a family, overlapping jurisdiction of Trustees and Zoning~ Board of Appeals, and landfill restrictions. These you will see on the agenda for proposed amendments to our Code. We Will also be discussing site plan review at!our May 4th meeting. The Code Committee also hopes to have an Erosion Con~rol Ordinance in the next several months in ~order to protect our bluff. On April .7th ! attended the Brown Tide Task Force, ~also known as the Peconic Bay Task Force. The I)epartment of Health Services has hired a consultant to work with them in order to determine the cause of the Brown Tide, and Chris Smith from the CoOp Extension reported that they are looking into using some type of sewage affluent for sod irrigation, and Peter Wentzel,from our own Baymen's Association gave a report on the Scallop Seeding Program of last year--winter. Unfortunately they all died because of the Brown Tide, because of predators and winter kill, but ~hey hope tO do it again, but it is rather expensive. Roberta from the--! forgot her last name--from tl~e DEC gave an interesting report from Rhode Island/ tha~ they're doing rat~er interest- ing research on th~ Brown Tide. They have injected s~me~type of a florescent dye into the different individuals, and they're staining them so they can see and then culture them and see who eats whom so they get a b~tl~er idea of predators and predation. ~The Task Force is also going to seek inclusion to the National Estuarinel Status ifor the Peconic for additional moneys and ~search, and this hope- fully will be done ~as it was done for the Long Island Sound~ There are only about eight of th~miin th~ entire country. On April 8th I attended the Highway COmmittee meeting which Jeaniwill report on. On April 11th I att~nde~l the Housin~ Committee meeting wh'ich Jean will report on. On April 11th I att~ind~ the Inland Waterways Committee w~hich Ellen will report on. On April 14th we ~had Police interVieWs to s~lect three policemen to attend the Police Academy if they pass the other tests. ~n April l~th I also attended the ZBA meeting. On Apr~il '~th~Frank alnd I met with the DEc c°nid~'rnin~ Hallocks Bay, and Frank will repo~t o~il l~th in the eVening We ~ad our Water Advisory Corem t~)With our four new members, and we br0ulght o~- new members up to date on what th~ ~ ~o~m~ittee has done before, and gave them, b~l!ieve me, a stack of material to read bef°~e Our next me~ting'~ on May 9th, so we can proceed from there. Thank you 'very much, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ruth. Jean? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Yes, on April 6th I attended the meeting of the Association of Towns with the Commissioner of the DEC, Jorlin~. As you know, many of the small towns and villages attending the meeting in New York City~ were not very happy that the Commissioner was not personally there himself~ and sent a deputy~ so these meetings were set up throughout the State. Councilman Penny and I attended. It was my feeling that nothing new was offered. The only funds that the State sees at ,this time, although it has not been passed as part of the Governor's program, is some funding for closur~ of landfills, but they have not to this point offered any of the towns in New York State support in the area of the development of the systems to handle the solid waste. Also on the 6th at 5:00 P.M~ I attended the Village Green meeting. Any of you riding through the~village can see that the cupola has been placed on top of the building and today they were working on the landscaping, and the Town Board will be, of course~ receiving a very offi~lal invitation and hope that our Supervisor will also address us that day so it can be turned over to the Town at that time, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll b~bappy to accept. COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I know we will. On April 18th the Highway Committee did meet with the Planning Board in relation to the road specs for minor subdivisions. There are some areas that~we are making some small changes in the Code. The Planning Board at this point are drafting £he specs for minors and then after they are reviewed by both committees and come to the Town Board it's our hopes that they'll be placed in the Code, and I think this will help alleviate some of the problem of some people feeling that not everyone'S§ treated justly or th~ same in fairness when they do come before these different boards. That should dispell some of that. On April~l~th the Housin9 Committee met with Bessie Swann of the North ..~.~ Fork Housing Alliance, and Fred Ryder, and also Valerie Scopaz, our Town Planner. This meeting was ~.mainly to iron ou~ some of the ~nkles in relation to the recent lottery that we've had as far as the properties are concerned. So we reached some conclusions on that. On the 12th I met with our Supervisor and Rob Brown of Fairweather-Brown Architects, in relation to the possible addition to the Town Hall. Last evening I had the privilege of speaking to the Southold-Greenport Chamber of Commerce on .Affordable Housincj, and in between: all of this I've been running around to the Building Department and Victor Lessard and different departments. As you can see we've made some relocation of offices in Town Hall once again. Although we're still~u; ~ ...... ~L,,,~i:-- at the seams we feel that we'ver~d~.~u ........ a very ~'~inor stop-gap, but it is making it a little easier for some. people. That's it, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Ellen? ~l COII~ClIW~MAN I AR~;FN~ C;nod evenina. Frank. Thanks. On April 6th I also ~iil attended the Code Committee meeting which Ruth reported on. We have quite a few revisions to our Code that we will be discussing tonight and public hearings will be held and corrections of tightening up of our Local Laws will be made. On April 8th I attended the meeting of the Hi~thway Committee. We're .looking at the minor specs--the road specs for minor subdivisions, and the Town Board hopes to have a final report on that soon. On the 7th I also attended the Peconic Bay Task Force meetin~l; Initially they thought that the Brown Tide was related to Narragansett Bay~-very closely related to Narragansett Bay~ but studies have shown that in two years the counts in Narragansett disappeared and in the areas where the counts were the highest that it was very nutrient~free, where in Peconic, where the counts are the highest, it tends to be very right in nitrogen and phosphate. Southampton College is now evaluating the-historical data that's avail- able on salinity levels and tidal-plankton counts in the bays, and the 208 Study which was done years ago by the Long Island Regional Planning Board, which gave us a lot of information on our current groundwater, at that time they calculate that there is about 'a hundred thousand pounds of nitrates going into the Peconic every day, so every little bit adds up. The 205J Funds were approved and the RFP's--Requests for Proposals--were reviewed and a consultant was hired who is going to start doing site specific data testing and coordinate with the Suffolk County Department of Public-Health. So.things are moving on that, but again every individual additions to the Peconics don't really help, so if everyone could be aware of that that's a-great step in the right direction. On the 11th I attended the Housin~ Committee meeting which Jean chaired. A lot of new bugs were ironed out in the ~ ~-~-~ffordable Housing Plan.that were brought to our attention. All in all ~ I say a lot of people were happy and we will be moving forward on-other things. ~ ~ On the 11th was the meeting of the Inland Waterways Committee. The bio-filtration system~On Mud Creek is complete. We're looking at the installation of another bio- filtration system within the Town. Certain repairs are being discussed among the Town' Board that are necessary on some creeks in the Town, and concrete ramps will be installed to replace asphalt ramps in four locations. On the 16th I attended the Police Benevolent Association dinner, which was a relaxing and interesting evening. And on the 18th, last night, was the Water Advisory Committee meeting which Ruth reported on. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Judge Edwards? JUSTICE EDWARDS: Thank you, Frank. A week ago Saturday we had a Civic Association Executive Board meeting on the Island. We went over some of the little problems that we have and set up the committees to look into these. This past Saturday we had a clean-up on the Island through the Civic Association. There were twenty adults and oh, probably ten or fifteen kids that went around and picked up the cans and the construction debris and so forth along the sides of the roads, and I can honestly say that the roads do look a lot nicer. This coming Thursday there's a Police Committee cjroup on Fishers Island that's coming over here to sit down with Chief Winters and also one of the higher-ups in the State Police,-'~0 go over some guidelines we're going to expect from the State Police and the Constables this coming summer, and one the things that will be brought up is the debris that we do have~n our streets, and securing of the Ioac~s from the contractors. This afternoon after our, Board work session ended I snuck into Rive'rhead and took care of eight ~otor vehicle applications for the people on Fishers Islands. That's the good news. Now the bad n~v~s~ Laugh, Frank, you may. Yesterday at noon- time I realized I had a Board meeting today and.~] had three options: num/ber one is trying to fly off the Island in. that pea soup th-~t we had, or get a quarter of five boat which would have gotten me over here at 8:30 last evening, or Sit back and relax and take the first boat this morning which would have gotten in here at 11:30. But thanks to the Chamber of Commerce and their mailing list ~ got their invitation to the Chamber Dinner last night and Jean Cochran was giving a talk on Affordable Housing. I said, well, i'm going to go for the first option land luckily enough I get a pilot that would fly me .°.V~ he~'e at under 1,000 feet all ~he way ove--~and I hung around and I did mal~ the meeting. ! can honestly sa~ I was glad--very, ver~ glad that I was there. I'm ashamed to say that there were only .~ two members of the Town Board there, Jean and myself, and it's really difficult to imagine how some people are more concerned about fragmities and spartina then APRIL 19, 1988 2:7 they are about afforda~l~.;~.housing~;W.hid, h~-s,,~a~,:..be~.tom line here in Southold. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I was never, invited. JUSTICE EDWARDS: Huh, you live on the mainland. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I've never received an invitation. JUSTICE EDWARDS: Well', anyway it was an excellent meeting and I can honestly say that !.f the :housing problem keeps going on the Island like this, you're just going to. ~ave seasonal people who could care less about the flora and fauna, and it's very, very important for Southold to get behind these things, and I can really say that Jean did a hell of a job of answering questions, and more so that it seems to me tfke it was a baited audience whet] iT got ir.~o wasn't there really to talk about, and she fielded those questions and answered them likea pro, and I am very, very proud of her and the job that she did last night. Thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Raymond. I might say I wasn't asked either to go. We had a very interesting presentation made today by an Ernie Odom on mediation, and how to ward off potential conflicts, racial, arguments and all that, and it was really, I think., an excellent presentation. We're going to get him to the East End Supervisors. It's a service that's being offered in the County. The County, i believe, does help fund a good part of it and it's something that I think we all need at times, just to remind everybody to be calm and not to start a fight and go overboard. I had attended also the hearing with the commissioner, and the next day I went and met with the Regional Director, Harold Bercjer, and one of the things that we were discussing--and Ellen, you ~]enti:oned a little on the Brown Tide, one of the theories that's coming around is that it's not maybe too much nitrogen, but that it very possibly came from phosophates, and when Suffolk County changed and alJowed the detergents to be used .agai.a, that this maybe is one of the reasons for this Brown Tide. Naturally I don't think they'll ever tie it all down, but this is a new theory that's being developedi and a very interesting one. This Friday we have a very interesting, very ilmportant scopir~ session with the DEC on our Landfill application, and it's one that's going to be most important for the future of this Town. Also I'd just like to report on the meetincj that we had with the DEC yesterday over in Stony Brook concernin~ Hallocks Bay. Ruth and I were briefed by the DEC on their intentions. They showed us the lines and the maps of the areas that were being thought for acquisiti.on. I think they're doing a good job. They have almost reached an agreement-pretty much: definite agreement'with two of the maior property owners on there, and shou'ld be closing on those properties because they were being very close to being devetoped on, and so I think they're doing a good job. They assured us that all property owners would be approached individually. ];hey really don't feel that they should discuss the proposals, the price, the arrangements, with all proPerty owners, that each property owner should have their own discussion, an~{ whatever concerns that property, if it's access, limited access for family, if it's repairing dikes, they are willing to sit down and 'talk and arrange it in price--in the ne§~tiations on it. They have no real intention of condemning any land even though the State at any time can condemn any land they want for whatever purpose they want. They have no intention of doing anything like this, and I doubt if we would ever see it. First of all there's too much competition for the money from other areas. II. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to Item II on the Aqenda is Public Notices. 1. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, notice of complete application of Yan H. Rie~er for permission to construct a 3 ft. high by 200 long retaining wall 65 feet to the rear of existing house, armor th~ toe of the~'"-'~vall with 100 pound rock and.place approximately 200 cubic yards of sand between the wall and mea~ high water and plant with beach grass. Project located at the applicant's residence and the adjoining property between Harbor Road and Gardiners Bay,Orient. 2.' ~U, S~. Army Corps of Engineers, p~blic notice, public hearing on the constr~ction of the Sound Cable Project (underground transmission cable) between Yonkers, Westchester County, an~-.Hempstead, Nassau County, New York - 4:00 P.M., Thursday, April 21, 1988, Anne Hutchinso',r~-3chool, Eastchester, New York. 3. Letter from the H2M Group recommendi~ng that the Town immediately cease mining sand for commercial sale to the general public based upon their investigations of the amount of sand remaining at the Landfill Site, Cutchogue. (Town Board resolution of April 6, 1988 stopped the sale of sand effective 5:30 P.M. that day. After H2M did a survey and actually took photos, did some mining tests and told us how little sand we have left in the Lan,~fill and advised us on stopping the commercial sale of sand. 128 APRIl' 19, 1988 III. COMMUNICATIONS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to Ill, Communications. These are communications that have come to the Town Board, and these letters are available for anybody who wants to look at them. They're in the Town Clerk's office. 1. Letter from Fredrica Wachsberger, Vice President, The Orient Association, to Dennis Cole, DEC, Stony Brook, urging the DEC and other permit granting Ottlces to s~r~Lmy etlforce existing regu~dL~u~,~ and to resist L,,~ ~,o,,,,,,~ v, any variances, particularly in respect to septic systems. 2. Letter from Sarah J. Meyland, Director, Watershed Oversight and Proection, Suffolk County Water Authority transmitting the Suffolk County Water Authority/Annjv~n~l Water Supply Statemer~t~ and offering, their services to facili'tate the establishment J~ItJ nfa p~rm~n~nt r~d~nnnflnn c~nter for hOusehold hazardo~Us material in the Town. ~ '3. Letter from~Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Grigoms to the Board of Appeals, telling them to grant no more variances, save our wel~landS. 4. Petition from ~the Orient Meadowland Owners Association relative to the State purchase of Hallocks Bay Wetlands, transmitted ~o Harold B~rgern, State Director of Natural Resources, NYS-DEC~ Stony Brook. 5. Letter from Mel Miller, Speaker of the Assembly, thanking the Town for recent correspondence in support'of the Suffolk County Drinking Water Protection Program utilizing a 1/4% Sales Tax extension for the purpose of the Pine Barrens acquisition, landfill closures~ and other related purposes. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS. (None) V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I would just like to state the Town Board's position on public participation. At this time if anyone would like to talk about any of the proposed resolutions, to address the Board on any matters concerning these proposed resolutions, please do so at this time. At the end of the meeting, before we close, there will be a time where anyone in the public could get up and address the Town Board on any matters that concern them. So is there anyone who would like to address the Town Board on any proposed resolutions tonight? (No response.) Hearing none, we'll move on to Resolution No. I which is to authorize the attendance at a seminar. ~ 1.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was ~: ~ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Police Sergeant Carlisle Cochran and Police Officer John Ship to attend a DWI Seminar, sponsored by t~he Division of Criminal Justices Services, at Orangeburg, New York, on April 20 and 21, 1988, and the necessary expenses for travel, meals and lodging shall be a legal charge against the Police Department 1988 Budget. 1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain: Councilwoman Cochran. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is to set a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic, 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 3rd, 1988, Southold Town Hall. I offer that resolution. -Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Vehicles and Traffic"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 3, 1988, SouthoId Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place tora public hearinq on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. 1988 A Local Law in relation to Vehicles and Traffic BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Sou~hold as 'follows: Chapter 92 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: I. By amending Section 92-32 I¥i~l_d Intersections) by deleting therefrom the following: Direction At I nters~tion Location Yield Sign on of T~avel With (Hamlet) North Bayview Road North Pine Neck Road Southold II. By amending Section 92-30 (Stop Intersections with Stop Signs) by adding thereto the following: Direction At Intersection Lo~ation Stop Sign On of Travel ~ With (Hamllet) Nort _~=sBayview Road North Pine Neck Road SouthOId II1. This Local law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. 2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, j~stice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. APRIL 19, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: with the County of Suffolk on our Senior Citizens Day Care Program. resolution. 129 Number 3 is to authroize the execution of an agreement I offer that 3.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs SUpervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an aqreement between the County of Suffolk, Human Services Division, Office for the Aging, for funding the Town's Senior Citizens Day Care Program, effective April 1, 1988 through March 31, 1989, at an agreement amount of $25,604.00; subject ~o review and approval by Town Attorney Schondebare. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman OIiva, ~..ncilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards. Supervisor Murphv~ This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 4 is a resolution in support of County Resolution No. 721, which is the Water Shed Protection Program or the Pine Barrens, or the 1/4 cent sales tax extension, however you want to read it. I offer that resolution. 4.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Legislature approved Resolution No. 721 of 1987 establishing the 'Suffolk COunt~ Drinking Water Protection Program (Article XII of the Suffolk County Charter) which outlined a comprehensive watershed protection program for. Suffolk County; and WHEREAS, this program provided for the utilization of existing sales tax revenues for- the purpose of acquisition of identified water recharge areas, water main extensions, sewer district improvements, County tax stabilization, payments in lieu of taxes, and local revenue shared for related purposes and was approved in a public referendum in November of 1987; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County E~xecutive has 'worked with the Supervisors in an attempt to further refine this proposal; and WHEREAS, the revisions constitute~.improvements to the program that will benefit the residents of the Town of South01d; and WHEREAS, these revisions do not substantively change the spirit, intent, or purpose of the program as outlined in Resolution No. 721 of 1987 and approved by the voters of Suffolk County; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Supervisor Association - comprised of five Republicans and five Democrats - has discussed this matter in great detail and has voted unanimously on two occasions to support the plan as revised by the County Executive; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold gives its full and enthusiastic support to this important program and urges th~ County Legislature and all municipalities in Suffolk County to do the same; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the following: All members of the Suffolk County Legislature, County Executive Patrick G. Halpin, All Suffolk County Supervisors, All members of the Suffolk Delegation to the State Legislature, ~peaker of the Assembly Melvin Miller, Senate Majority Leader Warren M. Anderson, Governor Marlo M. Cuomo. 4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain: Justice Edwards. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 5 is to authorize the execution of an agreement with the County of Suffolk Human Services Division for the funding of the Expanded In-Home Services for the elderly Program in the Town. I offer that resolution. 5.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman C~ochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a~=~l directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between the County of Suffolk, Human Services Division, Office for the Aging, for funding the Town's Expanded Ir~Home Services for the Elderly Program '(EISEP), efYective April 1, 1988 through March 31, 1989, at an agreement amount of $23,534.00; subject to review and approval I~'y Town Attorney Schondebare. 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Ed~a-rds, Supervi.sor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 6 is to create a position of Scale Operator and set a s~lary. 6.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the To~n of Southold hereby creates the position of S_~te Operator, and sets a salary for same at $18,948.00 per annum. 6.-Vote of the Town~ Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was dec':ared duly ADOPTED. i 3 0 APRIL 19, 1988 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Scale Operator, effective April 9th, 1988, at a salary of 218,948.00 per year. offer that resolution. And Number 7 is to appoint Michael A. Lessard as a previsional Si.IPFRVIC, f~I~ MIII~PHY; And Number 8 is a determination of significant effect on ll~}il the environment. 7.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Michael A. Lessard as a provisional Scale Operator, effective April 9, 1988, at a salary of $18,948.00 per annum. 7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, CoUncilwoman Cochr,an, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy, This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. 8.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Cour~cilwoman Cochran, WHEREAS, Harborview Realty Co. has heretofore applied to the Southold Town Board for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M-1" General Multiple Residence District on certain property located at Sage Boulevard, Greenport, New York; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conserva- tion Law, Part 617 of Title 6 of the New York State. Codes, Rules and Regulations, and Chapter 44 of the Southold town Code, the Southold Town Board, at lead agency, does hereby determine that the action proposed is lik. ely to have a significant effect on the env.ronment. 2. That the Town Clerk shall file and circulate such determination as required by the aforementioned law, rules and code. 3. That the Town Clerk immediately notify the applicant, Harborview Realty Co? of this determination and .further request said applicant to prepare a draft environmental impact statement, all in accordance with said law, rules and code. 8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:- Councilwoman: Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 9 is to appoint Charles T. Gerrer and Patrick J. Finno as Gate Attendants at the Landfill ~ite, at a salary of $5.50 per hour. I offer that resolution. 9.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Charles T. Geerer and Patrick J. Finno as Gate Attendants at the Landfill Site, effective immediately, at a salary of $5.50 per hour. 9,-Vote of the ,Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards; Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 10 is to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the sale of abandoned' and impounded junk vehicles at Police Head- quarters. 10.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the town Clerk to advertise for bids for the sale of abandoned and impounded junk vehicles presently being held at Police Headquarters. 10.-Vote of the 'Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman COchran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This ~esolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~,' SUPERVISOR MURPHY: These vehicles will all be listed in the official notice, right, Judy? -~' TOWN .CLERK TERRY: No, there will be spas that people can pick up at my office SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, if~a~-~.'one is interested there will be 12 or 14 cars. And Number 11 is to set a public hearing on a "L~AI Law in Relation t° Wetlands" for 8:02, Tuesday, May 3rd, 1988, Southold Town Hall. I offer that resolution. 11.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A_ Local Law in Relation to Wetlands",, now, there- fore, be it ~ RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:02 P.M., Tuesday, May ,3, 1988, Southold Town HaH, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for' a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: APRIL 19, 1988 13 LOCAI~ LA~"~0~':' - 1988 A Local Law in RJela~n to Wetlands BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: 1. Chapter 97 (Wetlands) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: 1. Section 97-12(A) is hereby amended by adding subdivision (6) to read as follows: (6) The construction of a registered buikhead, which is to t'eplace an existing functional bulkhead, provided that the new bulkhead is constructed substantially similar to the design and measurement of the existing bulkhead and located in place of the existing bulkhead. The Trustees shall be given written notice of the project prior to commencement of work. ~ This Lncal Law ~hall take effect ~pon its filing with the Secretary of State. 11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Coch:ran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy., This resolution was declared duly .ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 12 is to set another public hearing. 12.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Wetlands", now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED that the Town E~oard hereby sets 8:05 ',.P.M., Tuesday, May 3, 1988, Southold Town Hal~, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. 1988 A Local Law in Relation to Wetlands BE IT ENACTED by ~the Town E~oard of the Town Of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 97 [Wetlands) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: 1. Section 97-13 is amended by deleting the word "-sounds" from the definition "Tidal Waters". II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of, State. 12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 13 is to authorize the Town Clerk to transmit proposed "Local Law in Relation to Zoning" to the Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning. I offer that resolution. 13.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, ~ WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning", now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby i's authorized and directed to transmit this proposed Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning all in accordance with the Code of the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Charter. Said proposed Local Law reads as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. 1988 A Local Law in Relation to Zoning BE IT ENACTED by the,Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: 1. Section 100-13 is amended by amending the definition of 'FAMILY' to read as follows: FAMILY - One (1) or more persons occupying a dwelling unit as a-~.ngle non-profit housekeeping unit. More than five (5) persons 18 years of age or older, exclusive of domestic servants, not related by blood, marriage, or"adoption shall not be considered to constitute a "family". II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. 13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman.Olivar Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Ed~_a~ds, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~, SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14 is to authorize the Town Clerk to transmit proposed "l_ocal Law in Relation to Zoning" to the Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning. i offer that resolution. 14.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded b~y.~Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, there has been presented to th~'~Town Board of the Town of Southold a prOFeSSed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation. to Zoning", now, there- fore, be it ~ RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this proposed Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board_. and the Suffolk County Department of Planning all in accordance with the Code of the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Charter. Said proposed Local Law reads as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. 1988 A Local Law in Relation to Zoninq BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of I~he Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southoid is amended as follows: 1. Subsection B of Section i00-119.2 is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Ail buildings located on lots upon which a bulkhead, concrete wall, rip-rap or similar structure exists and which is.adjacent to tidal'water bodies other than Sounds shall be set back not less than seventy-five ~, (75) feet from the bulkhead. Thp £nllnwinq e×ceotions will apply: ia) Buildings which are proposed landward of existing buildings; (b) Lands which are not bulkheaded and are 'subject to a determination by the Board Of Tbwn Trustees under Chapter 97 of the Code of the Town of Southold. (C) Docks, wharves, pilings, boardwalks, stairs, promenades, walkways, piers, which are accessory and separate from existing buildings or accessory structures. 11. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. 14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED~ SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 15 is to authorize the closing of Love Lane and Pike Street, east and west of Love Lane from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Saturday, July 9th, 1988 for the Mattituck Chamber of Commerce to hold their Street Fair. 15.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oiiva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby closes Love Lane and Pike Street, east and west of Love Lane, Mattituck, from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Saturday, July 9, 1988, to permit the Mattituck Chamber of Commerce to hold their 11th Annual Street Fair, provided they secure and file with the Town Clerk the proper insurance to hold the Town of Southold harmless. 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 16 is to grant Cutchogue Fire Department permission to use Town roads. 16.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the Cutchogue Fire Department to use Town roads for the purpose of holding their 21st Annual Parade & Drill on Saturday, July 16, 1988 at 6:00 P.M. [rain date: Sunday, July 17, 1988 at 2:00 P.M.), provided they secure and file with the Town Clerk a certificate of insurance holding the Town of Southold harmless. 16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen~ Councilwoman Qliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 17 is to renew a trailer permit for the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue on County Road 48, the extension of their trailer permit. I offer that resolution. 17.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOI'VED that the application of the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue for,~newal of their sincjle family house trailer permit, which permit expired on April 14, 1988, for trailer located on the north side of County Road 48, Cutchogue, New York,. be and herel:~/ .is 9ranted for a six (6) month period. 17.-Vote of' the To~-n Board: Ayes: Councilwomar{~'Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice E~w.a_~;.ds, Supervisor. Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 18 is to appoint a Special Bay Constable. 18.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints James F. Warwick as a Special Bay Constable for the purpose of patrolling the waterways in and about Peconic Bay, Town of Southold-~effective May 15, 1988 through September 10, 1988, at a salary of $7.50 per hour, 25 hours per week; and be it further RESOLVED that .the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis Murphy to execute an acjreement between the Town and Special Bay Censtable James F. Warwick for the purpose of patrolling the water-W~ays in. and about Peconic Bay, Town of Southold, for the period May 15, 1988 through September 10, 1988, the Town 133 shall pay all expenses f~ 'fuet~ t~i~r~e operahon of the boat of the Owner while performing duties for the~ Town; the OWner to furnish a suitable boat, !ogether with the necessary outboard motor and required equipment for the operation of said boat during the term of the agreement, and be responsible for any and all repairs and ~maintenance of said motor, with the exception of a sum not to exceed $250.00 during the term of the agreement, which sum shall be paid by the Town of Southold. 18.-VOte of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 19 w,e're 9oin9 to hold (appoint Mernon G. Wermelinger as a Special: Bay COnStable--Mr. Wermelinger will be unable to w(~rk this season). Number 20 is to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of ~ne used garbage compacting truck ~o be used ~r par~,s, L~u~,~.~s a~d hig~y use. I offer that resolution. 20.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of 5ne-(~)-used garbage compactin9 truck for use at parks, beaches and highway road ends. 20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Cour~cilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 21 is to grant permission to Commissioner of Public Works Raymond Jacobs to purchase and install approximately 1200 feet of chain link fence as needed at the Southold Town Landfill Site. I offer that resolution. 21.-Moved by Supervisor, Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission to Commissioner of' Public Works Raymond L. Jacobs to purchase and install 1200 feet of chain link fence, more or less as may be needed, at the Southold Town Landfill Site. 21 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 22 is to authorize attendance at a training course. 22.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission to Jeanne Cullen, Sylvia Rouse, and Elizabeth Neville to attend-'the IBM Lon9 Island Customer Center trainin9 course at Jericho, New York, on Thursday, April 21, 1988, beginning at 9:00 A.M., and the use of a Town vehicle for transportation. 22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 23 is to authorize the execution of an agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency for a grant decrease of $20,152.00 with respect to our Scavenger Waste Pretreatment Facility, in accordance of the recommendation of our consultant H2M. I offer that resolution. I might comment this is being decreased only because the cost of the project was not what 7~ it was anticipated. There will be one other on a small amount on the '° of the State share that will be decreased as soon as we are officially notified. 23.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute a U. S. Environmental Prote~'~ion Agency EPA Assistance Agreement Amendment which provides for a grant decrease of $20,152.00,~with respect to the Scavenger Waste Pretreatment Pacility; all in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Town's Consultant Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. 23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice EcTwaPds, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 24 is ~o accept a.renewed Letter of Credit for Grandview Estates. 24.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was' RESOLVED that the Town Board of the To~n of Southold hereby accepts the renewed Lett~,~-~of Credit in the amount of $104,500.00 being held as a performance bond for rbads and imp~rovements in the subdivision of Grandview Estates, owned by Harold Reese Jr., Ronald Reese, Christine Reese; said Letter of Credit expires January 21, 1989. 24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR JVIURPHY: Number 25 is to accept a renewed Letter of Credit for Hillcrest Estates. 25.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the renewed Letter of Credit in the amount of $329,400.00 being held as a performance bond for roads and improvements ia the subdivision of Hillcrest Estates, Section 1, owned by Harold Reese St; said Letter of Credit expires January 21., t989. 25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, ~ou,,~,,~,~,,d,', ~.~,~,,d~,, .~us~,~ Ec~v,o,,~s, Supervisor Murp;,y. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 26 is to accept a bid. 26. -Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc., in the amount of $1.24 per c, tallon, for delivering and applying 150,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials; and be it further RESOLVED that Supervisor Francis J. Murphy be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract between Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc. and ~he Town of Southold to. provide all the necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals ~"equired to furnish and apply 150,000 gallons, more or less as may .be needed, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials for the Town of Southold for $1.24 per gallon, for a period of one (1) year. from the 2nd day of June, 1988 to the 2nd day of June, 1989. 26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 27 is to accept another bid. 27.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of South Fork Asphalt Corporation, in the amount of $31.49 per ton, for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 1,000 tons, more or less as may be needed, of Sand Mix Asphalt with 5% AC20 - 3% mineral filler to:be used,, f~urnished and placed at t:he discretion of the Superintendent of. Highways, effective.April 21, 1988. 27.-Vote of~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 28 is to accept another bid. 28.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the following bids for a one [1) year contract to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold; said contract effective June 30, 1988 through June 30, 1989: Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc.: 1W (0-350 tons) $40.50 2W (350-650 tons) $40.50 South Fork Asphalt Corp.: 3W )650-1,000 tons) $37.37 4W (over 1,000 tons) $37.37 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor Francis J. Murphy be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts between Paul Corazzini & Sons Inc. and South Fork Asphalt Corp. for this one year contract to furnish and place Asphal_t~ Concrete within the Town of Southold. 28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen,-Councilwoman Oliva, Council.woman C-'ochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly, ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Just for your information'~'~the reason these bids are done this way, this is on the tonnage that would be put down in one day, and naturally a larger iob where a man could~mobilize and put over 1,000 tons down is going to be cheaper. When the Hi§hway Superintendent wants to do small patches around, that's why we have these classifications. That's why you got these different prices. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 29 is.~o accept the bid of Susan E. Tasker for the Town's purchase of used law books owned by her, all in accordance with the bid specificatigns, at a bid price of $7,390.00. I offer that resolution. 135 APRIL 19, 1988 29.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen~ it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Susan E. Tasker for the Town's purchase of used books owned by her, all in accordance with the:~b~d sPecifications, at a bid price of $7,390.00. 29.-Vote o~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 30 is to grant permission to attend a conference. 30.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by CouncilWoman Larsen~ it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission to Planner Valerie Scopaz_ a~nd on~ me__mber of the Town Attorney's Office to attend the Impact Fees conference, sponsored ~y--t~-~ A--m~r~c~n~ Institute o~ C~rti~d to be held June 2 and 3, 1988 at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the actual expenses for travel, meals, lodging and $225.00 group APA registration fee and $260~.00 group Nonmember registration fee shall be a legal charge against the Planning Board and Town Attorney 1988 Budgets. 30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 31 is to accept a $24.220.00 Letter of Credit as a Performance Bond for Oregon Heights Subdivision owned by Charles A. and Edward J. Nalbantian, in accordance with the recommendation of our Town Planning Board. I offer that ,resolution. 31. -Moved by Supervisor: Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochra~, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accelots the $24,220.00 Letter of Credit submitted as a Performance Bond for Oreqon Heights Subdivision, owned by Charles A. and Edward J. Nalbantian, all in accordance with the recommenda- SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 32 is to accept another bid. 32.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Edward Ehrbar, Inc. for supplyin9 the Town with one (1) us.ed 1988 Dresser Model 540 Payloader (Articulated Wheel Loader~, with hourmeter~reading of 300, at a net price of $80,000.00. (Price: $120,000.00. Trades: Hough 1981 H90E S/N, 3268: $25,000.00; Fiat Allis 1979 745C S/N 4089: $15,000.00)/ 32.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Lars~n, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 33 is to appoint individuals for the Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program. 33.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints the follow- in9 individuals for the Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP): Karen McLaughlin as Coordinator, effective April 20, 1988, ei§ht hours per week~ $7.25 per hour; Dawn C. Van Brunt as an Aide, effective April 20, 1988,20 hours per week, $5.00 per hour. 33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, -~ Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 34 is to authorize the Town Clerk to transmit a "A Local I~aw in~ Relation to Zoning" to the Planning Board and Suffolk County Depart- r~ent of Planning. I offer that r~soJ~tion. 34.-Moved by S~pervisor Murphy, seconded by CouncilWoman Oliva, WHEREAS, there ahs been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning", now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this proposed Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning all ~i~ accordance with the Code of the Town of SO~-hold and the Suffolk County Charter. Said proposed Local Law reads as follows, to wit: ~ .~ tion of the Southold Town Planning Board. 31.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. LOCAL LAW NO. - 1988 A-Local Law in Relation to Zonin~ BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 100 {Zoning) of the Code of the Town Of Southold is amended as follows: 1. Section 100-131 is hereby amended by adding subdivision "D" to read as follows: D. Architectural features. That the architectural features of proposed buildings and signs are in character with that~ generally prevailing in the neighborhood. II. This Local,Law shall .take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. 34.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: COUncilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,~' ~'~,.~,-ilwnm~n Oon.l~ran I..stice Edwards-, Supervisor Murphy. ~;U This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 35 is to set a p~blic hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse" for 8:07 P.M. on Tuesday, May 3rd; 1988, Southold Town Hall. I-offer that resolution. 35.-Moved by Sdpervisor, Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, there has been presented to ~he Town Board of the Town fo Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse", now, therefore, be ·it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:07 P.M., Tuesday, May 3, 1988, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which read as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. - 1988 A Local Law in Relat'~On to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 48 (Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: 1. Section 48-3 is amended by renumbering existing subsections C and D to D and E, respectiwely: 2. Section 48-3 is amended by adding subsection C to read as follows: C. No 'garbage, rubbish, refuse or other material that does not have its origin within the Town of Southold shall be conveyed or transport~ over any ,street Within the Town for delivery to the Town refuse disposal area. II. This 'Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State. 35.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman C~ochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution' was declared duly-ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 36 is to set another public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage,~ Rubbish and Refuse" for 8:10 P.M. on Tuesday, May 3rd, SOuthold Town Hall. I offer that resolution. 36.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, W~HEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse", now, therefore, be it 'RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:10 P,M., Tuesday, May 3, 1988, Southoid Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law which reads as follows, to wit: LOCAL LAW NO. - 1988 A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, _Rubbish and Refuse BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. (]hapter 48 [Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse) of the Code of the Town of.~buthold is amended as follows: 1. Section 48-7 is hereby added to read as follows:- SeCtion 48-7. Revocation of Permit and/or License. A. Permits and/or licensesissued under the provisions of this ordinance "may be revoked by the Town'~-}5oasrd of the Town of Southotd after notice and hearin~.f__o,r violation of the provisions of this ordinance. B. Notice'of the hearing_for revocatioQ of a permit and/or license shall be given in writing, setting forth '~ecifically the grounds of the complaint and the time and place of. hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the permittee and/or licensee at his last known address at least five {5) days prior to the date ~set for hearing. The said hearing shall be conducted in a manner wherein the accused permittee and/or licensee is afforded full due process of the law. '~ C. At the conclusion of said hearing, and as a result of the evidence adduced therein, the Town Board may, in its discretion, revoke the said permit and/or license or in lieu thereof, suspend the subject permit and/or license for a specified~eriod of time, censure the permittee and/or licensee, or impose a fine, not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.) · APRIL 19, 1988 137 11. This Local Law haH"i:~ike 'e~t~p'on :l~, ~l~ng wlt~i t Secretary of State. 36.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoma~ Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 37 is to adopt the Manual of Procedure in Disciplinary Action promulgated by the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service. I offer that resolution. 37.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, WHEREAS, Section 18~6 of the Code of the Town of Southold provides for the Town Board to adopt and make rules and regulations concerning procedures in disciplinary actions; ~nd WHEREAS, the Town Board has ~eviewed Section ~8-6 A and B of the Town' ~0~e;" Sections 75 and 76 of the Civil Service Law, and the Manual of Procedure in Disciplinary Action prmulgated by. the Suffolk County Department of Ci~H Service, and finds same consistent-with due process; now, therefore, be it RES~OLVED that the Town BOard of the Town of Southold hereby adopts as it rules and. regulations under Section 18~6 of the Southold Town Code, the Manual of Procedure in Disciplinary Action promulgated by the Suffolk· County Department of Civil .Service. 37.-Vdte Of the :T~)wn Boar~l: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, C~ncilwoman OliVa, Justice Edwards, Supervisor 'Murphy. Abstain: Councilwoman Cochran. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 38 is to appoint Sheila Klos as a part-time Public Safety Dispatcher, at a salary of $6.50 per hour, effective immediately. offer that resolution. 38.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Sheila Klos as a part-time Public Safety Dispatcher, _effective immediately, at a salary of $6.50 per hour. 38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 39 is to appoint three new Police Officers. 39.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, Seconded by Supervisor Murphy, ~it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Andrew T. Fohrkolb, James A. Ginas, and Thomas P. Gralton as Police,Officers, at a salary of $15,975.00 per annum, effective upon the commencement of the Suffolk County Police Academy Recruit School, June 22, 1988; said appointment~ are subject to final approval of the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service, upon completion and passing the remaining qualifying tests: agility, medical, psychological, and polygraph, and subject to graduation from the Suffolk County Police Academy. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I might add that these people go on the payroll only when the Police Academy starts, and we transport them back and forth over there. Several of us--three Town Board members and the Chief interviewed nine local young men who were on the local list and I can honestly say we were very proud of all of them. They all made a very fine impression and it was a tough decision and hope- fully we picked the three best ones and hopefully they'll make excellent police officers for the future. 39.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain: Councilwoman Cochran. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 40 is to authorize an advar~ce fee payment. 40.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes an advanced fee payment in the amoL~n.t_of $15.00 (made payable to Senior Citizens Advisory Board) to permit Recreation Director Ke~o, eth Reeves to attend a senior citizen conference at Felice's in Patchogue on May 5, 1988; said charge to be made to A7020.4, Recreation Administration. 40.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 41 is~o grant permission for the use of Town road~:~r' the Memorial Day parade. 1 3 8 ^PR,L ,9, 1,88 41.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ~trants permission to the Griswold-Terry-Glover American Lecjion Post No. 803 to use the followinq Town roads in Cutchoque for the purpose of hold the annual Memorial Day parade on May 30, 1988, beginning at 10:00 A.M.: Harbor Lane and Cox Lane (for~ staging areas) and New Suffolk Lane, provided they secure and file with the town Clerk a certificate of insurance nameing the Town of Southold as an additional insured. 41.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 42 is to accept a proposal. ~ 42.-Moved by Justice Edwaru~, seco~,dec; ~o).' Cou,iciiw,~,,~a,, C.~-,,~n, ~t az~.~ -- RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of Paul Tombari, in the amount of $9~.8.00, to refurbish sixteen (16) marker buoys, fibe~,cjlas the damaged buoys, paint, examine all lines, chains and anchors, and r. ep~lr as required, place reflective tape on buoys, place all marker buoys in West Ha.i-bur, Fishers Island, at locations designated by the Harbormaster, and rer~ove and store all..-marker buoys at the end of the 1988 boating season. 42.-Vote_ of the Town Board.- Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Coun~ Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 43 is to authorize the renewal of the single family house trailer for Jacqueline Moeller for an employee for her stables ~nd riding school at Hidden Lake Farm on 48. Granted for a six month period. I offer that resolution. 43.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was RESOLVED that the applicastion of Jacqueline B. Moeller for renewal of her sinElle family house trailer used for housing an employee of her stable and riding school, and located at Hidden Lake Farm, north side of County Route 48, Southold, New York, be-and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. 43.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 44 is to authorize the attendance at a confer~nc.i~ on Coastal Zone DevelOpment. 44.~Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was RESOLVED that the Town Boa-rd of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Town Committees, Boards and Department Heads to attend a Conference' on Coastal "V"" Zone Development, co-sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and Cornell Co(~perative Extension on Thursday, May 5, 1988 at the Riverhead Town Hall, and the ~i5~00 cost per person, which includes lunch, shall be a legal charge against the 1988 Budget. 44.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 45 is to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for the position of Special Bay Constable for the summer season at Mattituck Creek. I offer that resolution. 45.-Moved-by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was .~;, RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for the position of .Special Bay Constable for~the summer season for Mattituck Creek, $7.50 per hour, $250.00 equipment repair and maintenance allowance. 45.-Vote of.'th~ To~cn B0ar~t: Ayes: Councilwoman~Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Ecl, wards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly A'D?PTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 46 is to authorize a salary increase to $1:3,000 for Lynne Richards,effective_April 21st, 1988, the Coordinator of our Handicapped Recreation Program. I offer [hat resolution. 46.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it wa~ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the To~ of Southold hereby c~rants M. Lynne Richards, Coordinator of Handicapped Recreation, a slary increase to $13,000.00, effective April 21,~1988. 46.-Vote of the Town-Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor:__~Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. APRIL 19, 1988 1 39 SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 47 is to authorize the Town Attorney to commence proceedings to take any and ail legal action aga.inst Strong's Mattituck Marina. offer that resolution. 47 .-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by. Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Town Attorney to commence proceedings to take any and all legal action against Stron~t's Mattituck Marina. 47.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy, This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~IIPERVlSOR MIIRPHY: Number 48 is 'to declare lead agency. 48.-Moved by Counci~lwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby dec~iares itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the petition of Harold Reese for a change of zone from "C~1'' General Industrial District to "A" I~esiidential and Agricultural District on certain property located north of Route 25, East Marion, New York. 48.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 49 is .to authorize the hiring of Dave Emilita, at a cost not to exceed $210.00 to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form on the petition of Harold Reese for a change of zone. I offer that resolution. 49.-Moved by Supervisor'Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of Planner David EmiJita, at a cost not to exceed $210.00, to review the Long Environ- mental Assessment Form with respect to the petitio~of Harold Reese for a change of zone; said review to include applicant's Part I, prepare a Part II and II!, draft a proposed declaration, including a field inspection; the cost of said review to be paid by Harold Reese prior to the commencement of the review. 49.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 50 is to authorize the transmittal by the Town Clerk of this petition to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning. I offer that. 50.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Harold Reese for a change of zone on certain property located north of Route 25, East Marion, from "C-1" General Industrial District to "A" Residential and Agricultural' District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planninc~ Board and the Suffolk Count Department of Planning, all in accordance with the Southold town Code and the ~uffolk County Charter. 50.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Mur;phy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. ~- SUPERVISOR MURPHY: And Number 51 is to grant permission for trailer permit for a single family house trailer, the application of John and Berit arroll. I offer that resolution. 51 .-Moved by Sul~ervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, i~ as RESOLVED that the application of John and Berit Carroll for permissiontto place a single- fa~mil¥ l~ouse trailer on their property at 7986 right-of-way off of Soundview Avenue, Southold, while their reskte~nce is under construction, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month period. _. 51.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 52 is to authorize the attendance at another coiwference. 52.-Moved:~y Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Town Board members and the Town Attorneys to attend The Solid Waste Crisis: Environ- mental Perspectives, sponsored by The Environmental Law and Municipal Law Sections 4O APRIl_ 19. 1988 of the New York State Bar Associastion and The Environmental Law Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, on Friday, May 13; 1988 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., at New York City, and the necessary expenses for travel and meals shall be a legal charge against the 1988 Budget. 52.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, that's the end of our prepared agenda. At this time I would like to ask any Town' Board members if they have anything further to say. Ray? IIIC~TICE FI~W~,RI}S: Yes. Alwavs. Just a little clarification here, number one. 1 voted "no" on the landfill payloader. Again, to go a little c~eeper into ~ne c~arifica- tion,at the last meeting I mentioned the fact that Fishers Island contributes to Cutchogue, but does not use it. What I really mean is that Fishers Island contributes to the Landfill area in Cutchogue, and I'm probably the only one that goes up there and empties out- his automobile ash tray maybe once a year, That's the only real use that the Fishers Island residents get of Cutchogue, and ! abstained on the 1/6% sales tax because that tax is going to be used. for the protection of watershed, which again would be taxation without representation on Fishers Island, because our watershed is pretty well protected over there and We have enOUgh taxation without representation. And last but not least, I have a newsletter here that was put out by the Fishers Island Conservancy, which I gave to the fellow Board people, and just some ideas of what the people on Fishers Island can do on your own. The Fishers Island Conservancy went out and solicited money or moneys for a hydro- geological analysis of our water aquifer, and it's going to be done by Groundwater, Inc. from Middletown, Connecticut, and so far..l quote, "The Conservancy has received private contributions totalling $30,000 for this program to find out how much water we have under our beautiful land over ~there." And also the solid waste problem on the Island was well under way with engineering studies done, permits being applied for and some being granted for an incinerator, and now the Conservancy more or less put it on hold because they want to see if thereisn't some better way to get rid of the garbage than burn it. on Fishers Island,,. and they have been told by th~ DEC that the DEC has no objections to Fishers Island ,entering into a program to ship it off the Island to either Connecticut or back here to Southold. So ev~rything is put on hold as far as our incinera~tor is concerne~d until the ~ Conservancy comes up with their final study. And it's just a, bunch of heel I think. Of course they have their right to do it. They're just puttin9 the mo~:i~ey- wrench into those things. Thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ray, I would like to correct you on-the I/4 cent sales tax. Fishers Island definitely would be eligible for some funds on water management and very possibly your landfill closure. You would be eligible there, and really the whole important part of it is the purchase of the Pine Barrens. It's probably the best legislation that any political body in Suffolk County has come up with in my time that I can remember, and it's one that should be supported by everybody in Suffolk County. I think even the referendum that was up at the election time was over 83% of the County supported it even though they weren't going to be involved in it at all, I think it's very important. Ellen? COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Yes, Frank, just one minor point. Had I been invited to hear you speak, which I wasn't, I would have been more than happy to attend and glad to hear what you had to say, because I've been working on that committee, and I do hope you solve the Brown Tide problem ..... COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: A representative of the Chamber is here this evening as their observer, and perhaps an entire listing of the Town Board could be put on their mailing list to attend their future meetings. This is the Greenport-Southold Chamber, Ellen. But I would like to thank Judge for his kind words as stated earlier. Thank' you, Judge. Also, in relation to the short visit we had this morning from Mr, Odom in relation to sensitivity, institutional-wise or governmental~wise, I think-it's mos~'important that we do take ac~-~'antage of this service. I think not only should the Town Board go thio_ugh a session, I think also we should look at the people within the departments _to sit down on a sensitivity--go through the sensitivity workshop. I've been through many sensitivity workshops and human sexuality, and so forth, while serving as President of the Suffolk County Girl Scout Council, and the end result you begin to hear what you're saying. People don't always hear what they say, and this is most beneficial. I think it would benefit us as a Board in our relationship to people in the community and those that we have to work with daily, so I recommend that highly, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Ruth? COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Just one other little fact aboUt the Brown Tide and the effect on the scallops. Chris Smith has reported th~t~-on a usual year the East End harvest is between 100,000 and 175,000 pounds of clams. In 1987 the total APRIL 19, 1988 141 input was 29 pounds of si~al ops.' '~i~'lb~]~.~- 'That' S~h~0WS just have devastating that the brown algae has been. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Okay, at this time is there anyone in the audience who would like to address the Town Board on any subject at all? That's why we're here. Anyone? Yes. MAGGIE CONWAY: Yes, i'm Maggie Conway. I;m with the Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce, and the meeting each month that is held is open to the public, and only the speakers get a special invitation. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Maggie. Anyone else like to address the Town Board? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN.: I have something else to say in relation to the televising. I mentioned it at the last meeting 1 believe and ~he gentleman doing the photography said that you would put some kind of rose filters or something on there. The glare is unbearable. It really is, and now the light in the back and the three, and every time I look out at the audience all I've got is a yellow sun spot. So if there was some kind of-a filter you could put on one of those lights it certainly would help us up here. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. At this time I would like to entertain a motion to adjourn and thank everyone for coming out tonight. And I would also--I'd feel remiss in not noticing our Intergovernmental Coordinator from Suffolk County--Chris Hogan--who saw fit to leave us and go with the County. She's back here working. Glad to have you back, Chris. CHRISTINA HOGAN: Thank you, glad to be back. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Now we'll vote on the motion to adjourn. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Supervisor Murphy, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned~at 8:30 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.