HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Composting ` ` New York State Department ofEnvironmental Conservation Division ofMaterials Management Albany, New York 13233-7253 2019 REGISTERED OR PERMITTED FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT COMPOSTING (DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR BIOSOLIDS COMPOSTING) 6 NYCRR Part 361-3.2 This annual report is for the year of operation from to December 31, 2019 Annual Report Form Due: No Later than March 1, 2020 This form may be used for all composting facilities under section 361-3.2 of the Part 360 series except for biosolids composting. Biosolids composting requires the submission of a different annual report form. Forms for all solid waste management facilities can befound at . |fyou have any questions onthis form, please e-mail . Failure to provide the required information requested is avio|etion of Environmental Conservation Law. Timely submission of properly completed form to the Department's Regional Dffiva that has jurisdiction over your facility and to the Department's Central Office is required to meet the Annual Report requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360 series. Attach additional sheets if space on the pages is insufficient or supplementary information is required or appropriate. COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT SECTION 1 - FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: Southold Town Municipal Solid Waste Facility FACILITY LOCATION ADDRESS: FACILITY CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: 6155 Cox Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 FACILITY TOWN: FACILITY COUNTY: FACILITY PHONE NUMBER: Southold Suffolk 631 -734-7685 NYSDEC REGION #: 1 FACILITY CONTACT: CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: James Bunchuck 631-734-7685 CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: jlmb@southoldtownny.gov OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME: OWNER PHONE NUMBER: Town of Southold 631-765-1889 OWNER ADDRESS: OWNER CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: 53095 Main Rd. Southold �NY 11971 OWNER CONTACT: OWNER CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: Supervisor Scott Russell srussell@southoldtownny.gov OPERATOR INFORMATION OPERATOR NAME: Same as owner PREFERENCES Preferred address to receive correspondence: oFacility location address 0Owner address OOther(provide). Southold Town DSW, PO Box 962, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Preferred email address: Q Facility Contact 00wnerContact 0Other(provide): Preferred individual to receive correspondence: • Facility Contact Q Owner Owner Contact 0Other(provide): Did you operate in 2019? (j)Yes; Complete this form. Q No; Complete and submit Sections 1, 12 and 13. If you no longer plan to operate and wish to relinquish your permivregistration associated with this solid waste management activity, please notify the regional office of your intent. See attachment for Regional Office addresses and contacts. SECTION 2 — QUANTITY OF MATERIAL RECEIVED Please report quantities received from January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019 Inputs Quantity Unit Source(s) Leaves Only 6546 Tons Town residents and landscape contractors W QGrass Clippings Choose Units W Mixture of Grass and Leaves Choose Units Brush (Small branches and limbs, <4 inch 7105 diameter) Tons Town residents and landscape contractors Source Separated Organics (Food scraps, Choose Units 0 soiled paper products, etc.) co Food Processing Waste (brewery grains, grape pomace, etc.) Choose Units Crop Residues (Corn stalks, etc.) Choose Units Manure (including bedding) 389 Tons Local horse farms Sawdust/Shavings Choose Units ry W Animal Carcasses (road-kill, animal mortalities) 495 Choose Units Road Kill Deer Carcasses 0 Paper Mill Residuals Choose Units Digestate Choose Units Other: Choose Units F— Woodchips 802 Tons Utilities,contractors,Town Highway Dep't. z W (D Sawdust z Choose Units Y m, Other: Choose Units SECTION 3 — COMPOST PRODUCTION WHAT IS THE PROCESS DETENTION TIME? 150 days Note: Total time material is processed, not Including storage time COMPOST PRODUCED DURING THE YEAR: 12000 cubic yards or tons COMPOST DISTRIBUTED DURING THE YEAR: 8800 cubic yards or tons QUANTITY CURRENTLY STOCKPILED: 6000 cubic yards or Note: Finished product stockpiled tons AGE OF OLDEST PRODUCT ON SITE: 12 months SECTION 4— COMPOST DISTRIBUTION Quantity Distributed Use of Compost (cubic yards) (landscaping, agriculture, highway, onsite, bagged, etc.) 1300 Taken directly by town residents 7500 Taken by landscapers, nurseries, farms If PERMITTED SSO composting facility, continue to Section#5 SSO—Source Separated Organics ALL OTHER COMPOSTING FACILITIES, continue to Section 49 SECTION 5 — PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION For permitted SSO composting facilities only. Check one method for each: Pathogen Reduction 361-3.7(a) 0 Windrow Composting 0 Aerated Static Pile Composting 0 In-vessel Composting 0 Other (specify): Vector Attraction Reduction 361-3.7(b) 0 38 % Volatile Solids Reduction 0 SOUR 0 Aerobic Process 14 days, >_40C, >_45 C avg. Attach operating and monitoring data to show compliance with methods chosen. Temperature data records should indicate when a pile was created, pile was moved, additional material was added and/or pile was turned. SECTION 6 — FINISHED COMPOST ANALYSIS For permitted SSOW composting facilities only. Please attach sampling analyses and laboratory reports as required under Part 360 or your permit. Copies of original laboratory results must be attached. All results, except pH and Total Solids, must be on a dry weight basis. See 361-3.9 Table 6 for pollutant limits and Table 5 for annual product testing frequency 361-3.9 Table 5. Summarize data in table below or attached document. Print additional pages as needed. Analysis Date =____> Max. Conc. (mg/kg) Arsenic (mg/kg) 41 Cadmium (mg/kg) 10 Chromium (mg/kg) 1,000 Copper (mg/kg) 1,500 Lead (mg/kg) 300 Mercury (mg/kg) 10 Molybdenum (mg/kg) 40 Nickel (mg/kg) 200 Selenium (mg/kg) 100 Zinc (mg/kg) 2,500 TKN (mg/kg) .m Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/kg) ���� Nitrate (mg/kg) RK Total Phosphorus (mg/kg) Total Potassium (mg/kg) pH (s.u.) Total Solids( %) Total Volatile Solids (%) Fecal Coliform (MPN/g) <1,000 MPN/g Salmonella (MPN/4g) <3MPN/4g Other SECTION 7 —SAMPLE MANAGEMENT PLAN For permitted SSO composting facilities only. Describe the number, frequency and location of samples taken. Include a diagram showing all sampling locations. SECTION 8 —ATTACHMENTS (IF REQUIRED) Permitted SSO composting facilities, please attach: - Temperature monitoring and detention time data. - Sample analyses laboratory reports. - Any additional reporting requirements. Do you have a variance to the Part 360 permit requirements? Q Yes O No If yes, please describe: SECTION 9 — UNAUTHORIZED WASTE Has unauthorized solid waste been received at the composting facility during the reporting period? OYes "— No If yes, give information below for each incident (attach additional sheets if necessary): SECTION 10 — PROBLEMS/COMPLAINTS Describe any operational problems or neighbor complaints arising from the composting operation and include any methods used to remedy the situations. This should include odor complaints, marketing difficulties, major equipment failure, etc. In December 2018, the facility's wood waste grinder (2004 CBI Freedom Hog) burned in a fire and experienced a total loss. The Town had already been planning to acquire a new grinder in 2019, but the time frame for specifying, bidding, and assessing submissions for a new machine, and then the delivery schedule once a winning bid was selected caused the facility to operate without a grinder until @ September 1, 2019. This resulted in a significant accumulation of brush and leaves that could not begin to be processed until fall, resulting in lack of available product during the summer and fall, and nnicirn Fhn innr�n nr�rJ nii�h n Inrirnr 4hnr+ rnrmnl c�nnLriln of mnFn rinl nn 4hn ni4n SECTION 11 — QUESTIONS Please identify any questions or concerns that you would like the Department to answer or consider: SECTION 12 — FOOD DONATION & FOOD SCRAPS RECYCLING LAW If you are registered or permitted to compost food scraps please complete the following. For all other operations that are interested in processing food scraps, please contact your DEC regional office to determine what is required. In 2019, New York State passed the Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling law. Effective January 1, 2022, large generators of food scraps (defined as generating an annual average of two tons per week or more) must donate excess food and recycle all remaining food scraps if they are within 25 miles of an organics recycler (composting facility, anaerobic digester, etc.). Examples of large generators include: large restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, colleges, etc. For more information visit: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/114499.html Contact Information Under this legislation, DEC is responsible for providing a list of organics recyclers (compost facilities, anaerobic digesters, etc.) to large generators so they can determine available food scraps recycling opportunities in their area. You will be included in this listing if you hold a permit or registration for the composting of source separated organics or food scraps. This will educate both large generators and haulers of food scraps that you are an available composter in their area. Please provide the following information to include in the listing. Name of Business: Business Phone Number: Business Email: Business Website: ❑1 would like to opt out of DEC listing my facility as an available food scraps recycler for large generators as it relates to the Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling law. Assessing Your Food Scraps Recycling Capacity DEC is responsible for assessing available food scraps recycling capacity across New York State. Information from your operation will help us do this. Please complete the following section to calculate the amount of excess food scraps your operation will have the capability to process in 2022. Please stay consistent with units (wet tons or cubic yards). A. Amount of foods scraps projected to be processed in 2020: Choose Unit B. Amount of foods scraps projected to be processed in 2022: Choose Unit * Note: You will not be required to process this quantity of material, these estimates will only be used to assist DEC in capacity planning across the state in preparation for the Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling law effective January 1, 2022. Questions? DEC USE ONLY Excess Capacity: SECTION 13 - CERTIFICATION The Owner or Operator must sign, date and submit one completed form with an original signature to the appropriate Regional Office (See attachment for Regional Office addresses and Contacts.) The Owner or Operator must also submit one copy by email, fax or mail to: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling—Annual Report 625 Broadway—9t" Floor Albany, New York 12233-7253 Phone: 518-402-8706 Fax 518-402-9024 Email address: organicrecycling(a)dec.ny.gov I certify, under penalty of law,that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the requirements in Subpart 361-3 of 6 NYCRR Part 361 has been prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that false statement made herein are punishable pursuant to section 210.45 of the penal law. March 2 2020 Signature Date James Bunchuck Solid Waste Coordinator Name (Print) Title (Print) jimb a-southoldtownny.gov Email (Print) PO Box 962 Cutchogue Address City NY 11935 (631 734.7685 State and Zip Phone Number ATTACHMENTS:ONOOYES (IF YES, LIST ATTACHMENTS)