HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-02/02/1988SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond'W. Edwards, Councilwoman
Jean W. Cochrant Councilman George L. Penny IV, Councilwoman Ruth D. OliYa, Council-
woman Ellen M. Larsen, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry., Town Attorney James A. S~chondeba
9:10 A.M. -For Discussion: (1) Proposal of Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. to
prepare a Part 360 application and conduct a hydrogeological field investigation for the
expansion of the CutChogue Landfill; Board will meet with H2M and the DEC to review
the proposal and determine if everyone is in agreement with'the terms and 'conditions.
9:15 A.M. - Board audited outstanding vouchers.
9:40 A.M. - Town Historian Antonia Booth met with theBbard to review her 1987
Annual Report which she is submitting to the New York State Education Department.
(Report on file in the Town Clerk's Office.)
9:55 A.M. - Edward Siegmann and Marge Drape met with the Board to request a larger
senior citizen tax exemption. The current town exemption is based upon a; $9,000.00
income. Mr. Siegmann also inquired about the progress of the town health insurance
study, and. was advised this is being handled by InsuranceConsultant Will~am Mullen
who has investigated numerous companies.
10:10 A.M. - Councilwoman Larsen:.:made a presentation to'the Board concerning the
Brown Tide, requesting the Board to enact and prioritize ~the following plan ~of action:
(1) Voluntary compliance by Town residents in limiting or eliminating the use of toxic
chemicals and fertilizers that enter into the creeks and pays in the form of run-off.
(2) Implementation of the reed-bed projects at priority town creeks to purify roa~l
run-off. (3) Passage of a local law banning the application of TBT anti.fou;lant paint
to boat bottoms. (4) Establishment of an Office of Natural Resources to review all
applications in terms of their environmental, economic and land use impacts, (5) Require
marina operators to monitor water quality around their facility by conducting an on-going
sampling program and submitting results to the Board of Trustees and/or Suffolk County
Department of~ Health Services.
10:25 A.M. ~ Robert Brown of Fairweather-Brown, Architects, met with the Board,
along with Chief Winters, to review plans for a proposed safety storage building for
police headquarters. The Board agreed to accept Mr. Brown's proPosal, at a cost
of $2,500.00, to prepare design drawings, etc. (see resolution no. 29). Mr. Brown
as also requested to prepare a proposal for the design through completi~on stages of
a Town Hall addition.
11:00 A.M. - North Fork Housing Alliance, Inc. officers Bessies Swarm, Executive
Director, Fred Ryder, Marilyn Sierra, Constance Keogh, Beverly Hallock,met with
the Board and Mrs. Swarm reviewed their 1987 Annual Proqram~Summary, and the
Town of SOuthold Housing Programs admln.stered by the Alliance during 198 . W,tht~
res ect to the. construction of proposed affordable housing, Mr. Ryder asked the ~'i~t
Bo~Prd' if the -would consider ~aiving Some of the construction fees? The Board sai~
they would definitely consider h~'s-~request.
11 ;35 A.M. - For Discussion (cont.): (2) Receipt of a statement from Legislator
Gregory Blass regarding Brown Tide. (3) Request from Court Report Myrtle Kiefer_
for an increase in fees (see resolution no. 30). (4) Letters from the Conservation
Advisory Council and Board of Town Trustees relative to Brown Tide study funding.
(5) Fairweather~Brown proposal for safety storage building-discussed at 10:25 A.M.,
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
(6) Discussed expiration of terms of Andre Cybulski and William Grigonis, Farmland
Committee members and Board all agreed to their reappointment for another two year
term (see resolution no. 34). (7) Letter from Town Trustees recommending the
erection of a fence on the Town Trustee property at the end of South Harbor Road,
Southold - Board agreed to accept proposal of Robert Bohn Contracting (see resolution
no. 31). (8) Application of Kevin Knobloch to place a house trailer on his property
on the south side of Route 48, Peconic, for use by a watchman. Board agreed location
would be inappropriate (see resolution no. 32). (9) Letter from Suffolk County Depart-
ment of Health Services concerning private wells near Old Orchard Lane, East Marion,
which realed a significant plume of groundwater contamination. (10} Proposed agree-
ment from S zepatowski Associates, Inc. to provide professional planning services on
a continuing on-call basis (see resolution no. 38).
12:30 P.M. - Recess for lunch.
2:10 P.M. - Joint Southold Town Board/Riverhead Town Board meeting with Michael
A. LoGrande. Sul~ervisor Janowski and Councilmen Pike and Civiletti pt:esent. SLiper-
visor Janoski said he had asked Mr. LoGrande to meet with the Boards to discuss a
possible regional planning service to address common problems. Mr. LoGrande stated
the Town's share water supply, tourism, Brown Tide, erosion, water quality and
traffic problems. He reviewed his qualifications and background. The Boards agreed
to discuss the need for such a service with their individual boards.
3:10 P.M. - Board audited outstanding vouchers.
3:30 P.M. - Reviewed regular meeting resolutions.
4:00 P.M. - Discussed personnel.
5:00 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
7:30 P.M.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, FebrL~ar¥
2, 1988, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, .New York. Supervisor
Murphy opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney James A. Schondebare
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first order of business is a resolution to approve the
audit of February 2, 1988.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, ,it was
RESOLVED tT~at the following audited bills be and hereby are ordered paid: 1987
bills: General~Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $18,114.23; General Fund
Part T'own Bills in the amount of $37,313.34; Highway Department Whole Town bills
in the amount of $2,026.53; High~v~y' Department Part Town bills in the amount of
$3,171.34; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $348.00; Nutrition
Fund bills in the amount of $435.83. 1988 bills: General Fund Whole Town bills in
the amount of $23,702.69; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $9,950.66;
Highway Department Whole Town bills in the amount of $12,718.19; Highway Department
Part Town bills in the amount of $3,438.34; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the
amount of 416,495.34; Agency and Trust bills in the amount of $66,658.75; Fishers
Island Ferry District, Agency and Trust bills in the amount of $2,773.58; Nutrition
Fund_ bills in the amount of $551.74; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of
$1167~5; Open Space Acquisition Capital Account bills in the amount of $500.00;
Community Development Fund bills in the amount of $1,724.82.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny,
Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution to approve the minutes of January 19,
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular Town Board meetin~ held on Japuary 19,
1988 be, and hereby are approved.
~/ote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoma~ Olivaw Council-
man Penny!~ Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution to set the next Town' Board meeting for
February 23, 1988, 7:30 i~.M., Southold Town Hall.
Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by /ustice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular Town Board meetin~.'will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesda¥.~
February 23, 1988 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran~ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The following reports are on file in the Town Clerk's Office
for anyone who wishes to read them:
1. Dimension Cable complaint letters - December, 1987.
2. Southold Town Supported Work Project Status Report - January 20, 1988:.
3. Town Clerk's monthly report -January, 1988'.
4. Town Historian's Annual Report - 1987.
5. Building Department's monthly report - January, 1988.
6. Recreation Department's monthly report - January, 1988.
7. Councilmen's reports.
J USTI.CE El)WARDS :i Nothing at this time.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN reported on her attendance at the Commerce & Industry
Committee meeting, trip to Riverhead County Center to participate in a press conference
held by County Legislatory Gregory Blass regarding his proposed plan of action to ~
curtail point and non-point pollutio~ into the Peconic/Flanders Bay system and;~t'heirt!!~':"~
relation to the~B.rown Algae BlOom. On January 21st attended the Board of Tr~:~ee~
me:eting, Farml'and Preservation Committee meeting. On January 26th she met w~h
DEC repr~e~-~-~ ~ s-~u~-~ in~d Water~ay permits. January 28th attended
the L.I. Agricultural Forum relative to pesticide spraying modification and well permits.
Met with Peter Wencz:e! to discuss the merits of the 205J funding from the 1987 Clean
Waters Act to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for the Brown T:ide
Comprehensive Assessment Management .Program. January 29th met with Councilwoman
Cochran, Recreation Supervisor Reeves and Beach Manager Muir for a Parks & Beaches
Committee meeting. With respect to the weekly Wedt~esday Office Hours held in conjunctic
with Councilwoman Oliva have been busy, meeting with private citizens, business people,
committee people and members of Town government. Everyone agrees the office hours
are a great idea.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN reported on the progress of the Village Green. Town
Historian Booth has suggested the name of Silversmiths Corner, which is the historical
name for the site, and the name which the Committee favors. However, the site has
not been formally named as yet. Met with Chief Winters and Robert Brown, Architect,
to review the needs for a proposed storage building for police headquarters. Held
a Recreation and Beaches meeting to begin planning for the 1988 summer season. STOP
Program meeting on February 1st.
COUNCILMAN PENNY reported on a Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting and the
proposed addition to the Town Hall; a Commerce & Industry Committee meeting held
on January 20th, at which time the widening of Chapel Lane was' discussed, as well ~
as the Master plan, gateway legislation for Orient, and the Landfill.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA reported on the January 20th meeting with Sidney Bowne
relative to an addition to the To~n~Hall; Commerce & Industry Committee meeting;
attendance, January 28th & 29th, of two sessions of the Agricultural Forum given
by Cooperative Extension. The first meeting was with the DEC who answered questions:
by the farmer concerning pesticide application and notifivation and permits for new
well construction. At the second meeting there were presentations by several people
from Cooperative Extension who believe farming will still be a viable industry in the
year 2000. Diversification is the key. On February 1st she attended a'meeting on
the on-going STOP Program.
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: There is only one public notice tonight, from the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of Complete Application of
Frederick Raymes for permission to construct a single family dwelling, deck, septic
system, drive and accessory structures. Project requires a 2 ft. ~ariance from 100
ft. setback for septic system. Projected located on Fordham Canal, Gull Pond,
Greenport. Comments to the DEC by February 19, 1988.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: There is one communication from Town Historian Antonia Booth
stating she had received a telephone call from Mrs. Frederic Prince of Founders Path,
Southold. Mrs. Prince expressed concern about the name of the "Southold Green"
which she termed 'mundane' and not at all appropriate reflection of Southoid's historic
past. She stated that the northeast corner of' Y. oungs /~venue and Route 25 has long
been known as "Silversmith's Corner". Silversmiths Benjamin Yonges, Bendict and
Coleman lived there at various times and there was, as well, an apprentice school
for silversmiths on the corner. In addition, Benjamin Prince, another silversmith,
maintained a home and shop on the opposite corner where the Mobile station is now.
Historian Booth said that when she opened a file on the new park she titled it
Silversmith's Corner, and she agrees with Mrs. Prince.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: A,t this time we will moveon to Resolutions. First I'd like
to remind everyone of the Town ]Board policy that at scheduled Town Board meetings
the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in
relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment. The public will also be given
time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board
on any given topic. Is there anyone who would like to address the Town Board on
any of the agenda resolutions? (No response.) Hearing none, we will move on to
Resolution Number l(a).
1.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded..by Justice Edwards, it was
(a) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation
of Ellen M. Larsen from the position of'Town Trustee, effecti-ve 4:45 P.M., February
2. 1988.
1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva. Council-
(a)man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number l(b) is to request the Governor to scheduled a special
election for the vacant Town Trustee position.
1.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
(b)RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sends a request to
Governor Marlo Cuomo to schedule a special electionf or the vacant Town Trustee positior~
1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice
(b)Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. No: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is to authorize the expenditure of an additional
$1,500.00 for Szepatowski Associates, Inc. to print 50 copies of the Draft Generic
Environmental Im'pact.Statement relative to updating the zoning map and ordinance.
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
expenditure of an additional $1,500.00 for Szepatowski Associates, Inc. to print
50 copies of'the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement, attend one public
hearing sessioo and prepare and print a final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
and fii~dihgs statement with respect to the proposed "Local Law to amend the So~Jthold
Town Zoning Code and the Zonin"g.Map incorporated therein, to implement, in whole
or in part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning
Board," and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the expenditure of $210.00 per meeting,
beyond the one public hearing session, for attendance at additional meetings.
-Vote of the Town Board': Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 3 is to creat a Justice Court Clerk position.
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
3.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran,~it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the position
of Justice Court' Clerk, sets a salary of $16,881.32 per annum, and authorizes and
directs Su-perviSOr Francis ~!. Murphy to request a Suffolk County Department of
Civil Service Certification o~ Eligibles List for said posi. tion.
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochranj Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 4 is to grant a trailer permit renewal to Northeast
Nurseries. I offer that~resolution.
4.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cocl~ran, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Northeast Nurseries for renewal of a watchman/
caretaker trailer permit, ~or trailer located on the south side of Route 48, Cutchogue,
which permit expires on Fel~ruary 9, 1988, be and hereby~is granted for a six (6)
month period.
4.-.Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Co~ncil-
woman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain: Councilman Penny.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 5 is to execute an agreement between the Suffolk
County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and the Town.
5.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between the Suffolk County
Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation and the Town of Southold, whereby
the Town will provide services and law enforcement by Town ordinances and/or Local
Laws and Regulations, at Cedar Beach Park, for the period January 1, 1988 through
December 31, 1988,. at ~ fee of $8,500.00.
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva~ Council-
man Penny, CounCilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 6 is to reappoint individuals to the Council on Veterr~s
6.-Moved by CouncHwoman Cochran, seconded by Supervisor Murphy, it was
RESOLVED ~that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reappoint~ the follow-
ipg indi~iduals~to th~ Council on Veterans Affairs, effective January 1, 1988 through
December 31, 1988, they to serve in said position without compensation:
John A. Harris Veterans of Foreign Wars
Bernard A. Heaney Catholic War Veterans, St. Agens Post No. 703, Greenpor~
Lawrence Shields A.R. Grebe American Legion Post No. 1045, Fishers Island
Bradley C~ Conklin Burton Potter American 'Legion Post No. 185, Greenport
Jose~ph Zimmer Griswold-Terry-.Glover American Legion Post No. 803, Southold
Henry W. Drum Raymond Cleaves American Legion Post No. 861, Mattituck.
6.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran~ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 7 is to appoint Mary Bares as Program Director for
the Senior Adult Day Care Center. I offer that resolution.
7.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Mary Bares
as Program Director for the Senior Adult Day Care Center, effective February 3,
1988, at a salary.of $6.19 p~r hour, to be paid through the Senior Adult Day Care
Center budget.
7.-Vote of the ~rown Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny,~ Councilwoman Cochranj Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolutior~ was declared duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Justice Edwards, ~econded by Councilwoman'Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the ~own Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the follow-
ing 1987 budget modifications to the Nutrition Program bud~et~
To: Personnel: Fringes $1,093.00
Print/Supplies: Supplies 898.00
~. Equipment: Hot Water Heater 3.00
Other: Bottled Gas 43.00
Total: $2,037.00
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number~8~a~'e budget modi~cations to the 1987 ~lu~rition Program
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
From: Personnel~
Driver/outreach $1,780.00
Food 257.00
Total: $2,037.00
8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva Council-
man Penny, Councilw~oman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared dUly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 9 is to accept a Performance Bond.
9.-Moved~ by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOI~VI~D that the Town I~oard of the Town of Southold hereby accepts Performance
Bond NO. 621920, issued by the First Indemnity of America Insurance Company, in
the amount .of $~00, 000. 00, for roads and improvements in the subdi~zision of Richmond
Shores at Peconic.
9.-~ote ofthe~own Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Coun,c?woman Oliva, Council-
man per~¥,iCouncilwoman ~ochran, Justice Edwards, SUper~isor Murphy.
Thi;s resolul~ion was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 10 is to appoint Parnel Wickham-$earl to the Executive
Committee of the 350th Anniversary Celebration. I offer that resolution.
10.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of th Town of Southold hereby appoints Parnel
Wickham-Searl to the Executive Committee of the 350th Anniversary Celebration, effective
i~mediately, she to serve without compensation.
10.-Vo~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
ma~n Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY; Number 11 is to execute an agreement with the Board of Election~.
11.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an a~reement between the Town and the
Suffolk County Board of Elections for the use of the Southold Town Recreation Center,
Peconic Lane, Peconic, as an official polling place for Election District No. 10 for Primary
and General Election days during .1988 and 1.989.
11.-Vote of the 1]own Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. '-
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 12 is to transmit the draft Land Bank Bill. I offer
that resolution.
12.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
the transmittal of the draft Land Bank Bill to Senator Kenneth P. LaValle and Assembly-
men Joseph Sawicki, Jr., John L. Behan, Robert J. Gaffney, and I. William Bianchi,
Jr., requesting their 'introduction and co-sponsorship of this bill in the New York
State Senate and New York State Assembly.
12~.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny~ Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOI~ MURPHY: Number 13 is to appoint a Kitchen Aide.
13.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Pharoah
Mosely as a Kitchen Aide for the Southold Town Nutrition Program, effective February
3, 1988, 20 hours per week, $4.36 per hour.
13.-Vote of the~own I~oard: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman O liva, Council-
man Peiqny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice ~wards, Supervisor Murphy.
This r~solution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14is to advertise for bids for two dump trucks.
14.-Moved by Councilman Penny,' seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town B6ard of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of two (2) 1987 F-800 D Ford
Single Axle Dump 154 CA trucks, or equal, for the Highway Department;
14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwom. an Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 15 is to execute an agreement with the Floyd Memorial
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an ac~reement~ between th~ Town and Floyd
Memorial I~ibrary whereby the library Will' administer a quality day~care program for
seniors at a cost not to exceed $6,000.00, said funds to be paid from the Community
Development Block Grant ~budget.
15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny., CouncilwOman Cochra~, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was 'declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 16 is to grant a leave Of absence~
16.-Moved b~ Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Co~hran, itwas
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold~ hereby g~ants Highway Depart-
ment employee Arnold Wilson a leave ~of absence for~ medical reasons; s~aid ~eave not
to exceed one (1) year from this date; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby determines that the medical insurance of Arnold
Wilson shall remain in effect and shall be paid by the Town .for the first three (3)
months of his leave, after which Mr. Wilson shall have the option to remain under
the Town's group coverage by paying the monthly premiums himself.
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Counci~lwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, CoUnciiwoma n Cochran,' JuStiCe' Edward~, SuperviSor Murphy~
This resolution was declared duly ADUlaTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 17 is ,for~ the Town Board to declare itself lead agency.
17.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded ~ by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board orthO. Town of Southold hereby de~lares itself lead
a~ency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the
petition of Pudge~CorpOration~James~L~ Gray, Sr. for a change, of zone from "A" Residen~
and Agricultural District to "C" Ligl~t lindustrial District on certain property located ·
on the northwesterly corner of Middle~R0ad (C.R.48) and Cox~ Lane, C~t~h~gu~,~ New
COUNCILMAN PENNY:stated he wished itu divulge at this time that he has a casual
business relationship with James L. Gray, Sr., does not know Of any plans for ~he
property in question,' and therefore ~lo~s not have a conflict of interest with r~p.ect
to voting on this r~solution~ or Numbe~ 18 and Number 19.
17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran~ Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVIS~OR MURPHY.: Number 18 is to engage Planner David Emilita to review the
Long Environmental Assessment Form. I offer that resolution~
18.-~loved by Supe'rvisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of theTown of Southold hereby en~a~es the services
of Planner David'Emilita, at a cost not to exceed $210.00, to review the LonqEnviron-
mental Assessmen~ Form with' respect- to the petition of Pudge Corporation/James L~.. ' ·
Gray, Sr. for a change of zone; said ~eview to include applicant's Part I, prepare
aPart Il and III, draft a proposed declaration~ including a field inspection; the cost ~-
of said review to be paid by PUdge Corporation prior to the commencement of the ~
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,~ ,Council- ·
man Penny, Councilwoman CoChran, Justice Edwards,Superwsor' Murphy. ~ ' ~·
This resolution was declared duly ,ADOPTED. ~ i '~
SUPERVISOI~ MURPHY: Number 19 is to transmit the Gray petition to the Town and
Count~ P~lanning Boards. I offer, that resolution.
19.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, se~con~led by Councilwoman Cochran, ~
WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Pudge Corporation/James L~ Gray, Sr.
for a chanqe of zone on certain property located on the northwesterly corner of Middle
Road (C.R. 48) and Cox Lane, Cutchogue, from "A" Residential and Agricultural District
to "C" Light Industrial District; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed ~o transmit
to the Southold Town Plannin~ Board and the Suffolk County Department
all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Ch~
19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen~ Councilwoman Oliva~
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 20 is to accept a resignation from the Tree Committee.
20.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, secor~ded b~C0uncilman' Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with regret,
~t.he resignation of Alice P. Eckert from the $outhold Town Tree Committee, effective
20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 21 is to grant permission to attend a seminar.
21.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission
to Senior Building Inspector Curtis Horton and Code Enforcement Officer Vincent
Wieczorek to attend a Code Enforcement Seminar, sponsored.by the Fire Inspectors
Association of Suffolk County, on Wendesday, February 17, 1988, from 8:.30 A.M.
to 4:00 P.M., at the Holiday Inn, Riverhead, New York, and the $20.00 registration
fee and necessary expense to travel shall be a legal charge against the Building Depart-
ment 1988 budget.
21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny,_,Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 22 is to declare the Town Board lead agency.
22.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares itself lead
agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the
petition of Richard W. Corazzini for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agri-.. _'~.
cultural District to "C-1" Ge[~er~al Industrial District on certain property located on
the westerly side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York.
COUNCILMAN PENNY:stated he wished to divulge at this time that he has a casual
business relationship with Richard W. Corazzini, does not know of any plans for the
property in question, and therefore does not have a conflict, of interest with respect
to voting on this resolution, or Number 23 and 24.
22o-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 23 is to engage Planner David Em~lita to review the
Long Environmental Assessment Form. I offer that resolution.
23.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOL,V. ED tl~at the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services
of Planner David Emilita, at a cost not to exceed $210.00, to review the Long. Environ-
mental Assessment Form with respect to the petition .of Richard W. Corazzini for a
change of zone; said review to include applicant's Part I, prepare a Part H and III,
draft a proposed declaration, including a field inspection; the cost of said review
to be paid by Richard W. Corazzini prior to the commencement of the review.
23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 24 is to transmit the Corazzini petition to the Southold
Town and Suffolk County Pl~nni~ng Departments. I offer that resolution.
24.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen,
WHEREAS, a petition has been received from Richard W. Corazzini for a change of
zone on certain property located on the westerly side of Cox Lane, Cutchogue, from
"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C-1" General Industrial District; now,
th~'efore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to transmit this petition
to the'Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning,
all in accordance with the SouthoTd-Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter.
24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 25 is to accept a resignation.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESQL~VED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation
of W'~-I~§ter McNeil as a Driver fo~ the Nutrition Program, effective 'immediately.
25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 26 is to appoint George Mason as a Driver for the
Nutrition Program.
26.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints George B.
Mason, Jr., to replace Webster McNeil, as a Driver for .the NutritiOn Pro~ram, effectiYe
February 2, 1988, at a salary of $9,900;00 per annum.
26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 27 are 1987 Budget modifications to the General F~
Whole Town. I offer that resolution.
27.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the follow-
lng 1987 Budget modifications to the General Fund-Whole Town:
To: AI010.4 Town Board, Contractual Expenses $ 2,000.00
Al110.4 Justices, Contractual Expenses 375.00
_- A1310.1 Accounting, Personal Services 60.00
A1330.1 Tax Collection, Personal Services 100.00
A1410.1 Town Clerk, Personal Services 75.00
A1620.4 Buildings, Contractual Expenses 5,000.00
A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance, Contractual Expenses 1~400.00
A3120.1 Police, Personal Services 665.00
A7110.4 Parks, Contractual Expenses 10.00
A9055.8 CSEA B~nefit Fund, Benefits 165.00
From: A1010.4 To~vn Board, Personal Services $ 4,000,00
Al110.1 Justices, Personal Services 375.00
~ A1310.4 Accounting, Contractual Expenses 200.00
A1330.2 Tax Collection, Equipment 200.00
A1620.1 Buildings, Personal Services 5,075.00
27.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: .Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 28 ~re 1987 Budget modifications
Part Town~ I Offer that resolution.
-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold: hereby authorizes tl~e
following 1987~ Budget modifications to the General Fund - Part Town:
To: B3120.1 Police, Personal Services
B3120.4 Police, Contractual Expenses
B3130.1 Bay Constable, Personal Services
B3620.1 Safety I nspection~ Personal Services
B3620.4 Safety Inspection, Contractual Expenses
B 9030.8
B 9055.8
B 9060.8
Zonin9, Contractual Expenses
Planning, Contractual Expenses
Social Security, Benefits
CSEA Benefit Fund, Benefits
Hospitalization, Benefits
Unallocated Insurance, Contractual Expenses
Police, Equipment
Bay Constable, Equipment
Bay Constable, Contractual Expenses
PubliC Health, Equipment
Public Health, Contractual Expenses
Zoning, Personal Services
Planning, Personal Services
Police Retirement, Benefits
B9040.8 Workers -Co~mpensation, Benefits
B9050.8 Unemployment Insurance, Benefits
B9059.8 GHI Dental, Benefits
$ 2,185.00
18, 720.00
$ 200.00
1,2OO. 00
B2115 Planning Board Fees $ 22,500.00
B2772 Cablevision I3,120.00
28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council,
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 29 is to accept the proposal of Fairweather-Brown
for a new storage building for police headquarters.
29.-Moved by Counczlwoman Cochran, seconde~l by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of S.outhold hereby accepts the proposal
of Fairweather-Brown, Architects & DesigRers, in the amount of $2,500.0§, to prepare
c~esign drawings, prepare bid specifications, and oversee the construct,ior~ of a new
storage building for Southotd Town Police Headquarters, all in accordance ,with their
proposal dated February 1, 1988.
29.-¥ote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva~ Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 30 is to execute an agreement with Myrtle Kiefer,
Certified Court Reporter.
30.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Francis J..Murphy to execute an agreement between the Town and Myrtle
Ki~fer, Certified Court Reporter, who will personally, or by her ~agent, provide court
reporting services to the Southold Town Justice Court for the period February 2,
1988 through December 31, 1988.
30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olivar Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY,: .Number 31 is to accept a proposal for fencing Town Trustee
property at South Harbor Road. I offer that resolution.
31.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal
of Robert Bohn Contracting, for the erection of fencing on the Town Trustee property
at the end of South Harbor Road, Southold, at a cost not to exceed $1,380.00.
31 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva~ Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
I offer that resolution.
Number 32 is to deny the trailer application of Kevin Knobloch.
32.-Moved by Supervisor Murl~-hy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it-was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby denies the application
of Kevin Knobloch to locate a trailer c~n his property on the south side of Route 48,
Peconic, New York.
32.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 33 is to. advertise for the purchase of used law books.
33.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
the Town Clerk. to advertise for bids for the purchase of used law books.
33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 34 is to reappoint Andre Cybulski and William
Grigonis to ~the Farmland Committee.
34.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby reappoints Andre
Cybulski, Jr. and William H. Grigonis as members of'the Farmland Committeea effective
March 13, 19~88 through March 13, 1990.
34.-Vote of the-~own Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Pe~ny, Co~Jncitwoman Cochran, Justice E:~wards, Supervisor Murphy.
This r~solution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 35 ~s to grant a leave of absence to a Highway Depart-
ment employee. I offer that resolution.
35.-Moved by Supervisor MurphY/, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants Highway Depart-
ment employee Alan Faszczewski a leave of absence for medical reasons; said leave
not to exceed one (1) year from this date; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby determines that the medical insurance of Alan
Faszczewski shall remain in effect and shal be paid by the Town for the first three
(3) months of his leave, after which Mr. Faszczewski shall have the option to remain
under the Town's group coverage by paying the m~_thly premiums himself.
FEBRUARY 2, 1988
35.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwardsr Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 36 is to rescind a resolution.
36.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rescinds thei~
Resolution No. 47, adopted on January 19, 1988., authorizing Town Attorney James
A. Schondebare to negotiate the purchase of the law library and furniture from the
office of the late Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker.
36.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman O~iva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochranr Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 37(a) is to accept the resignation of Bobra Wetmore
as a member of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Committee. I offer that resolution.
37.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oli~a, it was
(a) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with rec~ret,
the resignation of Bobra H. Wetmore as a member of the Local ~¥aterfront Revitalization
P. rogram Advisory Committee, effective immediately.
37.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
(a) ~an Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MIJRPHY: Number 37(b) is to appoint a new member to the Local Water-
front Revitalization Program Advisory Committee.
37.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran0 it was
(b) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town'of Southold hereby appoints Richard
Wilton as a member of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Advisory Committee,
effective February 2, 1988.
37.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
(b) man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I~umber 38 is an agreement with Szepatowski Associates to
review environmental impact statements. I offer that resolution.
38.-Moved by Sgpervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED ~hat the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between Szepatowski Assodates,
Inc. and the Town-of Southoldr wherebY Szepatowski Associates, Inc. will provide
professional planning services on a continuing on-call basis for the review of environ- ~
mental impact statements ~ and long environmental assess~ment' forms r for a period not
to exceed December 31, 1988, all in accordance with tl~e agreement as reviewed and
amended by Town Attorney Schondebare.
38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman O|iva, Council-
woman Cochran, Justice Edwards, SUpervisor Murphy,. Abstain: Councilman Penny.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MIJRPHY: That ends our prepared and'added-on-agenda~ I~ .there ~
any T~wn~Bo~rd member who wishes to. add anything at this time? INo further
comments.) Is-there anyone in the audience who would like to address the Town
Board on a~y matter? (No response.) Hearing none, a resolution to adjourn is in
order. Thank you all for coming out tonight.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Vote of the ~Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman L~arsen~ Councilwoman Oliva, Council-~
man Penny,' Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This r.~s~lutio~ was declared duly ADOPTED~ .
~~T~ Terry
Southold Town Clerk