HomeMy WebLinkAbout47510-Z PLAN KEY ® UTILITY METER M-SERVICE DISCONNECT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PV1-0 COVER SHEET ®-SUPPLVSIDECONNECTION �/ Ai-3 ESS EQUIP.LAYOUT PLAN ®-AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ! ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM E1-1 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM ®'GAS METER E11-2 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM ®'MAIN SERVICE PANEL ®-SUBPANEL (25)EXISTING PV MODULES SUNATION SOLAR SYSTEMS NYSERDA 4355 E2-1 PV LABELS © AAAA//� WIRELESS ROUTER 171 REMINGTON BOULEVARD INSTALLER E2-2 ESS LABELS N-INVERTER RONKONKOMA,NEW YORK 11779 NUMBER G1-2 ESS PHOTOS ®-ENPHASEIGCOMBINER Q-PANEL PHOTOVOLTAIC Stefanides Residence �-ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER /� 1070 The Strand, East Marion„ NY 11939 ®-ENPHASE ENVOY C IQ -- 9:z5P DC FW SPW ®-SENSE CONSUMPTION MONITOR SDC __ MSP- -- Drawn By: S. Beattie-01/25/2022 ®•AC OISCONNEC7GW 'll- (G) i- Q-TESLA GATEWAY ®-TESLA POWERWALL AAAAA (B) M-ENPHASE IO LOAD CONTROLLER ®-ENPHASE 1010 BATTERY / �{Vim' ®-ENPHASE 103 BATTERY AAl/\AA M-GENERATION PANEL M-BACKED UP LOADS CENTER 0-VENT PIPE y " --EXTERIOR LOCATIONAAA /\ �� m.,ST FLOOR LOCATION-BASEMENT LOCATION / 'T -__��([�-. AREA RESF.RVF.D FOR P.F_. > > m-GARAGE LOCATION -/\\ y� Ote Ing plans examiner has received the enclosed document for minimum acceptable plan submittal requirements of the town as specified in the building and/or residential code of the State of New York. This review does not guarantee compliance with that code.That responsibility is guaranteed under the seal and signature of the (21)EXISTING PV MODULES New York State licensed design professional of record. That seal and signature has EXISTING PV SYSTEM fVV been interpreted as an attestation that,to the best of the licensee's belief and information the work in document is: Module Type/Qty: LG335N1 C-A5/58 modules V/ Accurate (12)EXISTING PV MODULES s Conforms with governing codes applicable at the time of the submission Module Dimension: 66.4"X 40"/1.57" 0Conforms with reasonable standards of practice and with view to the Module Weight/PSF: 39.68lbs./2.15 psf VVVV safeguarding of life,health,property and public welfare is the responsibility of the licensee Micro Inverter: IQ 6+ Notes System DC Rating: 19.43 kW 1. This energy storage system(ESS)has been designed to meet all current and Installed by: Long Island Power Solutions 'VVV applicable design parameters set forth by the 2020 residential code of New York i� State. An in depth description of each applicable code reference and exception for any codes is depicted on the Ai-3 plate of this drawing package. 2. Per the NYSERDA rebate program,the proposed energy storage system shall be installed and configured for backup only,meaning that only dunng a loss of grid (EXT) U ower will the ESS turn on to power the loads within the dwelling. PROPOSED ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM 3. alled& The propospermitted yeither or ed ESS shall be interconnected to an existing PV system inst Battery Model: (4)Tesla Powerwalls the physical layout of the SUNation PV system. contractor. No changes shall be made to Microgrid Interconnection Device: (2)Tesla Gateway 2 AREA RESERVED FOR AHJ: Total Ener kWh Each ESS Unit: This ESS has been designed to meet the minimum design standards for building as 9y(kWh) 14 kW described within the 2020 New York State residential code. Usable Energy(kWh)Each ESS Unit: 13.5 kW Total Energy(kWh)ESS Total: 56 kWh Usable Energy(kWh)ESS Total: 54 kWh FULL HOUSE ROOF PLAN ® � � � � �17 SCALE:N.T.S. v FEB 0 2 2027 BUILDING DEPT.PVIG COVER PAGE 006®1 Town.,FSOUTHOLD REVISION # N/A SUN ti 11 REVISED BY N/A Solar as It should be ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS 3 GIST�c (NY) R327.1 General. Energy storage systems installed in buildings or MIC.,i structures that are subject to the provisions of this code shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Sections R327.2 through BACK OF HOUSE R327.11. The temporary use of an owner's or occupant's electric owered vehicle as an ener stora e system shall be in accordance t" z P 9Y 9 Y `fiat M. with Section R327.12. o � y Energy storage system installations exceeding the permitte aggregate �•_�-• ratings in Section R327.5 shall be installed in accordance with Section 1206.2 through 1206.17.7.7 of the Fire Code of New York State. DISCONNECTIPROPOSED r 1 PER CLUSTER OF POWERWALLS. [NY] R327.3 Installation. Energy storage systems shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and their listing. EXISTING PPV [NY] 8327.3.1 Spacing. Individual units shall be separated from each (SPLIT PV TO BALANCE OEACH GATEWAY) PROPOSED TESLA 3 other by at least 3 feet (914 mm) of spacing unless smallerEXISTING MAIN POWERWALLS ®�m SVNatl®n separation distances are documented to be adequate based on SERVICE(1 OF 2)PANEL o Solar as It should be SUNation Solar Systems large-scale fire testing complying with Section 1206.6 of the Fire Code I I v of New York State. PROPOSED TESLA GATEWAYPROPOSED IMPACT 171 Remington Blvd. ( j PROTECTION BOLLARDS Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 (BELOW MSP) —SURFACE MOUNTED CONDUIT(1-1/4" (631)-750-9454 [NY] R327.4 Location. Energy storage systems shall only be installed UTILITYROOM DIA SCH.80 PVC)BETWEEN UTILITY in the following locations. EXISTINGMAIN ROOM AND GARAGE.FIRE CAULK g SERVICE PANEL USED TO SEAL PENETRATION 1. Detached garages and detached accessory structures. (2 OF 2) BETWEEN TWO SEPARATE AREAS. NYSERDA /� 355 2. Attached garages separated from the dwelling unit living CONNECTS POWERWALL AND INSTALLER(.� 9 9 P 9 g NUMBER space and sleeping units in accordance with Section 8302 of this code. JOB NUMBER 3. Outdoors on exterior walls located a minimum 3 feet (914 mm).from doors and windows. 00601 4. Utility closets and storage or utility spaces within GARAGE dwelling units and sleeping units [NY] R327.5 Energy ratings. Individual energy storage system units FINISHED shall have a maximum rating of 20 kWh.The aggregate rating shall not BASEMENT exceed: rn 1. 40 kWh within utility closets and storage or utility rn spaces. o 2. 80 kWh in attached or detached garages and detached — Z Oz LID accessory structures. F N 3. 80 kWh on exterior walls. Q D o 4. 80 kWh outdoors on the ground. O °C [NY] R327.6 Electrical installation. Energy storage systems shall be L- iv w m installed in accordance with NFPA 70. Inverters shall be listed and Z c m labeled in accordance with UL 1741 or provided w CZ m c F' m as part of the UL 9540 listing. Systems connected to the utility grid N shall use inverters listed for utility interaction. 0 [NY]R327.7 Fire detection. Rooms and areas in which energy storage T systems are installed shall be protected by smoke alarms in accordance with Section R314. A heat detector or heat alarm listed and interconnected to the smoke alarms shall be installed in locations ——————————— where smoke alarms cannot be installed based on their listing. [NY] R327.8 Fire-resistance rating. Rooms and areas containing FRONT OF HOUSE energy storage systems shall be protected on the system side by no less than 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent,installed on the walls and ceiling of the room or area. Attached garages containing {/ energy storage system shall be protected on the system side by fire-resistant construction in accordance with Section R302. [NY] R327.9 Protection from impact. Energy storage systems installed in a location subject to vehicle damage shall be protected by approved A1 =3 barriers. ESS EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1 OF 2 LEFT Enphase A/C Branch Circuit(typ.) • 120/240v Utility Service � ® SUNati®n ti Enphase Microinverter(typ.) N ® Solar as it should be SUNation Solar Systems COMBINER ® 171 Remington Blvd. 'n\Y/pI Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 Module J-Box(typ.) PANEL TESLA POWERWALL #1 (631)-750-9454 _F TESLA POWERWALL #2 S 4355 INSTALL ER IN PV Module(typ.) Internal NUMBER Panelboard Kit- 2P30A Generation 200A JOB NUMBER EGC Attached To Rail(typ.) POWERWALL#1 Panel Configuration MAIN 00601 21`30APOWERWALL#2 2P60A PPV 200A G Enphase Envoy MAIN (No loads,monitoring on 5 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE 41 Non-Backup TAG CONDUCTOR CONDUIT RUN Circuit#1 Envoy Lugs ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#1 21`20ATYPE GAUGE QUANTITY TYPE SIZE LENGTH Circuit#2 Automatic CA ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#2 Relay M 1 Enphase O-Cable 12 6 N/A N/A 15' 2P2IOA O ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#3 Circuit#3 T 2 Type NM 10 6 N/A N/A 30' _st �— N 3 HWN-2 10 6 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' —1 BLANK O Bp Lugsz N GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' EGC G G G LO MAIN Z U N 4 HWN-2 6 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 10' 1 2 3 PPV#1 TELSA BACKUP SERVICE O O GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 10' ROOF ATTIC EXTERIOR GATEWAY 2 PANEL -pCz All remaining circuits 5 HWN-2 10 6 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' are backed up by cc 4 6 y energy storage system. 0 N C15 Z N W m GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' LL 6 HWN-2 3/0 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' — GC 4 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' BUILDING N N C GROUNDING ELECTRODE � m N � L cz � Q O r- C:) T E1 - 1 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM iS MAIN SERVICE PANEL 2 OF 2 (RIGHT) SEG co (ff i y rani"'F z Y m 131 V © y y Enphase A/C Branch Circuit(typ.) 120/240v ® � Utility Service SUNat'®n -- -- @ Enphase Microinverter(typ.) Solar as It should be SUNation Solar Systems COMBINERM 171 Remington Blvd. Module J-Box(typ.) PANEL Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 F TESLA POWERWALL #1 (631)-750-9454 TESLA POWERWALL #2 S INSTALLER PV Module(typ.) NUMBER 4355 Internal Panelboard Kit 21`30JOB NUMBER EGC Attached To Rail(typ.) POWERWAALL#1 Panelration 200A 1 Configuration MAIN J 00601 2P30A POWERWALL 8'2 2P60A PPV 200A G Enphase Envoy C MAIN (No loads,monHodng only) 5 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE G Non-Backup TAG CONDUCTOR CONDUIT RUN Circuitit#1 Envoy Lugs TYPE GAUGE QUANTITY TYPE SIZE LENGTH ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#1 C2P20A Automatic O ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#2 Relay (+q 1 Enphase Q-Cable 12 6 N/A N/A 15' 2P20A 0) ENPHASE BRANCH CIRCUIT#3 Circuit#3 r 2 Type NM 10 6 N/A N/A 30' r N 3 HWN-2 10 6 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' BLANK O BLugsp Z N GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' EGC Ca G G - to 4 HWN-2 6 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 10' MAIN Z U N 1 2 3 PPV#1 TELSA BACKUP SERVICE Q O O „ , ROOF ATTIC EXTERIOR GATEWAY 2 PANEL F -� C r GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25 10 remaining U) 5 HWN-2 10 6 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' •All baceP try its .� are backed u b 4 6 energy storage system. Q co GC 8 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' Z w m 6 HWN-2 3/0 3 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' — LU BUILDING CZ�GC 4 1 PVC SCH.80 1.25" 15' GROUNDING N CZ ELECTRODE � m N � cis O 0 N O T E1 = 1 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM d Stefanides Residence SUNatio 1 1070 The Strand, East Marion„NY 11939 co asp z S®lar as it should be00601 Drawn By:S.Beattie-01/25/2022 q% Proposed Vehicular Impact Typical Application Protection Bollard Specifications Scenario _5x• CONCRETE FILLED /] GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE 4'0 X 36"H (ABOVE FLOOR) 3' 1•_�• 6' 3' EXISTING GARAGE FLOOR SLAB PROPOSEDINPRC I I PROTECTION EOLIAROS 4' 3' GARAGE CONCRETE FOOTING 15"0 x 36"D Fire Code of New York State - 2020 Section 312 Vehicle Impact Protection 312.1 General. Vehicle impact protection required by this code shall be provided by posts that comply with section 312.2 or by other approved physical barriers that comply with section 312.3. 312.2 Posts. Guard posts shall comply with all of the following requirements: 1. Constructed of steel not less than 4 inches (102mm) in diameter and concrete filled. 2. Spaced not more than 4 feet (1219mm) between posts on center. 3. Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15-inch diameter. 4. Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet above ground. 5. Located not less than 3 feet (914mm) from the protected object. 312.3 Other barriers. Barriers, other than posts specified in section 312.2, that are designed to resist, deflect or visually deter vehicular impact commensurate with the anticipated impact scenario shall be permitted where approved. CAUTION LABEL LOCATION: �, GIS:TRI-P ] • -SOURCE 1 AT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT,M.I.D.,AND UTILITY METER MSECOND SOURCE IS A PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM THIRD SOURCE IS AN ENERGY STORAGENEC 2017 705.12(131)(3) _ O nd _ Z LABEL LOCATION: LOCATED INDOORS1 AT MID-REFERENCE ONLY 5 a 1110 D ON OPPOSITE ® o® ® � SUNati®n Solar as It should be SUNation Solar Systems LOCATED ON ADJACENT 171 Remington Blvd. Ronkonkoma,New York 11779 (631)-750-9454 • - • S N IERDA ALLE O • O NSTALLER WITHIN LINE NUMBER 4355 JOB NUMBER LABEL LOCATION: 00601 tl WARNING i� 1 AT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT AND M.I.D. THE EQUIPMENT FED BY NEC 2017 705.12(131)(3)(c) MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVER CURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN rn SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE, cf) SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY N OFBUSBAR r N � N Z LO � N U O N O i= CC Ocz LL 0) W m ` LABEL LOCATION: W C •• • ADD ! LOADS 1 AT MAIN SERVICE PANEL(IF WHOLE HOME BACKUP)-OR-AT BACK UP LOADS N CU A CENTER. cm C NEC 2017 408.4/NEC 220 t co H Q BACKUP ` O n O T E2-2 ESS LABELS J _ � UPC PO 41 -Or SUNation Solaras It should be r Systems ko .r ,i .4 SUNation Sola 171 Remington Blvd. 6 -750-9454 31) ,:::` �, .+ e -+e'+" �. - �� ani• 'S I�� r+.JJ{/r��� � NUMBER , 7 T. %.r"F,'. ," ,f `�• -7�++,'3.> rre;a-: .az���`r�� ,Y'�' "7'.i.�.r. t-"7, � .` �'�. ."�`+,� ��i x �@OfIT'IUppl�'L+iy • �I rb' y � � Lii.. F i tib 1(�• � •oq �� } ti a' • • �. ',- �_ t! _ • I. :l /'��' � r J_ • �.3 f 'i � ':Rtr;ti�..�j -�, — _ _�_. .�__.�f fiyjtjF � �' �r��.__, Y TSSLR Powerwall 2 AC & Backup Gateway: Permitting & Inspection Support for Tesla Home Energy Storage System Summary Description Powerwall 2 AC (Powerwall) and the Backup Gateway (Gateway) comprise a state-of-the-art battery system for residential and light commercial applications. Together, they enable energy stored from the grid (or renewable sources, like solar), to be used at night or to provide backup power in a grid outage. Powerwall arrives at the job site as a factory assembly that includes: • Lithium-ion battery cells • Isolated DC/DC converter (to step up the battery's voltage) • Integrated AC inverter (to convert low voltage DC from the battery to AC for the home or business) • Liquid thermal management system (to maximize battery performance) The battery cells inside Powerwall are the components closest to a conventional battery. No one is ever exposed to these cells because they are electrically and physically isolated from contact at all times. All Powerwall installations require the Gateway, which serves several functions: • Monitors the grid for outage • Instantly isolates Powerwall from the grid (during grid outage, or when providing backup power) • Communicates with the Powerwall (via communication cables) • Monitors & manages how energy is used (including self-consumption, load-shifting & backup) • Functions as both service entrance and disconnect(when installed with a breaker) When a grid outage is detected, the Gateway instantly isolates Powerwall from the grid using a microprocessor-controlled power contactor. MAIN _PANEL BACKUP GATEWAY SOLAR UTILrrY INVERTE METER T a s 4 H POWERWAL Powerwall Installation Example for Whole-Home Backup (Gateway as Service Entrance and Disconnect) Key NEC References Applicable NEC references may vary with the adopted edition of the NEC and site-specific configurations. Generally, Chapters 1 through 4 as modified by the following NEC sections will apply to Powerwall and the Gateway: Article or Section Description NEC Edition 705 Interconnected Electric Power Production Sources 2014,2017 690.10 Stand Alone Systems 2014 690.71 Storage Batteries 2014 710 Stand Alone Systems 2017 706 Energy Storage Systems 2017 A Most Common Configurations <�197 Solar Solar inverter i ........................ Sub oanol Backup Gateway Main panel Utility meter Grid Powerwall Backup loads Home loads Partial Home Backup (with or without solar) Solar ------ e --- —— -- Solar inverter Main panel Backup Gateway Service Utility meter Grid Disconnect Powerwall Whole home backup Whole Home Backup (with or without solar) Solar --- {----: oil O Solar inverter t ......--....•..•..---— Main panel Backup Gateway Utility meter Grid including T➢s L^ I service disconnect Powerwall %Vhve horn backup Whole Home Backup (using Gateway as Service Entrance&Disconnect, with or without solar) i- 10 Key Specifications & Certifications (Full datasheets provided separately) Powerwall Electrical Energy 13.5 kWh AC Voltage (Nominal) and 120/240 V: 24 A Maximum Continuous Current Frequency (Nominal) 60 Hz Power, max continuous 5 kW(charge and discharge) Power, peak(10 seconds) 7 kW (charge and discharge) Overvoltage Category Category III Max Supply Fault Current 10 kA Max Output Fault Current 32 A Powerwall Environmental & Certifications Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F) Enclosure Type NEMA 3R Ingress Rating IP67 (battery and power electronics) IP56 (wiring) Wet Location Rating Yes Seismic Rating AC156, IEEE 693-2005 (high) Safety Certifications (partial list) UL 1642, UL 1741SA, UL 1973, UL 9540 NRTL Intertek/ETL Powerwall Mechanical Height 45.3 in Width 29.7 in Depth 6.1 in Weight 276 lbs Gateway Electrical Disconnect Current 200 A Overcurrent Protection Breaker 100-200 A(Service Entrance configuration) Overvoltage Category Category IV Fault Current Withstand Rating 10 kAIC (Configurable to 22 kAIC) AC Meter Revenue grade Service Rating Suitable for Use as Service Equipment Gateway Environmental & Certifications Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C(-4°F to 122°F) Enclosure Type NEMA 3R Ingress Rating IP44 Safety Certifications (partial list) UL 1642, UL 1741, IEC 61000-6-3, IEC 62109-1 NRTL Intertek/ETL Gateway Mechanical Height 29.1 in Width 14.9 in Depth 5.1 in Weight 36 lbs ^i Frequently Asked Questions Are Powerwall and the Gateway listed equipment? Yes. Powerwall and the Gateway are listed to the applicable product standards by Intertek/ETL, an OSHA- approved Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). See the table above for a partial list of certifications. If physical certificates are required, please email powerwall(0)tesla.com. What safety features does Powerwall include to avoid thermal runaway? To resist single cell thermal runaway, Powerwall complies with requirements in UL 1973 and IEC 62619. For example, UL 1973 includes an internal fire test that ensures a runaway in one cell can't propagate to neighboring cells. Onboard sensors and the battery management system (BMS) provide multiple layers of protection to detect and stop precursors to thermal runaway. How much does the AC Powerwall weigh, and will it comply with seismic requirements when wall-mounted? Powerwall weighs 276 lbs. and complies with seismic requirements when wall-mounted according to manufacturer's instructions. It has been evaluated to ICC Acceptance Criteria AC156 for seismic requirements. Installation methods also comply with IEEE Standard 693-2005 for seismic design. Is guidance available for emergency personnel working around a Powerwall that has been physically damaged? Yes. An Emergency Response Guide is available on request. Emergency and maintenance personnel can work safely around Powerwall after opening the system's AC disconnect and/or breaker on the grid side. Water is the recommended suppressant in case of a fire involving a lithium-ion battery and will not exacerbate a fire involving lithium-ion cells. Does Powerwall require additional venting to prevent the accumulation of flammable or explosive gases? No. Unlike conventional lead-acid batteries, which produce hydrogen gas, the individual cells in the Powerwall are hermetically sealed and do not require additional ventilation. NEC [480.9(A)], NFPA 1 Chapter 52, and the 2018 IFC, all make clear venting is not required for lithium-ion batteries. How much electrolyte is in Powerwall? Tesla lithium-ion battery packs do not contain free liquid electrolyte and do not pose a liquid release hazard. If an enclosure is punctured, there are no electrolytes to "spill" onto the floor. Secondary containment measures are not needed. NOTE: IFC Section 608 does not require spill control or neutralization for lithium-ion battery systems. Secondary containment is not applicable or required for this technology. Is Powerwall's battery pack low voltage? Yes. The internal battery pack operates at less than 50 VDC nominal. Unlike legacy battery systems, Powerwall is a fully enclosed, factory-listed assembly with no accessible battery terminals or live parts. Powerwall's output is AC and matches that of the serving utility. Powerwall's onboard inverter functions exactly like a solar PV inverter. Are the working clearances outlined in the NEC 110.26 applicable to Powerwall? No. Because Powerwall will never require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized, working clearances in Article 110.26 do not apply. Does Powerwall require a separate disconnect? No. Powerwall's onboard switch disconnects all ungrounded conductors and complies with Article 690.71 (2014) and 706.7 (2017). (VOTE: These articles require a second disconnecting means at the connected equipment when: • Separated by a wall or partition, or • Input and output terminals are more than 5ft away. This second disconnect will typically be the 2P/30A breaker installed at the point of connection. Can Powerwall be installed outdoors? Yes. Powerwall is a NEMA Type 3R enclosure and can be installed outdoors. What prevents Powerwall from back-feeding the utility grid during a power outage? During a power outage, the Gateway automatically isolates the home from the grid per IEEE 1547. Powerwall and Gateway are both listed to UL 1741 because they are subject to the same anti-islanding rules as a typical grid-interactive PV system. Gateway reconnects to the grid once it is stable for at least 5 minutes. What is the maximum number of circuits that can be backed up for a single Powerwall? The number of circuits that a single Powerwall can back up isn't specified. The duration of backup power is a function of Power * Time, stated in Watt-hours. The maximum continuous output at any given time is limited to 5000W, with a peak output capacity of 7000W for 10 seconds. The number of loads and circuits the customer wants backed up will determine the overall system size, including total number of Powerwalls required. Is Powerwall required to be capable of backing up all the home's loads simultaneously? No. When Powerwall is operating as a stand-alone system, as permitted in 705.40, available current must be "equal to or greater than the load posed by the largest single utilization equipment connected to the system" (not including general lighting loads). Guidance on system sizing may be found in NEC Articles 690.10 [2014] and 710.15(A) [2017]. When in backup mode, what happens if the load exceeds Powerwall's rated output current? Powerwall automatically shuts down. Powerwall's inverter is an inherently power- and current-limited device. If Powerwall is operating at full rated output current and more load is applied, it simply cannot produce more current. The inverter will sense the corresponding voltage change and immediately shut off. There is no risk for over-discharging above the rated nameplate of Powerwall. Inspection Guide In addition to a simpler installation process, Powerwall and Gateway systems are easier to review for safety and code compliance. Primary code references are from the 2014 NEC. Additional references [in brackets] are from the 2017 NEC. General Requirements • Listing verification - Equipment bears the mark of a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. 90.7, [706.5] • Manufacturer's installation instructions followed. 110.3(B) • The completed installation appears to be neat and of good workmanship. 110.12 • Working clearances are in accordance with 110.26 for any components that are "likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized." o Note that Powerwall has no accessible DC battery interconnections within the unit, and does not require maintenance while energized. o The ventilation clearance requirements found in 480.9 do not apply to this technology.Tesla Powerwall complies with [706.10(A)] using a pre-engineered ventilation solution. Wiring Methods • All conduit and fittings properly installed per the respective article in Chapter 3 of the NEC. • Conduit is adequately secured and supported. 3xx.30 • Raceways containing insulated circuit conductors 4 AWG and larger are protected from abrasion by an identified fitting providing a smoothly rounded insulating surface. 300.4(G) • Residential Energy Storage equipment grounding conductor is identified as either bare, green, or green with continuous yellow stripe(s). 250.119 • Grounded conductor identified properly. 200.6(A), (B) Overcurrent Protection and Wire Sizing Conductors and OCPDs are adequately sized per Articles 240 and 310 unless modified by 690.9(A), 690.10(B), or [706.20] and [706.21]. Disconnecting Means • Disconnecting means are provided to disconnect the energy storage device from all ungrounded conductors of all sources. 690.15 and/or [706.7]. This requirement is met by the integrated disconnect switch. • Where the energy storage device output terminals are more than 1.5 m (5 ft) from the connected equipment, or where output circuits pass through a wall or partition, a disconnecting means and overcurrent protection shall be provided at the energy storage device end of the circuit. 690.71(H), [706.7(E)]. The Powerwall complies with both the letter and the intent of the NEC: o As previously mentioned, the Powerwall is an inherently current-limiting device that will not contribute fault currents to the AC output circuit. It is important to note that the 2017 NEC has removed this overcurrent requirement altogether and clarified that the intent was to protect the DC conductors of a conventional battery. o The integrated disconnect satisfies the requirement for the energy storage device end of the circuit. o If the integrated disconnect is not within sight of the connected equipment, the 2P/30A breaker installed at the point of connection is the additional disconnect required by 690.71(H)(4). Labeling • A sign that indicates the type and location of on-site optional power sources is placed at building utility service-entrance location. 705.10, [706.11] • Equipment fed by multiple sources are marked to indicate all sources of supply. 705.12(D)(3). • Where the integrated disconnect and the 2P/30A breaker are not within sight, a plaque or directory shall be installed at each disconnect indicating the location of the other disconnecting means. 690.7](H)(5) or [706.7(E)(5)]. Additional resources For compliance questions, a complete list of FAQs, or to request a Powerwall presentation for your building department, fire department or trade group (such as ICC and IAEI chapters) email CodeComplianceCc-btesla.com. SEAC, the Sustainable Energy Action Committee, is a not-for-profit partnership of AHJs, testing laboratories and industry. SEAC has created free guidelines for building officials to plan check, correct and inspect storage battery systems for one- and two-family dwellings, available for download here.