HomeMy WebLinkAbout47506-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY it'94 r BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit #: 47506 Date: 2/28/2022 Permission is hereby granted to: Hal pert Article Sixth Trust C/O E Halpert 130 E End Ave New York, NY 10028 To: install roof-mounted solar panels to existing single-family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 2125 Town Harbor Ln., Southold SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 66.-1-31 Pursuant to application dated 2/2/2022 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 8/30/2023. Fees: SOLAR PANELS $50.00 ELECTRIC $100.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $50.00 Total„ $200.00 Buil Nang Inspector IjiDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD •` own IH ll annex - 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 u ' _11T Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 r ro err southoldtownrt . ov- sea nd'@southoldtown , � southoldto+ nn ov �^ APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: Company p Y Name: Electrician's Name: License No.: Elec. email: Elec. one No:01,P7 Zff5I request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: JFVe all- Address: � ,�"'� Cross Street: Phone No.: �3/779 7 7793 Bldg.Permit #: email: Tax Map District: 1000 Section: (Oa Block: Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORD, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection. : YES NO Rough In Final � I Do you need a Tem Certificate?, YES NO Y p Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size1 Ph3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead # Underground Laterals 1 2 H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y FIN Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 lett s://d vvwvw.soutlioldtowmi . o Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only CF' C F � "Sv ' PERMIT NO.-- �-56 Building Inspector: FEB o 2 2n99 � L BUILD! NG " 11 I�u ei y' ✓1 r�HR" V�%✓/v ✓ i�' a p /i a /fir ��7 Y � JI � .,FS TOV1' s06.1-iHGLl7 6 k� :,�,�. I �/ �°H,�,,�� ,!/Y� ,.���iq����,l l U�✓�w°Irk,r{�/,l /'��/!fir/ �4� �l f Date: �— l vL4 r/v �u r�;h oy'/Aa, ,y -.w�,i, rili ,N, �,-/,� �,��',.�,(/.., �!Il�Y,✓,�� ��/��.r,i /.r,, „>1 Iii, ! &„' Name SCTM# 1000 Project Address: Phone#: Email: ew—h .. r - Mailing Address: � � Name: Mailing Address: Phone# �� 7/6 fU113 Email; c Ear�: c I SN�M11 PN QFI SSII IVAL N 'FOIKMATION ; Name: (Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: i NVTITA T tali IN1IFwCIIIINIMAT°ION Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: �j Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED,CONSTRUCTION ONew Structure ❑Addition ElAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ther "� ill the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes . o Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes �o 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: /ZIntended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes 1 No IF YES,PRO"V"IDE A COPY.. ❑ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are pianislrable as a cissa A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal law. � l/0 Application Submitted BY(print name): � Authorized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: j STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF hie e being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, O .. � S h� �is ll����m�,. ('. n r (:tor,fteiat, irpor)ii are Cffrice ,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this _day of En `. 2 Notary Public. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) 1, epvel 12 t�y 1,421f residing at. a2-"f472- S do hereby authorize ��" f to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature DEBRA A SEPULVEDA Z-(/e( / , NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK A v Registration No.O1SE601269T Print Owner's Name Qualified in My Commission Expires 2 workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE slr�rar Compensation Board DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Carrier or Licensed Insurance Agent of that Carrier 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b.Business Telephone Number of Insured ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK,NY 11952 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New York State,i.e.,wrap-Up Policy) 823336604 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company Town of Southold 54375 Main Rd 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box 1 a" Southold, NY 11971 DBL567527 3c.Policy effective period .. 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2022 4. Policy provides the following benefits: 0 A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. E] B.Disability benefits only. E] C.Paid family leave benefits'only. 5. Policy covers: 0 A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS'Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. E] B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/15/2021 B 9 Y (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent ofthat insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title Richard White Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd. 8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board (only if Box 4C or 5B of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation,Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. Date Signed By .... _............................... .... (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title _ ___,.. ..............._..-........... ._.www _......._ Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (10-17) 111111�11°��°�°°°°1°1°1°1°°1°11°°°�IIIIIII DB 120. 1 (10-17) DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) C CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 7/15/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: ROBERTS.FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY IPiToo � F "' Ff3 " 85t 1 [_FKX_' 631=-385.176 Nol. 23 GREEN STREET,SUITE 102 E-MAIL HUNTINGTON,NY 11743 ADDR ROBERT S.FEDE INSURANCE INSU . INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# TT UALTYTNS:-"C.O:m______________ 242i'0°'" .... INSURED INSURERB:: Tk INSTI�•RC AN E FUND Element Energy LLC __. '—SFIELTER.1 0TNT POINT __... 8.1.x..... ... INSURER C: ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS �IT........' "_"""..... INSURER D 7470 SOUND AVENUE INSURER E MATTITUC K, NY 11952 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I - TYPE OF INSURANCE ADOL UBR POLICY EPF POLICY EXP' POLICY HUMBER MMYDDIYYY (MMIDDPMIA LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CL00275204 7/14/2021 7/14/2022 _'EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR P.R MISE:S( a ocrurtence) $ 100,000 MEDEXP(An A PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY_m.�. . ..... IMA389203 y n) $........................5000 7/14/2021 7/14/2022 _ Y $ 3000000 GE',NLAyGGREGATE'.LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE � $ mnmmmm-ITITITIT3,000,000 . PRO ....... ....... POLICY _µ JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 3000000 .................................. ......-.............. _ 11 OTHE'R:, $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ .-.�...................... AUTOS ONLY I AUTOS ( er accident)) OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY'(Per $ HIRED I NON-OWNED 6RC7PER"E`Y DAkMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Pe aodenL ..- ......... UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ ........ ....... „m.....m.... ..__......._. .,, .....,, EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N 124494445 7/13/2021 7/13/2022 X '. 1 ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E1.EACH ACCIDENT mmm $m 1 000 000 B OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? � NIA ••••"Q w-a.--- (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ * ( If yes,describe under ""."""' DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS be E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ NY State DBL DBL567527 1/01/2021 1/01/2022 Statutory DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 54375 Main Rd THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Southold NY11971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 2&L-e4(.S. Fede, ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD LUIGI CLAUDIO SCIANDRA, P.E. 5 Wesleyan Court• Smithtown, NY 11787-3011 - (631)543-2953 •fax(631)543-1526 E-mail: lcs4d@aol.com Thursday, January 27, 2022 Element Energy Systems 7470 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Tel. 631-779-4004 Attn.: Mr. Mike Lawton, Principal Re: Fifty-three 53 400 W PV Roof To Solar Panels 21.20 kW DD Total Output,for Halvert Residence 21125 Town Harbor Lane Southold New Fork 11971 Dear Mr. Lawton: Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the following information regarding the subject roof top solar panel array: Cover Sheet with Site Visit/Verification prepared by E2Sys representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of roof supporting element for the existing roof of the proposed system to include cover sheet, site plan, mounting and structural details. This information was prepared by E2Sys and will be utilized for approval by the Town of Southold and for construction of the proposed system. Based on the above documentation, I have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing system to support the additional loads described below, imposed by the solar panel arrays and offer the following comments. The existing roof types are as follows: Solar Arrays#1 and 2: Single layer of cedar shingles, 2"x6" at 24" on center Douglas Fir rafters, 2"x6" at 16' on center Douglas Fir ceiling joists, Roof pitch 290 , S/" thick plywood decking. Structural Analysis: The structural analysis has been carried out using the following design criteria: 1 Design wind speed: 130 mph Ground snow load: 20 lbs/sq. ft. Solar Array 1, Dead Load: 2.7 lbs/sq. ft. Solar Array 2, Dead Load: 2.6 lbs/sq. ft. Total Array 1 weight: 2100.9 lbs Total Array 2 weight: 899.4 lbs The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures. The structural analysis, performed for the existing structure and for the solar panel arrays, utilizing the above design loads, indicates that the existing roofs will be able to support the additional panel weight without damage, if installed correctly.The onsite inspection and the photographs show that the roof framing is in good conditions. However, the building owners are to be made aware that long term build up of heavy snow conditions may produce deflections in the roof structure. If any deflection is noticed, than it is recommended that the solar panels be cleared of accumulated snow more than one(1)foot deep over a period of one week. If no deflections are visible under any snow loading over a period of time, then there is no need to clear the solar panels. Based on the above evaluation, it is the opinion of the undersigned professional engineer,that with appropriate solar panel anchors being utilized, the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panel arrays. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, SEI/ASCE 7-16 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures", 2017 NFPA Standard 70"National Electrical Code", current industry standards and practice and based on documentation and data supplied by E2Sys at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require additional information, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 0 N w)30 Luigi Luigi Claudio Sciandra, P. E. 2 5CO I_ Of WORl\ _��� `1`�� \��`; \� \ DESIGNCORAFfING BYJT Y _— ���� ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TO 1 "ry 2-ri 1 - REVIEW BYJ,M,WEEP CE P r t ,g E 1 Vh:�c._,-=v-1_ TIi�.,,i' G2t6 ��` \\ \ \ �: 051112129 79 H 5-Pb a` — ry1. L ��e �`� _ V SY T - i,u C-'jDF 5 O.�,G_�t,',t,-.�` �- -,e � \. REVISIONS l�,, �� _ [ -_ vim _ i n ,. otscwrtlox onre REv IN SYSTEM RATING 21 kW DC STC K EQUIPMENT SUMMARY - ? -D:,4"r.5CtE� �T 3-10 .,_ ,__ iP €�Ce. — I T—IN"» x..�t..,..-�-LAG,...�' DATE P,�Ll coNrw,aoR SHEET INDEX FEE -1 COVER NOTIFY BUILD _h:T AT F 0 Fd N Ll— PV PV-2 SITE PLAN 765-1802 8A Ivs rOR THE \PROJECT LOCATION -1,0K,' PV-3 ROOF PV LAYOUT Vv 3" PV-4 STRUCLURAV DETAILS d SECTIONS FOLLOWING 1116FEI,i,-i'S: �,EL: PV-5 3-UNE ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM 1. FOUNDATION TIRO REQUIRED -- ���- PV-G LABELS FOR POURED. (-;� RETE N GOVERNING CODES 2. ROUGH- FRAMING s PLUMBING 0° 3, INSULATION 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 4, FINAL- CONS ION MUST PROJECT NAME 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. ASCE 7-1 G AND NFFA-70. BE COMPLETE �:.0. W 270 90°E UNDERWRITECFR 1910.269 R5 LABOKATORIE5(ILL)5TANDARDS 05HA 29 ALL CONSTRUCTION S!-IAL! MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF Th'E CODES OF NEW 210' 120° q GENERAL NOTE`'] YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR 210°180150° a , DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS, S — I.CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AT I 0 THE 51TE PRIOR TO STARTING TO WORK AND SHALL FAMILIARIZE [ L r HIMSELF WITH THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS AND MAKE WORK AGREE THE SAME. AERIAL VIEW 2.CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED APPROVALS,PERMITS,CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY, Ip CONTRACTOR TO EFFECT AND MAINTAIN INSURANCE,I.E. TOWN COMMENT, G Le INSPECTION APPROVALS,ETC.,FOR WORK PERFORMED FROM CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY,WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, -APS' JTAM P iv § V AGENCIES HAVING JURI5DICTION THEREOF,IF REQUIRED. I COMPLETED OPERATION,ETC.ADEQUATE FOR THE PURPOSES :1 3.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION CODE AND v+YORK 6 .�" vCODES I _. ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OF TH15 PROJECT AND FURNISH PROOF OF SAME PRIOR TO `� COMMENCING WITH WORK. Lid 4.IF IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION A CONDITION EXISTS I 1.EACH SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHICH DISAGREES WITH THAT AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS, MAINTAINING SAFETY ON THE JOB 517E DURING THE ' rs'+ yt I7 A g U7 CONSTRUCTION PHASE TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK AND NOTIFY THE _ L�f AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND - CONTI UE SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND F z' CONTINUE WITH THE WORK,HE SHALL ASSUME ALL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION,THIS SHALL INCLUDE,BUT ARE NOT - CT RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY THEREFROM LIMITED TO:PROVIDING FOR ADEQUATE AND PROPER BRACING, - z' I 5.ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE A-3G AND SHALL BE 5APETY RAILINGS AND SECURE FOOTINGS FOR ALL TEMPORARY k SHEET NAME SCAFFOLDING,STAIRS,ETC..A5 WELL AS PERMANENT FABRICATED AND INSTALLED AS PER LATEST A.LS.0 "— CONSTRUCTION. SPECIFICATIONS. E %"nV= G.ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE BOARD OF FIRE 12.FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN.DO NOT SCALE v UNDERWRITERS APPROVED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.C.$ DRAWINGS,WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED BY EXISTING E€ - _ NYS CODES B REGULATIONS CONDITIONS.EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING E C ,_ � '� 7.ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND I _ - - CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER WILL NEGATE THE ENGINEER'S COMMENCING WITH WORK. IS AWFUL DRAWING SCALE CERTIFICATION OF THESE PLANS. 13.CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEBRIS CREATED BY THIS _ WORK FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSE OF IN A LEGAL MANNER ON _ T 8.THESE DRAWINGS AS INSTRUCMENTS OF SERVICE ARE AND A WEEKLY BASIS OR SOONER IF CONDITIONS WARRANT, E I`d € I 'u I' i "' SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENGINEER WHETHER THE 1 q,AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK,THE 517E TO @E CLEARED 'All l ea' EE-`3 S ®' -1 PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY ARE MADE IS EXECUTED OR NOT. THEY OF ALL DEBRIS AND EXCESS MATERIALS.THE FACILITY IS TO BE €"F ¢ 1_i"- F a- _ ARE NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTS OR t , EXTENSIONS TO THI5 PROJECT LEFT BROOM CLEAN AND WORK 15 TO BE COMPLETED TO THE : v% °-%` = 3 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT,PATCH AND REPAIR ALL TOTAL SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER PRIOR TO RELEASE OF i snEEr NumeeR - EXISTING WORK ADJACENT TO HIS WORK,OR DAMAGED A5 FINAL PAYMENT. RESULT OF NI5 WORK. vI- TAX MAP: IOOOOGGOOOI00031000 LEGEND CON5TRUCTION NOTES DESIGN t DRAFTING BY. MAPI�Mx P� I)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN5TALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELEMENT ENERGY LLC tRw Py mw MANUFACTURER'51N5TALLATION IN5TRUCTION5. REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTINE �Datw✓er 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. 051112-129 �s'10° O,L INNER R5 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. ®aro ODULE ELECTRODE 2'sL � REVISIONS PY NDUtE a DE5CRIPIION Dare RFv —RAaWONAIL D ATTACHMENT POINT r RAFTERS -ROOF PITCH AN" °BOO (®® "HERR VST Pwuaxc VENT ... ®SKY LIGHT E 11 CONTRACTOR No49 S9NDnm ACCESS ROOF / ❑RCYJRdIOYE AS MEMSIUWENMENT ENERGY,LL C.. - 7470 50 U 0 AVE 'MATT 9-TUCK.NY 1 195 ICEN5E#43885 LICENSE rf 52689 b1. 17-75'' a" PROJECT NAME LLS 54'-23" �L-2 LO Q I7'-75" Lu 011 SHEET NAME ACCESS RODE 5ITc PLAID t 1 DRAWING SCALE 6'x 36•GROUND ACCESS TYP. 'Noll- THE NINE® E ROOF 5ETB.'.JD.VIHN"GNY 5'ALL NOT 5E Ur-U!PFC `EN' HE OPP05'" OR AD IACIENT SHEET NUMBER ROOF 5LCPC 15 A�-A OE55 ROOF iN P V r; %COPDA,N0 'vYiTH R32d_ .i E;C"'.•IOh<,OF -. . 2020•NY5 L'�CODE TAX MAP: I OOOOGG000100031000 LEGEND 'NOTE a.uWTy NIUR THE ROOF 5C-1 bAk�'-WFAI MWAY SHALL NOT DE DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: MAIN SEW=PANEL WHEN THE OPP05ING OR ADJACENT ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 9A9-A"as I�0011�i'OPE 15 AN-ACCE55 ROOF IN REVIEW DYLM.NASCEPCERTIF11 ACCORDANCE!,V!TtH R324.G J EXCEPT!CN Or 051112.(29 INVERTM 2020 NMI-FIRE CODE @ M EXEMRODE REVISIONS mmPy MOPAE —RACKNIG RAIL JOo -L -1.1 0 ATTACHME11T POW —IWW KTCH ANGLE Nr METER ommm vm E3 LMT gmwa-f CONTRACTOR. ECO.MTE MIRPRO �-5 14'-24 F2�VlffNf-, IR- GyLC ARRAY#2 ; T f' I47 50UNDAVE M,%r.-I UCK,NY 1 1952 I G MODULES UCEN51f#4358044 2$'FITCH LICEN-H#52Gbe-ME PROJECT NAME C)UJI ARRAY#I 34 MODULES < 29 PRCH "V 4 I`i4' -LV 8 4� n C\j SHEET NAME CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY 36 x36 1.11ND 111C.1 I- (53)OCELL O.PEAK DUO ELK ML-G 10+400 WATT PV MODULES P\00f DETAIL (DIMENSIONS:74"X 4 1.I'X 1.311) (53)ENPHA5E 107PLU5-72-2-U5 MICRO INVERTERS (84)ATTACHMENT POINTS @ 72'0,C.MAX. (385)Lr IRONRIDGE XRJ 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM, DRAWNG SCALE ROOF TYPE=CEDAR SHINGLE(SINGLE LAYER) CONSTRUCTION NOTES 11 1 1-011 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT 5HAUL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3P,RATING. 5HEL7 NUMBER 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION, TAX MAP: 1 OOOOGGOOO 10003 1 C)o(D PV-3 - LOAD CALCULATION ARRAY p I ARRAY 42 ITEM DE5GRiFTION ARRAY yf 1-2 DESIGN wDRAFTING BYi F'.6 Rid E$Eamt/BOarc( 2'Y A"Q.FIR ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MODULE WEIGHT(floe) 48,5 -- 46.5 M Rafts ' G"D=' W41'IR -O.C. 051 12-129NABCEP CEW119C Dl_ ..Deckle 332` REVIEW BYJ.M.,`4"`PLYWOOD If OF MODULES 37 16 - {J) Cegm J015t 2'Y s b.PIR Q.!6" C. TOTAL MODULE WEIGHT(Lb.) 1794.5 776.0 (F) Pitch 2✓° REVI510145 TOTAL LENGTH OP RAIL(M 274. 110.9 (C) Collar Ties 2"X 4 D FIR 45'Q.C, oeSCRmoN GATE '�v (H) horizontal 5 an of(R) 123 MIA5L RAIL WEIGHT PER FOOT(Lbs) 0.68 0.G8 '1 ' TOTAL RAIL WEIGHT(Lb.) 186.475.4 - 15. a OF 5TRANDOFr5 60 24 (d) WEIGHT FER 5TRANDOFF(Us) 2' 2 } TOTAL STANDOFF WEIGHT(Lt.) 120 46 - TOTAL ARRAY WEIGHT(Lisa) 2 i 00.9 599.4 POINT LOAD(Lbs) 35.0 57.5 e_ { CONTRACTOR TOTAL ARRAY AREA(5=1 Ft) 792.2 342.6 l y ARRAY DEAD LOAD(LbaSq Fit 2.7 -1ELEMENT ENERGY,Let✓. '. -- - 470 SOUND AV- WIND DEwime SllaIELTTO DAMAGE FROM { GROUND SEISMIC WINTER I[E 9ARRIFR ROOD PIR MEAN " �1 ( � ( ILfF� Tr](.,K IVj`IBJ 1[ SNOW Spaedd T.pogrephlc SpecWl Wlndn.rne DESIGN Frost DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDSE FREEZING ANNUAL '� � i LCENS_k 43589-h € LOAD' (mph) eAecME wind debris CATEGORYr Weathering' Ilne Tarmltec TEMP. REQUIREOh INDEX' TEMPI 3 regl.nl xannm depth° - - J _ ! LIGENM m 52G89-ME 20 140 NO NO NO B SEVERE 3 FTHEAVY i6°F YES MANUAL)DESIGN CRITEMA" - - Winter Summer Altlmde Indoor Design Hearing - --- Elevation Latitude hearing ...line or".... rector design —pe—DEEIV o.fes temperature {}" - 11O1E17 NAME W.—Ina rill/ererce ULJ 108 FT 41°N IS-IF SIFF 1100 70°F 75°F C.oling Wird Wind C.Incldent belly Winter summer 1 i vdodly valodty temperawre tllTference wet bulb coolie range humidity humidityea heating —11m; D,/ 3" 11'F 16 MPH 7.5 MPH 72"F MEDIUM(M) 40% 32 GR @50%RN l „aj 0 For Sl:l pound per square foot=0.0479 WE,l mile par hour=0.447 nds. ROOF FRAMING DETAIL a. Where wGichadngniqule,a higher slierigh wncrdte orgmos M masorrythen nswsoney to satiety the Nnrctind m4ulmments of this Coda the frost line Capin aVength U{i regaledf Wsaffiadngshall grrrdm.Ta6wWgaiilig[OlumR easfi loo(3ledle with»w waethaling kdtaX."negilgPole,'"mcdanrta'or"Severe"for comemor a a detenntned L t(orm Figure R301.2(4).The grade efm ry u.ks Shag b.dateiminedfrem ASTM C34,C5K C62,C73,Cgs,C129,0145,0216 or 0652. b. vglarad'ahDatllnedepthtequsaadsaParre6n9smaak taainFqureR40A(1),thetroallimadep(hStrength€ayinrodfrnwoMedngshallgDyam.Thejuneadien shall fig in the frown line depth column with the minimum depth of footing below finish grede. MODULE MOUNTING CLAMP } a TnajunadN:twnshaatt0athi(dwparLotSlataMatsirdka(elhanaadrorprotec0onaopending.nwhadrornremrFasaeenaMatMywk,calaebthrranaanLmmlredamaga. d. Tim MiniffdbM,shifting Inthis pan ofthe bible with lhawthdspaadlrmftbad.vAndapwdarepp;4gIsR301.2(Snwends.pea—doganyalmidelmminedsoLARaaaDu€.€ Uj C an a sitarspecifte basisIn exbrdenew9th Sectlon 8301.2.1.4. s. The ou design dry-bulb lnmpemture shall be salatt$d ban Bre odarrin of 07112-parcart values forw#nter foam Appendix D of Ola Plumbing Code at New Ywk - 5TAINLE55 STEEL V& ....� State.Deviations tram the Appendix D temperatures shell be permitted to reflect local cgmMl or local weather-expedence as determined by the building oMCial.[Abe - - BOLT AND NUT unsee Figure R3012(1).1 0 1. The jurladi"en shall all in this part of the table with the aolamic design category datornemad Rom Section R301.2.2.1. g. Tock(NLY sh good flerard trees,dean and map regulated undaaa iThelle n Pad 1283 map halfOffiInc Comhide,at ami of Coda,Rules and einard area of the Staled New �_ Yolk(NY(�iR.)ailatl adopt a flood hexad map mtd supponlrhg date.The lkwd hszerd map ehali Include,at a minlmWn,apedel flood hazard areas as Itlensfied by the ,ylRON ALUMINUM RAIL Federal Faeargerrcy Management Agency in the Fwd)rleurenw Study lu tlta G[unmunriy,es emended orreWaed silk L Tho ewompenying Flood lh.Ureiiw Rate Map(FIRM), ALUMINUM-V BRAOr,ET- IL Food Sourdary and Floodway Map(FBFM),and , Ig.Related supporting date along Win any revision$Iherdo, ALUMINUM PLASHING SHEET NAME The adopted flood herad map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be pert of this action.a. In aowMow with Sections R905.1.2,8905.4.3.1,R905.5.3.1,MIRI 8 M,8905.7.3.1 and R905.8.3.1,where there has been a hlelory of heal damage from the effects of ice damming,thejudsdlogon shall fill In this part of the table with"YES."Otherwise,the Jurisdiction shell 911 In this part of the table with"NO." T I I P^T l I€O 1. The jurmillcgon shag 00 In gds part of the tabid Wt h the 100-year return period air freezing index(BF-days)from Flgure R403.3(2)or tram the 100yaer(99 percent) I L.S C I G i`.. value on the National CAmaLlo Dole Center data fable°Al Fmezdg IMar-USA Method(Saes 32°F)." ASPHALT SHINGLE POOF J. The jud.dldon shell fill In this pert of the table With the mean annual temperature from the Normal CllmeOc Data Center data table"Air Freezing fndex-USA Method 5116°x G 5TAINLE55 'a-32-F)., 5TEEL LAG WI BOLT TH k. InaeceCem»with Seogon R301.2.1 5,where there Is local historical data documenting structural damage d buildings due w myographic wind speed-up effeols,the 2 11V MIN THREAD pftdkagon shoof tit in tide owl Of the DID[awlth`YES.`Olherwisg,Bat J,ds Cion sties Ini'NO'in rete pet of IM table. PENETRATION SEALED DRAWING 5CALE 1. In SCeardanee with figure RSDI2(6)A,.where them Is lawn hlalarkal data dowmmm all unusual wild wndl0ets,Me jurWdMmf shag fill In this part of ger table with WITH GEOCEL 4500 'YES"and lndneEy any spoeigcrahansermfa.Otherwise,the jurisdiction shag lnalwte°NO-In lire part or the table. (EQUIVALENT OR BETTER) I p m. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.2 the judedlctlon shag Indicate the wind4wrire debre wird zone(s).Or arwlae,thrjudamegon atoll indicate"Nd'In this pert of the I y!1 � table. n. ThDjurledlegon had fill In thew sections of the table to establish the design criteria using Table to or ib bear ACOA Manual J or established criteria determined by the - judedlcdon. o. The ground.now loads to be wed In determining the design snow loads for roofs ale given In Flgure R3012(8)for aUs el elonme.ne up to 1,OOD feel.Sites at aleve9ona above 1,000 feet shell have Nal ground snow load Inpremad from 0a mapped valla BY 2 ped far every 10D feetabave t,0(q iwl. SHEET NUMBER (") Sea Figure R3012(4)B. TAX MAP: I OOOOGGO0010003 1 000 MOUNTING DETAIL DESIGN G DRAFTINGBY: - - ism Uauor�erom au Mir o+�oosoua ry Moou ELEMENT ENERGY LLC — - t)sx,xc a•nm Ncrn xvexrzRs li'l an ort mNero xvexTcnsxtz)srwraGs or iel NKza uvz REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE >TR NC# 051 1 1 2-129 }- -- - =,�.QQ�A n_A _ilea- _ €,. E_— Re_!L _-� � :` REV15ION5_ ti _ 0[SLWFfION DATE KEV f _ a - __- } �_ate �ca�tL - 1 �( 7 , I 1 -- CONTRACTOR 1 i13 13 1 A 1 STRING#5 T- 0 ---- n --------- =zx � ai-�st=_ti?_ � ---u_- ---�esr- 74-ro SC;Uty-D AVe MA" iTUCK NY -'95 ,r � ZCENS"c#52n59-1VIE I , ei1 PROJEO(NAME I LU LL I t sauce P.wev � ��{ ( ,J L«---------------------- ---------------_---_--- -_-_-______--_, Q _; L I'm f C—I V 7 5CHEDULE —�•) —IroCtoR Rr owpN 91ze W—=,I tt iev xauwnoSae oumtt usuwnoN eme ae * —1 x KWaU oesnx.. o u,cz vdia9e omr `'^ R s a (n J'� Rrcrseomoxersrwxixeer— A o oxx - --- - a *mvNs - on oal ELECTRICAL NOTES 51-EET NAME CALCULATIONS FOR.CURRENTCARRYING CONDUCTORS I v r 'I-L,AtiC A F =P 0E U S IL PV Source ClraJt Wa Aripealty Cal ton CONFIGURATION O Ci -5H[ E GG =cp r �L f G t EW CN EF 3-UNE (; 2NL-C N , 4O F s --0 -FZO-]"T .N 2C TSA-L`: [NEC 690 8(B)(I jl e -35"(1.5G)_ - 5�c F Modules per StnngDIA. 7 A..D m I ,0 E 21 . t ;. 1 nE A `_y To _w_.�__,a6d. Modules per Inverter ARD,--D AL-a- .vim YM✓ x�_Lw= CL 02 Irwerter Output Wlre Am a Calculation Number of Inverter¢ 4l P P tY Record low tem -I CaL } NC Ol TC`ri C M NT O 15T M .COR -5 � Inverter MaxA p N output'(1.25) A ...,]FIN A'L N_L5`ra.1 OL _f5.-NFy N•Fl--'f JG5 AND . ..:IIP--u! '1.2_A Voc Tem Coeff Gent C.�4°/=NC DRAWING 5CALE 1 A P u -C` A `� -"'� -1 - - s. DC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS _ CALCULATIONS L h -- �- 'Pi-` Comb n d Inverter Output W A p ty C t n O erahn Current C 8 r Y --. I rt M A p g tp t i 125) - O tma Voltage ,LT 13 1 ) v ) A v •y)_ -_,. M.5ystem Voita e 4E),G V - ,ut ..:: d:)i!o npA`, G.;7"(t'oc;7 r;Voc). a 1 _ - _. c - t I:G C 45.: 1 Shart Chic Current 13 3.A _„- f - ”' 1 rte Output Wve Ampa ty Cal ulabon rn„s,,.sw. 2-,.er Ar,avv*3,A),') V7)ULE u E. vI ON 7'in. ___v..,.P. �C.o-1..kt-5 � I to M A p g output (1 25) I AC SYSTEM 5PECIFICATIONS 'SC L 4 va} k :.a D_• w C--11-' ,y A Max AC Output Current �.IS A 'ic F.,_a.'Y H u�-C.,:�v„T P �r=.. ave __.c_ a. SFIEET NUMBER C. _ _,..... :.svi m.y>Id Ew .»a:-ei ., -..e=-e s r-a _.._ _ —.. - c. _ Ooemo-AC Voltage 240 V C,)Th=DC 511-D-Or THE FV 5t5TEMI 15 NRCJII;NE-' SIAI I C -H NEC G. 0.3-. TAX MAP: 1 000066000 10003 1 000 /� DESIGN 6 DRAPRNG BY: LLC 5ERVICEMETER �J Q INSTALLATION NOTE ELEMENTENERGYCE REVIEW BY J.M.N2-125 CERTIHE 051112-129 SOLAR PV SYSTEM j PHOTOVOLTAIC (1)ALL LABEL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN -- EQUIPPED WITH s11 SOLARBREAKER - ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2017 NEC REVISIONS - RAPIDSHUTDOWN REQUIREMENTS. De9ewrcla ogre ,RE ® (2)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND v=; i _� REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. _ 50LAR AC LOAD CENTER-OUTSIDE „.0: 1 i DVERCURRENTDE ICE k= s ovERcuRREssTsvlrE E (3)LABELS,WARNINGS)AND MARKING 3 TURNvNswTCHTo g SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 4 WN _--__--_ 1 1O.21(B).D REDUCE cADTRmN THE ARRAY '_ A_C DISCONNECT % „ . �° {4}THE MATERIAL USED FOR MARKING MUST BE WEATHER RESISTANT, IN CONTRACTOR 50LAP AC LOAD CENTER-INSIDE w A COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 1 10.2 I(5)(3). OTALR (5)THE PV SYSTEM CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS - ME SHALL BE LABELED INSTALLED IN AVE m1SEOUIPMENTFEDOYMULMPLE DUALPowERSUPPLv —� COMPLIANCE WITH NEC G80.3 1. 01–i UCK N SOURCES.TRA7ING OF ALL SOURCES:UTILITY GRID IG`�. OVERCURREM DEVICES,EXCLUDING - VAINSUPPLYOVERCURRENT ANDPVSO .. ,�:�j'-w-Mff OEVICE.SHALLNOTERCEED ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONDUIT-INSIDE BUILDING AMPAcOY OF BUSBAR. PROJECT NAME -- - I THIS SERVICE METER t O9 PHOTOVOLTALC SYSTEM ' IS ALSO SERVED SY A ELECTRIC SHOCKNAPARD PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM TERMINALS ON THELI NEAND ( 'COMBINER PANEL -- -- LOADSIDESMAY BEENERGIZED '_ WNOT ADO LOADS • ._.IN THEOPEN POSITION CONDUIT-OUTSIDE BUILDING C , 0 DUAL POWER SUPPLY ,(� £-• s t L SOURCES:UTILITY GRID AND . -_ I PV SOLAR ELECTRI"YSTEM' � MAIN SERVICE PANEL-OUTSIDE I ACUMSOLARCIRCUIT � 11- S 5 ACau1-- TION w � t 1 SOUR E.F.CTRICSYSIEMCONNECTED MAIN SERVICE PANEL-INSIDE _ - POWER SOURCE I �� �g 5HEET NAME OUTPUT CONNECTION g- 4 DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT LAE3f-L5 I AC DI5CONNECT(BREAKER oRAYANGscAe d SHEET NUMBER my–13 TAX MAP: IOOOOGG00010003 1 000 e /OW - 66. - i- 3/ As�esSiOS -4 f L I'e'J� LUIGI CLAUDIO SCIANDRA, P.E. 5 Wesleyan Court• Smithtown, NY 11787-3011 • (631)543-2953•fax(631)543-1526 E-mail:Ics4d@aol.com Thursday, January 27, 2022 Element Energy Systems 7470 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Tel. 631-779-4004 Attn.: Mr. Mike Lawton, Principal Re: Fifty-three (53)400 W PV Roof Top Solar Panels, 21.20 kW DC Total Output, for Halpert Residence, 2125 Town Harbor Lane, Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Lawton: Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the following information regarding the subject roof top solar panel array: • Cover Sheet with Site Visit/Verification prepared by E2Sys representative identifying specific site information including size and spacing of roof supporting element for the existing roof of the proposed system to include cover sheet, site plan, mounting and structural details. This information was prepared by E2Sys and will be utilized for approval by the Town of Southold and for construction of the proposed system. Based on the above documentation, I have evaluated the structural capacity of the existing system to support the additional loads described below, imposed by the solar panel arrays and offer the following comments. The existing roof types are as follows: Solar Arrays#1 and 2: Single layer of cedar shingles, 2"x6" at 24" on center Douglas Fir rafters, 2"x6" at 16' on center Douglas Fir ceiling joists, Roof pitch 29°, 3/" thick plywood decking. Structural Analysis: The structural analysis has been carried out using the following design criteria: 1 Design wind speed: 130 mph Ground snow load: 20 lbs/sq. ft. Solar Array 1, Dead Load: 2.7 lbs/sq. ft. Solar Array 2, Dead Load: 2.6 lbs/sq. ft. Total Array 1 weight: 2100.9 lbs Total Array 2 weight: 899.4 lbs The above values are within acceptable limits of recognized industry standards for similar structures. The structural analysis, performed for the existing structure and for the solar panel arrays, utilizing the above design loads, indicates that the existing roofs will be able to support the additional panel weight without damage, if installed correctly.The onsite inspection and the photographs show that the roof framing is in good conditions. However, the building owners are to be made aware that long term build up of heavy snow conditions may produce deflections in the roof structure. If any deflection is noticed, than it is recommended that the solar panels be cleared of accumulated snow more than one(1)foot deep over a period of one week. If no deflections are visible under any snow loading over a period of time,then there is no need to clear the solar panels. Based on the above evaluation, it is the opinion of the undersigned professional engineer,that with appropriate solar panel anchors being utilized,the roof system will adequately support the additional loading imposed by the solar panel arrays. This evaluation is in conformance with the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, SEVASCE 7-16 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures", 2017 NFPA Standard 70"National Electrical Code"., current industry standards and practice and based on documentation and data supplied by E2Sys at the time of this report. Should you have any questions regarding the above or if you require additional information, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, r of NEW y O Sc � g r FQ 6093`r Luigi Claudio Sciandra, P. E: ARoFEssioNP� 2 SCOPE OF WORK DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: M ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TO INSTALL A 21.2 KW SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC HOL SYSTEM AT THE HALPERT RESIDENCE, pe°rr REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CER IFIE LOCATED AT 2125 TOWN HARBOR LANE,SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. f, 051 112-I29 THE POWER GENERATED BY THE PV SYSTEM WILL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH THE UTILITY GRID � � THROUGH THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT. ``y GreeQport -or � THE PV SYSTEM DOES NOT INCLUDE STORAGE BATTERIES. `. �_ �pq/ ��a� a esti, De Ing nrb� _i th u e � REVISIONS 5 elter Is and , ae s � Hel4h s DC9CRIPfION DATE REV SYSTEM RATING � � ,A; ,J..� ��gg n t r Ram I ORIGINAL 01-16-2022 fib+ .,. i.�^..',bs na Cobh Snelterisland• e 21.2 kW DC STC j !' ' Soutna dd +._ r`� Y t u r Shelter Island Wada Beaoli� ,:,; Musa EQUIPMENT SUMMARY °nte _ s 53 QCELL Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML I O+400 WATT PV MODULES atl a..� 1.-:.yy�' .. 53 ENPHA5E IQ7PW5-72-2-U5 MICRO INVERTERS I IRONRIDGE XP 100 MOUNTING SYSTEM CONTRACTOR co SHEET INDEX ' PV-I COVER North Have ri~ ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. PV-2 SITE PLAN PROJECT LOCATION 7470 SOUND AVE PV-3 ROOF PV LAYOUT MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 PV-4 5TRUCTURAU DETAILS t-SECTIONS LICENSE#43559-H PV-5 3-UNE ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM PV-G LABELS LICENSE# 52689-ME N GOVERNING CODES 00 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 1 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. ^;'l PROJECT NAME A5CE 7-1 G AND NFPA-70. W 270°�I p 900 E !;1 '4 r W UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES(UL)STANDARDS OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269 240° v 120° tj I1 J J ° 150° ,"` U GENERAL NOTES 2101800 —_ I. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AT "''S w 0 THE 51TE PRIOR TO STARTING TO WORK AND SHALL FAMILIARIZE �� J'j` Q cc HIMSELF WITH THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS AND MAKE WORK - - ;��"�•,� AGREE THE SAME. AERIAL VIEW W < Z 2. CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED a/ Q APPROVALS, PERMITS, CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY, 10. CONTRACTOR TO EFFECT AND MAINTAIN INSURANCE, I.E. TOWN COMMENTS AND APPROVAL STAMP w >' O INSPECTION APPROVALS, ETC., FOR WORK PERFORMED FROM CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY,WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF, IF REQUIRED. COMPLETED OPERATION, ETC.ADEQUATE FOR THE PURPOSES _ 3.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION CODE AND (L ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OF THI5 PROJECT AND FURNISH PROOF OF SAME PRIOR TO1— JURISDICTION. COMMENCING WITH WORK. Q Ln D 4. IF IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION A CONDITION EXISTS 1 1. EACH SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR Z N O WHICH DISAGREES WITH THAT AS INDICATED ON THESE PLANS, MAINTAINING SAFETY ON THE JOB SITE DURING THE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STCONSTRUCTION PHASE TO COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS OP WORK AND NOTIFY THE CV ENGINEER. SHOULD HE FAIL O FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND CONTINUE WITH THE WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY THEREFROM LIMITED TO: PROVIDING FOR ADEQUATE AND PROPER BRACING, , SAFETY RAILINGS AND SECURE FOOTINGS FOR ALL TEMPORARY 5.ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE A-3G AND SHALL BE SCAFFOLDING,STAIRS, ETC.. AS WELL AS PERMANENT srlEtT NAME FABRICATED AND INSTALLED AS PER LATEST A.1.5.0 CONSTRUCTION, SPECIFICATIONS. 12. FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. DO NOT SCAI E G. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE BOARD OF FIRE DRAWINGS, WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED BY EXISTING COVER UNDERWRITERS APPROVED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.E.C. NYS CODES REGULATIONS CONDITIONS. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING 7. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER WILL NEGATE THE ENGINEER'S COMMENCING WITH WORK. CERTIFICATION OF THESE PIANS. 13. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL DEBRIS CREATED BY THIS �� DRAWING 5CALE 8.THESE DRAWINGS AS INSTRUCMWORK FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSE OF IN A LEGAL MANNER ON ENTS OF SERVICE ARE AND A WEEKLY BASIS OR SOONER IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. N.T.S, SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ENGINEER WHETHER THE 14. AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK,THE SITE TO BE CLEAREDnU I PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY ARE MADE 15 EXECUTED OR NOT. OF ALL DEBRIS AND EXCESS MATERIALS. THE FACILITY IS TO BE FEB O 2 ZO2?_ THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECTS OR LEFTBROOM CLEAN AND WORK IS TO BE COMPLETED TO THE qD EXTENSIONS TO THIS PROJECT TOTAL SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER PRIOR TO RELEASE OF 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT, PATCH AND REPAIR ALL FINAL PAYMENTBUILDING DEPT. SHEET NUMBER . T - EXI5TING WORK ADJACENT TO HI5 WORK, OR DAMAGED AS CI,M';OF SOU-1 HOLD PV- RESULT OF HIS WORK. TAX MAP: I000OGG000100031000 LEGEND CON5TRUCTION NOTES oasmO UTILITY MEM • DE51GN 4 DRAFTING BY: MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEW PV SUS—PANELS MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ELEMENT ENERGY LLC REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEPCERTIFIE A/c DLsconwEcr 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. A_ 051 1 12-129 T INVER3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. ��po p, 1 ® OND ELECTRODE 99PV MODULE 2Ip° O , DE5CRIFTIREVI5IO 5 ON DATE I REV —RACOP70 RAIL — �1po Q Q ORIGINAL 01.18.2022 o ATrACiMENT POINT 1 ---RAFTERS 0,o fs gip`` -0--RW PINH ANGLE to 0. apo f9- SUNRUN METER NVENT y Y OPLUMBING VENT If .Ila, r u�-;� ®SKY LIGHT L CHIMNEY POSITE SHINGLES r4 two CONTRACTOR GOOD COINIDITIONe55 Rool, 3"�i cf + fiery a 'a P07MAL SHADING ISSUES MM/REMOVE AS NECESSARY ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. Ll 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 1 195 Ou ,1 LICENSE#43889-H LICENSE# 52689-ME � O 17-71' PROJECT NAME LLJ 411_ Lug � - wok � Qz 1 1_ 111 O 7 75 LU � C) = NO _ (t) N .I 5HEET NAME ACCE55 ROOF SITE PLAN 36'x 36"GROUND ACCESS TYP. DRAWING 5CALE 1/811 = 1-011 'NOTE THE ROOF 5ETBACWATHWAY SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED WHEN THE OPPOSING OR ADJACENT 5HEETNUMBER ROOF SLOPE IS AN ACCESS ROOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH 8324.6.I EXCEPTION OF PV-2 2020 NYS FIRE CODE TAX MAP: 1 000066000 10003 1 000 LEGEND 'NOTE THE ROOF SETBACK/PATHWAY SHALL NOT BE EREVIEWBY FTING BY: EAIN SE VICE P METER ERGY LLC MAIN SERVICE PANEL REQUIRED WHEN THE OPPOSING OR ADJACENT HN�EW/PV sus-PANELS ROOF SLOPE IS AN ACCESS ROOF IN BCEP cERi1F1Etg ACCORDANCE WITH R324.G.I EXCEPTION OF / -1 29 INVIERTIM® GKD ELECTRODE 2020 NYS FIRE CODE lc� 2 Oo OO REVISIONS QPV MODULE Noir D , DESCRIPTION DATE REV a RACKING RAIL 00 2 ORIGINAL 01-I6-2022 O ATTACHMENT POINT j00 D O ---RAFTEM .n -ROOF PITCH ANGLE ,&0. , �Oo ®SUNRUN METER 200 ®VMTACCE55 ROOF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pPLUMBING VENT I I I I I I I I I I I ®SW VGHTCmMm 131 g CONTRACTOR ®COMPOSIn SHINGLES 000D caiwno Y POTENTM SHADING ISSUES i 4'-24' TTaY/pEMGVE AS NECESSARY ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I7470 SOUND AVE O NY 1 1952 ARRAY I G MODULES MLII � CEN5E # 43889-H 1 I TCH 300•AZIIMUTH LICENSE# 52G89-ME It-7-7 7-T777— I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT NAME I IF I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I z _ I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I i l l l l l l l l l I I I I I I I Lz0 = I I I I I Q I ARRAY#I 34 MODULES 65 Q Z 29•PITCH Lu '2D•AZIMUTH a z o -T I` 4 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I � O I I I ( I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I4T- < Ln ACCESS RDDP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ► I I I I i l 1 = N 0 N SHEET NAME CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY 3G"x 3G"GROUND ACCE55 TYF. I f ,. : ai• r�r. `r (53)QCELL Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G 10+ 400 WATT PV MODULES ROOF DETAI (DIMENSIONS: 74u n X 4 1.1 X 1.3u) (53)ENPHA5E IQ7PLUS-72-2-U5 MICRO INVERTERS k��-. "• ATTACHMENT POINTS @ 72 O.C. MAX. (385) LF IRONRIDGE XR100 MOUNTING SYSTEM, ':. DRAINING 5CALE ROOF TYPE = CEDAR SHINGLE(SINGLE LAYER) CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1011 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 2.)ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RAINTIGHT WITH MINIMUM NEMA 3R RATING. SHEET NUMBER 3.)ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND REQUIRE PV-3 FIELD VERIFICATION. TAX MAP: I000OG6000100031000 LOAD CALCULATION ARRAY#I ARRAY#2 ITEM DESCRIPTION ARRAY#1^-2 DESIGN 4 DRAFTING BY: RI5Rid a Bea Board 2"X 8" D. FIR ELEMENT ENERGY LLC MODULE WEIGHT(Lbs) 48.5 48.5 Rafters 2"X G"D. FIR 24"O.C. REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE #OF MODULES 37 16 D) Deckln 3/4"PLYWOOD 051 1 12-129 J Cellln Joist 2"X G" D. FIR I G"O.C. TOTAL MODULE WEIGHT(Lbs) 1794.5 776.0 (P) Pitch 29° REVISIONS TOTAL LENGTH OF RAIL(Ft) 274.1 110.9 (C) Collar Ties 2"X 4"D. FIR 48"O.C. DE5CRFTION DATE RFV t' (h) Horizontal S an of(R) 1123 MAX. ORIGINAL 01-18-2022 RAIL WEIGHT PER FOOT(Lbs) 0.68 0.68 " TOTAL RAIL WEIGHT(lbs) 16GA 75.4 4;wt,` (RQ (RB) #OF 5TRANDOPF5 60 24 (D) WEIGHT PER STRANDOFF(Lbs) 2 2 44 TOTAL STANDOFF WEIGHT(Lbs) 120 48 TOTAL ARRAY WEIGHT(Lbs) 2100.9 899.4 - f •� 'ti is� POINT LOAD(Lb5) 35.0 37.5 :<"• `amu`.': _ '' c9 TOTAL ARRAY AREA(Sq Ft) 792.2 342.6 Y•t <a:; 3�sa" r ( CONTRACTOR ARRAY DEAD LOAD(I.WSal Ft) 2.7 2.6 I { � ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. WIND DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM GROUND SEISMIC WINTER ICE BARRIER FLOOD AIR MEAN /K� I SNOW Special Wlndhorne 1 I O SOUND AVE 5 eedd Topographic DESIGN Frost DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT FREEZING ANNUAL �C� ( MATTITUCK, NY 1195 LOAD' (mph) effectsk wind I debris CATEGORYf Weathering° line b Termite° TEMPO REQUIREDh HAZARDSs INDEXI TEMPI LICENSE# 43889-h region zone depth ( LICENSE# 52G89-ME 20 140 NO NO NO B SEVERE 3 FT VY 16°F YE3 698 51'F I ZONE X HEA MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIAn Winter Summer Altitude Indoor Design Heating Elevation Latitude heating cooling correction factor design temperature cooling temperature (11) PROJECT NAME temperature difference 108 FT 41*N 15°F BB°F 1.00 70°F 75°F 55°F (j) ! lel Wind Wind I z Cooling Coincident Dally Winter Summer temperature difference Velocity velocity wheating tooling etbuib range humidity Humidity — j W 11°F 15 MPH 7.5 MPH 72"F MEDIUM(M) 409'0 32 GR @50%RH Z For S1:1 pound per square foot=0.0479 kPa,1 mile per hour=0.447 m/s. ROOF FRAMING DETAILn 0 _ a. Where weathering requires a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code,the frost line depth strength Q Z required for weathering shall govern.The weathering column shall be filled In with the weathering Index,"negligible,""moderate"or"severe"for concrete as determined from Figure R301.2(4).The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C34,C55,C62,C73,C90,C129,C145,C216 or C652. _ b. Where the frost line depth requires deeper footings than Indicated In Figure R403.1(1),the frost fine depth strength required for weathering shall govern.The jurisdiction shall fill In the frost line depth column with the minimum depth of footing below finish grade. MODULE MOUNTING CLAMP LIZ/ Z Q C. The Jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table to Indicate the need for protection depending on whether there has been a history of local subterranean termite damage, s d. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map[Figure R301.2(5)A].Wind exposure category shall be determined 50tAR MODULE O = on a site-specific basis In accordance with Section 8301.2.1.4. e. The outdoor design dry-bulb temperature shell be selected from the columns of 971/2-percent values for winter from Appendix D of the Plumbing Code of New York STAINLESS STEEL 3/8° RJ.. ~ State.Deviations from the Appendix D temperatures shall be permitted to reflect local climates or local weather experience as determined by the building official.[Also see Figure R301.2(1).] BOLT AND NUT Q jo f. The Jurisdiction shall fill In this part of the table with the seismic design category determined from Section R301.2.2.1. _ N O g. To establish flood hazard areae,each community regulated under Title 19,Part 1203 of the Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations of the State of New York(NYCRR)shall adopt a flood hazard map and supporting data.The flood hazard map shall include,at a minimum,special flood hazard areas as Identified by the NRIDGE ALUMINUM RAIL cV Federal Emergency Management Agency in the Flood Insurance Study for the community,as emended or revised with: I.The accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM), ALUMINUM"L"BRACKET It.Flood Boundary and Flcodway Map(FBFM),and ill.Related supporting data along with any revisions thereto. The adopted flood hazard map and supporting data are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this section. ALUMINUM FLASHING SHEET NAME h. In accordance with Sections R905.1.2,R905.4.3.1,R905.5.3.1,R905.6.3.1,R905.7.3.1 and R905.8.3.1,where there has been a history of local damage from the effects of Ice damming,the jurisdiction shall fill In this part of the table with'YES."Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"NO." ST RU CT U RA 1. The jurisdiction shall fill In this part of the table with the 100-year return period air freezing Index(BF-days)from Figure R403.3(2)or from the 100-year(99 percent) value on the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method(Base 32°F)." ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF J. The jurisdiction shall fill In this part of the table with the mean annual temperature from the National Climatic Data Center data table"Air Freezing Index-USA Method (Base ." 5/1 G"x 6°STAINLESS k. In accordance STEEL LAG BOLT WITH with Section 8301.2.1.5,where there is local historical data documenting structural damage to buildings due to topographic wind speed-up effects,the 2 1/2"MIN THREAD Jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with"YES."Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall indicate"NO"In this part of the table. PENETRATION SEALED DRAWING SCALE I. In accordance with Figure R301.2(5)A,where there is local historical data documenting unusual wind conditions,the jurisdiction shall fill In this part of the table with WITH GEOCEL 4500 "YES"and Identify any specific requirements.Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall Indicate"NO"In this part of the table. (EQUIVALENT OR BETTER) In. In accordance with Section 8301.2.1.2 the Jurisdiction shall Indicate the wind-borne debris wind zone(s).Otherwise,the jurisdiction shall Indicate"NO"in this part of the table. AS NOTED n. The jurisdiction shall fill In these sections of the table to establish the design criteria using Table 1a or 1 b from ACCA Manual J or established criteria determined by the jurisdiction. o. The ground snow loads to be used In determining the design snow loads for roofs are given in Figure R301.2(6)for sites at elevations up to 1,OOD feet.Sites at elevations above 1,000 feet shall have their ground snow load Increased from the mapped value by 2 psf for every 100 feet above 1,000 feet, SHEET NUMBER(") See Figure R301.2(4)B. TAX MAP: I OOOOGG00010003 1 000 MOUNTING DETAIL n P SOLAR ARRAY ON MAIN HOUSE I G.4 kW INTERCONNECTED TO MEG ACCT.9G5101 1851 FOR DETACHED COTTAGE (4 1)OCeU.WEAK DUO BU:MLG 101 400 WATT PV MODULES (1)STRING Or(13)MICRO-INVERTORS.(1)STRING OP(121 MICRO-WVCRICR51(2)5TR)NG5 Or(a)MICRO-INVCRTER5 TOTAL SOLAR ARRAY 111STALLED ON MAIN HOUSE 21.2 kW DESIGN Q DRAFTING BY: •(41 STRINGS TOTAL O.PM TeR BLL,MUGIO+ADD 50tHPV MODULES ELEMENT ENERGY LLC (I)STRING OF(19)MICRO•INVERIER9,(2)STRINGS Of(12)MICRO•INVERTER9 s(2)STRINGS OF(137 MICRD-INVERTERS STRING#I s5)STRINGS TOTAL REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE jlt: 051 112-129 �- ---------- - - - -B- - - -II- - - - - --- -�- - - --- --- _ _`ZL _ REVISION5 =I i J T3 DESCRIPTION DATE REV j STRING#2 +Y4 ORIGINAL 01-18-2022 r ------- _A= } -------- I ] --- - - - --- --- --- - to < •6" I 5TRING#3-4 I r ------ - I- p• ,•Jf;��-.y+�:� ter' -------- - --- 3 1I I 50LAP,ARRAY ON MAIN HOUSE 4.8 kW 114TMON14ECTCO TO PSCG ACCT99G51 O 1 1802 FOR MAIN HOUSE 1, } I (12)Q^ELL ODUO O11C ML•G 10+400 1'V MODULES (11 STRING OPF(1(12)21 MICRO-I11V[RTER9 " 1 �, p" CONTRACTOR ( '(1)STRING TOTAL �' � -� �'� STRING#5 I 1 I TO VIIUTYGRID TO UTNITYGRID i r ------- -- - 1_--- 4_ 4ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. ------ �`---P'- - - - - III 7470 5OUND AVE I - JIMMA' ICTIONAL BI•D1111! DIAL CISH LAeIICu r.�CRG1Nvfr,Rr- METER UTIUTYMETER MATTITUCK, NY 1 195ElIlU9.T2E-uo CCT/%91011002 P9EG ACC)/9691011651 E,° E.240V PHASE�240V LICENSE#43889-H QGtI:1GMC0 Cff� LICENSE# 52689-ME .81 TK[!0 10 PROJECT NAME WLU MAIN SERVICE PANEL MAIN SERVICE PANEL AT MAIN HOUSE AT DETACHED COTTAGEiZn fn OAC DISCONNECT all AMM ,,LI EASTWG GROUNDING I j EwsTINc cRDUNOINc VJ L.� ILMMODE 51STEM I ! ELECTRODE SYSTEM WWt� Q Q i I Y tl II II I ~ z 0 (------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- • --- • -----./--------------------------------J LLJ WIRE 6 CONDUIT SCHEDULE (L CIRCUIT CIRCUIT CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR CONDUCTORS MAX CONDUCTOR CONDUIT FILL CONDUCTOR GROUND GROUND GROUND TYPE CONDUIT CONDUIT AMBIENT TEA1P ESTIMATED Vouge Drop I% 1.0.0 ORIGIN DESTINATION SIZE PER POLE QUANTITY DERATE INSULATION Size QUAMItt INSULATION (CWAL) Tyre 513E TEMP DERATC DISTANCE T O 910.9 91°.1518X2,9J J.- INVERTERS COMBINER PANELAWG I I O I 8 0.7 Use-2/PV VAM AWG 18 I BARE Cu FREE AIR I' 55°C 0.84 80 FT 1.796 C J N .V rl COMBINER PANEL AC DISCONNECT AHG 02 1 3 1 THWN-2 AWG 08 I THWN-2 CU PVC I•I/a• 45•C 0.95 120 FT 1.7% - (_ AC DISCONNECT MAIN PANEL AI%G 16 1 3 1 THWN-2 AVID V8 I THWN-2 Cu FVC IA- 0.95 (') COMBINER PANEL MAIN PANEL AWG 010 1 3 1 T)111M•2 AWG 18 1 THWN-2 N PVC I' A5•L O.B5 80 Pt I,740 ELECTRICAL NOTES SHEET NAME CALCULATIONS FOR CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS 1.)ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE LISTED BY UL OR OTHER NRTL,AND LABELED FOR ITS APPLICATION. #I PV Source Circuit Wire Ampacity Calculation CONFIGURATION 2,)ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER,RATED FOR GOO V AND 90QC WET ENVIRONMENT. (NEC 690.8(13)(1)): (I5c)'(#off stria s)'(I.5G)= 19.GG A 3-LINE DIA. 3.)WIRING,CONDUIT,AND RACEWAYS MOUNTED ON ROOFTOPS SHALL BE ROUTED DIRECTLY 9 Modules per 5tring 13 MAX. TO,AND LOCATED A5 CL05E A5 P055113LE TO THE NEAREST RIDGE,HIP,OR VALLEY. AWG#I O,a 9.GGy'Temp Derate= 23.52 A 4.)WORKING CLEARANCES AROUND ALL NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL 23.52 A> 19.66 A,therefore DC wire size is valid. Modules per Inverter I #2 Inverter Output Wire Ampacity Calculation Number of Inverters 41 COMPLY WITH NEC I 10.26. p p tY 5.)DRAWINGS INDICATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SYSTEMS.CONTRACTOR SHALL Inverter Max Amperage output'(1..25) = G2 A Record low tem -I OQC FURNISH ALL NECESSARY OUTLETS,SUPPORTS,FITTINGS AND ACE550RIES TO FULFILL AWG#G,ampaclty'(Temp Derate)'(Condult F111 Derate)=71.25 A Voc Ternp Coefficient -0.24%/QC DRAWING SCALE APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS. 71.25 A>G2 A,therefore AC wire size is valid. DC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS CALCULATIONS G.)WHERE SIZES OF JUNCTION 5OXE5,RACEWAYS,AND CONDUITS ARE NOT SPECIFIED, #3 Combinerd Inverter Output Wire Ampacity Calculation Operatinal Current 10.8 A =(#of sten s)'(Imv) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THEM ACCORDINGLY. Inverter Max Amperage output'(1.25) = G2 A N. IT .5. 7.)ALL WIRE TERMINATIONS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LABELED AND READILY VISIBLE. AWG#G,ampaclty'(Temp Derate)'(Condult F111 Derate)=71.25 A O eratin Volta a 37.13 V =(#modules In serles)WIn ) 8.)MODULE GROUNDING CLIPS TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN MODULE FRAME AND MODULE 71.25 A> G2 A,therefore AC wire size Is valid. Max.System Voltaeje 49.G V =W modules in serie5)'((((-#.##%V/QC'.01)'(Lo Temp##QC-25))'(Voc))+(Voc)) SUPPORT RAIL,PEP.THE GROUNDING CUP MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. #4 Inverter Output Wire Ampacity Calculation Short Circuit Current 13.9 A =(#of stnng5)'((sc)'(I.25)per Art. G90.8(A)(I) 9.)MODULE SUPPORT RAIL TO BE BONDED TO CONTINUOUS COPPER G.E.C.VIA WEED LUG Inverter Max Amperage output'(1.25) = 18.15 A AC SYSTEM 5PECIFICATION5 SHEET NUMBER OR IL5CO GBL-4DBT LAY-IN LUG. AWG#8,ampaclty'(Temp Derate)'(Condult Fill Derate)=52.25 A Max AC Out ut Current 81 I G A PV-5 10.)THE POLARITY OF THE GROUNDED CONDUCTORS 15(positive/negative) 52.25 A> 18.15 A,therefore AC wire size 1s valid. OR O eratin AC Volta e 240 V 10.)THE DC 51DE OF THE PV SYSTEM 15 UNGROUNDED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.35. TAX MAP: 1 000066000 10003 1 000 DE51GN♦DRAFTING BY. ENERGY LLC SERVICE METER O O7 INSTALLATION NOTE ELEMENT NABCEPCE REVIEW BY J.M.NABCEP CERTIFIE ® � SOLAR PV SY-i°E $ PHOTOVOLTAIC ' • • • ( 1 ) ALL LABEL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 051112-129 EQUIPPED TH' SOLAR BREAKERLyllu 116collIlEGACCORDANCE WITH THE 2017 NEC REV1510N5 RARIA SHUTD0INN PTION DATE REV ® ORIGINAL REQUIREMENTS. ORIGINAL 01-18.2022 (2) ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ANDMAX 50LAR AC LOAD CENTER- OUTSIDES, �DONOTRELOCATETHIs� REQUIRE FIELD VERIFICATION. € OVERCURRENT DEVICE (3) LADEL5, WARNING(5) AND MARKING 03 TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TOO �—y 5HALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC THE'OFF'POSITION TO SHUT DOWN ✓ 1 10.21 (5). PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE CAUTION ` SHOCKHAZARDINTHEARRAY [ AC POWER TOTS6SERVICE ISALGOSUPPLIED (4) THE MATERIAL USED FOR MARKING DISCONNECT FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WTfH GLTCONNEMLOCATED ASSHOWN MUST BE WEATHER RESISTANT, IN CONTRACTOR SOLAR AC LOAD CENTER- INSIDE O ® UINT(NETER IHMAIN THEGAR� PV BREWER THE COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 1 10.2 1 (5)(3). �I , PV AMY (5) THE PV SYSTEM CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS ELEMENT ENERGY, LLC. NOW R.® O ® O ® M " WARNIC '� 5HALL BE LABELED INSTALLED IN 7470 50UND AVE ITHISEQUIPMENTFEDBYMULnPLE DUAL POWER SUPPLY MATTITUCK, NY 1195OURCES.TOTAL RATING OF ALL ♦ COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 690.31 . RCURRENTDEVICES,EXCLUDING SOURCES:UTILITY GRID LICENSE#43889-h MAIN SUPPLY OVERCURRENT AND PV SOLAR DEVICE,SHALL NOT EXCEED ELECTRIC SYSTEM LICENSE# 52689-ME CONDUIT - INSIDE BUILDING AMFACTIYOFBUSBAR. U PROJECT NAME � MCC I t I THIS SERVICE METER 9 i + IS ALSO SERVED BY A ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD i PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ! IS SYSTEM z COMBINER PANEL TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND I LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED DO NOT ADD LOADS U Q CONDUIT - OUTSIDE BUILDING --IN THE OPEN POSITION ,_. ® ® w0Lu � DUAL POWER SUPPLY ® = Q i SOURCES:UTILITY GRID AND `PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM' z MAIN SERVICE PANEL- OUTSIDE CAUTIQNSQ GIRGIJIT LLI b-1 > O 5 O Q Ln ZD \tY cTo SOLARELECTRICSYSTEMCONNECTED� _ (V O O ' • • N MAIN SERVICE PANEL - IN51DE POWER SOURCE + < � 5HEET NAME I OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS ® O OVERCURRENT DEVICE Com`s LABELS sn trlY L i AC D15CONNECT/BREAKER '— DRAWING5CALE 000 ® ® M a: N.T.5. a; - gin. "A � 5HEET NUMBER PV-6 TAX MAP: I OOOOGG00010003 1 000