HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/2003 Gunther R. Geis, PhA Southold, New York 2155 Long Creek 11971J 631 765 3255 ggeiss@optonline.net July 8,2003 To: Southold Town Board Re: North Fork Animal Welfare League Supervisor Horton, Board members, I am Gunther Geiss of Southold, I am a member of NFAWL and a founder of Sunshine and Fresh Air for Sheltered Animals a grassroots group of NFAWL members determined to reform the-organization and improve its services. I would like to draw your attention to issues regarding the operation of the Town Shelter and the future of the operator, the North Fork Animal Welfare League. At the February 25, 2003 Town Board meeting I spoke on problems in the operation and maintenance of the Town Shelter; and the need for a citizen oversight committee. Specifically, I drew your attention to the League's failure to maintain the Shelter; to their own descriptions of the'poor and unhealthy work conditions; to their expenditures, then estimated at$20,000, to prevent competition for,Board seats; their euthanizing of 22 dogs in 2000; false and misleading statements the League made in election materials; and a sharp decline in reported data from daily logs of activities (captures, surrenders, adoptions, euthanized animals, etc.)to one page with two summary census tables. Recently Dorothy Wolf has written to express her views on the need for such oversight. And, my wife, Carole, has written to each of you regarding the failure of NFAWL to act to confine and examine two dogs found near a brutalized defenseless pet goat, apparently killed by a neighbor's Rottweiler dogs. NFAWL staff failed to act despite one dog found with blood on its muzzle. Clearly, these dogs met NYS Ag & Markets rules for dangerous dogs. Today I would like to draw your attention to changes that may take place in the League, changes that may directly affect their contractual relationship with the Town. First, the League submitted its audited 2002 financial report to the Town Clerk in March. That report reveals that the members, merchants and supporters generously contributed $89,282. The taxpayers of Southold paid the League$140,039 to operate the Town Shelter and provide dog control services. In that context, Note B of the report states that the League spent$114,196 in 2002 on legal fees to prevent certain members from running for seats on the Board of Directors. Worse, they deferred payment of another$32,997 into 2003. Thus, the Directors spent$147,193 r just to protect and retain their board positions in 2002. New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law is clear that the corporation's assets may not be spent to personally benefit individuals. We are urging members and supporters who agree, that this expenditure of their contributions is inappropriate, and possibly illegal, to complain to the Charities Bureau of the Attorney General's Office. Even if not illegal, spending over 25% of NFAWL's bank account on legal fees that netted nothing is imprudent! Second, the League has since spent more on legal fees to have the Bylaws amended and restated. We have written a detailed letter of objection to the League's attorney, Pamela Mann, who, served for eleven years as the Chief of the Charities Bureau until 1996. (The Charities Bureau is the state agency charged with protecting the public against scams posing as charities, and administering the law regarding charitable organizations.) I would like to make a copy of that letter part of this record. Simply, we point out that the Bylaw restatement fails to include reference to Robert's Rules of Order and thus offers no recourse for resolving issues not covered in the Bylaws; the claim that restatement is necessary to bring the Bylaws into conformance with the Corporate Charter is false since the Charter forbids the League to engage in law enforcement and the restated Bylaws say exactly the opposite; finally, the restatement simply disguises the purpose of the revision which is to allow the Board "after an appropriate hearing" to expel any member with whom they disagree. In 1996 the current Board sued to force acceptance of over 125 new members and thus to gain its power. In 1997 they illegally revised the Bylaws to eliminate the requirement that the Board approve new members-this requirement could have prevented the addition of the friends who voted them in. If the Proposed Amended and Restated Bylaws are passed, on this the League's Fortieth Anniversary, that will make the League a most undemocratic organization, one which violates the intent of its founders. The importance attached to expulsion is demonstrated by requiring a g/vote of members to reverse an expulsion while only a majority vote is proposed for Bylaw revisions—changing the basic rules of operation! Third, we have obtained the official list of voting members as of June 19. One must be a member for 30 days in order to vote. This list does not include members who we know renewed or applied in June. During the hearings leading to the settlement of our suit against the League it was made clear by the Judge that the Bylaws state that one is a member on the first day of the month in which dues are received. Consequently, a member applying or renewing by June 30 will be a member as of June 1 and thus a member for over thirty days by July 19. If people renewed or applied during June they must call the League at the Shelter, 7651811 to make sure the record is corrected so they can vote. The League is erroneously using June 1 as the cut-off date. Fourth, analysis of the membership list shows that the 687 members of 2002 declined to 628 in 2003. More importantly, only 336 of the 687 renewed their membership—less than % renewed. 292 members were added. Of the new members 79, over 25%, live outside of Long Island and NYC, and 162, over 55%, do not live on the North Fork—Riverhead, Southold or Shelter Island. It appears that many of the new members are relatives and friends of the Board and staff. One can only wonder 0 Page 2 how much knowledge, care, or concern about Shelter operation these people in Fort Lauderdale, Elgin II, Fort Lee, NJ, British Columbia, TN, AL, PA, GA, etc. have. Yet, they may well carry the vote on July 19. On July 19, the date of the Annual Meeting and Election, the League members face critical decisions: whether to approve the Proposed Amended and Restated Bylaws; and whether to re-elect board members who may have violated the law. The Bylaws require that a majority of the membership, 315 or more, be present and voting for there to be a quorum and a legal outcome. Revising the Bylaws requires that 2/3 of the members voting approve. Given the "loading of the voting members list"with friends and relatives, concerned members are put in a very difficult position. If a member votes, regardless of how or for whom, she may simply enable approval and legitimization of the wrong outcome. Therefore,we are taking the exceptional step of saying that League members must protest the actions of the current Board by withholding their vote. MEMBERS WHO CARE ABOUT THE LEAGUE, PLEASE REVOKE ANY PROXY YOU MAY HAVE GRANTED. DO NOT ALLOW STRANGERS TO APPROVE THE ACTIONS OF THE BOARD, ESPECIALLY THEIR EXPENDITURES, OF MONIES MEANT FOR ANIMAL CARE, ON LEGAL FEES TO PROTECT THEIR POWER. Thank you. Attach.:June 26 letter to Pamela Mann from Supporter of Sunshine and Fresh Air for Sheltered Animals • Page 3