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HomeMy WebLinkAbout7570 Nam 41510 derno (�S�e�rtrn ode cf� ,nc )�-�ec�st - °U"��.45h� st�1e�tn�.ac�d��-►�-; ro,�sfin�,�� � Cab"��g"- �_ y� � a�•��r� . lof ca,�e�t�-- ' �-;wohcrr►,,�,ptoca .�S d.c-yarA--rsf tl S2�28±tJ ��Cj M'%ZI 2-111 pqpV_ ��Ga'v�� • ��r c�121 .j Owner: Palermo, Kimberly File M 7570 Address: 155 Pinewood Rd CPQ) cs Code: 17PA 1. J Agent Info Stephen Kiely �J P.O. Box 567 Mattituck, -NY 11952 Phone: 631-298-7529 Fax: Email: Pn� BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �,OF so(/ry 53095 Main Road-P.O. Box 1179 Dantes Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia ra Office Location: Eric antes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. �pQ 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento lf. Southold,NY 11971 RECEIVED ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS d" C9 g'�I5141M TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2 2 2021 Tel.(631) 765-1809-Fax(631)765-9064 MVA S® hold Town Clea FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2021 ZBA FILE: #7570 NAME OF APPLICANT: Kimberly Palermo PROPERTY LOCATION: 155 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue,NY. SCTM#1000-110-3-2 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the.State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE.CODE: This application was not required to be referred to,the Suffolk County Department of P,lanning'under the.'Suffolk County Administrative Code'Sections A 14=14 to 23. LWRP DETERMINATION: The,relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under theMinor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268. PROPERTY PACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property is a nonconforming 14,500 square foot Parcel located in the Residential'R-40 Zoning District. The,northerly property line measures 1-38.00 feet, the easterly property line measures'1-00.00-feet;the-southerly property line measures"152.00 and the westerly property line measures 100.98 feet and is adjacent to Pinewood Road, The parcel is improved with a one- story frame residence with an attached two-car garage. There is a hot tub off the back of the residence that sits on a paver patio; and steps from that patio that lead to'a l eft. x 32ft. in-ground swimming pool. The rear yard is fenced as shown on the survey map prepared by Joseph M.Petito,L.S,and dated May 23,2021. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variances_ from Article III Sections 280-15; Article XXIII, Section 28Q=124; and'the Building Inspector's July 23,2021 Notice of Disapproyal based on an application for a permit to-demolish (as-per Town code definition) and reconstruct an existing single family dwelling; at 1) located less than the code minimum required combined side yard setback of 25 feet; 2)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%; 3) existing hot tub located in other than the code required rear yard;located at 155 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue,NY. SCTM#10007110-3-2.. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests variances to demolish (as per Town Code definition) and reconstruct an existing single-family dwelling. The construction has a combined side yard setback of 24.2 Page 2,December 16,2021 97570,Palermo SCTM No. 1000-110-3-2 feet(11.4 feet northerly and 12.8 feet southerly) where a minimum of 25 feet is required, and lot coverage of 22.6% where a maximum of 206/9 is permitted. In addition, pursuant to Chapter 280-15, accessory buildings and structures shall be located in the required rear yard. The construction of the dwelling results in the existing accessory hot tub to be located in the side yard. The Site Plan drawings prepared by John $baglia,Architect,dated May 23,2021 shows a pre-existing-Combined side yard setback ofJ24:2=feet which " remains unchanged. The pre-existing,hot tub will remain in the same location as-it has,for quite some time. The small addition on the first floor is 3$ square feet and a new second-floor addition will be built over the existing first floor ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Upon request of the Board,the applicant's representative submitted-to this Board the Suffolk County Department of Health approval for a new septic system allowing a maximum of four bedrooms dated September 14, 2021. An adjacent neighbor originally expressed concerns but was satisfied when told the proposed dwelling will remain on the same footprint. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on December 2, 2021 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Towri.Law 4267=b(3)(b)4). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change"in the, " character of-the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. This is a,community that has'gone through many changes. Older homes,have been upgraded and added onto along with new and larger homes 'being built. the_overall increase in size of the reconstructed dwelling"is 3.8;sq.ft.and the existing°combined side yard setback is being maintained. The changes to this residence will-enhance the neighborhood." 2. Town Law§267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant or cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than area variances. A second story addition will,be built over the e_xisting first floor with a minimally non-conforming side yard setback which will be maintained but will still requires a variance. The property already has excessive lot coverage so any additions will require variance relief.The hot tub is now in a conforming rear yard but the new addition on the rear of the dwelling will locate the hot tub in a non-conforming side yard thus necessitating the required variance 3. Town Law&267-b(3)(b)(3). The variances,granted herein not mathematically substantial,representing 3% relief from the combined side yard setback code. However, the pre-existing lot coverage is currently at 21.8%, it will increase by less than 1% representing 13% relief. k 4. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(4).No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5. Town Law X267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has/has not been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. Page 3, December 16,2021 97570,Palermo SCTM No. 1000-110-3-2 6. Town Law &267-b Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate.-to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a reconstructed dwelling,with a new second-story and a legal existing hot tub while preserving and'protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety Od-wetfare ofthe community: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors 6nd'applying.the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Acampora, seconded_ by Member Dantes, and duly carried, to GRANT the variances as applied for, and shown,on a Site Plan last revised August 13, 2021, and Architectural Plans dated April 8, 2021, prepared by John Sbaglia, Architect. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Existing Covered Porches shall remain unenclosed and uninhabitable, and the Existing Screen Porches shall remain uninhabitable. 2. The applicant must apply to the Building Department for a building permit for the "as built" improvement(s) within 30 days of the date of this decision and submit same to the Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals, or submit a written request for an extension to the.Board of Appeals setting forth the reasons) why the applicant was unable to obtain a building permit in the time .allotted. 3. .The applicant must obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department for the "as built".improveriient(s) and submit sameto the Office of the Zoning,Board.of Appeals Within,siX (6) months of this decision or submit a written request for an extension to the Board,of Appeals setting fortb4he reason(s) why the applicant was unable to obtain a.Certificate of occupancy in the- time allotted. ' 4. The "as.built" improvements) may not be used until a Certificate of Occupancy,has been obtained This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been.met.At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,failure,to comply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void. -T-h,at-the-above conditions-be written into the-Building--Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy when issued The-Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration, 'that does not increase the degree "of nonconformity. i Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result,in delays andlor a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may,require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board.of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, siteplan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not' authorized, under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or Page 4,December 16,2021 #7570,Palermo SCTM No. 1000-110-3-2 condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in_this action. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become hifffind:void where-a-Certilicate of-Occupancy;has-not-been- procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3)years.from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the'date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three(3) consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson) Dantes, Acampora, Planamento and Lehnert. This Resolution was,duly adopted (5-0). y Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing/.� /,;b /2021 SPECIFICATIONS REV151ON5: 1 : Z13A COMMENTS - 8/13/21 1 . THE TERM "CONTRACTOR" IN THESE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL MEAN THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WHO SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF 31 . ALL POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PIPING INSIDE THE HOUSE SHALL BE 3/4" THE WORK OF ALL THE SUB-CONTRACTORS EMPLOYED BY HIM. PEX, "K" TYPE, WITH 1/2" BRANCHES TO ALL FIXTURES. PIPES LOCATED IN 2. NO CONTRACTOR SHALL BE BROUGHT ONTO THE SITE WITHOUT FIRST EXTERIOR WALLS OR UNHEATED AREAS SHALL BE INSULATED FROM FREEZING PROVIDING ALL LIABILITY AND COMPENSATION INSURANCE IS MANDATED BY LAW WITH INSULATION HAVING A MINIMUM R=2.0. AND/OR OWNERS REQUIREMENTS. IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SEE THAT ALL SUB-CONTRACTORS ARE COVERED BY THE REQUIRED 32. ALL PIPING SHALL BE GRADED FOR DRAINING AT A LOW POINT.T71N T71 f1d C . INSURANCE AND HE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAME. 33. WATER METER SUPPLY PIPE TO BE A MINIMUM 1 " DIAMETER. 3. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FIRST CLASS AS HEREIN SPECIFIED, AND ALL Ln 34. NO ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS FOR BRANCH CIRCUITS PERMITTED. � rm rpm mft r= LABOR SHALL BE DONE IN A THOROUGH WORKMANLIKE MANNER.Ell Irl (\ 4. NOTHING ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE MISCONSTRUCTED AS MODIFYING IN 35Ao�� Uffl"m Ym 19 . CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL OUTLETS, WIRING SERVICE, U w - L --ml UANY WAY THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE OWNER AND THE CONTRACTOR. U-J wo- 3 j ® ® 36. ALL PAINTS AND PAINTING MATERIALS REQUIRED BY THE _ >� 5. ARCHITECT NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ALL WORK NOT UNDER HIS COMPLETION OF THIS WORK SHALL BE OF THE BEST QUALITY AS = IV z DIRECT SUPERVISION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT WITHIN 72 HR. RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR THE SERVICE REQUIRED. IN WRITING, FAILURE TO DO SO INDICATES THE CONTRACTOR HAS TAKEN FULL U U 37. PAINTER, AT COMPLETION, SHALL CLEAN DOWN ALL WOODWORK, Q 0 w RESPONSIBILITY. z 'AUG 18 2021 FLOORS, SASH, ETC. OF ANY PAINT AND DO ALL NECESSARY 6. PRIOR TO START OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE RETOUCHING OF PAINTING WORK IN BUILDING, LEAVING HIS WORK IN w ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND SHALL BE LIABLE FOR SAME. PERFECT CONDITION. /0-1 7. THESE PLANS ESSENTIALLY CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING CODES, 38. ALL EXTERIOR WORK TO BE DONE IN DRY WEATHER & COVERED IN WET WEATHER. NEVERTHELESS, WHETHER SPECIFIED OR NOT, ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST 39. ALL TRIM, WOODWORK, DOORS, ETC. SHALL BE CLEANED AND CONFORM TO THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING MADE READY FOR FINISHING AND SHALL RECEIVE ONE 1 PRIMING CD z CODE; NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE; NEW COAT AND TWO (2) FINISH COATS. COLOR AS SELECTED BY Q x YORK STATE ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING CODE AND/OR LOCAL CODES WITH OWNER. Z U 0 ' JURISDICTION AND VARIANCES. 40. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED TO = w 100 .0 50. 8. IN THE EVENT THAT NOTED CONDITIONS OR CONFLICTING CONDITIONS ARE INSTALL A COMPLETE HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM CONSISTING OF Q � O �� C o"xlGx DIFFERENT THAN FIELD CONDITIONS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE NATURAL GAS-FIRED HEATING BOILER, RADIATORS (OR EQUAL), Q a- ° g L 12w - -�� ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. CIRCULATOR, PIPE FITTINGS, VALVES AND CONTROLS IF REQUIRED. RET.WALL S 32 __l_--. -6 WOODFENCE p81S _ 9. ANYTHING NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS BUT MENTIONED IN THESE 41 . ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FURNISHED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN - -- - '� SPECIFICATIONS OR VICE VERSA, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PERFORMED AS ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. N 49,0 N PAVERS THOUGH SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED IN BOTH. 42. ALL HOT WATER HEATING SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPES IN I r J U� 49.1 49,2 Q 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE WITHIN ONE (1 ) YEAR OF UNHEATED SPACES TO BE INSULATED. 24"TREE COMPLETION, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE, ANY WORK WHICH DEVELOPS l ❑ 49,2 493 0 43 HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS AS PER NE's! YORK STATE ENERGY Ln I, 0 I ` DEFECTS DUE TO POOR WORKMANSHIP OR INFERIOR MATERIALS. AND CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE AND/OR A.S.H.R.A.E. m _ J W 11 . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS, LABOR AND G) STANDARD METHODS. _ N Qui w EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK. GENERAL NOTES: o IN GROUND O SWIMMING a ,I 51,8 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY ALL VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW 1 . GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WORK BETWEEN ALL TRADES. O 0 PAVERS PAVERS ° AND ANY DAMAGE TO ADJOINING PROPERTY, ETC. CAUSED BY HIM OR HIS W 0 � EMPLOYEES. 2. PROVIDE ACCESS TO ALL ENCLOSED CRAWL SPACES AND ATTICS. U p 0 w=aaaa 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR THE SITE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, BURIED OR Z 0 O.7 3. VENTILATE ALL CRAWL SPACES AND ATTICS AS PER CODE MEASURED IN WALL , 10•7'49�2 � � �' EXISTING OTHERWISE, INCLUDING TREES AND UNDERGROWTH AS AGREED UPON WITH W O o^HIGH �w4 a SCREEN PORCH OWNER. TOTAL FEET VENTILATION AREA. LL_1 os's ` � a 14. ALL PLANTING WHICH IS AGREED SHALL BE LEFT STANDING AND � W z 1 49.4 52.9 x52,4 52.9x 4. FIRESTOPPING OF CONCEALED SPACES, SUCH AS EAVES, CRAWL MAS.WALL ,, 2$ UNDISTURBED AND SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE BY CONSTRUCTION �,��L ��� (f) z U- W PLANTER CO. DURING ALL STAGES OF WORK. SPACE/INHABITABLE BASEMENT SHALL BE 20'-0" HORIZONTALLY, 8 LLJ VERTICALLY. REVIEWED BY ZDA �/ ,n 0 NEW FIRS PAVERS ''� , /� FLOOR o ¢ 52 ,� . 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL. EXCAVATE THE GROUND TO THE DEPTH 5. EXTERIOR CORNICES & EAVES SHALL BE FIRE-STOPPED AT � n�A7,5700 ADDITION HOT ' ` ,. '( CVRD. REQUIRED DIY THE FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS AS SHOWN ON THE INTERVALS OF NOT MORE THAN Ltd FEET. SEE D�C�:....,,� ,r _ 3 ¢ ' '` ` `u%:` ' PORCH DRAWINGS AND SHALL BE bUD OUT FROM THE SURVEYORS STAKES AND DATED Q • cox % xr ' ' N: SHALL BE LIABLE FOR THE ►CORRECTNESS OF THE LAYOUT. 6. ATTIC SPACE OR BETWEEN COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR OR ROOF I-- k �. , - , k '.<X. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FIRE-STOPPED SO THAT NO AREA 0 . r F U 2 4' ' ��' SD., ,2 , 16. ALL TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED AND STORED ON THE SITE FOR USE SUCH CONCEALED SPACE IS LARGER THAN 3,000 SQ. FT. wooD ; ,N; ST;OR '' ;�AM x' : , ' NE SECOND AT FINAL GRADING. n 7. ATTIC FANS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH MEANS OF AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF VALVE � : POLE , IAG '' FL00 ADDITION 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN OUT ANY OF HIS RUBBISH OR OTHER N y . ,ti!j` DEBRIS WHEN REQUESTED TO DO SO AND SHALL LEAVE HIS WORK IN AC 3:;6' %;'' ,�,�' ;f, � ,. v G°°EFE FRAMING NOTES AND WOOD SPECIFICATIONS: O oo �. �q,�j PERFECT CONDITION AND/OR BROOM CLEAN AT COMPLETION OF EACH 01 ' 4 VRD, P(7 CH 22.7 32 0� 5 N x53,2 WORKING DAY HE SHALL ALSO PROVIDE FOR ON SITE STORAGE OF 1 ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL B:. DOUGLAS FIR LARCH N0. 2 (OR SELECT STRUCTURAL -11.4 x 54,3 CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS IN AN APPROVED MANNER. GRADE OR BETTER WITH MINIMUM! ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESS 52.0 CONCRETE x �: ) OF 900 Fb FOR REPETITIVE 0 - USE AND AN E OF 1 ,600,000 AS PER WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION SPAN TABLES. � `v'� 18. BEFORE COMPLETION OF 'NORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUGH GRADE '� BR`C�wpLli w THE PLOT BY REMOVING ALL BRICKBATS, CHUCK OF CEMENT, PIECES OF 2. JOISTS AND GIRDERS SHALL HAVE FULL 3.5" MINIMUM BEARING OR AS PER W LUMBER AND OTHER DEBRIS ACCUMULATED DURING THE BUILDING ANDMAUNFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. z N o ,, THEN BRING THE PLOT TO FINAL GRADE USING THE STORED TOPSOIL. W ° ASPHALT DRIVEWAY � uw A w U� 19. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT HIS WORK FROM THE WEATHER DURING 3. BRIDGING OR SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE REQUIRED AT MID-SPAN OF ALL FLOOR C) W W ' W � N JOISTS AND AT A MINIMUM OF 8"-0" O.C. AT LONGER SPANS. cn 0 0 Q > i s� IT'S PROGRESS BY THE USE OF ROUGH ENCLOSING DOORS, TARPAULINS OR LU Q Q 00 W ° z 5 OTHER ADEQUATE MEANS. v z D_ O 4. USE SIMPSON METAL FRAMING ACCESSORIES AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS DETAILED. w c� 112 . 81 0 3 45'N!7 v 20. CONCRETE TO HAVE A MINIMUM FC=3500 PSI/ 28 DAY STRENGTH USE NAILING AS RECOMMENDED B`� THE MANUFACTURER. O z w 9 >� 50.7 2.0'E 53.2 21 . ALL FOOTINGS, PIERS, ETC. SHALL REST ON UNDISTURBED SOIL HAVING A 5. TOE NAILING OF JOIST TO HEADER IS NOT PERMITTED; USE 16 GA. STANDARD IL O FD MON 9 5 "W 1 0 0 . 9 8 ' UTILITY MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY OF TWO (1 ) TON PSF UNLESS SPECIAL SOIL CONDITIONS JOIST HANGERS WHEREVER JOISTS FRAME TO SIDE OF HEADER. U UTILITY POLE ARE ENCOUNTERED. THEN CONTACT THE ARCHITECT TO INVESTIGATE SOIL POLE OVERHEAD WIRES CONDITIONS. 6. PROVIDE 'SIMPSON' POST CAP AND BASE CONNECTIONS FOR ALL POST TO GIRDER/HEADER O 22. MAIN SILLS TO BE "ACQ" DOUGLAS-FIR SIZE AND AMOUNT AS CONNECTIONS TYPICAL THROUGHOUT. REFER TO PLANS FOR SPECIFIC TYPE AND APPLICATION. 5L46 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 51.E 524 49,80 INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 1- PINEW00D ROAD 23. ALL EXTERIOR WOODWORK SHALL BE FIRST QUALITY WHITE PINE, FREE 7. PROVIDE 'SIMPSON' HURRICANE TIES FROM RAFTERS TO STUDS AT EXTERIOR WALLS AND FROM OIL SHAKES AND LARGE BLACK, OR UNSOUND KNOTS. ALL JOINTS TO CS20 COIL STRAPPING FROM FLOOR-TO-FLOOR AND WALL TO PLATE CONNECTIpS. x49.95 x50.73 x5150 x5210 x52.71 REFER TO STANDARD STRAPPING DETAILS. EXISTING WATER MAINBE SQUARE. END OF MAIN 24. ALL EXTERIOR SHEATING TO BE 1/299 "CDX" OR 1/291 EXT. GRADE 8. PROVIDE SPECIAL HEAVY DUTY AND SKEWED METAL HANGERS AS MAY BE 49.47 50.8851 SHEATHING WITH 'TYVEK' HOUSE WRAP BACKING REQUIRED TO TRANSFER ALL LOADS. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 25. THE CARPENTER SHALL DO NECESSARY CUTTING OF BEAMS, JOISTS ETC. 9. ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING SHALL BE EXTERIOR GRADE, CDX PLYWOOD, 1 2" MINIMUM THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY OTHER TRADES. / DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI 26. COLOR OF ROOF SHINGLES AND SIDING AS SELECTED BY OWNER. THICKNESS. ALL SHEATHING SHALL BE NAILED 6D NAILS, 4" CENTERS AT EDGES AND 6" CHECK: J. 56AGLIA 27. ALL INTERIOR FINISHES; COLOR, STYLE AND MATERIAL; AS PER OWNER. CENTERS IN THE FIELD. SCALE: A5 NOTED ZONING INFORMATION _ ZONE R-40 S�OUTHOLD 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY ALL TEMPORARY BRACING OF THE 28. ALL INTERIOR WALLS AND CEILINGS TO HAVE 1/2" GYPSUM WALLBOARD DATE: 4/8/2021 / STRUCTURE, AS REQUIRED, UNTIL ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING HAS BEEN INSTALLED. 5E ZONING ITEM REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED FINISH. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE NEATLY TAPED AND SANDED AND READY FOR USES SINGLE FAMILY COMPLIES COMPLIES PAINT FINISH OR WALLPAPER. (MINIMUM THREE (3) COATS JOINT COMPOUND- 11 . PROVIDE MIN. DOUBLE SFRAME AROUND ALL FLOOR, CEILING AND ROOF OPENINGS OR LOT COVERAGE MAX. 2,900 SF (20%) 2,226 SF (15.4%)-HOUSE 2,264 SF (15.6%)- HOUSE AS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLANS.) AS PER PLANS. 241 SF (1.6%) -SCREEN PORCH 241 SF (1.6%) -SCREEN PORCH 29 INSTALL ONE 1 SHELF III EACH CLOTHES CLOSET AND A CLOTHES 38 SF (0.3%) - BACK PORCH 80 SF (0.6%)- BACK PORCH ( ) 12. ALL WOOD CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION 114 SF (0.7%)- FRONT PORCH 147 SF (1.0%)- FRONT PORCH POLE UNDER THE SHELF. LINEN AND PANTRY CLOSETS SHALL HAVE FIVE MANUAL FOR ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, 2001 WFCM OR LATEST EDITION. 509 SF (3.5%)- POOL 509 SF (3.5%)- POOL (5) SHELVES. 37 SF (0.3%)- HOT TUB 37 SF (0.3%)- HOT TUB 13. ALL WOOD EXPOSED TO WEATHER SHALL BE 'ACQ' TREATED IN 3,165 SF (21.8%)- TOTAL 3,278 SF (22.6%)- TOTAL 30. ALL BRICKWORK FOR CHIMNEY SHALL BE SELECTED COMMON RED BRICK. ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA STANDARDS. PROPOSED SITE PLAN ALL JOINTS SHALL BE WELL BUTTERED AND MADE TIGHT AGAINST THE (VARIANCE REQ.) WEATHER AND SHALL BE TOOLED. UPON COMPLETION THE BRICK WORK SCALE: 1" = 16'-0" � 1Q EXISTING IS OVER 1.8% PROPOSED IS OVER 2.6% SHALL BE CLEANED WITH MILD ACID AND LEFT IN PERFECT CONDITION. 14. ALL WOOD CONNECTORS SHALL BE BY SIMPSON; USP MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. SHEET NUMBER: BY 0 CONNOR - PETITO, L.L.C. SITE PLAN BASED ON SURVEY PROVIDED FRONT YARD 35' MIN. 37.2 NO CHANGE 05 23 2021NOTE: REAR YARD 35' MIN. 61.1' NO CHANGE NOTE: NO WORK SHALL COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FROM THE BUILDING SIDE YARD(S) 10' 11.4' NO CHANGE PLANS TO FOLLOW 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY DEPARTMENT, ALSO INCLUDING ALL OTHER LOCAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION 25' AGGREGATE 24.0' - AGGREGATE CONSERVATION CODE CLIMATIC; AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA (TABLE 301 .2( 1 ) TAB,-r_- 401 .4. 1 REVISIONS: PRESUMPTIVE LOAD-BEARING VALUES OF FOUNDATION MATERIALS GROUND WIND SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM ICE BARRIER CLASS OF MATERIAL LOAD-BEARING PRESSURROOF SNOW DESIGN WEATHERING FROST LINE TERMITE UNDERLAYMENT FLOOD pounds per square foot J L_ LOAD SPEED (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH REQUIRED HAZARDS Crystalline bedrock 12,000 2'V 2'V 2'V 2'V 2'V 2'V 2"V 2'V ,✓�� R301.2 (5) R301.2 (4) R301.2 (2) R301.2 (3) R301.2 (6) R905.2.7.1 110V 1rV Iry 1rV Iry Iry Iry 110V � LAV MOD. TO ' Sedimentary and foliated rock 4,000 B V we WASHER WC _ C�I �.C1���^ 20 PSF 110 MPH C SEVERE 36" HEAVY REQUIRED N/A SH 0 WER 7 B Sandy gravel and/or gravel (GW and GP) 3,000 AUG 18 2 2ND.FL. Sand, silty sand, clayey sand, silty gravel and clayey gravel 2,000 2'W 2•w 2•W 2•W 2.W 21W 2•w Ln L9 TABLE 3 1 NAILING SCHEDULE °'0'' I°° ZONING BOAR)OF APP�A�(SW, SP, SM, SC, GM and GC) 2 W 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 2 W 2 W � U - REF: 2001 WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL NEW BATH #3 LAUNDRY MASTER BATH W _ NUMBER OF Clay, sandy clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sandy silt 1,500b 2'V 2'V 2•V 2•V tULI ~ - JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL SPACING (Cl, ML, MH and CH) COMMON NAILS Iry 11"v Iry Iry 1P Iry IryI- U z TABLE 402.2 MINIMUM SPECIFIED WC L vsi K p W. we Lav LAV = Q ROOF FRAMING MINIMUM SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTHa(f c) 7- B pL U_-7w Weatheringpotential 1 ST. FL. r 2•w 2'w Q " z RAFTER TO TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) 2-8d PER RAFTER TYPE OR LOCATIONS OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION P �Iw 2 w 2 w 2 w 2 W �- -, CEILING JOIST TO TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED 2-8d PER JOIST Negligible Moderate Severe c,❑.I ' Ic,❑. � � � 4'S 4'S 4'S 4'S 4'S 2•W CEILING JOIST TO PARALLEL RAFTER (FACE NAILED) 3-16d EACH LAP Basement walls, foundations and other concrete not exposed to the weather 2,500 2,500 2,500c BATH #2 KITCHEN BATH #1 0 �- CEILING JOIST LAPS OVER PARTITION (FACE-NAILED) 3-16d EACH LAP C.O. C.O. Q z m Basement slabs and interior slabs on grade, except garage floor slabs 2,500 2,500 2,500c COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER (FACE-NAILED) 3-8d PER TIE 4•S m z � (n BLOCKING TO RAFTER TOE-NAILED 2-8D EACH END Basement walls, foundation walls, exterior walls and other vertical ALL PIPING IN CRAWL SPACE SHALL BE HUNG FROM CONNECT Q X concrete work exposed to the weather 2,500 3,000d 3,000d THE FLOOR JOISTS WITH STAINLESS STEEL HANGERS TO SEWER z U 0 RIM BOARD TO RAFTER (END-NAILED) 2-16D EACH END TYPICAL. _ m Porches, carport slabs and steps exposed to the weather, w O 2,500 3,000d,e,f 3,500d,e,f ALL PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHOD OF HOUSE TRAP O � WALL FRAMING and garage floor slabs REQUIREMENTS, NSINSTALLA11ONS TO BALLATION TOE PER BBE BY ING D CENSED PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM -' � D_TOP PLATE TO TOP PLATE (FACE-NAILED) 2-16D 1 PER FOOT For SI: 1 pound per square inch = 6.895 kPa. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. TOP PLATES AT INTERSECTIONS (FACE-NAILED) 4-16D JOINTS EACH SIDE a. Strength at 28 days psi. PLUMBING MUST BE INSTALLED ACCORDANCE TO N❑ SCALE b. See Table R301.2(1) for weathering potential. STUD TO STUD (FACE-NAILED CODE PROVISIONS USING CODE ACCEPTABLE 2-16D 24" O.C. c. Concrete in these locations that may be subject to freezing and thawing during construction shall be air-entrained concrete in MATERIALS. HEADER TO HEADER FACE-NAILED 16D 16" O.C. ALONG EDGES accordance with Footnote d. TOP OR BOTTOM PLATE TO STUD (END-NAILED) 2-16D PER 2"x4" STUD d. Concrete shall be air-entrained. Total air content (percent by volume of concrete) shall be not less than 5 percent or more 3-16D PER 2"x6" STUD than 7 percent. Ln e. See Section R402.2 for maximum cementitious materials content. m 4-16D PER 2"x8" STUD f. For garage floors with a steel troweled finish, reduction of the total air content (percent by volume of concrete) to not less 4> BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR JOIST, BANDJOIST, ENDJOIST 1,2 than 3 percent is permitted if the specified compressive strength of the concrete is increased to not less than 4,000 psi. p _ OR BLOCKING (FACE-NAILED) 11 2-16D PER FOOT Q TABLE 602A2 ( SSTD 10 - 99 ) Lu ° � FLOOR FRAMING DESIGN WIND LOAD FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS (psf) ' IN BUILDINGS U O JOIST TO SILL, TOP PLATE, OR GIRDER (TOE-NAILED) 4-8D PER JOIST WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT (MRH)' OF 30 FEET W/ BASIC WIND SPEED6 OF 110 mph W O BRIDGING TO JOIST (TOE-NAILED) 2-81D EACH ENDZONE 1 ALL ZONES INTERIOR ZONE EXTERIOR ZONE fi-I ! r; t C) w z BLOCKING TO JOIST (TOE-NAILED) 2-8D EACH END BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) 3-16D EACH BLOCK SIZE OF WINDOW 4 - I . A_� 4 - ° s` j� Y ZEA W Lu OR DOOR, A (SQ. FT.) POS (+) NEG (-) NEG ( ) r. :.�ce E�r:- .iSN �5 LEDGER STRIP TO BEAM (FACE-NAILED) 3-16D EACH JOIST 39 -39 - T L; I 'I ! - R/ Ln 0 < A < 25 45 � w.����� � ________ Ln JOIST ON LEDGER TO BEAM (TOE-NAILED 3-8D PER JOIST _ =O - PER JOIST - - I BAND JOIST TO JOIST (ENDNAILED 3 16D 25 S A < 50 37 38 42 U BAND JOIST TO SILL, OR TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) 2-16D 1 PER FOOT 50 < A < 100 35 -37 -40 FOR MORE INFORMATION - 1 pound = 4.45 N. U ROOF SHEATHING SEE TABLE 3.10 OF THE 100 S A < 200 34 -36 -38 WFCM 1995 HIGH WIND ED. a. Elevated garage floors shall be capable of supporting a 2,000-pound load 6 STRUCTURAL PANELS 8D 4„O.C.® PANEL EDGE O.C. ® GABLE RAKE O.H 200 �.A 32 -35 -36 applied over a 20-square-inch area. DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING 12"O.C. ® PANEL FEILD 1. THE "EDGES STRIP" (E) IS LOCATED IN THE CORNERS OF THE STRUCTURE AND EXTENDS HORIZONTALLY FROM THE 1 99X6" OR 1 "X8" 2-81) PER SUPPORT CORNERS IN EACH DIRECTION A DISTANCE EQUAL TO 10 PERCENT OF THE LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OF THE b. Applies to attic spaces meeting the requirements in Section RB02.4.1 for BUILDING BUT NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET. ALL AREAS NOT WITHIN THE "EDGE STRIP' ARE CONSDERED TO BE IN THE conventional ceiling joists and Section R802.10.7 for trusses. Attics without 1 "X10" OR WIDER 3-8D PER SUPPORT "INTERIOR ZONE" (W). storage are those where the maximum clear height between joist and rafter is 2. MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE VALUES MAY BE REDUCED BY 10 PERCENT WHEN THE ROOF SLOPE IS LESS THAN OR less than �2 inches, or where there are not two or more adjacent trusses with CEILING SHEATHING EQUAL TO 10 DEGREES (A < 10'). R301.7 Deflection. The allowable deflection of any structural member under the same Neb configuration capable of containing a rectangle 42 inches high by W 3. PLUS AND MINUS SIGNS SIGNIFY PRESSURES ACTING TOWARD AND AWAY FROM THE SURFACES, RESPECTIVELY. the live load listed in R301.4 and R301.5 shall not exceed the values in 2 feet wide, or greater, located within the plane of the truss. For attics without U GYPSUM WALL BOARD 5D COOLERS 7" EDGE / 10" FIELD 4. EACH COMPONENT SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PRESSURES. Table R301.7. TABLE 301 . 7 storage, this live load need not be assumed to act concurrently with any other z (t) 5. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDINANCE WITH FIGURES 102A, 102B AND 102C. live load requirements. W WALL SHEATHING 6. BASIC WIND SPEEDS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM FIGURE 104AC w J . ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS c. Individual stair treads shall be designed for the uniformly distributed live load n Q i STRUCTURAL PANELS 8D 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD ALLOWABLE or a 300-pound concentrated load acting over an area of 4 square inches v � Z Q STRUCTURAL MEMBER DEFLECTION whichever produces the greater stresses. FIBERBOARD PANELS TABLE 301 . 5 _z LU 7/16" 6D3 3" EDGE / 6" FIELD RAFTERS HAVING SLOPE GREATER THAN L/180 d. A single concentrated load applied in any direction at any point along the O 25/32" 8D3 3" EDGE 6" FIELD MINIMUM UNIFORMLEY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS 3/12 W/ NO FIN. CEILING ATTACHED TO RAFTERS top. I- o OU GYPSUM WALL BOARD 5D COOLERS 7" EDGE / 10" FIELD USE LIVE LOAD INTERIOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS H/180 HARDBOARD 8D PER SUPPORT e. See Section R502.2.1 for decks attached to exterior walls. O PARTICLE PANELS 8D PER SUPPORT ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE g'h 20 FLOORS AND PLASTERED CEILINGS L/360 f. Guard in-fill components (all those except the handrail), balusters and panel ~ DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING b ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS L/240 fillers shall be designed to withstand a horizontally applied normal load of 50 ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE 10 pounds on an area equal to 1 square foot. This load need not be assumed to 1 "X6" OR 1 "X8" 2-8D PER SUPPORT P q q EXTERIOR WALLS W/ PLASTER OR STUCCO act concurrently with any other live load requirement. 1 "X10" OR WIDER 3-8D PER SUPPORT DECKS e 40 FINISH H/360 g. Applies to attic spaces not meeting the requirements for storage per FLOOR SHEATHING EXTERIOR BALCONIES 60 EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOADS a WITH L/240 footnote b. See Section R802.4.2 for conventional ceiling joists and Section BRITTLE FINISHES R802.10.6 for trusses. For attics with limited storage and constructed with DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI STRUCTURAL PANELS FIRE ESCAPES 40 trusses, this live load need only be applied to those portions of the bottom CHECK: J. SBAGLIA 1 " OR LESS 8D 6" EDGE 12" FIELD d i EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOADS a WITH L/120 chord of not less than two adjacent trusses with the same web configuration SCALE: AS NOTED GREATER THAN 1 to 6" EDGE 6" FIELD GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS 200 FLEXIBLE FINISHES containing a rectangle 42 inches (1067 mm) high or greater by 2 feet (610 DATE: 4/8/2021 mm) wide or greater, located within the plane of the truss. The rectangle shall SE DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING i fit between the to of the bottom chord and the bottom of an other truss 1 "X6" OR 1 "X8" 2-8D PER SUPPORT GUARDRAILS INFILL COMPONENTS f 50 NOTE: L = span length, H = span height. P Y .��Rea �R member, provided that each of the following criteria is met: y�r 1 "X10" OR WIDER 3-8D PER SUPPORT PASSENGER VEHICLE GARAGES a 50 a a. The wind load shall be permitted to be taken as 0.7 times ° w �`,► the Component and Cladding loads for the purpose of 1. The attic area is accessible by a pull-down stairway or framed) opening in 1. NAILING REQUIREMENTS ARE BASED ON WALL SHEATHING NAILED 6 INCHES ON-CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. IF WALL SHEATHING IS NAILED 3 ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 the determining deflection limits herein. accordance with Section 807.1; and INCHES ON-CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE TO OBTAIN HIGHER SHEAR CAPACITIES, NAILING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL b. For cantilever members, L shall be taken as twice the length of the 2. The truss shall have a bottom chord itch less than 2: 12. cantilever. Yeas BE DOUBLED, OR ALTERNATE CONNECTORS, SUCH AS SHEAR PLATES, SHALL BE USED TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH. SLEEPING ROOMS 30 p 4 2. WHEN WALL SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER CONNECTED MEMBERS, THE TABULATED NUMBER OF NAILS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED of 4 h. Attic spaces served by a fixed stair shall be designed to support the To 1-16D NAIL PER FOOT. STAIRS 40 c c. For aluminum structural members or panels used in roofs or walls of minimum live load specified for sleeping rooms. SHEET NUMBER: 3. CORROSION RESISTANT 11 GAGE ROOFING NAILS AND 16 GAGE STAPLES ARE PERMITTED, CHECK IBC FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. sunroom additions or patio covers, not supporting edge of glass or sandwich For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kN/m2, panels, the total load deflection shall not exceed L/60. For sandwich panels i. Glazing used in handrail assemblies and guards shall be designed with a safety 1 square inch = 645 mm2, used in roofs or walls of sunroom addition or patio covers, the total load factor of 4. The safety factor shall be applied to each of the concentrated deflection shall not exceed L/120. loads applied to the top of the rail, and to the load on the in-fill components. T-2 These loads shall be determined independent of one another, and loads are assumed not to occur with any other live load. REV15IONS: NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS AS INDICATED HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WITHOUT DIRECT ACCESS TO STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS & ROUGH FRAMING. CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY ONCE ROUGH FRAMING 'AUG 18 2021 HAS BEEN EXPOSED SO THAT ACTUAL CONDITION'S MAY BE EVALUATED. FAILURE TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT 2 3 WITHIN 72 HOURS IN WRITING INDICATES THE CONTRACTOR HAS TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND IS LIBEL FOR - NEW WORK PERFORMED. ZONING BOARD OF RPPEALS A-5 A-6 A-6 (3)2"X4* T / ® CORNERYP. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO LIGHTING CIRCUIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CO NYS CODES -DETECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO U.L 2034 STANDARDS •°° SIMPSON HTT5 ° 12'-81" x. 19'-41' 38'-9" METAL HOLD SD SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SINGLE STATION DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL W-41 w L� AND NYS CODE. 10'-0" 9-4 r-------------------------- --------------------------------- 11J — EXHAUST FAN DUCTED TO EXTERIOR IN BATHROOMS (50 CFM MIN.) U I _ ---------------- I 4"X3" WD LU I F--------- I �-------------------------------� I SCREWS 14 SDS 1 AS PER � �— U z FIXTURE NOTE: SIMPS ALL MAKE, MODEL., AND COLORS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE AS PER OWNER. I I I I I I TE = � BOTTOM PLATE U LL U WINDOW NOTE: I I I I W NEW 10" CONC. FOUNDATION I I I I I 1. WINDOW DESIGNATIONS ARE ANDERSEN AND SHALL HAVE A MIN. DESIGN PRESSURE AS PER TABLE 602A2 WALL DOWN TO 12"X2'-0" I i I i I I i W Z FROM SSTD 10-99 (SHEET T-2). APPROVED EQUAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. ALL WINDOWS DESIGNATED AS CONC. FOOTING (MIN. 3'-0" I I I I SSTB20 ANCHOR BOLT — EGRESS WINDOWS SHALL COMPLY W/ RCNYS SECTION R310 - EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS. THE j BELOW GRADE) ANCHOR I I I I I TYP. AT HOEDOWN " Q ;,, BOLTs ® s—o O.C. I I EXISTING SLAB I I EXISTING CRAWL I I I __J ►- TW3046 MEETS EGRESS REQUIREMENTS. (ANDERSEN 400 SERIES) � I I ON GRAD I I SPACE 1 i F.J. SIZE AS PER PLAN Q 2. A DWELLING WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE COAST SHi�I.L ALSO CONFORM TO RCNYS SECTION R301.2.1.2 AND __________ _______________ I I I I I ' PROVIDE GLAZING PROTECTION FROM WIND-BORNI= DEBRIS Q$THE BUILDING SHALL BE DESIGNED AS A I I I I I I SILL PLATE PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. -------------- NEW 4 POURED CONCRETE 'RAT" € ('� z m �-- --------------- - SLAB (4,000PSI) WITH 6X6 - 10X10 I j I I I 1 Z � 3. WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE PUBLISHED 1 I I I I I (1) 4 -MIN.EBAR I r (n ---------------- W.W.F. ON POLYETHYLENE VAPOR I I I I I I IN SHEAR CONE-MIN. Q X I I BARRIER ON 4" CRUSHED STONE I I I I I 12" LENGTH U MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO ACHIEVE: THE DESIGN PRESSURE SPECIFIED AS PER SECTION R613.5.1 A-6 SIMPSON HOLD DOWN i I BASE ON CLEAN COMPACTED FILL z OF THE RCNYS. LOCATIONS (TYP.) i I------ ----- I o (95� DENSITY) I I I I I LU UNEXCAVATED I 1 I I I I I I 30" MIN. Lu 4. ALL WINDOW MULLIONS SHALL BE APPLIED UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. ALL MULLIONS OCCURRING I O BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION R613.6 OF THE ------ I- - - -—------------- ----- REBAR LENGTH � Q � RCNYS. ; ; I I I I ANCHOR BOLT ' 5. GLAZING IN DOORS AND ENCLOSURES FOR HO'i TUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATHTUBS AND oI I I r------------- --------------- -------------------7 I WITHIN 12 OF SHOWERS. GLAZING IN ANT PART OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM I i I . I I I SLAB ON GRADE I I I I CORNER EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THEN 60 INCITES MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE ANY STANDING OR d o i I I I I I I I 2 WALKING SURFACE SAHLL BE IMPACT GLASS AS PER R308.4.5 OF THE ACNYS. I I i I I I I -------------J I A-6 FOUNDATION WALL I I JOIST NOTE: c i i 1 1 I r---------------� N I ALL WALLS RUNNING PARALLEL TO FLOOR J01.►TS SHALL HAVE A DBL JOIST BENEATH TYP. rn i i i i i i i METAL HOLD—DOWN/ UPLIFT ANCHOR 0) i i I I I O Ln LOADS USED IN CALCULATIONS: 'r' ; ; I I I N ANCHORS SILL PLATE AND STUD TO CONCRETE SLAB SCALE:N.T.S. FIRST FLOOR X360) o LIVE LOAD=40 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 50 PSF .I I I SECOND FLOOR X360) ---------i--+ -----J --------------� I Q LIVE LOAD=30 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 40 PSF I I EXISTING COLUMNS T I 1 I I I I ATTIC STORAGE X360) I I--------------------------------� I REMAIN TYP° I I ° o W ry LIVE LOAD=20 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 30 PSF I I ROOF 240) I I WOOD POST ° 0 10 o U Q Q SNOW LIVE LOAD=45 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 F'SF TOTAL LOAD= 55 PSF I i I EXISTING (3)2x10 EXISTING (3)2x10 EXISTING (3)2x10 EXISTING (3)2x10 EXISTING (3)2x10 I USE SIMPSON ABA44 COL. ° ° °0 m ° o z O (REFER TO RCNYS TABLE R301.6 FOR OTHER ALLOWABLE DEFLECTIONS ON SHEET T-2) I I ---- -♦ — _ — —- -------------—- — — — a - - - - - - - -I BASE OR EQ. I Q > W — LLJ HEADER NOTE: I I I o I ( Z I I I XISTING TO ;;, I I FOOTING 4 ° , ' ' (� Z ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS ARE TO BE (2) 2X12 W/ 1/2" PLYWOOD SPACER AND ALL INTERIOR HEADERS I I REMAIN. TYP I — W ARE TO BE (2) 2X8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL HEADERS EXCEEDING 5'-0" SHALL HAVE A DBL JACK I fi FURN i I (SEE PLAN FOR SIZE) W/ n SHALL HAVE A DBL SILL PLATE TYP. ALL LVL I STUD WITH A SINGLE KING STUD AND ON EXTERIOR WALLS I Simpson St ^ rong-Tie L / Ln DESIGNATIONS ARE SIZED BASED ON THE GEORGIA PACIFIC TABLE FOR ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS- FLOOR I I I I EXISTING CELLAR I I ABA44 EPT44A CBQ44SDS2 100%- 2.0E G-P LAM LVL FOR MAX. LIVE LOAD WITH LIMITED DEFLECTION OF L/360. I I I I I O I H.W. 27'-4" 10'-10�" 9'-0�" I � COLUMN BASE U LUMBER NOTE: M I EXISTING N I I UNEXCAVATED i I i I 2 ALL JOIST AND RAFTER SIZING IS BASED ON DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH NO. 2 (OR BETTER) W/ AN Fb OF 900 AND C14I I I I 1 I COLUMN BASE: Attaches wood post to concrete embedment SCALE:N.T.S. AN E OF 1,600,000. (AS PER WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION SPAN TABLES) I I I I I to resist high uplift loads. U 'ACQ' DESIGNATION REFERS TO CURRENT ARSENIC-FREE TREATED WOOD STANDARDS AND SHALL TAKE THE I I I I " I I PLACE OF 'CCA' I I I I 15 REBAR 12 O.C. VERTICAL. o I I SUB-FLOOR EPDXIED INTO EXISTING I I ALL JOIST HANGERS & LAG-BOLTS USED WITH 'ACQ' PRODUCTS SHALL I I I FOUNDATION WALL TV. I I METAL BE DNC COATED TYP i L----------------------------------------� i i HANGER Q SIMPSON HOLD DOWN LOCATIONS I --------------- EXISTING ---------------7 I---------- ---- ------------------ I � JOIST !�-�lpr� �,pW t� ��+ � ;��r D_ 3/4 HR RATED WALL (UL DESIGN NO. 359) I I I I 1 I ,- r- 5/8' TYPE 'X' ON GARAGE SIDE OF I I I I UNEXCAVATED n .. LEDGER WALL 1/2' TYPE 'X' ON 'LIVING' SIDE I I ------ ----------------------- J BOLTED TO J i LU Q 1 --------------- I ------------------- I I I I BUILDING WALL CSA t_ l..I )`p U J PROPOSED WALL I �----------------- ----------------- I UNEXCAVATED I " z L>_ L- J 4 POURED CONCRETE SLAB WITH _ __ _ _ ___ = L------------------------------------ --------------------- -------------- -------- 6x6 10/10 W.W.M. OVER 6m1 VAPOR N W Z .. � BARRIER ON 6" CRUSHED STONE LU 0 PROPOSED FOUNDAT10N1 WALL __________ AND COMPACTED FILL (TYP) ------------------ ff--------------------- BUILDING WALL W Q I— z Q w � D � NEW DOORS / WINDOWS � L 22'-81" Ir 23'-7" 16'-01" LEDGER DETAIL 76-91' SCALE:N.T.S. � Q ® NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST O U-i WOOD A-5 STUDS ® 16' O.C. � O ® NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST ABOVE 1 ---------------- NEW BEAM (REFER TO PLANS) D_ STAIRWAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL FRAMED WALLS, FLOORS AND BASE PLATE 0 AS PER SECTION R311.5 OF THE ROOF / CEILINGS COMPRISING ELEMEN PROPOSED FOUNDATION PLAN n RES. CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. OF THE BUILDINGS THERMAL ENVELOPE, 1 A MOISTURE \VAPOR RETARDER SHALL SCALE: y/4" = 1'-0" yo _ 3/4" T&G THE MECHANICAL SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OF THE 12-24 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. INSULATION AS PER SECTION R318 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI THE PLUMBING SYSTEM SHALL L RIM JOIST OR AS BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS 25-32 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL ER PLANS CHECK: J. SBAGLIA HAVE A FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATION �r� SCALE: A5 NOTED OF NOT GREATER THAN 200 WITH A / '' THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND � WWALLALL STRAPS-SIMPSON WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SMOKE- DEVELOPED INDEX OFNOT �� COIL STRAP DATE: 4/8/2021 GREATER THAN 450 AS PER SECTION �' '• PER CHAPTERS 33-42 OF THE �� EVERY STUD SEA RES. CODE OF NYS. R R315AND INSULATION SHALL HAVE A ED A •. FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF NOT GREATER THAN 25 W/ A SMOKE- DEVELOPED >1 THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INDEX OF NOT GREATER THAN 450 AS FOR HOT HVAC PIPES SHALL BE AS PER SECTION R316 OF THE RES. CODE PER SECTION N1103.3 OF THE OF NYS. RES. CODE OF NYS. (2) 2'X6" 'ACQ' # THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INTERIOR WALL COVER14GS SHALL BE ! SILL PLATE 1 s FOR HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE AS INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R702.3 CONCRETE OR CMU FOUNDATION WALL � PER SECTION N1103.4 OF THE AND EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL . X10 RES. CODE OF NYS. BE INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R703.4 0r OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. 4 SILL PLATE ANCHORS SHEET NUMBER: ANCHORS SILL PLATE AND STUD TO CONCRETE SCALE:N.T.S. OR CMU FOUNDATION WALL. A- ] REV1510N5: NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS AS INDICATED HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WITHOUT DIRECT ACCESS TO STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS do ROUGH FRAMING. CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY ONCE ROUGH FRAMING 2 HAS BEEN EXPOSED SO THAT ACTUAL CONDITIONS MAY BE EVALUATED. FAILURE TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT 3 4 WITHIN 72 HOURS IN WRITING INDICATES THE CONTRACTOR HAS TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND IS LIBEL FOR A-5 A-6 A-6 NEW WORK PERFORMED. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO LIGHTING CIRCUIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CO NYS CODES -DETECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO U.L 2034 STANDARDS oo S 10'-0" I ZCrI VED 26'-81" 21'-5" OSD SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SINGLE STATION DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL 'AUG 18 2021 Ln AND NYS CODE. 4_2. 15'-11" 5'-6" -7 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TEMP. SS � TW3 r l� W — 0 EXHAUST FAN DUCTED TO EXTERIOR IN BATHROOMS (50 CFM MIN.) LLJU ---------- ------ 01 �-- z FIXTURE NOTE: i �=�U > ALL MAKE, MODEL, AND COLORS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE AS PER OWNER. WALK-IN COSET �. BATH #1 r W WINDOW NOTE: i CD I " Q O z 1. WINDOW DESIGNATIONS ARE ANDERSEN AND SHALL HAVE A MIN. DESIGN PRESSURE AS PER TABLE 602A2 FROM SSTD 10-99 (SHEET T-2). APPROVED EQUAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. ALL WINDOWS DESIGNATED AS 3'_3 " g'- " ` ~ —� EGRESS WINDOWS SHALL COMPLY W/ RCNYS SECTION R310 - EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS. THE DN EXISTING PORCH TW3046 MEETS EGRESS REQUIREMENTS. (ANDERSEN 400 SERIES) fid' rr nn TO RECEIVE NEW SCREENS, --.. +e'e WEWNG WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE COAST SHALL ALSO CONFORM TO RCNYS SECTION R301.2.1.2 AND FRAMES, CEILING do DOOR `ti 2. AD _ V\ PROVIDE GLAZING PROTECTION FROM WIND-BORNE DEBRIS M THE BUILDING SHALL BE DESIGNED ASALAM z PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE IN/ THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. 22x—8 m - - 2x8 z � 3. WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE PUBLISHED 1 z Q x MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO ACHIEVE: THE DESIGN PRESSURE SPECIFIED AS PER SECTION R613.5.1 A-6 i�rbc" 11 CD O OF THE RCNYS. � UWONS SHALL BE APPLIED UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. ALL MUWONS OCCURRING PA TRY i ----------(?)2x12 w>/3�' PST — — — . 4. ALL WINDOW M EXISTING _ 60 8 I BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION R613.6 OF THE (2)2b 12 OST DN 2 2x8' "�� POST D RCNYS. " D T � —I +6 ------ F- D. -6120v 61 zu d)2DV I E�- -- � � _ ' , (2) x12 � � BEDROOM 1 5. GLAZING IN DOORS AND ENCLOSURES FOR HOT TUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATHTUBS ANDo a i SHOWERS. GLAZING IN ANT PART OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM ADE ° I ->rEXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLADNG IS LESS THEN 60 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE ANY STANDING OR D. W. __ SINK 2 WALKING SURFACE SAHLL BE IMPACT GLASS AS IPER R308.4.5 OF THE RCNYS. N BAT{, 2 RANGE _ �'LA RY - - -- _� ---..p o � A–s JOIST NOTE �f --- -X RF EAT I rKITCiHEN ALL WALLS RUNNING PARALLEL TO FLOOR JOISTS SHALL HAVE A DBL. JOIST BENEATH TYP. "v� 00 ?� (2)2 8 e I N cv �, N i T�d +�0 '--------------------i /'� !/ CV ^ " 11 LOADS USED IN CALCULATIONS: `o I - QQ.� �__�Q}'' ; REMOVE WALL A SEMBLY, PATC , N m a -`--------- ---------� WALLS/ SUBFLO(R. ALIGN WALLS _ FIRST FLOOR (L/360) o o c�" LIVE LOAD=40 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 50 PSF `\ N ------`- _-- N AND �118FLOORING TYP /C2-)2 QSECOND FLOOR (L/360) LIVE LOAD=30 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 40 PSF (2)2x8ATTIC STORAGE (L/360) I w . �a' I - _-- _- _ ry az db LIVE LOAD=20 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 P'SF TOTAL LOAD= 30 PSF Ic'3 34'-11 8 W ROOF X240) N 6 - ------ _----------- Iv - MUD ROOM ___ 11'-10" U OO SNOW LIVE LOAD=45 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 F'SF TOTAL LOAD= 55 PSF d1- I i OST DN POST D ""' z (REFER TO RCNYS TABLE R301.6 FOR OTHER ALLOWABLE DEFLECTIONS ON SHEET T-2) ry -- -— -------- BR,G WALL (2)2X12 W/Y" PLT r -- ------------- — — Lu 0 (2)2X12 W/ " PLT — — (2)2X12 W/ ' PLT FLUSH ' ' / C) -, Lu 6Z HEADER NOTE: 7'-1 14'-10" - ��' Ny\ DN / OST DN OST DIN) z ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS ARE TO BE (2) 2X12 W/ 1/2" PLYWOOD SPACER AND ALL INTERIOR HEADERS 10'-6" 6'-0" 5-0" I \ / W W ARE TO BE (2) 2X8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL HEADERS EXCEEDING 5'-0' SHALL HAVE A DBL JACK STUD WITH A SINGLE KING STUD AND ON EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE A DBL SILL PLATE TYP. ALL LVL Q-- _ _ ---`` �'-�- _ _ -----' 2'-6 y` '' / c3Ln DESIGNATIONS ARE SIZED BASED ON THE GEORGIA PACIFIC TABLE FOR ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS- FLOOR -! " -- 4_� " Lo O 100%- 2.OE G-P LAM LVL FOR MAX. LIVE LOAD WITH LIMITED DEFLECTION OF L/360. -- - --`- 27-4 15 OFFICE 11 ci • U • o - LUMBER NOTE: M F GARAGE � '4 ALL JOIST AND RAFTER SIZING IS BASED ON DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH NOi. 2 (OR BETTER) W/ AN Fb OF 900 AND N S EX. CEILING TO REMAIN CD // N / AN E OF 1,600,000. (AS PER WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION SPAN TABLES) Z � N o \ - U 'ACQ' DESIGNATION REFERS TO CURRENT ARSENIC-FREE TREATED WOOD STANDARDS AND SHALL TAKE THE ------------------------------ N N S i� ----------------- -� J -� PLACE OF CCA 3 2x4 ----___ALL JOIST HANGERS do LAG-BOLTS USED WITH ACQ PRODUCTS SHAD- OBE ZINC COATED TYP 2 1 / 04I (2) 2 /3)2x4 SIMPSON HOLD DOWN LOCATIONS CLOSE (3)TW31046 CLOSE �,`,rO z ) I O� I Q 3/4 HR RATED WALL (UL DESIGN NO. 359) EW FOOTING 2'x4'x1' DEEP (3)2x4 — °}1_�_—+fie. 3 2x4 2 12 5/8 TYPE X ON GARAGE SIDE OF _ —, WALL 1/2' TYPE 'X' 014 'LIVING' SIDE I / / � � � Q -`---- -- ----�-`_`.-_� (2)2x12�I►//Y" PLT (3) ......_.._ ._ . � fi'` --� ' N 'a (3)2x4 3)2x4 U OL PROPOSED WALL 8x8 OH DOOR r _ I 8x8 OH DOOR — — --— — (2)2x8 - - — — (2)2x8 — — — N I I O • —i------�- -4------- ------ - - — M FIN L,. . x ,4 w O _— __ _---- (2)11 #8 LVL L--_--� (2)11 7r8 LVL RAIUNG AS ----- 2 2x8_—_—_ --------- PER CODE TYP. ° = ��"j r :- W LL_ '� '.?;; •'•;:":.''%' PROPOSED FOUNDATION WALL LD BY ZB ------------------ Z M. S i O N # w z ~ Lu 11'-7 " 11'-1 " j �' p 1= 1� TW2r 8210 NEW DOORS / WINDOWS te 1 ry -� � a0�1 � z u- 5'-11 " 10'-9 " 5-11 " 7'- ol 11 " 3'-3 " 11 3'-3 " 9o_1" • 4-0 lo,-91" 3'-3j' 3'-31 3'-1" 1 _. - a- O q �— p W 22'-81" 23'-7" 24'-6" n III NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST 70'-91" O O In NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST ABOVE Q ---------------- NEW BEAM !L 1 STAIRWAYS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL FRAMED WALLS, FLOORS AND A-5 AS PER SECTION R311.5 OF THE ROOF / CEILINGS COMPRISING ELEMENTEPROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLA N RES. CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. OF THE BUILDINGS THERMAL ENVELOPE, i ti A MOISTURE \VAPOR RETARDER SHALL THE MECHANICAL SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OF THE 12-24 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. INSULATION AS PER SECTION R318 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI THE PLUMBING SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS NECK: J. SBAGLIA 25-32 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATION SCALE: A5 NOTED THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND OF NOT GREATER THAN 200 WITH A DATE: 4/8/202 I WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SMOKE- DEVELOPED INDEX OFNOT PER CHAPTERS 33-42 OF THE GREATER THAN 450 AS PER SECTION 5EA RES. CODE OF NYS. R315AND INSULATION SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF NOT GREATER Yy'� THAN 25 W/ A SMOKE- DEVELOPED THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INDEX OF NOT GREATER THAN 450 AS FOR HOT HVAC PIPES SHALL BE AS PER SECTION R316 OF THE RES. CODE PER SECTION N1103.3 OF THE OF NYS. RES. CODE OF NYS. THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INTERIOR WALL COVER'NGS SHALL BE FOR HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE AS INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R702.3Qy�46 PER HOT WN N1103.4 OF THE AND EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL �rE RES. CODE OF NYS. BE INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R703.4 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. EE T NUMBER: REVISIONS: NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS AS INDICATED HAVE BEEN ESTABUSHED WITHOUT DIRECT ACCESS TO STRUCTURAL 1 : ZDA MOMENTS - 8/13/21 COMPONENTS do ROUGH FRAMING. CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY ONCE ROUGH FRAMING HAS BEEN EXPOSED SO THAT ACTUAL CONDITIONS MAY BE EVALUATED. FAILURE TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT WITHIN 72 HOURS IN WRITING INDICATES THE CONTRACTOR HAS TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND IS LIBEL FOR NEW WORK PERFORMED. 2 3 4 A-5 A-6 A-6 CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO LIGHTING CIRCUIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CO NYS CODES -DETECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO U.L. 2034 STANDARDS 8 �,_7 " 27'-3" 21'-5" SD SMOKE OANDNYS COD ORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SINGLE STATION DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL 4'-5i" 3'-1 6'-6 »ILI13'-1" 7'-11" 6'-5" 3'-11' 3'-11' LO EXHAUST FAN DUCTED TO EXTERIOR IN BATHROOMS (50 CFM MIN.) �- AUG 18 2021 i LU = >-- FIXTURE NOTE: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS E Q60 RUBBER MEMBRANE _ R Z ALL MAKE, MODEL, AND COLORS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE AS PER OWNER. /� ROOFING ON FLAT ROOF ` U � . 0 2x4 SLEEPERS W/ TREX LL (� i W OR EQUIV. DECKINGcz 0 W WINDOW NOTE: g MALL HAVE A MIN. DESIGN PRESSURE AS PER TABLE 602A2 I c MATERIAL Q Z 1. WINDOW DESIGNATIONS ARE ANDERSEN AND SI E SUBSTITUTED. ALL WINDOWS DESIGNATED AS I � � FROM SSTD 10-99 (SHEET T-2). APPROVED EQUAL MAY B EGRESS WINDOWS SHAD- COMPLY W/ RCNYS SECTION R310 - EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS. THE SLOPE SLOEON FCON� TW3046 MEETS EGRESS REQUIREMENTS. (ANDERSEN 400 SERIES) i ! QD ct� d- 2. A DWELLING WITHIN 1 MILE F THE COAST SHALL ALSO CONFORM TO RCNYS SECTION R301.2.1.2 AND PROVIDE GLAZING PROTECTION FROM WIND-BORNE DEBRIS Q$THE BUILDING SHALL BE DESIGNED ASA W THE BUILDING CODE F NEW YORK STATE PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE / I }C" SHOWER GLASS W/ r Z 3. WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHAUL BE ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE PUBLISHED I RUBBER MEMBRANE FROM v 1 Q 0 MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN PRESSURE SPECIFIED AS PER SECTION R613.5.1 A-6 WALL TO WALL BEHIND (� ,--- z m f OF THE RCNYS. I MP. FWH 068 (2)TW3046 = LU 4. ALL WINDOW MULLIONS SHALL BE APPLIED UIJLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. ALL MULLIONS OCCURRING '� �� INDIVIDUAL WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION R613.6 OF THE (2)TW3046 I TW3 2 (2) 10 (2)2x10 --x� O < O BETWEEN N RCNYS. I I (2)2 IL 5. GLAZING IN DOORS AND ENCLOSURES FOR HOT TUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATHTUBS AND I _ ---.-------______. _________________ M SHOWERS. GLAZING IN ANT PART OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM I I'- - - a- a- a_-- C EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THEN 60 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE ANY STANDING OR I 12X10 R.R. " " ; ' " N 2 WALKING SURFACE SAHLL BE IMPACT GLASS AS PER R308.4.5 OF THE RCNYS. I I c 11 -2 91-6" 8'-0" d 17'-11 f � , A-6 I SLOPE s N JOIST NOTE: I I �- ---JWALK—IN COSET CABLE ALL WALLS RUNNING PARALLEL TO FLOOR JOISTS SHALL HAVE A DBL JOIST BENEATH TYP. 2X10IR R , c STUDY00 °° N f �, ° MASTER 0 /� I o 0 Ln SLOPE' �' _ N( i,�O �� N u, LOADS USED IN CALCULATIONS: ' o BAS �° �'s� M ASTER m `-- \ FIRST FLOOR (L/360) \ I : e ------------------------ ' �� BEDROOM G C — LIVE LOAD=40 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 50 PSF \ SECOND FLOOR (L/360) - - --- RI - N �..- -..- - - - PICKET 31 SLOPE LIVE LOAD=30 PSF /Elo ME DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 40 PSF \ ; I - ATTIC STORAGE (L/360) -.. t� \ r ---� ------���20'xW ACCESS O j 2ND FLOOR LIVE LOAD=20 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 30 PSF I �--- ---- ---- - _ ___-_- HVAC IN ATTIC i - OVIDE IIF ` o z ------1-___-----0---------�-- -r DOUBLE FRAMING ol c^.� U ROOF (L/240) ....... .:. -I... ....: .... . ? \ l.:�: - i O �-----_� AROUND OPENING I �6 >— SNOW UVE LOAD=45 PSF DEAD LOAD=10 PSF TOTAL LOAD= 55 PSF M I _ I PROVIDE ICE SHIELD..._ 28 X 6° PKT DR `ti ao W O (REFER TO RCNYS TABLE R301.6 FOR OTHER ALLOWABLE DEFLECTIONS ON SHEET T-2) 1 I AS PER R905.2.7.1 .. _. \ /�`._. f r I I o \ �0 , . s a o0 _- so j ............ On i 0 � M HEADER NOTE. M � ..-_ I __.. __ _._ _ o __.___ ASHING TYP a �� D 1 R _ -� Fi. _ _Z ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS ARE TO BE (2) 2X12 W/ 1/2' PLYWOOD SPACER AND ALL INTERIOR HEADERS BATH 3 _ p LL_1 (L W ARE TO BE (2) 2X8 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL HEADERS EXCEEDING 5!-Om SHALL HAVE A DBL. JACK 04 " D STUD WITH A SINGLE KING STUD AND ON EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL HAVE A DBL. SILL PLATE TYP. ALL LVL I 1 'r5 ` '�"� DESIGNATIONS ARE SIZED BASED ON THE GEORGIA PACIFIC TABLE FOR ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS- FLOOR fLn QD is 3 "o • 100X- 2.0E G-P LAM LVL FOR MAX. UVE LOAD WITH LIMITED DEFLECTION F L/360. co 0 I a N EXERCISE ROOM I ... _ ��'�� `i CATHEDRAL CE)LIN CONT. RIDGE VENT..... to LUMBER NOTE: _ �- ALL JOIST AND RAFTER SIZING IS BASED ON DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH NO. 2 (OR BETTER) W/ AN Fb OF 900 AND x 14 LVL RIDGE `� AN E OF 1,600,000. (AS PER WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION SPAN TABLES) I ....... � - c PENT TO o LK—IN SET 'ACQ' DESIGNATION REFERS TO CURRENT ARSENIC-FREE TREATED WOOD STANDARDS AND SHALL TAKE THE C..: ------- ----- \ `�' 2X10 C.J. 016' O.C. I PLACE OF 'CCA' ---'� 4, Q_-' - I 6'-, " - 14'-9" 11'-10" ALL JOIST HANGERS do LAG-BOLTS USED WITH 'ACQ' PRODUCTS SHALL o _ -- co 1 BE ZINC COATED TYP _.. .: :o i ?��'° I (3)2x O12 3 - ( �-'-- SIMPSON HOLD DOWN LOCATIONS '.r _ O ~ z Q .. ....� .. - - ._ - - iI Nom' -J I I I i 3)TW ,I ell (2)2�12 1L i I I I . 6 . 5/8'3/4 HTYPE RATED ON GARAGE SIDE OF 359) � ! I ''. ,, � I , I { — — — co (2) 12 - - --- � ! ^/ - - -_. .. .._._-. I / WALL 1/2 TYPE X ON UVING SIDE --- - --------------- - - J 2x4 4 _. . ..... ! (3 46 � i 3 2 W O � li U - j PROPOSED WALL k . I, I ! I 2x 2x4 i I : STAN NG LLJ o 4 i �� I � �', L---------------------------------- ! I I I I :. I , ! I I ` � . a LLJ M 7A R TYpa E b ------------------ C) •?;1�.,,� :, PROPOSED FOUNDATICIN WALL ! " -_-- ------------------ 4r 11J z w � � O Tw2s210 z U NEW DOORS / WINDOWS � Lu 81_6» 3'-3j" 3'-3 " 5'-10" 2'-9" 3'-3 " 3_3 » 2'-10" 5'-11" 3'-3 " 3'-3 " 3�_1» 12'-1 " O � � 20'-11" 15'-7" (s) W ® NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST �4r_7 » O V J ® NEW STRUCTURAL WOOD POST ABOVE 'tC) Lf JN > O /� ---------------- NEW BEAM NAL MAP .1 ~ O STAIRWAYS SHALL BE S AND VIEiNED BY Z � AS PER SECTION R311.5 OF THE ROOF / COUIN ALL NGS COMPRISING ELEMENTSA_5 DECiS!ON #�-�. PROR PLANRES. CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. OF THE BUILDINGS THERMAL ENVELOPE, rEE ���'D�,� T A MOISTURE \VAPOR RETARDER SHALL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0° THE MECHANICAL SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE 3 f BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS WARM-IN-WINTER SIDE OF THE 12-24 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. INSULATION AS PER SECTION R318 OF THE RES. CODE OF DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI THE PLUMBING SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER CHAPTERS CHECK: J. SBAG LI A 25-32 OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATION SCALE: AS NOTED THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND OF NOT GREATER THAN 200 WITH A WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SMOKE- DEVELOPED INDEX OFNOT DATE: 41812021 PER CHAPTERS 33-42 OF THE GREATER THAN 450 AS PER SECTION R315AND INSULATION SHALL HAVE A RES. CODE OF NYS. EA '4110 A FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF NOT GREATER 't� �C t THAN 25 W/ A SMOKE- DEVELOPED fr ► �ci THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INDEX OF NOT GREATER THAN 450 AS FOR HOT HVAC PIPES SHALL BE AS PER SECTION R316 OF THE RES. CODE mow. PER SECTION N1103.3 OF THE OF NYS. RES. CODE OF NYS. THE MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS INTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE FOR HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE AS INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R702.3 PER SECTION N1103.4 OF THE AND EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL RES. CODE OF NYS. BE INSTALLED AS PER SECTION R703.4 OF ME+N OF THE RES. CODE OF NYS. SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS: NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS AS INDICATED HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WITHOUT DIRECT ACCESS TO STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS do ROUGH FRAMING. CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY ONCE ROUGH FRAMING HAS BEEN EXPOSED SO THAT ACTUAL CONDITIONS MAY BE EVALUATED. FAILURE TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT WITHIN 72 HOURS IN WRITING INDICATES THE CONTRACTOR HAS TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND IS LIBEL FOR ^��� 11 NEW WORK PERFORMED. ' l E°.ECE�;��:� CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO LIGHTING CIRCUIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2 3 SNYS CODES -DETECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO U.L 2034 STANDARDS 'AUG 18 2021 A-5 A-6 4 A-6 ZONING BOARD OF APPfA(. SD SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED SINGLE STATION DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL In AND NYS CODE. '-4" 25'-11" '-4" 21'-5" '-4" �- I'-- 'k— '—1 U - 11 I (a l : : . : : . :EXHAUST FAN DUCTED TO EXTERIOR IN BATHROOMS (50 CFM MIN.) r Y - I - -u - -- - - - ---- - _ v V - : . I LLJ = �- I I �— Z FIXTURE NOTE: ALL MAKE, MODEL, AND COLORS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE AS PER OWNER. I . U Q � 0 Lu WINDOW NOTE: Q lu Z 1. WINDOW DESIGNATIONS ARE ANDERSEN AND SHALL HAVE A MIN. DESIGN PRESSURE AS PER TABLE 602A2 I FROM SSTD 10-99 SHEET T-2). APPROVED EQUAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. ALL WINDOWS DESIGNATED AS ~ NYS SECTION 8310 - EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS THE _ - EGRESS WINDOWS SHALL COMPLY W/ RC -� F-- TW3046 MEETS EGRESS REQUIREMENTS. (ANDERSEN 400 SERIES) PROVIDE 3 1/2"x5" CONT. GUTTERS TYP. I : �' 2. A DWELLING WITHIN 1 MILE OF THE COAST SHALL ALSO CONFORM TO RCNYS SECTION R301.2.1.2 AND 1 THROUGHOUT; CONTRACTOR TO EVALUATE SITE �- DEBRIS THE BUILDING SHALL BE DESIGNED AS A-6 CONDITIONS AND PROVIDE APPROVED 'LEAF Z (� PROVIDE GLAZING PROTECTION FROM WIND-BORNE D 4@ GUARD' SYSTEM AS REQUIRED TO KEEP GUTTERS ! PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. AND LEADERS FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL DEBRIS :I : : : : :: � . I :: l �: . . : ,� .:1 : . . : i - I :. (nZ 3. WINDOW AND GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE PUBLISHED : i : : . : TO PREVENT CLOGS. (TYP.) 1 v 0 MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO ACHIEVI_. THE DESIGN PRESSURE SPECIFIED AS PER SECTION R613.5.1 Z OF THE RCNYS. i III ........ ! 1 _ ..... - -- - rl F- - �! O 4. ALL WINDOW MULLIONS SHALL BE APPLIED UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. ALL MUW�IS OCCURRING - - _ _.__ --:-- ---- i O D GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION R613.6 OF THE - ---------- Q ft- BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL WINDOW AN I 2X 0 R.R. �' X10 12.8. ! /' _ I - - --------- - - --- ' 1 :m / -.-. RCNYS. i I - - _ . - - / 1 -- - --. . .. - ------ ---- - __._ .. .. - - - I E - -.... - E 1 �-� -- �— i - - -... ---- - - --- - - SLP _ 1 ..:.._... SURES FOR HOT TUBS WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATHTUBS AND - - - - - - ------------- -- . i N DOORS AND ENCLO -- I-=--- _ -- ._ ._ .. _ : i - =_ 5. GLAZING I --�--- _-. --.- . ..W -_--- LOEii a I / - _ - t 2 SHOWERS. GLAZING IN ANT PART OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM -- .-- - N , 1 Ii 1 EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THEN 60 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY ABOVE ANY STANDING OR - --I - _ ._ .: S S PER 8308.4.5 OF THE RCNYS. ...... - SAHLL BE IMPACT GLASS A I - 1 ---:PROVIDE_ICE.SHIELD : :::. ::.: .... ::: \ j ;// - - -- - _ ___._ _ --.. __ . .. I; -- . - -- -- -------- ------ 1-. A 6 WALKING SURFACE _=_ REVISIONS: /A� 'AUG 18 2021 ZONING BOARD OF A.PI'EALS WOOD HEADER TYP. AS PER PLANS MTS24C RAPIER TE BY OR EQ. Ln TOP OF RIDGE TYP.�AT�WIN.HDR. --------•------- _ -. ... .---_----•.- -_. - -.. _-.--_-/ -._.---....- ._._-.___ -.•____--. -- - ..- _ --... --...- ... .... ..... - __-_-_.. - .....,_. -.- -.-- ROOF RAFTERS . -.--.__.-.-.--.- AS PER PLAN �OARO -BATTEN - : -, - -- -- -- -- - -- - .. 1-- z - .. - n - - -- : - �IEW ASPHAt�-R©0� - �- - -- U I -i - :_..::VINYL S�DTNG_�Y--� .._ - -- T�� - --- - LASHING=�C- -. - . - DBL TOP PLATE TYP. - -> --- .... YP• -� ERTAINTEED JR -TI- -. SHINGLES-STYLE...&`COLOR__ - - W �" . -APPROV/ED IEOUA r1. . _ - - -- - - - - -- - _ E - ' .. ... ... - ANDING� AKit ! _ 1 � �� - METAL--ROOF, TXP T :�-.-12 SIMPSON H15 RAFTER = tL Z - t2 _- -. - _-_i 12 _. - TIE TrP -- -- r - - 1 ii - LL_ U -.__:. ` \ , —:- I 1 ! - �_—- - t 1/4•X24 20 GAGE W NEW GUTTER _ _ - _` -T _ i _ > - HEN)ER sTRAPs TYP. Q Z AND LEADER - -' r _ ' _ _ - _ _ FlR EXT. LLJ -_-. �. -•-- --'--'-- -- --'- - - -.� - .r .--._-.�- --'- '� - - - LI - - - - - - -'-- - WINDOW AT � - - .� -�. TYP. -i- - ! - OPENING PLYWIJ10•W(ER/TYP �_ I- -- - --'-- -- -- -- - -- -- -- __ - -=-!--,-- - - - --'-- --'-- --'--'--'-- --'-- -- -- ----. SPA -_.__._ -- WALL FRAME OR AS PER PLANS - -- --'---'-- AZEK TRIM AT 16.D.C.(REFER To PLANS) MTS24C RAFTER TE -i �-- TYP. SIMPSON RSP4 TYP. BY SIMPSON OR EQ. 0 . AT EACH JACK STUD TYP. AT WIN.HDR. --.. _-- NOTE RE11]L OVERALL - - PLR PLANS SPECIFIC z I- [A I - .. . - - ' • HOEDOWN LOCATIONS ROOF _ Cl RAFTERS AS PER PLANS -_.... - -- . jf��p Q x r - ! > - T _._ Z. - \_ - --- _ __. .. -- - 77� - ---'- _ _ NEW ASPHALT ROOF - Li] UE E o z„ 3 SIMPSON H7 RAFTER z U (7] -_ - _: OLOf� .- . L I A-$ WINDOW TIE TYP. _ ._: , - / - - - '', OPENING W _ :---- -.: L�TE���ER.. - , - -... ---_ �° - _ -.. ._i iH'E SIRS iAY�P ---. . ... .... -- O ' �� ; AT 2ND PLR. EXT. O -- _. -.i --- RIM JOIST OR WALLS MIN.12'BEARING Q LL ,.. - i _ _ _. , 2NQ T L �- - - i .' - +- - - T. -- - - - -'- �' AS PER PUNS - _�- ---.�.- .---_:- - - - = -�T - ON STUD FACE(TYP. -- - - - - ....- , - - --_ 7111 -- i I , �i T --- - ----- L- - - - - -- - ---- -- - .. - � I �... - 1 � I ( II I - --_-1 --- _ - .. .. -- --'-- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --'-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --'-- --'- --'--. —- -- -- -- WALL FRAME I AT is a ( TO PLANS) 1 : -; - -- ._ I i-j... ' : I I '--_ 5 t 1/4'X24.20 GAGE I JID ,.. ® � ® 1 i 1 TYP AT EACH STUSIMPSON MST48 D Z+ JACK STUD STRAPS TYP. . El ., a AT 2 SIDES OF OPENING : : : : i 1 , 1 , I 1 1 I 1 1 !. D 1_ 1.... I l : : -p_: : . : i . I �..............�L.... I ,I ,.I, , I V i J- 1 l.. �i �\ 1 L:j WALL FRAME RIM JOIST a I I i ..�_. o o 1 I oo AT 16'O.C.(REFER TO PLANS) Ln NEW GARAGE DOOR NEW GARAGE DOOR I ,ft ll� � � 11 I 1 I i I ..,I- J l SELECTED BY OWNER. SELECTED BY OWNER. -UUL D\o /0 r,� f F 1 1/4.X24.20 GAGE `, J HEADEIR STRAPS TYP. AT EAQ21 STUD �„1IA E, Ll 1 ' 1 -- CERTAINTEEDNOR L.AP I ROY I WALL FRAME - P VED j _I iml_ 1ST F.F. N ., - D = :1 I--, AT 16 D.C. TO ) -. BE -� ' cAL I . : . .l i I. , _I I. J C REFER PLANS Q 1 ' 1 i , 1 I. SIMPSON RSP4 BOTTONA PLATE 1 , 1' ' O Ll I F / I _:TI I EACH STUD W LL G -i I . . U oQ RAILING AS RIM JOIST `-ACQ SILL PLATE t t ' Q PER CODE TYP. ACQ SILL PUTS LLJ Em LU �n � STRAPPING DETAIL HEADER STRAPPING DETAIL n W LL3 . SCALE: N.T.S. z LLI = t ROOUTH ELEVATION W °- D 1 ALE: 1/_ = SPLICE LENGTH L� Q _ SPUCE DIRECTLY OVER STUD TYP. D 1T000HOUTI I U D11 IIBL TOP PLATE TYP. THROUGHOUT WALL FRAME AT 16'O.C. ULK M S FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZA TOP OF RIDGE (n ED ECi Si0 - - - 1V -: . > ...... z __ - - - - SATE ' --- r I - : Z ..T .- -- - I.--- - - - - - -- - _ - - -- - _ --- - - .---' - I n _- - . ... ... - -i _ - -- ... Z- /�.� _ - - -. - - i r- i T - -- - - --- _ - --- -- - -- - - - T --- _ _ - -- -- -- - ... 12 -- ..`SH EW ASP & COLOR - Z- -- '� --- -- - __ - - -- -- -- - - i % 4 ! i - �- :::: T .. :- _ _. _ °:�SELE BY-�WNER. '::� - " -'-T -T - As PER wFCM tss5 EDITION FOR ONE � W _ - -�� -- - ' -: T TED .- i __.. .-r --T-,- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS TABLE 3.20 W Q -1 �__ - � _ _ ._..-_ _.. -- - -- z LU , ' LASHIN I ._ T - Lu / > -- --- - - ----.-'-- - -- - - MIN. SPLICE LENGTH Fi. Z C� ' BA N - BUILDING DIM. FT t NEW GUTTER (DING D Y CER IINTEEDI S A g p OFA I , - r -� -_ __ -- -_ - ' _ - -- --'--'-- - ATTIC 1 LL! AND LEADER =-- - _ -- _-'__ - - -- --. - - •--•--'- --'- '-- --•--'--•--'--'--'--•— j,- i� � _ ,-L. T - r�P, - 12 TYP. � 1 I - _. - -__ - -- --'--'-- -- - --'--'-- O I PPR -'--'--. .--'-- 2 -. 18 1 + O ; I 20 I I 24 � I 11 1 I , „ I : i 2 i ! . I (� AZEK TRIM I I 2322 3 Q ------- - - -.._. I -- 36 3 TYP. ! I . _. -.... - - .._. -. _ CL - - -... - - 4 1 I - -- -- - --- - - - I , ! - I--- - � _. ,. r ::. c 50 I - --- -- ---- -- -- 1 I : i I 1 ....... - - - ..- ' - I 60 ' 5 co i I - - ... ,___... N� ' II I - ' ' : 1 1 1 ! ' ' : I ' ' - I �II 11 ii SHINGIES?YLE &COLOR _ T:. I.TABLULATfD SPLK LENGHTS ASSUME TOP PUIE-TO-PLATE CONNECTION . \ � I RAILING AS -� -_- - ----- ..- - - - - _' - --- - ! : r __. T r- (Y:.. _. r- �I USING 2-16d NILS PER Fi. FOR SHORTER SPLICE LENGTHS, THE NAIL SPACING SELECTED BY OWNER. - PER CODE TYP. - i ✓ > - - --- _ ---- _ - SHALL BE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE AN EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF NNIS - ! I : �` I - '� -� � r -- N 2 TABUILAIDSPLICE LENGHTS ASSUME A BUILDING LOCATED IN EXPOSER B OR C , I � I : i i. : i � : � � � I - <<l�--6=-:-- --: : -- - , _-- --- 3 TABLWITED SPLICE LENGHTS ARE BASED ON 8 FT WALL HIS FOR OTHER WALL I � :�j 1! T -_ 11 1 : �; ( ! - ----- _ . --' - / ; V:'LE : I us I I - - BY / HTS H THE TABlM1tD UNIT LITERAL LOADS SHALL BE MULTIPLIED H 8 4 TOP PLATS SHALL BE A MINIMUN OF STUD GRADE MATERIAL -- --'-- - - --'- -- -- - .--.--.--.--.--,--.--.-- DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI T-. - - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- --'-- --.--,--.--.-- __ _ _ L ATE SPLICING .DE.TAI.L TT _ I , SCALE: N.T.S. I -_ �_ �, _ . D 5 . T STRAP DATE: 4/8/202 i _'� T T T - o PING and ANCHORING SCHEDULE SEA 'ii II y - REPL E ALLLil I ' _ _ _ SCREENS ND FRAMES o o - . _ _. _ __ AREA HOLDDOWN USED / LENGTH NUMBER OF CAPACITY OF NOTES 1 -' liElli : � I I ; � i � � ISTT __s _ __T _--T a �� RIDGE SIMPSON CS-20/24 MIN.LENGTH 3-tOd 10051/CONNECTION RIDGE STRAPS ARE NOT REQ'D WHEN 2'X4' , �� \\ _ . - _ .. COLLAR TIE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE UPPER 1/3 , SHAKE7INYL-SIDIN T_ ERTAIN TE OF THE ATTIC SPACE AND ATTACHED TO EACH - / -•� CYC ST6ING �'*-� !—�! 1 _FfAKE-V, _- �� �� OF OPPOSING RAFTERS AS PER f - I-T ROVE TAl SPP ED DR wFGM 1995 BECTON 325.1 `I SER NTEED-�R APPROVEDLLL �K ._.� ' T T_ - �T�- - ... ... -. . DORMER RIDGE SIMPSON CS-20/24 MIN LENGTH 2 10d 1005//CONNECTION SEE NOTE ABOVE I EAVE SIMPSOM H-7 ANCHOR 4-sd TOR NECTION PER RAFTER �,a� tel/ mi,14� GRADE 8-8d d Two SPLATESTUD M. +��,N- I., DORMER EAVE SIMPSON H-7 ANCHOR 4-8d TO RAFTER 6�/CONNECTION PER RAFTER 6-8d TO STUD 2-8d TO PLATES CEILING TO WALL SIMPSON CS-20/36•MIN.LENGTH 26-M 1005//CONNECTION PER STUD SHEET NUMBER: FLOOR TO FLOOR SIMPSON CS-20/36•MIN.LENGTH 26-sd 1005//CONNECTION PER STUD POSED NORTH ELEVATION FLOOR TO FOUNDATION SIMPHOLD ON STHDIHO 4160//CONNECTION FROM FOUNDATION CORNERS- fl:l / I HOLDDOWN ANCHOR 36-16d SINKER FROM PDN. WALL TO WOOD (D±SC�l CORNER POST : 1/4" = 1'-0" FOUNDATION TO SILL SIMSPON SSM-16 PLACED 4�-0• t2o;/FT TAEtLE 16•MIN.LENGTH O.C. 3-2 WFCM A- 5 NJOT, ALL STRAPING INDICATED MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIRMENTS IN THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 1995 EDITION TARE 3.6 FOR RIDGE CONNECTIONS, TABLIE 22 FOR EAVE CONNECTIONS,AND TABLE 12 FOR FOUNDATION CONNECTIONS REVISIONS: 'AUG 18 2021 NEW ASPHALT ROOF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - TOP OF RIDGE SHINGLES STYLE & COLO_R ----•-- --'-----•-----------------------'--'- --------•- aEALS SFLEC7E6-E�Y�WNER: - A--•--•--•--•-- - -- --'- -'--'--'----TOP FRIDGE NEW ASPHALT ROOF - -- _-� .. - :....... .. _ _ _. ... - 1 - - "J COLOR - - SHINGLES STYLE Sc - - WNER. - - -. - - SELECTED BY 0 - r - - — - - _. , r Ln -- _ r -- ��, - .. -- -- - <9 ,_ r -� NEW GUTTER _ �-.. - _ -- , _..__ --- . ... NEW AND LEADER - - - - I T �— — - - - - - S I--- l� - -�- — - -- _ TYP. LL -- NEW GUTTER - --- ' - - _ U — _. _ — SELECTED BY OWNER. — NEIN GUTTERj --- - ` ATTIC _ h _ �Y' =-_-- - .- --'--•--'--'— AND LEADER EADER - - - -- - - - 1AA ANID L .I — i .TTYP. - ----- --'- -- - -- TYP 1 I I — i Z AZEK TRIM Q AZEK TRIM '' -- --T- i lL U 7 SHAKE ;VINYL SIDING BY _ - !- TYP. TYP. RAILING AS I� LLJ �EI�TAINTEED OOO o PER CODTYP. Q Z QUAL ''s I ! E ' oo o LU J - - ------ I ' ILj _ —, ! — i I j O 4TYT_L� NEW.ASPHALT ROOF - - - I r r N -. _._. _....... _..- I I- ----- GLEE STYCE- - -- . --__�Nl ........_- --'- - - I I. I I - --- T _ : I N ' V J -- \- F _ _ m I -- - - 2ND_. -- --•--'-- _ .----- — r t- _ z-_- -_ T �fXKE-TJI IQ�'L--SCD(NG--;BY _ -- -- L - 7 .... - - - SIDING BY'� .-T _...-.. -, —/74 RTA_._.._. _ . _ TAINTEED-0� -APPROVED. - - BERTH I' 0 T— -- - ----- r -- _T- __ VED�I SHAKE VINYL. I � x - i II l� I I I Z I i , I i I i I : I i I co i LLJ I i TI� i i I O I i i I - O - i 'I I I I I I I I I � I' � Q _— O _ � I I I co I i i I I .i - i I I i i I . 1ST F F. - - - - - - -- -- - -- -.- --'--•--•--'--.__�-.--�-Y I 1ST F.F. - GRADE GRADE RAILING AS O� PER CODE TYP. PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 2 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION Q SCWLE: O U p �O ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES LU O 15# FELT J¢" LU CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT PYWOOD SHEATHING W Z 2"X12" ROOF RAFTERS ® 16" ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES 2x14 LVL RID TOP OF RIDGE 2x14 LVL RIDGE r n _ __ __ O.C. TOP OF RIDGE v J z LU --'--'- 15#FELI.N�".-- - --•--•--•--'--'--'--. ---- 12 -- VENT -----------------------------------------' _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ - PYWOODSHEATHING -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 2"X12" ROOF RAFTERS ® 16" 5CIZ O.C. NEW 2ND FLOOR RUUD GAS -.- - FURNACE IN ATTIC HUNF w/ 1 jr _— L� p - - KINDORF & THRD RODS. J" TYPE X PROVIDE ICE SHIELD GWB SURROUNDING FURNACE. - - -AS PER R905.2.7.1 U 2x8 2xI— PROVIDE SIMPSON TIES AT HVAC R-3 UNIT — RAFTER/WALL CONNECTION (TYP) ATTIC 30 ATTIC U CONT. SOFFIT VENT --'-- -'-- -S�� --'--'--ATTIC --•--•-----------•--•-------- -- - -.,....... ... 2x10 . .. -._ -. -- --'--'--'----- - - --'--'-- -- --'-- - --'-------- •-----. -'. --------------------------ATTIC.- -----------•--•-----•--•----- -' - - -- -- -- -- --'-- -- --'-- -- --'--'-- --'--'- -- -- --'-- --'-- --'-- -- - ' --'--'--'-- -- -- -- --- -- -- --'-- -- -- --'--'-- -- --'-- NEW ANDERSEN WINDOWS -REFER TO FLOOR PLAN R-30 _ r CONTINUOUS FLASHING NEW ANDERSEN WINDOWS -REFER TO FLOOR PLAN z WALK-IN BED ROOM ' HALL �� 2"xlO" LEDGER W/ 1 I ' EXERCISE ROOM ,� MASTER CONTINUOUS FLASHING o p CLOSET AILING PER CODE, TYP. TYPICAL1/2 tb GALVANIZED ( BEDROOM00 LAG OR EXPANSION o NEW FINISH FLOOR R-15 BOLTS 024" O.C. R-15 NEW 15 BUILDING FELT R-15 STAGGERED TYP. N �� I \� I R-15 ! LLJ W W 3/4- PLYWOOD SHEATHING 12 PROVIDE JOIST CONSTRUCTION I U NEW " Q HANGERS ` II Z -fis - --'--21ID-F -- -- -- -- NEW 2x12 FLOOR JOISTS ® 16 O.C.- __._-.-4.--.--.---- --NEW BOARD & BATTEN- It � � �� LLJ - - 111 p _2LID_F �/ -� W z ( ) 2x12 I' 2x12 VINYL SIDING 2x12 2x12 II - -' -- `� VIEWED D i �',. "� — p R-5 1 RIGID INSULATION EX15TING 24 ----'----------------- -- -- -- -- --'-- -- --.NEIl1L TYVEK.IAPOR_HARRIER- 2x10 SISTERED TO DIST. 2x6 DECISION # w Q — Q —- ------- - AZEK FASCIA BD. TYP. NEW 1/2" PLYWOOD 2 2X12 W (2)2X12 W/ )f PLT FLUSH I SHEATHING -- ( � / PLT (22X12 W/ " PLT-/ DECORATIVE TRIM, SELECTED 2"x4" STUDS TED ��.I� 2 z ; W R-15 R-15 I BY OWNER. TYP. NEW 3 1/2" BATT j �/ � J INSULATION R-15 Q EAT-IN I o NEW 1/2" SHEETROCK ! 0 Q W KITCHEN LIVING ROOM OFFICE BEDROOM 1 BATH #1 (n LLJ 4x4 POST W/STRONG R-15 p (� EXISTING TO REMAIN TIE ABA TO 8" P.C. R-15 O EXSTING 2x4 IXSTING 2x4 FOOTING EXONG 2x4 i IXSTING 2x4 (L II 1ST FF -- - --'--'-- -- -- --'--'-----' - --'--'-- -'--'-----•----------- -- -- --'-- --'--'- -1ST F.F. !L Ii ry GRADE y R-19 BATTS EXISTING R-19 BATTS EXISTING R-19 BATTS G GRADE EXISTING EXISTING CELLAR DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI CELLAR CHECK: J. SBAGLIA EXISTING SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 41812021 SEA `��0t C EXISTING EXISTING SLAB BUILDING SECTION BUILDING SECTION �' 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SC4LE: i/4" = 1'-0" s` �4 EET NUMBER: REVISIONS: ` 1 C'�ECETe,�a r RAFTER STRAPS- SIMPSON CS20 COIL STRAP 12" MIN. PER R.R. 'AUG 1 S 2021 FACE MIN. 26" EVERY RAFTER 20"aING BOARD QFA.Par:F,?S CONTINUOUS 'COBRA' P. OR ROOF SHINGLES AS PER R.R. (SEE PLAN FOR SIZE) RIDGE VENT TY AS PER R OWNER OVER 15 # FELT PRE-ASSEMBLED 2X4 PAPER OVER 1/2" CDX FLYING GABLE TYP. • RIDGE (REFER_ PLYWOOD SHEATHING SIMPSON MTS24C SEISMIC Ln TO PLANS) NAILED AS PER SCHEDULE TYP. ROOF ASSEMBLY AND HURRICANE TIE OR ON SHEET T-2 SEE DETAILS ON EQ. CS20 COIL STRAP. PROVIDE SIMPSON � ROOF RAFTERS (REFER TO PLANS)— THIS PAGE * Minimum of seven bolt diameters � U � to achieve table loads. This „ LSSU210 CONNECTORS — 1X6 PRE-PRIMED FASCIA distance is designed into holdown. ACQ BEAM (SEE LLJ — / BOARD-WRAP W ALUM. PLAN FOR SIZE U 1— TO FACE IS 10-10dx1-1 2” NAILS TYP. THROUGHOUT THREADED STUDS l Distance may be increased without ) W .— TO JOIST IS 7-10dx1-1/2" NAILS * affecting load capacity„ provided DF/SP=2295 CONT. VENTED SOFFIT ROD the anchor nut is not „ over-torqued, which could split the • • _ z SPF/HF=1930 12 USE 'J' CHANNEL ® stud. Q 1/2"J �1/2" q�RF MAX. WALL FOR VINYL FLOOR JOIST • �0� SOFFIT VENT (TYP.) ° • . O LUz P ATTIC SPACE Q �—CUT BACK PLYWOOD 1/2" ROOF RAFTERS ® 16" O.C. REFER TO PLANS INSTALL ° 1— MIN. TO ALLOW FOR AIR FOR SIZE WASHERS ° FLOW 0 CAP/BASE BY SIMPSON J COLLAR TIES TYP. STRONG TIE BC4 U NOTE: RIDGE STRAP NOT REQ'D WHEN 2"X4" Q Z COLLAR TIE: IS LOCATED WITHINTHE UPPER 1/3 OF TYP. WALL FRAME m THE ATTIC SPACE AND ATTACHED TO EACH PAIR Simpson Strong-Tie 6"X6" 'ACQ' POST CD — d- HD5A z X OF OPPOSINGU O z m = W ry RIDGE VENT DETAIL TYP. FLYING GABLE DETAIL3 CORNER HOLDOWN BEAM TO RAFTER DETAIL O o 1 — 2 -� Q I SCALE 3/4'-T-0' SCALE 3/4 -1'-0' SCALE-N.T�S. SCALE N.Ta FLOOR-TO-CEILING TIE DOWN FOR CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH ROOF SHINGLES AS PER OWNER OVER 15 # FELT SIDING AS PER OWNER OVER 1/2' RIGID INSULATION PAPER OVER 1/2' CDX 6 BOARD (R-3) PLY SHEATHING NAILED NP-1 PER SHEET T-2 FIRST 'TYVEK' HOUSE WRAP OVER LCA 1/2' EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD ROOF RAFTERS FLOOR (`() AS PER PLANS WALL FRAME 0 16" O.C. BATT INSUL. AS PER PLANS SIDING AS PER OWNER OVER W/BATT INSUL. (REFER TO PLANS) Q _ PROVIDE ICE SHIELD TO BOARD RIGID INSULATION 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR O (R-3) � 24" INSIDE EXT. WALLF.J. 0 16 O.C. (REFER TO ry AS PER (RCNYS 905.2.7.1) 'TYVEK' HOUSE WRAP OVER ��'� �`�\ PLANS FOR SIZE) W/ W 1/2- EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD BATT INSULATION U I) 0 ATTIC SECOND WOOD STUDS ® 16" O.C. (REiE:R TO PLANS %/ 9 \\ FLOOR ) I SIMPSON WALL STRAPS LU O SIMPSON HURRICANE NOTCHED ROOF I �TYP.-REFER TO DETAIL TIES 0 EACH RAFTER RAFTERS-TRUSSES 3/4" T&G PLYWOOD SUBFL04R I Q > LLQ REFER TO DETAIL (REFER TO PLANS) BASE PLATE I(2) 2"X6" ACQ SILL PLATES — LU z • \ � SILLRSEARM�SHIELD OVER W � � 24" TOP PLATES WALL STRAPS- SIMPSON CS21 1/8"/FT. (MIN) PITCH COIL STRAP EVERY OTHER �` al • �°O TOP PLATE= TO DOWN SPOUTS \ STUD-REFER TO DETAIL a7 a _ i 1 1-1 I_' I I APPROX. (GRADE U� RUN PLY TO TOP OF AS PER CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE • • 'd _ _ " " A-1 j1 5/8 DIAMETER ANCHOR BOLT W/ PLATE W/ RAFTER PLANS _ 1X8 PRE-PRIMED FASCIA I I I I I I I I I W/ MIN.N. 3E X3 X1/8 PTH 0 36- AT U OVER TYP. RIM JOIST TYP. _PLATE AS PER WFCM TABLE 3.2A ~ BOARD-WRAP W/ ALUM. CRAWL SPACE • � -III-, � USE 'F' CHANNEL 0 WALL TYP. THROUGHOUT 10 CONTINUOUS Ell I I= I WATERPROOF MEMBRANE U FOR SOFFIT VENT (TYP) TOP PLATES _- TYP. 0 FDN. PERIMETER CONT. VINYL SOFFIT VENT NP-1 _ BATT INSULATION (R TYP.-WRAP ALUM. OVER JOISTS TYR ® 16" O.C. W/ I TO PLANS) VINYL SOFFIT TYP. FIRST BATT INSULATION TYP.- ; INTERIOR FLOOR (REFER TO SEE PLANS) SIDING AS PER OWNER a 2"X4" CONTINUOUS 1 2" RIGID INSULATION / INSULATION REFER TO PLANS KEY WAY TYP. ,, / i MTS24C CONNECTOR ( ) — WOOD STUD. BOARD (R-3) 2• RI 114-11061-1/2" NAILS (4) #5 CONT. REBAR ® 16" O.C. (REFER TO PLANS) DF/SP=1000 1/2- GYPSUM WALLBOARD Kj HSE OVER 2OUEXT.NGSRI? SPF/ HF=860 2" P.C. SCREED COAT cn PLYWOOD EVERY RAFTER LU LU U O SOFFIT DETAIL SIESMIC TIE FLOOR / WALL DETAIL 8 FLOOR TO FDN. DETAIL z z 5 6 7 _ EA o W o SCALE 3/4'-T-0' PROVIDES TENSION FOR RAFTER SCALE N.TR SCALE 3/4'-t-0' SCALE 3/4'-T-0' REVIEWED �,� A Q Q -TO-STUD TO PREVENT UPLIFT. W N # �>-- w ry w USE EVERY OTHER NAIL HOLE � i- � -- OO _ LENGTH IN A ROW TO PROVIDE THE O n CODE-REQUIRED MINIMUM CENTER-TO-CENTER SPACING � � J LENGTH FOR NAILS. A35 CONNECTOR USED O W WOOD STUDS 12-861-1/2" NAILS 1" RIGID INSULATION DF/SP=450 ROUGH CUT AROUND i> SPF/HF=450 VENTILATION CHUTE RR CONNECTOR USED EVERY STUD - AIR SEAL PERIMETER VENTILATION CHUTE AARR WITH EXPANDING ATTIC INSULATION AN 4-10dx1-1/2" NAILS UPLIFT=130 \ FOAM SEALANT ALLOWABLE LOADS=415 CS20 COILED STRAPS EVERY RAFTER ° 2"X6" HANGER LU26 OR LSTA30 BY SIMPSON • (2)2"X6" HANGER LUS26-2 TYP. EVERY STUD ° ° ° ° • 2"X8" HANGER LU28 0 ° fl ' CONTINUOUS BEAD DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI • (2)2"X8" HANGER LUS28-2 ° • 2"X10" HANGER LU210 12" END ROOF RATERS (SEE ° OF SEALANT LENGTH 7"PROVIDE MINIMUM PLAN FOR SIZE) °° ° (2)2"X10" HANGER LUS210-2 — fl CHECK: J. SBAGLIA 2"X12" HANGER HUS210 8 END DISTANCE. ROOF RATERS (SEE 1 1/2" RIGID INSULATION SCALE: AS NOTED (2)2"X12" HANGER HUS210-2 PLAN FOR SIZE) LEDGER (SEE PLANS FOR °° °° EXTERIOR INSULATED WALL DATE: 4/8/2021 JOIST HANGER "'�JEQUAL NUMBER OF SIZE) JOIST OR SPECIFIED NAILS SEA �ERfO RAFTER NOTE: FOR ALL OTHER JOIST IN EACH END. HANGERS REFER TO THE ( c ' LEDGER SEE PLANS FOR 1" RIGID INSULATION AS ATTIC EAVE BAFFLE CUT SIMPSON CATALOG DIRECTLY. SIZE) ' APPROVED EQ. MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FACE MOUNT JOIST HANGERS FLOOR TIE ANCHOR SHED ROOF CONNECTION DETAILS wooD STUDS AIR SEALING DETAIL 9 � 10 11 12 SCALE-INITS SCALE N.Ta PROVIDES FLOOR-TO-FLOOR TENSION CONNECTION SCALE?LTB. SCAB KT,g o t4mw 5hEET NUMBER: REVISIONS: CtCE `� CEMENT BACKER BOARD TUB SURROUND FINISH TUB UNIT (AUG 18 J- l TUB SURROU ZON, 80/j,2D orAnp�a�� (BEYOND / TUB UNIT-- CONTINUOUS BEA OF INSTALL PLUMBING AT WOOD FRAME SEALANT 1" RIGID INSULATION INTERIOR L INTERIOR VERTICAL CHASE PROVIDE BLOCKING AT ROUGH CUT AROUND VENTILATION CHUTE VENTILATION CHUTE PROVIDE INTERIOR SHEATHING AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR STUD CAVITY AT TUB - AT EXTERIOR WALL Ln -AIR SEAL PERIMETER ATTIC INSULATION TO INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY INSULATED EXTERIOR STUD WALL � WITH EXPANDING FLOOR ASSEMBLY THIN-PROFILE WALL SHEATHING W _ FOAM SEALANT / - ' --INTERIOR VERTICAL CHASE INTERIOR CONTINUOUS BEAD O W INSET BAND JOIST INTERIOR SEALANT CAVITY INSULATION WALL PROVIDE INTERIOR SHEATHING WALLAT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR �— _ }. 1 1/2" RIGID INSULATION TO INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY MUDSILLA EXPANDING FOAM U Q SILL SEALER FLOOR ASSEMBLY O W CONTINUOUS BEAD D : CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT Q OF SEALANT FOUNDATION WALL z W J 1 1/2" RIGID INSULATION :' LADDER BLOCKING AS REQ'D J LADDER BLOCKING AS REQUIRED INSULATED EXTERIOR WALL EXTERIOR INSULATED WALL INSULATED EXTERIOR WALL UI � � coz cr) AIR SEALING AT CORNER VERTICAL BATHTUE CHASE AIR SEALING AT CORNER VERTICAL CHASE z 1" RIGID INSULATION AS ATTIC EAVE BAFFLE CUT INSET BAND JOIST AT MUDSILL// 1 1/2" RIGID INSULATION AIR SEALING BEHIND TUB WITH THIN-PROFILE SHEATHING//SECTION Q X z � m zW Opo � Q � CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT WOOD FRAME FLOOR � CONTINUOUS BEAD OF ADHESIVE ASSEMBLY OF CONTINUOUS BEAD WOOD FRAME FLOOR CONTINUOUS BEAD OF Q = ASSEMBLY SEALANT CONTINUOUS BEAD OF FLOOR TRUSS SEALANT PROVIDE INTERIOR SHEATHING O ASSEMBLY AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIO W � � INTERIOR WOOD FRAMED WALL TO SOFFIT ASSEMBLY 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD �— U Q O WOOD FRAME SOFFIT DRYWALL CLIP Z O 1/R GYPSUM BOARD W O CONTINUOUS ASSEMBLY CONTINUOUS PAD DRYWALL CLIP OF SEALANTLu PROVIDE INTERIOR SHEATHING OF SEALANT Q W Z AT EXTERIOR WALL PRIOR r n CONTINUOUS BEAD TO SOFFIT ASSEMBLY WOOD FRAMESOFFIT ( J z W OF SEALANT INTERIOR ASSEMBLY INSULATED EXTERIOR WALL INTERIOR GYPSUM WALLBOARD CABINETRY INSULATED EXTERIOR WALL ,, / AS AIR BARRIER - CONTINUOUS BEAD EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING R L OF SEALANT EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING Ln Q CONCEPTUAL AIR SEALING STRATEGY AT UPPER FLOOR BAND JOIST AIR SEAL AT BUILT-OUT SOFFIT AIR SEAL AT CABINET SOFFIT//TWO-STORY 2-STUD CORNER WITH DRYWALL CLIPS - C INTERIOR INTERSECTING WALL WITH DRYWALLSCLIPS i a .. AP v '� f? C1 $OP # y DATE® ? W ATTIC INSULATION LLJ ATTIC FLOOR FRAMING U O RIGID INSULATION "R-VALUE/DEPTH PER CLIMATE' LZ z COMPRESSIBLE WEATHERSTRIPPING AT PERIMETER OF ENCLTSURE Q C) SITE BUILT ATTIC ENCLOSURE - MECHANICALLY SECURED / w Z ATTIC INSULATION / W Q Q Z Lu ELECTRICAL WIRE U �/ �- PLUMBING PIPE >7Z WOOD TRUSS F -� U LL1 SHEATH INTERIOR OF Lu TOP PLATEcz TOP PLATE ATTIC ACCESS TO / +1"OF INSULATION tEV O p� EXPANDING FOAM SEALANT 1" RIGID INSULATION � _jEXPANDING FOAM MECHANICAL LATCH TO PRESSURE Q SEALANT WALL STUD SEAL AT WEATHERSTRIPPING CONTINUOUS BEA T �-- Lu ACCESS PANEL Q DRAW ACCESS PANEL SNUG PROVIDE INTERIOR SHEAT ~ WALL 0 WITH PERIMETER SCREWS EXTERIOR WALL AND CEILI G P TRIM AS REQUIRED TO SOFFIT ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURED PULL DOWN STAIR FINISH CEILING CONTINUOUS BE D O OF SEALANT AIR SEAL AT TOP PLATE ELECTRICAL PENETRATION AIR SEALING AT ATTIC HATCH //FINISH SCREWS AIR STEAL AT TOP PLATE PIPE PENETRATION a WOOD FRAME SOFFIT O ASSEMBLY DRAWN: M.ROMANELLI --INTERIOR CHECK: J. 5BAGLIA CABINETRY-- SCALE: A5 NOTED AIR SEALING AT ATTIC PULL DOWN AIiIC; STAIR AIR SEAL AT CABINET SOFFIT//SINGLE-STORY DATE: 4/(5/2021 gREl7 .4R y' 3 aF SHEET NUMBER: TEST HOLE INFORMATION: SCDHS USE: BY SLACKE TEST BORING, INC. ON 5/13/21 FINE TO MEDIUM GROUND SURFACE ARK BROWN TOPSOIL WITH ORGANICS INTO NE SILTY SAND INTO NE SILTY SAND AND LEAN SAND, TRACE NE TO MA RESIDENCE- RAVEL sM s 2� USES PUBLIC WATER FINE T MEDIUM RUST BROWN & LIGHT LOT 6 TQ BROWN CLEAN SAND ORMERLY LUCATOR TRACE FINE TO USES PUBLIC WATER COARSE GRAVEL LAND NOW ORF (sw) 7 RESIDENCE- Fl E MEDIUM LIGHT BROWN LOT 7 RLY 3UHLER S PALE BROWN CLEA OR FORME TER 011 PVC SAND, TRACE FINE C 100.00 45'E�W SMALL GRAVEL TRACE NOW USES PUBLIC WA E CLAY (SW) RESIDENCE- ,320 i 81 a 12 VC S 0" HIGH x50.6 FINE TO COARSE 1.2'W 6' pVC fEµCE LIGHT BROWN SAND 36' HIGH +�' 0.8'E DILApIDA1T D WO D SOME FINE TO LARGE RET- WALL RETAINING WALL FENCE FE COR GRAVEL S 0.8'S TW=48.76 6' WO 1.O N FD MON FINE TO COARSE 1 7 0.8'W1W= 8 1.9'W 1.0's PALE BROWN CLEAN BIS BW-408 EX EP 0.5'E SAND, TRACE FINE TO N 49 CP SMALL GRAVEL S 22 T.4'S FINE TO MEDIUM .4'W PAVERS PALE BROWN CLEAN SAND, TRACE COARSE 49.1 49.2 24 -TR=E GRAVEL SW 25 E] 49.2 O 49.3 0 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED O 0 POOL EOU1p C6 IN GROUND 00 SWIMMING POOL 0 51.6 r 16'x32' PAVERS PAVERS V)3 1 WALL p Cr HIGH 48.45 CV 7S0. O 0.5'S gw.48.48 49.2Rq�7US 1O PECEIVED 10749.2 `- C � S AUG 2 6 2021 49.4 N n a 52.9 x574 52.9 X 2.8 ' AH/T 9Ry . . 1 MAS. WALL W 6 PLANTER T*--52.7 vii 39.2' 0LAND NOW OR FORMERLY LOMBARDI SCREENED ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RESIDENCE-USES PUBLIC WATER PAVERS ROOM 'LAND NOW OR FORMERLY CAMERON o < 62 a I ") RESIDENCE-USES o a s2s STEPS < I ` WELL WATER 3 HOT VENT a TUB R O o1 9.0' Q V) 53.0 ST OP Mi FE -,10.0' iv o.8's 53.0 Ui 1 STORY FRAME 12.3' RESIDENCE 0 WOOD No. 155 - O POLE - 25 Ci C4 CV O N GARAGE 6' WOOD FE d 5.7' 8.9' w C L=5290 0 4.8' 13 24.,V GATE Q i 22,5' 6 R0 OVER MAS. S-OOP x53.2 3; 11.4 52.0 CONCRETE 55.1 STEP x�3 dN w BT#1 Q \ BR1CK wpm O I OWATER C W WELL #1 WATER � WELL #3 o ? ASPHALT iV e W N v DRIVEWAY v M '�' w 30.0' Y Y 5: wFr p o LuIza�' FE m m '1 L)9 04 1.8'N 112.81' 310.E FE zp 4.5'N 50.7 2.0'E 53.2 FD MON M MON N 24°19'50" W 100.98' UTILITY UTILITY POLE POLE OVERHEAD WIRES 50.67 11.46 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 51,99 5284 ,9.80 PINEWOOD ROAD x 49.95 x 50.73 x 11.50 x 5210 x 52.71 EXISTING WATER MAIN END OF MAIN 49.47 g11c y5089 M51 S9 HOME HEATING VIA ON SITE GAS/OIL EDGE OF PAVEMENT -i5Z00 VERTICAL DATUM NAVD 1988 NO SURFACE WATER/WETLANDS WITHIN 300' PARCEL AREA: 14,500 SQ.FT. OR 0.33 AC. "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP PREPARED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." O "COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURV'EYOR'S WATER INKED SEAL OR HIS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY." "CERTIFICATION WELL J2 INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF RESIDENCE PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND ACROSS STREET- SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, RESIDENCE ACROSS STREET- AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION. USES WELL WATER RESIDENCE ACROSS STREET- USES USES WELL WATER WELL WATER CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS." BOUNDARY / TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SITUATED IN CUTCHOGUE , °� N `"y �Q.��Q M.pFTO� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK O O O'Connor - Petito , L. L. C . o� Land Surveying 27 Forest Avenue o N �.� Y g 335•Locust Valley, NY 11560 SFS tANO SVQi/� Civil Engineering (516)676-3260 MAP DESCRIBED PROPERTY DIST.1000 SEC. 110 BLK. 3 LOT 2 DATE: MAY 23,2021 REVISED: SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET: 1 OF 1 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL RECEIVED DATE: July 23, 2021AU G = 8 2021 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO: John Sbaglia(Palermo) PO Box 434 Mill Neck,NY 11765 Please take notice that your application dated July 7,2021: For permit to: demolish(as per Town Code definition)and reconstruct an existing single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 155 Pinewood Road, Cutcho ug_e,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 110 Block 3 Lot 2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction,on this non-conforming 14,500 square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124,which states lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size require a`combined side yard setback of 25 feet and maximum lot coverage of 20%. 0 1 The construction has a combined side yard setback of 2 feet and lot coverage of 22.6%. In addition,the reconstruction of the single-family dwellingis s not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 280-15,which states accessory buildings and structures shall be located in the required rear yard. The new dwelling results in the existing accessoKy hot tub being located in the s'g e rd. 3 ��� Authorize S' nat Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Z.B.A. Fee:$ Filed By: _F Assignment No. � APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE House No. SSStreet 44ry#@*1 g*Aa Hamlet lvf.rh.jVC SCTM 1000 Section ilb Block � Lot(s) 2 Lot Size tsoc's f. Zone 1._yJECEIVED I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTAM 18 2021 DATED-1.2 1. t 1 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED S'. Z S.Z/ Owner(s):_ im4e,11 Po.0elfv,o ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Mailing Address: (.0. box V91Y _ Aill /fleck, kY n7`S*' Telephone:_JW-77b-Yf(o Fax: &k Email: /5i4k.-,a4 cai wwd. God NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent,architect, builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: : tehe* Aoell forwowner( )Other: Address: f-0. box SA`7 . "1LIht148 by 11 SrL Telephone:(,f)•11P-N21 Fax: &;9 Email: Retog;c d4o 19•-+C 4 r.oi/. f;e�+ Please check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: ( )Applicant/Owner(s), O<Authorized Representative, ( )Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED f s.z 4.2! and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 7.7•21 FOR: Building Permit ( )Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( )Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( )Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article: Section: Subsection: Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ( )A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( )Reversal or Other A prior appeal( )has, W has not been made at any time with respect to this property,UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). .(Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our officefor assistance) Name of Owner: ZBA File# r i REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be speck, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1.An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: YIA414 See (":e&. 2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: ��Ok set RECEIVED AUG 18 ?0?1 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ?k1*K tee fide-. 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: f L+u, sat ri 5.Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? { }Yes,or{ }No Why: f 6UP^ S et P i Ar Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? XNo {} Yes(please furnish a copy) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. J4 4 Signatua of Applicant r Authorized Agent Sworn o before me this 1 (Agent must submit wntten uthonzation from Owner) D day of .20 '7A Notary Public WILLIAM C.GOFFNEI NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE O Registration No.4963689 Suffolk CountyCommission Expires March I2 F RECEIVED PALERMO-AREA VARIANCE RIDER AUG 18 2021 20NING BOARD OF APPEALS 1. There will not be an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties as: I. The combined preexisting non-conforming side yard setback of 24.2' where 25' is required will remain unchanged from what has been in existence since at least - 1994; II. The lot coverage will only increase from the preexisting non-conforming 21.8% to 22.6%, where 20% is required; and III. The preexisting non-conforming hot tub will be in the exact place it has been since it was installed decades ago. Therefore, since all of the requested relief, in some degree, has been in existence since at least 1994 or seemingly as far back as 1973 and has not caused any harm, no harm will be caused here. 2. The benefit cannot be achieved by some other feasible method for the applicant to pursue other than this area variance as we are seeking to build upon the existing footprint and, not alter or add to, the historical development of the subject property. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial as the relief requested for: I. Maintaining the preexisting non- conforming combined side yard setback is merely .8 of a foot; II. The preexisting non-conforming lot coverage of 21.8% is merely growing by less than 1%; and III. The hot tub in the side yard is arguably partially in the rear yard. 4. The variance will not have an adverse effect or impact onol 0 the physical or environmental conditions in the RECEIVED neighborhood or district as, in sum and substance, tM 18 2021 relief requested is already existing and to date t4f,f, A@AD OF APPEALS been no adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. S. The difficulty has not been self-created as the nonconformities, in the main, were in existence when the property was purchased by the applicant and arguably "blessed" by the applicable certificates of occupancy blessing both the subject footprint and coverage. APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: DATE PREPARED: qAR-F-7W,%D 1.For Demolition of Existing Building Areas AUG, 1 8 2021 Please describe areas being removed: OC D° ) Q A PEALS H.New Construction Areas(New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: 3'T S.rr. Dimensions of new second floor: til S 3 S.F Dimensions of floor above second level: Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): ego* Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed?If yes,please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: M.Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary).Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: 2 SAN Zj shy j.of. f A)&,�iw.:� �we�� �' P&,ski. IV.Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 'S, t c.f 5.C. Proposed increase of building coverage: %%S S.G. Square footage of your lot: /-1,rw S"K Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: :2f% PPrpeK,1 : 317. V.Purpose of New Construction: A-Sj .ad St&&,A Fhe- VI.Please describe the land contours(flat,slope %,heavily wooded,marsh area,etc.)on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): El mf Please submit 8 sets of photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staldng corners for new construction,and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 4/2012 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? RECEIVED I Yes _>Cl" No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? AUG 18 ?0?1 �No Yes please explain on attached sheet. - 7-CNIN ' OARD OF APPEALS C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? J�10 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? ji'A 3.)Is the property bulk headed between the,wetlands area and the upland building area? _M v 4.)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? is Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: h1 V+ and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? U a E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? 0._Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises?_ 1�If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: N\p G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel?_0 o If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel 5i-11k 4'^:l} a-v• 5f+!� dweu;45 vJ &,1 t NSF;Rand the proposed use I ou AVA: 1� v��.Ah t o01 4 %4 40o (ex: existing singe family,proposed: same with garage,pool or other) AutlTorizard signature and Date FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall RECEIVED Southold, N.Y. AUG 18 2021 UPDATED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS No 5-23441 Date JANUARY 4,1994 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property, 155 PINEWOOD ROAD CUTCHOGUS, N.Y. House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 110 Block 3 Lot 2 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MARCH 13, 1965 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 22668 dated Menti 13, 1965 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED GARAGE & ROOF OVER BRICK & CONCRETE TERRACE IN FRONT * The certificate is issued to SANFORD FRIEIRANN (owner) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL SEPT. 13, 1965-R. VIIIA UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A *NOTE: THIS UPDATES 00 Z-2231 ISSUED ON SEPT. 15, 1965 B din4 In a or Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. RECEIVED UPDATED AUG 18 2021 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS No Z-23442 Date JANUARY 5, 1994 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION Location of Property 155 PINLIQOOD ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N.Y. House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 110 Block 3 Lot 2 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JULY 15, 1969 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 4398-9 dated ,JULY 28, 1969 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ENCLOSED PORCH ADDITION TO BBISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING The certificate is issued to SANFORD FRIEMANN (owner) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A *NOTE: THIS UPDATES CO Z-3716 ISSUED ON DEC. 31, 1969.- lding nspector Rev. 1/81 FORM N0. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIVED Town Clerk's Office Southold, X Y. AUG 18 2021 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Certificate Of Occupancy No.25636 . .. . . . Date . . . . . . . . . .Novembor.7#. . . . ., 19.73. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at JU. S 0". B044 . . . . . . . . . . . Street Map No. . fig(. . . . . , . Block No. . . . LX. . . .Lot No. XX. . . . .cut0k109ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit-heretofore filed in this office x ted . . . . . .Aug*.17t . . . . . .. 19.71 pursuant to which Building Permit No. . . i•=K� dated . . . . . .Avg,.18, . . . . . . ., 19. .n, was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . . . . .grivats -B dMM1Rg• -pool. •(accessory). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . . . . .8=f*rd- He -Frysmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . 3!R!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. . PENDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER . . . 151 Street . . . .Ii Am.0d.804. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4v�'�a4wo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Ins r FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �y BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall RECENED Southold, N.Y. AUG 18 2021 CRRTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS No Z-23431 Date DECEIVER 30, 1994 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION Location of Property 155 PINEWOOD ROAD CUTCHOGUE NY House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 110 Block 3 Lot 2 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated DECEMBER 28, 1994 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 22542-Z dated DECEMBER 30, 1994 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is A DECK ADDITION TO AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY "AS BUILT" AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate Is issued to SANFORD FRIMUM (owner) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A B 1 ing Ipisp7dcizir Rev. 1/S1 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval,use variance, area variance or subdivision approval onefrr5Dt y within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to th(A§q%igc gobhty Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. c/ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1. Name of Applicant: 000/w. k•r� 2. Address of Applicant: S's 7 I'N ON-We- "r 111f 2 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): ;^6y el dorm 4. Address of Land Owner: e.p, d„)- y3`; M•�� Nei W. lrze� 5. Description of Proposed Project: 1,1,1 d,/.. ,M'1;J-un A .,r0tk X45 a�/A 6. Location of Property: (road and Tax map number) l *ePt 4. WJ A F-A C„h A. rc �000 - /!0'3 . Z 7. Is the parcel within 500 leet of a farm operatio ? { } Yes { ,No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } Yes {�Nao 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s)of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff,it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office(765-1937)or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please the ba this page if there are additional property owners) 8 i o i L� Signature of Applicant Date Note: 1. The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing 1910 RECEIVED Part 1-Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subj� to he fification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation MUM d ((fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. lievONIf 1�$OARD OF APPEALS Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you bee wi a needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: QQ OA1111A• +17 U Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 1$'r �fIitwwd) F� G✓�6 �+�,we �IJv •�l�• 3 . 2 Brief Description of Prro/p�osed Action:/ ,(J .f.► Jr.,(' AIN: �tJ•L�s4 . Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: /ZjYlk Ci G E-Mail: CG+�%vii �W -Q�� . Address: f.e) - 6.,- -a City/PO: State: Zip Code: 11.A✓LA .vY //',r z 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: 1 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? .77 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? D acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑Urban ❑Rural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial ❑Commercial M<esidential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Aquatic ❑Other(specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? pECEIVED 0/ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing but t of JrttnNO YE landscape? L U L 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environm t ��rr a? NO YES If Yes,identify: ZONING BOARD 0�$� �7;� 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: ✓ 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: V 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: Os..++�� � iQ�,(� 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? ✓ If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑ Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands E3 Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland 11 Urban U uburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ❑NO❑YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ❑NO❑YES Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: V 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? AUG Is Mi If Yes,describe: gnPRn of APPEA13 .rSraii� 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: ✓ I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/spons r name: Srpkt A`7 Date: �• 0• L Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept;`Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact � may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8'. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 .. �/ r Moderate small to large `en-91MD D " `l impact impact may may 2 21 occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 REOEIVE� Board of Zoning Appeals Application p,UG 1 2021 AUTHORIZATION ZONINO BOARD OF APPEALS (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) L Q klk,,60 residing at 1 S�- 11(`el.Dal (Print prop ty owner's name) (Mailing Address) do hereby authorize 5jg,4 e,� Yi:tj•1 (Agent) to apply for variance(s)on my behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. (Owner's Signature) (Print Owner's Name) APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics probibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to Provide information which can alert the town of possible confhcts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necess.ary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: ea I-P,( 10 I �-, (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you re applying in the name of someone else or other entity,sack"sa�EIVED company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply) AUG 1 221 Tag grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest,"Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Tide or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) Q an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Sula d this day of �S� 20 Z� Signature Print Name 4 M/_ -_ � •PO{le (�(( AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees.The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: 9,G y , Skpip-IF (Last nameffilrst name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) RECEIVED TYPE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit AUG 18 2021 Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town cer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP y� Submitted this /dday ofM Ir ,20 211 Signature Print Name Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT SS SSMENT FORM RECEIVED A. INSTRUCTIONS AUG 18 2021 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete thiso CAC �I�or proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront ConslgfdWKMRw Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (, the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# //0 - 3 - L The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. [11 Building Dept. © Board of Trustees 0 Z 6A M 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital Q construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan, subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: 2.,J ,Ffa,� a�e�.a<i v-� a Stir Jr �.orr�7 �wc�lti Location of action: 15-Jr f.',, ��� /Z��, 6•f4 46PA Site acreage: Ac*V f RECEIVED Present land use: AUG 18 2021 Present zoning classification: /Z'y f) -7r)NTNG BOARD OF APPEALS 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: As*.* 6-y-y /'V lerm o (b) Mailing address: n.*.4 41exle ivy //76,r (c) Telephone number:Area Code( ) 9,-J- 770-` AJ (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ N9 If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWMP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ENot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological,resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 11 Yes ❑ No El Not Applicable - Attach additional sheets if necessary 10 Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria R.ECEIi1EI) Q Yes Q No Z Not Applicable AUG IS 2021 o OF APPEALS ,ON Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies P ges 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria © Yes 0 No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria © Yes 0 No ENot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes © No 6 Not Applicable E Attach additional sheets if necessary -11 10011N Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. RECEIVED © Yes ❑ No 1Z Not Applicable AUG 18 2021 A RD 9F o-A S Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. 11Yes ❑ No A Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ YeO No A Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. S e LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes 0 N Not Applicable -10 RECUV W AUG 1 2 Attach additional sheets if necessary o4ghdfa RnARD OF APPEALS Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No �'Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1:1 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 14 Not Applicable Created on 512510511:20 AM !p7 2 ' 1 r ✓ i 4�� � rJ R a W . •.� ��.; y cwt �� ^� - � r"'., .. - may. n.:.y.•'.' .. _ k n r ix h ,h � ', `•+. rn � i^*%"-`r r � h k. ..h"•4 br b F� „�+. 5 p � ~ _ n. P, Sys "" F } 1l�>✓#gra �y ryYF{s F "+ ,*'ar* ;�`C � _� YYR GR.r-..vr 1•e�.�� t`'�'�l'.'p a7`t'� r��'..t�m.y �.. sqi� < n � .:i Rte t-a" a.`�'Fr��rka ,�K.�w���.�u���•�'l ,��,s.S�,p ` '��, R -� _..yam• Y' +,' .f:,• ,.��'1 rY�'� � s ,: r"� v�-n+�.�t�i�t. yyx."���it I v`��,-„ n �,- a `q' �.,�`:i�� � �i ��� _pA�iiln�r�� .r+" $•,0 ���s' .,pf. • t t 1 ¢Y 1 ! i HS C r T - S • i w� R „ r � • t �i s x M1 � +4 `6�' � fe• � µ � M1 ate" A'�����` ..� Tam _�♦�.�" - ?'� ..R. - §, s IE,F` rP 1 •..,t X {Y.y^ 7'. _ �? �� 'f• by b r •^lam '��4�•`' . �rcf�1' �t ':: � �, 'a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RIOPERTY RE � l OWNER STREET ' i%. : 'AGE D I5 i. ---- -�.)T La1 e©e LU Ac X /19- Jg t', ,+• � '`� 1 FORMER OWNER N ! o E (� ✓a ACR.�� j r ,r�rd rGllfn�� ► cP3 • L���'��a �r�F+ � APVoo+ Y. v I S W, TYPE OF BUILDING L,C I-)M 1 Q�� w, r A wo 0 L" I �) SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value i -j- i LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKSJ-, ✓/� ♦��, ��� -5G} �� /�dt` ! ,�✓� I J 2n�d erz • i rJr`!SY !7b°1+*� fyV,re, �Q'dF3 ,(/� i y /q� 4 I V f.1' O ii ! J�W / t! �NO VI f r ..Lr /01/ r f N.P-r ��f az Igo/d�U lei✓%n� !!+ /� ! Obs!• Z.-.c..�r ��Q(f � ~ - 57 f �-.- �s- 3, la6l? a SAGE `�� BUIL NGCONDITI N 140-n e � ��, c � NEW NORMAL BELe r, / �AE/ip �(J��2�{� I �t� `Jk �, (�i -, Zoo 06�, �5-0� �/',/ 3/1 97 1Z lw�\C9-� 4�JC��o� c�GJ�I`-bc-�'�re�6�Cr,��tsAr. �^ 4�t'>e•da�e�v N4� Tillable 10-R9V 700 ! 0q 00 //15110 a.l - - ,'��, �al��,-�,h. g.L coo Tillable 2 u9 N CCn Tillable 3 „ 7-' 0 u Woodland x z H L Swampland o FRONTAGE ON WATER Brushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD ' House Plot DEPTH -BULKHEAD=-d,� Total. DOCK I i • 7�r ;aME■N■N ■■■M■MME■■■■■■■MME■ .. _ _ � : • •' ■MINIM■■■ MM■M■M■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ - -- MEN ■M■ME■M■■ MNMEMO■■■EMEMEM EM ■� 'Y NONE■ MM�MEMEMMEM MMK IMMMMMM■■■■■■■■ M■N■MMM MM■■Mii■MMMMMM■MMM■MM OMEN■ 6� �iiiiiiiiiiii�t"I■E■■■■■■■ OM■NMQI MM■■M■M■MEl■■MONE ■■OM ■■■■fi�ir MMM■■MMMM■IFS■M■MMM■N _ ■■■NI■MM M■MMMMMM■EI■■■■MMM■■ M■■NINE MMMMMMMM■EIMMM■MMM■■■ MMONI■■N tom___. ENEOMI■MMM■EM■N■ ■MO ■NNS©N(!.. ■....©MMMMMMM ■■■MO■ . ■■ Noun M■MM■MM■ ■■ 4< ■NMMN MM■M■M■M■■MM■■■■■■■ Bath Rooms Ist Floor Rooms 2nd Floor I Dormer QAewciy i ��SUFFo�,��� ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �.Z.O Gy Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK C :� P.O.Box 1179 CA = Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS p • Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICERy� ®� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ®j �►a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: August 23, 2021 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 7570 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 7570 for Kimberly Palermo: Notice(s) of Disapproval The Application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Applicant's Project Description Questionnaire Correspondence- �Certificate(s) of Occupancy Building Permit(s) Misc. Building Dept. forms (Certificate of Compliance, Housing Code Inspection, etc.) Misc. Paperwork- Copy of Deed(s) Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting(s) Agricultural Data Statement Short Environmental Assessment Form Board of Zoning Appeals Application Authorization Action of the Board of Appeals J. Applicant/Owner Transactional Disclosure Form(s) Agent/Representative Transactional Disclosure Form(s) LWRP Consistency Assessment Form Photos Property Record Card(s) Maps- Survey/Site Plan Drawings —�n of Southold P 0 Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 08/23/21 Receipt#: 286514 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 ZBA Application Fees 7570 $1,250.00 Total Paid: $1,250.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#1141 $1,25000 Kiely, Stephen F Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Palermo, Kimberly PO Box 434 Mill Neck, NY 11765 Clerk ID: JENNIFER Internal ID-7570 ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: August 19, 2021 ZBA# NAME OF APPLICANT CHECK# AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP 7570 Palermo, Kimberly 1141 11250.00 RECEIVED A U G 2 3 2021 '031thn, Town C z TOTAL $1250.00 Sent via Inter-Office to Town Clerk-by: DW Thank you. 07- Wr,� QI- W R-1 ie� VN4 DA00 !:R EM Aw 7N�_ _;1 1-4 1 71 nkz,- P 1-'27 -h � p d37bdc �t e01- 8fd-430e-9144-c1f1478,1e304 ' AMDAVIT OF PUMICATION LIEGAL NOME The Suffolk Time4 SOUTHOLD TOWN ZON W.10 WARD OF APPEALS, 11 THURSDAY,DECEMBER"2,2021 at 10:00 AM —'------PUBLIC-HEA'RINGS7----- NOTICE(5-HIEREBY GIVEN.,,pursuant-to Section 26,7 of theTown-Law-and Town Code Chapter 280- (Zorlinz)� To,wrlof 500ftld,thefo,'lloWing"MPMON'pubIld'heaflRg Will beheld bythdSOUTHOWTOWA VNING: BOARD OrAPPEALS at th-e Town Hall;5305 Main Road;Southold, New York 119U-0959,on THURSQAYj QECEMBER 2,2021-. 'T-h,0pubrjcffiay ALSO have access tovie-Wlf.ste oaTd makes e cp 0 me,ptOorin v happen1'ngvia'Z0Ol0WE0jNAR. Details abp4t,how to tone In'indrhake comments dUeihg the PUBUt 'ihe'ToNn's�Webs�iteagtnda'for-',i,h'israieeting'w c 14EARIN(3-are oh� Wi R may be viewed at b-tto.1/iO'Uthc)lcltownby.sovl,agendacefiter. Addlflon'ally,there Will he a link1b the-Zonom Wiblnior meeting at http./,/so,uth,oldto"n,y,.goV/calendar,,aspX. 10:0QA.M.-"NM, SUFFOLK WATE1,1FRONT FUND,#75,95—Req Uest for a Varlanco from Article Xrx, Section 280-851)(5);and1he BuIldihgInspector'sjune 23,202'1, 12,2021 Notice of DisppproVal b,osed'onan applitation fora-'permit to install 0rmtoqdiqg-sign;,at 1)located jtss than thecpdo rlhth!MjJM required lSfeet frame the edge of pavement;located at.,650 First Street,(Adj.-to-Great Peconic,Bayy New 0-1274-119.11 ,Suffolk,NY,,$C(MNa,100 10:10 .M,- FISMAS ISLAND COMM —Reques U N IV-CEN TER#750�a$� t flora Special Exc6ptjaq,porsumt, to-Town C6,de,-Arfit,je'lli,,.SL:tc.tiqn2,$Q�18C45),,tbeapplica nt isrequesVingperrois!�t-onfbr-r6creaiionaltise - ' upon premises a', construct two paddle tennis/pi kleb u s; accessory to a community unity center,and to const c �all to' rt looted At:For tarfe� Fishorsis(and,NY -5C � _T`M#IQQ-12-1 1.2. BVS5Ett'80,BEAT-S#7564,—kequest for Variances from Article.1)],SecAijon-29045 an Request, to Overturn'the'Building Inspectors July 14,2021,Amended July 30,20.21 Notfceqf Disapproval based an an~ application,to tonstruct roof line alterations to an existing accessory.structure,and to alter`use-ofthe existing accessorystrocttire to an artist_studio;at 1)located less than the node'reqqlred'minimunj side yard, setback of 5 feet-,2)the proposed use in the accessory,bulldingjs not a permitted accessory use; located at-,1295 Old Harbor Road, (Adj to Cutchogue Harbor)New Suffolk, NY.SCTM No.1000-117-3-10. 10:30 A.M.-JOHN AND MARGARET KREPP#7565—Request for Variances from Article III,Section 2$0- 15; ,Article XXIII,,Section 280-124;and the Building Inspector's July 27,2021 Notice of Disapproval based an an ,application fqr a permit to construct additions and alterations to a single family dwelling;and to legalize an accessory'shed, at 1)dwelling located less than the code required minimum.side yard setback of 15 feet; 2) SOUTHOLD TOWN BD OF APPLS 2 -6 d37bdce0-a8fd-430e-9144-c1fl47810304 AFFIDAViT:OF PUBLICATION /-IOC The Suffolk Times dwelling located less,than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 35•feet;3)"as built' shed located less than the coded,required minimum side yard Setback of 10 feet;located at: 1235 Island View Lane,(Adj,to Shelter island Sound)Gree(port,NY.SCTM No;•1000-5'22-42:8. _-------10,,40.A:M.�-MIEHAEL-A:AND-M-AUREENAKELL-'�##7566---Request-ft T-&Var`lance-frolii-A-rticle�XXIIIT----------------------- -------- - -------Section - - 280-124;and the Building inspector's August ib,2023.Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit'.to accessory in-gr6,Uhd"swimming pool;ati)more thari;the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%;located at:31450 Marlene Lane,Mattituck, OY,SCTM No.1000-144-2-35. 10:50 A.M.-JONATHAN DiVELLO#7572--Request for a Variance fi`.orrr Article XXltla Section 280-124;.and the Building lnspector`s August 6,,2021,Notice of Oisapprovafbased,66 arr application fora permit to demolish and reconstruct a single family dwelling,at 1)located less than the code-inlnimum required front yard setback of 35 feet;located,at., 255 Corwin Street,Greenport,MY,SCTM No.,1000,-48-1-44.2, IV,00 A.M.-TAMAKHOLIANGS;LLC.it7568-Request for a Variance from At'ticle t111,5ect(orl 280-15;and the Building Jhoector's August 9,2021 Notice of Disapproval based on an appllcatidri-for a permit construct an accessory in-grdund swj,nrring,pool;:at 1) located in other than the code required rear yard; located at 21955 Route 25;orient, NY.SCTM 146,1000-17-4-:25, 1-bG PIN.-PETER J.MAms5 AN`D MADELINE JOYCE COVELLO #7569—Request for a Variance from Article XXIlJ,,Section 280-1243 and the Building Inspector's July-6;2021 Notice of Disapproval based.on an application for,a perinit-toan-eX;sting agcessary;garage and costuct anew aceesorygalage; at 1).More-than the.code permitted maximum (, ttcoverage,of20% located:at:825 Bailey-Averiue, Greenport, IVY.SCTM No.1000-34-4-1$,- iAQp.M,-KIMBERLY'PALLRMQ •#757.0'—.Request for Variances"from grtiel,011;Section 280-45;Article XXIJIj Section 280,124;acrd the Building tnspettor's July 23,2021 Notice ofDisapproval based application;for a•permit to demolish(as,perTown'Code definition)and reconstruct an existing single family •dwelling;at 1)Jocated less than the code minimum required combined side yard setback of 25 feet;2) more than the code permitted maiimum lot coverage of'2,0%;3J existiig•hot tub located in other than the code required rear,yard; located at; 1$5 Pinewood Road,CutclTogue, NY.,SCTM No.1090-110-3-2. 1:20 P,NI.-NORTH FORK PROJECT, LLC,/OLD MILL INN 7573—Requestfor Variances from,Article'XiIJ, Section 280-56 and the Building Inspector's June 30,2021 Notice of Disapproval,based on an.application for a permit to eonstructadditionsand alterations to an existing restaurant;at 1)located less than•the code minimum required front yard setback of 35 feet;2) located less than the code:minimum required rear yard setback of 25 feet;3)located less than the code minimum required side yard setback of 25 feet;4) more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 30%; located at:5775 Mill.Road,(,Mattituck Creek) SOUTHOLD TOWN BD OF APPLS 3 d37bdce0-a8fd-430e-9144-c1f14781e304 kimf@southo, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION � C) The Suffolk Times Mattltuck;NY..S-CTNI NO,1000--ib6-6-3. 1.30 P.M.-.STEVEN CORDOVES AND'MICHAEL GULIZIO 17,562—Request for Variances•from Article,lll, Section 280-15;Article X)'111,,gection,280424,,and the.Bdilding Inspector's May,1'7,,2021 Notice of Disapproval Used on a'nap•plication•for'a,permitto demolish and-reconstruct asingle•family,dwelling, with.____.__. attached deck and to install on accessory in-ground,swimming;pool;at 1)-located less than the code min'frrium required combined side y_a#d'setback of 15 feet on two 5mdes;2)located less than the code miniMurrt required c-onibined side yard,setback of,3S feet;_3)more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage,of 20%,,4)the PfgPrised sWfmming pool)acated irr other than the code required rear yard,; located - ar:$,2$ 141 d View Lane;(Adj:to.Wel•terlslond„Sound)'Greenport,, NY..SCTM No,1000-57=2}26; 1,40:P.M-_- 4uAN t VEDo-97571—Request for a Varience.fl'om Articl_$,XXlll,Section 286424�ih,O the - 811ilding I'nspector's,Aagust%,2021 Notice-of bisapproysi b'ased-on an applicatiian-for a permit to legalize an "as-built”wood,deck attached to a single family dwell'i'ng;,at 1)located less than the.code.minimum reguired-rearyard setback of 10 feet,located at:2775 County Road 48, Mattituck; NY.-SC7M No:.1000- 141 z=v11: 1.50 P:M, DAVID-ANQ LISA CIFAREL-LI,#7551—(Adj.•from November4,2021)-Request forVaria"e-s from Article 3(X111,Sect!00,280A;�4 alyd'the building;Inspeetor'sAily;1,2021 Not'ice•of DisapptpvaI based.oii,air application fora permitto demoiishon edsting-,dwefling and construct asingle famifyAwelling;at,1) Ibcaied-lessthanthe code required minimum side�yard setbackof 10-feet;dn-two,side yards;lobated at: 2674 Peco)aicBay Blvd-(Adj,to Pecorii�Bay),Laurel,NY`:,CTM Np,1000-128-6,13,3 The Board of. peals,•will hear all,persons ortheir,representative�,desiring to be.heard:at each hearing, and/or desiritigio submit written statements before the conclusion of eacb hearing, Each hearing will net start eatl_fe-r than designated above,, Files'are available,for review on The Town's.Webjlnk/Lasencq'he Under 2oriing Board -of Appeals-(ZDA)\Board ActionsNOending. •Click•Llnk: http://-24.38.2$.228;2040/.web)ink/Browse,aspx?dbid=0. Contact our office at(631),765-1809,or by email: Dated! November 18,2021 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS,LESLIE KANE$WEISMAN,CHAIRPERSON BY:Kim E. Fuentes,54375 Main Road(Office Location), P.O.Box 1.1.79,Southold, NY 11971-0959 SOUTHOLD TOWN BD OF APPLS 4 t37bdc.e0-ia8fd-430e-9144-clf14781e804 'kimf@southoldtowrinygov AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TheSaffolk'Tirbes State of New.York, County^pt,.SuffQjk, The undersigned is the euthbtjzed c published,in ,tjesigneo of T 91k1ime a Weekly Newspaper p b' . , -si , is Suffolk County,New York, l)Mrt1fy'.that:the public nofice,a-printed copy,of which is attached hereto, wa"s pfintedand published in this newspaper on the following dAter' Nomern be r 2 5r,21021 Thl.5'howspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,o$A n4,Wspapar of record ih this county.,,and as such,is,eligible to,publish such notices. oo4 Signature MaT,Putnam Printed Flame -- -------- Subscribed and sWorri'to bef6re me, This 2-9day ofNoveMb6r2021 Nota > Signa to S 4N STATE 'OF N't,W YORK NOTARMIBLIC: AQBANY Notary Public Stamp 0 1R[6-1§9'4-* SOUTHOLD TOWN BD OF APPLS BOARD MEMBERS ®f ®� Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ®�� j�®� 53095 Main Road• P.O.Box 1179 ® Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes , Town Annex/First Floor, ix d Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas PlanamentoCo Southold,NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631) 765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2021 at 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Town Code Chapter 280 (Zoning), Town of Southold, the following "IN PERSON" public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2021: The public may ALSO have access to view, listen and make comment during the PUBLIC HEARING as it is happening via ZOOM WEBINAR. Details about how to tune in and make comments during the PUBLIC HEARING are on the Town's website agenda for this meeting which may be viewed at http://southoldtownny.qov/agendacenter. Additionally, there will be a link to the Zoom Webinar meeting at http://southoldtownny.qov/calendar.aspx. 1:10 P.M. - KIMBERLY PALERMO #7570 — Request for Variances from Article III, Section 280-15;Article XXIII, Section 280-124; and the Building Inspector's July 23, 2021 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish (as per Town Code definition) and reconstruct an existing single family dwelling; at 1) located less than the code minimum required combined side yard setback of 25 feet; 2) more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%; 3) existing hot tub located in other than the code required rear yard; located at: 155 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue, NY. SCTM No. 1000-110-3-2. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons or their representatives,desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review on The Town's Weblink/Laserfiche under Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA)\Board Actions\Pending. Click Link: i n k/Browse.aspx?d bid=0. If you have questions, please telephone our office at(631)765-1809, or by Dated: November 18, 2021 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LESLIE KANES WEISMAN, CHAIRPERSON By: Kim E. Fuentes 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing/USPS) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 r l i,•'"��.b v G�� Town Hall Annex, 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 o - Cd' Southold,New York 11971-0959 Fax(631) 765-9064 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATE: November 1, 2021 RE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC HEARING The following policies are required by New York State Law Dear Applicant; Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the Zoning Board of Appeals will not be meeting in-person. In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.1, the December 2, 2021 Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting will be held via video conferencing (Zoom Webinar), and a transcript will be provided at a later date. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live, and make comments. kx i c s �i `.-s".T,.a``` i33ary " ta"""'5`1a`s"' 'a-:>a,l: 'a'-'aFi-kis ' r•:•.i,� gr ....._5+ •.tc3 2 v >>i,,, r'' ',=. '3'++�' 'G<-,� s" s".3seeyirl t>~utian -3t' did o:c enxhe <� er, a `and matrial$ equir. cl to reaxe '` £,'yp;,i.. ,r2+•5� ,. n,' z'i a a<r'i i"v a�'. w £x3":�+a,':z F, rw'" "'✓ .c,y t{a' 4i�k"'ynn itswwwVis, �„�, r r ` w_,�' 1 lroath ISA uU' earripyhih43 cudsM 'T� Sy�1�, 'ADS =. FtZNs-E :,. 11 'r. v'< ��'^..dam•-�+us.. tL'4:�a9r�.; .�..e_..�: ,,.,P, ,a�`..�,....�,:7,s,';w„.2"..=�.� a..s`�,r.:��,:�"_ 1. Yellow sign to post on your property a minimum of seven (7) days prior to your hearing, to be placed not more than 10 feet from the front property line (within your property) bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is supplied for posting on both street frontages. Posting should be done no later than November 23, 2021. To avoid weather damage to your sign please affix it to a sturdy surface such as plywood. If your sign is damaged please call the office and we will provide you with another one. Prior to your public hearing, members of the Board of Appeals will each conduct a personal inspection of your property. If a Board member reports that there is no signage visibly on display as required by law, your scheduled hearing will be adjourned to a later date to ensure compliance with Chapter 55-1 (B) 1 of the Town Code. 2. SC Tax Map with property numbers. 3. Legal Notice of video conference meeting. Instructions for participation will follow, and will be posted on the Town's Website under the meeting date, and the Legal Notice section of Suffolk Times Newspaper. 4. Affidavits of Mailings and Posting to be completed by you, notarized, and returned to our office by November 23, 2021, verifying that you have properly mailed and posted. Please attach a photograph of the posting on your property with your affidavit of posting. 5. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view application. if Instructions for ZBA Public Hear�,s'I Page 2 r_�•u-- �&.�;-L-ate Please send by TSPSCe"rhfiedYYUTReturnReceint the following documents to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed) vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. We ask that you send your mailings promptly so that if any piece is undeliverable, you can reach out to your neighbors to request their mailing addresses, and re-mail. Mailing to be done by November 15,2021. a. Legal Notice informing interested parties of meeting being conducted via video conferencing. (Enclosed) A WEBLINK to the meeting will be provided on the Town's Website under the date of the meeting. b. Your Cover Letter which should include your contact information, date and time of hearing, procedures for submitting written comment via email or USPS to our office. Recipients should be able to contact you for additional information. Furthermore, if recipients need to contact the ZBA staff, they may telephone 631-765-1809 or email us at or c. Instructions for Laserfiche/Weblink to view all pending applications. (Enclosed) Link to view pending applications: d. Survey or Site Plan depicting"as-built" and proposed improvements requiring ZBA relief. The Town's Laserfiche/Weblink files provides both location addresses and mailing addresses in their current Assessment Roll listing. (See Link Below). Also, the Town Assessor's Office can be reached at 631-765-1937. Contact us via email or by phone if you need further assistance. TownOfSouthold>Assessors>Assessment Books/Tax Rolls>2010-2019>2019 el.aspx. r�.e}:..�fira��,�.�;���r^,.�Via-,.- t*�-t• �-rte=�.,ice M�ra�T s..�,,._�i::7_;ir.;�=->' -- �--=:,��-�::r,aE...,T,:-...^<. -- 'rr;`r^ _ -�_',}�, . �^ 3 ,;•,i"a`:,� r..«. �., ,.,k.�r ick 4>.;�F,-4,x;$;�s?�` °�a K,: ,. {y„ps`-.,.T +�.an:;�' 'MTR�,f � , sN 1ST QNS. Yw xz : .w.,`. h.4 . �. �, zY ,., , ,C� }r 3' r • fl �.,”,a '°[ ^- S ``t'its.l. ,a, r v..u,.;i-,'=r-r`.+ .,{a;'r'p ag,..,±�v' C, ^'s'. ^r � m r'Ysc�',max -' -z,t�;�,C',i�t,s'-'S^e %�=-F` ;;.t+: ��y'�'�A:a'.,�`- s`,.�*,�4 's7 ;t,s r5�' '�` a. ..:c�-,1k4;� :a ',�s��( aA ^r >>, ;c�' 3 '"- r�, �k`�3n a...x ,>s- .#`tt r-a .. d ; s~`-^•' ,`�'^` „s', �#v;.� F�, ^"55 " � "i` -3^ ""'_''' "�,A,'�s;�x m. � �' :v;` dy_ � *. 3;&+,a, g ;'^`+x: :�r'_: '`ir'''K'".''�:n, w �vhC =.cRtL,,-�. 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Please be reminded that New York State Law requires the ZBA to follow the above specific policies. If for any reason, you are unable to prepare for your public hearing as instructed, please let us know. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant • -� *�'� '� �µ .� �' � F`'�''}s`.t'la U: � �y}� °k �•� r � rr.N.Y� .+,. �a M•G� Y �.-'.y` -J 3-. �'^f -5 5• F '1•kr .�., Y r t Y fsfJ'�� 1, & �3I � � ks x '�F +t' 'F�3 -`M t l yt,'.i"¢^:} -,;,t t`� Y•.t� '{ .r r"'S�..?`C!•..;. 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ZBA Decisions can be found under Board Actions: Click on "Board Actions"folder to open. r ,2w �eniYl*^st,�-�- .__- ..+•ti __ - J.f_.l�.k;ti't-:�r:3 s.r¢, z-,i.. •i�?-'-;'�'.��^�•. . ~ate , ,_�_ 'Y``"•-4. �J ..!.• �i{'- - '�+;•�``:. �?,�:'E-t:g>.�:?ax;=4`;;_�t.�z_rcy.`-.,;ia=�-.'�,':.-'-r,•=:'�`s.'s'��"i _r,�_ �, - _ _ r, . - _ _ - _ _ - - -_ _:�t.ter-' lz�f k,a<i-l�1ia'f �_`dz, - -�`• ___- _ s is'°„'; __�.__, ,�,�_"_`__y_L.,de..__ _ _ k .. .- _ _ °=1 »�:a yilyr+ .l_y`el4 r-%; _ •6't'zt't .8 ea4�L+:`.' m-. rSi' H-.i�`"`y_irr''.'1.,-e, -�r3t,�;�_.';a4'.+=:i:^F.-:_am•Y�:'�S-w,'Yjrcrk•e.�..r0:''.4s.-a'.it=;i:;..-`.. _ _ aw ..;.c �yko '�..r: w d;'aGL��f2Fu'-t'i..riia n� ,_......-�i - .-�;`u: .. __.•- -'_-_ ,. .... _ -ti[ �' �!ds iEll09 " `. { nxeati6n_date - '��i�ianiN�otiia'i}z,"6'-'rr.� GtJI� 5$ PNJ' S?S U1e,19 dor��es�ris-•6tna bnd=-i.OAG,3As. • , __.._.. :,-','-°•�;-.`�.'—�-�tI �'€;7�s5's�'��+kio�!•sp-'F=ry taornetadazaassigned I 17386-86bBapin ffbrhe-iL[I000-37,S)D.a' '��i387`�;l�tidC#Ints�74DU=�3-4.1 - •--• - -- - - - -�- --- . .1 #738j'Hard;Crimer=SRE PLAN--Arch Ptans 1000-61-4.1 f, _- --- -- - - - la. - - -- ---- '' '+ "p�'Si�338=Nfintomlirer'171tstitf00-72&�2-2p' *a 317389 8eiSir1000;71 i 4 - - - 'a-#7906-Kappa 1000.9&1-1.5 I I i Page 1 af'1 Above, Lists all Pending Applications under Board Actions/Pending URL Address, Link is Laserfiche Instructions ZBAFiles Page J /fj Page 3 � 1 LasercpeYJeb4ink o ,'ti y�binlgr i�` ako i sl , Yiorpe BTOY%3p';;�Rarzh - �TowriOfSoutttold�2ordrtg 6oaMnlA7Spealj RBAI*-Board.Action"s ,+; _ t - yam,=r4 t`>':- >'�.' �'-I,�r' •}� Board Actions �l �1 Name -— Page count - }��^ E@ 1957-1979 �`t 19061999 Path GB 2000 TawtlofsomtwWlZoring Board ofAppeats aRgdloard Actions :a—EO 2001 Creation date f-, 22 Zoog___-------_—-- ---- --------- -------------__-�_---------..--- 7n0=11221;!6pM mod'od'fied F� .�� -------------•--------------- ----- Lostt7tt3b: N1 07AA2009_—__ y 22 2005 U M 2006 No metadata wsW ed 2007 '- Mi 20M •)? 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Click on file you are searching. ra t , Laserfiche Instructions 1610 ZBA Files Page 4 - - 'v.•�w..'y. - _ _- _ ,- ,' etrsv'iJ�St�.v+�iw..+g:•-i,`n -- -- � • -' _ _` - .�' -- _-- :,11`.•"••'`f.,,�-�:y: i:a '.1�•r_-� 'r � -- �`l+yie - Above: In addition searching by file no.You can also use the above search tool by typing the name or title of the applicant. 'L'aserj'iche 1Neblln � ;s S_�r'_ ,x•`�,' _ Home, •Brag! f— , = - -•,!_,�:=,•,...;:.��r�_i-- r�'..�'.l ..0-`' --'amu�r�•:�r'"'y=:�:F.,'� air:?4 a.,f� l - cu@7 omLro sear,-Search j Sort resUts by.+Relevance 4.- _ - - - .II Remrds Nanagemsnt Search T—r�1' { 87016 Board Acbons-33 page(s) l - j Uloose rmkl � Page counC 83 Template name:Board ACOons ` ! Page 3_-,Cglm and Krktm Cashel PROPERTY LOCATION:162 Lower SMngfe 1RIL rlshel_ Page a—19.2017#7016.Cashel SdTM No.t00?9.1-26 mmimus appraval to remo_ J Page 5_y t 9.211/7#7016',Cashel SCTM No-f 0069.1.26 GRANT;thevadanTes as -�yyd'terrra Page 9..COLIN 8 KRISTEN CASHEL SECTION 009 BLOC.- .j! _ -I Page 20_.Thomas Ahlgren(eashel),PO Box 342 FahersLsland.NY_ • tt! j V Show more Information_ ,) _ t•! 117018 Board Actions-56 page(s) JFI Page count:56 Template"TM BOard AtdonS Page 48_9-30A.M:-CgLIN WHELANDVarlancesunderkOtle ldSkfjori ANS_ Vage48_aniks)"Ly7ENCMAEL#7016-ItequeStpmpo tre0ls located llljj `; , •s'show more inform at(on_, v :'Shows'you files.that,can'be fouii -usin a,- ,p�prase;;name or't'#I ` -_ Aboe _ - _ - . -- - � _ ,, � e..�'Or`�o'u-t:an-,'search'by , • : -Tax Map No.,(District,'.Block and'Lot),using t'h+e;format•1000,-111.=1=1.' -LasekJlcheWsUirilL __ -- - - 9 A}�yjegrjy�LtidClphogi Home -Browse. SeaiiflTowt1.O(Souttiotd->zOS89oar'aOPAppealF,t�BA)>Mlm9te3%!cj£§ntlaslleS � ng3-~ - - - _ - Minutes/Agendas/Legal' ge_cwnt Notices/Hearings 1957-1979 ' En Pr J es 19861999 IJM 20062009 j Path Tm,mO Ou0xdd,cMng Board w"1.,2010 i of Appeal I ED2oil - ------ - •---'-- "— t7I A)V,1mmm1Ager7da-.JLegal r N'CLkeshiezrings -Z 2012 Creation date ®2073 - 7/t0200/25740 PM r 2014 Last rrwdlF d I -,2015 12/16r2016211514 PM - __ i Irk 2016 - 1 R Metddaita ` f- '_017 No metadala assigned Page 1 of 1 T 1 Enu _ ----------.._._..._.�___-�_ -- _.__.—_._.--____---_ DiOmentfautemirt E-xY,p.e1.Na>1su24Wr6W+.�61!f8Zn1,�I]/r--rn'.rvneY 4 _ . . Above:Also, Minutes,Agendas, and Hearing Transcripts can be viewed. Laserfiche Instructions ZBA Files Page 5 Y Laser-fiche'Web ink. ;)jpg, cr, �ku�e MOT ?�J#A qn' �Ao W 01 ,-'-'-T. 7�I-�; -7�737 -T, 2017' Nome A 2811-01/05MVAgenda 4 Path • Ek ZELAO/05M I i7 t" 40 TbVMOjSouthc9dM3rft-Soar'd tI ZO&DUMV2017 LN fAPPMS 2 j NOUCeMH-"VM7 - 'U, Z"19'hOl7fteda Creatlondate _.,- —. - I.- - -- - . — -.-- -.-.2 12n6/ZD16 2.11-5:14 PMZBA-0�17 7 Last mociffled 4 W1912MA:53:59PM ZPA*102=7Heaft -45-.- 01 Zah-wozaO17 LN 3 -f ZHA��6=17A&nda 3 -f No meradsta assiiyled ------ Zak=6=17Vedal 3 ZSA-03MfM7 7 MA4aW2017Agenda 4 MkOWOMOPHe 6S XV9 �j ZBA43==17LN 3 a!ZBA-0 012017.Agenda 3 2BA4)3/16fbD175pecW 5 'Hearing 45 Agendas;.mqutk,-"zfnd'Tr' - 6-!!�� -rdi .,Aiy6Ve. anscHbUIr, hro661d9jCa[Q "gen--, as-;, Revised 6/15/2020 r" H i4o' Tlt'. E U' F ,, HEAR1i4t'Ji The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR - Follow link - httpm.// NAME m. PALERMO , KIMBERLY # 7570 SCTM # : 1 000- 1 1 0-3-2 4k,"ARIANCEN. YARD SETBACK, LOT COVERAGE , LOCATION OF ACCESSORY HOT TUB REQUEST : DEMOLISH RECONSTRUCT DWELLING DATE THURS. , DEC. 21 2021 1 :10 PM You may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town Records/Weblink: ?BA/ Board Actions/ Pending. ZBA Office telephone (631 ) 765-1809 - = 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF 1 In the Matter of the Application of: POSTING y c�ywvo ko/h (Name of Applicants) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 1, �/� �„�e residing at New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: I am the ( ) Owner or gent for owner of the subject property On the-4 day of *Ive^ k-w- , 20 , I personally placed the Town's Official Posteronsubject property located at: The poster shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall beset back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed fora yer'od of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing of z Z� Ac nerA—gent Signature) Sworn to before me this 0 Day of / " `' , 20 (Notary ublic) y P?EO Stephen FrancisKiely NOTARY Notary Public,state of Newyork 1 ....® 1* No.02K16247155 r��J SEAL s r £ Qualffied in Suffolk County NEjy'YOPy'+� Commission Expires 08l = � . o ro Er ff- cU �4si�Pnl � a �- �- la nj Certified Mad Fee a 7c I iG52 c 06 Ln Extra Services&Fees(check box,add tee as a�� Dll Ite) rq [IReturn Receipt(hpy) $ardco Postmark CJ F1 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Here, C:3 []Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ E:3 ❑Adult Signature Required $— — Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ I C-3 Postage to �- $788 0 2,121 $ 11/1 / C3 Total Postage and Fees $ 17.53 Ln --U ------- --- a 7�" SECTIONCOMPLETE THIS ON DELIVERY COMPLETE • I ■ Complete Items 1,2,`6nd 3:-Mo cgmplete rB!�F Signature / ❑Agent Item 4 if Restricted Delivery 1s desired. v ❑Addressee ■ Print your name_ and address„on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. piece, ecel,ed by(,PRGte�Nana)k) C. t�6 D�1ve ry ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail � -f 1 or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address Ifferent from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: E3 No 7Restdcted ail ❑Ketuem Mail (J Receipt for Merchandise ail ❑C.O.D. elivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 7015 0640, 0001 5424 9235 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540; PS Form 3811,February 2004 li s s a • A. Signature ❑Agent ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. X [3 Addressee ■ Print your name and address on the reverse O• Date of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. B• Rei •ved by(Printed Name) 1 I ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, J�, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes � 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below; 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Expr �]Adult ess@ ❑Adult Signature III'IIIII till Illllllflll III II I IIII II II II III III 0 Registered Mad Signature Restricted Delivery F-1 Registered Mail Restricted 0 Certified MadO e"tw Receipt for 9590 9402 2663 6336 2934 70 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery Merchandise Cf Collect on DeliverynTM Signature ConfirmatianTM' —n-1-1—n 13 co Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature confirmation . Article Number_ 2 (Transfer froElm insured Mad Restricted Delivery '0 0[]01 5424 9181 3 laver d Mail Restricted Delivery 015 Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811,,lufy 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 r TOWN-OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT; OF P � In the Matter of the Application of MAILINGS 9fT0 16)Aeoi WmAo (Na�ine of Applicant/Onwnear) _P� Pivieotat 6L ' S CT1VI No:,1,000- ; (Address of Property) (Section,Block&Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, ( ) Owner, (6 Agent �' lcir4^e� - residing at 149'S 9'S �Z�`� r.. . S�.�1�►�\ New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: On the day of /V , 20,'?-11 personally mailed at th6'United Stated Past-,O oe in Ih/;ti� cls- New YorlC,by.CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll Verified from the official records on file with the( ) Assessors, or( ) County Real Property Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public'or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signa e) Sword to before me this , ,. day of /V4/�Ve✓� , 20 V '45,TE�F�t Stephen Francis Kiely E •NOTARY, ` Notary Public,State of New York ��� 3* �•� '•*I No.02KI6247155 ,, SEAL 1 Qualified in Suffolk County (Notary Public) Y,o Commission Expires 2Q_ PLEASE list on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next --- to-the-o-vomer-names-and-addresses-for-which-notices were_maileck--- ---------- -- ! All original USPS receipts and mailing confirmations to be submitted to the ZBA Office along with this form completed, signed and notarized. N . • . ® stal se�r"ViceCERTIFIED ■ ItiC3 CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT : ly P'1DoTesticM_ - _ ° rq Er Certified Mall Fee °7c C1952 ruCertified Mall Fee IJ7 $ - Ij6 $ $3.75 0952 Extra Services&Fees(checkbox,add fee ,p ate) c i) ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) '$ �0�- y� Extra Sen Receicesipt &Fees(check box,add fee pr�i ate) � �tl t 1111 Postmark ! rq ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ I !fl I 0 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ f: ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ 0 0 0 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ .!_�[U I Here O _❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Postmark O ❑Adult Signature Required $ rr,rrr� � I I°!_I[i Here ' � lar: []Adult Signature Required $ r-1 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ElAdult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ' O postage °7q� r-3Postage -0 $ 11/18/2021 $ $0.78 0 Total Postage and Fla 0 Total Postage and Fees 11/18/2021 Ln $ °5u Sent Ln S 17-91 D 0 -----tan---- streetanc�A j't o or?( o God St e� p�Til ----------------- Ci e, P 4 --- Stat :r r-------- ® - - ■ • - f Cu �' 193 �1 � � I r� '� ° Certlfied Mall Fee j)952 2 $ $3.75 t N Certified Mail Fee Ln c 116 [iQei2 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee a p sial $3.75 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 1 i i if I $ e) t 16 i I Lin Postmark t.l"1 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee a 0 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ter— ` ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) 0 ❑Certlfied,Mail Restricted Delivery $--94-.;_t) - Here Postmark r ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ Here [3 [3 Adult Signature Required $ — E:3 ❑Certified Mad Restricted Delivery $ ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O ❑Adult Signature Required $----- rr� C3 C-3 Postage t '1°73 []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ .0 $ 11/1�/2Ci21 Postage 10' .780 Total Postage and Fees $Ln 11/1�fIJ21 $7.53 .n Total Postage and Fees Se $ o $ $7°58 ---------------------- nt � - Lrl �---------- e ------- ------------------------ --- _ ` � � City,Sta e,Z 4� r PO B N0. _ I ; 0 rest a t.N o 0 o No. � 1, Cade - I� _ �� r�r•�. _ City State,�tP+4�^�O #93 CERTIFIED f, . °° a M • Er ru cu�6�11P-pj 03P 'r � Certlfied Mall Fee $ °7c i��2 Certlfied Mad Fee e Extra Services&Fees(checkbox,eddies f3Wpcfe) 0 u7 $ j 7_r �952 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 1 I 1 I I Extra Services$Fees(checkbox,add fee a a�pr to) 16 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ tlj 1 E3 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ $0 00 in I Postmark ❑Certified Mad Restricted Delivery $ .e r� -- Here 0 El Receipt(electronic) $ ,Amm— � []Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ 1— Postmark ( � E]Adult Signature Required $ sm A 00 Q ❑Adult Signature Required $—�rt. rr- Here ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ �'rs°rJ+-r C-r Postage I C3 Postage - $ $173.7u S 0 Total Postage and Fees 11/18/2021 $ $0.78 O 0 Total Postage and Fees 11/1 /ry1J21 Ln $ 7 r, $ 7. 18 r� Sen Sp—�••�\•���i� 0rq p - .Q Street andA B o: N M1 Street an A Y.No.,or 6z No - ---_ City,State, +4® fifty St ZIP+4� ---I----- = = v l� " 3 r .rr 1 :I I B 11 111•1 - 1 I STEPHEN F. KIELY, ESQ 12850 Main Road - P.O. Box 567 Mattituck, New York 11952 -� (631) 298-7529 ATTACHMENT TO AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING In the Matter of the Application of: Kimberly Palermo #7570 155 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue SCTM NO.1000-110-3-2 SCTM NO.1000 OWNER AND ADDRESS 110-3-1 Wm. R.Lombardi Irry Trust Phyllis A. Lombardi Irry Trust 55 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 110-3-16 Caroline T. Buhler 50 Eastwood Drive Cutchogue, NY 11935 110-3-15 Joseph Lucatorto Kristine Thomas PO Box 22 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Loc: 23o Eastwood Drive, Cutchogue, NY 11935 110-3-3 Jean A. Cameron 275 Pinewood Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 1 L .,COMPLETE THIS SECTION A. Signature p Agent ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. X E3 Addressee i ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to YOU. B. Received b (Printed Name) Y1 ate��eflvery j 0 Attach this-card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ' delivery address different from item 1? �Yes 1. Article Addressed to: J If YES,enter delivery address below: ®,plrY i Ph J 9 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mair Express® b Adult Signature Q(Registered Ma11n" ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery b Regi ered Mail Restricted t Illllllll llll 111 111 lllll 1111111111111111111 [3 Certified Mad® etum Recelptfor 9590 9402 2663 6336 2934 94 [3 Certified Mall RQstricted Delivery Merchandise Q Collect on,DeNgry ❑Signature Conflrmatlon"" Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Q Signature Conflrrnation 2. Article Number(transfer from service label) q Insured Mail ; Restricted Delivery I C]Insured Mail Re$trlct@dDelivery 0640 0007,` 5424 9198 (over$500) ?015 - Domestic Return Receipt PS Form ,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 _ COMPLETE • • DELIVERY • • • A. Signature C l ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Addressee I, so that we can return the card to you. g Received by(P�infed Narrga) C. Date of Delivery l ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, C F>t7i-) 11� o I or on the front if space permits. t icle Addressed to'. D. Is delivery address different from item t? ❑�Y 1. Artes I If YES,entererdelivery address below: �"� CdC&6j6e- M?155 3. Service Type 1:1Priority Mail Express@ Adult signatu a Restricted Delivery ❑Reg [3istered Adult Mall Restricted} II I IIIIII I'll III I II i III I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ❑Certified WHO DP,U4eN I eturn Receipt for 9590 9402 2663 6336 2935 24 ❑Cerhfled Mail Restricted Delivery Merchandise ❑Collect on Delivery Re1:3 Collect on QellverY stricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmat! riT. sued Mail ❑Signature Confirmation 2._Article_Number-NumberRestricted Delivery ,�•����r '',••, n n n,I r Ll__5" Mail Restricted Delivery , • • • • • SECTION . Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. j ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received dName) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if Space permits, 1, 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address differentfirom item 12 eS I if YES,enter delivery address below: J. 3.-Setvice Type ❑Priority Mall ExpressCa7 4 I IIIIIIIIIeryery IIII IIIIIIIiIII III II I IIII I IIIIIIiI111 12 MalTm ❑AdultSi9natureRestrictedDelivery ❑Regl er dMalRestricted} t ❑=nature 9590 9402 2663 6336 2935 48 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery Return Receipt for Q Collect on Delivery Merchandise n Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmationTM' _2._Article Numhar_ffransfPr_Frnm�a�,%^�+^�^" Insured Mail Q Signature Confirmation ?015 0640 0001 5424 916 7 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over 14500) l ' Domestic Return Receipt PS For ml38111,July 201 a PSN 7530-02-OOd-9053 ___ #7570 1 Palermo 110-2-16 Thomas May Anne May 3 Debbie Ct., East Setauket, NY 11733 Loc: 150 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 110-2-17 Roman S.Watroba 70 Pinewood Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 110-2-15 Dorothy Kotylak PO Sox 104 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Loc: 280 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SENDER:'-COMPLETE . ■ Complete items and 3. A. Signature S ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. VLAddressee 1 0 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R ceived by(Pdnteq_Npme) C. late of elivery or on the front if space permits. (' 1 2012-( 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No I /�.tom-eat �U 0q, 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mad Express® I II I I IIII III I III III I II I I I II I III VIII III b Adult Signature ❑Registered MaIITM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 2663 6336 2935 31 ❑Certified Mail Rpstricted Delivery I Receipt for d Collect an Deflyery Merchandise 2.--Article Number_(Transferfiom service label) _ 1:1 Collect on Dehvery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmatlonTM 7 215 0640 0001 5426 13 81 Insured Mail CJ Signature Confirmation Insured Mad Restr(ct@dDelivery Restricted Deli4egl lover$500) PS Form 381 1,'July 2015 PSN 7530-D2-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 2 i , ■ Com le#e items 1,2,and 3. Mi'bi P -0 Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse p'Addressee so that�tve can return the card to you, Piloted Narrfe) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this"�ard to the back of the mailpiece, 1 D, I or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addre`ss'ed to: D. is delivery address different from item i? p Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: p No 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Exp cess@ IIIIIIIIIIIiIIlIIIIIiIIli IlllillllVlll IIIIi ❑Re istered.Mail ❑Adult Signature 9 ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ ei d Mail Restricted'i ❑Certified MailO for 9590 9402 2663 6336 2934 87 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery[:I collect on Delivery ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery �ni irmationT"' 2. Article Number( ❑Insured Mad Transfer from service/abed ❑Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery ❑insured Mail Restrcted Delivery (over$500) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt f NOTICE OF HEARING The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold The application will ALSO be available VIA ZOOM WEBINAR_- Fail link - px NAME PALERMO, KIMBERLY # 7570 SCTM # : 1000_110.3.2 JARIANCE: YARD SETBACK, LOT COVERAGE, LOCATION OF ACCESSORY HOT TUB .. REQUEST : DEMOLISH & RECONSTRUCT DWELLING DATE THURS., DEC. 2, 2021 1:10 PM You may review the file(s) on the town's website under Town RecordstWebrink. 7BA1 Board Actions/Pending. ZBA Office telephone(631)765-1809 7 r It, � i - PIP e yr Z', BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �'0f soyo 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora � � Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. �O 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento yCOUNV� Southold,NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 December 28, 2021 Stephen Kiely, Esq. P.0-. Box 567 Mattituck,NY 11952 RE: Appeal No. 7570,Palermo 155 Pinewood Road, Cutchogue SCTM No. 1000-110-3-2 Dear Mr. Kiely; Transmitted,for your.records is a copy, of the Board's December 16, 2021-Findings, Deliberations-and,-Determination,the original of which was filed with4he Town'Clerk- regarding lerkregarding the above variance application. Before commencing any construction activities, a building permit is necessary. Please be sure to submit an application along with a copy of the attached determination to the.Building Department. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Encl. cc: Building Dept. RWDSED B Dip s• 100 00• — t IArm HD«'m ioRruar _ ¢yo B DTT 1 REmESRGc- Dtnv DmAN51W4 oW �n n IAND NDW On sDPYpiLY YSES PUBLIC WATEfl 4a PPDPOSED 6 D10.11 4 BUHE�B�UC�wrI.sWTEF USLS 1 E CEEP LEACMND Pots tL '1Sr00 Zia S 32. ter_ EXISTING BLDG - 1 15'Ag 0 F 1 I ¢ss3 ¢A92 as`j00. sur O IP INLET ST OURETEL47 ST WD. EL-4]19 STCDVEREL-4919 FF EL_55. Q -_ O syxA LP LOCATION--L ST LOCATION GRADE EXSTNG CIDWBU9DING 1 I l 1 GRADE FI_5190 L IEL-s099 � 1 Lc i i i IPTOPOF l OVRETEL-502D Z I - I COVEREL-4999 ST 1 i PRCP➢StD W qA. ST 9�9ET PfTCH OF4R IfW'PER FOOT MPIIMUM REOUBtED) ® r> J I i i s Dat SSM LP ELEVATION-4899 ' o ST BOT EL-4095 BSMTEL-484 t'! X I I 1 IP BOTTOM ELJ9f9 PRCNa16R'FOOT(3/B-PERFOOTHNNUM fU:OUBtE0) >_• y ii'v O ` ey �� b, GR OUNDWATERNOTENCOUNTERED _ r m i THERE SHALL BE ALENGTH OF CAST-RONSEWER LINE WEM WGTNROUGH THE FOUNDATIONTOAPOINT ALtINIMUN� 1 ¢493 ¢4q3 OF TWO FEET BEYOND THE FOUNDATIONWALL. PANER PAnD i - • ALL ELEVATN)NSAREB0.5EOONNAVD88 EAISTWC wABTEwATm CW1PONGlTs ro 53B IN PROPOSED INVERTS BE ABANOg4D PER SlbxS STAs41AR05 1¢SiB13S Ftlt APPRDVAL AND CDNS1nBl FCN 1 I AND ELEVATIONS EW`W DISPp9I,L SKl¢6 roR 9NGIE w[•tP AY0.Y RESD[NCE DAZED 13/39/1) 1 i EgSfgD ¢EArIQlT.T I < YCPDN S-130 I � i SCRs BASEMENT Y 1 I.sND NOW DR FDRYEPLY We- I E YBARq gE9W WA-1En- USES PUBGG ¢510 lam w!s}u�iu u I f%2 4 BRO)RDOY 1 •Brcn a tra w2carr�an psi u('ba n shr u"°ma{isa'ru O I F65fii35 I O s mule>u.aecaa /� ` I I M J —A. o NOW DR rORurnEr 1 AC 1 CAYDtoN RE54)EN2- D0.TANK i0 BE 1 ¢513 1 U56 WE¢WAhR RE,o0 CDVD+ED P.. I szO ¢ ¢ •B SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PRroonn ulmwwarm 7j 1 r„1S gp�11 r� ; PERFAR FOR APPPOVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A 1 \T ❑ I WATER Abantlol nmenl of the eWlsbrg sandHey system must bs in SINGLE FMAILY RESIDENCE ONLY CC EYATMc DSTR�AD— I m I ; I pw n`ommnce wnth the UBpartnt IIEx1YF•ern EtBCIRC SEANCE Submit wmpieteC form MIA-080 as prop; O 1 1 uPxuT A D xEu ro BE uxn Asr xqE T DATE 8/14/27 - 1 1 w DwlcwAr ioR mwwnoH pur 1 F`.S REF.NO- R-21-1704 APPROVE' �L.--- FOR MA%INU" NTS OF 4 BFDROO I 3 I EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL 112 81• W; 1 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM m -- ��—N 24'19'50" W LRDYNO 10D.98' 4- PROPOSED U1IDDt WATEn SERVICE FDE V PAYIIIEHT 11D MFAI -13W R�3 RIDGEWOOD ROAD W SITE PLAN&SEPTIC DETAILS EDGE OF PAVEMENT CVTUODUE NY f10]s PE6EV. NrWN).VE 110) NOTICE --------�--------�----- ------ nnaAmHmA®rmnc�cr•4¢r ..1+ �, ^ t[LGG RESIDENCE CRo25 IREEi RE4WNCE AOIoiS STREET6 IANELWDAVP.SYnE]B ��WISQ RESIDENCE AW➢SS SniCEi � T11II -USES WflL WA1DE wrm� ' jF_ r 0.NV 11719 rNW PRIPERtt � -U56 WFEE WARA O n 1 �sRA011 PROPEntt a•volra m[wmm. �Alj�y mmr.u�s•�mwumwm. SITE PLAN � C) �r �ti v TYPICAL LEACHING POOL ® �C J J W J TYPICAL CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL 1250 CFISON SEPTIC Tw+lK WITH SLAB wAe rxx,r,ux rF'-or, ^�•'• suuac REPORT ON BORINGS lurt E`C _ euc¢ ovaavnm s s4wc �,D ¢ M sw�iw¢�irc ro�m�rsac�mnn(s0� x m mww+u uw maw F� 2 aA-ae�•ana si,emrt xmceAn x»x�DA.,M 000007® 0 0 O O C7 roan o�,o 3 TYPICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 A MNIMW OF 4 WCHES APPROVED REINFORCED PREC'SCGST CONCRCIE OOTTON AND 3 WCH WALLB. 2 N!8 FEET IN DVJIETER BY 5 SET HIGH APPROVED ¢ 1. REINFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE SOLID RING 11 15 5 Y Y 3 nN APPROVED REINFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE 6 VICH 0 THICK.SLAB TOP IN LAWN AREAS A _ 4 DRO'T5 POST BE PINNED OR OTHERWISE FIRUCY LEACHING ATTACHED 5 LIQUID DEPTH POST BE 4 FEET SECTIONS a,x SEE ATTACHMENTS} SEPTIC TANK DETAILS auwxx''w'Ha '"'E"u BACK FILL AMTER4I TO BEQEAN SANDPNDGMVEL LEACHING POOL a SITE PLAN&SEPTIC DETAILS 1p- xI,rAIrnW� �Reso�N wr000N.x:°�we P p- M1�y°„F" NOTICE �\� O9: � Epi G A�ANDNI 103 i,C P o ieV - „ �' ; •_LSgy f;ct':-' „"�`,::`�`♦v `�YTn , z�tee^`\ J :'�� ,• :,�„ - LINE V 3 �\/gip. �b �, \� o" sUwt P+-nC 1 3 <, tg \ :' p L-'`1 -�i•, y/ ` 't - v J " 7° { 412Arc1 1aAlC1 v:n: i \3,//v�P� l F t, f,�'s \> /\' // `L`'./ �� /;;�a.. ��';',�o-•\s ``''�J�' ♦�� \ .r`. TONIN OF �' ;-, ^ S '"' % "+\,'t�0,.< < /\, / Vm ,> /� 1,, Y'y� f\'� a�.z .�.�) ,✓ SOl1THOLD ♦ti``\ \ Zl `./ ti / ,^s `\.4f,°•.% ``'/\a� � ,, , _ pv ' / %\C\�'�C 10 !\moi 1'7- /��-% �y`\f h �' �: % ♦♦\rN `v` J^'I ,i _^` \� '� .,,� •\-a; .ev 5'C 6 -.__—-_,\w � ��! _�� ^F/'�y tilsp"\,/ a r '`. L\: �'`\\y \1\ �< J% �♦ x, �� /c1 .`' „ ,T" o v5��ja'Zt,J �F���/ '\$ /ryy� ��/,'I 1\s °\��`• \� `�h\ At �" ��`'`6 ,r`"-a'...•. =\moi a \G�,• 2t \ \r� Gj\•�'„�;:'P�\<, ♦9\ v'o\✓ \ �c,�'� ,+"��c th §/4rY e� ♦♦ IN 13 \i6 2A 'h ' (COUlJTY OF SUFFO(K %ems ``'\;-,�• '\%'\, d° `\ ' Y s' q, C\ \\ /' OEVELOPMENTRIGNTS) G\ , \ \ ♦ / '� \\ 6P` \\ \.' -��-AGN` .`.\\"'--- ... �� ,i �/�`�ryh \ \b ♦6P � I tj SCH.D 9 SCH D.15 329 �p ` 24 6A(c) - �4 p ; !' 32 4 i I ` '•z` 315A(c) , G3 (COUNTY OF SUFFOLX Y„1 �•• OEVE(OPAIENT RIGHTS, Q Al I i 2g 3 65A as Jh IDDD 2 327 5OA(C) //M�����' y�Q, (•� 22?�23 24 u1 `\t ---___-._ �,1s '--___- 3�� 1W YJICKS 32a __ _ 1R_D5SA(c) r 21,1 I I®^d p _ 1 ;.j 71A 1 11�) 12 r: 13€1 I� EAS IPECCVICLANOTRUSTI —1-L +.-. M1+—�;4 'CO'SERVATION Ea1ENT1 ��/{•• K RD i MATCH LINE SEE SEC NO 117 - II o- eZ—I� zN1" ” Q � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © J NOTICE e �— arae.. 12'AG11<,i 121A t,; 'riJ^ �. O """'o""• MaN'CPY'fY.,E rLTG24T10`d SALE OR V s : Rea] 1'rolcrtrl:+x Irvtcc.lgcTlc} / m -^+ ——————- .x.<„ax 12'Al, '�j 1 W1 - E D6TRIBLMON OF ANY PORTION OF THE )( `0e x''�"` '+ 4• `�1(!",f>' 1/10 Civlln Am, l5�.l Grrn! \i lJCle! I.• %( SUFFOLK CCUN Y TAX 6Wp IS•+ROHli1TEC �V (21) -rvi,aVuao si. f-ir�„ai p�.^��'� WITHOUT WRITT9.1 PEP,,rSCN OF TFE r 0 S. REAL=ROPERTY Ti SEF'VIGE:li^_W:Y