HomeMy WebLinkAboutBank Building l oncarroaw, Denis SEEMMEM From: LiIIianbaII@waterwash.org Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2022 11:29 AM To: Russell, Scott Cc: Jill Doherty; sara.nappa@town.southold.ny.us; Louisa Evans; Doroski, Greg; Mealy, Brian; Neville, Elizabeth; Beth Young Subject: Six million bond and sustainability Dear Town Board, I hope everyone is reading the Suffolk Times and East End. Beacon lately! Mr. Vandenburg's letter is practical In that the bank building, for which the town has already borrowed money, should be the location. I cannot believe that the bank lobby can't be made into a public space including a court. Wouldn't it be more constructive to start working with what you have as Mr Vandenburg's letter clearly lays out? Start thinking in more creative ways with the bank building. There are several architects out there that could adapt the exnsting space to town needs and be mindful of costs. Reduce, recycle and reuse!!! We needs to take advantage of the available more sustainable solutions available out there. Our beautiful area has been transformed, continually forcing us to address to the problems facing Southold. Dumpster after dumpster of un recycled waste. Massive oak trees clear cut with no regard and no enforced restrictions then replanted with non-native plants that leave our birds and bees no habitat We can work harder to Save What Little is Left !! If a new bond is put before the public wouldn't it be more constructive to fund Land Preservation? Thank you for giving this opportunity your most serious consideration, Sincerely, Lillian Ball ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1