HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolinger, Laura Glenn Gold i, President Q�� �'G Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas KrupsKi,Vice President �� 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski Cn ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly ©y 4* Southold,NY 1.1971 Elizabeth Peeples ��l �� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: 3. Z Z Completed in field by: A). LAURA SOLINGER requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss a proposed extension to the already permitted 87 linear feet of bulkhead with rock revetment to extend to the east to help protect the entire property's bluff from further erosion. Located: 13459 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-83-2-10.12 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=� Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 ✓ SEQRA Type: I II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: e Agent/Owner: Present were: V G. Goldsmith '/,,N. Krupski eSepenoski N.."/L. Gillooly E. Peeples Other " r �Je r r j Laura Solinger 13459 Oregon Road,Cutchogue )SCTM#: 1000-83-2-10.12 3/9/22 r 1 � i i - C'J' _ 1 doy ±' Ir•_ J Ls�.'.`. l INt fin` . �4• + ti�. 6 ,� � ..�..•� ..�.• � '� N. �•. - �r ...,�.. " , ° , ` y �.� a_ � . ,s r V{ � _ + t •,sem. ` qq .' �1 1 `� .. _ ► . y r . W i �.41k ,s a tet.��. •R� �' i� �+ +r Laura Solinger 13459 Oregon Road,Cutchogue s>- � +cwt +,.Mw SCTM#: 1000-83-2-10.12 -;ice .r'4►i..,,p►s_ �"e" ..ce^ ;,q 3/9/22 - _ _. _ Y�� .-ice �� :�'+.. �r,��'��..•1'� �'.�., e w- k •�.. L 'xo ' 4 Laura Solinger 13459 Oregon Road,Cutchogue r A7. SCTM#: 1000-83-2-10.12 A a t 3/9/22 �L N AM lk Se Z t . . - a r - . 1...,_ r t ;, i H: L• ~ Laura Solinger 13459 Oregon Road,Cutchogue SCTM#: 1000-83-2-10.12 3/9/22 lGd" f w •- 1 ' JR 13 y 1 _ t t �w o ^v r All i ��A�� � .►' � .. � 1. ' Dear Town of Southold, Board of trustees, I'm writing to request a pre-permit submission site inspection on March 9th to get the opinion and some advice from the board about what structural method the town would prefer to see in a future permit filing from us.We would like to protect the.toe of our bluff from further erosion and would prefer a rock wall/revetment, but don't want to submit plan that the town wouldn't like to see. We already do have an approved permit(attached)from the town that allows our neighbors to the west(The Sojas)to extend their wall eastward to protect a portion of our property,but it has not been built yet and so we could probably amend it to fit whatever plan/style the town would like to see for the remainder of the unprotected bluff in the area. The board has our permission to enter ouIr property on that date and to use our stairs to get down to the beach to inspect the area. , Thank you in advance and let me know if you need any additional information to help you with your work. Best regards, Steve stevemuth@gmail.com 917-373-7410 FYI, my sister Paula Muth will be on site that day to answer any questions, here mobile number is 631) 276-1637 Steve Muth Laura olinge 02/28/2022 p E C E I V E FEB 2 8 20 Southold Town Board of Trustees R 01 Y BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 9797&97970 DATE: JANUARY 20,2021 ISSUED TO: LAURA SOLINGER PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13459 OREGON ROAD,CUTCHOGUE SCTM#1000-83-2-10.12 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on January 21,2021 and in consideration of application'fee in the sum of 1501.00 paid by Laura Solin er and —rd subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution,the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: 4' Wetland Permit to construct 87 linear feet of new bulkhead,with a 151 return,seaward armor protection,and new slope restoration; the bulkhead and return to be constructed of 14' long corrugated vinyl sheeting,20' long 1211 diameter piles,and 121 deep 811 diameter deadmen set 121 behind the bulkhead;approximately 273 cubic yards of clean fill to be placed behind the bulkhead and the bluff face; the rock armor to consist of 2'-31 cap rock(1 to 2 ton),21 of core stone and filter fabric; the slope restoration area(4,968sq.ft.)will be graded,backfilled and restored with a mix of Beach Grass,Rosa Rugosa,Bayberry,Virginia Rose and Pitch Pine;slope stabilization shall incorporate board and stake terracing with vegetation,planted in accordance with the recommended procedures of the NYSDEC Saratoga Tree Nursery;with the condition that there be no bluff cut made and that access be by beach; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by DEA Engineering,dated October 2,2020 and stamped approved on January 20,2021. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Sea]to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as�f the 20th day of January,2021. PM coo :R q! WI -1' RNA NA Z Mz Glenn Goldsmith,President �QF sorry Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ��Vv ���, 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box York John M.Bredeme er III Y -� Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino Telephone(631)765-1892 Greg Williams �! -�� Fax(631)765-6641 -- - -- --- -------- ------ - - ---- - - - - ------BOARD-O-F-TOWN-T-RUSTEES-- -----�--__-------------------------------�-- TOWN.OF SOUTHOLD . COASTAL EROSION' MANAGEMENT-PERMIT ' COASTAL EROSION PERMIT#9797C Applicant/Agent: DEA Engineering Permittee: Laura Bolinger SCTMM 1000-83-2-10.12 Project Location: 13459 Oregon Road, Cutchogue Date of Resolution/Issuance: January 26;202-1 Date of Expiration: January 20, 2023 RevieWed-by: Board of Trustees .DESCRIPTION.OF-ACTIVITY:-.-Construct:87 linear feet of riew;bulkhead,with:a:15'return, 9eaward..-arinoi protection;and'neiivslope,restorafion;!fie bulkh'ead.and retUfh-to be constructed-of 14' long corrugated vinyl sheeting,20'long'f2"diameter_piles,•arid 12':deep 8°=diameter-deadmen set 12'_ behind the-bulkhead; approxir'lately 273 cubic yards of clean fill to be placed behind the•bulkhead,andthe bluff face;the rock armor to consist.of 2'-3'cap•recK(1 to 2 ton),2"df core stone and filter fabric;the_ slope restoration area(4,968sq t:)will be graded,"backfilled and restored with a mix of Beach Gras•,s, Rosa Rugosa, Bayberry,Virginia Rose and.Pitch.Pine; slope-stabilizatiori shall incorporate board and stake terracing with vegetation, planted in accordance with'the-recomrr'�ended,procedures of-the NY.SDEC Saratoga Tree Nursery;with the condition that there be no-bluff cut-made and.that access b6-6 beach;" and as depicted on the site plan prepared by DEA.Engineeririg; dated October-2,2020-and stamped approved'on January 20,2021. ; INSPECTIONS: Final Inspection SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None In accordance with Chapter 111-15 Erosion Protection Structures: X A maintenance agreement,is:attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. By. Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees 54' OF NEW CORRUGATED VIN'(L N BULKHEAD, WITH I5RETURN N NEW ROCK ARMOR(75 LF) � �� LAND SpUND w 'ACCESS /w A' E �pNG IS a MAG}11 ROAfl S H�nTwEOATe BonW OF evert PROM TJUGK rJ SOA nE U timfi�G g/I5/2o2U YWNG k YWNG ON $ PE UN WATER MSKso SEE INSET ? }es / ✓ �<: WpSTALowE _ ___ sa'_— __" -_ __ =.�'.�• 3G•' _ UNE�BLUrT f � v '\\<" \��� � \t—. \".-�� � _/ -zm��'--�--- =—t�-�e"�_--= �_:_' v9� -'i'-''''i.-4=�.:•"-"_�' -----_� v�„h-���>YQ��\S\\\„\.\„�\\..a��r"`c��� \..\ \O\ ���`� � gyp. /// / i3 au. 644•>� 44.>3 7�,h /y c� r° di t,560 m' ", M, MV, „w,,, � s>ss. ��O �,.�"'� v�” �a�AF VO A� ��\s��A�AA��O"��-...v���•w•, / / / /� ay �4,� ` \ U^,lip ate\ \ O\a\ c y \ 8 LO ° a � DAAVAVO�� 9O� f° 138 a9 _ \o V`�\\a \ ,\\ \\ �\, �4 5 INSET " r � wpy �6 625 W 19 o 5 10 20 BO SLOPE RESTORATION AND PLANTING,PLAN 10'• • ALL DAMA6ED AND P15TUPXW BLUFF AREAS(AWROX.59LL BE 40 GF)N I' @ 6�,BACKFILLED AND RESTORED WITH A MIX OF BEACH 6 ,RO•A RU605A, <1,91 BAYBERRY,VIRGINIA ROSEf AND PITCH PINE TO BE'_UFPLIED BY KY.SDEC, /",7. QUANTITIES©© sr,51VOnoNNTTO IHNCOPPOFATE BOTAR�DAA SAKE TEWNGIN5 WITH EG,TATION. " SENERAL NOTESAND TOP2•XIO'LUM5 NTH UNTR TERRAC =BULKHE LENGOF PROPOS PLAN METIOD OF PLA?MN TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1FE RECOFA�fIDED TH ED AD sa' PRO6F=gR OF NYSDEO SARATOSA TREE W1R5ERY. LENGTH OF FROFOSED REPAN•15' • PROVIDE ING EATED ETZ SET PERPENDILULAR I. TO BASE PROPERN OGRAPHICAL ItPORMATION IS 50 O 2S 50 1,70I5p • VOLUME OF PROPOSED GLEAN FILL TO BE PEALED PROVIDED BY YOUN&4 YOUNG. BEHIND BULKIE:AD AND ON BUFF FACE•M CY s UNVE6ETATED AREAS OF1HE BLUFF kLAb STAKES 10'O.G,AS NBEDED ON • AREA OF 5LOPE RESTORATION•5940 SP S E. 2. ELEVAVON5 SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO 50010,1'-so, • TOTAL WEIGHT OF ARMOR STONE•TO TONS t(AFFROX.I TON)LF) APPROXIMATE MVD 1966, • LENGTH OF AR1'I:X3 5TONE•TS' db. eh Record of RaWbro dee dee No. Data Remake —_.-- --. Prep—Oclobor 2,2020 dee dee p v512! ^,—ararup—NY5DE6eoe.seDr— LAUra 5olinger o�� deo dea © 6A4/31 Aem h—t,per NYSDEC eommorde 6AV21 Scale,v eho vn 6 eea doe ® TNl2I Amw,dxnte Por NffiDEG eommeDte v6nl at Gutehogvo,Town of Southold Suffolk County,Now York c m 1 SITE PLAN 8 DETAILS PG, ro.10 37 SGTM,Dmmct ICrV satNn B9 emc•2 w,10.12 u•.e•.e•raP Wue ram a•.e•,e• ear euac��:w:ro a"icm°ViEm� nAeQH.vae bar earn i noc xn C �• w,b Arnw.nm eirnea .�°ir w"r r.�ie ate•nn`ie ti eRMa1M Irw aw�m aa•aw•ea w.is�'.m er1°ami � � riwuraas r-ev wRaac rcw ev § O u wn °/y x T onrne�w e ss m•rnP nue Are w � tax eras comm '� enm..ar wmcm,aa oa,v�am eoWL 3 m mrranl nue _ nLrea. r °g •nAaeN.� �e _ _ �ailw'aawe..ew•.oa gQ •' w•cmawrm vnm.aesrws. X —— ——— ——— ——— I — eeme>eaAeHANfAtmatmer �B ° efi SECTION A-A ? { � b'rw eabm wN�alRleb. KTS. e� ' � HHa.b�o�eTnnmemmerq at�[A �4 �cx"ir.,e�rriv6.�ev t.•ew g �avNme+�r Ar FAre Q�� TYPICAL BULKHEAD ELEVATION DETAIL e�•a µ 3 ppefi e� eg 1 fie 3i TYPICAL BULKHEAD PLAN VIEW SLOPE RESTORATION AND PLANTING PLAN NTS. • ALL DAMAGED AND DISTIRBED BLUFF AREAS(APPROX 9$40 SP)WILL BE fi GRADED,BACKFILLED AND RESTORED WITH AMIE SUPPLIED GRASS,ROSH RU60SA, BAYBERRY,—Eff IA ROSE AND PITCH PA TO S,,NEM ED EY KYZDSLOPE , SARATOGA TREE N1RSLiZY OF SARATOSA AND 5T 6,NEW TORK SLOPE { GENERAL NOTES QUANTITIES' STABILIZATION TO INCORPORATE BOARD Arra STAKB TERRACING WITH VE6ETATIOTL M MET1tOD OP PLANTING TO BB IN ACCORDANCE WITH Tt@ REOOFIMEr✓DED • LENGTH OF PROPOSED BULKlEAD•94' PRCCeCVRE TOP ACINS, SH UWR9A TR- IO.Loma I.BABE PROPERTY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 15 • LENGTH OF PROPOSED RETURN:•IS' • PROVIDE TERRACING WITH UNTREATED ASS LUN®ER,SET PERPENDICULAR TO PROVIDED BY YalN6 4 YQMG. • VOWNP OF PROPOSND GLEAN FILL C - RAGED THE SLOPE AND SEGLRED WITH 2'X2-X4'LAG STAKES 10'OG,AS NEEDED ON BEHIND F SLOPE AND ON BLUFF FACE S 199 Cy 3 UNVE6ETATED AREAS OF THE BLUFF FACE. 2.ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO • AREA OF SLOPE RESTORATION•6710 SF 9 APPROXIMATE NAVD 1968. • TOTAL i•✓EI6HT OF ARMOR STONE•TO TONS S(APPROX TON/LF) 3 LENGTH OF ARMOR sroNE_1' 3 db. eb. Record M Revbbm dea dea NO. Date Femake Proposed:Oc bor 2,2020 d— dea 1/9!11 Am-&-r"per NYSDEO eoorre+te Laura 5o I Inger a.a�„°,y,202o_o9aB_GP dea doa © 6A4/11 Amore&—"por HYSDEO earreoefe 6/4/21 Stale,m eFiwm ! sea sea v9n1 Amerdnerde per HYSOFL tm.tente 716121 at Gutehogue,Town of Southold - Suffolk County,Now York C=2 O.wm.R�pnroa I.zsaOUTlnm oay ro o3T SITE PLAN 4 DETAILS SCR4,ft—IGVO--6B—2 nor 10.12 \ \ \ \ a�NP.�w4wnnwGENLN OTES: u - bmmsnxc PRocvmewxo.ar 977--- W. 1 .....,., ... _ _ \\\_\•1_ sF.'YsnHwaroT!m,�.mwucalw`uur rm°xvm °R°F°sr' rnPo y - .aabm FVEcme noG -__ msm+aswrwuoe RYE•YPT.AT M •. - E -muF rrAmuurux FUTulas aS trn FAOnnm +45.6 P0.0.1ECi0ATA: I-A cw+mausk ­D. Gaxo�a�nxxiNG �v�'r auNF!u � •_ .•.•-..`�E. REifwun°N.aW wrYwS C0 - CF -.16EYW/aD.1SnMB/WOE4 M HGx Wqi ^ a -.wFw°Fw0a0S®aEv¢rr rbNFux!vW5 ,` EWl p`�pvronuN[xEr - IISfFH VPO/ne05FEC9 MD PETM9.TP OFD 9b10 FRO u/NOFF /41013f!fiBm/J�A9 TO =- L AOCG!rowOTO SIfESWRCE NYS CFiFAWSLYMRtp� ��. .• � __ : 54•IINFMFTOF BUUOIFM W/ �_ , 4 tet, ,rAE OF ,,,, -\•.._.-- of xEYYF.orxuunR _ I'- y -1-.\ TONxO SOVMwnFFE•n0O5EY�PFROY® � _ (` � � eENCx ••_ All /. 9ORAfieLVFFbMWXGS /• ..._ \\ \ \ S.:E L.M.GEA IXI NIS OxcOWI P P.ViCE!.TC - / --•�"ebx�xFF ��°PRFRw aaY FPRwYm 06GRfEOFLLTO�UR/4ro f 'r +45.)• f' + ).^...+, f_ _ F", sum muFi ToaR linaFnoAnIN ,.: sOETHAx EASTNO eF Hsbm \ + �A-- + i--„+ } nTwsnxowusu+U }, } '+, .+ ♦-"'^+,^..+. +. + if-_. -..d-_.++ } + * ADJ uuwsomlam \.+. .tf-•-,f+`•�-�prp+..... e A, 4A +,YP.+ ++ --..iPAs. aA I _ --_w'a. -F_+mo+"'•—.�+..--._..:_-r._-.F.+.._. -♦'3+-°+^fq-._ora uFF + +�ERR +\ r ++,. +ACING ....i. — i c + + + + `tel / __ --.-+`.`._+{..+.-.:,F,.,,+\'-?•+�x-.�:'i+„+'F..\+-,+..'}- - y.+_,yi_'++--- -_'_+. �+,+ :F,+p.r of`}+n cP ._ + + + + —t + ._++ + mo + �_ -+_+ +-+ ++ + _ t. +. + + .. i. .-..f_ + OF�b49 �7. -� -F... _I.._..i. `I.S` JIUtlE u.c_<�_...+ '}__+•__+�, + + +moi•``, •`'.y. }, + + -,-... sa4FNnPnEvw6i�'w I -r ... __{._ + + b- ,-- + -f. 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