HomeMy WebLinkAboutLatham -� � � � u �� f �C ��j JUDITH T.TERRY e TOWN CLERK (5116)TELEPHONE 6765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 July 26, 1978 Mr. Melville A. Kelsey, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Board of Assessors Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Kelsey: On July 25 , 1978, following a duly advertised public hearing held on July 11, 1978, the Southold Town Board granted Roy Latham, Orient, New York a Grant of Scenic and Conservation Easement. Copy of this grant attached hereto. Very truly yours, _z� Judith T. Terry Town Clerk r s GRANT OF -SCENIC AND. CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this 25th day of . July 1978, by and between ROY LATHAM, residing at Private Road, Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York (the "grantor") and the TOWN OF ` SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its office at 16 South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York (the "grantee") . WHEREAS, the grantor is the owner of a certain parcel of land consisting of 28,2 acres, more or less, of farmland, woods and meadow located on the South side of Route 25 in the Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York generally bounded northerly by land of Latham; easterly by land of Louis Tuthill Estate; southerly by Long Beach Bay; and westerly by land of Terry, -said land being shown and designated on a certain map prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl entitled, "Map of Lands Owned by - Roy Latham at Orient, Town of Southold, New York," dated November 4, 1977 and amended May 25, 1978. And a second parcel of land consisting of 8.9 acres, more or less, of meadow located on the south side of Route 25 in Orient, Town of 'Southold,. Suffolk County, New York generally bounded. Northerly by the westcrly brar-oh- of Tom Brown's Creek, easterly by Tom Brown's Creek; southerly by Long Beach Bay; and westerly by a gutter leading to Tom Brown's Creek; said land being shown and designated on a certain map prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl entitled "Map of Lands Owned by Roy Latham at Orient, Town of Southold, New York," dated November 4, 1977. and amended May 25, 1978. And a third parcel of land consisting of 1.3 acreas, more or less, of meadow located on the south side of Route 25 at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, generally bounded northerly by land of Demarest; Il easterly by land of Demarest; southerly by Tom Brown's Creek; and westerly by 1l land of Louis Tuthill Estate; said land being shown and designated on a certain. map prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl entitled "Map of Lands Owned by Roy Latham at Orient, Town of Southold, New York," dated November 4, 1977 and amended May 25, 1978. And a fourth parcel of land consisting of 2 acres, more or less, of meadow located on the south side of Route 25 at Orient, Town of Southold, -1- Suffolk .County, New York, generally bounded northerly by land of Margolin; easterly by Tom Brown's Creek; southerly by Tom Brown's Creek and westerly by land of Demarest, said land being shown and designated on a certain map prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl entitled "Map of Lands Owned by Roy Latham at Orient, Town of Southold, New York," dated November 4, 197.7; and which said four parcels of land are more fully described.in Schedule A hereunto annexed and made a part hereof, which said four parcels of land are hereafter referred -to as "the premises," and -2- WHEREAS, said premises constitute an area of natural scenic beauty and whose existing openess, .natural condition, or present state of use, if retained would enhance the present potential value of abutting and surrounding properties and would maintain or enhance the conservation of natural and scenic resources; and WHEREAS, the grantor wishes t.o grant a scenic and conservation easement to the grantee upon the premises; and WHEREAS, the grantee deems it to be in the public interest to acquire interests .or rights in real property for the preservation of open space and areas to preserve the beauty and natural conditions of estuarine areas in the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS, Section 247 of the General Municipal Law of the State of Now York provides that municipalities, including Towns, may acquire the fee or a lesser interest, development right, easement, covenant or other contractual' right in and to real property necessary to achieve the aforesaid purposes; .and . WHEREAS, the grantee, in furtherance of the above policy and in accordance with Section 247 of the General Municipal Law wishes to accept the scenic and conservation easement hereby proffered by the grantor, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold after.due notice thereof, with respect to the terms and conditions. embraced herein, at which public hearing all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable consideration paid by the grantee to the grantor the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, this agreement witnesseth that: 1. The grantor does hereby donate, grant, transfer and convey to the Town of Southold, a scenic and conservation easement in gross, of the nature, character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over and upon the premises. -3- I i . L 2. The nature, character and extent of the easement hereby granted is as follows: (a) No dredging, excavating, or land fill operations shall be authorized or permitted in .or on the premises, except as required for agricultural purposes. (b) No development of any kind .shall be permitted nor shall any commercial use except agricultural and horticultural uses be made of the premises. (c) No building or structures shall be placed or erected on the premises. (d) No gravel, sand, peat or other material, except salt hay or thatch shall be removed from the premises nor shall any sand,. gravel or other materials be placed upon the premises; (e) No roadways or driveways shall be constructed on the premises except unimproved farm roads; (f) The grantee and its authorized agents shall have the right of inspection of the premises at any and all times during-the team' hereof. 3. The nature, character and extent of limitations on th e.within grant' of easement-are as follows: (a) Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, the premises shall remain at all times in the exclusive possession of the grantor. (b) All rights, interests and privileges of the grantor in the premises not herein specificallydonated, granted, transferred . and conveyed shall remain and reside with the grantor. 4. This agreement may be cancelled by the grantor upon sixty (60) days written notice to the grantee and upon payment to the grantee of a sum equal to three times the difference between the amount of real estate taxes paid or. assessed against the premies in the year of such cancellation and the amount of real estate taxes that would be assessed against the prem- ises in the year of such cancellation had the premises not been burdened. with -4- { the provisions of this instrument, both computed in the tax year in which the cancellation.shall take place. Upon payment of such sum, the grantee shall execute and deliver to the grantor a*release of easement instrument in recordable form. 5. In the event that the grantor desires to dispose of the premises, or any part thereof, during the term of this agreement, or any renewal or extension thereof, by sale, the grantor shall give' the grantee . thirty (30) days notice of such proposed sale and the terms thereof. The grantee shall have the first option to acquire the premises within said thirty (30) day period on the same terms as any such proposed sale. 6. The failure of the grantee to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms., conditions, covenants, 'or restrictions contained herein, shall not be .deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or fault in the terms, conditions, covenants or restrictions contained herein. I 7. If the whole or any part of the premises shall be condemned or taken by eminent domain, then this agreement shall forthwith cease from the date of title vesting in such proceeding. In such event the grantor shall be required to pay no penalties, nor shall the value of the premises be limited by this easement, nor shall any part of .any award belong to the grantee. 8. The grantee covenants that to the extent legally permissable,. the valuation placed upon the premises for purposes, of real estate taxation will be limited by the restriction of this scenic easement in accordance with Section 247 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. 9. All the covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions, easements and provisions of this agreement shall continue and remain in effect until the 1st day of August . 1988, at which time all of the provisions hereof shall be automatically extended. for successive periods of' one (1) year, unless on or before the 31st day of May 198 8 or -s- sixty (60) days prior to the end. of any such extension period, either party hereto shall by written instrument duly recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office determine to terminate the same. 10. The burden of this easement shall run with the land -and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their successors and assigns. r: �J y tham TOWN OF SOUTHOLDBy / f--7�? STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 25th day of July 1978 before me personally .c.ame ALBERT M. MARTOCCHIA, to me known, .who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 450 Seventh Street, Greenport, New York; that he is the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; and that it was so affixed by order of the Town Board of said municipal corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like o,-dAr Notary Public JUDITH T. TERRY STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public, state of New YO-k ss. . No. 52.034'D-53 Sufr,,4 Court) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Com nisso� > ',r res ''l arch 30, 19'1='1 On the day of �)J_� 1978, before me personally came ROY LATHAM, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public D""" AA. VOLINSVt NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Pleev Por N6- 52-4833608, Sm. uffolk C"' TOM Expires March 30, 19. -6- SCHEDULE A PARCEL I BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of land of Louis Tuthill Estate and the easterly line of land of Roy Latham, said point being about 1974 feet southerly along said land of Tuthill Estate from the -southerly line of-Main Road; running thence along said land of Tuthill Estate, three courses: (1) Southerly, 980 feet, more or less; thence (2) Westerly and southerly, 325 feet, more or less, thence (3) Easterly, 210 feet, more or less, to a certain gutter leading to Long Beach Bay; Thence along said gutter, three courses: (1) Southerly, about 450 feet, more or less; thence (2) Southwesterly, about 300 feet, more or less; thence. (3) Southeasterly, 200 feet, more or less, to Long Beach Bay; thence along Long Beach Bay, two courses: (1) Southwesterly, 300 feet, more or less; thence (2) Northwesterly, 450 feet, more or less, to land of J. Droskoski; thence along said land of J. Droskoski, eight courses: (1) Northeasterly, 175 feet, more or less; thence (2) Northwesterly, 58 feet, more or less; thence (3) Northeasterly, 140 feet, more or less; thence (4) Northwesterly, 76 feet, more or less; thence (5) Northeasterly., 107 feet, more. or less; thence (6) Westerly, 99 feet, more, or less thence (7) Northwesterly, 102 feet, more or less; thence (8) Westerly, 159 feet, -more or less, to land of S. Droskoski;. thence along said land of S. Droskoski, two courses: (1) Northwesterly, 252 feet,. more or less; thence (2) Westerly, 160 feet, more or less, to land of Lloyd Terry; thence along said land of Lloyd"Terry, northerly 1010 feet, more or less,. to other land of Roy Latham; thence easterly along said other land of Roy Latham, 580 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing approximately 14.9 acres of farm, 4. 8 acres of woods, and 8.5 acres of meadow. PARCEL II 8.9 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly by the westerly branch of Tom Brown's Creek adjoining lands of Tuthill, Latham and Demarest;,, Easterly by Tom Brown's Creek; Southerly by Long Beach Bay, and westerly by a gutter leading to Tom Brown's Creek, said parcel of meadow being known as "Sandman's Island." PARCEL III 1.3 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly by Demarest about 105 feet; Easterly by Demarest about 720 feet; Southerly by Tom Brown's Creek about 70 feet; Westerly by Tuthill Estate about 690 feet. PARCEL IV 2.0 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly by Margolin. about 188 feet; easterly by Tom Brown's Creek about 560 feet; Southerly by Tom Brown's Creek about 160 feet; Westerly by Demarest about 550 feet. i i21._O�: VAN TIM VAN (UiL F. ;. Pro:ettinna! En;r:r,4nt bc-:n-..J Land Surveyor .L,• +:iad Land Surveyor Phona 477-1487 Phone 477-1608 RODERICK VAN TUYL, P. C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 /u0 PHONE 477.0170 1,kay 25, 1978 DESCRIPTION: Scenic Easement on .Land of Roy Letham at Orient Parcel I (Revised) 28.2 acres described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of land of Louis Tuthill Estate and the easterly line of land of Roy Latham, said point being about 1974 feet southerly along -said land of Tuthill Estate from the southerly line of Main Road; running thence along said land of Tuthill Estate, three courses: (1 ) Southerly,. 980 feet, more or less; thence. (2) Westerly and southerly, 325 feet, 'lore or less; 'thence (3) Easterly, 210 feet, more or less, to a certain gutter lead- ing -to Long Beach Bay; Thence along said gutter, three courses: (1 ) Southerly, about 450 feet, more or less; thence (2) Southwesterly, 300 feet, more or less; thence (3) Southeasterly, 200 fee i�, more or less, to Long Beach Bay; thence. along Long Beach Bay, two courses: (1 ) Southwesterly, 300 feet, .more or less; thence (2) Northwesterly, '450 feet, more or less, to land of J. Droskoski, thence along said land of J. Droskoski, eight courses: (1 ) Northeasterly, 175 feet* more or less; thence (2) Northwesterly, 58 feet, more or less; thence (3) Northeasterly, 140 feet, more or less; thence (4). Northwesterly, 76 feet, more. or less; thence (5)Northeasterly, 107 feet, more or less; thence (6) -Westerly, 99. feet, more or less; thence (7) Northwesterly, 102 feet, .more or less; thence (8) Westerly, 159 feet, more or less, to land of S. Droskoski; thence alon.- said land of S. Droskoski, two courses: (1 ) Northwesterly, 252 feet, more or less; thence (2) Westerly, 160 feet, more or less, to land of Lloyd Terry; thence along said land of Lloyd Terry, northerly 1010 feet, more or less to other land of Roy Latham; thence easterly along said other ! and of R Roy Letham, 580 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containin, approximately 14.9 acres of farm, 4.8 acres-of woods, and 8.5 acres of meadow. - �- 3VT/mg RODERICK VAN TUYL; P.C. To: Diana Day Latham cc: Mrs. Roy Latham - ,,ti 1`0'11 VAN Ytoll _ F?oq ;rrr P.,v..•rn a! �. rear .•fin. ...td L.,. .. , s l:i.ertgnd L•<ia1 S.,r w•1:N , Pnora 477 1487- f r.r.o•.. c -RDDE4��a. VAN .-Fi�� P. C., i FRONT t T:i:E, :?! 4iN GREENPGRT, NE41 YOPK 11944 PHONE 477.0170 Page 2 i 1.) Northweste y, , 2 feet, r_o^e or '_tncc (2) `iTester , 160 feet, rle or less.. to lar— 0_`, ,c;­�. Ter_ 5 thence along, s d land of Llo;rd Terx-j-z- rv:the:-ly 1 `8; -eF i" rx._ .. . less, to sa and of Koroleski; then!e Koroleski 452 eet, more or less," o trio pca,a of rgi�_ ; ;s ;•r.•.w tainin_ - pproxima ely 22.8 acres f farm9 4.8 act•:, of V,03* 8.5 a res of meado Parcel II 8.9 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly by t1,E trvesterly branch of Tom Brawn's Creek adjoining lards of Tuthill, - Latham and Demarest; Easterly by Tom Brown's Creek; Southerly by Lorig Beach Bay, and westerly by a gutter leading to Tom Brown's Creek, said parcel of meadow, being known as "Sandman' s Island". Parcel III 1 .3 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly by Leu.ere� : about 105 'feet; Easterly by Demarest about 720 feet; Southerly by Tom Brown's Creek about 70 feet; Westerly by Tuthill Estate about 690 feet; Parcel IV. 20 acres of meadow described as follows: Northerly. by TIT Wrgc1_iz, about 188 feet; Easterly by Tom Brown's Creek about 560 feet; Souths by Tom Brown's Creek about 160 feet; Westerly by Demarest abot:t "550 feet. RODERICK VAIN TU`� , P.C. RVT/mg To: Diana Day Latham- 233 East 32nd Street New York, N.Y. 10016 cc: 1.2rs. Roy -Latham