HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 & 2002 2nd Qtr r' a s NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE 2ND QUARTER ENDED 6/30/02 & 6/30/01 i r Joseph W. Irivin, CPA 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport,NY 11944 (631)-477-3011 (631)-477-9533(fax) July 18, 2002 North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. P.O. Box 297 Southold,NY 11971 ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT We have compiled the accompanying statement of financial position of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. (a Non-Profit Corporation) as of June 30, 2002 and 2001 and the related statements of activities for the 2nd Quarter then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and statement of cash flows required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures and statements were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions, about the company's financial position,results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly,these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. .44/ vv . Joseph W. Irwin, CPA N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC EXHIBIT A • COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET PAGE 1 JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 ASSETS Cash-SCNB General Checking $ 21,296 $ 55,593 Cash-NFB Thrift Checking 16, 773 7,170 Cash-Prud. General Trust 508,519 400,586 Cash-Prud. Thrift Trust 0 75, 046 MM-NFB&T 5,401 5,311 Petty Cash/General 230 130 Petty Cash/Thrift 0 100 Security Deposits 600 600 Prepaid Insurance 4,444 4, 601 --------------- --------------- TOTAL ASSETS 557, 263 549,137 --------------- --------------- LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 16,519 10,385 Deferred Income 11, 670 11,330 Other Taxes Payable 814 930 State W/H Tax Payable 826 775 Sales Tax Payable 0 134 --------------- --------------- TOTAL LIABILITIES 29, 829 23,554 FUND BALANCES Fund Balance League 425,552 429, 094 Fund Balance Restr. Town ( 124, 966) ( 122, 819) Fund Balance Restr/Bldg. 100, 000 100, 000 Fund Balance-Thrift Shop 126, 848 119,306 --------------- --------------- TOTAL FUND BALANCES 527,434 525,581 --------------- --------------- TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 557,263 549, 135 --------------- --------------- , a N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC EXHIBIT B COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 1 FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 REVENUES Dues $ 9, 652 $ 3, 885 Shelter Donations 23, 069 44, 660 Interest Income-Treasury 606 3, 894 Interest Income 6, 910 7, 622 Dividend Income 6,478 2,399 Net Capital Gain (Loss) 244 4,381 Fund Raising Events 9, 900 18, 000 Dogs 0 257 Dogs S-N 640 25 Cats 170 1,318 Cats S-N ( 25) 105 Memorials 870 750 Guardian Angels 705 73 Rabies Clinic 338 197 Town Contract Income 70, 019 67, 980 Thrift Shop Sales 0 18,335 Misc. Income 0 230 --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 129,576 174,111 --------------- --------------r EXPENSES Rent-Thrift 0 3,600 Salaries 65,496 75,334 Payroll Taxes 6,358 3,045 Employee Benefits 6,363 5,496 Kennel Supplies 5,588 9,317 Veternarian Fees 7, 631 6,306 Repairs & Maintenance 249 1,566 Auto Expense 784 668 Travel Expenses 262 0 Telephone 1, 983 1, 881 Utilities 2, 821 5,792 Office Expense 1,117 898 Insurance 3,553 3,600 Advertising 3, 098 3,780 Professional Fees 6, 075 4,427 Bookkeeping 4, 000 3, 000 Bank Charges 90 30 Miscellaneous 555 266 Garbage 1,148 1,251 Postage 432 841 Education Expenses 527 90 r N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC EXHIBIT B COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 2 FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 Cat Medical & Veternarian $ 5, 168 $ 3, 945 Cat Food 2, 220 1,265 Fund Raising Expenses 2, 093 1, 668 --------------- --------------- TOTAL EXPENSES 127, 611 138, 066 --------------- --------------- Net Profit (Loss) 1, 965 36, 045 --------------- --------------- ' a v SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION I N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 1 League FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 REVENUES Dues $ 9, 651.50 $ 3, 885.00 Shelter Donations 23, 068 .53 44, 660.25 Interest Income-Treasury 606 .25 3, 893 .81 Interest Income 6, 909.62 7, 622.19 Dividend Income 6,478 .18 2,399.46 Net Capital Gain (Loss) 243 .72 4,381.00 Fund Raising Events 9, 900 .00 18, 000 .00 Dogs .00 257.00 Dogs S-N 640 .00 25.00 Cats 170 .00 1,317.80 Cats S-N ( 25 .00) 105.00 Memorials 870 .00 750. 00 Guardian Angels 705 .00 73 .00 Rabies Clinic 338 .00 197.00 Misc. Income .00 230.00 --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 59,555 .80 87, 796.51 --------------- --------------- EXPENSES Salaries 21, 832 .01 25,111.28 Payroll Taxes 2, 119.06 1, 015.06 Employee Benefits 2, 121.15 1, 832 .09 Kennel Supplies 2,465 .01 4,522 .21 Veternarian Fees 5, 060 .77 5,333.02 Repairs & Maintenance 66 .45 285.55 Auto Expense 318 .05 216.23 Travel Expenses 261.97 .00 Telephone 660 .93 562.49 Utilities 936 .75 1,251.69 Office Expense 670 .55 192.53 Insurance 1,184 .40 1,200.00 Advertising 3, 097.60 3,779.58 Professional Fees 6, 075.00 4,426.51 Bookkeeping 1,500.00 1, 000.00 Bank Charges 29.90 .00 Miscellaneous 440 .43 ( 57.77) Garbage 401.71 391.83 Postage 249 .99 757.72 Education Expenses 527 .22 90.22 Cat Medical & Veternarian 5,168 .41 3,944.95 Cat Food 2,220 .41 1,265.00 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 2 League FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 Fund Raising Expenses $ 2, 092 .54 $ 1, 668 .36 --------------- --------------- TOTAL EXPENSES 59,500 .31 58, 788 .55 --------------- --------------- Net Profit (Loss) 55 .49 29, 007.96 --------------- --------------- N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 1 Town FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 REVENUES Town Contract Income $ 70, 019.49 $ 67, 980 .00 --------------- --------------- Total Revenues 70, 019 .49 67, 980 .00 --------------- --------------- EXPENSES Salaries 43, 664 .02 50,222 .90 Payroll Taxes 4,238 .74 2, 030.08 Employee Benefits 4,241.53 3, 664.34 Kennel Supplies 3, 122 .76 4, 795.24 Veternarian Fees 2,569 .79 972 .87 Repairs & Maintenance 182 .90 571.11 Auto Expense 466 .21 452 .12 Telephone 1,321.92 1, 124.67 Utilities 1, 884 .20 2, 503 .78 Office Expense 446.33 697.58 Insurance 2,368 .80 2,400 .00 Bookkeeping 2, 500 .00 2, 000.00 Bank Charges .59.78 .00 Miscellaneous 114 .67 225.26 Garbage 745 .84 783 .44 Postage 182 .01 83 .34 --------------- --------------- TOTAL EXPENSES 68, 109.50 72,526.73 --------------- --------------- Net Profit (Loss) 1, 909.99 ( 4,546.73) --------------- --------------- N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT PAGE 1 Thrift Shop FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2002 JAN. 1, 2001 TO TO JUNE 30, 2002 JUNE 30, 2001 REVENUES Thrift Shop Sales $ .00 $ 18,334 .70 --------------- --------------- Total Revenues .00 18,334.70 --------------- --------------- EXPENSES Rent-Thrift .00 3, 600.00 Repairs & Maintenance .00 709.60 Telephone .00 193 .93 Utilities .00 2, 036.44 Office Expense .00 7.75 Bank Charges .00 30 .00 Miscellaneous .00 98.80 Garbage .00 75.95 --------------- --------------- TOTAL EXPENSES .00 6,752.47 --------------- --------------- Net Profit (Loss) .00 11,582.23 --------------- ---------------