HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 7648 P 269 y CHIT� � 1 : ` `lC ' DE ' s a THIS INDENTURE made this ' ndd y of Aar 1� by: 1 between �� � ill , residing fan Reado er t Town of So tiioW,� S�f�ol� C�ttnty; New '�-Orkil 140l'F, T, 1�11T1T, residing at Road (no number), Orient, .Town of SouthOlil, Suffolk `ount�-_,, � 4 B ,.1 New Y`or�, and.DI,A NA Wt WyllIT.51 r � � do 'Massachusetts {the "grantors') and the T 'N Off' SC)UTHC�T.,�, .a xnunic , corporation of:the State of New Y`6r1c, ha ng. its office at l South Streets �z 'G811j]ar , S i`f 11C C,`Ountyv NeW Yor� (the, E, �.anteesl) �J , WH � s the grantors are the Owners of a der,04.a yrs, cel. of land consisting-of 2 acres, amore orales ; of farzd, marshland and tr - � fr�nta o �loeated oil the:rnorth side o�•�oute 2� in tie lla�et o Drint, O�.�n � of Southold, uffolk Coimty, Noir York, generally botinded northerly by Lang Island Sound; eastex�I�r key iano� of fir=� lo Terry, sutY�erl y` oe and westerly by land of Lloyd Terry, said land beig shoe and desgnated. �`. on a certain ma prepared byRoderick " n. �Tuyl. entitled '�la of r a y, made for Spencer 'ferry Estate at Orient, Town of Southold, -New Yorl,."I comped x1jarch 1 , 1972# And. a.second parol of land ileonsigtig of l acres. more €r le A of farmland and marsh lend ocated to south. side of Route 2 at Orient,. Torn of Southold, Suffolk Co t ever 1C,� generally bo d ` ortherly by Ro .te ; easterly by land of.Orville Terry; oath rl by l,.ittle .Mrd esterly by land e Floyd Terry �d 1. i'ry laid. l x d befpg ghat/ n and = designated on a certain � :ent1ded '.'Map. Of r� qty`.ma for•Sq e _ `terry Estate situate at Orient, Town of Southold, Suff'+a11-. co ty, �7e ! �C��'k-F. . prepared by Roderick Van T yl, oo plied on arch-1 , -!974,, an Whish add two parcele of land are more fully deseribed. in Sched .le- A, hereunto zmhe ed and made part hereof, ��vhicb said• ' parcels o�:I .nd are hereinafter Yeterrod to as "the-prexii-ises and :P­t w e LAIVER'71648 FAu 270 SCHEPULB and being at ALL that certain plot, piece lamedstateof Ne, � Orient, Town of Southoldy. County of Suffolk and State _ poured and described as follows: southerly Unem f Nlai Road E �N1NG t a concrete nonumetyeton t� , or formePl:� land (State Route 25Y at the northeasterly ornormen � , said southerly`l'err � from, said. point of beginning running of fain Road (State route North 177 degrees 34 minutes r,o seconds East 3-9.44 feet to land now or formerly of Orvilie. Terry; thence .on land last mentioned the f ll -,grog nine courses and distances, to spit; ti Smith degrees Minutes secndsest feet nce - South 75 €legrees 4 minutes West log. feet; thence On tie line co Lir 'e of South ' degrees 4 n hute 4 l seconds.East ,11. 52 feet; thence . n e tie l e course of,South degrees 4 M ute 1 s core s East F 6& feet-, thence On a tie lint ocxrs of South 4 degrees minutes 50 sonde est 240.83 feet; thencet; thence South 1 degrees rnirtes 4 , seconds Wesmt inutes seconds mast on a tie line course of South 25 degrees 31 01. feet; thence lst 115.65 feet; thence South 1 degrees �� minutes seconds seconds Ea 60 feet. or orless, South 11 degrees Mzintes to the shoreline of Little'nay':� thence 1n.a westerly, d sect along the shore lie of Little a� distance of 28 feet, More or es r to lid nom orf A of Lloyd 'ferd nolxi rry; thence along land last=eor ntionsdd.l tot forrl� F. L. 'ferry the fol-o—i*n three courses anddistances,<.- North l de ess 5 minutes 1 seconds West-625 feet, more o less; thence forth degrees 4 minutes sec nd Bast 9.1, 12 foet; thence North 1 degrees S Minutes 1 seconds West 1272, 14 N-Pt to a concrete monument set,on the :southerly line of Main ?read �Sfts ,�ut � and the point or dace of' eing* Containing -16'.5 ares, more or less. PJARCEII li ALL that certain plot, piece or arcel of Viand situate, lyg and being at t'aent, in the ` n o Southold, Countyo Suffolk Stato, of c . hounded d dserib ed.as ollows. � t concrete onue t sit o the northerly line off load rnuf la (State Route at the southeast r y coc n lar last menof tioned Terry; from said point of begging running_thence there or i+�s , North 1 degrees minutes seconds fest 2645 feet, to the ordinary Ingh water Mark of Long island. Soondjg- r rl of n thence � ordinary high rate mark of Lon island-sou d in distance of 4 fuer more or less, to land now or formrrerly of Orme Terry. running tnc toence along land last mentioned South 1.1 degrees 0 minutes 00 seconds fast feet nxor or less to said -southerly line of f ain. Road thence aloes said southerly line,cif 'Vain,Road (State owe (State Route g Sonth degrees 4 mutes seconds es 382,31 fe to a concrete` monneht red the point or dace of leg' nning EXCLUDING1 H WE VM, froom the above described; Premises that ors) thereof awn a frontage .on the northerly line f Mairl.Road.(State Routh to a depth of 390 feet . Contairft22 acres, more or less. . ��ERE S, said premises con t tote an area natural sc hz b Du,z y and hose existing openness, natural di ti�snor prate f ez :retained. would en-ha ce Ube resent po e tea .value:o ahutt din properties end iuld an ° or e. _nc s .the co sem tion of surrounding p natu�r al axed scenic resources; and h and ooeee tERE grantors i ism V gra easement to the grantee upon the premises.s and t to be �� the puhlidl interact, to ae uire �'4�i.VREAS; . the grantee deems$ z sn,-4;,��s is or-rights in f areal property for the prese.rvati n of open spaceand, f. l e areas M,ares to Preserve Uie beauty and natural odnditions of eStuarirke the Town .of Southold; and WHEREAS, �eotion 247 of the. etera ._ uniA Lai of the State of . New fir .± provides. that mzni ipaltzss. cthe ludg ons �y �ouire fee ora sser interest= development -tight, easement- Dov= n nt or Ot er Contractual right in and to reel property .necessa t chiev�e,the afore purposes;. and �i HEREAS, the ,grantee; in fUrther e the h.p :pc�i e and .z accordance with Section 247 #f: the General Ali,oip�c� ,:ati�r wishes t� ac ep s r red h-= the gr torSs a the scenic orx and eonservatzease er� he b p �' HERF_AS; a public hea ng was 1 by the .TOwg Bbard of he '�" �rtk Of Southold after due notice'thereofa With respect to the terms �c� o�€ ikio�= Y.._ embraced k�ereirs,, at which public het.iting all interested parties Sverre ,g- an opportunity; to be heardr Tp/'���((77[[�� $ oc derati a flf +( *;E1. P DOLLAR s the ottier good. an,- bation Paid by the gratee to 010 01w" rci e this a Leh #inesset� tty• receipt of which is hereby sckn�av�lOk . _ ,:� r l l The grantors d' herb :rlgrzte� grunt, .transfer d convey to the Tovpf� Southold, a scenic and:conservation e Leine t in res ' of.the atta e= character and to the P_tOnt hereina,�kex� set i'tirthr t�ver and - - 3 7648 upon the premises. 2. The nature character and extent of, the easement hereby granted is as 101101M, (a) X6 wedging, exes a-t g r �c fill perst z� r ire shall be authorized or permitted in nr on the premises. except as reud . for a ric Lural purposes. 4h) No development_ o e .. shall e e at . nor shall any. c� ercial use ee & aaieztral oricult�tra us made of the premise$. e) o buildings or structures shall he plc dor erected on the premises. (d) No gravel, sand, peat or other material. except salt hay or thatch shall be removed frorn, she premises nor shall Y- sand, gravel or other materials Vie. placed upon the premises; . (ok. Io roa ray , i eyvays_sh be. cohstrue on the premises except.unimproved farm reads; The gr rit p and its uthoriz ,d.a encs Eqh 1 a . the right o inspection of the premises at UAY and all tie darn the t erm hereof. .$ The i� turo� eli'r c r and e t t of limi tion o the within grant of ea ernent are as foli.ci�,s� la) Notwitl-1standzng-the prO.Visjonsher.0-of",. -the premises shall remain at Ali times -in the-exclusive possession of the rntos ; a Interests and. rivilege ih �b� l righi� , . . . raptors in the premises not herein, specifically donate l� rued er ns erre , and conveyed shall remain land reside with the 4. This a:greera_ent ��iay be cancelled hy:the ran ors upon sixty (oo) clay's written noticed the grantee azd neon payment to the V _ - difference bet-ween the amout o grantee of a sum eq l to three ties the def. r real ort to Faxes id. cr assoss 'd dga st the pyo ,he yeas o � . eauceil tion and the a nouns of real estate taxer that wold,be as�essec� year tsue against tie premises in. the e .ati had the nie t i y been I Ei d n£d with the prOasic�ns:of this instrument, bow b�puted in h� tax year in which, the cp..noellatio shall take place. Up p pa s eht of such. uX11s 0,.e ganteeshalltexeCu to d d-01 r f".thf:.grantor. .g rd eage. casement instrument in recordable form, 5. In the :event that tho gka fora 46sire promises,ses, or any part thereof, during the ter -of,the r inept g g ee renewal or extension thereof, by sale .the grantor.$;shall givo ��� thirty (30) days notice ct such ropose&sade ct a the. term t re te grantee shah have the fsrst op�son to dhe Vlr ,the prem .scs within said- i.rty or"sod on the sairae tsris as any such prop �-- (3o) d.ay. p- _. The failui re of ,ths rautee to �i t.0 n the st i t �r oz=u: +rico of a of terz is; c nditi.oas covenants. or restrictions, per y- corttain-d herein, shall r of be .deemri d ¢ urai r r ai' any oro hent beach br fault i.z1 the terms, c+p iditi�fis covenants or re�trieki�zr x� a ed herein,. . '1: If thercxle o any pnt oft premises -shall be condemned ar taken by Cinj ,nent doynain, then 1i� tlgr( eCmeall-Ifor. lis cease from. the dote of- title vesting . uch orocee ng� Tri such east-"the . grant ors shall be r eiq irO to pay_no penal_.t.ieg.. nor 8h a11 £he v l xe. the'. prep ares be IixrLited 1:q-this easeiment, nor shall any part anY awsrd b elan to the grantee_ $. The granted Cotiepantz. that.wtho extent le ally Perssable, the valuation pi4ced upon t..hepremie'ps. for pUrp��s of real im estate taxation V iii beJIMit0d by the e t is iOn Of t Us.scenic eaisen nt accordance -with Septi of the en ral � unieip� a of the tate of -GNV York.. S. MI the cd re ants, conditions, ser st=o , restri 7 tivz�s, easements end rovi �ns;01 this a ree ens shall continue and re a in- - fill LVER W274 in effect until the day , 1984, = ti h time .i e: hereof shall be autQnlaticall.�extehded for SuCcessj,-re peri.-oft of n l� e Unless on or b f re th, ��� d., of to the ejld of any such eXtensi0n period, either parte hereto soli by Pratt rt instrument duly recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office eteri e to ,terminate the SaM lQThe burden vi this. eaAe lent Shah rub With alae end and shah. be binding uporz the parties kaeareto} end.shear Spcees or - nc1 TOWN or SGUTI4r 0TOLD Supe visor r + Fa � i�"• z.. & � Constance Terr, i ' e T. hitsl . t�ntst STATE 0E- NNEW YORK) COUNTY OF S TV FOLID On the 1 ,.,Ada -of 44� 1974, before-me pargonaT ewe i b damS . n did ALBERT lI. TCC CRIA, tome lin , -ZrZ be - depose and say that he resides- at 4550-Seventh Street, 'Greenport, New York; that he is the S pe icor of the T V a . UT140LD, the -corporation described in and � bich e eented the foregoing i�trument, ,hit he, �o� the seal of said-corporation; that the seal (fixed to said jnstr �went is such corporate sear and that it was s affixed by r f tbo Ton and of id nicipal corporation as that he sued his name thereto by,lily ord * mot � 'PU lie` NOTAPY ? €s 'Twinno f OF S LK) .��da�t of r. before m `pe�'s onal y came On the C NS`I'! C TERRY and 14oft T. WHIT T, to me Imo n to be the individuals is dried and d they Who � n :.� acunow.L i1g - ��w'— �j�+ iialc .Pim � ¢7i ages.► Y Ya €i 1.,` L�t3 M�l..IS RAS ST=04 or Massaalxt�s���s. cow'&- o;t the 25th day of 14ay, d. , 1� foO �: 0P � be tj- and _,7ho exr--cutthe -fo r- -tagge r �mjaw she . 6 otw . a ges to me that obe evM-catea tk f�riIiifits�2SllJLtII1 1� '� 43aL1111rY2ftt I, RIC�RU S.Sr'tNI CNF Cltrlt of the iriet Com€o Natick, with in and a, for :aai:l C stty of. Middac F incl Conor,VPalth of �usetf4 the Sam being AOilgogxx sm, a Court of Record, ri? HEREBY C IFY that � Klein . . ....... ... .... ���.. Mims name ii subscribedto the nnuereJ instrument m t and thereon written �cras,at the o o stalking such aftoNvIedgment, a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said Com,-wraith of M-s = chusetts, drily COMIa1ssi`oned and qualified,and authorized,by the laws of said Commonwealth to take the proof of acknwiviedgment of deeds., oathg, and other insbnments in writing to be recorded in rmid Coctnwealth$ that. I have compared the si atu of such Notary Public upontlae original Cortilicate itlt a specimen of bis sign tore deposited in my office 2-9a that e; and tht tht annexed instrument such Notary hlie On exa eel land acro d ed to��a:� to be the la-wss- of said Commonwealth. Witness, my hand, and the seal:of said Court, at Natick, in said County and 74 Commonwealth this ....zP:�4........... day of 1 .,....... ."., lU ell" 11-OPE T. WHITSIT CONSTANCE TERRY DIANA W. WHITSIT with TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GRANT OF SMMIC AND COMB FlASMAMI T. ti in Street ort'. Vow YorX 219,4 a .