HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-5-14.1 (2) 4/2022 Town of Southold, New York CftyScape Telecommunications Site Review C o N s U 1, T A N T s , 1 N C . Collocation Application 2423 S.Orange Ave#317 Orlando, FL 32806 Tel:877.438.2851 Fax:877.220.4593 July 13, 2022 Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner Town Hall Annex Building 53095 Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 PROVIDER/ID: Dish Wireless/NYNYCO2100B ADDRESS: 41405 Route 25 (aka 165 Peconic Lane) LATITUDE: 41.041347 N LONGITUDE: -72.458686 W SCTM#: 1000-75.-5-14.1 Dear Mr. Cummings, At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold("Town"), CityScape Consultants, Inc. ("CityScape"), in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town, has considered the merits of the above-referenced application submitted on behalf of Dish Wireless ("Applicant")to collocate on an existing one hundred and thirty (130) foot (140' at top of highest appurtenance) lattice tower. The tower is located at 41405 Highway 25,Peconic,New York, although in previous review reports, the address has been described as 165 Peconic Lane, see Figure 1. AT&T, T- Mobile and Verizon also operate at this site. Support Structure & Equipment Per the submitted construction drawings (CD's)' the Applicant is proposing to add equipment at the eight (80) foot level of the existing tower, see Figures 2 and 3. The table below depicts the proposed equipment. TOWER EQUIPMENT 3 Antennas 3) 1MA-Wireless MX08FRO665-21 6 RRU's 3)FUJITSU-TA08025-B605 3)FUJITSU-TA08025-B604 3 Sabre C108570023C32788 V-Frame 1 RDIDC-9181-PF-48 Over Voltage Protector 1 1-5/8"hybrid cable The following is noted on Sheet A-104.00 of the CD's: t, (qN IRA(Joyl fN IDI:M TQ tNA UJNSTIkUM10N RJ O'� fOR ALL W I)E"fAl.:i. :'. AN IJNA AN IJ Hhfi NQULI�i McVV AW I'.:UUY ro I f71.IIVMU0 AVAI ABILIT`Y'.ALL EOUIFMENT t HANGEe, MUST EL APPROVED AND '. '.. k[:MAIN IIV(;�' PLIANC, WTH THE PROPO',D UE',[-,N AIVG S RM I'WYRl ANAL.v'SP'.S. 1 CD's prepared by WFC Architects, dated 6/2/22 `revised per Town Comments' signed and sealed by a New York registered Professional Engineer. Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 ckyscape Page 2 CON S U I, T A N T S , I N C . The Applicant is reminded that any planned equipment changes that differ from the submitted Construction Drawings must be filed with the Town for review and approval. On the ground it is proposed to add a 7'x5' equipment platform on which a new equipment cabinet along with ancillary equipment will be placed. One hybrid cable will be added to run along a ±twenty-six (26) foot ice bridge to connect the ground equipment with the tower mounted equipment, see Figure 4. Structural Analysis The Applicant submitted a structural analysis report prepared by WFC Architects, dated June 30, 2022, based on TIA-222-H, 2020 Building Code of New York State, Risk Category II and Exposure Category C criteria. The analysis concludes that the existing tower structure and tower foundation is structurally adequate to support the existing and proposed loading. The tower rating would be at 93.5% of usage capacity (out of an allowable 105%) and the foundation would be at 41.9% of usage capacity (out of an allowable 110%),see Figure 5. Thus, it is determined that the structure would be structurally compliant for this proposed collocation. Since this is a new collocation it is assumed the new sector mounts can accommodate the proposed equipment however, the Applicant submitted an analysis of the new sector mount frame. The criteria is the same as the structural analysis referenced above and the report concludes the sector frame mount meets the requirements of the 2020 Building Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading. The reported ratings are 48.3% for the mount and 2.6% for the connection to the tower leg, both of which fall below the allowable limits thereby meeting the required standards, see Figure 6. RF Exposure Safety To verify RF exposure safety, the Applicant provided a Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF-EME) Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Study Report, prepared by an RF Engineer (Manoj (Stephen) Jayakumar) dated May 19, 2022. The analysis specifically addresses compliance of Dish Wireless' transmitting facilities independently and in relation to all collocated transmitting facilities, which together constitute the RF environment at the site. The information provided within the study found the site to be compliant with FCC rules and regulations,see Figure 7. Summary CityScape verified this application to be an eligible facilities request and meets the definition of a non-substantial change ("substantial change" being defined in 47 CFR §1.6100(b)(7) of the FCC Rules). Therefore, this application qualifies for streamlined processing at staff level under 47 CFR §1.6100(c) and CityScape recommends approval. Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 ckyscape Page 3 CON S U I, T A N T S , I N C . I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information included herein is accurate at the time of this report. CityScape only works for public entities and has unbiased opinions. All reviews are based on technical merit without prejudice per prevailing laws and codes. Regarding the structural analysis reports, CityScape verified that the proposed appurtenances shown by Applicant's construction drawings were listed in the structural reports, but did not independently verify the calculations, statements or the appropriateness of the analysis criteria contained therein. Town staff should verify compliance with applicable building and fire codes prior to issuance of a permit for this modification. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Herington-Smith Engineering Manager Cityscape Consultants, Inc. Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 CRYSCape Page C O N S U I, T A N T S I N C . Y Ilv" DeLormeStreetAtlasUSAO20O13 ERo r 491 y r o y<, `^ y}Or 840, ^d N t y, qr �„ .. dcp 2 a o r 49 s „ wz❑J EMERsgN RD �'�y A L`( B t av�sr c �p 4 I 7 41 Data use subject to licerse e DelLorme.DeLorme Street Atlas USAT)2009. 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3Ei00 wwwdelorme.com MN(13.6°w) Data Zoom 13-2 Figure 1 — Site Location Map Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 Ckyscape Page 5 C O N S U I, T A N T S I N C . f ALL(1)11 NbiDI mF.,. ,INSTALL R , NEW DISH WIRELESS 1IN71 NNn SE (2) NEW RID EXISTING 70 NEW MOUNTING ASSEMBLY SHLIJ A TO 00STING LAI"IE I FORMA.REFER TO SNEEI I-OINS(O 4OR MORE INf ORMAIION �(NOT 51.1OWN fbft CV+ROY) iii... F%15TING AT&T ANTENNAS -- --� EXISTINC 130'IATTILE TOWER I� \ EXISTING SPRINT A fTIP 1Q'Vd;°.. k XSAIN1 WHIT'ANi ENNAS AND EXISTING LIGHTNING RODS ...�--- ���-..,� �yyr gp Pr A�"t ,„ �„-.- .., .....Nd,W WHIT'nNTENNns "bBP kA ItF W,F4X'VLNG W,0-MJUHNAS k MISTING IIGHIIJING ROD �r SYd 44 pnli. '` 6'u�-dxv vrP q2 OInYR`GP vrD^xm`oF EXISTING T—MOSIL.E ANURRA^--. ---.. E%IS NC VERI20N WIRELESS AAm P4A 1. .+K.68fi 5'CrQfi. NTENNA Q Y "x, ,."w..��,„. . G..l A FOR FOITL WMOUNTING SSFMAIY SICUREDY TO FXISTIN RRHe MOUNIFD IO NEW 1571NC N&IkALPHA SECTOR RFFFft TO SHF(:T A 10 00 IPC^v11eAAL k �GVI II"J'%i ilIWYA I"ADI AYNA ORMANON WO'A10 X,tl)Ntl'A`Fmm St Fla➢.1 TtY Mtl'i I ,..:, ,.,�.w ,. .w . rACy,Neu1*mn A S RLI fHO SllA Tan G.:iUtIPO IURP'E 145WOW Nk Ff-0 hG xrA&'I A OWiry LAd rFrm macsuE 11,01IRVATIEN, "wr N ra WrNlp�[:�'nt RAO A'4^af0' _. IP At SFCIOR5) CaDW DISH WYRMLE55 HYBRID CABLES FROM NEW IS II WIREt FS5 EQUIPMENT ALONG NFW ICE Mw LFG T ANTENN UP EXISTING FEICit TOWER LEG TO ANTENNA SECTORS REFER rt1 DETAIL 2/A 101 OU FOR MORE INFORMATION f NEW DISH WIRELESS ICE AR 11GE,REFER TO EXISTING S'IT'F ACCESS GATE— N/; n�,± OLLAL 3/A 101-00 FOR VORF INFORMATION IVOING A1kT EQVIPMFNI SHELTER N"W 0,5� WPFGIIOlsf,POJ'v ENW ATOP L f VI 14:W C4Ml`R'"tti PAD ROIMR CO SHEET . @eC T--NUBILE LOU 4'MEN ( A-W2,00'OR Monk, ,f ,✓' -'tl:M'u'I'YI.N+G CHAIN LINK FENCE Nkr°A 94T'4W^WP WbN WIRk LfS^, w /f✓,"f^ P 4 UiR�GnppY Wtl FP44 BCbV .... ., a �'�m", A fr 1s ti, uwa I TH ELEVATION „r SCALI_ — 1 1 C' Figure 2— Support Structure Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 cKyscape Page 6 CON S U I, T A N T S , I N C . / l " YAM„ e.,y�rrN,n p ,l uErvr u+ ru,e i INN / f /� ,... " / v`4 hr Nt y r .. , , , ROUTE 25(BEYOND) Figure 3— Overhead View of Site Plan Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 cKyscape Page 7 CON S U I, T A N T S , I N C . NEW DISH WIRELESS H—FRAME, REFER TO DETAIL 2&4/A-102.00 FOR MORE F5I`ORVATT011 NEW DISH WIRELESS NETWORK ,.n... NEW DISH WIRELESS POWER INTERFACE UNIT REFER TO � PROTECTION CABINET (PPC). DLIAIL 3/A-103 00 FOR MORE RFFER TO DETAIL 2/A—103,00 PrvF$ AT"tilTA& ..... FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW DISH WIRFLESS FIBER INTERFACE NEW DISH WIRELESS CPS TELCO LNMOSURI., REFER NOW", UNIT. RE, R TO DETAIL FO D£ 4+A 103,00 FOR P INFORMATION NA�MORE bNATITIT " FIBERlTELCb � " `. ..... NEW DISH WIRELESS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TO BE ENCLOSURE INSTAI LED ATOP EXISTING CONCRFTE PAD, RLf LR TO DETAIL. 4 A-102 OC FOR �" ... MORE INFORMATION rwl, dI NEW DISH WIRELESS 5'X"7. Ft COMMSCOPE MTC4045LP J, PLATFORM n •.. NEW DISH WIRELESS ' EQUIPMENT CABINET REFER TO DETAIL.. )/A 1O,5,00 FOR 191W—DIS H MORE INFORMATION WIREEESz EQUIPMENT NEW 171SN WIRELESS ICE 21_1R OCH10110 IOiMvE E� ��„ �� INFORMATION (LENGTH ±26'-0") S,- SI W ll"IVj0,VV PJ FN ATFF �YENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN N S(-AL.E 3/4'-1'-0" Figure 4— Ground Equipment Overview Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 ckyscape Page 8 CON S IJ I, T A N T S , I N C . Y�iiiiY i uuuu �Vm�iuu June 30,2022 Mr.Brandon Streb WFC Architects 12-1 Technology Dr,East Setauket,NY 11733 Re: NYNYCO2100B,Dish Wireless New Site Build—130'Self-Support Tower Structural Analysis DISH WIRELESS SITE ID :NYNYCO2100B SITE ADDRESS :41405 Route 25 Peconic,NY 11958 JURISDICTION :Town of Southold LATITUDE,LONGITUDE :41.041347•N,72.458686•W FORESITE GROUP JOB NO :1106.086 Mr.Streb: This letter summarizes the results of the rigorous structural analysis conducted on the existing 130' Self-Support Tower and verify the tower meets the requirements of TIA-222-H and 2020 Building Code of New York State.The following information was provided or obtained for the analysis: • The existing tower and foundation reaction information was obtained from the previous Structural Analysis Report prepared by GPD Group,dated September 26,2018. • The proposed antenna information was obtained from the Construction Drawings prepared by WFC Architects,dated June 2,2022. Existing Tower Members 93.5% Sufficient Existing Tower Foundations 41.9% Sufficient Based on our analysis,we conclude the existing tower superstructure and tower foundation is structurally adequate to support the existing and proposed loading. If any questions arise from your review,please call us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Digitally signed by Jim Westbrook Date: 2022.06.30 � 14:31:00 -04'00' Jim Westbrook,P.E. Principal James 1:1.wer'tbil Do lk,1:.1,.251 Cheii r kee St 141,IMaii ekta CA 30060-u'CE 570,9052 Figure 5— Structural Analysis Summary Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 ckyscape Page 9 CON S IJ I, T A N T S , I N C . u r March 22,2022 + I rm Mr.Brandon Streb WFC Architects 12-1 Technology Dr,East Setauket,NY 11733 Re: NYNYCO2100B,Dish Wireless New Site Build—Structural Analysis of New Sector Frame Mount DISH WIRELESS SITE ID :NYNYCO2100B SITE ADDRESS :41405 Route 25 Peconic,NY 11958 JURISDICTION :Town of Southold LATITUDE,LONGITUDE :41.041347*N,72.458686°W FORESITE GROUP JOB NO :1106.086 Dear Mr.Streb; This letter summarizes the structural evaluation of the proposed Sector Frame Mount in order to verify the mount rneets the requirements of 2020 Building Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading.The following information was provided to me or obtained for the analysis: • The proposed antenna mount information was obtained frorn the Construction Drawings prepared by WFC Architects,dated February 7,2022. • The proposed antenna information was obtained from the Construction Drawings prepared by WFC Architects,dated February 7,2022. Please note that this analysis is predicated on the assumptions and conditions stated herein. Any deviations from these parameters render this analysis null and void.This analysis does not consider construction loads including but not limited to rigging loads,erection loads,or falling impact loads. Proposed Mount Mernbers* 48 3/ Sufficient uf' Proposed Connection to Tower I eg* 2 6/ Sufficient *This analysis assumes the mount will he installed as specified in the Construction Drawings and this report. Based on my analysis,it is my conclusion the proposed Sector Frame Mount meets the requirements of the 2020 Building Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading. If any questions arise from your review,please call us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, �w,f.wfW"' Digitally signed by Jim w �" x + Westbrook Date:2022.03.23 gas� � 15:10:25-04'00' James P.Westbrook,P.E. _.................... _ ... .. ....___ _,_._. ---- lames P.Westbrook,H.E. ?51 Chero',cee St NE,Marietta,GA 30060 4 678.570.9052 Figure 6— Mount Analysis Summary Town of Southold—SCTM41000-75.-5-14.1 Dish Wireless NYNYCO2100B -41405 Route 25 ckyscape Page 10 CON s u I, T A N T s , I N c . 0 Radio Frequency—Electromagnetic Energy( -E E)- Maximum Permissible Exposure( ) Study Report for Site ID: NYNCO2100 4105 Route 25, Peconic,NY 1158 Date: May 19,202 Prepared by: Stephen Jayaku ar Email: stephen.jayakumar@,dish.com ish.co Name: Manoj (Stephen)Jyumar Title: RF Engineer NJ Signature: ate: 5/19/2022 n Conf denfa I and Pa opriata ry"_.:2021 DISH WIRELESS Figure 7—RF Exposure Assessment Report Cover Page Centerline Communications LLC 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 RECEIVED Massapequa, NY 11758 ' 027 L.9di low.. March 30,2022 Planning Board BY HAND Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Brian Cummings-Town Planner � q RE: DISH Wireless—Building Permit Application LAAL 44( AT&T site NYNYC)2300 0.„r, DIF SC°,)U,n,i I_r) Premises:41405 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Section 75,Block 5,Lot 14.1 To whom it may concern: Our office represents DISH Wireless with respect to its Application to collocate on the existing public utility wireless telecommunication facility at the subject premises. With respect to the Building Permit Application,the following are enclosed in this submittal package; 1) Building Permit Application&Applicant Consent form 2) Four (4) set of signed and sealed construction drawings, prepared by WFC Architects and dated March 23, 2022, including site plans and elevations 3) One(1)Structural Analysis performed by Jim Westbrook,P.E.dated 3/23/2022 4) One(1)Mount Analysis letter by Sean P.Cunningham P.E.and dated 2/22/2022 4) A check for$4000(#1359)as a consultant review Escrow fee. 5) Certificates of Insurance from the contractor 6) Application for Certificate of Occupancy form Section 6409 of the Federal Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act("Section 6409")was adopted in 2012. Under Section 6409,your city retains discretionary zoning review over the construction of new towers,but simple collocations and/or equipment upgrades at existing telecommunications facilities must be approved,no later than May 29,2022,60 days from the date of this filing. The new law provides that: "a State or local government may not deny,and shall approve,any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station." (Emphasis added.) The federal law defines an"eligible facilities request"as"(A)collocation of new transmission equipment;(B)removal of transmission equipment;or(C)replacement of transmission equipment." (Emphasis added.) Also,the Federal Communications Commission issued a Wireless Infrastructure Report and Order on October 17,2014 ("FCC Order")which established regulations that clarify and streamline the municipal approval process for eligible facilities requests under Section 6409.A copy of the FCC Order is enclosed herewith. The FCC Order clarifies that municipal review of an eligible facilities request is limited to determining whether the request falls within Section 6409: "a State or local government may require the applicant to provide documentation or information only to the extent reasonably related to determining whether the request meets the requirements of this section [Section 6409]. A State or local government may not require an applicant to submit any other documentation,including but not limited to documentation intended to illustrate the need for such wireless facilities or to justify the business decision to modify such wireless facilities."47 C.F.R.1.40001(c)(1) (Emphasis added). Centerline Communications LLC 5550 Merrick Road, Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 The FCC Order also specifies that the term"base station"includes any structure that"supports or houses" communications equipment. Since this structure already supports communications equipment,it is considered a"base station"under Section 6409 Dish Wireless's,Appd cation is an Eligibleacitiiti s,R gent under Section 64O9 Dish Wireless's application qualifies as an eligible facilities request under Section 6409 because the proposed installation involves"a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station." As shown on the plans prepared by WFC Architects,and dated March 23,2022 Dish proposed installation consist principally of the following elements: Dish Wireless is proposing to install three(3)panel antennas,(1)OVP and six(b)remote radio heads on the existing lattice tower.Dish will be installing an equipment compound on the ground which will be 35 sq ft. The equipment will consist of one(1) equipment cabinet a telco enclosure,a power protection cabinet. Accordingly,Dish's installation involves the replacement of transmission equipment and the collocation of new transmission equipment that will not increase the height of the base station. As a result,the installation"does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station." Therefore,these proposed equipment upgrades constitute an"eligible facilities request"under Section 6409,and must be approved. Timeline for Review and AnnrnvaI We would like to highlight an important timing requirement for processing this application. The FCC Order determined that a municipality must act on eligible facilities requests within sixty(60)days of receiving the application. 47 C.F.R.1.40001(c)(2) (Emphasis added). (Note,the sixty(60)-day period is also known as the"Shot Clock"). Thus,the Town must approve this application within sixty(60)days of its receipt,no later than May 29,2022. The FCC Order provides that upon a municipality's failure to act prior to expiration of the Shot Clock,the"request shall be deemed granted"and DISH will be legally entitled to proceed with construction. 47 C.F.R. 1.40001(c)(4)(Emphasis added). Note that the FCC Order does allow the Shot Clock to be tolled if an application is incomplete. However,in order to do so,a municipality must provide written notice that the application is incomplete within thirty(30)days of the submittal. 47 C.F.R. 1.40001(c)(3)(i). The notice must"clearly and specifically"describe the missing documents or information,47 C.F.R. 1.40001(c)(3)(i),and,as previously mentioned,such documentation must be necessary to the determination of whether the application qualifies as an eligible facilities request. If the municipality requests additional information after the first thirty(30) days have passed,we will still provide any"reasonably related"information allowed under the FCC Order,but the Shot Clock will not be tolled. In light of the foregoing,DISH respectfully requests that its proposed equipment upgrades be approved. In the meantime,if you have any questions,please feel free to call or email me. Thank you for your cooperation. Patrick O'Rourke Site Acquisition Manager on Behalf of AT&T 516-263-8817 patrick@brennanshore.com OFFICE LOCATION• MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annexe ��» �� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� �° "';n Southold, STY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) t Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NYe on 1p " vvvvw.southoldtovvnny.gov OUN PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department S8� Date: April 6, 2022 Re: Check The attached check is a Consultant Escrow Fee for the project review listed below. Please deposit into B691 Deferred Revenue Account. Thank you. _Applicant/Project Tax...._ ............... A pp Map Amount Check Date/No. Dish Wireless C llTower 1000--75-5-µ $4,000 _m _w_........._ -4/6122 -#1359 Collocation ATT at Southold 14.1 Centerline Animal Shelter Communications LLC OEM Zia "M CENTERLINE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 1 359 750 W CENTER ST STE 301 53447/113 W BROGEWATER,MA 02379-1545 992 DATE PAY l J� py//�J �{ TO THE ,...a_. .. i � P.Lt..: dr _.,.. .....m_. ._.,._ !�-`l-�G,i ORDER � . . L A R s « M CKLAND TRU ST R_,�J ✓ � � �� �� i� mow. _ . . . ... ��.w . . .. . . 11000135911' 1:01 L3044 ?81: ?99 200? 2D13W, i/, ,�i 'Mi�4����f/,, ,offQ4,44 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Purchase Order# 34 8 -----------.................. Date .4-\V-A-11........... ............... Account#B Vendor Department Ft(,I.._L I Delmer and send billing to: �60 C-J-q thtAd 0j( Address P 0 C-5706-/- L **Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment' ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL 4� C6 �oco-J7 oy-\ bv.) THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN TH A PPROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head I -rUIC` -rf"% r-)= A 11 1C--r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 2 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 litGr s:Hw% w.soutlioldtowni .oN� Date Received APPLICATION I LPERMIT For Office Use Only -- �d� � PERMIT NO......_.......................... Building Insp�>¢traa ,,,,,,,,........ � I � ,� lt48wtia� PT �).: t. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete rc Vtiii,)O,° 1-;0)T11 applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:2-2-22 OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY: own of Southold Name: SCTM #1000 Project Address: 165 Peconic Lane Phone#:631-765-1800 Email: Mailing Address:41405 Route 25, Peconic, NY 11958 CONTACT PERSON: Name: Patrick O'Rourke c/o Centerline Communications Mailing Address:5550 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758 __........__. @ _. m..._... _, Phone# Email nshore com ......... ..5.�_.6 263. 8817....._. _....._.. Patrick.......Brenna... __.. -...._. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:WFC Architects Mailing Address: 12-1 Technology Drive, Setauket, NY 11733 _. _9 Email Phone,#µ631-6$9-w8450.._- _ ........_ ...._..�_� _......... .. ...�.....�....._._.._..,,. ry..___. ._....._._... ......._. .._.....�__.... ....__. ....— .. _ ..�....�.,_.... ......,.....�_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:TriStruX, LLC Mailing Address:473 US Highway 46, Clifton, NJ 07011 Phone#:201-933-9301 Email _.._ . .._ ,..._.__.. ._. _...._..._ ....... .. ___... .. _._._...., _,,...,.,,,,... ._ ..._... ....__ DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑NewStructure ®Addition_..._._-_.. ........... ..�� ..._.�.._____.....______.,--.._____...__...,,.. ......—ryry.... ....._._..._..._...... . ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other 52,000 ........................__ ..,. ._ _..—...—_..__....._.......�._,______.._.............M_.. ...__ .�.�.�.�.. -.--�..___. ... a $....�_......__..,_ _�_�__. _._.........a Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®No _ Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ®No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Police Station/Public Utility Communication site Intended use of property:same Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R_80 this property? ❑Yes ®No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check BoxAfter Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): Patrick O'Rourke ®Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Nassau__..._,) Patrick O'Rourke __ww..._._._ ..,,.„ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Agent ------- Co nt ra ct o r Agent, Corporate__..............._ _...._ _.......................... _..__�w__..........M_, .__........... ( Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this —y 22 day of February 22 .._-� ww w.__. ........ w.p 20 22 .. 20................ _www � �wwwµ... - _..._......w_ww_._...._ Notary Public �OlI1111111,I PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) wry; <wS • :� rt ., residing at zb do hereby authorize P..f11 apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. .................... ._ Owner'sSignature......_......__.M......w..v.................................... ...�..._w_..._........ Date ._.......�._. ­Print Owner's Name ..............wwww. .�, 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK ---------------------.----------------------------....w__-------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER At the premises: 41405 Route 25 aka 165 Peconic Lane Peconic,NY Section 75, Block 5, Lot 14.001 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Patriclr. O'Rourke, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the APPLICANT in fee of the premises known as Section 75, Block 5, Lot 14.1 (the "Premises"hereafter),and do hereby authorize DISH Wireless,and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as DISH may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with DISH and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. By: Sworn to before me this __22_day of_February_, 2022 VV 0 NOTARY PUBLIC : 0 r „ ate.,«w6 w,«w 41 «ww"ewwwwwrrwwF'yw4*a Form No.6 TOWN OF S07UTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TONVN HAXL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or nrwv use, 1. Final survey ofpropetty with accurate location of all buildings,property tines,streets,and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept.ofwatur supply and$ewe Ag"disposal(S-9 frirm 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board.of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statentent fxom plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1%lead. 5. Commercial building,industrial building,nroultiple residences and similar buildings and installations,a certificate of Code C..ompl"tance from architect or engineer responsible for the bgilding. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings(prior to April 9,1957)non-conforming uses,or buildings and"pre-existing"land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines,streets,,building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A pn°operly completed application and corisenl to inspect signed by the applicant If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied„the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy-Now dwelling$50.00,Additions to dwelling S50.00,Alterations to dwelling S 0.00, Swimrntug pool$50.00,.Acoessory building$.50,00,Additions to accessory building$50,00,Busirtcssez S50.f10. 2. Certificate of Ocottlrancy on pre-existing Building- $100.00 3. Copy of Certifcatc of Occupancy-$.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupauoy- $50.00 5. 'remporaty Certificate of Occupancy-Residential$15.00,Commercial$15.00 Date ___........ .mm......... _.w New Construction: _ Old or Pre-existing Building._ X (check one) / I1ttn et Location of Property: .. house Street _. . No. Owner or Owners of Property:µ Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000,Section Block, Lot Subdivision Filed Map_..,._�_ _,. ,Lot _..... Permit No. _ —-------- Health of Permit. ..,.,Alnplamtnt:,_,.._____w...,._.....�. health Dept.Approval: Underwriters Approval:-­ Planning . _._..... Planning Board Approval: _....... _,__. Request for: Temporary Certificate­,,,,r_ ,,m Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted:$ Applicant Signature Sean A Cunningham P.E., P.C. PO Box 1091 Setauket, NY 11733 Phone 631-689-3965 Fax 631-980-3572 Email:sean.cunningham.pe@,gmail.com 2/22/2022 VvTC Architects 12-1 Technology Dr. Setauket,NY 11733 PH: 631-689-8450 Re: Dish Wireless—NYNYCO2100B—41406 Rout 25, Peconic,NY 11958— WFC Project 21-14660 Dear Brandon Streb, Please be advised the I have reviewed the existing mounting used for new and existing DISH Wireless Equipment installations. Dish Wireless is proposing the following changes for steel framed tower mounted equipment: SOW At Antennas: -Install(3)New JMA MX08FRO665-21 Antennas -Install(6)New RRHs -Install (1)New OV-P -Install New Mounting Assembly SOW at Ground Mounted Equipment: -(1)New equipment platform,(1)New Equipment Cabinet, (1)new H-Frame, (1)New Power Protection Cabinet(PPC),(1)New Network Interface Unit,(1)New Fiber/TELCO Enclosure,(1)New GPS Unit, (1)New Ice Bridge I have reviewed the new antenna mounting onto the existing steel framed tower. The new antenna installation will not significantly add loading to this tower since they are installed low on the tower. I have also reviewed new ground mounted equipment supports, and the posts and anchorages will withstand the anticipated dead and wind loadings. Should you or any other parties involved have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me W N1 Very Jt� ._,Se Sean unningaham,PIE 0 P DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) AC+I'R" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/29/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME T IVonne Kraft Scirocco Group-Main Office PHONE rFAi( 777 Terrace Avenue II#t 201 727 0070 x205 !.( q,.Nnl 201 727 6f16t.�.. E-MAIL Suite 309 ..4pQREs ; ....., ..'---- Hasbrouck ...... ... ........ Heights NJ 07604 INSURER(S)AFFORDINGCOVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A-.The Travelers Indemnity Company of America 25666 INSURED TRISLLC-03 INSURER B The Phoenix Insurance Company 25623 TriStruX LLC 473 US Highway 46 INSURERc Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674... Clifton NJ 07011 !NsuRERO Navi gatorsInsurance Company 42-3.97-111111111 INSURER_E.:The Hanover Insurance Company 22292 INSURER F; COVERAGE$ CERTIFICATE NUMBER:715376590 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID . 55L.iS OLICY t P'OL4C L^CA EIXM«S. INS LIMITS .. Ll' TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD POLICY NUMBER (MMIDDNYYYI IMMfoolyYYY1 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y DT-CO-9R648594-TIA-22 4/1/2022 4/1/2023 EACH OCCURRENCE X $2,000,000 ii'A1<rt�(u1t�r#LkS�FC.ro 1,. ,,.. . CLAIMS-MADE , -1 OCCUR $ PREryWI�L.St,�f",&aa �l,nrrwrnr(r.) .. .... .000000_- .„.....,,,. MED EXP(Any one person) $10.000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $21000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000 000 POLICY XT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4 000 000 ......, OTHER I $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 810-9R643654-22-26-G 4H(2022 4(1t2023 a dDt, N$aC ft LtMp„ $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ X AOWNED UTOS ONLY X SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ __. r^^er kk�""4ade9 AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY ( ra(tAMARF $ HIRED NON-OWNED P'dpTAt(R1Y ID C X UMBRELLALIAB X OCCUR CUP-9R703169-22-26 4H/2022 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGA 4/112023 EACH OCCURRENCE $5000,000 X D MR22EXCZ07ZN11V 4/1/2022 4/1(2023 IG .AITE $5,000 000 DED I X I RETENTION$ n occurrence/Aggre ate s 7,000,000 C WORKERS COMPENSATION UB-9R646982-22-26-G 4/1/2022 4/1(2023 X PER H AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY STATUTE [ „IT ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y N E.L EACH ACCIDENT $1 000,000 OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED' N N/A -" (Mandatory in NH) """"" E,L DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE$1 000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E,.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 E Pmpaarty➢nsteQatironFloater RHYA96673206 4/1/2022 4/1/2023 Installation Floater 1,000,000 Leased Equipment Leased/Rented Equip 300.000 inst0ataoa'aTrtnot Installation Transit 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Professional Li'abilit�+/Lloyds of London/Policy f/AE223127/$5,000,000 Occurrence/$5„000,000 Aggregate/ 03-29-2022 to 04.01.2023 Pollution Llabllit /Myds of London/Polic AE223127/$5,000,000 Occurrence/$5,000,000 Ag regate/ 03-29-2022 to 04m01-2023 Cyber Liabilityy/ oatition Insurance f Policy 9tC.4LOO.173719/$2„000,000 Occurrence/$2„000„000 aggregate/ 4/112022 to 4/t/2023 R" NY YCO2100 Town of Southold is named as an additional insured with respects to General Liability coverage,as required by written contract subject to the terms,exclusions and conditions of the policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town of Southold ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Southold NY 11971ru.� O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Workers" CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE ATL Compettsation litaard DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by Disability and Paid Family leave Benefits Carrier or Licensed Insurance Agent of that Carrier 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured TriStrux LLC 201-933-9301 473 US Highway 46 Clifton, NJ 07011 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Number Work Location of Insured(Only required ifcoverage is specifically limited to 85-1009418 certain locations in New York stale,i.e.,Wrap-Up Policy) 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) AmGUARD Insurance Company Town of Southold 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed In Box"I a" 54375 Route 25 DB08387106.1 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 3c.Policy effective period 04/01/2022 to 04/01/2023 4. Policy provides the following benefits: Q A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. C] B.Disability benefits only. C] C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. [] B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed ent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance cove has crlbad ove. 3-29-22r Date Signed By (Signature of insurant q .f"s authorized reptesen,06 or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that Insurance corrkru) Telephone Number 201-727-0070 Name and Title President&CEO IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked,and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE.Mail it directly to the certificate holder If Box 45,4C or 5B is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd, B of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only If Box 4C or SB of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. Date Signed By . (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form D9-120.1. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to Issue tits form. DB-120.1 (10-17) I lii� �iiiiii��r �� I DB-120.1 (1 0-1.fi 1 Workers'yell Work ' CERTIFICATE OF �rAif Boarynsation NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE Board 1 a. Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b. Business Telephone Number of Insured 201-933-9301 TtrStrux, LLC 473 US Highway46 1c.NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of Clifton, NJ 07011 Insured 50-42708 Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to 1 d.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security certain locations in New York State,i.e.,a Wrap-Up Policy) Number 85-1009418 2. Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"l a" Town of Southold UB-9R646982-22-26-G 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 3c.Policy effective period Southold NY 11971 04/01/2022 to 04/01/2023 3d.The Proprietor,Partners or Executive Officers are ® included.(Only check box if all pariners/officers included) all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. This certifies that the insurance carrier indicated above in box"3" insures the business referenced above in box"1 a" for workers' compensation under the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. (To use this form, New York(NY)must be listed under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the workers'compensation insurance policy), The Insurance Carrier or its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder in box"2". The insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers'Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the insured from the coverage indicated on this Certificate. (These notices may be sent by regular mail.)Otherwise,this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent,or until the policy expiration date listed in box"3c",whichever is earlier. This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers' Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note: Upon cancellation of the workers'compensation policy indicated on this form,if the business continues to be named on a permit,license or contract issued by a certificate holder,the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Workers'Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has the coverage as depicted on this form. Approved by: John Scirocco (Print name of a thorixed representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier) Approved by: 3/29/22 nature) (Date) Title: President/CEO Telephone Number of authorized representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier: 201-727-0070 Please Note: Only insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue it. C-105.2 (9-17) www.web.ny.gov W31 F3117 IBq, VI ii i March 22, 2022 Mr. Brandon Streb WFC Architects 12-1 Technology Dr, East Setauket, NY 11733 Re: NYNYCO2100B, Dish Wireless New Site Build—Structural Analysis of New Sector Frame Mount DISH WIRELESS SITE ID : NYNYCO2100B SITE ADDRESS : 41405 Route 25 Peconic, NY 11958 JURISDICTION :Town of Southold LATITUDE, LONGITUDE : 41.041347° IN, 72.458686'W FORESITE GROUP JOB NO : 1106.086 Dear Mr. Streb; This letter summarizes the structural evaluation of the proposed Sector Frame Mount in order to verify the mount meets the requirements of 2020 Building Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading.The following information was provided to me or obtained for the analysis: • The proposed antenna mount information was obtained from the Construction Drawings prepared by WFC Architects, dated February 7, 2022. • The proposed antenna information was obtained from the Construction Drawings prepared by WFC Architects, dated February 7, 2022. Please note that this analysis is predicated on the assumptions and conditions stated herein. Any deviations from these parameters render this analysis null and void.This analysis does not consider construction loads including but not limited to rigging loads, erection loads, or falling impact loads. Proposed"Mount...Members* 48.3�0.___... ................ .�......wvwv_..............................................v....ww_ ... .www./ ufficient .,� -- P roposed Connection to Tower Leg* - �.........v..-2.6% Suffic ient This analysis assumes the mount w I be installed as specified in the Construction g _.... __r it p struct o p* n Drawings this report. Based on my analysis, it is my conclusion the proposed Sector Frame Mount meets the requirements of the 2020 Building Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading. If any questions arise from your review, please call us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, of t4w Digitally signed by Jim Westbrook Date: 2022.03.23 15:10:25 -04'00' James P. Westbrook, P.E. James P.NJestbrook,P.E. >251 Cherotiee St iNE, IAanetta,GA 30060 o 678.570.9052 Mr. Brandon Streb NYNYCO2100B—Dish Wireless, New York March 22,2022 Rigorous Mount Analysis The structural model for this analysis was prepared using RISA-31D software and was based on the following design criteria. DESIGN CRITERIA Analysis Standard 2020 Building Code of New York State/TIA-222, Revision H Basic Wind Speed 128 mph (3-second gust wind speed with no ice) 50 mph (3-second gust wind speed of with 1.0" radial ice) Service Wind Speed 30 mph Exposure Category C—Open Terrain - Structural Risk Category II - Topographic Category 1—No abrupt changes in general topography - Ground Elevation 18 ft - Seismic Design Parameters Ss=0.177/Si =0.050 - Live Load : 250 lbs. Man Load &500 lbs. Maintenance Load APPURTENANCE LOADING Table 1-Final Dish Loading Summary (Proposed appurtenances are highlighted in bold type) .................... RAD Quantity Appurtenance ...... .... _...........Beta.......... Center � Gamma—..�.� � . .�.�..,.,.,........ _.. ......... ... ................... _. �.........__... .... JMA MX08FR0665-21 Panel Antenna 1 1 1 �_ �.�.....�.�.�. �_�.�.�.�.�..�.Fujitsu TA08025-�B604 RRH. ........._.�.��.._�_. 1 Fujitsu TA08025-B605 RRH 1 1 1 —........ —........ _..w _... -.........w... . .._........�. Raycap RIDIC-3045-PF-48 OVP 1 0 0 • Antenna Mount ASTM Specifications (Assumed) - Pipes ASTM A53 Gr. B with the min.yield strength of 35 ksi - Solid Rods ASTM A36 with the min.yield strength of 36 ksi • Welding Standard -AWS D1.1 _.. ...... �............ _ .. _.w...... ......... ... of 3 ^ ^ Mr. Brandon Streb NYNYCO21UnB—Dish Wireless, New York March 2Z,2OZZ Rigorous Mount Analysis MOUNT ANALysis RESULTS Table 2—Mount Member Capacity Stress Ratio .......................-,""I'll" - - I—- - [I---­_­'­­­____ - Mount Component %Stress Result Mount Pipes 23.6% Pass Face Horizontals 48.3% Pass Horizontal Standoffs 19.2% Pass Solid Rod Bracing 42.2% Pass Table 3—Mount Connection to Leg—(4) 5/8"0 All-thread Rods to Tower Leg Calculated Reaction @ ............ Allowable Reaction Current Analysis %Stress Combined Tension and Shear Check 0.1% CONCLUSIONS&RECOMMENDATIONS Based on my analysis, it is my conclusion the proposed Sector Frame Mount meets the requirements of the 2D2OBuilding Code of New York State and the TIA-222-H standard for the proposed loading. This analysis assumes the mount will be installed as specified in the Construction Drawings prepared byVVFC Architects dated February 7, 3O22 and this Mount Analysis Report. Refer to the RISA ouput attachment for stress results on specific mount members, Attachments: 1. Mount Structural Analysis Report(31Shee1z) I Mount to Tower Leg Connection Calculation (1Sheet) 3. Load Calculations (43heets) 3of3 MOUNT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT FOR PROPOSED DISH WIRELESS EQUIPMENT ly �ry z .x i � N, Envelope Only Solution F ._._ oresite Group SK- 1 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM NYNYCO210 1106 086 ..w. .O C00B Mount Analysis_ba..„ z x 01 .r "" """• ¢"� OM1 .�&y" iimr"rvm'a" Envelope Only Soludon ................ ._ ._.�..,,........,,_, ............ ......... .,,.�,,.. ,,,,,„a„ ,. .,..... Foresite Group DMG _.m. NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM 06.086 NYNYCO2100B MountAnalysis_ba..o Z x A,�w Envelope Only Solution Foresite Group SK-3 DMG NYNYCO21.00B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM _._ 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Anal sis_ba.. r 4IN 4, X sw s Foresite Group DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM . _ 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba..., z x v" -C71b/R 1 . .. .. +� 441 ' I I� p 43w,, ro wN Mb Loads:BLC 2,Ice Weight Envelope Only Solution Foresite Group SK-5 DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM ��............ ....... _ ... NYNYCO21�.. 1106.086 OOB Mount Analysis_ba... mm _ ........ „ ...... ...... ... z Loads:BLC 3,Men LL 1(260Ibs) Envelope Only Solution Foresite Group SK-6 ....... ........w..............- DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:53 AM 1106.086 �. NYN.. YCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... " , Loads:BLC 4,Man LL 2(250lbs) Envelope Only Solullon Foresite Group SK-7 DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1106.086 _ NYN.. ....�v..� YCO2100B Mount Analyses ba...� .. ........... .............................................. .................... . ........... Il , z x � 10 X, Loads:BLC 5,Man LL 3(250lbs) Envelope Only Solution ....... ............. ... _ .�.....,.,,,. .�,.,... .,. .. _,., .....,..,.....,....,. Foresite Group SK- 8 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1106 086 NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis_ba... x �µ �w ARA *�-1dYAdkw4G 14sk .^" aro �, ,» -270.21b -10A1b/ft Loads:BLC B,Wind Load-0'(Full) Envelope Only Solution Foresite Group SK- 9 �._,.. ........ _ DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba.., Y z x. "h? 10 Wn mail + Ao r" 1B4bd µ '10ARrvn„r', Loads:BLC 7,Wnd Load-90'(Fula Envelope Only Solution e Group SK- 10 .......... ........... DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM _ NYNYCO2100 1106.086 B Mount Analysis_ba... z x www h"+ ry w iµ� nhr .wpm .No knyx�4rb "^ -1.61b/ft t ' A e, r •t.5lb/ft w Z'w -i 61bfR Loads:BLC 8,Wind Load-W Qce} Envelope Only Soludon ...,,. ............ ...v, ,.mm.. ,.... .....,..... ....... ........ .,,, ....,. ...,., ._.. ...,.,.. Foresite Group SK- 11 DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM „..,.. . e 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... .,"........... ...... z x MA 3 so �' "' •rx�9r aa' Loads:BLC 9,Wind Load-900 Qce) Envelope Only SoluOon ............. . .. ....,---.... ....... ......., .. _. �,... .,®., m....._. _ .,,,,..,,,,... ., Foresite Group SK- 12 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1 106.086 NYNY C 0 2 1 0 0 B Mount Analysis_ba.. �.._ ... .... .......... _.......... .. ®..,... ... ... ........ z x' 61bfft w r4. , -AMR wwp Loads:BLC 10,Wind Load-0°(Service) Envelope Only Solulion ..,, _ Foreslte....... ... . ��... ._. �........ .... �. , ..�. .. .W.... ..... ... _.......�... Group DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... Y. % .7SO � a �� rvAM , Y AM Fli " w� r r .y� 2 r^it -.tivtirr " Loads:BLO 11,Wind Load-SW(Service) Envelope Only Solution ,,,..._ ....,............ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,,........ .._..,...... .,...,..,., ..........,..,., ,......_.....,,.........,.. . ....,.,. ,,,,,,, ...,,. _.........,.., ..,,,,,.._�,. Foresite Group SK- 14 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Ma r 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM .... 1106 086 _ .. ....�.... NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... � I „ T r"°• A„ Loads:6LC 12.Pipe Mount 111(500lbs) Envelope Only Solution ,.,. Foresite�Grou..._e. .......... .r........ .. ................��..... ..._...... .. p SK- 15 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:54 AM 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... _.. „. ....... ... ..................,.... _,.,.,.. 2 x �.�...�. ......� n me,µ '.. Loede:BLC 13,Pipe Mount LL 2(SOOlbs) Envelope Only Solution ........... ,.,.,.,...... .......... ...... .�m.�., ..w rr._.,.® .....��_ ,.... ........ ...�., �....,�..w Foresite Group SK- 16 ..... DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:55 AM 16-1-.._..... _ NYNYCO210 0B Mount Analy 11 sis_ba. 1106 11.0 11 8 ., .. ........ ...... .. Loads:BLC 14,Pipe Mount LL 3(500lbs) Envelope Only Solution Foresite Group SK- 17 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:55 AM 1106,086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba... .... ... ................ _. x X He w " „r �r Loads:BLC 17,Selsmlc Eh-X Envelops Only Solubon ................... ...., ...,,,, ,...,.,..... ,...... _,,,, .,,,, w.,na.. .............. ........ .,,..,.,,.......,.., Foresite Group SK- 18 11,111,11, DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:55 AM _m ....._.. . 1106 086 NYNYCO21008 Mount Analysis_ba.. �w . ...,... w z x IZ r , Loads:BLC 18,Seismic Eh-Z Envelope Only SokAon .... ._.. ..... .... .-_.,, .,......,e ................. .w.m................ Foresite Group SK- 19 DMG NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:55 AM 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_ba.. .... ShearCheck'. y Env) " No Lo 1.0 .75,90 .,.......,m.....,.. ..sa.7s o,-so The maximum shear stress in any of the existing mount members is 8.3% of the allowable stress. 100, 00, p r� Member Sheer Checks Displayed(Enveloped) Envelope Only Salmon Foresite Group SK-20 DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:55 AM 1106.086 NYNYCO2100B Mount Analya�ls—b ... ............... _... ya 6 M'ax nuv d,rr The maximum bending stress in any of the existing mount members is 48.3% of the allowable stress. w� .000 Member Code Checks Displayed(Envoloped) Envelope Only Soluilon Foresite Group .��....... _ ®..... _DMG NYNYCO210013 Mount Analysis Mar 22, 2022 at 10:56 AM 106.086 YCO210013 Mount Analysis_ba... Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer DMG 10:56 AM 111RISA Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR Model Narne NYNYCO21 OOB Mount Analysis (Global Model Settings ...... ... ....... ... ....... .. . ... ,qispjpy Section for Member C, al IMax Internal Sections for Member Caics 97 s Include Shear Deformation? C@p ply for Wind? Yes I lude War pilng?.- Yes aad,Mesh---,(n-Arg.A;9d W!? ' Yes rae-T1eaneIe 4TranL— wi 4 9 . (q) , 12 Delta is Tolerance 10.50% Include P-Delta for Wafls7 Yes A6 ]'Ve 'j�ma�icallyjterate Stiffness for Walls? s i'Max Iterafions for Waif Stiffness------- ---------- 3 CA- E3-8q�4' --@yjt�LA q I r ion (in/se 2)_9_9eat Wall Mesh Size (in), 12 "Ei, e" nso-luflon' Cc .� Q-1-� -� I--- - Vertical Axis Y 0 ember Orientation Plane XZ Static Solver �Sar§e Acceferated Dynamic Solve i . ...... Acceleraf6dSolver ' - ... al Hot Ro' 'll e'd.Steel Cade ............................ LRFD Yes(Iteratiyq) RISAConnection Code gone -F, Code None I Wood W607j- 6de,............... N one' ture < 100F ete Code'Conci Code No None Aluminum Code lone_-'' - B u'-iil--in inless Steel Code None Number umber of S,h R e_p_a qions .Rqg.iqri,Sp@cing,!nq 4 Biaxial Column Method Inte ration Pa I rme Beta I Factoi(P-qA)_ .65 Concrete f on c rete S t r e s s Block gy!ar Use',Cracked Sec'ions? Yes se Cracked Sections Slab? 0 No F s- .Un-useld-Fo.r.ce Warnings? Min 1 Bat, Diaq1,,Sq0cin9?.- No ,6"o,-nc"r-e"t"e""'Reb"ar S.et �-k'E--BA-R- SET-A-S-TM-A-6-15- Max,%--S"t-e-e--I-f psi......C--olurii-n ................... RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [C:\... ...\Backups\NYNYCO21 OOB Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 1 Con-parry Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 ■ Designer DMG 10:56 AM 111RISA lob Number 1106.086 Checked By: GSR Model Nwne NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Global Model Settings Continued .w Selsir�G�Code �� ASCE 7 16 Seismic Base Elevation (in. Not Entered ..�._ _. Add Base O�lPel�t"?......._ ... ., . Yes. Ct X 02 t _._.. ... _ ..... � .02 (sec) .�...._ .. Not Entered T Z .. __ T X sec Not Entered R X ... 3 Ct En X _.... _ 75 _� . .e 1 _.. . w. �. ......a,,, .._ _..__.. �.... _...._... . �.. . __ . _ _ �. TL(sect _ .''_5 Risk Cat _.. _ . . I orll J Z Draft Cat. _.._ ._� r Other m1 ... . _ _. . .k _�._... . .. . _.. _ Ina her X Basic ,Load Cases .... 2 C_ pht Category ?r vaty Y Gr vily ,101,0 y ... 5� _. 1.. . DL _ Wnhtlee 9I 3 _Marl EL 1 (25 bs).. 4 Man L.L 2,(2501bs) OL2 5 Man LL 6 Wind Load 0° (Full) . WLX, ry .... ..._ 5 1. _ ........ _ _ . . 7 Wind Load ,90° WLZ ._,. 8 end Load 0 °(tce VVL+X 5 .. 18. �.. WLP1.. _.. 5 _ 1..$L+Z C._w . .. Wind Load 0 (Service) ?5 .� _ _ ..5._ 18 oai enrc e) WL 9 �d Load 90 ervice) Irl oa 12 Pre Mount ILL 1 5001bs) QL4 mP a Mount ILL 3 500lbs) _13 Pipe Mount LL 2�5001bs� OL5 , pp �# .P.i.IJe..Mount LL_4..(5001bs) OL .. ...._.l _.. .. ._. ... w _, _._.., .. ... .... ... _ 1 Pipe rat LL 5(5001bs). _.OL6 17 P� eSeismic_Eh-X. .. ELX Seismic Eh-Z.._ . __. ... _ELZ "...... __. ... .�. . 5... _. Load Combinations ° es ,....p �k I_ PSmlptMcrt F tl I .Fa t F I r ll. 1111" . ....... 1 4DL fl Y CDL11 4 2 1 M+ 1 OW 0, Yes Y !.�. DL 1.2,WW.» 1... ,ry_ 4 ....:_12L..+ . rr a . _. �s itaL.12 . 866w 5 Yes, Y. DL 1 2 W707 WW„., 707 y 5 DL+ 1.OW 60° eSB Y DLw1 2 w. 6 1 2DL+ es . 5 vv.;} 866 1 2 �. . _.. 1 OW 90 � Y D.L.1._2_ . 1. ..._ ° . Y �.k 1._2. 70 w _ ... ._..1. 0 C . 1 1 0w 120 es� Y DL 1 2 ., N8 1 24L.+ 1 0 [1'es .., 707 ����,. RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\...\Backups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 2 Cornpnny Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer DMG 10:56 AM 111RISA Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR ,r v r Abe Model Name NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Load Combination, Continued rrr rtcc rl.. I 5 B " L. 5 .._.B B �r.F1­11- _ F .._ .. 5.,r ,F .., Fa,,,:,p�� F 1,2DL+.1_QW_180° 'Yes X.. ..�DL.1 2°Ww 1 .. ... .m . . w $6 W. + es 1 1 2DL+ 1.01N21tI 2 �. { �@ 2 .7077uw _ 1 2DL+ 1, OW 225° Yes Y ' DU 1 V _ + 1. ow... 400. 'e1 Y........ 5 W 866 eat 2 V1%..L 1 i5 i22PL+ ,°w .3o5� � es �: DIL 2 .. � W. ._ ._�..... - ... ml _ l .. . _ .. 14 � 2DL 1 OIN 2�0 � DL JQ_ ... 707 W,.r 707 17 1 2DL+1 OW 330 Yes Y . ��_ � �� �? 0 es Y r DL 1 2 w 866 W 5 2D[_w°+ 1 OD„L _.�.$ � �.wIce ° DL 1 2.�� 1 11 ° 1 2DL+1 DL Ice+1 OWi .1'esY D2. L.. 1 �... Qice 1 2DL+1 ODL Ice±1 OWi.. .es .Y. . DL _ w W. 866 W:µ... .. 21 "r1.2DL+1.ODL Ice+11.0W...,... es Y, DL 1 2 5 �.. 1 W 707 W. _...SIL _ . ..�.. .. .. wf . . 707 22866, . Y + + W.. ii p 2DL+1.ODLIce+1 OWi.:. ��.y�._ ..�Lk.� �...�W... 1 W., 866, � 24 {1.2DL .1.OD..Ice. 1 ... . es Yw., �D,L, 1:2 L. 1 W 5,.. . ..... . 25 '1.2DL+„1.ODL Ice+1°OWi Yes Y. _ ...DL1.2L . �., ..... 70w.W. 707..,___.. �,..... �. ... 26 1.2DL+1 ODL Ice+1..0.W. �Yes .11 L 1.2 L.. 1., w 27 1.2DL+1.ODL Ice+1.OV1fi...'Yes,y ...-L'1 2�SL 1 2DL+1.ODL Ice+1 OWi es p J 1 w" 1 29 1 2DL+1 ODL Ice+1 OWi es Y w D 1 2 SL W 28 DL.. { 5 � 707" i I k W DL+1 ODL Ice+1 OWi.. es Y DL 2 SL I w 5 f 30 12 12..SL. 1 Wm 1 _ 32 .,1 2DL°+1.ODL Ice+1 OWi es Y .. L.,1 2SL', 1 W. ...5 1IV,. 86.6. 31ae_ . .. �..w... _ ._ _ 4 °1 2DL+1ODL Ice+1 OWi Yes Y DL _ K. 866W 75 .._ 33 1 2DL+1 ODL Ice+11.64C eig Y DL.,1 2 SL 1 W" ........ ,_., 36 1 .2D� 1 1 2DL+ 1.5 LL2 wYes Y DI 1D_ 2 1 5 371 2DL?1D5 LL4 51 OWm es Y DL�1.2 O 1 5 �► I[ 1qW. 401 2DL+1 5 LL4+_.1 OWm 1 4� . DL+1 5 LL4+1.OWm es JDL°,1 2 1 5'W , 707�W ,.70?„ 421 2DL+..1 5 LL4+1.OWm Ye s Y DL 1 2 O 1 5�W 1w.. 86.6k . ...._.. �. ... ... 41 1 2DL+1 5 LL4+1 OWm es 0 1 5 W 5 ry 4 y 44 12D+1.5 LL4+1 OWm es Y DL.`..?...2 0. 11 5 W, 707�W . 43 1.2DL+1 5 LL4+1 Ow 5 707� „ 1 4- _1.2D...+1.5 LL4+1.OWm es, Y DL''1 2 O 1,m .W .866 W.,...5... _ �...._ _ . ..._.... . 1 [ J 1.2DL+1.5 LL4+1.OWm es Y DL..1 2 .. 1 .5.W 1._..46 1 2DL+1 ... DL 1.2 0 �....... � C_. .. .. _ .... C . . C ...48.. 1 2DL+1 5 LL4+.1..OWm Yes Y DL;..1..2 O ..f 1 5.W.. 767 70 1 2DL+1 5 LL4+.1...OWm� . es.Y... ..D�- .t2 0_ .,1 1N,... 49 ,1 (w..*.s6 �... �. 1 50 + +1 Wm "��. .. R �FI W.. 5 1 5 LL4+1 OWm es �( DL 1 2 0 1 5 W°, 51 1 ? _ � ... _ ......�_... ... 707 W.v _70... , . �... .._. w 52. 1.2DL+1.5 LL4+ 1.OWm ., LL4 o Y DL 1 2 1 5 _ 53 pL 9 2 O ,1 5 W 866 W 5 . _ _ . .. 4 .1............. ....... OWm es Y_ DL 1°2°O 1 5 W, 1 es Y 55 1°w.2DL+1. qq u 1.2DL+ 5 LL5+1 _.. ... ]-_1 2 O..�5 LL5+10 , e Y D " 6 _„ .�. .ry�w... �_. _._5°LL5+1 0wm ...4 _Si .. D.�-..'..2.0 pp 1 ,o'W. 7�17W..° 7dJ7 `a .. !1 2DL+1.5 LL5+1.Ow.m_ _Y ®L.1. �.. L�5.W . 5iW.. .866 __ 1 ... .... .�. ..�._. ..... _ ..�. w $ 1 2DL+1 5µLL5+1 0Wm IYes Y DL 1 2 0 1 5 W..: 1 .. ....... .. . �... ... .. e 5 LL5+1.OWm .. ..eS DL. 1,2 ®._., 707W µ �Q 1 2DL+1 OWm es Y DL 59 1 2DL+1 5 L LL5+1 1 2 0 1 5�w 5 w 866 g 62.. 1 2DL+1.5 .,1 2 O.: �_5 W ti 1 ... 1 ........� . .. �.. 61 DL+1 5 LL5+1 OWm Yes y DL 1 �.. _.. ...fie. �._ �.1.55 .�. _... o- ... ........ 631 2DL+1 5 LL5+1 OWm es Y DL 1 20., W 6w 1 2 86 . + + _ ., es 0... 1N,.* 707W,„ .$6 ..64 DL+1 5 LL5+1 OWm es Y p DL 1 2 I O- 15 w } 65 . 1..2DL 1 5 LL5... 1.OWm........ .. , .. ...1[aL.].2 V ..._k..1_wQ.. ,...{-,`5. ...w .. ......�. ........L....... ...... ... .l RISA-31D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\...\Backups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 3 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer DMG 10:56 AM IIIRISA' ,Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR A WW, [EA U,,MIVANY Model Name NYNYCO21 OOB Mount Analysis Load Combinations Continued R B,-F OC 1" 2 0. -1 Ye w " Ye' 64 1.2DL+1.5 LIL�+i.0 OWm es y es 0 w 4'DL'I 2 1 .707 W-e.70 1.21DIL+1.5 LL5+ OWm Y Yes -.5 -'-" ' - 0 �a-...5 LL5+I.OWm Y ID .866, 70 1.21DL+1.5 LL6+1 OWm es Y DL 12 1 W.. 1 W�W �09 I 7-j-]i-.2-DL 1.'5­­LL6+'I.OWm-.-, es y 1 8,66 70 es Y DL 1 2 0 15 W;I 7 T Y ­­­ T 5 .OWm e 72 �1.. _ +1.5 LL6+1 OWm 7 D I. f 1.2DL+1.5 LL6+ 1 OWm es� Y DL,1,2 1O... 1.151 1 :�",EI'Y. 76 1.2DL+1.5 LL6+1 OWm es, Y [DIL'I 2�0- 1 7,NOW 707 D D 2 L; 78 f1.2DL+1.5 LL6+1 OWm �es Y DL 1.2 0.11 1.5 W-,j -1 7- -� 1 �'�A .-�.L I",','' - TI 0 T es y 19-� 1-j-�6L,+j.. I DL 1,2 0- 79, 1 pp . .. _ .5 -- ���� '.- -- '' 0, ii --I 1.2DL+1.5 L�§,.t Y DL 1.2 iO 1 5 W 70 'K 70 .1 5 80 -1� I -III-i---L6.'=.--- 5 v Lj t�v �6 OWm-..' LL6 117q�yrn Y DL 1 7�17 82 1.2DL+1.5 LL6+1.OWrn y DL 2'0- 1 5W.- -1 D il� 61- 84 1.2DL+1.5 LL6+1.OWm es: y DL 12�0-�1�5W 707 W., -.70 L+1.5 L L 6+1 OWm 5% w 851 es-yd 6'W- -�5 i +1.5 LL7+1 OWm es, y DL 1.2 f0- 1,51 87 es"Yl j�V7 88 1.21DL+1.5 LL7+ 1.OWm es Y DL 12 0-' I 5'W' 707 W, 707 I -'D w J' W . 6 89 j1.2bDL­ +j'­5'­-LL7 f 71 y --9.0- lj�.2p�+1.5 LL7+ 1.OWm Yes Ypp. 1 2 0.- 1 1w 91 0 D 1,5 W.,.5 LU+1.OWm ...... [7�-L es Y ........... '0� 1.21DL+1.5 1.Owm D 707 w �79T)N=s Y DL 1 2 0.- 15 1 es 86qw OWrn Y"I 1)0 m2 Lo'1.15 94 1.21DL+1.5 LL7+ I.OWnn es Y DIL 11. -�1.5'w -1 05. 1.21DL+1.5 LL7+ 1.OWm es y 07 00 .21DL+1.5 LL7+1.0 rn es Y 'DL t2 0- 15 Wl� 7`51 + .5 W.. 97 1.2DL--'i" LU+1.0 m es y 7 ' w ---90- 1.2DL+1.5 LL7+I.OW Y '2 0- 1_.. W- 71 LE- 7+1.0 DL 1.5 .5-W 7.................. 5 LL7+1 OWm Yes707 .99 6jW- -�5 b C 2' �4 0- -1 -5 8 6 ...... Y DL '1,2�0- 1 5 W.-7U�Iw-: -i Ow E .1 Q1 �1'.?PL 100 t 1.5 LU+ . M .. '�i � - -.- I-- �--. - - I T 102 1.2DL+ 1.5 LL8+1 OWm Yes Y DL 1,2 10-. 1,5 W.- 1 es Y DL 1.2 104.1.2DL+1.5LL8+1.OWm es y 707 W 707 OL 11 1.5 OWm es Y DL 1,05 11.21DL+i-.5L-L8+ -�w 1106A.21DIL+1.5LL8+1 OWm es 6- ---W 5- 0 5 LL8+1 OWm es, y 707 W D-LL"'-+'-1".'5"'1-L-8+ 8 107 yj", - I -1 -1 " 1 081.2DL+1. DL 1�2 0.- 1 5'vv D .5 J)Wnn es, + DL 1.2 110 1.2DL+1.5 LL8+1.OWm ,�e Y DL1 2 0... t51 n .866WI. D e '��j ' �Y; 5 LL� f 6w, w- TO�Iw -.70 112 1.2DL+1.5LL8+ 1.OWrn-.j;;�,,y IDL 12 IJ I J-ri'.2-D-L'+' 1,. L L-8+'i.0 win . 1151 -" y 6 11 -es 21DL+1.5 0 116 1,2DL+11-5 LL8+ 1.OWm les, Y DL 1 2 01- W* 707'W 70 .5 0 1117 1.2DL+1 -W � -b ' j"' 118 1.2+0.2Sds)DL+11.01EIL-O, es-Y DIL 4 E.-, 1 1.24 E-1, 5 .866 (1.2+0.2Sds)DL+1.01EEYes............... .- - � 4-111- -11 11 11-I-- -- I - t!-- l16 :-I �-1 20 (1.2+0.2Sds)DL+I.OEL �es� es Y DL1.24E-, 307 L 707 DLL 4 E- 21 (1Y+"-"0".'2-Sds)DL+1.OEL es y RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 ...\Backups\NYNYCO21 OOB Mount Analysis-backup.r3d] Page 4 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer DMG 10:56 AM 111RISA Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR Model Name NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Load Combinations(,Continuey) _ De '0 B_ Fp_ P B_ Fa,,,, B... Fj �a_ B_F B_F, 8 2 5_B_f' ...........2Sds)DL'+'i'.6�.( JZ3 (1'. +0. Sds)DL+1.OEL ...Yes,: Y 702111i',70T 124- DL 1.'?� [ [" "I T, I ...........1"' F" 44 8 1. 1 125 (1.2+0.2S�i4dlL+1 7 6E[7�* (1.2+0.2Sds)DL+11.01EL DL 1.24 IF,- -1 -Yes Y iZE +0.2Sd +1.OEL7''�e L 86 '128 (1.2+0.2Sds)DL+1.01EL -, es Y C� I i, DL 1.24 E_�-.707 .707 ds�DL'+1.OE �es b C1 12b �(i-?+ _-.5 86 E (1.2+0,2Sds)DL+1.OEL__J es Y D�1.24 L 131 2"+0-,.,2 S'd's'-)D-L"+'i OEL es Y 'QL 1 24 E 707tlL2�30 +0.2Sds)DL+11.01EL e L J32 (1.2+0.2Sds)DL+1.01EL jj_34 (0.9-0.2Sds)DL+I.OEL 0' es Y DL 56 E_ I es Y 3. . ......... ......... ...... JIL 36 (0.9-0.2Sds)DL+1 OEL 4 es 'D M�E �307 707 .866 .9_+0.2Sds)DL+ 137, ( _ 1­1. ..... ­......... + 13$ (0.9-0.2Sds)DL+I.OEL 9.4 es y D L 1 I ........... 0.2Sd DL+ D _Q �(0-9-0.2Sds)DL+ -.70 307 E� ,.9,2Sds)DL+1.01EL 1 es,'�C D .09-0.2Sds)DL+1.OEL 1 Yes,,Y DL 86 E -1 24 E E le �J 'jL�j DL - DIL 7 L 86 141 R9-0.2Sds)DL+ .. ........ 2SWD 44_0 9 O L+ �y DL 186E_�,70 IE -7 b 4519:9 7 9,2§ds)DL+11.01EL 2- es 145- (9-1- 9,-.?Sds)DL+1.OEL es' Y DLI.A, 71'_� L DL_86 tel L L f 1.OE__ . ........... ....... 147 (0.9- 0.2§d ej,' E 70 0.2Sds)DL+11.01EL 3.'� S' DL 86 es 3 _T.....117 e E.,, �866 a D L+1.OEL .......... (9.9 Member PrimarV Data "WMI J 4obl, KJOit 8910,0_ 170e� Qps�gn Ust .... ........... .......... " ' I A53, r.,B A) ,Beam ' Pipe �typica N8 N14 90 PIPE 2.0 Beam Pipe Typica Pipo Mpi J`4_1'i 5, 1 r�n Qr.R.., PIPE 2.0 P u TYPica 4 p MP3 N50 w N51 PIPE 2.0 Column, , ,pipe A53 Gr.B Typical-, Pipe A53 1­Co umn Typical N4 P­-2 --_N�8 1 11�7' ,J' I— __­­ ' 6 HSA3 N38A PIPE 2,Q Bpp Typical Pipe 7 m A53 Gr.B Typical HSA1 N41-A " .N��613 PIPE 2,.0 Beam Pipe A53 Gr,B TyiPpl. 9. TypJca.._ PIPE 2.0 A53 GrA N53 N51A SR3/4 HRA...VBr.pq None 36 Or.36 Typical -k ­�,'�FBfjpq�� None A36 10 W4, A DB4 3, J.,,jypical N44-,, N4?A ._. Maiz4 None A36 Gr.36 Typical ical A .. ............. 041�, ]�§R _1 "'P " None V VBiacI .1,3 N4M 1 14 DB2 A36 Gr.36 yp N46 , N57 SR314 HRA 'VBrare jknp A36 Gr.36 T...TYPical §R 3�/4--H R.--X. ­­­­­ ­­­ ­ _Jy5race, None 16 Al W N38A PIPE 2.0 Beam Pipe AN,QT.B Typica 17 J�_ None None 18 M19 N42 N40A RIGID None None RIGID Typical RIGID, RIGID N2 IGjP 11 1 None ,None j,__TYPiPPI J "J9._ M1,9A, N37A I 1 11­131 RIGID 20 M20 N38B N9 RIGID, , Nqng, None D -,"None RIGID I None Typical N41 T "I ___ 22 M22 N39 N48 RIGID ' None, None RIGID Typical al, T one I None., Typlc Rl�j �",61 """ RIGID _Typl_� zi ical 24111 M24 N51B N36 RIG1,111)­_ None None TypjcpI__ _4� ' --AO TyPical__� RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [CA... ...\Backups\NYNYCO21 0013 Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 5 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer : DMG 10:56 AM Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR .u�a nun Model Name NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Member PrimarZ Data Continued g" type Dnn 1 jettrral ?saga raala.. LF' _.26 .. _ 6: .. _ .IN5�3 . _ 4m kC Jmint.. . ?kate4c�... 4n wrl ! 4 ...... rt 3 ...... T91?MP Hot Rolled Steel Properties ka� l [ � .. Q.. sa Cll _m... ... .Ft C 1 e� _A36 Gr 36 2000 .�_ 11154 3 r l,e�. .165 L:S � r�� f �fo.�...Y� 4dII.a. ....._.ky56 ._ 1.2 ... 2 A A992 29000 1w1.154 . _. .3 65 d .49 ....50 _ 1.,.1 �65 •1. 3 65 1.1 :. _ 58 �.. 4 .A ,Q Qr,Q 29000 154 _ 65 49 42 1.4 _�..5 . A500 Gr 46 m�.. 29000 11154 65 49 46. 1 4 _�.. J8__ .A53 G.r..B. 20�9Q. . 11..154 Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets �..... Lhel hp Cyp .,.. IOreytq Lrost jru .�... D� gsr9 F�rlr .. �dn lyyr14 Ir, urr4 Mrn .. 1 f H 1A...... .. r .1 b_.I .beam I- �iar��e�d�36 �, �.... ypicca�....L.- 2 s .. . .. 2.. . _� �?,. . ..... Hot Rolled Steel Desi n Parameters j FH11 .... PIPE 2 0 132 r911 Segment SegmenLm ourm ttat �nl l r ot;Crn r. r _.Kyy ' Lat rums 1 t al. 2 EH.2. . PIPE 2 Q 1w32 �9wXl:ot S?9t�en Lateral'. ... . _.__MP1.... ... PIPE ,2 0 Lateral 96 _ � .. � .. . � Lateral 5._ .. M.P2 .__ PIPE 2..Q ....9C j . . �._._ _ W_.. �.. .. la ... _ - Lateral' 6 HSA3, PIPE 2.0 5608 _w Lb,yy 1 ?... ....HSA4 .: PIP 2 0 ...56 08..� ... ---YY � . . �a�era _ __ . Late._.. 8 HSA1 PIPE 2 0 _56 08 Lb , Lateral .:.HSA2...�..P.IPE 2..�1 ..56w6. _ ._ LbYY._ .N _ .. ..... ... rv� Lal ateral 1�. DB4 kdRA. 36 ._... . . ,a �.�. , __._. �.... . ... . ... .. _ �5 6 Late al _ 5 SR3/4 HRA w 56 913 _ 5 65m _. _... ..�.. . _ Lateral p- r St14 HRA ... SR3/4 IiF A 36 65 65 ral 14 } . r _._ . .. _ —. . . _ �.� �. _. IiRA .56 9.13 65. ._65 .... Lateral _Lateral 15.... M V61 SR3/4_HRA 36 �r _. �...... ., _.. 65 .65 m..._ . 17. . ..._Dg1 �sRtLateral a.HR...56 9�3 ....... _ .... .. .�.Lb .... Lateral,'" 1..8 D63 SR 3/4.H.R... 56,913 .. _w. Lb _ . _ 65__:. .65 _._..__ ........... .... Joint Boundar Conditions 'p�Yt t @IkB�l] Z�.41 n r _ Qi 2 N41 A t��ail. �. .3.. .. _ _ 4 .. N43w 5. N49A _Reaction �. .....Reacticn .� _ F�e�ctign �. . 6_ . N50A Reaction Ruction Re1.action ... Reaction.. _ .. Reaction .Re?cb�?n. . ..Reec].!cn .. ...�.... .. . �. .. ...Reeetton.. RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\...\Backups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 6 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 IIIRISA Desl oer DMG 10:56 AM Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR Model Nwne NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Envelope Joint Reactions nbl X�] .� L Y[IW LC Z[1b) k ...FAX[k-fk]. a 1� LC ] ..,ww..._ L ..,.. 2 _.N49A_.. io58 21� 6 13.656 a6333s 6 �_... �11149� C 149,_ max 1057 069 1 _3 _ N50A_ max 8 8 a � m° 676.6�4 8�J1109 k2 6 _373 5ta� 0 149L - .. 3 .. �► m 12 20571 -1130 82414 . .. 369.... _ 74 _._. _ 1_ . 07........... 3. ..._ .. 4 N max 1 3. 44, 6 74 386 50 . 0149 239„ 6 min -131 035 10. 218..289 44-1022 5.5 j 51C 6 50 1.4 357 _ 74 _ 0 1 Q72. - 2 1383,.8,5,,, 125ow444 �..1111111 w � 579595 ..........mln_ 1579 597 la_, _.454250_ Envelo a Joint Displacements ...,,, .....Ni �.mm 254 10 087 43 _ ,.029._ '.6 .-1 253e.3.�80 �. R4i,l� ... Y�� 1... L�ru1 RgWtJow� Y I k lr d . max C . 1 �J7e 2 i 10 2 o66e 3 1 2.. _.. _ 1 573e 2 2 2,153e_3 7_. m _. 2 _ 046 $2 059, 17 .1 97e 3 58 1 627e 2[ 10 2 066.e 3 15 163e 3. 7 _.4. . N2. nGn... ...�57 �.19. �......084. 42 057.._... 141.237e-3 74 1 578e 2 2 2 252e 3. _ 1 25 + ..3.{...50 1 573e 2 2 2 5 N7mex 252 2 -049 43. ...,,, 029_ .... ._ ! 5., 7 N8._,.. max, Q27 6 _ .1 992e 3 65 1 643e 2 10.. 2 315e 3 13... 5 ,. . min..� 264 10.qq. 088.. I83.. pp f } _ ,272- .� 17.I 05...__.185.. ._ .Q8 14..!..2 012e-3 ..58 l ?.,.5.97e 2 .10 �...-1073e..3, 1.3. .,• N9�_..... ., max .15 2 013e 3 58, .1 597e 2.� 2112 .13 Q2073 1 Q min -191 9 083 42 094 7 -1 473e 3 37.i 1 519e 2 2 2 112e 3 5.. N14 max ..... 271 3 _. ..-048 42 ._. 08 ,.. 14pp� 1 989e.3 35 J 1 522e 2 2, 2 237e 3 7_ N15 m _ - - e2 1w0 2343e3 15.. yy 289 11 Q8$ $2 078 5 1 964e 3 66 1 511. 13 I - Q2207e3 � 13 max min e,21 15 04 3. 42 } 139 7 1 472e 3,. 37 1 19e 2 l 2... ?245e 3 o-...5 14 N1.8....... �m �.��__ , - 2 297e.3 M7 16 !0!n -.,129.. __ 0 _.084. 4?, 058. '48..�m 1...237e 3...50..I 1w 573e 2 2 2 2e 3 15 15 ax 129 2 046. _ 82 066 17 1 955e 3 58 1 627e 2 1 _...... t..max.�.___. 1,578e 2, 2.. 2.252e 3 C 5.. -.... 3 -. 188 .... 4 ,...,045„ 13 .._1 524e.3w 3.5 1,522.e 2 2..a 2�3?5e-3 1 .. 18 rr�sn . . 155 1 Q. 085 _ 82 054 3 1 992e 3 56 1 643e 2 1 Q 19 N49. max. _ _ _ 1,151 ..m 3e 3 15 20 min . 2 ..m, 1,1„ 085 82 ._, 1 611e 2 10 2 34 094 5 1 965e 3 66 21... .. 50...... .0?ax�_ 22 . 8 Q45. ._..�4.2.. 145_ 1.3 1.524e-3 35...1..522 2w 2. ?M:371.e.3. _7... 22 N51ax . 137 ... 1rc7 , _.. 045_ 42..� _ ..Q62__. .... 112 . 74 1 5.78e 2....2. 2.387e 3...15. e2 10 247 min -.14 9 _ 1 977e-3. _66..,;-1,.643e 2 1.0 -2 4 ek 3 � 5 a 23 �m � � � - •. - � � � 5e 3 m 13 25 N35 ... ..man .. -.554....... .2. 341µ 63. _. 031 . 6 1746e-4:43 9 05e-4 4 -4 79 526 3. .m - -N3�.. � � 2e 3 10 pp . a 531m 10 _Q� f 138 Q$5,_ 6. 3. 8e 4217 e 3 5 3 6 __. ._ Q87 � 14��.-. - tt . ..6e�. �...4.68e 3.... 2. 28... min 2. . 341 63 , •.12 14.� 1,412e 31 5tt._12.127.e 3. 5 29 N37.. ... ... 58rv. 1.0 -.072 _ 13.$. 1 727e 3 10 1.418e-3 14 893...... .. -..37.2... 38..... _ Q8 4 �.-1 924e 3 .14 2 178e 3, 14 2 54e..3. 2 . 30 min .... -,. _.32 N3.$ main , 752 2. 341 63.. 077 6, 1..888e 3. 6 8 556e-4 5 -7 27e 3 2 t .�.1-0 34 .. ..rnin 519. 2 -.337... �..63_ .-.Q79 6w -8 71..8e11.; 14 _2 1.78e 3 1.4.. . 1 58e-3 ._.2 33 .. N51 B max 531 10 P. �. . .. ... 9 572_e-4 48.._f 529e.2_. 2, 1.642e,.3 5 �...36 �� N35B min .. 102 � 6 055 � 43 079 6 �_-5 063e 3 �0$..,. .. 38 ... .n!!nry Q21 5. _ _. 055 ...42 .029_ 6. . 1 033e 3...4.9.._� 1 59,8e 2 ..2... 1 93 e 3 7 37 N36B m 82 031 14 5 04$e 3 57 1 673e 2 10 2 00 9e 3 ,.7_. _. 39 t37 _max. ._. 1.01 0...... _ 0.3._... , 42 _ 08 .._ ..14 �_1.013e-3 72..�.1.533e-2 2��. �.. 1�Oe73 ..7. max 015 �,.5 .. _. 029 __ 42..� 1,602e 2. 16 1 851 e 3 .5.. 40 38A min., 105, 14 067w 82 �029 4 ,1 024e 3 ?4...� 1 504e 2 .2.. 2 153e 3 5.. Q68. $2 027 5_:. 5.We.3 55. 1,58,9e 2...1_Q _2,Q87e.rv3. 1.3 .i 43 N40A In 01fi 14w, 0 I.. .. � _ax�. 023w � 82 �.w 0 �149. �149�.. 0 . �149,� 3 1 e-3 { 42 1 0 �149 �e 44. 7•Q22 ...I 42.. Q.. - A b RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\...\Backups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 7 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 HIR '" Designer DMG 10:56 AM Job Number 1106.086 Checked By:GSR A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Model Name : NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis Envelope Joint Displacements LConfinueyj 9 rlft� X Hitt Y.tunt 1,Q Z tinj ... . t_tt kRolotion ._ LC, `i'Rotat.ori wx I ..Z R t tl n 45 .... N41 A [mex .. .Q1�. ._43 p ...�.`149'.__w.. 0 1,49�. _._ {119.2.412 2 a74e 3 43 Q. .... 1.49 46 min 017 83 N42, max Q22 42. 4.�1 6_.__. 149 0. 149 3,1 e-3 42. 0. 14 . N43 max.._ 017_ 83 0_. 1.�49 0 1 48 023 82 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 27e 3 82 4� ~. Om .149 2 412e 3 83 0. 140 ...._. �w 1 1. 0 72 1.941e 3 42 5 50 min 008 . 63 _028 42 � 022 „ 14 2 430e.3 3 07e 3 65 � 2. N42 main ... ,QQ6.. 14. Q45- _ 02 Q2 _ _ 0. 1..032e,3 12.. 2..Q2 3 868e-4 �. �. - 4e3 82 53 N44 min -.094. 14... ...,045_ m 02 ...__. 069..._. .0. _?302e� ..15 2 0 5.0.3�.14_� 3 018 3. 66 54 rrax 089 _, 6 028 42 w �71 14 „2 36e-3 75 2 52 55. ..... . N46 max ... .027.. . 43.... 0 _�84. 598e-5.�74 .1..4Q5e 3 57 .. .._ N48A �....._ � 36.... .. 62 •0 . ., 6.1 __=0182 -9 824e-5..74 2 1m83..� 3.. .42. 7 100 7 max . _ 2 80e, e 3 42 i 4 1 e-4 ..6? .56 min 026 83 002 44 83 -4 f 50 1 508 4 3 8 OQ241 -008._ _43 _2 38e-4 73 1 4 Q9e 3,., _13,e .. 60 . -Q26 C.LL42 . ::_:Oo2 44. 007 8 1�2e-4.�.4 334 ..3.E 2 ?s a1 111 in .._ 61 N5.3 ax 034 42 0 44 01 82 2 422e� 72 2.158e 3 42,m 07 - - - r . . - 62 �.. min 7_9 0 _ 0 05e. -021 . 13 ..028 . . 82,. 024 . 14, 1 054e 3 8 1 89e,3 43 4.214e-4 15 w 09.1. ._ .14... . .Q28. .....�. ._.. .. 7 14 -._. ..2e 3 59... _.64 min 017, 5.. 044 42 022 6. . 2 273e 3 52. 2 097.e-3 83 2 93 .,Ml 6 . :.Q44 i.. . Q69..._ 0 2 3.11e-3.�4.8w .2 53e 3 6 1 3158e-4 [5a_ 66 _. mwn... 42 �3 142 97e 3 50._' 65 N57 max 82 07 Q65e-4 4. 2 515 67 �.. . N49A _ �max� _wQ 149� Q. �149..._ .. Q _ f 149...1 23.5.e 3 [73, 3..5Q5e-3 7_ -.1 167e-3 138, 68 min . .. __..Q. 0. 1 0, 1. -3 93e 3, 6 . 35 ...3 .1. ._3.801 e 3 31 e 69 .. mmA 1max 0 ��.147. mQ 1 ._...._� 14 9. .._ Q .�.__ 11 2 474e 3. 43 0 ... !.�1 _.7.�. _ nlinm.. 0._.. 1 Q. 33. _......... Q .. 149�.._... 0.... _ 149 0_ ..1491 _... Q...._ ..149 .31.e-3 ._4z. Q. r 149 73. . _ N37A... .maX 155 �. ?_ Q44 . _ 82. . .--_4 _ .4 [_1 9�e-3 56. 1 627e 2 18p 0 1 74__.__ min ..157. ..10......_ -08 _ 42 ..._.n.02.9._ 6_ 1 253e..3 50,...1.,573e..2.. 2. 2 163e 3 ..7 ., N36.. max .. •1$9 .......16 .._.... Q44._... .83.�.... µ08 ..... .� 14�..2 013e-3._5$... 1.,597e- 1..0. m2..073e-3 N39. ... fix. ..ry .•�5,8 . 2... ��.043 _� 43 ... ...029 14 1 236e 3 74,. .1,�578e 2 2 112e 3 _76 min 191 9 079 43 079 F 1 473e 3 37 1 519e 2 ... -. _.-.. . _ - -_ . . - 2 31 e-3. 7... .� _ . 1 643e 2 10 08 .. _ 1 524e� 2 31 N40 max 188 4w. Q43 u2. 92e 3 66 4 _ 078 _ 6._ -1,965e-3 66.. ,1w 61,1e 2 10 ,......�.._. _ - 2..343e 3 ...1.0 . _�. .�!tn_. _126 1,1 081 82 �.._ . $1. .[ N41.. .max 59 _10.�.._.-071 __ 6. 3,987e-3 2.. 139 028. 6 .-6 176e 83 8 566e-4 10 82 -.� .. t 1 2.4e 3 4...,�,.� 1-111 N42si.max . .V.1.. e- . 6 .1 642e 3.. 6. . 792e.3.._..._�.m.. 83 �_ e 3_ 82, 84 ..... max. _Q3 min 1 7 13 022. 42....... 03.. 5 9 34 9e-4{ 82 1 777e 3...14 2 14 42 85 . . N43A - .... . . .. ._ . __:M5 _ -.. _. ._._.._ _. . ��..._..__. .. �a 13 42.. Envelo a RISC 15th 360-16 : LRFD Steel Code Checks ..... 1 a ,i t phw P pI1� i� pt,r°M niA. ... 2 D133 .,SR 3 4 HRA 422, 66 173..017 56 5; 6 2564 1431 0 �.179,1.1�79 _1.. 2609... 32130 1 3 UB1.....SR 3/P4 HRA. . 414 66 5.3..,01$56 5 2564....1431. ..1 179 �1 79 -1 4 5 _,� MP? .._ PIPE,2.0 �.._. 236 30...E 2 L.3Q..� Q47 �_ 1 149.�. 321301 872.1 872_ 1-1 7 ..,,.111IP1 .. PiPE._2.Q..,� .. 240 .... ,.3Q �60.{ 034 66 1491 .3 8721 $72i1-1 .192 0 0 8Q506 i2472... 321301 872„ 1.072 n1 1.; 6 MP3 PIPE 2 0. 201 66 58 034 $ H ... _ -- PIPE 2.0 _ �. 56 74 Q80 6 pp2472 32130 1q,8721 s- .._1 9 �,.HSA4, PIPE_2.0 192 1 ,,. 872 1...... 1Q HSA.! .PIP. 2�.Q. �._.. ��_ 1.68._, __ Q .�..42..� Q31�5.� zap?... 321301.1..07 �� 072�...... !11 RISA-3D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\..ABackups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 8 Company Foresite Group Mar 22,2022 Designer DMG 10:56 AM Job NUmber 1106.086 Checked By:GSR a�Mu:rrruvpan, �aan,irkw,u^ Model Name NYNYG02100B Mount Analysis Envelope RISC 15th 360-16 : LRFD Steel Code Checks (Continued) . Ctrl. '.I: I1N°takCkck...... 56 dd¢e W1pr r� 1�111703�2130+1d872N11-8 21 55 56... 2472 3.. 11 HSA .� PIPE z o _ 188 _. 82, 082 13, I SR3/4 HRA H.. 091 771,Q17, 2564 1431 H1 1 12 a PIPE 2.0, 7 . ..17 _ ._ 56 25641431 179 179 14 ; DB2 SR3/4HRA H..; 1p.,,,, . .47_i 18 ... ....._ ?._?._. S R3/4 HRA H. 082 083 0 67 Q20 . 53041431 �7� 17 H1 _w 15 VB3 S. . ...._ 6 69 0 !of0 1.6 _ VI3 R3/4 HRA H ..050 36 81 023 36 � 6304...1431 .. 1--I .179�..--,1. . _ 1- 1" VB4. SR3/4 H� H. _ _ ,. 304µ1431 79,,,a179, ••�H1-1 17 (46. _ . ..38-43 6 . VE2 SR3/4 H� N.•.d.._.... �... �. RISA-31D Version 17.0.4 [CA...\...\...\...\...\...\Backups\NYNYCO2100B Mount Analysis_backup.r3d] Page 9 Mount Typen4P 9p�k gggnqCIQ'iqLi?#r4gM ers FORESITE, No.of Connections = 4 Bolt Horizontal Spacing,B(C)= hry in Bolt Vertical Spacing,H(C):+ 3 in Bolt Diameter(d)_ /, Ern Shear Area(Ae) in Tensile Area(A)_ Inz Grade= a ' Bolt Ult.Strength(F)= ? ksi Connection LoadinJJ Bending Moment(Mx)= 0.4 kips-in Torsional Moment(My) C kips..in Bending Moment(Mz):. 01 kips-in Shear Force(Vx) ~ 1-9 kips Axial Force(Ty) ;W kips Shear Force(Vz)_ kips Bo9P fogJooMro C;p1a aaT,)S AISC(C-J3-2) eait xher, apacity RISC(C-J3-4) t)Rt= ' (t JS _.. �Rv= . .R tP M*�ndsnluraa l3oNt,"�'+pwa;s�r�rl 94r�).n�rraoTw,eR�,czpk„, per Tu S:ktps Vu= LbA kto Tension Ratio„ Pass _ 2,;) Shear Ratio, pASsµk. Combined Check AISC(C-J3-5a) (Tu/(�Rt)Z+(Vu/cpRv)z<1.0 r Wind&ice Calculator-Appurtenances,Other Equipment&Structural Members Farms„'12,"M*s4ttuAn Asa 7-16WInd$0644 wndntK G p0.WuA brra@'PYdNbp rvb Y4vMAxiItl.6Tu W WHp lwNro''�MW w< n'h N'kC(B g Nry fd 6 ale2l 1 a 266.12 B tob6 w u ... .. K dA0.l T.P L'r,p Ii i,f t 5 Ad,on 26621 G q"Mb Y &t,Y AQ ill W111;ue'p¢'.maafi p�uiarAk d �GIW I AM t PADC �. �uiPoJA C I&It4kv2 dw4e"r4rrN,re$ WAI;AI MPIA RIX,,g M KfI y �m ghura bY`NAa M' K, 14 vbA JV rypressure Gaelfc ent-1-1.112 b+ tl7A 'bp F":H AA0dv & Wf' K r %F Tpl91i Id n6 rarer lar Maunla b dk�V.tlN W 4 ¢,,s/,. , &p xr?H 4 Y � '.�1ftW IIF Maun:s SecC un l6b tl ��b,Rw b lg eWpakPXvf wM1GC An'M'Nu!E m44ly Avg pro inbM at w. Ground El[val nr Factor 11am-6o126a H NN fiP „,F P,1 I I l ryryq LAn G 4 deww V mph(W d Sp,d based an F nu«•B 9) ❑;{Ilk Rlfk—I mhls 5 rv2,61. PlkC-teory Tahlel3 Ice Ouluut Oala Gdllase we ghl 6 psl mm.µ... ...,. 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P'9 9 W'MI1 Ap bkWNWM4t mA.q Gi tlN 2M �rA /"h, IXKM r3 WAg9' M w51 B W�., M w1 7A,16 03 94 AI.A l n,A l U64 1,5 �A 1YpW{{Ad0 Arro40 uA„ W w1 AAd n%M A4 b»T !!� WM AS "Aramw xra rcAnp nx1 m'v.uA rx Awx � ma xs VAOS . Oyu«bb w�,r jj�; 'raa �m aA tu,A h �Zs,/ sA a ausm .�mwt nl Apl YNarumaL ,520 09 2E gNrwquwa«ue lMwtctsc JWndum N&wwurvn 11on r.x r s ��� .�� cA a A �14% „ < l w � 1 HMO° .... ...... � Nit W ASCE ASCE 7 Hazards Report AMERICAwSOnaOF CIVIL ENGINEERS Address: Standard: ASCE/SB7'1O Elevation: 18.54 ft(NAVD 88) No Address atThis Risk Category: || Latitude: 41.041347 Location Soil Class: D' Default(see Longitude: '72.458880 Section 11.4.3) Peeccoic Wind Results: Wind Speed 128Vmph 18'yeoryWR| 78Vmph 25'yeurMR| 87Vmph 50'yaaryWR| 98Vmph 100-yeuryWR| 105Vmph Data Source: ASCE/SE| 7-10, Fig. 20.5-1Band Figs. CC.2'1—CC2-4. and Saotinn26.52 Date Accessed: Mon Mar 21 2022 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard.Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability 0.00143. [0R| = 78Uyaam). Site inino hurricane-prone region oo defined inASCE}SB 7c1U Section 262. Glazed openings need not be protected against wind-borne debris. Page of Tuo Mar 2z2uzc ASCE AMMICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEEFIS Seismic Site Soil Class: D- Default (see Section 11.4.3) Results: SS 0.177 Sol 0.08 S, 0.05 TL 6 Fa 1.6 PGA: 0.096 F 2.4 PGA M : 0.154 S MS 0.283 F PGR 1.6 ,S'M, 0.12 le . 1 SIDS 0.189 C 0.7 Seismic Design Category B 0-30 MCER Response Spectrum 0.20 Design Response Spectrum 0-25 016 020 0 14 0.12 0-15 4-10 0.08 0-r0 , ..,...,,,,. 0.06 0.05 0 04 FW 0.02 4 W 0. .... .... ..t ..2 VS..T(S) . 5. 0..., 0. ...._... 1 Sa(9)ws T s'),4: s 6 7 5 a(g) ( ) 0-16 MCER Vertical Response Spectrum 011 Design Vertical Response Spectrum 0 10 0.14 - 0 1 4 r 0-12 0-08 010 007 00f4 00 a f 0-05 . 0,06 0-04 , 0-04 Nw0 0.03 0.fJ2 _...........w...;_ ......._."®""---------- .,, 0.02 a ... ......... ...... ..... ..... 0 0.5 1-0 1.5 2.0 0 .5 VS T(S}1 0 1-5 2A Sa(9)Vs T(s) Data Accessed: Mon Mar 21 2022 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-16 and ASCEISEI 7-16 Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCElSEI 7-16 Ch. 21 are available from USGS. rf �ee7b�azertt „4 nplre� Page 2 of 3 Tue Mar 22 2022 SCE AMERICAN SOCIEY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Ice Results: Ice Thickness: 1.00 in. Concurrent Temperature: 15 F Gust Speed 50 mph Data Source: Standard ASCE/SEl 7-16, Figs. 10-2 through 10-8 Date Accessed: Mon Mar 21 2022 Ice thicknesses on structures in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. Values provided are equivalent radial ice thicknesses due to freezing rain with concurrent 3-second gust speeds, for a 500-year mean recurrence interval, and temperatures concurrent with ice thicknesses due to freezing rain. Thicknesses for ice accretions caused by other sources shall be obtained from local meteorological studies. Ice thicknesses in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience,for informational purposes only,and is provided"as is"and without warranties of any kind.The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed,produced,and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard.While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies,ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy,completeness,reliability, currency,or quality of any data provided herein.Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation,relationship,or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend„nor should anyone Intwpretu the results provided by this Tool to repBaa e the sound judgment of a competent pnAessional,having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s)of practice,nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and rapplyirg the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool,you expressly assume all risks associated with your use.Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers,directors, employees,members,affiliates,or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct,indirect,special,incidental,or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of,or reliance on,the Tool or any information obtained therein.To the fullest extent permitted by law,you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool, htgs,tlas,e7h<az rdtool,online/ Page 3 of 3 Tue Mar 22 2022 i o T 8 W Y LLI s " ul (J p f z. 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